HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-07-07, Page 2r
Death In England of Troop -Serge. Artist Wanted No Tears, No Prices Soaring in London, Paris,
ant•MlaJor Lincoln. Mourning, No Spectators. Berlin and Rome.
The death occurred at Ports- Theodore James Halli, an artist, Going up! is the price of beef,
mouth, England, a few days ago of who died recently in Pari+, left the tnuttwn and pork. Meat is dearer
Prompt Belief and Cure Can be Troop -Sergeant-Major Lincoln, ono fuilowiug letter appended to his in Europe to -day than it has been
'rI1L' MAGIC BOY. Obtained 'Ihrou h Dr. Williams' of the few survivors of the famous w.l.: I fur some thirty yea's. The cause;
g charge of the Light Brigade at Bat- I "Let hie bo placed in my coffin as tf it all is the meagre exportation
It was a warm afternoon. The Pink Pills aclave. Lincoln, a fine old man, quickly as 1:ossible atter my death, (,um Canada and the United
sun beat down hot on the dusty standing over six tett, was burn and let nob dy uuts:do the house- S. utes. The only source of supply:
road, but under the big trees by the Indigestion is a condition in at Cambridge ninety-five ye::r•s ago, hold be admitted to toy death chain- s the Argehtino, but this was cut
house it was cool and pleasant. which the stomach is more or less and :caved through the Crimean ber b.•fure 1 am placed in the cof- eff on accounten
of the prevalence of
Lyman had been down by the tillable to digest the food. Even eenlpaigu in the 13th Light Dra• tin. In a word, 1 do not wishing,- the tout and mouth disease among
brook, trying to catch a trout, but a ligl►t •use of intligestiuu mentis g ons (now the 13th Hussars), but l•' dy to attend through curiosity tho stuck there. The prices may be
wit ch he culled the "Bangalore to see how 1 iuuk. Let no portrait eel down when the trash cattle aro
the day was too bright for the fish much niiwry, but when the trouble "
ts bite well. At any rate. he had is at its worst the life of the sof- Gallopers." I or ph' tograph be made of 111Y field in Cngli:b markets in the au-
not caught, one. h was a long, ferer is one of constant and acute He led his troop in the famous cv,rpse, and let me be burred in the ti e,.
warm walk up from the brook, and misery. Indigestion is recognized charge. His horse was shut order sh .Kest time possible. I foo prevailing prices in Lundin
so when Ito reached the house ho by a burning sensation in the sto- hen, but" 110 captured a riderless! "And do not weep for me. 1 have ri'rkets are: lobe and sirloin, tan i
fp as glad to sit down on the shady mach, bloating, an appressivo feel- one—that of Captain Nolan. who lived a lie happy enough; the aim rind 23c per Ib. ; mutton 22c to 1
deur-step and rest a while. i, tug of weight, be letting wind, pains biought the tutu, order and was of h y life was ray painting. and 1 Plc per Ib. ; while viral is just about
in the region of the heart, often shot down early in the charge. Lin- gave all of which 1 was capable. 1 a, had.
A little way off, under the big
maple, his Grandfather Morris sot vomiting and nausea. and a dread c+In soon lost his second Horse, in hive lived another twenty In Franco, where protection pre.
in his big armchair, with a bu-ok Of food for the misery it causes. v h.ch was shot under hint, and, yea. s, but should not have pro veils, beef runs as legit as elle and
re: ting on his truces. Lyman was Dieting and the use of pre-digested is all Jut a s,•ratch, he till sprawl- greseid a ty more. so what would mutton 23e per lb.. while in Hume,
going to ask hint to tell hate a story, t. ods may give same relit[. but will t il3 among
m On heltruuld getdun h land ying. feet, Isuve d Lu w ece e i,t nt 1 should b' if f•;! oro moat is always dear, beef
never cure indigestion. Tho work" soars to Oc and veal at 48e. In
when he saw, on looking again, I of indigestion depends upon the lac was gr. p+ cd Ly smue Russians, ne tele wears the mark; of mourn- it, rlih, sirloin is about 35c. and
that the old gentleman was r stir.' blood and the nerves and the only fieg hnareh d to Var, and quest.un- irg. I always had a hot rut. of this 1; , g
His head was bent a little forward rk. evveywLere, is following the
and his long whae beard rested on wity to cure indigestion is to so tone ed about the English forces; but ho sI•ow, so if you cannot do otherwise,
}racer owing b, a scant supply from
it the stem -ice that it will do the s ;toad to give any information, t..en wear the leaf of it possible." fo.eign ma.kets.
his chest. Ono hand lav on the work that nature intended it should t (melt thee .t nee with the knout.;
ol.en book, and he lo 'Iced at, first Lincoln scat a year in Russia, and R01':1l 1fU'1'(IR ('.tTIM.
as if he were still reading. do. .111e very Lest way to euro a 11 _
g i 'd t 1 • arc that he had been
'I'IIE "L.IliI:� C1' C.11'S"
weak stomach is through a course u � u (5 a.
Just then Mrs. Leavitt, Lyman's et Ur. Williams'ms' Pink Pills. These in ever!,Hu:sian pr►:un. Once lie Easily Rcco,;nizaLle in Germane ('Ol'N'1'Itl'.
metlrer, came to the door. After renew the blood, strengthen the ear c?usely wate cd b • the Czar and in I t'glnnd• A handsome brochure, arlisticul-
glancing at the old gentleman a nerves and thus give tune to the Nic•hulas. He afterwards reached KingG.ur•c's motor cars do not
ly ilustiated. issued by the ',load
moment, she motioned to Lyman s.: mach, and enable it to do its :.:iglalid through an exchange of I bear tnlrbei plates. T1,Ye Uf lie 'fi unk lt--t.lway System, telling of
rot to make any noise, and then; truck w th ease and comfort. No 1)r..UI1Cra• German royal family are recogm'Z/'d '!1C beauties of the Lake of 'flys
tiptoed back into the house. I o;:e suffering front indigestion in stn Ieav tie the army in 1809, by their warning signals. They d strict, in the "Highlands of On -
In a lute while Mr. Leavitt, Ly- even the slightest foriu should neg- Li:.coin hail a chequered career asalt Its may use tate two and three tat.0.' The concise description
man's father, came out, carrying a lett the trouble for an instant; to a dr.11 instructor and insurance Iruted ':orris. i c eb,.cl es the story of a charming
'lack loather case which Lyman d.. so means that it obtains a firm- a=etlt, and, fianally. being unable to ••The cars used by the Gorman re: u: t. A new feature of this dis-
1new contained his camera. Going , hold, and daft the miser and teke care of him e'f, agreed to en-' I• a ,erur and 1 by
have their tort is the new hotel—"the Wawa"
e little nearer to Grandfather srfiering is increased, and the euro ter the workhouse, where he was t - at Nurw•av ('uint.
Wens, he set up three long, filen- approach hera'dcd by three noted 1 Orce, while visiting the wounded
wade more difficult. At the first ap- one of the honored to:e. ars. Then burns and those of the royal prin. 1 CUP can be obtained tree on trice in the field hospital, Dr. Brio•
der legs, and fastened the camera preach of the trouble take Ur. an ex in pcctur of the Portsmouth res bytwo noted horns. No in- 151)1 lication to al r. J. D. McDonald, die came upon one pour fellow who
to tl:ern. (1lilliams' fink fills and it will lyd.'ice dacutr.ed his whereabouts,'f:; geent of this prerugalive by 1.lttrict Passenger Agent, Union was groaning wildly.
"We are going to take grandpa's, so' edily disappear. These fills bttame a G oil Samaritan. and t.idiiiary motorists is tuternted.
Suakin. Toronto, Ont. Conic, my poor fellow, bear the
picture, just as he is, asleep over stili cure even the most obstinate gave tum a ke.:ne until he pnsset1 The tact that the royal cars, pat like a man," said the chap -
his book," said e.1 a. Leavitt. ! case of indigestion. but naturally away. Linc"!n enj.)yed good health both in Englund and 111 Gennauy, SEEKING INFORMATION. � ]tin. "It's nu use kicking against
Lyrnan's father then threw a it takes longer to do so. al r. Phil to the last, but was mentally feeble. tray au easily be distinguished is an Returned Explorer—"The amu- l fate."
large black cloth over the camera, ip Lafleur, St. Jerome. Que., says:' '1' indicat•on of the cuuttdcnce which b!e is up in that bleak northern re-; "Bedad, you're roight," mur-
ard put his head under it. After -After I left college, when 1 had,' COW KNEW ITS STABLE. (Nits betwete the monarchs and glen one is apt to lose one's bear- muted the sufferer with a shadow
looking a long time. and moving stsdied hard for four years, 1 sof- I --- their respective peoples. says the imge." :e! a smile, "especially when it's
the camera once or twice, he drew fend so much from indigestion Riicharr.'l Nn°titrate Gave .Jude ( entlewuman. "In less happier, Miss Innocent—"And aro there the fate of an army mule."
the black cloth away frim his head that 1 found it difficult to earn my-"
and taking Lyman to one side, said LNleg.1 was troubled with ter -anent 1Vorthy of Solomon. , t.r,.ea it would have been courting no repair shops handy 1" A Mild Pill for Delicate Women
tinnier ulu have carried such marks
' —The most delicate woman can un -
A Nourishing, Strength-givi:
Substitute for Meat
Serve biscuit smothered in creamed vegetables, ore'ver
watt any seasonable hint and add cream and subar.
yo.r gn.eer s, 13c a carton, two for 35e. 2112
rSchool of Mining
Affiliated to Queen's University.
For (.at.ndar or tip- School and further i for.
mation, appy w the sec.eruy. S..booI of M' s.
Ku.tstun, (101.
Mining and Metallurgy.
Chcntiatry and Mineralogy.
Mineralogy and Geology.
Chemical Engineering.
Civil Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering.
Electrical Engineering.
Biology and Pot lic Health.
Power Development.
Keepiry pieces tier mPsic, isle. nig bargaintial Iree. Metor Pub- Co., f.hatbum,
• . clan rriltit,er. Rtu. k tar sale. T. N.
1'.',•r, Newdale. Stan Farm for sale
ANGER, Tumors, Lumps. etc. Interval
:.ud external. envoi w.thout tri in by
our to -n.• treatment. Write u+ be' ,-^ too
Irre Dr. Itet'•••an Medical Co.. Liu:ited.
('ollingwood. Ont.
tr hen in a whisper: ! riUle pains. a bloating feeling, and "A judgment w. rthy of Solomon,
el d a:nctiun, and even now in less One trial of Mother Graves
"1 am going into the house now a soreness in the stomach. Tltis as homely and alnrust as w St', was fortunate lands the rulers dare not Worm Exterminator will convince dcrgo-a course of t'arrnelee's Vege-
to get some things I need to take led to a loss of appetite and 1 be- pt nounced recently by a civ.I mag trate' so openly." yon that it has no equal as a worm table Pills without fear of unplea-
the picture with, and while I nm rail to show signs of a nervous ist•ate in Bucharest," according to _ -—--•--- n•ed.cine. Buy a bottle and see if sant consequences. Their action,
gone you must be careful not to breakdown. I tried several differ- a traveller in Paris the other day I Hard and soft corns cannot with- it dues not please you. f: hile wholly effective, is mild and
wake your grandfather. and be sures cut treatments without finding any n'Ier a tour of eastern Europe. "It stand Holloway's Corn Cure; it is — agreeable. No violent pains or pur-
n•,t to touch the camera. You apt arent rel.ef, and my nervous c.o..o about this stair." explained c(fictu tl every time. tact a bottle iIIS T:1SK. g.nge follow their use, as thou
mastn't even look through it, for ststem had grown so shattered that t :e traveller. "In the month of tit unee and be happy. s irda cf women who have used Your Overcoats
if you do, you will set grandfather 1 could nut work. A priest who Muy of last ear a easant livin Did you do much sight-seeing them can testify.Theyare, there
*tending i.t his head ; and when ag when you went abroad?" 1"re
was interested in me advised Ire to :n the villagey t f Predeal, near the What's bred in the b ne is weigh -Fero. strongly recommended to wo-'o'„,n o�';�i ;,. A �itlio,►1'n•rra, Nor 13.
man is as old as he is it is very . try Dr. 1Villiarns' Pink Pills and 1 Itungarian frontier lost his cow. y "Nn," answered Mr. Cumrnx,
ed out to us b the butcher. "11fo:her and the girls did the sight- tarn, who are more prone to &ser- British A..,ornoer, Dyeing oo.
bad fur him to stand on his head." t„Iluwcd his advice. It was nut Aleut two murlths ago he happened dere of the digestive organs then
Thou lit r. Leavitt. went into the long before they began to bring me to be sanding at the railroad ata- Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ice eng. 1 had to put in my time
louse, and Mrs. Leavitt followed heck to health, and in the course tion. watching a train Toad of cat- , t fueling the places where they cash the •
him. and Lyman ass left alone, to ,,f a couple of months my stomach tie about to be sent across the 51, ,'e grieve t;2 worth letter- of credit.” 'There were only three boys in
think over what his father had said. tees as sound as ever; my nervous f.oe:tier. Suddenly he gave a evcr� cy_ lune a duller. sdtool to day who could answer a'
The more he thought of it the system strong anti vigorous, and I snout. 'That's my cow!' he cricctquestion that the teacher aski.l 'OTTO HIGEL
stranger it scorned. How could just Lave •
since enjoyed the best of running toward one of the caro. li woNEa xeete,eI sill cur aImnkr.nanyncats .," said a lad to his mother.
loe•king into that, black box make health. 1 owe all this to I)r. Wil-! "Tire trainmen only laughed at et aatulen,•y and indigestion. Asoid sun. "And I hope myboywas one of the Piano Action
his grandfather stand on his head 1 hares' Pink Pills. for which I shall hien arid he went before the magic- atrrute•• there is but ane • Painkiller'- Mlnard'e Liniment Co.. Limited, P
Pn rhe. s his father was onlyjoking t Perry Das 1d -Lc. •ud M.o. , Ilene stirs, -This fall i got thrown on a tl ce I" said the fond parent.
P always [cel grata hll." l trate. This gond man l'atcned to fee,.. and hurt my chest very bad. en t "Well, I was," answered the Ind.
and did not mean it, after all.the pea. You might induce people to lis- could not work and It hurt rr • to breathe. Is Your Hearing Cood 7
Sold by all medicine dealer or peasant's story patiently. Then 1 tried an kinds of Liniments and they "i ani very glad; it snakes your
He went a little nearer to the by moil at 50 cents a box or six he pronounced this judgment: "Cho tee to your grievances—but what
did me no good mcther proud of you. What pies -
The 1 bottle of 11iNARD'a LiN1�1F:NT, The BEAR O P11ONP. will give you the
tion did the teacher ask. Johnnie I' cen.rte of ,,geed braying Send for fres
"Tho broke the window? " �rAIM. giving particulars •nd named
of aatLCed inter, Alen
WE CIVE YOU A TIPI Buy the genuine Special Of!er /or a Month•S Nems Trial.
-The n k 1. Menthol Plasters. tin THE ARANO ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED,
pnnciplyd manufacturers err thing to Ili Spading Avenue, Toronto.
take ad‘ mintage of the great rale of 'The
D h L-- by putltt:g up • substitute.
Lan roue. Co.
is largely a mental procesl•
calling for peace of rnind and
tranquility of spirit.
To the man without life in.
insurance the thought of an
unprotected family is, to say
the least, disconcerting, and
in hot weather must be over-
Protection in summer is as
necessary as at other times,
and is just as easy to get.
Buy a National Life Policy,
issued by Canada's well -mane
aged Company.
The races •essklag possibilities tet
National t.�le ag.r.ts art unit niter). H'
you think you could sell Insurance,
write for our liberal agency propose.
Assurance Company of Canada
Tho Heart of a Plano is th•
Action. Insist on :ha
camera, and tried to look unto it box's for $Y 50 from The Dr. Wil- sew shall he taken to the public de they caro warred on na+,nrta and applied on my
without touching it ; but it was too limns, Medicine Co., Brockville, sounre of Predeal and milked. j --- breast. cured Inc enmplrtapp
high, and the black cloth hid the Ont. Then if it goes of its own accord The Pill That Brings Relief. —
back of it. Surely one look could
to the p'a'ntiff's stable it shall be-' When, after one has partaken of a er.asway. Digby co.. N. S.
do no harm if he did not touch any- THREE -YEA it -01,0 GENII'S. i,:fig to hien.' !meal he is oppressed by feelings of t
thing.'The order of the court was car• fullness and pains in the stomach
Going very still, so as not to Spanish Infant l'la3a Piano With tied out. And the cow, in spite of he suffers from dyspepsia. which)
wake the old gentleman, he got a Ab-oluttt Precision. 1 its ten months' absence. tnok with- v ill persist if it be nut de alt with.1
chair from the kitchen. When lel out hesitation the lane which I arnelee's Vegetable f'it's are the Mrs. Blum (arehlf) "And you
"English is a funny language, a[ -
steed on that his head was up even Pilar Osoriu, the throe -year-old bought it, a few minutes later, in- very beet medicine that can be tak are quite sure, Mr. Ilibbs, that ter all." "Thy au 1" "1 heard a
ai_h the camera, but still the black daughter of a Spanish physician, is to the peasant's stable." I err to bring relief. These pills arc yr•,i can stand me as a nwther in- t•ian talking of apolitical Ganda
a now wonder in the musical work'. Plaw al r. Hibbs—"My dear Xtra.
cloth was in the way. Slowly he _ _ sl ••fatly compounded to deal with cis.te the other clay say : 'If he only
it upand poked his head in' With her tiny hands running up (1.� le )sin, and their sterling qua• 13 nm. it stas for the very purpose token this stand when he runs he'll
pulled I find down the keys with lightning -
t LITTLE G'l:,S f tof acquiring you as a mother -in- r
under it. li:i'a in this respect can be vouch -q g y' bites a walk urcr._
1 precis- law that 1 fell in love with your,
11 hat he saw frightened him se I,ko rapidity and absolute MAKE li��l; BftI�HT cd fur by legions of users' daughter."-__-__ that he gars a cry before he :on, she plays roust difficult passag- `�
thought. There was his grandfather et• from classical composers with the Babies that are well, sleep well, "So you thuk Jinks i' a better Mlnayd s Liniment cunt carnet In Cows.
Pure enough, not only standing on case of a master. cat well and play well. They sleep e,.nversationalist than Smith? 1 Why, Very many persons die annually The reason egotists are the most
his head and holding up the chair) Little Pilar's remarkable talent rtetlirally and wake up good na nes cher one of thein ever says any- flim cholera and kindred summer cheerful people in the world is that
to his legs, but the book seemedfi+rt manifested itself in a rather tures(. The child that is nut. rosy thing sensible." "i know, but it es nrplaints, who might have been they are so well satisfied with them -
to b; hanging to the under side of t'iculiar fashion. She has a half- checked had playful needs prompt/ takes Smith lunger to say it." saved if proper remedies had been scicca.
hi• knees; and the big tree, too, brother, ['•pits, 10 yenta old, who retention for it is not well. A sickly
used. If attacked do not delay in i
was wrong side up. with its roots is already a distinguished pianist. child can be restored to health with MlnardS Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. urtt ng a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel-t Its Power Grows with :1g'. --How
above and the branches below, and Several years ago Herr Nikisch, a few doses of Babv's Own Tablets, lulrg's Dysentery Cordial, the me-, fanny medicines loudly blazoned as
the sky underneath all the rest. the celebrated conductor, was tour- v hich euro colic, indigestion. con- ONEWAY OUT. dir•ine that never fails to effect a' panaceas for all human ills have
At the sound of Lyinan's voice irg Spain with the Berlin Philhar- stipation, teething truubles and the A very original method of propos- cute. Those who have used it any come and gone since Dr. Thomas'
Grandfather Morris awoke with a :Ionic Orchestra- Hearing of Pep- i.ther disorders from which young in to a chartering girl was adopted it acts promptly, and thoroughly! I?electric Oel was first put upon the
:ti's musical ability, he advised the children suffer. Mrs. Thos. Whit ing
and a loud "Who is that'"by a ymina man, who was of a subdues the pain and disease. Iimrket, Yet it remains, doing
And Lyman was so badly scared family to take him to Berlin to ing, Waterford, Ont., says: "I hate painfully shy din ortilimn. more good to humanity than many
then that be gave a sudden jump, sully. I used Baby's Own Tablets in tt.v "Well." he remarked I carelrasly, "According to this recipe," said a preparation more highly vaunted
•o that the chair tipped. In trying Th1s t },nine for some years and would nut „I daresay I shall get married sumo :Itis. 13i1Fintthnm. "sliced anion and extending its virtues wider and
to save himself from falling he took PePltu I 1 b.: without them. I find tlicm just (•,It. „ scattered about a room will absorb in A larger circle every year. It
held of the camera, and down it the right medicine for little enc:+. •
'i suppose I that!. too," respon- the odor of fresh paint. 1 guess is the medicine of the masses.
came with a loud bang ! \.klsch hams h family
Sold by medicine dealers or by mail dist the lady dreamily, that's right," rejound Biflingeaui. telephone
at Y5 cents a box from The Dr. „ o Rome time ago, an office t)cty, an-
11'h'n �lr. Leavitt came out, hede os P 1 any, he continua, wouldn t likewise, also, a broken neck will the first
found andGrtrying to Morris wide vi e,aOn Medicine Co., Iirock- it be strange if we both got tnarritd relieve a man of a cold." tin's in his life, and not knowing
awake trying learn why [.y staying to L p vine, Ont. the same davl"
man was crying so, and what be One d v i 1 b 2 aha t f'r rteA Weak, Weare. Watery Msec. t
1 QUESTIONS. Believed fly M tin > t bell
meant by talking about "standing (. -1 win t ik aturhne �t Hoorne, ta'. At
on his head." But as a punishment . ►re g tont Druggists.
without man was sent into the house lk 1 d Sud-
tieing told how so strange piano
a thing had happened to his grand• ! beslip!"
Wedon't knowwhy a crow to
(lather: and he was much older be. and, ebur u g we. prated that the fictim r 11.11, would youwishtorectify calls 1 A crow, unless it is becnwe
ft se he found out why it was that c i
Ms disobedience caused the old gen-
en• l 1 tl hands of the defendant but 'v(.—er- I don't think 1 t old'"
tlemnn to act in such a way'.- pr ,dose h 'h.' doctor tcaUficd flu t h bad
r c sa.d.
Ycutli's Companion.
the fashions
theydid,and inthatcity
received his nii,sicn educe -
lien under the guidance of Herr
elf. Then the atni y
took Pepito around on a series of
clntcert tours. While they were
ei sic Pilar ens born.
a Pilar, ut f mon
old, was sitting on the carpet play-
ing with her toys while a German
maid sat singing a vu is . , un -
denly the child dropped her play-
things, t, .1•114e1 over to the pi. •
climbing upon to the stool,
b• gen to strike the keys in search
of the combination that wouldre-
produce the melody she had heard.
At last, after much fumbling, the
child stupefied the maid by play-
ing the tune correctly.
Thnt was the beginning of Pilar's
musical career, and since that. fay
the child's progress at the piano
Lan astounded everyone who has
hnd the pleasure of hearing her
1Vithout apparent difficulty Pilar
hue mastered, entirely by car and
unaided, a number of pieces to the
learning of which practiced musi-
cians have devoted much time and
effort. She has never had a teach -
et, but her car is so true that she
can reproduce nearly everything
the hear'.
* hew o use it, was told that when
LUCKY Q "1'e,, wouldn't itl" u Eye a tc• n,• dy. try ' c c ranghe was to answer it.
".it.d what a joke if the elcrgv- Mortes For i.'Ir E a Troubk•n. Yost 1%hen. lllCrt'fe,rC, he heard it ring
1 • I Fitz it bon was holding ns man made n slip, and, instead of i r e isr'. wren l nr F:it' fir rl:a be picked up the receiver and
sizes 111 Tipperary county when A uniting Ito with our se vet Fret. Murine Eve ' it Cu..Lu.. nrnnt.• shouted :—"Hallus ? Who'seve there?"
trap was brought b. fore him on in tiers, u,nrricd you and 1 to each -+-- The answer rams back, "I'm one
dictrnent for murder. The case other! r ? That would A s tp . c an ',ionised and five." "Go on," said
arae to " mn t t t!►c• lioy ; "it's time you were
hie by being hit with a stick the mistake'" t it can't crow. - diad. ,
in is h
i e ; Minard's Liniment Curers Distemper. "What's a tight-wadl" "An old
what they calla in medical par- --'—�' `--'"'� nem tt ith a lot of mune that he
}'t) .1t)RIU5\C. y
trines n ''paper skull." The case ` doesn't "e why he should give to.
lurked dark for the prisoner, how- ear j Ts-morrofv is his busy day : Ont .% a lot of relatives who have never
ever, and the jure returned a ver- • • r ( j� f v ten the grocer's bill he'll pay, carne•' it."
diet of guilty. As tho conn was e: 0:0 `� �� /%r and when he'll trend the cellar _•n _
brought before the court for ace-/ t'oor and when he'll fix the creaky
'once it was noticed that his lord- r D KEY flogs and when he'll buy his wife
Phip had his black cap in his hand. • ; e •. •'y s : et leas and when he'll 'tend this and
.• folks
write the
tfhc•n he'll r
., 1. tl.nt
anything hal
d na
why you k
ave R
"Have y Y� P,� .�, i, ES
sentence should not be pronounced S/ at home and when he'll butt that.
upon yon," demanded Lord Fitt h •,•(tae• a brush and conch and when he'll ftn-
gibbon. The roan looked for a me- A l `ti" S��/ isit up his work and when he'll cell
'l aN,- I
f:tcnt and then Laid, "No, your V �,� .bNE.�( a it down that fresh clerk and when
lordship, 1 have nothing to se.}', but S�"" i't's t J lir I1 quit his habits bad and when
I should like to ask one question." t ' ' BR Guess ~pt E� •'
he'll—what's the use to add the
"What is that, my man 1" said eiAaETEs ... e, ` list of thing' that. he will do before
Fitzgibbon. "I Ahould like to know , i',,,i,fA t,. -morrow's halfway through 1 Howv.hat a man with a head liko that 2e3 TUE P do we know he'll do all this and
was doing in Tipperary 1" The not a single thing will miss' Oh,
hasn't it bent on your ear each day
ycn've seen him for a year
Dr. James Morris, who was one
of the oldest medical P
c i
in Scotland. has just died at 1)um-
it ratline. When he celebrated his
jab.lee a doctor some ten years ago
h. tendo the statement: "During
nis fifty year' in practice 1 have at-
tended 50,000 patients, administer-
ed chloroform 10,000 times with ab-
aelute intntunity from fatal results,
he 1 5,00') births (1,000 consecutive
ewes without a deatin), made about
1,000,000 visits, and travelled about
RG0,000 miles." Not a bad record
hilt a cuuntry medical man.
Also tiara, Iron, Metals. Rubbers. Bae.
E rut LAN adetalde and Mita Sta.
t Toronts. Ont
Pbooe for o•rtteniare. Maio r•
R,R d
r; .-
A Rana'' package—any man who black cap was put away and a pel-
ts wrapped r himself. 1 sun sentence imposed.
1'"11: N0. 2i- 10.
'46',E tx-ro
TEveryboey mete admit.;
Zara-Atik best for these.
Let. it. Rive YOU case
atad comfort.
j,.��•:,rr •.1 •./ r., en”.whe.•a
•7Xat:1T, O/lclwcurrif, Tom/Lard
asst./ r Jl /Nr .i/r/MA
wIiQ!,wrraa 4.. sea
run in:n t'in "•:alta^
a..t t•Il$t-ft(t•ta.
Loa* n" t,n.a. h:'I ant
at o •re a bo:'., as
11111f91% 112•• ttt;tlst
p u.Irr a.:d ore•ent
IlImo ;m, nee. of core 1
a1•eely Irani •not-
e I le the t •.•atlfttp
It,•,<ehn' Rnmed..
fur ('nsiy1u. Cn1d1.
Rare fhrn,t, nronea!iti
•gone, i':t.atn+r,is soul
tams of air kis:.tw 4
1'osilite,►r`' pr
tc: t. her :es,
cattle, and all
live stuck from
horn -flier,
blow -flies,
gad - flies,
lice, Writes,
;and all these inset• Which worry them
almost to death in the hot weather.
Your cows will give yS more milk, TOW
horses will work better. yuen sheep will
be healthier, if you use FLY KNOCKER.
Quickly, easily aad economically •p
OW will, a sprayer. One gallon will
prnteet as cows for two week,. at a Coad
of toss than One cent a day each. 1j
800. A QUART