HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-23, Page 8t' ta. T L .ki '1' 1 M F: S JUNE 23rd 11110 •••••••••••••••••♦•••••••♦••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••♦••••••••♦•••••••• • • STEWART'S it !'110N l; Ill i 11 1 --------------- YES, THE WARM WEATHER 1 11 IS HERE ! t 11'e have been looking fur it for some time, at last it has ♦ • ,Art iyed. You will be noel ing Lighter and Cooler Wearables. • .\.I over our store are Summer Goods selling at Prices that aro • (;eou,t.ely Money Sowers. • • White Skifrts___.,./ ••• iii 11 II :1 It t S• I* •• •I •• • •t • • • • •• • t♦ • • 4 ♦• 0 A le: •• 4- •• • i•i ••I •t • •• • '•j • 2t • S• • • Our White Skirts ate made from fine English Cotton. F•'atne all double sewn, every garment cut full and trimmed ,• it0 the best Laces and Embroideries and the prices wilt Fut anyone's; purse. $1.00, $125, $150, $2,00 to $5,00 Lawn Waists 11 a never had as good value in 1. twit 1Vaists as we have this year. All embroidered fr,,:.•- and made of fin"Sheere 1... They fitcorrectly aLJ s zed t0 measure at $1.1 ", $I.25, dll.ti0, to $2.75 • Ladies Underwear Our Summer Stocks are complete. In all weights and Style's with or without Short Sleeves. See our Special 9 pairs for lac. HO�stERY.4 Never before have we offered such Values in Stockings, just the thing for Boys anti girls wear. 'They come in all sizes. Special Price 25C Two Pairs for `White hluslins and Vestiftgs Our Showing of these S :owy White Fabrics is par- ticularly good this season I,.twn Batistes, Mulls, Swiss Spots in all sizes. Checks and Strips at per. yard 12fi to Vac Straw Hats Innings And they have never been Fo dressy and becoming Straw Hats for men, Boys, and Children in every new and popular shrine and style at from '2:ic to $2.00. 3 5 --i c 9 f0511121314115116 s) 171L1899620 21122 € 1O ; 25 i161127I28491301 •• • • 1 M . A t Report -Thr tenoning is • • i!A, r•port of Exeter markets, cor- e es or-ees te:11 tis At Floor .st.bo !,1:.00 113.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••♦ The Tinies Want Column A', an adv i t.+tu,t oi.•dium the Exrt.•r 'rives cannot ns' sur• paei.d. Dove it occur to you that an advertisement may change the w hole career of an individual. and may Material- ly aft et the advertiser's lot in !if ! A real estate ad. will u r. ad it our t,ubscriltene .int u. h.:r, %the are inter- ..t,d in real estate. 1f you nay • .unrolling to dispose of are ,entitle dtr•Ip, or have something to brie; before the public use the columns of the Imes as your advertising in (Funs The cost is trifling. ••••••••••••••••••••♦••••• ••••♦••••♦••♦•••••••o♦•••• • � • • •• •• • • • • ♦ • •• •• • t ••• •• .• •• •• • • •• •• e• •• •• •• •• • • • •• •• • •t •• •• • • ♦• •• •• •• Mens Shirts Men's Belts t• • • Our 1910 styles in new In colors of Tan, Gray, and • • • colors and light weights for Black. In plain and fancy t • Suminier wear are leaders at patterns at '.:pc, 5Cc. ••• $L(M►, •• • • All kinds Produce taken as Cash• J_ A_ Sz'EWART •• • • Mr. W. 1.. 1Veideahan►rner. has been •• appointed an examiner on the 11. 8. entrance board. at Goderich. eletu roc to 50c. \t. heel. etandard. $5c. 1 le 701 lett ley 45c. Shores 133.00, Ilrr'► $20.OU Hoes. liv-ewcigbt. A.!0. ('hv.•• export cattle $7.25. .,.. s1 %Part e u t'.• $7.00 *to $17.11) :o ee C'At. Mrs. John Sweet is visiting in ton don. Several attended the Seaforth races thi. week. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • I LOCALS ••• •••••••• .••••••• I 't :esday it as' the longest t:.: in the year. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pettier spent Sun- day at Ilderton. Strawberries are this week appear• ing ou the menu list. 1)omir.icn Dey one week from Fit - day. Miss Bowers, of iugersoll. who has has been visiting Mrs. R. G. Helduu returned home Saturday. Mrs. Livingston, Atilt child, of Mil- verton, are visiting Mr and Mrs John Hawksliew. Miss Olive !Mance has retnrued flume after being engaged during the millinery season in St. Marys. 1,1is•. Weekes returned home to day ft•uui 'Th:uni sv11I', where elm attend• td the wedding of her c•uusin . Mrs Bence and child of IlufYel0, who li.tve been visiting relatives in town returned to Buffalo Saturday. Miss A. 111. Johnston teacher of forte one at the Exeter H. K. left 'Tuesday for her twine in Toronto. Miss Lily May Frayne left Tuesday for Brantford, whet•e she will visit her brother Russell. for a month, Miss 'Maud Johns, who has lee it a t • 1'rrd.iug the Noral scool at llarnil• torthe. on, b:es relatormd h � Mr.K.1I.Fish was called to Bay ('ity Mich., owing to the death of his sister The funeral was held Tuesday after- noon. lllr. and Mrs F. Redman, and fittuily of Marlette, Mich.. came over and vis iced Mand Mrs'1'. Elliott during the past week, ' itis, Delight Hobbs, of Exeter. i -iced her friend. Miss �Margar• t , i k. for n few days this week."-- (.odcrich i ignal. \eat Sunday morning ltev. 11. Wats 5011 will occupy the pulpit of James st. church. ltev, It. Hobbs will conduct A h•• orning Anniversary service at :bii&vilmle. Jlr. end Mrs. Geo. Mantle. who left two a few weeks ago for I:ethbridge Alta., have returned to town, :lir. Mantle being unable to stand the' climate. Rev. C. Fletcher occupied the pul- pit of the James 13t. church last Sun- day morning and preached a force (•:I -• anon. ltev. 41. eltobbs- took -•1. l letcher's appouintment near 1; itkton. (tn friday evening of last week SD- , rr t Mrs. J. G. Jones pleasantly enter- ::. 1 the Young *fen's Bible Class : i t he James street "Methodist church program of speeches and musio given after which the boys did slice to an excellent lunch which the host and hostess provided. Don't put down the old carpet again. Finish <-ot:r L'oor with Camp- bcL'a Varnish Stain and you will have a cleaner and more sanitary floor and le delighted with the effe•ctt and ,1; surability of it. Easily applied. Di, . hard. Ask \V. J. 'Beaman about Anderson spent Sunday at '. in Goderich. Mrs.Jas. Wood is visiting it r daughter. Mrs. Anderson, at the Foo The lower looms of the Exeter I'cl, • shoo! c. ,-ed down Tuesday cv• 21 - Mr. and Mrs. Newton Baker and ,ughtcr, F :eda, are visitiotr- at eit end Bcn:. •• tt •• •• .♦ ♦o♦•o•••♦♦oo♦••♦•••♦••••••••••••o•♦••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••♦•••••••••••♦•• ••••••••••••••♦••••••♦••(• DUST Caus.s Sick•:c is a General Nuisance but canhc avoided by Using DESTB% on Sweeping 1) ty. "Dustbane," moreover, disinfects the room and restores rugs to their original freshness. The women swear by "Dustbanc" when once they have used it. Don't have another dusty sweeping day but gct a 35 cent tin of "Dustbane". We are.authorized by the manufacturers of Dustbanc to send you a 35c can of their Sweeping Compound, We want you to use this cn trial for one week< At the end of this period if not found satisfactory they will take it back and there will be no charge for quantity used. If it does away with Dust on Sweeping Day You Want It Sold in bbl; , half hhls and •ivaiter bbls. for stores, schools, churches, hospitals, banks and public buildings. W. J. Heaman Distributor for Exeter. Canadian Factories tit John, N. B., 1\ innipeg., Man. G1RI4s WATIE. TO WORK ON BOYS' CLOTHING $3.50 will be paid to Good Smart Girls while learning and piece work will be given as soon as competent in which way. as high as $7.5o per week can he earned Both !land Sewers and Machine Operators required, Good Clean Work, Steady Employment. Also Smart I3oy, about 17 years, to learn Cutting. Apply to • 1. W. DAVIS, Supt. JCK SON MANUFACTURING CO. EXETER, ONTARIO. Church Directory JAMES STREET 1ADVERTISING,.... METHODIST CHURCH I - Rov. Richard Hobbs, Pastor Sunday Public Worship -10.30 acne and 7 p.m. Class Service -Sunday 1),30 a.m. end after Morning Service and Wednes- day uigbt. Young Man's Claa. and Catashuneana Sunday at f p.a. Sunday .School and Bible Classes' L.30 pen. Epworth League -Tuesday at S. pen Prayer Meeting-Tburcdas at Si Imre Sunday .lune 1!'th-Rev. C. Fletcher, M. .t.. in the morning veld the pas- tor et night. Miss La:.ra llobbs left Tuzsday to visit for a few weeks with her eistcr Mrs. (Ir.) Sit Al, of Essex. We were delighted to hear that the boys at camp appreciated the "Times" that were sent down last week. Mr. W m, diners has s ,ver his connection in the. 110S5. Taylor Co.. pi•tning mill owing to rh •umatism. Remember the Garden Party next Tuesday evening on Christie's lawn. Tea served from ti to s. Adntission'3rc. Band in attendance. Mr. anti Mr,. 11. E. Ilueston and fain; ily are leaving this week to spend the summer at their snnuner cottage "Outside Inn" at Grand Betel. Capt. ilenman. Liets. J. G. Stanbury gaud 11. G. Heldom who arc attending crimp at London were home for S:.n- day. On Thursday last during the thun- der storm t he barn of Mr. John Hoop- er. tenth concession of Iiian+hard tp was struck by lightning and destroy• ed. together with some stock. Dr. Lindsey and bride returned to town Monday after it trip to 1)••trolt and of her place'. They left '\V.tlnes• day for 1 heir new home in Scranton, N. n., taking the• boat at Sartre'. Mr. T. 11. McCallum attended the Cnal-clealrts ('ottyelitioll iu London on Wednesday and Thursday. Wednes- day evening the delegates were taken to fort Stanley and At banquet tend - tee l at the Invererie. At the hegirliliiig of the school term Forui one of the H.S. was divided into two sides and a debate was held every two weeks. On Tuesday last the los ing side treated the winners to candy and home made taffy. The. I. 0. 0. i'. have fixed next Sun day for 1)ecorati"►1 1)ey,in the after- noon they will march to the cemetery and decorate the graves of departed brethern. I(igs will be at Lodge Room at 2::4) to convey the brethern to the cemetery. On Tuesday, May Gist. the congre• ggation of Mount 1'le,teartt iletliodist Church, Vancouver, gathered l" show its Appreciation of the labors of Rev. J. 1'. \Vestman formally of Granton and well known here who has just completed a most successful ',rectorate in that church. 1'he thief feature of the evening was a congratulatory address presented to Mr, 1Vestinan, and accompanini( it $I,0M) in gold. Mrs. Westman was also rememdered most kindly by the ladies of the W. M. S. Folly 80M) member.. of the con- gregation were present at the gather- ing, Medical inspection of the Rebottle -- thorough systematic, medical inspec- tion -will do mach to heniflit the ris- ing generation to prevent the spread of disein:e and to secure the remedy• ing of defects which neglected, would seriously affect the healthfulness and happiness of the children in after life it is unfortunately too true that thou- sands of parents take less interest in the health and training of their child- ren than in the care of their pet dogs or other domestic animate, Anything that will arouse them to a seise of their duty toward their offspring will be a goon thing for the country --Ot- tawa Jouahal. et, IAm selling the best Woven Fence, that is made and I atn selling low Jfary 1t. 'S. Andrew has written many storie of a Canadian fishing h wher • sit! and fudge Arnrew :4 their son. "Bob" Spend their va- A a ion. in the July Scribner "The l :uipeen Trout" is an exciting fish -:ars is iib a vivid drrcript+on of the. contest for the record 'trout in th• club. t Dr. and Mri. J. W. Harrison end two children. of Detroit, came over in their auto on Friday to spend two weeks visiting the Dr's. mother and other relatives and friends in town. Th.. Dr drives a ' Packard" car, made in Detroit. The firm employs oboes 8000 hands, and the Dr. has the poli• tion of attending surgeon for the fac- tory. besides a lucrative practice in the city. A very pretty but 'Friel wedding w•a. solemnized at the hom • of Mr. ant Mrs. Samuel Wood. of the town - line between Ad.ladde and Lobo, on June Sth. wlen their second eldest daughter. Miss Lena E. was united in marriage to Mr. Geo. pliyer, a pros- pero•es young farmer of the second lin•. .ort0 Adelaide. Rev. .1. G. Y.1. Lend. of Exeter. iwrfortncd IAA. c re- gions. It is reported that one of our newly married ladies kneads bread with her gloves on. An exchange says th • in• cidcnt may be premier, but there are others. The editor of a paper needs bread with his shoes on: he needs bread with his shirt on: he tattle breed with leis pants on: and unless some of the delignent subscribers of t he paper pay up before long he will nerd bread without so much as any- thing on. and this is no Garden of Eden. eit her. in the .winter time. The Nigh School entrance examina- tions started Wednesday and will con - true Thursday and Friday. A mum- uf pupils from the geighboriag schools lie in town writing off Ih .entrance .I [t.ims. Composition, i;pelling and G. ography were written off ‘%•ednes- d iy. to -day Arithmetic an.l written tf �� ednesday . to -day Arithmetic :Ind reading will .be held while to- morton Knelish (ire:weer and l..Iem- nlary Science will ttind up the . .1115. A regular storm period Is oeotra. on the 23rd. extending from the 30th to 10 and protni'e •lo b-• one of the most %intent atfii dangerous o. the whole month or year. Look for phe- nomenal electrical, displays w•tih rain. hail and tornadoes. The lit:em-ter will fall very low and other indication will give ample local waruinge. 'There is no reason that any should h.• t+nr- eri.c(I 1 y done• roue storm . •1 is fol:y to be worried. Th • gem rat and heavy rains will coil•e floods in :et c.•111111 .rivoes Arer her s scaled ••t.. 1 p••riod is central 1111 tie. 22nci extender); three flays helot and after A reactionary sIurm period .nt 1 the last three days of J.uv. '1'h • mine is on the celest:a: equator os' :II 2 11e with Merc::ry. Venue and LIrth >t , combined in their (lit -turbine pow 1. Renewed storms of 1,A .. .,rind and (-!lender will visit toast Alone nn on arid touching Ih • '2 il). :.0 YEARS EXI'EICIFNCI•: OF AN OLI) NI'iISE. prices: - at the following 6 Bar Fence at 24 cta. per rod 7 Bar Fence at 27 cts, Per rod 8 Bar Fence at 3o cts. per rod DOESN'T PAY Unless the Advertiser States Facts tells the truth about his goods and lives up to all his announcements. For the next two weeks we are giving a Great Big Cut in All Our Summer Dress Goods A range of Light Prints, regular 121e for 10c 2 pieces only Silk Batiste, this is very fashionable Summer Dress Goods, regular 35c for 28c 4 pieces Flowered Muslin, regular 15c for 12 1-2c per yd 3 pieces Organdie, regular 15c for 1:2 1-2c 3 pieces Plaid Mercerized Gingham, for Children's Dresses, regular 15e for 12 1-2c. ft. J. GLtITWOR1 HY 12 pieces Linen Dress (foods, regular 40e goods for 25e. (il(AN'1'ON, ONTAle10 Regular 15c Mose to sell at 10c. Ladies' regular 15c straight to sell at 2 pr. for 250. Our Bargain Counter is again laden with ends and bargains -- don't fail to have a look at them. lits. Witnslow's Soothing Syrup 1A the prescription of one of the best female physicians and aurain the United States, end has been need for fifty years with never -failing success by millions of mothers for their children. it relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in the boweia and wind colic. try ,living benIth 10 the child, it reefs the mother. Twenty-five cents n bottle. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Ys EM Dominion Day Retnrn Tickets atSingle Fare Between all station, in Canada, also to Detroit and Port )Eluron, Mich., Niagara Falls and liutlalo, N. V. Good Goinu June 30 & Juin l Return Limit JuIi 4, 1910 Northern Navigat'n Co, (:RANI) TRUNK ROUTE Mailings of passenger steamers from SARNiA for SOO, PORT ARTHUR and DULUTH. every Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday at 3.30 p.m. On- ly the Wednesday and Saturday steamers go to DULUTH. Sailint.0 from COLLiNGWOOD 1.30 p.tu...1..1 OVEN SOUND 11.15 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays for 800 and GEORGIAN BAY TORTS. Information fromeailway Ticket Agents or from thCoRmpany at Sitr- nia or Collingwood. Groceries :3 cans Cord:, Peas or tomatoes, 25e. French Mustard, bottle sic A few bottles 25c Pickles, 15c Lipton's Tea in black and mixed. Monsoon in black. Blue Ribbon in Black Mixed in all prices from 25c to 50c This Store will close every Thursday After- noon during July and August. • ' • ••••••♦••♦••••••♦•••••♦••• ••••••••••••♦•••••♦••••••♦ Lemonade, Lemon Pies, Pure, refreshing. good, made with- out lemons, with 1'l•ItITY non-alcohol- ic flavoring and tartaric. Great con- venience for the holies. as well as the men. IRR, fuss, no truss, can't tell the difference. Just as wholesome and cheaper. aVe sell hundreds 01 it every year. Try it. Lemon 2.5e. Tar- taric Ilk. One jar will slake 15 pies in one quarter of the time. Other flav- ors -Vanilla, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Wintergreen and Peppermint. Sold only at THE PURITY New• lune Records now on sale, ••••♦•••o•••♦♦•••••••••••• ♦••••••••••••••••••••••••• Men's Suits Hghest prices paid for Produce. se VS' ETROJ VAPOR STOVES mean!1Easy Cooking 20 STYLES -Front a '(Inc Burner Hot Plate" to a "Handsome Cab met Range." Burn gasoline or alcohol. It, burns more Dir and less gasoline than all others. ;Wed Combustion Simple and Durable Po Smoke, No Odor Absolutely Safe, PursFire $20•00 Vt. have the largest assortment of Vapor, Gasoline and Oil Stoves in the County. After all it's the Tailor who snakes a edit a SUCCESS or it 1•'AiLUitl:. The most fascin- ating style would be a fizzle if there were not careful needle work underneath. That is the resson our Suits at 52n are better than the suit yon hnv in town for more money They are perfect. in every way if lint you can have your money ,,:ick. A complete line now in Stork of lawn dowers, Shears, Hoes, Rakes, Screen Doors, (item Wire ('loth, Spring Hinges, Garden Forks, Spades told Trowels. Tinsmithing, Plumbing & Furnace Work a Specialty. fldK1n stow & Hardware Storg W. W .TAMAN - Merchant EXETRR One door north of Browning's [)rug Stott. Tailor. Mitt m?ft nrm?ft m?ft m?VT ?ft ITT TT? VT? m� ONTARIO R1•:A i. COSI FORT In Rummer the feet ache. perspire, feel damp and uncomfortable. ('ool It shoes and thin stockings help conte,', but not enough, If yon want teal foot comfort use 1 Esti em. Dust a little Ens -cin in the [•hoer, :It sprinkle some on the stockings. It , absorbs moisten., and checks perspire otion to a large extent. Then the feet , are comfortable, do not swell, der not ,1 ache. It's fine when breaking in new shoes om:liner or winter. Makes them slip ! It on easily, (welcomes friction at the n� ,,, „t ,tr 111 lu Ill 111 111 111 111 111 ui ill iilAi iv pinchit,g placer, prevents formation of corns tnd blistete. Sprinkle top tannister$ 25e. Like everything itt the line of Nyal'e Family it.mttdit•s this Foot Powder ie' right. highest quality. at reasonable prices This 1 TAILORING! NOW Soring Sultinus ‘Vc guarantee Best Workmanship, Best Material, 'Best Fit and Prompt Service. ('once in arid inspect our materials. W. JOHNS. Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario, 3 1 noon during duly a ill August.ter- 1The Times from now until kn. 1911 for 35c Howey's Drag Store, EXETER - ONTARIO,