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Exter Times, 1910-07-07, Page 4
4. HE EXE'1. ER T1ME8, JULY ;til 191 . FREE TO YOU—MY SISTER FIIEE TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFER. Mies Living' of $eafort h, and foru•v'• ONO FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. ly teacher in tie;Fairfield school, rete 1 am n woman.ed as accompanists and did their 1 know tturn:ht.e suffering.. (,arts well. 1 have found thu cute. The financial results are said to h • 1 tt ill minter.. of soycharge, my Immo trait. meet with toll instruction.-. to any sufferer froth very gratifying to all concerned. This w tmen's ailments. Iwant totell allwomen aboub we believe is the 29th annual celehra• tide cure- you, my redder. tur yourself, your tion hi tiuecevsiun wit !Iwo a 1,r•:+k daughter, ) our mother, or your sister. 1 want to tell you hew to turn yuurseit at Ionto without; and every one a sones•, the help of a doctor. Alen cannot understand worn- Visitors here; 'Miss Brownie An - `r et.,:suticrib t R'bat we Wewen know Irom taw drew s, Aylmer ; Percy Simpson, Il. - perlence w c know better than any actor. 1 know 1 roil 'Miss Bora Neil, London ; Mr -. • that sirs Home u,•at mesa is a Batu nod euro cure for L.ucorrbccaorWhitish dlacharge,UlceraUon,Dls. (I; •v.) ti all on,. Arra: Mrs. Marstlall, placement or Palling oftheWomb.Ptoluse,Scaaly.I'Setcr; air' and Dl r'. 9ltllden and orPainful Perlode,Uterine orOvarian Tumors or faintly. Of London. tirowtbs, also pals• la the head, back sad bowels. bearing atm nteelots..nsrvousaess,cr.epingI l• Miss 51aggie Luxton returned' ing up the spine. saclaaehoty, desire to cry. Y•$ 'Tharsday tuorning Iran the jar towhee, We•rtoess, kjeney and bladder trouble& iursday and is looking well, where caused t y weakness peculiar to our sox. 1 w ale to send yon a complete 10 days'traal-eat Miss Katharine Elliott assisted nt entirely tree to prose to you that you can cure a recital in Beintzman Hall.. Loudon, Our,,1f at home. ea ly.quickly and surely. Remember. seat It will cost you notbleo to give on 1\'cdneadny evening of last week. the trr.ttu e't n cou,pleto trial; and it you should nosh to continue. it will cost yon only stout l>t cents a week. or loss than two cents a dal% it will no• pintertere t lth your work or occupation. 11i>; Marie Hepburn has Tetunhrd Just send meyournmeandaddress.tellmehowyonRttr ,It)•oUwili.mat 1wills/anti you the home from Listowell tvhere she has treat mutt toryourcase, entirel'tree, ini,lainw'r.i er,hyreturii 111. 1%illalso ,.cndyou tree been ena ud as Milliner. aitcostoeybuok-.•WOMAN'SoWNMf IAL ISL "withe lanatoryillustratiousshow g g' Ing whyn omen sutler, and lrowthey can easily pure tbenison-es at ouzo. }.very womanshonldl Shave it and learn to think tor herlelt. TI)Ittwhenthedoc(Dress•-'•youwusthaveauopera- tion;' you candecidotor yourself. '1'houra sof women have cured thern oIveswithmyhome w seed•. It cures 111, old -or young, To Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explain a simple how' DASII WO()1) treatment which speedily and elfeetn:t cures Leucorncota• t.reen Sickness. and l'ainfui Or Lrrei:.,loe Mou.truatiou In 1 Dung Ladies. Plumpness and health always result frons its use, A pretty wedding took place at Wherever refer you to ladies of yoero,vn locality who know and will gladly the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1Vtn, Itett- tellnnysuffererthatthi ttomeTrestmeatreallycuresallwowen'sdi.seasesandmakeswomen •sellstrong,plump nudrobust. Just send meyour •ddress,and the tree ten daystreatwee;.is Wednesday Ilrucelield, at 1'2,:10 itiroek cl ock Tours, also the book. Write today. a • )vu may not see this utter Jutte'�)tltwhenthe lr again. Address : eld- wRRt3, M. SUMMERS. Box 11 sit ;c • WINDSOR. ONT.I est Mr.tR. TTorrance loter hDunlop,s married 1 Manager' ------ '..--.-.-�_----- - �,"r—^ Drucellehl and Dashwood branches, '1'!:.•. , ii l:t'::-REIN One dayt•ecentl • a cow belonging of the Farmers (lank. The to Mr. Jon 1).tti-, Mitchell was act- i cceremony rem tl'. Dunits op of performed Fa- groom, The ro::d was almost a glare of ing rather queer, two doss later it', (het of the groom assisted by the and the bags of [!Darr were piled high: went cotnplrtly utast and had to be j Kee, Dlr. Taylor of Varna. On the sleigh with t he driver perched' killed, It was seen chasing and bit-. The bride was ch+►twingly dressed I tug a calf, which showed that some- i in a dainty gown of white etut•esse - On top. I thing unusual was wrong with the • Cred fault She note a veil festooned On 11 • ,• t: �t us wa s y0un;; 'beast. The calf will have to be de- I with orae blossoms and carried a draft h ,r::. with a coltish Lindh- j stroyed. A short time ago Alt . Davie g,. •bowel bouquet of white bridal loses. had to shoot his collie do;. which ries hid ,gooel-n•ttnre about • hint i went mad, and it is possible that The bridal pair were unattended and which c: t .t win the heart o[ it had bitten the cow. 1 they took their places in the drawing room. Tho wedding march !oyer is:. ile was pulling, was played by Miss Helen Rothwell pati, nt ly L. :• y load, t hough :.t , of Toronto. At the oonclusion of the every- step h:- hind 1 et slipped bink,! M('SI('AL EDUCATION FREE ceremony and after hearty congratu• hard for him a:1 Any young 10:10 or wont tat who is a atione tFhe guests who numbered bonafide patron of this paper may Be- about fifty, sat down to luncheon Mr.(cure instruction in Music or Elocution and Mrs. Dunlop left on the afternoon train and will spend their honeymoon in Muskoka. They afterwards visit Springfield the home of the groorn'. parents The brides! going away gown meas 0 tailored suit of navy blue cloth with which she wore a Doran hat. The guests from a distance were: Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop and Misses evident I areola. lowing departments; 1 °ice. 'to in. Dunlop of Springfield, Ont. Mr. o" y' i Piano, Public School Music and Elocu• and Mrs 1Vill Dunlop, Peterboro: fort dile and WM k,u, at a disadvan• i tion. These Scholarships are award- Rev, Chas Dunlop. Ottawa; ales. \el• Cage thro:_It it:cprol•••r reining. or an ea upon cotnpetiun which is open to lor. Kingman Kan.;the Misses Roth- nnsuitable hit f,:, t h • mouth. I'or- anyone desiring a musical or literary well, 'Toronto; Miss 1Vinnie O'Neil hap, it r" iy I.., f, • 0,11 of plae li r education. Clinton and \1r.John R•tttenbury Bur- to wishing to enter theconlpe• lington. On their return from their to quote w !1 :1 !. !soul said I } ca• tttion or desiring inhumation should honeymoon Mr. and Mr,. Dunlop will or two noun• n1 ::nt'writ iea on :!' write to Mr. James S. Shaw. Huai- take up their residence in Dashwood chs -n in. ucss Managar of Toleo Conservatory The bt•tde is a popular young lady who Pr,trc:_. 11ea I. a distinguished ' of Music. Toledo, 0., before Septet- has many friends who wish her well. The groom is also well and favor- ably known. The 1" 's extends hest wishes fer a happy and prosperous future. making hi- t possible. TL; eel 1 :. :.Ute •.: as not far 10 seek i Toledo Conservatory of Music, with his head w : t •s• d right up, giving a desire to stimulate the study of hint no chane• to throw the weight: these arts, offers scholarship to appli- 'o 'l ° f Ontar cantsfront the Province c clot n of his body into his work and making (':unada, valued at $I4t0 each and good the' p101,..r c..ntrat e( his feet impos- ft a• a tetut of twenty weeks beginning Bible- with the opening of the school year ! • - • how nn nv horses September 5th 1910, in any of the fol - .1 so' i 1. who Ltd ;r:111oped across the her . 11►In• pat:.: is of :;t11.1 h America. and seen cast drgve- of untamed horses inCENTRALIA their pati, • wildness and freedom. 1'1 ('ira of July was celebrated Miss A. C. Milligan ttlao bas sever - 1;,. ' ! I 1,4 -sot judge of fhe oat• as ,h_ltal and the strawberry - •si1 her connection with S. S. No. S 11. u.: 1:111rr which a ""''' .1 was no of the b•.t that: has !1:1y• where she has taught for the c . stren th to greatest ad- ..- I-. •,n held in Epworth Park. In t'a't few years. was very pleasantly ex - i! K $ surprised on Wednesda • afternoon of Ow :.e r:.Drams one of the bust baseball } wants.!•. :l a =that when a bora;•! ever in Centralia took last week. when the pupils and par - bas r,•:, ...Al; ,u do. whetter slot! ' �:. c,- bet.;,s ever r pp the Exet:r and Cen- ents of the section met at the school work it, 1 ;o••t.• andcarts, or quick, t-,1;;, team.. stearin for Centralia and presented 11-_•r with a_ beau(!• as in gaitul'in„ or in beadiong flight eel iait,ly delivered the goods from f1,1 oak rocking chair. A splendid program was rendered during the af- across the plain. nature tells him not 1;,,• Filching box. No runs were made h. either side until the fourth in t. anon by the pupils. At the close to throe hi'. h• ad sap and backward I ninl:s when each side scored one run. „r the program. Luella Kuntz, !Susie towards his ta.:1, but forward and 10 the seventh innings Centralia ' 11lcfeldt and Tusnclda Truemner down. so as to give the force of ilk score,' :,',ntli''r and the gaol_ ended 2 c;.iicd the chair to the platform while Ohlen Truemncr and Itheinhlod ,weight into what he is called upon to 1 in favor of the home team. (Int a[tcruoltu all kind. of sports and )tiller ted hiss Milligan forward anal Tru to do. 1[e knows that nature never rennin!! :aces were h,•ld which were tdaced her in it. Olden address. M - lA �+ h •n read the following Mi intendt.l a I1rg:• and heavy annuli kc,tily- contested as follow`: stir nn. Derr teacher -\\e the par- t 4} like adraft-hors+ to perform his Itac• for boys under >; years. \\.f h h t G cat:• and pupils of S. H. No. F, Ila(. Thouil•son, C. alctairdy. IL Coates: « �' . 02 work only, or chiefly, by the strain of _.t!, ,.t, ter • hazel F.aer> \'iota lbws met her., today fur the pure. • the muscle : but on the other band 1 ,L,•1 t. L, cin: boys cn'l:•r 1'-, H. of .showing our appreciation to h by the power of the weight as the )•..t.o: A. Robinson, Pi ifaker; for your work and services whok r::l assisted by the !strength of the girls 1...er 12, Lent Coate., Alma '!mored and ncout ttc^thoal. As r•nts oyou loot k sisien Carrie Thompson : boys un- •. ing. ie ce the• (xe^ption. when 1 ‘c t i del 1 i Vi in. Fssery, G, Taylor, 1.. surely feel that theyhavean ire, r resistance is to h•' overcome 1:. .::. _111. under 10, Ella {taker. T. in yo11 and your work. tis hat 1 V. rda hint:+; whe •Ibtrrow greatly pleased and satisfied is.:It Mr .Flenrrning. Veterinary Sura 'm -1.:. our work. \\•e can truly say th .1 of the Royal Engineer:, London, J:• .• tilt" & 'Willis. Wein & flatter. )' ; 1 a Taylor; eotato enc •, \Vit( you have spared no pains in furth•.•r• says -"I think nothing can be inn( , ( : • r . n• ••I: •.nd thre:td dna the interest of the school and h 1t•• absurd than eh ck-rein.. They or . • _ • 1.r,.:,4i,rRged placed the school on n good standing against reason '�ngether. They 1 • • , l- -1, r :- i11,•: s . I.--ery.'tt lila• both intellectually and morally. '\\'. ,;1• •,I + • .. I. 1 i'li:•s race 19 pupils mer delighted to go to the animal in • Fal gonion. 'h • ,: .` ,1,•I.. '.I: - I . •'• , obstacict School •iu'1 1(1%'''I you veers much n - horse stands i1 rh ekes• in i. . : , .\i ' t' , . 1 t Gla- our tc •ch 'r \\''• r •asst to s•';• yeti 1 eeely 1 I. r . •' I t.! . 1..:.,t•. 1 , .:.I t . '1'„: , Carpi '•• !t- hilt tt•• will not forget voh stick under hi • .1 i„- I. hind h - 1 ' it J. ('u h I di • ,ort• -r (brt - ,r I 1 1 as in-pector Tom said :11 Mr,. 1(d, Treble..of C. meati i I . I t- • , i '•II -. C. ".•1 "I,•ch ,., h I visit at our school, tical :is ti .. it Ow Mr-. George Itrotul.-. In when told to 1% 1.1 It is ,,. 1 ••l (' 1 •.i1i. •,cl.• r r ,,:. .t ti t older we nhall ai•pr•c,a1... i.0n,'.n11. ernel too. I haw • no doubt if t h • 1 .h ,.... , . 1' ,,: , ., :, . _::u y rr 1 1 • , '1'01,4 ;Igo! t .lac your services still nI r U:. II, ,. ,: r. r.f 1 h It Ink of Con - tic could only r shit' the reit t!. 0, C t: ... t••�._•hlin, \l'c I.- r)'; .i-. • mark of the love and a -t •ern n,,ss sl if hr- r. turn d atter his it throws away a large portion of married o n + sic•. S. '\t,u . 1. ea .•r, with !which you are regard.,! L, i :cation. .'•1c. furter, who woo re - it \\'Mts. 'Ih• s: art. 1- :: r• I1, ,w.• trite soli this present. not 4:r I•.•tDie return. d to Crediton 13 our - the horse's power altogether. and i• \III ,, 1 1'. 11 , ;,- �, 1 1 h • )"d(oe1 . its worth nil l value but a+ a s'.i::h: day. eery cruel tesla t hirein would h. T. i 1 co ;I.., token and remembrnne slid nay • tI: the f:rnr•rs wishing chopping discontinued. It is not Duly tL• 1 •-. :v -r• fat- stood thoughts flow through your:,,on at. the• F:x.•t:•r Flour mill are tread that suffers, but from his li•I 1 t`,. s,.s : i ,I h•tsteels mini while you nr(• sitting in this 11..1,t .1.•.1 to bring in their grain at to This tail, from his shoulders 1e h - I: I.. 1' 1 h 1 1 . i .. 1• tam. Thi, chair. Signed by the 1•:ntsane• CI c • tine • :is th • mill expects to close dot it I I ! t • atcd the olden '1'nx•rarer, 1111,nhold •Idler, ..hurtly for a f •tw weeks. Susie kleindfeldt, Lu ILt [sun' I., film- Tl1e Lari:e:a Gutll o • f th1 i'r;t r ' tc Idh Tn:• mn^r. \li.c "Milligan triad- ' TWO �ttI11P9 liasl' Ball, ten '.l nwri,l church will hold ch a ,u. eery suitable reply aft r u iii' 1 • null garden Party 011 July 15th WI till 11. 111. 4(11(1 3.'30 p, tn. See h•• ilrh,v rest er efts pleaa l th •Coirelh leo it. lures in atten�la.'c`' llalld bilis for prize 118(9. t 1 • rusk iL-o t h gents, men I r•<' crud of h •r attraction.. Admi.sinn 10c.i is) EIMZIO limns! „- -------- - ------ .'egclablePrcparation forAs - sliltilatitigthei' odarilflet;itta- ling the S ttii iu h5 and Dowels of IIMESIMESI • Promote s DigcsilonCheerful - 1tlte sAndllest.Conteins neither Oplum,Morptline nor Milictul. NOT NA1tc'oTic. ) iwisa/1Xdli'.S:(1nz2l7low Aurae R SdA- Asia. J • 11= -LZ JaL. /fin Jud Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,lliarrhnca, 11•orms,Convulsions,ret'erisl- urs• and Loss of SLEEP- TacS►tmlc Signature n[ NEW YORK. Atb .rend.~ ss1d jDos! s-,} C, Nees a XACT COPY UP WRAPPES. la. ForCASTORI Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of • in Use For Over Thirty Years Tai CUNT•ON eo.gNT, N W T•aa ORt. Times Want Column. TI'.ACIIEit,WANTED Male Teauher with e-coud etas pro- feSSl000' certificate for Si. ,i . No. 3 Stephen. Duties to commence i . Aug- ust. Apply to UQLIN ..PR ZCAT01t, Di Sec-Trca.a, Exeter P. 0 Iron Posts In order to close out our Stock of Iron Posts we have reduced the price frorn 25 cents to 18 Centos ' t ` is t best, re -meds 'kno 1 • for sulburpl, eat, ras •s, Eczema sore fret,, stings and blisters. A skin food ! IRON BRACES 1 Teacher Wanted. Iron Pipe Brats all lengths at 5 Cenpts a Foot We will t. e in Exchange Horse- hair, . ubbers, Iron, Copper, B - ss & Wool Pickings for which we will f the Highest Price. M. JACKSON'S MAIN ST. EXETER School Teacher wanted for Schoo Section No. 1, Stephen, duties to cons rnenco in August. Apply ;stating sal' ary and qualifications to T. J. AMY, Crediton Ont. S -O-1 in. p. Flour & Feed srnopsIS o1Itie CQllU 0D NONE' Wes - All Good Kinds op FLOUR and FE D -kept on Ha 1 Bran and Shorts sold by 50 -Acre Farm for Sale' the Ton. Wheat taken # in exchange for Flour and'Vats taken In South half Lot 17, Concession 4, L. exchange for Oatmeal. I. S., Tuckersmith. First-class land for pasture or grain, :t acres bush, never failing well, good frame house with stone cellar and cement floor, surrounded by wind -break of spruce trees, also an orchard of apples, pears plums and small fruits. large bank barn with stone foundation. This choice property is situated five miles item Seaforth and three miles from Kippen, convenient to school and churches. Possession in the fall. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Win. Gordon Killen, Ont, or to Thor. Cameron, Auctioneer, arituhar, Out. .•.. :.o,,fa:s .a1 .Vara Q't '1, end 'dr-. Chas. Iadt. of Ailsa t t spent n fewdays town. n. 11r. and Mrs. 'Wellington Sander- ct'1:. Leteltn, si itcd with fri.•nds in n n,•r ti:tnd)y. Locals hoof. and ocr his, u Thole body he t. n, I , r \')t until the fere more or 1^s., .1h 411 1../1'..., 'i,1 tt, ( u:rtl•a boyo I)r, hitching. of York, and chain,.. "' l'"'t' ••u•1 oI the• English writer on the rnhject .nn'' 'L. 1.4 I 't 7 ma I. up with :--"The checkrein I •cion ., ttl':; :t olt f r tit n,-• It, s in itt - ,• lc. Ili n+ , . • th, y provider for 111 • Lo,b1,c• so fro;:, 1 to 6 p. In, the mete ks•pt busy rving strawhero • an 1 c,c am with Ur, a I and bitter a lid 11 k.11;, of elk• in lleinl,nc "'•.t• �. _. - It 'd10 gqu•rte oI r1r.iwb•tr• n i • :,rhe - ed for th" o:cvision .ail ..I ,t t•: •i spo ed or. Th: evn;n;t cc.lp err chard) w 1+ an eve •II••ilt unc 1: '. Iron flick, ant Mi-. 1.10 I: - u :••Il -known vocalist-, th • lot:;, - 1: !)•iroit rind th (latter of 11, 11111 t:, r•• engaged for the area- s!, ,n 1 well s'istained their repo- . ,t Ant. Mis• White. of Seaforth, A c:. ter tiotiniat, charmed ail with ,J'•1 masterly manipulation of 1hal Chi 1 d ©11 C 1 y n o' instrument •, w•hil • Miss fire- Child gory, of the Detroit school of Eloau- FOR FLETCHER'S the horse's strength, brings on di-• eau . keel,, hien in pain, frets and in- jures hie mouth, ,and spoils his t: u1 - NU'I'I: AND 1' TIMI NTS It h t r !.• n rr its_ '1 ib 1, 1 h• n ,.1 t: ,., wul I h • • 1,'1.11 04 lino • 1' it :!t r 11.1- ceremony ' 11 ' f i'.71711111:ht :,il' Corn,. 10 1'•t.. 11 141• nil:e of Govern•:( i, l: r•:1. Don. created n ft,rore of excitement C A S T 4 R I ,'4 I,y Iter amusing and well rendered h. � .cation•. Alia iCntir t•,tt and Alcohol of to CE- 1Aren Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. Ile will probably say, "Very, very rarely. Children do not need stimulating." Ask him how often he prescribes a turlk for them. Ile will prob- ably answer, "Very, very frequently." Then ask him about Ayer':; non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla as a tonic for the Dual;. Follow his advice, lie knows. J —;t,,-, (n—,Lila SIL-Xfos.: .aewv..ha r yN koe.:t rule of la iIIh •' Deily nes 110,01 •,1 the hovels.- Ask !vert docterif ^o't f0. Then ask him about Aycr's Fills. Sold for nearly sixty ;*f.'...1. Grand Ordnue DcIuoostrdtloo on July 12th, 1910 STRATFORI) You are cordially invited to celebrate the "Glorious Twelfth" with the Orangemen of South Perth in the beauti- ful city of Stratford. S. good programme is be- ing prepared. Addresses in the park. ent by sertinr ,. -CI • auu :,n•1 cake. Sifter which (01'•,,1 I %p• •01, - by :t A main's wife should always be A.nk yolll' 10('1ti agent for number of I h :7 I ,t r' •,I -.s an ad- the same especially to her husband, • 11. •• by is I., k. I ..• . :,Ich sit- but if she is week and nervous, and train tltne !111(1 i71tes. much :ivy/. o, ,; I 1.1 it ; , 1ht. uses Carter's Iron rills, she cannot , •:, •• i t:i':cin he, for the make her "feel like a R. W. SwIT%EI:, (.o. St'['r('tfll'y 1t,•. , 1 n1 ch..' :111.1 .e. 1: • rch s •litferent pr'rson." no 1key all Raj A. 13, 011. 611,, , c(►. i1ltlsfel' it, + 1c•ns her .n.I their husbands e..y so too. r .. nit t tt t holt: +'I 'I n•1 Mt- 4;. ('cstr'•icl: r %In 1 , - •,.• it it It a nic.ly t hI 11 1•1.1, -- ;, ; t beautiful tiffany fruit bowl. The strait berry festival hold un 'er Ow auspices of the Y. 1'. A. was h -•I•1 on 'Tuesday evening last and prat 1 i strand success. The proc • amounting to $1104,, 1,80 taken I, the gate and 1 at t0- is ••c:• •. , booth. A pleasant feature of th • 1 •. . ening being the auction sal • 0f t 1 •• 3.'434 naive quilt tulle by th 1. I'. A. w hich was cold for $75.00 I)r. McLaughlin spent n few da, - of Last week nt London attending th • races. Arthur Kellerman and Miss '! • sable t• stud• nt. of North \'•1 :i'iiCg. tl:•' ha.i•l.:) .,. 1 h11 I,r,111• I• r :4 \urn ' inert, who is ash tra'r• it.. 1 :1 lin :11 in Ann Arbor •1,. n.hng a 1, :t weeks with her par- ent• t: err,;..: Wambold. of 1! 1 n. is vi.- itiui_ his parents here at ; • n• :Ir. and Dlra. Jack 1'rce t.1 i, , vinilors in town on Sunday. .11r. "\ill Tr•at'tn. :`Stratford, l nt ! I tt days with friends here. George Snider. D. 8. wit0 Miss •): r, of (rent!11.!I 1/1. (>hio 1r t .'t• trig will) friend'. here. 1'n P:., alar otmrn cell the Sou - set,. or harps •' rhe heal r... k.r, e;+Nart•'t in Canada." 11a 1it., ere In sreeerende, easily kept dean and hnit1 In tnd,re. rhe Souvenir is all that. and be many es• elusive remorse place it in s else( hr iriril. /►ur free hook tires ranee fasts you Ought In know, A post card will Woe in GURNEY, TILDEN ,t Co. Ltd 1lemi,tnn I►Inntrrwl tl•in,itet ('•'2.,. - t 111610.,. Stores Close Thursday afternoon during July and August �iT• EXETER. Rivers ONTARIO. 11O1I1KSTEA D. REO CLATIONS. Any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 111 seotoni of available Dominion land 14 Manitoba, Saskatehewau, or Alberts' The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agatroy •r Sub -agency for the district. Eatry IlB2 proxy may be had at the agenoy, ori certain conditions. by father, mother eon, daughter, brother, or sister ot intending hotnesteader. Duties: -Six months residence upoa and cultivation of the land in elate of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homes stead on a (farm of at least 80 aorto solely owned and occupied by him or his father, mother, eon, daughter. brother or sister. In certain districts a homeetea31111 in good standing may pre-empt • quarter section alongside his homes stead. Price $3. per acre. Duties -84 Must reside six months iseaoh of six years from date of homestead entry (inoluding the time required to earn homestead patent) and oultivta• fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted cannot right and ob.his homestead K tain a pre-emption may take a pus, chased homestead in certain distriot• Pries $3. per acre. Duties. -Must reside six months in eaoh of thred years, cultivate. fifty acres and ere•( a house worth $300.0(r w. w, CORY, Deputy ot the Nlntsttr of the ntertor N. B.-L•aautborised pnbllatton obi meat will not te paid for TIt. CAiRLiN°, Lite, Accident, Fire and ('late Mass insurance, also Collecting AccCunte • and Auctioneering, DR. QI. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S. ; D. I). S.' Honor graduate of Torontolt'niversity DENTIST OFFICE: -Over Dickson! & Carling'a Law Offices, Exeter. PHONE 5. CLOSED WEDNESDAY AI?ERNOOIi$ DR.A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Madman & Stanbury Main street—Exrrrnn. N. BROWNiNG, M. D., M. 0 41 • P. H„ Graduate Victoria U varsity ranee and ra•adenence Domini•• Laboratory. Exeter Associate Coroner of Huron. R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and T11'O .0°I O os'i: Tri R. Honor Graduate Toronto Un - you can't make biscuit out of cern- loins -ay. Two years resident physician Un - meal nor •learns cake from flour• For Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office all-round (iood Ilalki1g it requires and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand BEST MILLED FLOUR Andrew Street, Exeter. We have it It's the cook's delight- '1TO LO and is always reliable. Don't use any 1,AN other There's none better It's the best People tell us they never used flour equal to We 1 0 • undersigned business 111.11 of Earl r agree to clew our respec- tive 'places of business during the months of July and August. PUS, on Thursday afternoons of each week commencing at one o'clock and to ad- vertise name during month of June in the local papers: Mdvoeat-• Printing Company. .The F.x•.•t'•r Tiert + Printing Company, Lim- ited ; \V, J. Merman. W. J. Beer, Alf. Walter:. Jones & May, 11. Npackntan. 4. G. 11n(vdett• .toe. Senior, E. A. Fol. lick. \V. John., .1. Grigg, 1V. Statham Mt 4. Yeo. II, W. 1'. )leavers, J. A. 441,':t att. T. ilawkins & ftmn. W. 1W, Taman. 1V, .1, Carling. Wilson tiros.. 1V, 1). !hake. U tvid Rumen, H. Mar- tin its. Non. 1•:•I. Treble, J. Fr. Dignan & `ion. Wright & -Atkinson. Messrs. Lt A. Folliek. \\'..r. Statham and Wil- son Bros, are closing nu the graoery d:-partmen! erily,. t "• Model" Mannfact area by Harvey Bros. *Manure Litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can he installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder '!'hese titter Ihiri;s are gr- a inhnr•srtt•ers for farmers and necessities (11 11 fat in For sale by W. T. Gillespie Phone 51, 1•:Seter, Ont• �Me taa • eev We have unlimited Vrlv me tat s for tomb -*neuron farm or vlllagerroper1yal towns rides of Interest. DICKSON & CARLING Ibx let DICKSON & CARLING, dat•rlat.ers,sollcltors, Notaries. (:oav• eaoera Uomodost ner1., Solicitors .or (8. Memos* Hank. Kto. Money to Lose at lowest ratee, of tawrw► Olr10Et--slAIN STREET, SXET1:11. IL OARLIKE R. A. w 11. DICE111 R (wi0NEY TO LOAN. We hale a largo amount of private tunas can on farm and village properties at lowest, latera.►, U1..11)M.%N & STANIIURT Harrl•tera Solicitors. Mean et-IP:teem' MONEYTOLOAN On Fano and Waxy. I'mptrties at lowest rates 0' interest. In,prord and other Northwest Land. and Town Lots for isle. alone) to loan on sm h property ERNEST ELLIOT, Conveyancer, etc, Office, Main St. Exeter • Shorthorn Bulls My present offering is flair choice young bulls rendy for service, got by CorNT tiVi.VANUM (36900) and out of good milking Dams. All registered. Apply to JOIIN 1{LDEIt, ileneall P. O., or on Lot 16. ('on. 2. Day. Tne Osborne and flbbort ••••••••••••••••••••••••••r t••••••••••••••••••oe•••w• Farmer s Mutual Fire lour - The "Times' and Toronto Weekly Globe to new .ubscribert from now till Jany. 1st. 1911 for 3s% c,•nt•, The "Times" end 'rotonto 'Weekly Globe to new subscribers from now till .tan. 1st 1914 for 3A c nes. The "Times" and Toronto Weekly Globe to now nub/critter. from now till Jany. 1st, 1911 for 35 cent.. The "Times(' and Toronto Weekly 1i11 Jany. 1st, 1411 for 35 cents. Tho "Titnef' and 'Toronto Weekly (;lobe to nests athvcribors from naw ti'l ,Jany. 1st. 1911 for 35 cent., Th" "Tito. a" and Toronto Week's (:lobe to new •tibserihers front nos. 1111 ,Tony. 1.t, 1•'11 for 35 cent ant °Naail Head Offlco, Farquhar,;Ont. I'r.idrtt. .1, E. RUS1•41'Li, \ icr••.l'r, .. \' M. Rol' DIRECTORS• RUJiT. NORRiS. TI1(14. RYAN \V M. ,IIROCIC. 1(1)117', GARIIINEIt, etaffa, Dublin. Winchelsea. Far puhar. AGENTS, JOHN EAAERY, Rioter, agent fi&t I1sttarne and )tiddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. arse. for Hihbor:, Fullerton led Loren. ,i011 \ C:\3I I'I:IiLf. ••••••••••••••••••i••••••• ! Seoy.Trens. Farquhar •••••••••••••••••••••••••• I (MADMAN A fITAItIH1RT. ilk /"t'ffe1tl