HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-07-07, Page 3TIIE DROUGHT DOCS llAllI Premier rf Manitoba Speaks in a Most Pessimistic Style. A despatch from Winnipeg says: central Saskatchewan, where local Tu an intety ow with Premier Bob- saowers have been more or less fre- lin, who has had thirty years' ex- quint and the heat is not ao great. itho Manitoba is to date p,•rionce n farming and in the Southern Ma a rnuyur of that town. -Nu. 2 winter, 94c to ern; outside. grain busino.s, and who has cower- grcate•t Buffeter, and in many dis- : serious outbreak of measles has Manitoba \Vbeat-No. 1 northern, ed many parts of the Province in tries the farmers have practically occ1!ncil uricd at the London County ei.0. ; No. 2 northern, $1.03; No. Cie past week in his election tour, ti.ven up hope of saving anything. (eischools in Lambeth. 3 northern. 81.P3 at lake ports fur he expr.sse-J his views on the crop :1 spec+al crop report issued ou i Brighton Town Council decided to I situation in Manitoba. Ile decla •es 1V,•dnesJay b • The Winnipeg Free immediate lc ,meat. l.n.it speeches to ten minutes, ox-' (urn rinle.tcnu No. 2 yellow, that even with the most. favorable ; Press says :--"The hut, dry wen- ►� ccpt in tiro case of chatrwen of OSe; Nu. 2 yellow, 07,c; Canadian c,,tulit u• s f.o!n now on Manitoba titer which has existed for the last commit:cosi corn. (2c to (3c, Toronto freights. cannut possibly harvest more than ten days has at last awakened the i It has been deckled to hull n Gats -Canada western, Au. 2, half a Cron in 1910. and. he sq dds, ; public to the fact that the general's••cant(r Shakespeare festival at 2''e No. 3 C. \V.. 37c at lake ports tl at another week of heat witdrout e( nd:t:on of the crops is anything St) rttiurct un-:1vun, from J uly 2511) fur in' odiato shiprnout; Ontario rain will mean practically no crop bn.t booming. The consensus of to August 13th. 'No. 2 white, 33e to 3.1c outside; No. at all. I of.inien seems to bo that the crops The British Empire means "that 3 wh.te, 32c to 33e outside, 30%c on The same story was told by ono to the south of the C. P. It. main' portion of the earth's land surface track Toruntu. 'of the biggest wheat operators ofline in both Manitoba and Saskat-' ehch is subject to the authority of Barley -No. 2. 51c to 5.`c; No. 3 t.icago and Minneapolis, who' cine wan are cons.derably damaged. + Ring George." extra, 49c to tine ; No. a, ,t;c to• 17c rent a acid: in the 1 royinco sat- North of the C'. I . R. main line Two piateiuyers were killed and vete de; ,liana.,ba, No. 4, 49c un irfyieg hint elf at first hand as to t' ere are sections which have been fiv., o:h rs injured by an express fru:k, lake putts. prospects.t'.prospects. set ious'y damaged, but on the train res eutl • near Teba • station, Pec. -No. 3, 70e to 71c. The G. T. P. issued, en 1Vednes- I whole t' a crops appear to bo in a I ;n Westmorland. ) I'ye-No. 2. C7c to C8e. ds; afternoon, a crop report show -i petty fair condition." I The population of the British tern- huck•..heat -No. 2. 51c. inc that for 1f0 miles west of Win- I kir. McKay, Superintendent of nils is about e(,uul to that uf China, Mani:ub.t Flour -Quotations at r.lpeg the sheat is in bad shape, in the I:xperin:ental Faun at InJ;:ui all(1 more numerous than that, of Torouto are: -First patents,. $5. - se me places be ng burned rod. \Vest Head, claims that the crops in that any ether eon:►try, 40, second patents, 81.00; strong of Biggar cond tions aro more fav- locality never before looked better j;c tit the I>l.ngton and £t. Pan- b:•ke:s'. $1.70: t'0 per teat., GIas- orablo thruughout northern and at this time of the year. etas Toro:tgtt councils will in fu- g w freights. 25s. - „_ _ t re clo e the cemeter.es under On ar.0 1 lour -Winter .•hent POISONED BY .1 SNAKE. ( FIRES 6RowING WORSE, their control on bank holidays. ' pie a ,ts fur ex;.ort, $3 50 to 83.10, During h s famous tour in the to buy rs' bags, outside. Little London tiny flayed With No Rain in a Month in Fort Wil- Ohh r, His Maj •sty King George V.,; M.l feed-M.tnituba bran, $18 IN ME1tRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS 131' 11.111 .t1t01'T JOIIS BULL :A N 11 HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences In the Land That Reigns Supreme In the Cows menial World. Mr. William Croom, of Harwich, who died recently, was eight t.tues TIIE 1t'OR1.D'5. iMARKE FS ll1:1'otrrs FR411 Pitt: 1.1:.1UINlp Tfl tI)E CI:NTH/ie. !'rice. of ('little. (;rain. ('t'e'e snit Other !)airy Produce at Home and Abroad. 1'REAUSTUFFS, Toronto, July 5. -Ontario wheat Dead Reptile. A despatch limn London, Ont., cats : The litt'e son of Mr. and Airs. Turnor, Princess avenue, MADE IN CANADA LOYAL ¥FdlhST GM'S NOST PERFECT MADE Used in Canadian homes to produce delicious horno•made bread. and a sup- ply is always included;In Sportsmen.' and Campers' Outfits. Decline all imitations. They never alt'. satisfaction and cast fust as !much. 1. W. 10 ILL T t£ T C LTO. O. WIawlpas Toronto. Ont. Yontee.) deerded htrh,sr honors sr oft t+•• a►r Erpoalrla.u. OYAL• t ` about 84.50 each, or flc per lb. Good lots of hogs sold at 9%c to 9%e per Ib. w f ROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS 131' !I tit. FRO)( 1111.• LAND'S SHORES. Happening. in the Emerald Isle et Ielere.t to Irish. Wen. .1 cattle drive is reported to have tr.ken place in the M.ifoid district of Vuuogal. lium District. then Duke of Cur►rwa!l. °peeaed the per ton ; shorts. *20 ner ten. track, 'Twenty -nue pike were caught. in fl st I ail ament of the Australian T• r uta. e'n:ari, bran. $19 per o. ,. d iy in the K.1.ee,.alldra dis- :\ despatch from Fort William, e.n,ntcnwealth. +' n; abulia, t1 per tui, un track. 11:;t Burin; a recent week (`nt., says : Forest fires are threat- At Clerkenwell police court Thos. Toronto.ut animals exported v.a poisoned on \\'e<Inesday in a e ing the towns in this visinity, })urkins. .•f Matthias road, %nal 1 and Poet William is clouded with fined 25 with fit e guineas cost, furl C:):'NTRY PRODUCE. peculiar manner. The boy, who is smoke. it being necessar • to turn ► it ai.out six years old, while plating 3 send ng a !terse by rail whilst in� out of doors picked up a dead on the street lights Thursday morn- a dis ased cond tion. cn enake, and after handling it rubbed tug• The fines are getting w. rse '1'hc Duke of \\'u_tm'nster has re- - se t. r his hauls across his face. Almost at Slyer Mountain. 20 utiles out. ceived an int•mat'on that the Kang at. once the boy's face became in- Stores of mien, women and children af.proves of the Chester ('agent be - flamed a::d began to swell. Dr.' f .light the flames all night and i' g hd-I on the dates ortgieal,y Ntvon, who was called in, could could not nut them out. The fire fixed -July 13 to 23. not determine at encs how seriously is near Macke and Taylor's camps! School children discovered the the last was affected. He believed and mrk ng gr(at headway towards '1,0:1-- y of a sell -dressed man hang - the reptile had been dead for some Si.ver Mountain, which is inhabited ing from a tree in woods near .ts- ittnln and was partially decayed. by 200 peo"lo. Mackie and Taylor es,t Heath. it is supposed that the ir.te•-d making a raft to load the body had been there for a month. The little,fellow is ina serious cool horses and ca►nu`ng outfit if they; Ever s:ec' 1700 tloniton has been d'tion, but, is expected to pull , through. cannot extinguish- the fire. Peo . sl,rroun led by a ring of toll gates pre are getting nervous. There has a; e the abolt:on of the tolls was BLOWN '1'0 ATOMS. teen no rain for four weeks and ce e'rated the other day by public e•.erything is as dry as tinder. ct'.cbla:ions, sports and fireworks. Store of Dynamite Exploded Near -- The nations outside the British '\c•lip;on. GREATEST OF VESSELS. Eirpire possess.ng tho largest ex -I PROVISIONS. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER TUE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs Front Our Own and Other Countries of neeeut Events. CANADA. CREAT BRITAIN. The British Radicals are impatl- ent over the delay caused by the Veto Conference. The bill amending the Sovereign's accession declaration passed its first reading in the British Cores J nt P. NO OUTLET OR WHEAT. j1 A Serious Situation is Created 31 Montreal. Mrs. Thigh Collins of Dixon's A despatch from Montreal sayst Curuers cu►urnitted suicide by swal- There is a wheat blockade here, lowing strychnine. and grain is steadily flowing from Tile New Zealand Line steamer the west. The elevators hero are A.•o:i ran aground in the St. Law- full, and there is little export, so rcnce near Martin River. that the situation is serious for the Sir William Meredith was ap- grain -carriers of the lakes. There pointed sole commissioner to report are ten now lying at the elevator, upon workmen's compensation. with no space to unload, and some The number John Stratton of Owen Sound have been there for almost a week. fr :m Waterford duri:rg the week committed suicide by lying down on Each day means a loss of about 8200 end.ng the 21st tilt was 2,491. the track and letting a train run , nnc: more carriers are arriving Eggs --19c to 10 a per dozen {n hate• t y twenty-seven persons titer h.rn. daily. The reason of the block is Eu case 'tits. .aft Skibb. reen for America. All Wind nn'l lightning did great that the buyers for export are • -Creamery prints, 23c to yore young unmarried men and esu- damage in Weyburn, Sask., and vi- abotit 10 cents off the Canadian �•e: :e a .tor prints .0, to 21c; men. entity. An infant was killed by a piece, and so there is practically no da.r: pr.nts. choice. 19c to 20c;! The Bn!lyshannun Feis will be flyi g timber. export wheat. The commissioner s cl.tir. tu,s 17: to 18e inferior tubs,l'e'a on Sunday, July !0. The tom- Delbert Vnncelzor, aged eighteen, elevator has a million bushels and It,: p. t fluffs will be open to Donegal, r a attacked by a hog on his fa- cannot get rid of it. Mr. Jame. Cho -so -11%c for large and iI%c 1e:raanap(h. I.e tri[n and Tyrone. ihcr's farm near Calton and bad- Carruthers says that it looks as if f, r twins. Old cheese, I2 _c to :\bout lith hea.J of cattle note ly ws:ut.ded in the legs. Europe did not want a bushel of 12•',,c, ; d,. e.l from lands at Augharush, East Indians residua! in Vancou• .'beat from Canada, and the grain :'car :lskcutun, but some of the yci baso telegraphed a .tion ro- men of Canada would have to get Beans --$2 to 88.10 ger bushel for. g p together and devise some wayout pinnas and 82.10 to 82.20 fur hand-au:r►:ars have been recovered. teff agai'st the deportation of Mr. g + A familiar figure has , a wealth Mohammedan. of the difficulty. p.cked. passed to ltah:m y Putatees-Ontario potatoes, 55e !I's reward in the person of AI r. ---•t to COc per hag out of stole; new Jul n Fitzgerald. of Cork. "the Mit. TICKER'S MISSIO\. Avner can pot�tuoi, $2.73 to $3 per Ford of the Lee." He was a re- GENERAL. barrel. il•::ikablt personality in many ways, The Austrian Lloyd steamer Tri- ('onfereneea 11'ith Leading Fiaancl. Irl •nd derive, a revenue of near- esto is eight days overdue at. Rom- al and Shipping Men. i) 500.000 a •car from fuxhunting. bad. tent of territory are Russia 8 - She has manag(vl to get nearly four A despatch from Montreal says: A despatch from Port Arthur The Neu Cnnnrder•i are to be of Cil0000 square miles; United Etatea IV''olesale qu.,tations:- t Ines as muco as that in the form rho great passenger airship kir. Albert Vickers President of an)i: Two foreigners mined Carl- 60.000 Tons. ::.t2J.00•J square miles, and Brazil, fork - Short cat. 831 to 831.50 pet of old a e pensic,.Ie. however. thute Tcul was wrecked in a gate the world-famous British firm of Fen and Olison, while working on 2e0,000.bit, id ;mess, $^_s 50 to r.'t►. Cork C.•unty Council has dole at- in rho Nationalist, forest. , 1 ickers' Sons had Maxim, is in Mont - the tran.cont.nental about Nepigon A <!e patch from London cat'9' After woe discussion the hull Lara -Firm; tierce l;c- tubs. g The Naliunaliat student who as rete blown to atoms bythe ex ,lo_ With the news that the Mer cy 1t ;;c; ails IC! _c j' stocks very e ( to a committee consisting of rix ra!sinated the Primo Minister of real, and has a number al con - shipping of dvnam.te usedinblasting Deck and Harbor Po prd has clod.- ('jt Cut nt!►odt eidtedehrsto re(%lee ' ee the 1 B' C p ! "{ i:. members and five non-mem- ceded on-mem• Egypt. was executed at Cairo on , fe:en in with leading also with and e•.l to commence the construction of licca -ed house ounrd by floc orpor_ ? nick d and Di�y :Ite1 Meats- yen l: r the pewees vested in it for the 1'uo,day• shipping men, and with 1 tea; - n Seattle. for a roadbed. They were work- o?teat on of ane eat monutnentr. dent G. W. Stephens and Mr. G. a huge dock conies the important P' P in; near whore the explosive was arrouneement that the Cunard n inn, from 112.500 to 81,875 a year i.'rg clear bacon, tees and cases, qc a Cork Pour Law Union's to- C. Ballantyne of the Harbor Com - mesion, when suddenly there was a because of the budget. 15';c to 13'.c; backs (plain), 21c tat ex nd'ture for tho half-year UNITED STATES. to:rsiun, iu regard to the financial tet,itic explosion, and the men Company propr,,e to build finers of The funeral tank place at Ilford t•, `:1',..c; backs (pee -meal). Qli;c.e,tdedM 0th September f p 000 tans each. The new dock + to 22c; shou'der 1141115. 14e to I t' ;c ; ptember Inst was aspect of the huge undertaking his were blown to atoms. Orison wasof Sergeant-Major henry baker,81.8 150. The general total of all Thaddeus fork, wanted in roan firm. is to engi a in in the buildin a .i! be large enough to necomtrn- t K y B g blew!) over 100 yards in the air.. g th.' oldest yeoman of the guard. Tho C c en meats out of picks, lc lest he runs relieved during the halt- cites on charges u[ forgery, was ar- of n five million dollar floating dock Ifo was well known in Ncp gen. date these vessels. The (may.d:(.ease.l was congratulated by the then smoked. Now the dynamite came to explode berths will he suitable for liners 1. laic king alien he .!!.toed his 83rd Reis. sm. ked. Isc to 15%e; mode year d nth is a•lnoun^ed in Bris• r(l ourrcar )enter- workingon a real.shipbuilding plant in Munt- tsiii never bo known. but it is ("�► feet in length. There wall be. iv.: and I g'it hales, ISc to 19%e; 1 deep water entrances so as to Hyoid birthday. , bane of Mrs. O'U, betty. who gain- trestle on the I)altimore & Ohiu-_,_m_. thought that the inter a heat and On two occasions have pul.i:c heavy, IC,,,c to 17c; bacon, 10e to ed fame to her contribution. wider Itailrt.ad were run down by a train delay in e}nek;ng. The work. whichANOTHER FARMER KILLED. tie hcav'ness of the air had some Thanksg:wing services been held in =14• the eudonmy of "Eve" to "Tho and killed. ' ' is to he carri'd nut by contract' S:. Paul's. following our tato' Natio-e" the organ of the Young Five men were killed and eleven ai'I he commenced in a few wicks King's recovery from illness-opcot MONTREAL MARKETS. I:e'an1 movement. insured by the explosion of a gas Horses Were F'rip hlcnrd al a 1'.96 and it is expected to be fin!sltea in %.bile he was l'rincc of \('ales, and ,+ , July Q Bus- t' ree years. I Montreal, 5. -Flour -Mani- °morel Quay church, Dublin, has tank in the saloon of Edeard Bus• Ing Automobile. Inter, after the (oro.tion• t ba s;,nng .heat pntcr.t., firsts, kr+ an old member he the death of hay. near Minneapolis. A despatch from Kingston, Ont. 11.1111: Tltli' IN 1 1) 11•. To mark bis gratitude for "a n,; seconds. 85; %inter wheat Mr. Rub •rt Paul, J.1'., at the ago! The Ruston Canadian Club is says: Charles Dunwoodie, who lived viten' life," Siryfifty JameiCare of ar-Whitehead, Pz.:eats, f5; Manitoba strong�,ak- Ire! in for re has resided in planning a great banquet next fall, .built n mile west of Nnpance, was cin . 8i so: stra ght rollers, . 1.50 e r . and was the t which it is expected to have Sir loading hay in the field when the aho was L'•rd Meyer of London in to 1/11.73.'. in La;ls. 8:.10 to $1.15; trusted friend of six ministers there Wilfrid Laurier and President Taft he rses became frightened at a pass- Ii,•?,t las gitcn ! 3,COJ to found a ext rni'. 1.08 to 82 re aueccssiun. as guests. int( automobile and ran away. h hip h G Cate --7c bus .e higher. Reif :st is fortunate in the pos- I)r. K. McE. Knower, lecturer in throwing Mr. Dunwoodie from the se sin of fine botanic gardens, si- anatomy in the University of Toron- head. Ile was injured so badly that hilted in the Botanic Gardens t.,, has befit appointed professor of he di(d a few hours later. Dieeas- 1',: rk, University road. The park anatomy in the University Medical cid was about 05 years of age, and c._vers a seace of 17 acres, and is a College at. Cincinnati unmarried. i•c1•ular resort of the citizens as effect on the explosive. TO DEFEND 1111:111 11011:x. Whole People Shonld be Trained to Arnie, Says Lord Roberts. .\ (1 •s1 a:ch from London says: Route inln I'or•euniee (Fan Been fe rd Roberts, presiding at the Na- 11i.repre'ented. t coal Service League. said they lutist persevere in educating pub- lic revs: opiii on to the fact that they }'. 11. He imcr. M. I:., who has spent ct,uld not hope to guard the Em- a week in the Percup:nc camp, with .tic unless the defence of the a v•ew to pure' acing clashes. airs: i ''('enride-ing the age of the onion, country was made to depend up•+n the whole people being trained in 1 b•1 e'„• Chit it has a very bright time of poaoe to defend their ""re before it. Things are ra- I.earths and ho•, ^,s, if their coun- flier quirt at present. but indica- try were attacked. ti••ns are Olt there will be coils%d• ' + ' (rr.',l • net'v'ty within a n`"nth or A S(' 1101)1.111)1 SE WIt':1 It1:1). .'•. The b•-chenr of the erenn at _ - 1,: •'c ,r the inexeusab!e inch of Carried Over lienee Talo a (i rig. t •''' "n facilities. However. Ileld at 11'c)huin, �a�!;, • t" ' "'►' with regard to the i,.'it ,-f the camp have been A despat••h from Weyburn, Sask., are it! : tie e• e.sontcd and it is a Rays: Report% of the damage by the vary else top for one to make h g at„ m in this district centinee 1'c rem -rine from the steel in one t•• fi ter in. At \Veyburn Plains a' day." schoc►ihotrse was lifted b'.dily and -- carried over a fence twenty reds! ; Give acme people a lite of nn 11n - into a grain fuld, where it was re and they'll want all but the piled up in a grand wreck. ' a TO. P14DRY DOCKS TO BUILT Plans Have Been Approved For Sault `te. Marie and Vaiio iuver. s ,o,ar rip atthe Appleby ran - ! I } h n al F'choot. , Cern-American No. 2 yellow, The ac aunts for 1909 of t`e ('c to (tic; Ana:near) No. 3 yellow, Transvaal War Relief Fund for ells - ea to C4c. n,le-1 men show that during the last Oa:a-No. 2 Can. western, 3Sc to WI years 10.1,•21 (nen have been as- , c: No. 3, 37e to 37;,e. 1 t •J at a cont of 175:,:11 and !'y. 1 arlo,-No. 3, 4Sc to 48;„e; No. 1 .) has t.ce:► spent on cases in the , -Ile W 45e. c•''.. •:lies. �Mil,tood-Cntari•, bran, 818.'0 well as of rho excursionists who vt- it the city. 'I h,• firm c ld .resp church of Thousands of people assembled at 1.: n e It a's. dating from the fit ;; ? 9. ''lo •. niiildlines, 821 to 82' ��c'11,3g 1. County Their rare. to sta- te( nth ce.ttur• is threatened by the '• •it 'ba br in, eta; do., shorts, I c•`' the funeral of the brothers Mc - (n: r nc!unent of the sea. and an „:I : pure gran muuillir, 8:•2 to ('',rtunek, who were hanged there appeal is made for £2,00) for mea- >+ "' xed wouillie, 825 to 823, :1., years ago for is crnt. ime of which ins aures to re i,re the :;af.•ty of the ca • 1 ts. erre tran•ittr dey were cfmn, file groho w ►ds hit ,r c bei d ng., (:utter -rest creamery, 22c ; c' onnl' rv, Q.;'c of the gaol to Loughinore Cemetery. the e F..,crt `uf the 11th.:n.,.l liners, (h• tic -.ostein. tic to Il%c; rc�tly,lleft tllel)iTyne,thn.t tlas akear ), en tern. 10s;e to 10' e, ''M1i.F:S IIF' 61)1,11," %bite instead of a Chinese ore's, Legs-S::o-t'd stock, 21c per s I•s the chipping l`n:rite. and th( do:.c.i, litiinin Excited Over Finale in Brit,' cors panes have recently gut rid (t • S 'eh Columbia. UNITED TATES MARKETS. t:,rir Chinese seamen. A despatch from London says: The full title of King George is: M uneanolis, July 5.-- Wheat - The discovery of gold in northern "Ha Mostl xcellent 1lajfstY ! Ju.y, $/.12%: Sept.. 81.09',; ; 1)ec., I:ritish Columbia has caused eon (l ..rge the F.fth, by the Grace til' y1.071,;: cash. No. 1 hard, 81.17; siderable excitement here. The (1•d, of the United Kinccd.nl of No. 1 Northern, 81.15 to +11.1(!'.',;; h(ndlines in the press eompriss Gloat Iitio.in and irelate!. nncl of No. 2 Norther, 81.13 to 81.11'„; "Miles of (told," "A British EIdor- the I'Ii;ish 1)'minion% beyond the N.J. 3 Northern, 81.10 to 81.11;. 1N•., of Fabulous Wealth." and Sr a:, Kane. (►.•fender of the Faith,! Panne$17 50. Flour -First pat• ' klammoth Rrefs." The ; gent - 1•.,. p •ler '•1 In lis." I flits, t5.::0 to 85.50; Rccond pat- General for British Columbia has :1u oetog, na. i:in laborer, who! c.,t+, 85.10 to 85.30; first clears, haft hundreds of inquiries, to whom was amp! wetted by the judge at Y1.15 to 81.25; second clears, 82.- he states that. he has no nffeial con - tie Holt (Norfolk) County Court 10 tri 83.1'). ruination of the repelled discovery. en the neatness on which he had ; Milwaukee, July b. -Wheat -No. Vett n rush from London has already started. -.t, --- --- - KI1LS (IAT .\NI► 11.\ItBiT. A new rat and rnbbit cxtermina- ter is being tested mit in India and .Australia. It conci.ts of an outer Montreal. July b. -There we9 ai-d inner !metal shell. like one only one lot of really nritne beeves small egg in n larger one. In the 1 (:iii "11a Mawr any. to on tho market, and these sold al outer shell is sulphuric acid, in the 1.i nhont 7c per lb. A few of the other:: it rc r molal e g is div cyanide of !e; 1 11 -r a 1"N •'1 e••1u1, iine(1 lye. s„I(1 at about, G'„c per pound, and. pota'ii. The outer sten is filled 1Ji.\1:1\ \'!'1()N-:1\}) P.1("T. from that down to 5%c for pretty with the 80i(1 And placid in tile! rat. 1,:o0,1 animals, while the common 19.le or burrow, nncl n11 tat holes ' (11,! \letIn'r. I've found a place stn•k 8,•141 at from 3' ,c to 5!1C Per are filthily Realer!.Afteran hour O'er(' there', ins' ta'll:nns en' hon- Ie' .Milch cures from 8n0 to RR;, •)r so the arid eats into the cyanide rtrcdt o' straw 1, ; r',o-. lute, 1 h. Calves from $3 to $15 each. /the thrill loose n lot of most, (103(1 hra:,ght you tae ! i. -p About 4e per ib. Lambs at1y prussic acid gas. made out an account stele,' that 1 N••rthern, 81.15 to $1.10; No. 2 A dispatch from Ottawa says: r:l('nt has a'creed to pay a subsidy V. daughter had taught him to Northern, 81.13 to 81.11; Sept., 81. Plans for two large dr)docks have of thr-e arid o•:e-half per cent. for rend and write when he was ill a Ws-- No. 1, 77c. Corn -Sept., been approved by the Uovernment. !++cut, five tears on the cost up to few years ago. GC'/,c. liarley--No. 2, 67c. (Inc. is to be built at Sault Ste.; i Leo() 000. This is to be a floral -0( -- '"' LIVE STOCK MARKET.Mar%e, and the other et Vancou• ,d ck, with a lifting capne%ty of tit• CONDEMNED i,Y1;. ver. Tho Sault (lock is to be soy-; t• en thousand tons, and is, there (irneer "1W• !1, little girl, what cit hundred fret long and cost nine i flee, capab .r of handling the lorK- cnr i de f -.r t et i'' ht,ndred thou An.l d4,11815. It will c:t craft s.:iling to ('anacla at the accommodate the largest craft nn preterit time. The company con- tl:e great lakes, a number of which ; tc,up'tee the op .ration of a ear emi- are over six hundred feet lupi{. The st, 1,••t:.,n l i. t in c"Iljlllietion with (;c•vernmcnt will pay on this dock . it t .1 •. J r k n'„i shinhnilding and a subsidy of three pc r cent. for; r.•. ;tit lite i„ .0 Irv. The car works twenty years on the e..ve f!,' t. :.i, i :, a'I'Iit:(•nal ..titiny of Vancouver cluck is to be one o! !'-r 1-:,I! a ,!. ;':• ,, do!Iars. Thcro will Second c:Nss, and on it the Govern• e., n•..;.: c.p.•u this. No Heat Except Where Needed Dishes hot -food well cooked -kitchen cool. No underdone food - no overheated kitchen in summer. Everything hot when wanted. Heat un- der perfect control and concentrated. The blue flame is t;.1 heat -no smoke -no odor -no dirt. These aro some of the advantages in using the NePcr eetion , ACK 11H LU E ' FLAM'E > •. 4 011 Gook -stave It has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot. Drop shelves for the coffee pot or saucepans, and nickeled towel racks. It has long turquoise -blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove very attractive and invites cleanliness. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3 -burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. tarrio1sIY NOTI : re Jure re. Get Ns Neve set Aid Me narieelilate i..ee "Any Pt:afCT1011s &very dealer everywhere: If not at your...melte for Descriptive Circular to the nearest areocy of the The Queen City 011 Company, Limited, Toronto.