HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-07-07, Page 6Mc Diamond Crcscdllt
THE HORRORS OF t.f a friend. Nu, 1 stood
ru►uatipna again:, the character
tood up for him.
! ant glad to think how 1 stood up
f•,r Lino, nut only metaphorically,
STC'MACH TORTURE herr in the most literal if caan of elle,
term; fur I found myselflrtinual-
Iy get:iig up, and Marston as often
pulling tau down again into my
I\DLGI STION 01•' A LIFITIME chair. C1:/tEI) 11Y ':1m Ito speak, or is Middle-
•'1'lthl'1'-:1.1'Lt"1S." lou t" said Charles at last, in de-
spair. "1 will du a solo, or 1 will
Mrs. J. It. flock. of London. Ont.. kite) silence; but really 1 ata un- ,
for years received tate best medical equal to a duet."
attention that Canada a:Yorded. "Sir George," said Marston,
"will you have the goodness to de-
sire Colonel Middleton to be silent,
or to leave the room till Charles
has finished his story."
I was justly annoyed at Mars-
Sho welts,, '•1 was a• constant mar- t ,n's anner of ng •neo
tyr to Stomach ‘Weakness ull my I;fo but as 1 mhad no intont�ospeakin tmof leave
and no physl,lan could cure me. but the room and miss what was gain;
'Fruit-a-tives' gave rue entire relief oil. I merely bowed in answer to a
and 1 cordially e:ommend this tam- Civil request from Sir George, and
ons fruit medicinne to rho public."t uk up an atti, tide of dignified si-
Icuce. 1 telt that I had done my
part in vindicat.ng my friend, and
afar all no one evidently was ne-
en tamed to b.al:eve what Charles
"As I was saying," he continued,
"1 suspected Carr from the first. I
did not like the look of hien, and 1
perp ,sely pumped Middleton about
1• • I r e'er with the saddest smile min last night at supper."
1 ever sate. I nearly burst out at the bare
to t , nalph !" he said. "1 will idea of Charles daring to say lie
t'1 you everything; and then you 1.a 1 pump d me; but, as will be
sten, ho could twist anything that
cast believe plc or not. as you Ilke. was said to such an extent that it
I have r,:v,:r told you a lie, have t a: wife tiv useless to contrauiet
1 him any longer. 1 said not a sin -
eat steel add he went en:
(To be cunt°nerd.)
1 Her husband was a prominent phi.-
PART 11. the garden wall. When 1 came out slcian. all his l:k:Il and that of his
tllr morning there was not a single, ''`"Qa;;ue:.• was of nu atu.1 in helping
CHAPTER III. -(Cont d) footstep in the seem, except the. 0
Charles toolcal up slowly and de- we h .d made as wo we.at there the
Iiberately, and the eyes of father night before. I noticed our foot-
sie: sun met again. !narks parts. larly, because 1 had
"We do not utter agree, father," ben afraid there %mild be more
he said in a n.sasurod voice, "I snow. No one cowed by any pus,i-
teark this except:o . to the rule with bit ty have lift the house during the
picnsu.o." I t. g'tt. Even Join- II h.uaself had not.
"When 1 Fad made out as much been out, kr ti•ore was a little eel-' "Fruit -a -elves" corrects all diner-
this," continued Ralph, "fatherder, of dlgcatlon, and Is a positive
! Cly of snow Ix'fo.d the souk door, and speedy cure for indigestion, Dia -
1,.`41 me to call both ef you and i nJ I rernt•mh.+r,cuiling to h,nl that pepsic and Constipation.
el:,•ls. to cons'der what ought to tri w•uu.d want hum ba„ ,,,,•••
be done before wo ,rake any move.; ''the snow el aches the platter, 'Fruit -a -trees' are poll by all deal-
"tta:e you an meentory of the Char es." std Meister' gravely. ers at 60c a box. 6 tor i1`..L1. or trial
jewels?" asked Marston at length."You!rave wads a ns:stake "' 1 c":. .Sc. or may be obtained from
"None." said Sir George. ''un- 1 ••Qa to uu.ntent:unal. I'm sure," i.-••ii-1-•'vn• 1.'•.•'•n • n••,•••n
hes Middle:on had one from Sir whispered Sir G urge.
John." 1 There was su.nethi:►g 1 did not
I thereupon recapitulated in full li:.t ale -tit that whisper. It see:n-
all t' e circumstances of the be- aJ to imply more than met the
quest, filially adding that Sir John carr.
Lad never so much as mentioned aa , Charles d:d not app•'ar to hear
hovel tory. ' tem. Ile was loek.ng fixedly bo -
"S much the hotter for the thief." foto him. his hand had dropped
rad Marston. his chin in his hands. from Ralph's shou:der; his face "Not often." replied Ilalph un -
''It is not a case for a detecuto," was quite gray. 1 w :1 . g:y.
he as lded. "Th' n." he said slowly. as if " You at least are truth itself.''
"I think net." said Charles. oak ng out of a dream. "it was not said e h isles, reddening; "and if
A kind of hoatee ghostly laugh Cas r.'' ;yen are bio sed in your opinion of
flops the bed. I "No," ►aid Sir Ceurge; "1 never lee, pothaps it .s more the fault of
"Charl.s is always right." wh:s- thought it was." that exemplary (•hr.stian, Aunt
perod the sick man. "Quite un- I "Gaud Chat!" ejaculated Charles Dicey. than yuur own. According
necessary, I am sure " I si'iking into n lust chair by the fire, to I.er. 1 have told lies enough to
"Oh, I don't knew," I said. feel- • to n shading Ifs face with h.8 hand. ft a: a c,mpanv or carry an elec-
ir:g I had not yet been of as much "'.'t Carr, nt.cr all!" t 10, and 1 fluter like to di appoint
a .'stance as I could have wished. 11 t my inelisnatiun could not bo L.'r exp e at ons ,l mo in that re -
"Now I think detectives are of use I,-tra.n^d a nlonlent lunger. 1 s tc ; but you I have never to my
-really us( ful, you know, in find- hid only bee-, k pt silent by repeat- knowledge deceived. and 1 am not
ing out things. There was a detec- sign. from Mar -toil, and now 1 gong to beg n now."
tier, I remember. trying to trace bake out. 1 ''Yon w 11 be a clergyman yet,"
the people who murdertd that poor •'.(nd so. sir, you suspect my wltispeoel the sick parent. "There
lady at Jane's ole house since my friend." I said. "and itecilt h 1n iia is a to od liv.ng in the family,
return." 1 your father's house by turning the Charles. i shall live to sco the
''13ut who could it have been?- Leri on hien. You endeavor to threw Rer. rend Charles Danvers in a
sel+u could 't have been?" burst out se p cion on a man wh+, never in. resell o. preaching his first sermon
I andment.
t.e : n nth commandment."
n h
' ► 10 .d n "They d
to h ant► .,
r 'n o
1red u i t
friends. It is frightful to suspect Yoti insult me in nsulting my "At anv tate he is practising the
one of them. One could as easily friend. sir. Suspicion is not always fifth ander d ffcult es at this mo -
suspect one's self. Which of thein such an easy thing to shake off as nt-n'," sad Manton. as Charles
ail creed have done n thing like it las lion in this instance. I. on wieccxd and tui n •d his back on the
'g'.t ask what you were pare isal sickbed. "Come, my
that t Out of them all. which is it V' ' ray s de. tn
"Carr!" replied Charles quietly doing. walk ng about the passages bey, we are losing time."
locking full at his father. 1 ii your s, cks at four o'clock this "Will soniehtx1y have the good -
If a bombshell had fallen among moving, In your socks. sir, still roe s to restrain Middleton if 11e
its at that moment it could eat have :n your evening clothe s-' g •ts excited 1" said Charles. "1
produced a greater effect than that 1 had sp. k •n in ,:ager. not think- an, of a.d be won't like part of
of C weed u:te.cd so deliberately. ing nit el what I ens saying. and I %list I have get to say."ed with
S r George started in his bed. a:kd rtopeed short alarmed at the effect 'Nonseu e, ..r'' 1 replied
ciatched at tee bdclothes with both of my own words. wnrnith. "i hi'pe I can restrain
hands. My brain positively reeled.' "1 knew it! 1 knew it!" scream- r• self as well as anv man. even
('torr! -my friend Carr!-introduc- ed S•• George. in a sort of suffocat- ut,+!er such provocation as i have
cd into the family by myself. as e I eh s lo, a id he fell back gasp- la e y lee ived. You may de}:end
b ing accused by Charles. i was ing among his pillows. oil nee sir, t''at--
speechless with indignation. : Can •e• t'ea his ha tel from his "We 1're time." sa'd Marston,
"I am sorry, Middleton,�� con- fac•o. and lot.ked hard at me with a seati-lg hi e.self by me. and cutting
tinued Charles. "1 know he is st tinge kind of smile. a est %hat I was saving in an ex -
pair (ileac!. but I can't help that. ":1t any rate, we are quits, Mill- /sedieg:y brusque manner. "Conte
('arr took the qo%cls. I distrust- (Beton," he said. "You have Jeno (h'rl.as. you shall not be interrup-
ed him from the moment he set foot It now, and no mistake." tel,"
in the Ileum" 1 1 did not quite see what 1 had But he was. i interrupted him
"Wh're is he at this instant?" uene, but it soon became appnr- t"! whole time. in spite of c'•utinu
said Mar -ton, gating up. "1s no o t. 1 al efforts on the part of Marston
ene with hien 1" 1 "I knew it !" gasped out the sick ir, teak • me keep silence. I ani to t
"T, ere is no reason to be anxious n,e again. "I know it frotn tlse tl a span cntruly to let pas' black
tit his a -count." replied Charles. ti. t rrorn••nt thnt he tried to throw
"i took him up to the smoking- lelrpcion t i Carr." I Wit YOU AR1'. 1 111N ;
room before I carne here. and I "S r tie tree," sa d Marston 1t(W TO(i i.1 I=t_t;5f Y.
...... ,t the key in the door. Tho gravel.. "Charles made a mistake
ke" is here." And he lard it on thet just nowle not you on vourlslde Ili-ens+r+ Val"" of
Dt'1•hinnese and
table. ti ake a is t':er. Coate, Chanes,Charles,"Neu Method of Int reit in^
nrs:on sat down again. rGives uining to the latter. who was now Givesil aril) Rounding Out the
".What aro your grounds G,r i s it ting erect w.t 1 flashing eyes, form.
suspecting Carr?" he ,'ked. "Ili - , 't II us about it. What were you _ _
member. this is a very serious eh ug wl.'n Middleton saw you? Prrw ri!11inn .�eeolnsll.hry %Venders
thing, Charles. that you have done "I was coming upstairs." said Ae treatment tthich anyone can
in lockieg him up if yen have not Chart •s haughtily. ,s ►te Cr"ly at human has been
ad 'quare rea on for it." I ' I r in the library1 asked Sir r 1 n;
''You had Letter leave Carr ' G.•.'rge. I found to increase the weight, int -
ideate. Chat I, s," said Ralph sigai• 1 h.lrles bit his lip and remainlxl psi v • the health. round out screw-
frcantly. sil, nt. ny figures. improve the beat,
"Let him go on," said Sir ; v ould not hate spoken to him brighten the eyes and put new co' r
Geo -go. • Goa a good d^al at that moment. Ho int+• the chce'"s end lips 'f any'
"i halo no proof," centineed Is. k ••t pe,- tiv.•Iv el:angcrous. vure ie too ts ttogti onlathoin a r%ha ohave dlessbr,i i
Charle ; "i <I'd not SCC him take •'From the library. of courss• a"wny+ thin whether disease
[Lem, but 1 am as certain of it as he sa d at last, controlling himself, a•natural tendency ; on from whi
if i had •0,'n it with env own ere:.. and peaking with something of his orv heavy rating and diet have in
The jewels could only have been c,'tl ca c.eas manner. "laden with vn•n tried to increase; on those who
st de.) by .''ancone stayingin the the spoils of my midnight depre.l:a fee; well but can't get fit; end on
he oar. Tient is certain. Who,ex- nuns. I'nrental fondness will sup -
those who have trio l every kn own
ezeb:gig ('err-" ; p'y all minor details. no doubt; so,
method in vain. it is it powerful
"Sapp. Charles!" said Ralph as the subjsct is a delicate one for rid to digesti n, nutrition and n+
again. "Don't you know that Carr lee. I will withdraw, that it may bo Eimiiation. It assists the blood and
slept with me down at the lodge?" j di•cu sed more fully in my ab -
nerves to di tribute all over the
Charles turned on his brother Bence' bt•(iv the flesh Clements contained
said gripped his shoulder. I "Stop, Charles,'' said ifarst..n; in food, and gi'.«s the thin person
"Um you mean to say," he said i "t re ease is apo serious for band th, same absorbing qualities pos-
sLarply, "t )14 Carr did not sleep, he ad led kindly, "i am glad to ace
ter of this kind. My dear ioy, seised by the naturally fleshy.
In the Louse last night."Everybo(ly is about the same, but
"1) ar 1110, Charles that was an yt is angry. but nevertheless you cc stain elements and organs o[
oversight on your part," came Sir trust cordes •0n(1 to explain. The blood and nerves are deficient and
Oe rge's whisper. 1 longer you allow cusp:cion to riot until this is corrected, thin people
"No," rep•iod Ilalph, "he 41141 on yourself, the longer it will be well stay thin. Tbo nutrition stays
t.ot. The Louse• was full. and we 1,.'f'.re it falls on the right person. it the body after separation by the
had to put him in that second small Conte, what were you doing in the dig( alive functions instead of pass-
teem through trine in the lodge. if rootage at that time of night[" ing through unused, when this val-
('arr had been dying to take them Charles was toucho•l. 1 could Imo. uisble treatment of blended m( di -
he had not the opportunity. He A ve ry little kindness wed too much eines is used. Practically no one
could not have left his room with- I •r Lim. can remain thin who' uses it, for
(out passing through mine and I i "it is no good. Marston," he it supplies the long felt need.
never went to sl(ep at all. i had said. in quite n different voice; "I Mix in a half pint bottle, three
s sharp ta uch of neuralgia from the ar. not believed in this house." auress of essence of pepsin, and
told, which kept ane awake all Ila turned away and leant three ounces of syrup of rhubarb.
night."again -t the mantelpiece. looking in- 'then add one ounce compound es -
'Ile got out through the win -It., the fire Ralph cleared his throat settee cardiol. Shake and let stand
dow," said Charles. once or twice, and [hon suddenly two hours. Then add ono ounce of
"Ncnsonse I" Pard Ralph. getting v e•tt lip to him, nn<1 laid his hand tir.eture eadomeno compound (not
tri• ihly envy ; "you are only mak- elf( etionntely on his shoulder.cardatnoul). Shake well and take
ing matters worse by trying to put "Fireaway, old toy!" he said in a teaspoonful before and after
it on hist. Itrmelnher the size of ;, eonstraine(1 tone. and he choked meals. Drink plenty of water be•
the sande,%. Besides. von know aa'n'l. twren meals and when retiring.
Low the ledge aeries, o:ilt again: •.:, (:Carlos turned round and faced Weigh before beginning.
6o/is/mesa /
t • r'1 7tng hnndred, of dollars In
1• :. d.a a ilpleodet bongo tr I irn
a:' 1 t1v11 tlr!,bctate:y allow it to
ao.Ier for y.t nt.
Marti-!-Scne;:r Paint
100••/., Cure, Preserves
It fee's the hunr-y ores pore., of tee
wood worm pure b,...'.d ml. I..1 • 2
Tina-m-.k.ne 11 a sort.-, absolutely
t.npenwua to 4.41,wisi changes,
It seals w..4 trent d.i preaa-pr..-
♦errs 0 from sc!l tins. er.ek,ng. from
outland hoot, l.;.. en"( heat and bloc •
ins dust. which h. tp the prom.-, • of
detayand ruin. Gari p,, re pallet b"ys
more than IVO cents Werth of insurance
against ere of litre.
The lntrdi-ata of a pure pal'•t ata
w4.41 known. 1" the frivol they are Car-
b,•,a?. o/ Lesol. (hide of Line pore
well (word by aper ail) adapt.
nl rns •hlnery. s• .: thinned with pits
hr....'I oil ani tura turpentine dryer.
A 1. ildine oweir who fails to tar.,tt•
r'.te the erect I..e,Aer,e s1 wk,ny f
N1M poaN, will ate his prop. rty %arm.
,te:rea,• wh.lw he arvws e1.d and
see vi.h wooderirt why.
N••tify ne If yn, r d-aler ranrot sup-
ply y n,, weal la.l'y. 'reit you whet•
oar ,,.a.1 to can Le had.
P",., Refuse Alt Sabah:,tea
Itt ..tratr.i b,.•::'•t,
;••Items H••ut1!uI,
E and tnt.rrrto g
\ t r.ior cart true
%� f •r the asking.
j YL.Martis Segos:Ca.
>''' Montreal
Pion.cr• Pu., Paint
A favoring used the ••,n..sIso••'..r. vaa'.tl LC0•i ` 111.f FC i� Del u'( t R
Ivdos....1ns atanul•r,d .t.& -,Jr la watt, rt. `
ad,l,na Mapietnr. a et, ioiou_ - yr I. p ,s w• I, •.:
■ syrup bertrr :teen rte's. Slap totals ',Id L,
er.•rs15. II 111,1 1504 Sec f, f 2 ,•r. Little r., ' ---
tu:p• t•oa 1. .1 t'r.. Lu . 5,attts, Wo
-� lilhli IN '1'!:1: 1 :.:: (r.' 5':7 7,1 ri,
I:N'fS AND 1)::tiLS.
The Dewar Challenge Trophy is awarded yearly by the
ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB for the most nee ituri'us per-
formance of the year under the general regulations fur certi-
fied trials.
The Now Daimler engine has now been in the hands of
the public for nearly 18 months. quite long enough to prove its
merit; owners are sending in to tiuson:els by every post and
we should like to forward to ;l0.• person or persoIis interest-
ed a complete set of literature folly explaining this marvel-
lous new motor. Send also for our row illustrated buckler,
"The Dewar Trophy and how it was won," a Listory of the
Greatest Engine fest on Record.
Crime, 1n'InnIty. Peewee -Ts a"II
Sickness 1:. Dau to
The ttstistics given below, gat!1-
c el by earnest and al.l.reju.l.et.d
m. n, would make good rdtwtug kr
year eon.
Aa:d in Gonne_tion with this read-
ing hatter, you uieelit pent out to
bin; that it would ue just as sin-
s We. just as manly, and just as
g,cet it p'oof of reason on his pari
to tun bl:ndit.l.lcd over the roues
of ton-:,te•tey bu !dings. ane take hos
o: ances of e caplet( i,arnt. a, to sow
his wild oats in the sexual fi Id.
a d to Tse lti:isulauts and dries
and run the risk of c+ ming pout with
Leath and 8 ital.ty for hen
:self an,l
his offspring.
:1not er thing you want to ire-
r'ro::s upon the mind of your sun,
s!d to pray G.d welt all your
s:1n-"gth to give you eloquence and
cenvi..cing power while you talk.
1h3 Daimler Motor Co., (1)04) Limited,tl:eoa want toy:r uakeetilub�ealize
COVEN i RV, ENGLAND. ntaaly man, of ao..urr:.ig a,yta.:,g
e:!em nate in manner and hab Ls;
r.f lamming every caste of dt cadence
- I and d.•gent racy, end keeping away
a /'., , . ft out m.ea who ase of that type as
�i(ai7lvn��� ��If��:� and e,i��Qf .. -:J Le would k-ep away ftutn tepees.
C mpany, Liniitc�i The forests of molureen vines; but
t n I.fe aound
V ., in trees <baited in g
,No pees.nai 11 bl!ity. N 3t 3ubiac`. to o Ill) :tette of these vines ate the deadly
Incorporated undor the Onteria c:c,oleasntc:u Alit. poison Ivy; and as our virile you::,,
n+cas walk j•,yeusly tarough t:.d
wiedirg paths let them beware of
w hat they t uch.
1,. is cr.n iaul negligence to serol
Authorized Capital, $2,500,000 epee etpee of these dforth igdangeoraers.t of the galea-
Dh'haed Into 2,50.3,000 Sharo.3 or siva par vu:.•o or SI. C) each Lo :k to your suns, men of our
- - - l:.nd.
fi 33d Office : Room 405, Crown Lilo Toront
A. a. 11arr1n5ton, Esq., M.O., T reit••,
W. It. M:tlauant, Esq., M. P. P., Tur.nt0,
D. C. Hcsss.ak, Esq., Toronto,
R. H. •radburn Esq.'
A. E. Taylor, Esq., Toronto.
r or over rayl ft.
The Nchensic mere at Elk L,.knese has f• coin has been traced f
and froms It run .eYPlat ,malice .t.ni or
started bagging ore. successful operations
at the mine %bleb makes the property a et 5r.i s' tt i• t wet tr•ct cin and
"+fibra to tnntact with did ,ore tl:e
coming shipper. inure the opening of r.+ak in the vicinity is .nuuh .battered a..d
navigation the Elk Lake district Is now Ionised.
tl d 1 dl
C ..
A basis for coaiput:llor the sick -
teas that might be saved by total
abst:n nee is tutu she•J by co.m-
pariaun betweea the s ck rates ef
abstaining and uon-ab taiana j s••-
cuties, nada by Mr. H. l�.11on
Ccugc, publ c ac.uary of South Au-
stralis. in 155.2. He found that the
In lull .semi and the "•,test activlty tansies it 1s a r :a stream an r ares. g.' weeks , f sickness in Hued
s a+'ons r; a favorable to more vein* hying
pre*dila at the various mines and pros• gat in tilt ares crtr. tt.an nn the stir'.r••. o:lel es of 8b.tal;1C.8 was 1 21d;
l ' - t. In Imre sicinilr. lu the alder of as tre•'chra and pita soon ea with %seer. :n lhIC2 sueR.1Cs of nun-abstailla•ie
t ,• ware, of the district is U. Mclirntl,• Anther vein was mrorerel a few dnas
g: LII,) of rite proprrtie, on wIi,,5 work s:-. Hole t•• the Murk house abort 11.2 the, at'etnge tte.•ks of S:Ck11C-+Y was
s begun I,at the start ry. They have 5..,. 1^rtes tr widtl+. Two now yc re, ear.• alnn 2,3 7 (lack.11g unls oizC-.:L lh of bur
I. stun, to from the a and n,nn hope get to the southwest of (11^ nrnrerty ran- ,
In rank with the shippers. , I' -g fen?n in tech to 1 1.2 incheii. I I 1! tw c. as much).
The "World's" rnrrerpnndent, Mr. J. A derrick hs• are r , u :lir; s'•n an r•, 'I'h_ itsae ll"-.sUun meds by the
11. itpurr, writes no June 6th: r!rr 50111. and bt a•:..rrlth .+n•+ Thp ells hChu eat. RUion a :t.q, a
"1 visited
Ih•• 81 Ki,itir mane on Pater• r•rrtthTry is st E.k s -s, .nJ will Tenn to
day and found them nye' ani up oar u: br••nt! t to the miry (.,rel•errnble work .:1 Leber in 1.95 indi •at_J the rut -
It Cir new veins bf an open rut eines a heft lien, dune and ser It •+rtcr. 'II e I wi'•g pCrcC..14 due to alcol..a-
t' '5 Thi• relit i• Oh.. a n:•,e invites in r••• -••^pr la sore hr,rft,I for the future. '
w t•5. of which slit ireher are -nlite %-d 11111. h. from the prrse-t f•.,lwatln•s. le , i_m
1' •-•e Inc'.'. are ralrlt. 1-nrr shots were hr .•h' 0honld .Iters he a^Crepe-red nt ser Cc +t..
I in whilst 1 was there. and .,Ire of 21 ft . whirh 1• evee•'•e,l. a trial shipment • � 8'. t l
t sin ops !Ulla ai'.e inehe. In width et•n•d b. ?eerie in Au?art." Crsrnc.
.',,wl-v a 'drone nlf"eral'svtinn of nick -•1. The l'^+renxte 1,11 le. d C•n'n•rel^.1 )'a,t a :sIn .... .. .. .... rq
tr•nnyrite ped enhnit The vein matter 1.'. .to k hr• I r-" Inst^•1 rn tit. New Veal �5
is o 'rllar to that In rh- main shift which e'•••'-. and the Tr:tester Arnnty err tt a 1."_lenity
e•••••• -es 5.015 oz. e,1 ■ilrer to the Inn. ..••d T• • ' A 0 prp• •r- 1' a. ns 'r -este set ' Several English 1.1" It:Stlr•eties
rase welch it i• d ••p^t rho ut So feet t' • ,: •r -•-•'n' anr•tlr,ty rod T•nnrf.r f C .nln9:.i?i the .SCCittre the ll l.t-
1 . • the main yr n. there Is nn silver , ••w Y.• -k Pito 1 1....nR••rieu a pre -.1 '
, ,,t. nest- the .urfaee end the nn -n rut 1' r n1 th1. •'irk •t 2...e r e'er.. s••'•• efl hii.g_u:n, tri'1•
as one,•. -ed n.til •ibis en•-••. In 1•e 1•• •
'or•ver see 1 oPITrake••, a per':•1 <(e a ,tart oar's. -have f+, 1171<d 1`j
and Ge tele! Pr
- 111e nuc, r •• r Then .. drift will be run r' rft'•I• ••ry k on installment plan.
from lye mala .h:.!t. t• • .',. tae fcr 1•i f• r,ra •n =t:Cs, running over (. r:y
P. S. HAIRSTON. manning Arcade, Tcront3, Ont. i
� t!,c r statly'e,.ra, that abstainers have a cieit:l
ante about 23 ler cent. lower than
-- - nen postai ,ers. S nee the figures
(.h. merchant. in thin hour of cse, MISUNDERSTCOD. of the Mutual Life I:tsurance C'u'n-
I( on this paper you should sec, pony of Nee Yee( trite the &sine
Take our advice, and now be y vv, "Don't worry ; you will get your a vantage to Amer.c.i n abstaine.s
t • . straightway out and adverti:i. mo•tev. but I can't pay you th:s (2a per cent. low( r deeth rate). st
1 it'll find the project of sumo uuu. nunl!i.•' stenos fair to take ata.lsblc cum -
`s sleet can offer no (xggq, ' 'I '1:11:.811171.,1a-11:t
i s what you told me last p,statiuns of the I:nglah life inynr-
I •' al once, prolong your dada. n,.:'" " ^:.ce companies as a ba is for esti-
husine s so••n dl:kk. " t', '1, h:,t n :'t 1 k+• 't rev wird?" i..nting the saw ng of I:fe that would
t alt in the ti meed States if ate
'! 3u6111111=• 4. 126" + XAmi.,ts.V? 7171
F'AERE NK ••••••
j + ' ill
c, O z 11 37 i tL► '‘,' r 1E3 2- J~ o A••i•
' v u.
'� 3f� LA.f�•'7C,�T •r"_ :_ _.�:.�.�5 •�•�_'l•��- x -r_ 2Fr L r.. J� -'I I:'r" re..• ?-'7 {- i, 1
d:'. duals should do.ide to give is
Cie use ' f al o!:ol."
t,1 AL Vf
i ri. Lw 2 . t 111
Ilo,l[ int al Ertl' "tt .r Talk rn(ine. S1 ,Trite 1 un skid t.
Ass.1 e .:.o
I'W, €*Es za. i,xi, esl Farm NI. owamor
Our farts engines have all the principal features of the well known Fairbanks-Meree (:as En-
gines, and are made in Vertteal or Horizontal types to meet the t•atiuus requirements of the farmer.
Their simplicity means lung life and satisfact+,ry service.
3P'1E30I.A.3Cie T33RDIfl3 TO FARMI7Nit i9
Fairbanks -Morse fnctories produce the largest line of internal c.•n.hustion engines in the world.
Hundreds of men in the engineering and experimental departments are employed on all problems
connected with (las Engi'ses. There is no cotnpany in the world tl.at has spent as much money as
the Fairbanks -Morse Co. on expi rintental and development work. Tho name Fairbanks -Morse is
synonymous with Gas Engine Perfection.
The Canadian Fairbanks Co., Limited
Branches: Toronto St. John, N.B. Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver
Gentlemen -Please send me your Free Catalogue, G.R. 01, showing full lines 05 1'.11151 Engines. W. P. Co. a, y, to.
Name Address
, .....yc•r,.,•-«» •-• e.. - • .
It is well known that persons wile,
•lulge tau freely in alcohol sl,• ••v
lar less reaist1:ace to info do e. (Ls -
ca. 03 than abstemious
Here is the gravest indictine:lt
rept may be brought against the
,use of alcohol. It is not. huty-
.• er, the only one. The re at on
of drinking to insani'y, peripheral
hen: it s. Bright's d.sea e, cirihes s
of the liver. inflairination of the
sumach alto.iu.cle►ohis (a moat
common canal of nhoel •xv), luher-
cl''usis ; to crime in all its for'n&
r.:..I to nil the poesibil ties incident
to the hereditary transmission of a
v.catkened organ'sm has been point-
ed out. If personal hygiene is a
d' t : , it is the duty of every man to
neo g•lize the: danger from alcohol
to himself and to his progeny yet
unborn. In t •tel of copying tho
1 ab is of others, he any cons <ler
the responsibility of causing cohere
to copy hien.
A s'ngle fly, a little more than a
i.'•nth. will pto(fnce a progeny of
+•ter 1.500,000. House flies sur -
sit e the winter in the person of
several sturdy females. which hi -
mate from about October to
,April and May. They May in the
secluded corners of out houses rind
stables. 'Than, on the first warm
day of spring, out they const. and,
if the weather continues fine, pro.
Iced to lay their eggs. They ley
Clout 120 at a time. and. roughly
these eggs take three weeks to de-
velop into the perfect adult insect.
Some pcop:a try to substitute
buttermilk for that o/ human kind-