HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-23, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, ;JUNE 23rd 1810 Alk - ; Bank 1 �IRolsonsThe Incorporated 11355 CAP TAL (Paid up) RESERVE FUND Has 72 Branches in Canada, and Agents and ('or s Principal Cities in the 1Vorld. • General Banking Business Triensected, Savings Bank Department eft all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate, • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager • i1♦♦NN♦N♦♦♦N♦♦♦t•♦N♦♦♦ oo♦♦♦♦N♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦•♦N♦♦•o • - 1 0.88 $ 500,000.00 • =9.850,000.00 respondents in all the THE CANADIAN t BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve, $6,000,000 DRAFTS ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES la Arraneemerts have recently been completed under which the brtmehe' of this Bank rue able to iesuo Drafts on the principal points In the following countries: Austria-llungary Finland Ireland Russia Belgium Formosa Italy Soria Brazil France Japan Siam Bulgaria Fedi Cochin -China Java South Africa Ceylon Germany Mandela.. Straits Settlements Gh na meat i3nta:n Mexico Sweden Cretea Norway Switzerland Denmark Incl Persia Turkey Egypt Iceland Pblllipine Islands West Itxlies 173 Faroe Islands Iuciia Roumania and elsewhere NO DELAY IN ISSUING. FU. L PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION Exeter Branch-G.`V Harrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. AT4O You will regret you did not attend one of Canada's lligh-Grade Business Col- leges, located at Peterborough Welland Orangeville Wingnam Clinton Walkerton Do You Have ileadache i • .. ' TAKE ONE OF THE`..- LITTLE TABLETS AND THE PAIN IS GONE. "My first experience with 1)r. Miles' Anti -Pain I'ills was a sample package hander) me. They relieved the pain so promptly that I have never been without then; since. I have given them to many friends w•hcil they had head ache and they never failed to relieve them. 1 have suffered with neuralgia in my heat;, and the first one 1 took re- lieved nae. They have curer; me of neuralgia. I would not be without then;." MISS LILL1E B. COLLINS R. F. II. No. 1, Salem, \'.t. Price 25c at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, send price to us. we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto. 11ARPLEY Mr, James Muir of Coonbank, ac- companied by the Misses Richardsons of St. Marys, Sundayed at Mr. Robert Stone s. • Mr. Steed and two sons, of Sarnia, were visiting Ilarpley and Brewster friends last week. Miss Vine 'Merritt spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. C. Webb, of the A. B. Line. Crediton The annual S. S. I'ienic of Zion he- angelical yangelical Church will be held at Grand Bend on Monday next, June 27t1t. 4' Arrangements are being made for a good d+ty's sport. All Sunday School --t- scholars and teachers whohave no Eden, way of going are requested to leave 4. their names with the Secretaries, Gar- One of the old landmarks of early net Sw'eitzer and Frasier iht'own, not tats is likely soon to pass away. TIU' later than Friday, 21th, when arrange• men's will be made for their transpoEden church which but two and r half miles from which isalia end three1 talion. and three quarter miles from Exeter Arthur M. Holtzman'', attending is closed up. {rev. W. 11. [luta College of Naperville, has returned for preached 1 he farewell sermon on his holidays. Sunda afternoon fast. The trustees Tate S. S. Convention held in '/ion ,e9kcd}pc permission to roll the church Evangelical Church last week tv+ts a grand success. Every Sunday School andir1he late er oast. On of's'granted in the District was well represented. 1Tuesday Now is a good Time tet ,1 a farewell social tens held in sun- •} The various addresses showed that. a a'c'tion with for closing rxercin' enter. + smear deal of time had been spent in neeti,cr was served to the school Our graduates receive $ their ,re ieretion. The discussions, in Suppers near t which most of ul from 'i_100 to $I j00 per + which most of the delegates took part, the friend+ of the coninlnnity wer • •r were very lively. Colborne was chosen in nt tenflnnee. A short programa was maim. + as the place tor the next convention. given In the church. Mr. John F.9s.'ry Mail Courses ill I00 i'fhe Choir And Malt. Chorus rendered presiding. Resides music and recit e- • vice. heart ', valuable 1I Andrew r folio. r. the little f i presiding. b tionsy r subjects.+tb 1. of A re- dif%rentOwing to not being t tog ply from the It. R. Co. in time. re a Ifni t and 'Miss Laura II"' . :•ave :t -.• suitable date, the proposed '4. S. Ex. couple of heautifnl gales. Short Write for particulars + cursion to Ooderi -h hats been called off opeeebrs were given by Mesal-. Rott. +for the present. •Kerslake, Frank Coate+, Paul L ,te- Clinton Business The elrthexlist Sunday School i'IC. and asalotrenderAedxby,l'lirsr cu Frank '1; , nic was held at Grand (lend last Sat• Contrs. A general Hood titer was 4. ' urday. The children all enjoyed them- silent by old and young. i)uring th • + selves. programme an address and di'Imond t, 1 Miss E. Struthers returned to her ring was resented to ::tries liinnic Geo. Spinal', Principal. •1•P tr house to Blyth after being laud up Letston, for several years org.enist of measles. •a ist of th �,++}:•:-:•: ;•� ;••c.;. �.;-•;-;•e•;••}+e•iwith thc•nte the church, brit now ora, nt • Mr. Siefert of Dashwood gave our Centralia Methndist church. The ad - town a flying visit on Mondry evening dres. w.as r al by Mi -s It. Esse• and Mr. Whiting of Parkhill pieached a the presentation made by 'Mr. Al[. very interesting sermon on Sunda Y Coates. a veiling in the Mlethodiet Church. alts. Rioted 11uxtable of Hamilton, STRATFORD. ONT.✓ is spending a few weeks with her mother. %lrs..1. Fink teener. ♦ 111r. August Kuhn of Stratford Thee_ Departments j'epent Sunday in town visiting with Ihat take place, minters of these Commercial. Shorthand ♦, his father anal Niters. churches that in early does were Telegraphy • Mr. F.Arer 18rown spent Sunday in I planted within A wile or to. r •etch '• Leitch with friend`. !other, have had to ie closes •.e • M19., Eltnini Yaeger of Stratford iR I of the stnAllne.e of the congreK'. -pending her holidays in town. I And the scarcity of ministers. And I:•1 ♦ %Ve ere sorry to report the death of II eft is one of ;hent. The rural pea ie of • kir. furred 1'rnkheiner, which look placeOntario are sulfel ing a depletion be - last '1'uestley, Fred was in l'ittshtlrg' valise ref the great west and the tend- s ! for a few years; and spent. the last snap ("ward" Bur loans and cities. ♦ year at home sick with uemenla. The d con re atinn of Eden Y , The teo dr an K K lankily batt the deepest sympathy obi haveThe in har y and good -fel • the communityy. hip Ail these years And the pert - a• • %'pile Mr. Nichol !tearer was driv- !"1"1""♦ ing cp town last '1'htlrstl ty evening • ing of Tuesday evening was by no 2 his young rota•.' took [right near the 1 IIIPAl1R A tParleeR and elU9g111pNthrtlCone. All "Peril" With goad "'jab"Crediton bridge and began to rineI and the prayer for Divine benediction a Mr. Beaver turned Mtn into. Mr. Sweit• on eAch other. Following is the ad - leer. sheds and rel 'IN'd ilei against A N♦aeeaaa♦♦♦♦♦�•ea♦♦♦•♦•♦♦ lost. Mr. Beaver is lurks with get - Eden. tendered Minn Laxton : • 1 of with the few lidless he got. I:den. .tum Ylsl. 1010. -;ting At t his. the fine! social event of The buggy was scratched op' our Eden church, ". ' feel that 11 is PianO S alis. cirrus• and rtceuKhlrr left for only fitting that we should rnakc (:resod tient on TuesdayTuesdaywh• re they will camp for Awheilcee.niog' known to roe o'Ir appreciation .,f Dur (tit hitt! servie •9 an organist of Mr. and Mrs. John teeing of Lon. don Spent a few dry v in lawn. this chereh nd .S:ndey school. 11'e Mr. And Mrs. Het lock And children bive nava}'$ 1 It that your work Will 'f London Are Npe,,duig » few dupe tientt1h • ff ap propyl it icisin. tt' n as of et he !quiltve . with sirs. Hrglocks p<uents, Mr. Ansi that ta'ih tire• had b • n spent In O Rent Mrs. el. %Vein. ori their selection. 11}• }•our r g,:ler at - Messrs. `tan; And J. Braun return lendnnee at the s• rvie • you have h•d►Ir'tfYrr spending te few days in aet an etamnle which will long re- ('h•vehtad,nttenrling the 1emend of the 1.1►. }{..t, mein in our mind Not only in your :F('•: Iter�l1)111h and 1.1). Bream. Position as organist did you taboo, ( Mr. and etre. ('hrist. Either of %tench ►'our willingness to help but in ail were 1 hs guests of Mr. and Mee, W. the social event. of our chorale life li 111011111S rent. 11111►w('(1 011 W. need on Sunday. your tact and scowl judgment trade Piano. We ale pleased 1 , ere Mr. J. Sweit itself known. Thus during your stay the purchase of a 111•\\' 111(10. y,,r out again niter A talent illness. in t he \Vast you were greatly Missed. In 'There is ♦gang telephonea enMinnie, we know that we shall not around town puffin': up the wires and forget you and your services s ho re in poles for the 11nr1nets for Dr. Ornto'e our dear little Eden and we pr s nt li e, you wit h this ring trop ne, 1 hat each airs Christ Ze ickere of le felon is flay as you wear it yn•I will be rc• spending 11 few days with Mr. And minded of }-our friends end asioeia• Mrs. Charles '7wieker. times. ifere we f.•11 th'it w,• have been as one !urge family sal We fond• 1)• hope that though mar church rala- College l'1•:VT1tALIA A new roof, verandah and other re- pairs have added greatly to the app• earance to Mrs. ('oughlin's house, west of the railway tc'rck The services in the Methodist church on Suudiey were largely attended. Mrs. Connive, of London, daughter of lice. S. Station, stent a couple of days ht're with her mister, Mrs. Elijah l'aldwill. '1'. Vitht ill has been in Loudon during the pint week. Itev. Mr. and etre. Butt, entertained the nlifisters and their Wiyis belong- ing to the South Iltiron Miuisterisl Association on 3101(1 ty .tfter'euon. the monthly no'etnag wets limit in the Epworth park and luncheon was served on the lawn to between :hl and :i(r per sans. A roost enjoyable time was spent together. The sttv►w'betry festival on Inulin. ion 1)ay promises to be one of the beet yet held. 11', It. Elliott, convener of the Managing Committee and Mrs. N'nl. Esser•)', dotiveuee of the Ladies' cumtnitee are completing nt•rangments for a very suc•crtisfull time. See post- ers for particulars. CENTRAL Cdih Forty-seven petite ago Eden church was dedicated to the worship of (lab and ever since hi" been the centre of religious influence and power in the community. But with the changes We a'ueist aradnatrs to posi- tions. The demand upon us for trained help greatly e 'de the supply. Th•• t hre•• rr;ost recently pinced are• re- m lying 440,00. e50.00 and SIO1 p, r month respective!}•. Bust- in, se men State our graduates are the hest. Enter our ease- . s now. Get our free cataiwen•• D. A. McLACIILAN. Principal. htlss Masson. of i\ieutit°l:a. is visit• jug het' sister. -Mrs. '\V. J. Perkins, Mr, and ;Mrs. John 1'el•1\er and child of Detorne, Manitoba, have Leen vis•I ai it ing his father. :Jr. Thomas, 1'cp•1 per. etre. 'Miller, who was spending a � with her sister, alt ..1. Scutt. has re., tamed to elichig-t I. Where the urs of Eearcbing for t ie. \orth Pole i.yw'ayt" "\\'h) it t ue,ld save tlions; :els of dull u'. if it tree' found. 1t et, :Wile t n e s-:tr) to :end any t.turr e> p. ,lit loos t a look for it." Whalen The Anniversary' services held here on Sunday were the best ever enjoyed at this church, ltev, Mr. 31c('annts de• livered two pieverful and two instruct- ive $semens, while in the after. noon Rev. 81r. Ahbrey of Granton,' stoke to the children and young peo- ple. The services were well +utctrded anal full of inspiration. The choir fur- nished the singing for all these ser- vices and were well spoken of, which reflects much praise to o ur worthy organist, Miss tela Ilern. tdiss Pearl Short and Misi Maiy Mon- roe of While Oak visited friends here over Sunday. Quite a number of people from A distance visited their relitaves and friends here. on Sunday and also atten- ded the 1et•wicen. Alr. John Hutchison wears a broad smile these days -It's a boy. A .eery sad accident occured not far. from here when Mr. John Hooper, who lives on the eighth of Blanchard had his barn burned by lightning List Thursday Afternoon, Thames Road ltev. Colin and Mrs. Fletcher Meant a couple of days in Guelph last week. Rev. Colin Eletcher exchanged du- ties with 16'v. R. ttohbs last Sabbath. Rev. A. F. Butt preached Itis fare- well sermon in ilethany Church hast Sabbath. Miss Genie Monteith visited Mrs. ,1. Reliant pie lust. Sunday 111r. %Ve.lty Johns and his mother visited friends in St. Marys last week Mrs. henry Rundle isnot recovering in health as quickly a., was expected. We are gled to see that Mr. Win. Kydd is around again. although his mishap leaves hint a little stiff yet. Mr. Fred Stewart, who has been laid up for quite a while, i, around again. Mr. and Mrs. John Allison were Sunday vitiates At Kirkton. Mr. Arthur It e►nsay was a visitor in this neighborhood last Sabbath, The warts weather this week has Made a wonderful change on the face it , are looking ok t • , K The crops Y h i r •rnttt 1. 7 I c f th well in this vicinity, the potatoes Bre growing and -so are the hugs. pp. S. MARTIN St SON 91AIII)\ Jl:f.l;\ Imp. "t'' it i,. t3 1t Ittron Ireby w1.. con, n.:• the route the. season n• .follow," Monday noon s1. .11TI1 twill I. •t t,• lin.own state . Lot i0, ('on. Mrs. v. w. 1'r:ire'. of 'lona. visit- tionship is brok••n w•.• may still re. mini firmly u niter) as t • Eden ,'o• M., 1 .I ,•: and {roe d • to Thos. ed friends in Ibc neighborhood this , , Tho•.trh eve have f••lt sorry that /true 1.' . f or nught. T. •lay .to John week. I y'o,I lits • net been with us in the pest Roe,- )'s for noon: th t�-•• to his owe 't are sorry to noir That �1i991,•nflt1 awe have felt that yon he• stases for night. \t "in 9dny, west (0 p,.,;•, ?turn continues to b: confined; longed to til. \V•• knnw that ,vett %1' in. \Vr•.cottet for noon: th.•nc_• to to her room through illness. hive been working In the enure effi• .john Allison's for n:ghl. Thursday Mr. John i'enh:lle left for the West cjent ulnen •r and reflecting credit to hes own ';able for neon. 1'r.day Jtst tee • k. f••1 the hn.ue church. ,1s II"' meat to John Unman'' 1 :ugtown. ,'rr noon I'o,•I work h.. been the order of ft"' unfolds the retiree to our view thence to \Vitt. ,Kay's for night. tint- t h •• ••I,y in nee, -» i• tris last week and',te } lies kind Irene Riwt bountifully this. to yo: encs •• . pi.•nsnre and true eee - - ,{rie•r!•. _ei,rn d, Mrs. Wm Coate'=, Mrs. F. Coate,. urday 10 his •own MO) where he trill remain anti: the ,follow ing Mondaf morning. Thi: ro'tte 441:1 Jo' contin- m•d throui hoer t h-' et -neon hoe th and wenthet perrnitting. (wee ('v\\'AILD .. \Vm. J)F.1'i\E Propr•••tnre \Vinch••:see. P. 0. Wm. • 'Iznegzr. 1111)1)[:Plt COUNCIL Th•• l:iddulph Council tact pursuant'. The • treses and all to adjournment. the members present. The folowing • :accounts were ordered to be paid ;' 'Phos. Bodging, rep. cu!v,-rt, div. 2.. t.'�(1: James Coursey. over •ing, dive; a:5 ; J. Iloward, teats, 2 days on :'ratter. div, 1, 8,00: Geo. Ryan, work on road, div, 1, 3.00: Jas. Kelley.' tile. div. 5. 5.00 ; John (Ryan. 2 days with .Trader. div, L 30.00; 3 1-2 days with is ratter. div, 4. 52.50; .1 1-2 days ,lays tt It h grader, div. 2, 65.00 : 1 1-4 nay:: with grader, div. 3, 17.50; R. 11. l;adcliif_•, assessor, salary, 70.00; E. Blake, rep. bridge. S. 13. tile. 4, 3.00; Jas. nyder, rep. washout, div. 4, :t.00; Jas. Whalen. 3 days with tears net grader. div, 4, 12.00: Jas. Ryan. 3 1-2 days with grader. die. •1, 7.00 o•, reign printing. 1.2:5; ,rets. \\ h len. gravel contract, div. 1, 3!.77, do. I1.. moiety, div. 4, 2't00 : .1 1:,. . rep. broken wagon in def. tit rued, 2.5(1 : 1'. Lanlphir••. tt e. end rep. culvert. div. 4. -1.00; .1. Iloward work on road div. 1. 2.75 ; Frank Smyth. trete:t on grader. div. 3. 11,00; N. Davis, 2 1-2 days with trrader, div. 3. 5.00; W. J. Dave rep. culvert. 5.00; ,Ensley Ilodgin=. (flys work on road, 2,00; I'hiu. Dick - ,.n,, rep. S. It, 2.00: G. Davis, ar _ate. 80c; C. Hodgins. drain and tile e 20: Ed. llodgins, 2 days at gate 120e. Advertiser. advt. C. of lt. 2.00 ; 1'. llc:0.. rep. bridge S. 11.. moiety. 1.75 It. T. ltay'cra(t, 1 day with grader. 2.00; Al. Langford, grading div. 18.-1 60 ; i d .Guilfiyie. overseeing S. 11. Div. 4, moiety. 2.30: The council ad- journed to meet again on Monday. July 4th at 10 a.rn. The Court of Revision was held on the 31st ult.. and the 15th inst., but a3 there were no appeals against the assessment I roll. with exception of a few changes relating to people leaving the town- ship and others coming in, the roll was confirmed just as it came from the hands of the a+sessor. W. 1). Stanley CI.•rk. 11FNtALL The ' Times'' and 'Toronto Weekly (;lob•• to new subscribers from now • , I J.:rty. 1st, 1911 for 33 cents. Mr. Robert Drysdale• returned last week from Marlette, Mich.. where he had hc•.•n et tending ) hr 8tepht•n'on family retorted reunion and where he spent a very {deasant week among so many relatives and friends. If sick headache in misery, %% hat at is Carter's Little liver l'ille it they will positively care ill People who have used them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. Our Council hate commeueed the on:1: of iniproting t he sthrts and ,i•1••,telks and we trust soon to make 1.'l ny improvement s. 'I h bowlers etwet to b.• soon ming •',. a. new greets. tear newly organized band is now in good training and are prepared to meet all engagements. We Bre Wrested to report that 31r. David Gel loot t a children, tvlio w• r • •o seriously ill. are now recovering nic••ly. The new bridge. near t.1r. ,John It• II s has been completed. eft s. 1', Marshall was in Clinton 111. c•• . tisi,inz her retitle a ant ir. 't in+r b r little toys who are attendee: the Institute at Iklleville, Miss Eiders Johnston • who has beet n pendine a tuniber c f day^ i t V. cod - stock with her sister, Mrs. ishurt. rt turned last week Mrs. Ferguson is tisiling her father Mr. Andrew Johnstone. of Willow .1 strawberry festival. under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church. will be hold on the church grounds on Thursday. 'rho Hensel' bras, Land will he in attendance• and refreshingntents will be served. Mrs. Harold. of London (ormly of this village, spent a day or so here recently with relatives :ani fends. Pep i • Urquhart, who is etre of the teachers in Elon Collcg-•. North Carolina, is home spending t he yac•t• lion with her t'art'nts• We understand that Mr. Cooper, of (,int one has been awarded the con• 1 Cox - wort x- f _Ir. o. • e• tint o the erection c t tract, for w'orth's new hotel end intends start• ing operations this tveek. >Irs. .1. tiuthrrland Aviv. in Auburn. Children Cry FOR FLEYCHER'S ERVOUS DEBILITY OVR NEW ME -100 TREATMENT will euro you and make a man of ynu, 1'uder its httb.r,, • oto brain be.•utncs w•tita•. the 1d• KI puritie.t no that all people., biutelaes uu.l ere heal 011: the sense be. outs strong as ite••I. SO that nervousness, 1,. !.t. • , awl .1.•e.p' o tear>• disty,i.0: 1; Uw e).•s l.'c.ine t t. t t, the lace full and ('1.• i , -rgy returns to the wady, and the moral. phy3slcat and trental ststemsare Intl . •••1; alt drains e. -ase -ill) 1110r0, 01 vital waste from the system. V.,ti feel yourself it • t'tn ant knnw marriage cannot be a failure. Petit tut quack/ and fakirs rob you .: your haul earned dollars COY- 1,40 NAMES USED W1T[toUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS 1'-t. r 0. Simmers relates hisexperiene,•! 1 Has tr. utdtxl with Nervous Debility for many years, 1 layy It to indiscretion and exas,es In y'.et1*. I became very despondent and tildn't caro whether 1 worked or mit. 1 imagined o or3I.ol Y who luoke,I nt ,no gue;•xd toy secret. Imaginative drt•:nus at night weakened the -m>• lack ached, had pains in the tat' -k of my head, hands tial feet were eoId, tired in the tnoruin i, u.g,r appetite, fingt-s ecrushatiy,cyel bliir '.I, l ur I x•se, memory poor, the Lingers s,'t la find the testa tote me ho feared paralysis. I toed: all kinds of medicines s and tried many f 't• lest peysictaus, wore un electric bt' t for three months, but received little benefit. 1 WORE TRCATMCNT was induced to calumet las. Kennedy at AFTER TRCATMCNT Kennedy, though 1 had lost all faith nt doctors. [.Ike a drowning stun 1 commenced the NEW )lr.TttoD TREATMENT and ft saved my life. The in,pruveurvt was like eagle -1 cvwt-I feel the vigor yoke! the•.ttgh the nerves. I was cured mentally mrd pkyslcally. 1 have stmt them n:.' -',y patients and continuo to do so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. 1 .,00D AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES Diseases peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE_ 800KS FREE. if unable to call write f e: , Question Blank for Home Treatment. DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE OT'CE All letters from Canada must lee ad•lressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart - 611=111100110 in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at c,ur Medical Institute in Detroit as we sec and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Labx,ratury. for Canadian business only. Address all letters aa follows: DRS. KENNEDY dc KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. F:MeV/11.i.R A nee ting of the Quarterly hoard has been called by t he Sup •rintendent of t he District for Thur -date afternoon :o consider one • !again t he best way l to divide Elimv'ill'' circuit so (hat our, is•-istant Pastor evil not be n••ceseery The annual Anniversary tend straw - berry festival of tie. EIimville Metho- dist Sunday school will be held on Sunday June 36 an 1 Friday July 1st. On Sunday sermon• ..•111 be preached at 10 a.m. by Rev. it. Hobbs. and 7 tern. by Iter. 8. 1'. Sharp. Il. D. A mass meeting of the petiolate; in the afternoon. programme of ringing, cta by the school and a.lelr.'sses by trete$. It. Dobbs and A, F. Jolene. Collect- . ion taken at each service in aid of .shoal fund. '00 friday July '1st the annual picnic will be held in Mr. tlerdrnan's orchard where it program u i11 be given emetic acing at 2 o'clock A debate will be held on the sube•ct elk that India is of greater lmportanor to Greet 11,1 then Can. ata" tb•• affirmative t•, tr taken by Mr. Joshua Johns an 1 '•1 r. W. 0.I Medd: representatit of the 1. 1i 11 Ville Suttle) • Schots:1 t la • twenties: to 1. taken by Dr. Roulet on and J. '.1. Southcott.1 representatives of th 1:x -ter Bun - day Schad. Short edit -ses will al- so he piton by Iters. 1!. Hobbs and 11. Hicks and resident Pastors. Ice cream. Lemonade en•l other refresh- ments. sold on the' grounds. Admis-j r .ion 25e. Children net of the school, 15e. Come one and all ani spend an cnioyahl' day. 11r.. Chas. Andrew and daughter .lean. tt•ho have been visiting rela- tive. near Faimvili •. r tarn --d TUC!. ,Law to their home i't (;ora •. Th• to•uls in this trc,n•1y are being t hero o ttly graded down and th., deep ditch••$ fist el so that 'the danger from automobiles will he reduced ns much as possible and at the amine time the apt earn: • • of the road much improv• ed. Rev. A. But t has about completed his year as assistant pastor on Elirn• elite circuit and preached Itis farewell sermon here on Sunday evening. Ills work hart been acceptable to the it 1- friends s and hist week sleet tendin•r the Jubilee s.•rvices in the Presbyterian church where shi• at- tend- d many years ngo. Mr. 1t, 11•. Fulton leis been award- ed the contract of watering our st feel!. )lies Consist. of Perth. wise hie h••••1 her.• for a couple of week'. vise .1 in ghee "lint runt cousin. .'1r9. and \lis•c Con• itt ,of our villag • u as emits mon •d h: ':1' last heck owing to th^ re at h of beer brother %tele teas one of ZUit[CII th.• victims o' • \[i'ntreel disaster. >1ias Smith, of 1:x--1 r, w••ti in the '4rs. Kaiser, of London. et visiting viilege last week vi,iting h •r silt 'r at th- home o, h -r !aeons. Mr, ant! ells. t'. V, �mit h, etre. 1'd. A:;'. 1r. Prink Met clitoral and his sister 31i-• U • n' 1;i. `. t .. a: 1;4:-. e, `.1l' (ern Mown. were 1n Toronto is visiting her parents„Aar. and airs. -----T--- It. e k. nttemline Ile fen•rel of .1. I'. lticki'i'. The ' Titre -' and Toronto Weekly t h it niece. Me,- Thompson. daughter • 1 la o n loci- w1. It 11 ;t tb' l'res- Gae-e to n tt : •abscrib:rs from now of Mr. Daviel 1.. '► hompson. it former byterien (*hurch. ilii'sgr •r, na Frida) CAST 4 R I A oil Jany. 1st. 1911 for 33 cents. resident of our village. evening last. An excellent time was ernent, ran, ti Shorts and fI011r Always 011 1lan(1. Leave Your Order or Call 111) PHO-INTE 2 R. G. SELDON, Exeter. Compare Your Razor With the New Carbo Edge Don't be satisfied with the razor you are using because you merely think tt is the best. (let the Carbo-Magnetle. it will last longer -It win give ''.;. a quicker, smoother shave. Try It for 7.0 days at our expense - then you will know whleh 1s the hest -for the euro test of value is com- parison. , "Right tempering" Is tee secret of e'arbo-7.tagnetic Superiority. The ••c'arbo edge" is secured by an even electric hent of 2,500 degrees Falirrn- Lelt-a pi -re -esti of enrbonlzntlun Rtml- tar to that by whl' li diamonds have W. J. HEAMAN, been producetl. The result Is the hardest cutting edge known to science -a blade that you never have, to hone or grind. Don't take our word for It -the raznr proves ttselt-come in today and get ono on 30 days' trial -tree. LOOK FOR TMI3 TRADE PARK d,6'• i a hehladewith thhe (ar6o t e" EXE TER, ONT. „ d. Th. J tuber .....:h d telltale lb , 1, • r.. it 1. of ntretche t of cement account of '1 - ,. k u,:1 be laid in our village w'h:chi tr:ft• 11e ea) I i Illy account of ,e •.•aly add to its appearance, it i• th'tr ohne. t :.self publish:' ar- Ic.%filler and children returned'. �niw,th• ends long distances !. :fuer a three w •eks visit .rat•--' • •1 and t5 • v hustle duties - ,111 I.-laliv.'s nt Merlin and Tilhury.� that :\I:. btu.,,. t had to meet '1. :and >1r+. J Treater attender;,i • u . l•:;.Iul' tour. he has Ili ,, d.ltn, of 3i re. l'rceter'- ss;cr t tout• thorour:t,•y to read and A. Moyer. which took 1'' e' at . e - ilt • proofs 01 It s forthcoming Berlet east week. •ra ,n. about his At: can trip. There 11 r. 1' Ilcss fir. t ail; 1 in this volume considerable ••run Syr.od which ,••t is h •id in her i..t a: a. It h ch has not npp:'ared in eras Synod which was held in IJrucz- its neigsz:ne form. It pvill contain in Count} last w,•, k. I -.11. fifteen chapters (140,000 words-) 3lr. John 11,•y. jr. Goshen Line has" There ar.e in :• , . feta. live appene nailed a neat ver.tntlah eo his deed- dices on 'rich • -'ing Topics Its lino nrri is having It nicely Painted "Protective en in 'Animals!' Cava. holiday woe observed Wed -1 "The I'iuskai 1•i• : . ' ''Tse llabits on alt n recently put ibly giving 313 •self's hunting pie and he will ale's}•s be kindly re- netday. Tht• enema) school Picini¢ was! or Nmal;t llanrn, nil illustrat.ifns membered. held tot:rand Betel. e,t' •slaps oho, u t r • the great num- Mr. Pocock, of London, has done Mr. John Schafer and sister, ?1r-. 1. : : !toter! e keen by Kerwit *mite a business in the way of pro- Shorinek••r. of Parkhill, visited tlt'•ir 110a:e;end :1i . her member+ of siding the people with spectacles or !anther.. 'Mrs;'Mrs;Denuth, Net wt'ek. who', the • ti- dition. : • 'ter with eight helps to read. • continues in poor health. jd1 .eros$ made ,ft, r the author's Mrs. 'Christina Volland has 'the ex- • ',ons fret hentic material cavation doer ler her new house at Thr-: ,,,eon et 5 .:. ill be published the south enol by 1 h Scrim r- In . ,gust, will ho a bandeorne Lai ee cc. .voof about' 500 .1 1 KIrkton • will bs a teecbali tournatn^nt o :h.. fair gro;.nda h -r • on let of endar the auspices of the Ilrass :and. For particul: r+ ser hide. (Ton tate for last .week) it -v. 0 W. C,,li we of I•:zet •r preach - d :in alai., rs•rnton in the 1•:ng:ab hnreh. Kirkton. on 'Sunday evening. t wag n delight to listen t ohim. Miss :Nettie Moore render 11 tt isuit- bte solo in Iles Engl':+h church on nnday. The Brass rs Ri d1.i rkton tainted a few selections on the lawn of Mr. h Doug^ on Monday eveniIl f and the i'resident, 'Mr. tV Doupe pre- sented d ' h1 nt with Iver end ivory a .t mounted ebony Linton tttt behalf of the rnemh.•rs. with congratulations on hi. Inerr,age, and as a koken of the {food twill and harmer). which exists te- te •ri o - twr•n thin. The lend nrtl has, hill bots trent to Mcintyrc's on Tit(sday and the r.•- sulf Wit a victory for the Visitor'. 'rho leirkton football boys are hiisy practising. r c a page''• 1111 1:003KVE1,T•S FOItT11C0M3NCl•� , BOOK. Th o.1 .1 Roosevelt asks he. naiblish- ele NI. are Charles, f4cribnrr'e Sons, " FOR fIETCHER'S !t to :) "an Mt.Mt.most extinct way lh'tt tit• •1 own nil roi fort l with and C A S T Q R I A ail r ;ton'ihilily for'' the spurious C7b.ildren7Ory'•- i eimmeser NE IDEA FU t increase the value of any house -save money because their scientific construction means fuel economy - eliminates after costs, because built tight by nun who are ' killed in the science of heating. Secure our FRIM book • " New idea Furnaces." It solves the heating problem f' tymen in a practical anti economical tray. It gives r. ,ns for "Nets Idea" superiority -explains exclusive d es and tells just how they make for furnace perfection. 'e • i Ite for it. GURNEY, TILDEN & COMPANY, Limited We J, 11 E A M A N Makers of )yetis$ and Cosktae I H ri Coude for 68 Yeses EXETER, ONT. HAMILTON • ONTARIO 1771