HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-23, Page 7lr. "i•'•�1T
knelt II..atla,be and n•h..veall rho troubles Ine1•
tient t., ubl:toua station the &sonata, euro as
Dlu4ne4s, Nruyea, I)rowth4eu, hratr'••'y eft,•r
eatuq;, )•alit In the Si In. Ae. Male thole utast
tura.' Lable u4, .•we Lee been 'Lunn lu ct.rtug
Rea tarl+e. yet Carlos Little liver Pllle aro
•,4311}., u%114 InCuI elh..a1'n.e itIngandpre-
vcnung th a as noriug1rcotnpl.mt.whllo they stw
c..+ re 41.,1•11 in aua.• 11 AtIm%Itete tho
lf..t and a gu L4to t ho boatly. Evdn U 'bey only
Aoh e t hey wont d t...al most p rf cel+,s to these who
suffer trona lh4A.i.etreesiagC :uI Ialul: but torte.
).talc th,•lrgrodueaadun%not: ud bere,eud th.tas
whooncetry them elll and these little pills veld -
$0,10 in yenta:1y w40 that 1h'.y 4,411 int be wit•
]tui tette wlt:,uut tt,om. but attar all eto k Lead
IA the bane et ro many 114 ce that {hero la where
wetnekeonr greet best. Our policuroIt+'Lite
others .to tp4t.
(•+rter'a Little Liver PIM ire very ,mall and
very easy la take. One or two 011+ make • dnae.
Th.•y are strictly vegetable aull do nut gripe or
Porges bat by Over geutlos; tion please all who
nae theta.
cA2:e: ya;1::1z o,) , stew teas.
t Pl�t l�ID3ii 10. ::1111 Pl'1Cd1
Hints for Busy Housekeepers.
Recipes and Other Valuable Information
et Particular Interest to Women Polka.
11 is1TS.
entothet+••1 t Melee] f:4ke
; chicken and vent up n, ro ft kisses.
Staeoi each we. e, 1,e' ,u IL ae eild
lav l, die
d& db!r �,i tie lire, ., at en
leleekeit three . 1 i o,' ,.( etit
le ik and e v •r u:t t t• 1'e'. fret
,.r, cover dist 1.x.1.1 eel 1 :lee E.
('hc I!,ur ( u„ ..i J1.:11. New
i!lrr ,neat i• i' CCj)CI)-iter• it is
%%,s.• t.. buy t',Ie .1•,•r crit". SI :ate
lib, are nal . , •e.) IL'I .are gu•Rl
when n, tde niers. Here r :. geed
wee; to prepate thee+. Hatt tee
rips cut in shunt l•'n:;tl.:; ei•'k nn-
t'l fonder, eouki.I4 slue le:. 1'he11
remove from Brine. dos• t• eh tlt•tlr,
sant and pepper. )'Rtes in a bak-
ing pun ; add one eie nt, •'icv:d .t
eopful ',f the brew i:n elite!' ribs
were boiled, and a cupial ,if
strained tomatoes, ,l•t•I place iu
oven and brown, bast:+ie te ewe et ;
ly. Serve with pita , . s l hl. h t•„t
been parboiled and br.:,v •'• .I in
oven with ribs.
Meat Economy.-- In they'• 41:Q . .i
It gh priced meats perhaps a et: • , f
scheming may help other fatut. •s
if two. Buy two pounds bulling
beef, lean chunk; 10 cents per -4 Iisalad has a biter medicinal .�a) )ore•
Cott tea ee the Only 'Virtue the .tn- 1•, a 14, and three -qua rter peuiel t
ihur %Hotted the ling. • perk chops, 15 center, and frurn telae than this. as it is a splendid The evidence allowed that Liho-
great care combined with the bests
i ett'rials and exact llIC8,uren'ents 1 nn
t., insure success.
Dant expect preserver to cuuk
ter a hut titre and net expect theta
to stick a341 scorch.
Don't let then) cook tt•ithout stir-
ring, even {ellen the fire is slots.
1)„n't cook preserves on a gas
retigo without ait asbestos slat.
i Dunt use a thin aeato sauce pan;
old fashioned ;oreeluiu lined
Frue Salad. -Ono halt pound of
white grapes, one-half pound of
walnuts chopped not tui tine, two
p, mid. of apples chopped. one •
511:111 can shrimps in small pieces.
Dressing --Six yolk/ of egg, one-!
half cupful of vinegar, teaspoon-,
fun of mustard. ono teaspoonful of
salt, pepper, black and red, and
/deed a quarter of a teaspoonful,'
olio pint of sour cream; cook to.
{;ether egg, vinegar. mustard and
salt ; alis all when cold.
Dandelion and Orange Salad. -
C'risp three cups of dandelion
leaves. (rut int+, shreds with scis-
au 1
Ir••n preserving kettle is best.
Don't think you can hurry pre-
serves; it is out of the question to
do so and yet have them perfect.
Dont forget to rub the bottom
of the preserving kettle freely with
olive oil to prevent sticking.
Don't pare peaches, pears, pine -I
apples, or even apples with a steel
knife ; it darkens the fruit ; use a
silver knife.
Don't neglect to drop apples,
pt ars, practice and all light color-
ed fruit in a bowl of cold water as
y' n do them to prevent disculora-
rs. ('tut the qua rte re of fourbefore cooking.
sweet 0rangcs into sn1)111 pieces. ia-
IRub the salad beet %vitt' a bit of
garlic, add a leek eat into tiny
ri;;gs, with a level tensp.'aiful each
of salt and pepper, in the bett.�n4
of the howl, and covered with :a
tablespoonful of French wino vine-;
' ear. Now add drop by drop two;
tablespoonf)ls of olive oil, then a
hard boiled egg cut into rings, and
!:1st of all the orange bits and dan-
4 •144ns. 'fuss all together lightly!
t, ith a fork and I+puuu. This salad
ld be served as soon as mixed.'
11111'1'tI.1'I'1• IN I: Ell 11 e 11{111'.
Non -Commissioned Officer I. silty
of 260 .1e1+ of ('ruell).
A court-martial sitting at (slo-
gan, in Prussian Site- .1. has sen-
teP.ced a non-commissioned officer,
Franz l,ibuw•ska, to two years' im-
plisonntent and degradation fur
perpetrating 260 'acts of cruelty ill
members of the Fifth Battalion of
' ti,ein have �Ineat for six steals and '! 1ing tunic.
elk/ of the most entertaining sleek for soup. Three-quarters
th•rgs in Thackeray's '' our l,..u1KIs of the beef and two chop/
Georges" is1 i des •ription of the t t hop • tothe
e t c dlnst*aces In Nle und according to siZ ) Put
J('NE 26.
Leesun X111. Les'Iil of the 'Parris,
Mall. 13. 21.30. 36-13. Golden
'reel, Mall. 13. 13.
Verse 21. A man that sowed --The
outstanding feature of the parable
s •t ani of
,•r , tv
t!.uughuut is the }c ,
tees sower. Ile is the antagonist of
Satan, the house•holder, the toaster
'If the reapers, the tion of roan, the
I.c rd of the world, the absolute ar-
• biter of the destiny of all men.
Gaud seed iu his field --The qua -
::v of .the suw•er's seed is the same
i its in the former parable. but. hero
the soil is presumably all good.
25. 11'hile )len slept \.�1 all the
details of a parable yield to inter-
pretation. Only a dis'•riminating
judgment is able to decide which 1'he death took place in England
ale significant and which are not,
.1..d it is easy for the imagination a fortnight ago of Sir William
1.• el•eate supposed references which Luard, "Tho Grand Old Adutiral.
';•, not actually e> t 1. In �ho Sir NN Rhein had a must stirring and
setter, .Jesus explains about every-; adventurous career. Ile entered
Ii•.n bol in the tures, several the Naval College at Portsmouth
eintgs, ouch as the 1.114 my's going' in 1r83t;, at the age of 13, and two
;teat. the servants of the house- years later was appointed to the
L,•Id,•:, the binding of the bundles,, SI, 011 .American station.
art !eft uninterpreted. So, this While at Valparaiso, having ex -
4 ''•1,iig of the teen is not said to changed to the Sarnarang, Mr.
leiye a special meaning. Certainly Lrard walked the 36 miles to (rasa
t le not condemned; sleep is na Blanca, covering thein without a
' 1 ural after hard toil (compare the, ,sop in -ix hours. Then he walked
wska hit a recruit's head fifty times` -lumbering of the ten virgins). It back, and, after a short rest, cov-
in, sucressi'4II and then struck his eeteests, at any rate the subtle ered the last eight nines in an hour
victim in the face with the Ilat „f ar.. ;:us'•c11 wept in which Satan :ted twenty minutes. At, the same
THE LAUNDRY. his sword. l.ibow•ska also ural- l: •tk'•-: the most, of every uppurtu- station he hada marvellous escape King Wee Unable to Speak the
.surges his c i s ge seven o nine temps
which it was un- s size). .
To Clean Corsets. -Corsets often tested the saute recruit by kicl•-• nay presented by human nature. frt.m death while engaged in a English Language.
tieunced W George 11. that he seas tinreugh meat chopper, tanking �'t get soiled, (specially around rho ins; his head with heavy knee II:- enemy tame • This is the con- dare -devil feat of cliff -climbing. In,
now Kingof England. Thackeray bouts. ; siivient New Testament teaching, lel( he was promoted to the rank George I. had an ria
g • enough i of which ground )teat fur waist, when they aro perfectly
tells us hew one June afternoon iu three pats, with Iniuced on- educt every other way. Get what is Another recruit received thirty; fr••in the fourth chapter of Matthew ••t male, and the Semarang was ur I son for not wishing excellento preside at
172i a ''broad faced, jolly -looking, i•:u, ,alit and pepper, maks Ham called ort um at ort stores. Rub blow's in succession on the head to the twentieth of Revelation. dered to China to take part in the; ('„binet. meetings. He could not
q face and Libewska dug his' ,`ever is there any tendency to operations there. On the way the speak English; and Walpole, the
end )alar me be too narrowly that
force- Had
a Bad Cough
In verse Y 1 it i Hutt sunt L L bsg
of divine truth embodied in 1114
which Jesus endeavors by the par-
uh:es to define In verse 13, it is
the perfected and finally established
kingdom of glory.
40. }turned with tire -1, 1(144 11tivo
4)1 Consumption
description of the awful de •u1 of •
11.( wicked.
41. All things that dross stumIl-
ling This is to be understood in a
}•ersonal sense.
1 .GR 1 U
11' 1.1'.11{1).
Ile Had a Hoa Stirring and .1d•
el,lut•o11% ('a1•1•1•1• in 1h11
British Navy.
Too touch stress cannot be laid on the
fact that when a person catches cold it
must he attended to immediately or
s.:iuus result may follow.
'thousands have tilled a consumptive
grave through neglect.
Never Neglect a Cough or Cold, it can
have but nue rtxult. It leaves the
throat or lungs, or both, affected.
44+4+44♦4 Mrs. A. F. Brown,
♦ ♦ Ottawa, Ont.,
♦ Afraid + writes "I have
♦ of + had a very had
♦ Consumption. ♦ cough every tvinter
♦ ♦ for a number of
+'++++♦♦♦♦ years which I was
afraid would turn
into consumption. I tried a great many
remedies but only n•c,•ived ternporary re-
lief until I got a bottle of I)r. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup and after taking two
bottle; my cough was cured. I ant never
without a bottle of Norway Pine Syrup.•'
1)r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is the
niedicine you need. It strikes at the
foundation of all throat and lung com-
plaints, relieving or curing •411 (roughs,
('olds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Sore
Throat, etc., and preventing Pneumonia
and Consumption.
So great hail Leen the. su(xeea of this
wonderful remedy, it is only natural that
numerous persons have tned to irritate
it. Don't be impairs' upon by taking
anything but " Dr. )f'ood's." Put up in
a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the
trade mark; price 26 cents.
Manufactured only b The.'i'. Milburn
Co.. Limited. 1 mento. Ont.
and very corpulent. cavalier" rode burgs. The remainder of the chop- this on the soiled part and the dirt ani
up to Richmond House, and asked 1.cd meat is made into beef loaf by will disappear. .Lail, so deeply into the unhappy nutriilize the force ut evil, as di- ship wa3
to see the owner of the mansion. adding two eggs, a little sage, Tub Dresses. ---To preserve colors s ldier's cheek that blol,d was reeled by a cunning personal pow- CAUGHT IN A TYPHOON.
The distress of the house and minced onion, milt, pepper, milk, in fine gingham, lawn and linen drawn. Many recruits anti young r r. The scattering of the tares is.
her ladies. to whom our friend was and brcaderumbs. The first meal cit'es4es wash them in flour starch, 'soldiers had to submit to having not the work of an unfavering wind Anel young Luard behaved with
admitted, said he could nut be in- - the boiled meat at noon. For Ise no soap unless there should be their hair pulled uut of their• !et is the carefully executed act of such gallantry as to win ward ape
a Inxlicious agent. )10%:11 from his captain.
ta•oduced to the mnaster, howl ver,' sop' et that etening the Hamburgs. some obstinate spots, then rub a heads. 1 1 1
nes3i❑ the business might be. The The next noun the beef loaf ; that little shite soap on 'Lem. Dive One of Libuw•ska's habits w•as to Tares - More aecuratel•• the In the following year he was pre standing each other. At all events,
{ q sent at the storming of the forts of King George soon gave up the at-
was asleep after his dinner; et ening the pork chugs. Eat about tablespeenfule of flour make a dish-, throw bags of cartridges. swords b,ta'`Icd+(Inclu /elect air resemble s
he always slept after his dinner;. • )e -holt the loaf at one meal, so piddle of starch, by adding a little' noel other similar missiles al the stagesTtcuktuw•, and, fur bravery, was tempt to master the intricacies of
v Leat, in the midst of which it 311(1 sue be to the person who iu- the following day you cern reheat t' td stater to thin and cool t,! )ten's heads while theywere cleantroun,tcd to be lieutenant. In 1K45, the politics of a country which was
let raptod him. Netertheless, our tee remainder, cover withtomato w
to h►Zh is sufficient for one dress. int the barracks. He once corn- c'•nunonly grows, that it is well- while serving on the Isis at the isle utterly foreign to him through the
, g nigh impossible to distinguis}t them. } '
st• ut friend of the jackboots put sauce, and serve. Then the left- Bub on washboard and rinse in new, pelted his men when drilling to hit. i of France, Lieut. Luard jumped )odium of Walpole's s Latin, and he
f e ri lite ladies aside open- toyer boiled beef is made into dry Mixture of starch made same as: 4.1.0 another on the head, while be Often it breeds a poisonous fungus' overboard in full uniform after a left Cabinet meetings severely
1 ' 111 g fed p q q v.1 „•h produces dizziness, convul•+
ed the forbidden deer of the bed- hash or Irish stew fur supper that first. Requires nu other stnrchin lucked on and enjoyed the combat. 1 sailer who had fallen from aloft. mono. The right of the Sovereign
,., Ili, wherein upon the bed lay a evening. When bailie; the meat Pry in the shade. Most delicate after a hard day's drill he wo•tld :+e 11-•, and sometimes death. i The crew of the Isis drew up a tes•' t., preside over the Cabinet then
1I Went away ---After the sceds of 1
little gentleman ; and here the en take out just enough broth to make shade, can be safely laundered in compel the men to get up at night i-.,,, have been sown in the heart tnnunial, and, although the requla-; lapsed, never to be revived.
gei messenger ki,elt down in ilia gravy, thus saving enough for till° way. I end sing to )Ifo. 'those N'11U9(• \'ale'- 1 ' tit n= u1 the service forbid officer Thackeray, by the way, found
1 foundation for Potty. Use of Lye. - Many housewives: ee or songs displeased hits were til''! wi.l develop with little en -i recce, manifcetatiuus of regard (se rge L, like George 111., wor-
are afraid to use lye to break the; beaten and systematically ill-treat- ceuragement• or presents from the sten, the do- thy of his blessing. He wrote: -
Hi en ▪ the bed started. up, and: .. When the blade sprang up- cement, was forwarded by Sir John, The days are over in England of
t i,nrd stater for the weekly washinq.I ed con the following days.
with many oaths and a .'wrung err,, TOMIAToEs. The reason for this fear is that they,lit (erring to the entiregrassy crop clan accent asked who sus there,' In nanny cafes Libels forced Jlarshrul to the lieutenant's father', that strange religion of kutgw•ur-
de not know how much lye to adds of the freed, including tares and. at Witham Lodge. where it is still chip, stficn priests flattered princes
a'44; she dared to disturb him' l Rice Tomatoes. --Take cold boiled his men to lend hint money, which] g
I Ain sir Bobelt Walpole," said rice, add some tomatoes and '" the water. if they will •nohowp WLrat. Ieservrd. I in the Temple of God; when scrvil-
• he never repaid. Brought forth fruit- Referring to p
u., a n^er. 'The awakened enough union to flat or, butter, salt iit'•trn'li.it' they will be amply re- In 1 +:,:r lie was serving at Com-' ity was held to bo ennobling duty
,aid. Have read}anal large gal-� ,I, tit• • peri. ed of the heading of the•
tunneler of the Indefatigable. and lien beauty and youth tried ear
, -
slated Sir Robert. announce
le.' and pepper to suit taste.. Bake in ! kernel. it was the u, and not till' city fur royal favorand woman's
_ 1 Late the honor to unn�unce tu' even one-half hour. t»nired tub, also a large ten Kellen +etude another effort to save the life;
'tele Majesty that your Royal fa-:Gn en Tomato Mincemeat. One 1.1., kir '.r water pail. Two Iarge� C0 t1. )'Olt 31N) 1 1' 111 S. t1 ... ou account of the reeembinnce' ,f a sailor who had fallen over- shame was held to be no dishonor.
11 .,e ken - •.t hard water require unc, r.. t t.0 wheat. that the tares appear- bead. He jumped into the sea, de -,Mended )weals and mended u,an
ti r r, King (/ergs l., died at Osnu ;perk green tomatoes chopped fine, to is l( uful of lar. Let stand .ever` .)her 'I hat the 1lorld'+ �nppl� will ' d in their true character. teite the fact that sharks were seen`` ners •n courts and people are
berg. on tiaturda> last, the IOIh in two petiole raisins, four cupfuls p' tn. .\n enemy hath •Ione thin --
u the ticinit+ of the ship. i among the priceless consequences
stout. j g,anulrtted sugar, unc and one Lalf
night. Next morning take clear' be l:�hnu+ted.
1 g I teeter from the tub. but 4,' net stir' 'rhe United eh:twe d is not, as 'flus kind of revenge, so far ns can Later (et Luard was decorated of the freedom which George I.
elect is one big lie'" roared out' eu •flus vinegar, one teas ruonful ut'ti, controls in bottom. Place the, he te)))ed, has never been known
}I; Sacred Majesty King 1eurq(• all! kind of spices you would like, many suppose. the world's great-' in irate+tine. It stand/ as an un with the Order of the Southern came to rescue and secure. He
11. but Sir 1fieRobert thWalpole stated tL and a pinch of suit. look about' clear water on the state, begin est producer of real. AIthaugh Cross by the Emperor of Brazil, kept his compact with his English
t• n minutes, Little and seal. 1 wr1shing, and boil your (lathes in 1 exampled outrage. and he subsequently was in charge subjects; and if he escaped nu more
the filet, arid from that day until(:loaf Britain turn/ out bctacen g J'
•e a•d tJnirt velar} atter, Stuffed Tomato Salad.fiix rip' this anter. Yon will have benuti 216 and 300 million tons each year, em LI that we gather of a party that attacked twenty- titan other men and menarche from
three 1 y 1411shite eloth(•s and }•our hands them up --Jesus idlers no interpre-
Ge"rge, the second of the n+uuc, tetnatuCi, une•hslf pint cream tnlied at the mine, at 3(11 •hir'q, nation of this zeal of the servants, three piratical junks nt ('Liu -a -poo. the vices of his age. at )cast we
dressiug, two encumbers. lettuce. ,will In- uninjured. Of the 1.800 men who manned the may thank him for preserving fled
surd neer England. I + Flatiron Ail ). An.housewife like 11:tie by000, the United States But {here are always those who are trasmittingthe liberties of ours.
call, and ,e p n r. Scald the to , 1IxAts t•hi+ by a good million tons. pirates teasels,
('urage, by the say. is about the I 1 I can have smooth. clean flatirons_ ready like the apostles who would Ir our (err air, )teal and humble
cert} virtue which Thackeray al tl,atnes se that the skirts can be re` Buy
5 cents' worth ofnustone,: Tho total annual production of (nal (,all down fire from heaven, to 400 \1'1:1{1: KILLEU,
lews the second .,f the ('earLec. 11 "t"'• easily. Cut a s,:c•• fnoir rhe pumice i 1') the world is over 1,0(10 million hurnee have alike been purified;
1,.p .,( each and with a spoon re
heir it in the kitchen -nap dish:: Feint; forth drAaic measures to and the Icn,aindrr dispersed. nerd truth, the birthright of high
- t----- r.0 tr seed•. feel the cuetnnLc rs' tl,er" , whirr it will be the most' tens, the value being estimated at suppress real or intagincel wrongs.
In 1116:1 Captain Luard had and low among us, which quite
e• ntrnient. itcfore bcplinnin Iran about !:350,000,000. q{l. Xaa- Weeding out wheat must
h 1 )t g ) . f to the ('rims, but was refuse(} tenrles ly' judges our greatest• {►cr-
Prime Minister, could nut. speak
German or French. When they
spoke to each ether they talked La -
tie, but both of them were so poor
Latinists that it is said they fuand
considerable difficulty in under-
I:LE( Tltrer 1-1.1: II 1'l'fi and cut alter cher. season 'q' in atter the iron, Are healed, rub With the exception Uil y e ager- take ,lac( either senors the period
Oar f the lateen ,•l.• 1 fur killing and mix with half the dressing. Fill
g ru!ture, building and works, and r 1 and he wee given command of the sonnges, can only speak of them
n) into t4 hell the 3)1),:11 ' the timate cups with this and put 'the b.'ttum of the iron well with the the formation of the kernel or Star, bound for the South .\mcri• now in words of respect and re-
tell -
is a trap neothr) pornhu of dressing ••n' pumice stone, thin have a c!attl the tarioua food, tobacco, drink after the kernel has truly matured.
walks. attracted by en c,••t rife livid with a little grease on it to wipe and lodging industries, more Pell it is nut a c uestion here ofpullingca.t :,talion. The crew of this /Lip gird. There are stains in the per.
nal a display of fuo<I. once in ho t' p.;I•rinklr a liar finite chute rte in England and Wales are en 1 vers in An unsatisfncton state of trait of the first George, and traits
1 r u , m r,1ec over and serve on a bed tee Iron. You will find the iron. f en wheat hc• mistake, because the in it which none of us need admire •
cannot get nut, and an elcclrie cur- I , I ' I•. fished and tree from sticking. o(be.l in curl raining than in any discipline, and vcn »)willing to 1
o► le 1121(4 leave•=•other inccoal- •. Thr se number 1 of the field has reached In- that , .• q .but amus the nobler [natures are
rent kills him in fifty or sixty .ee- stage in which the tares can be dis sal, After n hnrnssin (ort g
ends. l'• )sato \{ac.r•,n,. Break two considerably over 000.(x)0. and cm, night" at Shrerne.ae, the A•h•ip was' justice, courage, moderation- and
,.tens••• of 41110IrUrll tofu ,hurt Illi l•:�I•:I;VIXO DON'TS. f titequished. The danger is that the taken out to sen by the officers in- fuse we may recognize ere we turn
suture about 5 per cent. of the male el.oat, whose roots are interlwiird the )fetors to the wall.
:1 sharp•tonntl''d 1c,.1.,i 1 0.nn, 1 refits. throw into boiling water, ,4, elation t.f over ten }cars of the early nn,rninq, before the crew i
;'t c lenil rapidly twenty minutes, D,m't make II mistake and wait f fv ith those of the tares, Allould bel were 08 deck. Once ar era, their
The Byronic view of the Georges
whit had been else)'.• err, ,,11 the bar<I hn11Cd Lull;s U( 1N„ IIDt11 the special fruit In season la. aF('' disturbed whirr it is in the forma-ihas hitherto largely held the pi-
ing an elderly spiist'• : '•' + 1 " , : tun tante, add gradually four nearly over and then pay the high• ;\Itogether, five and a quarter ttte state. From the point of view ,captain had yen little t„ublr withq
lees state, went an t,, • . ' . :ilk.,million people in the world are em the men, and the :iter was favor- • pular imagination; but, cons'der-
1 `f the 'tactical farmer, thercfete,�
ah ut her husbanel't h• ', Ire,,, 1.1‘ I• tablespoonfuls of ensu{- c -t paras for it. i 1o I ably reported on when she reached free( what his reign gave to E,iglnnei,
I, •a Ills one tablespoonful pu•.1of 0( but- Ilea 1 think overripe, a.,ft fent. P,oyec) to mining work, and it 1!+ flag glle-full of 111C servants was George I. Al. least P('Mil'CIy desert.
)outs he has bt.•'oi a creat :.offs r'•1 ,, tad one .,f flour. Add the egg nt:.kr•t good preserves or jellies. estimated that within five hundred seas of folly. Thr litres of synod and filo.
f• 1 fifteen erne s'.'` rem:rrkeclyears the coal supply of the wotiO in 1}1)3 Luard applie I to be sent ed By eon's flaming hate.
:11 ,r half a enpf)11 of milk, stir uye•y I •,t ever 11-0 anything but the . I p baci are so ahcn closely bound u1►; 'barge of the (runt uerur, and tuck �-"-
''1 can quite h' shat, drat,' loot water until you have a thick i ' ntatfrl+lls for goed results. wii1 he exhausted. .lfter which ae together that the violent removal g t ))rill you nitergive un smoking,
said the pinstc•r, a,t li nn „14 I4h'l1 ',neve. Add half a teaspoon- Dont nae what is called "A" or shall have to freeze in winter. and v1 one is sure to cause harm to the a battalion 4.1 marines for the war.
1.1 Japan. The captain nesi�tctl in cit ar .ldolphus 1" "�u," replied
der the )tarried1'
1 1 , t,• /!+tiff fol of ,alt and a cl •h ..f pepper, soft white sugar or brown; use e)a! raa beet and apples, inless re. uNltr' Cie bombardment (if the torts ul the depraved smoker and punster;
";anal„ , "Arlt no are; it is (11„I, the nutcnror,i lire and add to gtanulatwl white sugar for all pec diem, or some other friendly min 30. Let beth grow• together 'I'hc "I shall smoke just ns longas 1
1 o1 fif'. , s ,,c. you 1113'-1 the sangc, rut n sli., from the serves or jellies. cral, comes to our aid. hnelincss of human judgments . iv \ k.hams, and reesived the Orderj
' '�•t ,' solid 14•Inata,•", ( Don't tis(' granulated white e»• -------• condemned by the patience of the f 11)4' Legion Of Honor ('•,n, the ('hews."
r:t ' 1 11 ' t nt ends of qutxl.
N out the renters. stand the gar fur spiced fruit; use light e a divine. ))'Nether the bad may be- 1 renrh Emperor, and Nae made
Was Troubled rte, , in a baking pun, fill the brown onl}'. ee.me good is not hinted at. But, (' 11•-
I Heart Trouble Cured.
II is Friend Said
tory with mac,l..ni, dual with Don't mak spiced fruit too that the renting up of tine is pro
Wt ▪ h Dyspepsia. " • and lake iu a noxi- I s er't :tour pounds of light brew') " It They Don't Help ori' hihitea, is n merciful pruyiswn in- :• i thirty minutia, tin- st:gar to 50Ve•1) pounds of fruit is a Core Yon I Will Stand dusting that (;c.d is willing to wait 1' 111111 1'111.11 i' 111111. lhr•,agh one cause ar another a taiga
proportion. till every marl's Chance 1a exhaust : in of the people are trouble,' wi,la
For Year, Could Get No Relief '+'' t "ni:I l•4' v :tic• soh fart not 6 1 I Th• Prtoe ' - �,':t'e term of bort troui'Ic.
Nerye uIl s11Cry of tuns'. Dant 11111` an overabundance of cd.
"I our footed S1)49.14ek II1►ttte•f"•
Until She "1 fled , , , . l,laili 4,i' wilt, (•re'I111 sauce; nieces; too much makes it taste bit- - -- 1 will say to the reapers In the i Ihr •velem becomes nen Clown, the
♦ ♦ 1 ♦♦ ♦� ♦ ♦ Mr J. 11 liu•k < ,lanatiun(verse 39) we discover
Bring+ thieve• to 11.0. heart palpitates. 1'on have weak and
Burdock Blood Bitters. may be added to the nua(ar- let+ I I dist} spell'', a smothering (tiding, cold
' lei, w!Iieh will give it a greater Dint cover preserve/ or jellies ♦ ),Iver + Orangrt,lle, flint . f• a the first lime that these are I
4 sneer '' I had been difiun different from the ser%aIIt . Tref. thefamous St. 1 Petersburg cla)))y h nd+ and fret, ahortntsa of
. ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ while cooking; they are apt to boil Compinint x.liee d• c, tt a taken to Vureneslt breath, arnaatiun of pins and nec,Ilr
M • r+ II c I nl a i foe 41 y'11uc• ♦ ♦ troubled with 1►ys- I 1head.
♦ ♦ UVer. (:Urtd. rile tares would be selparated rush of b ood tel the ere.
Dn kern -.m. Ihmton' , ♦ + IKI'yia and l.ivrr ftcut �1n>c, w Aid succceslnlly Wherever there are sickly xotile with
♦ '' in Fast ♦ \ It N„l.•- ---- Don't use cold sugar fur jellies ;1 ♦ ♦ ♦ +++++;
Complaint end tried from the wheat either by weeding' tracked dawn the murderer of one i
4 4nyth,:Iz 4 h:o.' ...eel Isr.nlurk measure the rtraincd fruit juice; many different re- or by "carefully picking out the weak heart, 11111,urn's Heart .',n terve
`.11.11{.`• of the rntpluyt v on tltc property of )'illy NIII he towel an rGrctu,ll medicine.
♦ Now ♦ It''I Bitters and le. each pint allow one pound of melliesbutobtainedlittleornobenefit. A stalks of Arne' enc by one from Prince YRsiltct►ikuB, iu the hutuu h Mrs. 11'rn. Fillet ♦ 4 tem deo fete nrr.. , ,, , n r'i !pot,• I tart lir- tee host granulated sugar; put it friend advised m•• to gave your 1.95a -fiver the cut grain. •. q ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 ♦
♦ 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 ♦ ♦ ''.' ,i ••. +'+ + geePills a trial, hut 1 told him 1 had tried ee 3q The flail- 'The M has fore) cull "' 1'ayluvsky. On the train by ♦ ♦ �itgia with the great-
such relief in dy- "'' " ! , + .n ler skins frurn on a (14) it r in a warm ace) to heat
4 ( many "cure all,' that 1 w u(tired paying til'u1d cuufroversy here over the which lsref travelled a passenger ♦Heart
Trouble* cat o1 pleasure 1 write
spepeie and yto•nach trunlees. 1 w•sa •iX 1,11:"•• ,1,x•1 -.re grapefruit and ape adll it to the boiling liquid. nntnront•vfurthinggaq,cing me nohrncht• WW1 robbed of n pocket -book con- ♦ Cured.
trembled for a number of yeet4 with break the 111•:h lute small portions, Iten•t pal but preserves In Culd 1lraaid,'I( thryelon't hdp,orcure you, upestion of church discipline. But 1 you stating the Lenr•
dfilaq':rii and road get lo retie; instil 1 mix with one pitiful of dates. sten• iacses or errs and not expect ac- 1 will stand the ,rice' `(osecin his faith It •
is tul(d oat rnlirely by tl►e fart to+ninq about (R 1:,11, The services
♦ ♦ ht i have received by
tried Il,lnln k lie .rl Wirers, I took I g 1 ( I R of tl►P "four -footed fuutrli Nhrrl"ck ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ +♦♦ ht
r cel id by
rd and cul u1 hits : .)►:111 yuanti vidians; have the glasses or jars m the rills. I bought two vials. and 1 was that the field cannot be interpret Wi-
and bene 1'111•. I suffered igMi runt from
three met les and bl'''N'1c4• c'In•d and I can tv of figs, three a apples cut fine, tr. scalding wetter, rinse well, th, 1t '„lt deceived, far tiler were the het 1 icer rel nl►rrewly us the c Nureh, hat Is i er S.
,' na ht ire ended in the rt.- and Nerve
'i . Iandge *tly from
now l': anything wit limit it hotting ate. g raid. they `ave relic( which has hada Ihr, sari. pert, wcrr At once brought into re spells 1 n.ed a great deal of doctor's
1 will i:ighly recommend it to ail who am pecan nuts int fine. Serve len fill as quickly as possible, (position. and, After smelling All 1 r
troubled with stomach trouble."
blarlehed lett iii ' teat with the Don't Allow preserves to stand jlhave verauaede,can'lithe ireautyrabout The sons of the kingtlaul Thome I' mrshcutrs but rtceivet nu I,enrfit. t
t4 t . . f••'Iutving (In s -int{. :11ad Yeas• ab'.ut after they are cold; put Inert them Ia, they Are small and easy a rake. who tteAsttre up in thele' hearts 11+' Passengers, Tref went fur oris friend advised me to hue s box d your
It,r t'►ck Blood Biter;haaeneeta l'i h Q 1 u' 1!,enl ae he left the 1,21111 at. the
pills. which 1 did, and soon found great
ed irinllstinn, eatsndinR over al }run, inn Ill the t"1k• u( two eggs bent- r I )Rrrtffin an coyer with lids, /'Ash (!lel,eve theta to be the fest medicine nlnnifrst in their life the word ut relief.1 1 Feebly ree•ommend then' pine
end all 411 ie tar I arising
in all ra 10441,5,e.e4 light add ante half cupful of pow- off earn trace of stickiness, and for Liver Trouble there is to be found.' ({nth. Of course Ilene) are a pAr1, n• �t slnli•.n and was entering eo anyone suffering from heart. trouble."
sod .ill diyc.tse. ai�sing from this rause (II red sugar and one cupful of pet. in n coal, dark, ilea place for Price 3i rrnn a vial or 5 fur $1.(x1, at of the world of mei. whirh ,'esus "211- The stolr,l prol:crty 55,15 Price :a0 cents per box, ne 3 boxes for
" For -le by all ditties. r 11 dealers, e► will be sent dieser by read claims rightfully his kingdien (11). found in his pt,sie•seien. Hardly a ;t. ,.i at a!1 dealers. or mailed direct on
1t tile. •'1' of orange weep heighten- Futuro use. ►:s receipt nl prier. f
Man'd�rtu:•1 only by'1'he'I'. Milburn ed be.1 dish •'f '•run sad grape D' n't expect to make goer(I per- The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, In the parable the word "king- %trek passee hat that some fresh eiet price 1,y The T. 1,04„,„ co.,
co.. 1.1 init..' e,! 1'urcat.�, On.. pre -
Juice. serves "hit or mils"; they require oto. di m' is used son ewlint I'+uscly, eepl,it of Tref is recorded. '.united. 'l'orontu, Vat.