HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-23, Page 4HE EXETER TIME%, JUNE 23rd 1910. PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If 'volt fattier front bleeding, Tile: DESTINY Ob' A Ctttt.0 \\ het a glorious work it is to bavc a elotre In moulding the future of des- titute and orphan boys and girls!! itchil * blind or protruding They come to the Children's Aid So -;i t ciety stunted, neglected and wnrp,d , i1cs, 5(•11(1 Inc ,our address, anti In body and soul, and it is the work 1 of the Society to place them in sur- ruuudings of kindness and Christian nature, %there they may develop they high. •t pu:sibilily of their in 'tote. i and become useful. honorable citizens lo Ontario the Children's :Aid move.. meat has brightened and transformed the lives of t huueaartds of forlorn ; little ones -Rut not without the help, of kindhearted people in the country who have fre.e1y .opened their homes' __ to these children. The work in this 111:110N COUNTY COUNCIL Province is now getting old enough to show the finished product of i child -saving and there are atony young people doing this as well as' The 'Huron County Council meeting could be possibly desired. ![ere teas held ill Goderich recently and the is it beautiful incident tak(n' following are the toports .of several frolu the record of the Child.' of the committees. It was decided to ren's Ifonie Cincinnati, which 1, hold the next meeting in Ex ever the have frequently visited ; .A boy w.t. first 'Tuesday in December. born in 1865, and . brought to the Report v[ County Sanitarium Childress Home when four years old. A few weeks later he was placed The Special commit tee's !,•port can - with a farmer, who with his wife , gained aur account of th4e action which soon grew very fond of t he little fel-.t1Rtt the committer) had taken in the low. Ile was regularly visited and ' matter of establishing a s•Init:trium his progress observed by the Chi& for consumptives ill the county. At ren's home, until he became of ng.',i the last meeting of the council a let - Then the farmer paid him $200, and ter was read stating &hat the Outer - the young man went forth to make • io Government tvoutd inike a grant his own way. .lie worked hard, sav-; of $100(I towards the build/rig and ed money. married, prospered. Mean- , equipment of n county nanitarium time the old people became involved and '3 per week for each patient in in debt ; and in the "hard tine n. such institution. in part, the con - alit tee's report on K hc' 'manse acs as their home and farm had to be sold m• it On Dlareb the Sth. the coral• to satisfy a ruortgage. It was not mit tee had n meeting at (Clinton. heuntil the last moment that the fosh r Councillor Lamont was appointed the son auctioncof this but be attend, t h _ •) chairman. Dr. Bruce Smith. Govern - sale and purchasedininspector. was present and gave limn himself. The old people nee, r information concerning the estab- removed from their home„ but cor.- li+hment of a sanitarium, The com- ttinued to reside there - in peace ant rnftto�• tt es led to believe that sail - plying N (i Parker of Crediton is sup. 1plenty, lovingly sheltered by the 1 c e_., tt, 1 1e ;,t to b be derived from plying at the Bank of Cotuuierce. Mr whom they had "taken to raise: ' l ) 11. I ., r a• ttt s and private l from Hewlett. of the slat!, is holidaying at When visited by an agent of the The County wouln be required to ei Itis heave in Rockwood. Ilome they send with affection and make ftp any deficit a rhe rumen t t Rey mark Turnbull, 'team of of St pride that the lad had never given make roses of the institute. The e-.�1 George's Church, ode icll, will con- ttlookthimtintose otheir rhearts and homthe day e p''r patient would be $1 a day. incl . 1 - duet the services iu Trivia Memorial ing all ex{xuscs except nu die ,1 This is a simple story but is it Church next Sabbath. Rev D \V al trmdancc, A head nurse would 1. Collins will preach at Godericl►, not radient with beauty 1 Gratitude employed and an additional nurse for , is not always manifested in so strike every fife patients. Resides .% Ernest lowers, son of \', Rivers, elme has successful) assed all Ins exams tug a manner, but all who take part tvotild be required to do t he general y P in this work and do justly by the work. A sufficient arca of land is in the Technical School. Buffalo. child may rest assured that no good required for the .rection u[ amain He will go to Troy College at the deed ie ever lost b:tt in due Limo J:ibail/ling and to allow for !hacks, and opening terve to Th complete his course will bear abundant fruit. J. J. Kelso il engineer. , perhaps a garden. The Connuittee and as Toronto. suet again in Clinton. on April 7th. i:i. c f 1:dtvarl "II' Mr.en1)r. Callow.. of•Coderich. n is present we,. 1:,.n,.., u: i.s •leer. fs agent for 'ELECTRIC RAILROAD TO PASS and showed that the doctors iu the th• •,bot • work: author, J. Castell TifItOCGII EXETER county were almost ernatainons in Mei: a-. Th • tori! contains 500 pages Q will tell y„u bout' to cure your+ Zell at home by the absorption ltreattilent ; and will also send ionic of this borne treatment lfree for trial, with: references {i rola yottr own locality if re. *Vested:. Iinincdiate relief and ljj)e'rfJlatient cure ;fissured: Sorin 110 money, btlt tell otliers DE Ms offer., \\'rite to=day to Mrs 11:7 Snttttners, Dox 8,1r Windsor, befit: iROOSEVEL'1' 11011E AGAIN The greatest welcome, ever given 'to a private citizen was given Theo. Clore Roosevelt on his arrival in N,w ;York after an absence of fifte.•n 'months and travelling more than 2-1,- 000 miles. Along the water front. thous ds and thousands of {senoras were aathercd to watch the 15 -mile water parade. Among the first to meet him was his family. The recep- tion tendered him touched his heart and he laughed like a boy and wept unashanleet, The Republican ex -Pres• Ident had every reason to feel that h: has a place in t he hearts of his country inen. Locals You will Lind relief in Zp 1-Buk ! It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings 'ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove this ? 4!I Urupyi.ra and blurts. - box. • • 9oo )Russ -. 1 heir opinion t hat a county ant iith,<ttnt Pereeo t,. -i, ;io to secure the work The St. Marys and Western Qatar- is needed and that a large number seir. lot the:r orders with hila. io Railway Company propose petition- of people in t he county are suffering To get relief from indigeation.bil- fn;.; the Council of the City of Strati- from tuberculosis. On June 2nd the 1ousness, constipation or torpid liver ford for the iseee of a street rail- members of the committee met in tt•Ithout disturbing the stomach or wav franchise. for 25 years. They en \Winghana and went to Brussels. Sea - purging the bootie, take a few doses gage to secure a charter as the fort h. Exeter, Clinton and tiodericb. of Carter's Little Liver Pills they Stratford Railway Company by order •utd inspected properties tt Inch were will t' • • you, of the lieuteneot-governor-in-gown- deemed suitabltt for a site. It was A toe,ei ;pro:nerd a prize for the dei. followed by a special act of the recommended tbat should n eanitar- b_-: easw,.r to tN' cern:ndrum "Why (57:'-'10 Legislature at the next acs- icon be est ablftilnd it should he man - is a women like a .. news p' i a :r" it is claimed thnt the Ht,l aged by a local board of , directors Tb l'r:z wee won by -t woman in 7 : t., and W. O. have bonuses, Gov.i with t wo or three representatives ap- Okiahonot, who sent in .the following' ,7:•,. rat and municipal. for about pointed by the council, or members •'Ilecause every man should have In: 1'10•000 a mile for an intended line of the council. An estimate tb[ the of his ores artl not run after his b•.•tw en St. JItry-s and Exner, and' cost of such an institution was placed Q.,shb�r•s have made bonding arrangements for at upwards of $10000. - 9 Special serwi(es are this week Letn the conarectlon of the Stretford'Ilouse of Refuge. M' g .etre ,t it tilwey sy tern as well as the i TI,,.e o[ refuge commit tee in ft. mfrom conducted in the raven Presbyterian tine from 5t rat ford and Exeter, and rhouse t f to the house of refute: church by fire young en froKnox, thence to Laker Huron. It is pro-,{ua � at Iterlon found the building and college, Services are being held in case(] to band en electric line from 11 the morning commencing rat nine Stratford to St. Mares, also from al eulpmcnt in fir. t claass condition. o'clock and in the evening at eight. On j,;nction point at or near Nicole Mills Th�� fand t he'e in grott Ing crops ood gar of cult tva- ad• Tuesday morning they addressed the at the juncture of the Avon and the' ranc,,d. F.ntir' satisfaction with the school and the scholars were delighted Thew.es, about. 2 3-4 miles from lit. management tong expressed and t It With the addresses and singing. Marys corporation Balite. to Exeter,' committee considered that the in.- - DO11JNuN I)AV .1T CENTRALIA, end to a point westerly on Lakettit ion was economically and efficient yromis_= tob• one cf unuasual at tree- Huron. An hourly !'•mice is to bet ly managed. The average cost per tion One year. A cnttple of base -ball given between Stratford and at.! week is 91 3-1 cents for an average of match -. and a long and varied bill M.irys. and a two-hour service to' ninety inmates. This is considered of sport.. ere b ing arranged for and EN: t. r. The company propose to use, an extra good record on examination thy different committees are work. N.ieera potter on their system, tak•!of t he 4I.,I.IStIC5 o[ 1909 for Ontario, in, leo 1 to reike• the celebration one ins it from thecity station for their, wt„,.!,the rate for the county i1outlyingi t . r ia 1 for II t n Straw!) '1system n h •r v:r a 11. tr c c1 , : � h b 1 rad and Durham of t h y , ho . ort um cr a •in an 1 it t ern in eh,lndence will be arranged by the. hydro -electric pots-., , at $L85 per heck for an ar- provid,'I t,) th ladies of ttic er commission. The following rpt , of seventy inmates, Huron church tenni leer six p. tn. Marys and district gentlemen ecu .t.t) rate is th /lone+t in Ontario. In tie ' t. raise grand con- stitetc th • board of directors: -•a, {,resent their are .85 inmates, 1111 e, r: tt el e civ ri by the ladies Aid. Mes-rs. T. 0. Robson. 11. L. Itioc. of whom .ecru to he clean. well fed M ii:c:: /etre.:t, Mi -s Eliott, Tor- Utvid Donis and Arch Baird. and fairy' well cto be :d. Th. \West• onto. Mi.. t;r••grry. \\•indsor. grad• r .hall property, at Edgmondville. ua••• of th.• U. troit School of Exprea• r't)UTil HURONl'Alt?11:R el 1\aTi whish sees taken ovtr by the county site. : I '.1i-- White. violinist and TUTN for the tnaintrnance of Mr+. \Wcst•i ori r.:- Of th • 5 lfort1. Met hornet ')'he anneal meeting of the !iouth 01111. has been sold to Mr. 11. E. Ten- ch,.•ca h t b••••n • lie Leed for the oc• ilt.ron Farmers irstut•• was held in all. of Tuekeretnith, for _$1_5. The c1 -i .1, :I 1 , fir -o else+ progremtne lid ruAii last week Tar reporter of suttee of X533 from John Vickers and Is • .: -el. \dmf --ion to ground. the officers showed a fairly 1'never- te100 from Mrs. Cottle. both 'mulles. ar.'1 25 c11. for adults child• eels year. It commenced wit hab,alance he ve been received on their ma int en• O r • ('one •rt tickets 25 and of oter set) on to wrong sidle and :ince : ecuunt, remelt help is Irony 15 c• . 17 :. • r...-- the greet treat tens closed with a email surplus fm needed at the bonse of refuge. .1s• of 11 r• ) r the treasury. The institute meeting .is( Ince brie been advertised for ,hut •sear hood leen f. rte teed ;t• none has been obtain --d. Regarding DASH \W001) ;, , ,1 e'er .•seemed to , I;cit much in- the letter roc. heed from R. N. Duff, ^• 1 -t from thuse w ho attended. It of Blue v.1 •. referring to thy• nese 21It '•1•. - 1i~ e, .\•1 . • . , 'I eid'd to hold the regular in• couim,itted by a 1.an now in jail upon •tt red 1 the w 'l l;n:r of �,1,. -1 t : , 1 ree for the reason at It. b cci Nunn. an imbecile. it tray r o - et r t, I'• : /. : : Ir ::'i 1 :.i .her as formcly sup- commended that she b• left in the 1 v. r e .' ... e 1 2.• .t 1 • :t 1 111.1 be 31.1d at hands of the Reeve of .Morrie. in guar ., IIIr. 1': c 1 ri. •! n .1 Fr:^ler• l'oehwo:d which to::\\ship the ei.ltg.. of 1.::c• on '1 . „ 1 ,.: - ,. 1. Teck'!- reale i+ partly siteet ed. II. - - . , i. I :,..I t. t.- ., r ;: r sere rill; COC'N71 1:\GINEi:It.. IIE 11 e. I 1 '. , '1 ,r illoe'.11 I'. 1 •. -, : ,lube, T. Mil' • '1.. I: .ch n 1., •:, . ,•. , I ',n. 1 -burl,'. .t1I I:. 1'h11'i; Ex. D. Patterson. county engineer, r:- ported th it a f.ov s moll w 2shout. ,;( a t: .72222. . '11 r , } ever t ;1 ' :,1 tr'a.ur'r- 'rhe• 11e1'11 the only te•s1,11' of the eprir, uc !: 7 . n r,tu. , , 14 r n.,tn1 ' Ishin. '.lens;'' u re iJgoint..(1 • tobn Mel•:,,„n. \\, \\, ('nn„•r., )t. iresh••ts. As 1 h eeilrs t tairline cI, h her • 1 r• . 1 ' . n . 1 - . , v • . 1 I b n• :; b r „ i, I . ',molten. U. It. 11c\:utghton, 1\'. U. approach to the Exeter bridge were ' I ur. sr and 1\' Murdock beginning to deciy, a concrete re - o Nt:uu1.•t � 1 \' .. :. ! 1 11, - u• t La -1• • e 1. Th 1 . P. \1ut tee .1 •11022. tts. It. i:ar'llnor. C1131.12.4, ,d o[ 11,tt ,. 1..:. '• et. .ith. John !Mori,tn. Jahnl(ow• John Geiger, \1 I'nrlh:il, jr, taining wall to suetaut the api•ro::eh t 1.1w4-11 1 , 1\'i'1••rl. and 11, limit teas recommended to be .erected. The . r ,2, t Ilogg:0'110 E. J. Jloffatt, AV, ehairraan of the road and bridge coin - . John Lo:o, W. ?Inrlock 10,t 1e•. for 1 be county of Perth wase J, Nhapton. Stephen, 14, rust at the Ilcniryn bridge on April r.:serfs :end T. it. Carling. J:xeter: 20th, to examine the structure. It t 2 teas decided that a new bridge should t.,• erect rl each county to pay half it Co-:. .1 n1ut,7 r of small bridge. 1ee1.• r, entun,'•nd •t lu b.- ereted: One at KIM id on t • L-Ik • Shore road: on- . n 11: 1„ •: 0 1 , r t of Ashfield and \\reef \'. ,e..n, h. .nether on .the boundary ..t 111.11• 71 awl ?ici<tl;op. .n l snot h 1 tin Ili hoen•lary of .M- r• tie and :,lc i.lop, A ernali bri0uc south of V. inghein ehuvld b' erect, 22 the spas.: filled in. i ot'NTV IRATE The equalized ns''•s•lu.•nt. of tri county is $12,501. 0t). and the trees rarer s ( et invited ,;•••nditnre ie 573,• 172.11 and 11., • mated $9,120.01, I. at It., • balance of "I •n 1. i 1 for. Thi; ui1. ''n' and on 12• If 1221:1.; 011 t li. duiree for the pi ► ;rl year. t,vfut tio: • r t.. 1 i,r s r 1 f:. 2reI .t. `.titch II, 1-s1mine tt, G tr. y {..n, 1 ire: 'IBI.. .c. .l,'. t L'. h)n,1. Ir., T. lot, l t r .b r 1 ,.1 21. n• ui ' ` t'' • ' • • `•icl.a}. ;t. ?icKny, the tie i 1, u 1 7 i0:1(i(0o1, ((tet r !'•idol u( r1, Hare, eat. Co:.:, `:.., •. I.. James I'atter•nn and sere )nn II • gailt. i, •141. It,ns:tll ; %I.1". Me- : h. ..11•6111.01111V .1•110MINIE•11.4011111 Why Take Alcohol? Are you thin, palc, easily tired, lack your usual vigor and strength? 'i'hen your digestion must he poor, your blood thin, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative. You need Aycr's Sarsaparilia, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. ‘Ve believe your doctor would endorse these statements, or we would not make them. Ask him and find out. Follow his advice. J. C. Auer CO., Er;we•ri: At/at,. The endorsement of your doctor wi I certainly greatly increase your t (ilidew( in Ayer's P111s as a family laxative. Liver pills. All vegetable. Ask your doctor abort 0 Chi.lciren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A STU A\'cgctablc Pr:paratiotl fur As - the food and etc); ul.i- 1iing the Stowtti:ly andlkov.eiN f • Promos Digestion,Ch erfttl- IIe5S.uul ilesi.Contalns neither Opnun ?torphinc nor Hintaal. iloT NAILCOTIG. !.1(t,y ✓Old IIrS(Iwzz Jfir.we !tuw,•.t:w Sud - •t1, .ret.nr • R.ntd4 .fib - .4nifr JS•, e Jim:mint JnG✓tiewetela • Sugar . kta✓y.•ue I&az-7 Aperfccl Remedy forC,onsiipa- tion, Sour Slornach,DiatriiOca, %Volans ,Convulsions Feverislt- ticss and Loss OF SLEET' Tac Simile Signature . 1 aft r ;. NEW YORK. CASTORI For Infante and Children!. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of LAACT COPY OP WRAPPER. • In Use For Over Thirty Years tn./ cswTau aorn55. R :w 5055 CASTORIA 5' a .......it....••..•• HOME-MADE MEDICINE Said to Relieve Kidney Trouble and Rheumatism One ounce Fluid Extract Dande lion r One ounce Compound Salatone ; Four ounces Compote:d Syrup Sarsaparilla ; Mixed and taken in teaspoonful doses after nteals and at bedtime, is stated by a prominent physician to giro most excellent remits in kidney or urinary afflictions. and also in rheumatism and sciatica. The mit- ture opens the clogged pores of the kidneys, flue assisting than in their work of filtering all waste and poiau, our matter from the blood, and expels theso in tho urine. To allow Rib i.oisonous matter to remain meant that it will settle in the muscular tissues or joints, and cause the untold misery known u rheumatism. The mixture is composed of harm- less vegetable ingredients which can be curchaud at any good drug store, and mixed at home. Anyone suffering from any of these afflictions will no 1loabt 1 e pleased to learn of so simple and highly reeom mended remedy. •••�•••••••••N•••• YjOU[t CHANCE TiIIP I'OR A HOLIDAY Return tick:'tn rat piirlgic fare tela h:• wined by the Grand fr::nk ltt:i• nay System account of ' Domt0io:tand if you want Graining, 1 IOIISC Day". between 111 station:. i 1 Canada and Sign fainting, 1 cttcrinl;, also to Detroit and fort Huron. Michel Show Card Writing w e do it, in Niagara i•'ai.s end Buffalo. • N. Y ' Gold going Jun -e 30th and .tory [et which fine we do nothing but the Return limit Ju.y 4th. 1910. Sccure best work• ticket+ from any Grana Trtak Agent. Teacher Wanted. School Teacher wanted for School Section No. 1. Stephen, duties to com- mence in August. Apply 'stating sal- ary and qualiflcationato T. J. AMY, Crediton Ont. 8-0-1 m.p. 50 -Acre Farm for Sale South half Lot 17, Concession 4, L 1. S., Tuckersmitb. First-class land for pasture or grain, 3 acres bush, never failing web, good frame hoose with stone cellar and cement floor, surrounded by wind -break of spruce trees, also an orchard of apples, pears plums and small fruits, Targe hank barn with stone foundation. This choice property is situated five miles from Seaford' and three :riles front Kippen, convenient to school and churches. Possession in the fall. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Wru,l I'toudfoot, Kipren, Ont. ((r to I'hue. Cameron, Auctioneer, Farquhar, Out. GRAINING r N PAPERNA (,IN(, '4 iiiModer ONF,Y TO LOAN HOUSEand Mode' • have unlimited private funds tor iamb Manilla( tdeed by DICKSONR CARLING I N6raMtup000ntefraem or village imperil a1 IaM SIG• N PAINTINGHarveyBros. Ewer At this particular season you tt ill need the house decorated. painted or some paper hanging done . Times Went Column TEACHEIR:WANTED Alak- 'Teacher with 'second class uro- fess.ona' certificate for S. y. No. 3 Stephen. Duties to commence ,1-• Aug. ,t. Apply to JOHN 3'ItE87.CATOR, 11 Sec -Tress, Exeter 1'. Iron Poste For Sale Jlrick house in'Exeter woderata size, in good repair. Well situated on one at the best streets in 'the vi31agt't Good lawn gardiu and stable. Apply at cites to 0. GLADMAN R. s-rAxlluaYl 8larrist crs, Exeter. 5.19-tr. Residence for Sale We offer by private Bale nue of the choicest residence properties in Exe- ter, Moderato Oise. good repair. con- veuient location. Good stable and garden. Apply at once. (Badman 8d Htanbury 3.3tG In order to close out our Stock of iron Posts we have reduced the price from 25 cents to 18 Cents IRON BRACES Iron Pipe Braces all lengths at 5 Cents a Root We will take in Exchange IIorse- hair, Rubbers, Iron, Copper, 13rass & Wool Pickings for which we will the Highest Price. M. JACKSON'S MAIN ST. EXETER Flour & Feed All Good Kinds of FLOUR and FEED kept on Hand Bran end Shorts sold by the Ton. Wheat taken in exchange for Flour an(1 Oats taken in exchange for Oatlneal. W. Rivers EXETER, - ONTARIO. 11111WeeMWOMIWsammonatimiesemeemst ..-, FLOUR syousis si 111e Nolld Ver HOMESTEAD_ Rtlo t: LATIOii[i, Any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over ilk scotoui of available Dominion land IN Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta► The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agenoy •r Sub-agc.noy for the diatriot. Entry W proxy may be had at the agency, of certain conditions, by father. moths son, daughter, brother, or sister of intending homesteader. Duties: -Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in wok of three years. A (homesteader may live within nine miles of ,his homier stead on a 'farm of at least 80 acre* solely owned and occupied by him or his father, mother, eon, dauthter. brother or sister. In certain districts a homest.eadda in good standing may pre-empt s quarter section alongside his born`•, stead. Price $3. per acre. Duties -e Must resido six months ineaoh of sir years from date of homet'tead entry (including the tittle required to earo homestead patent) and oultivtae fifty scree extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his hotnestead right and cannot ob. tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain districts Prtoe $3. per acre. Duties. -Mast reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and ere•/ a house worth $300.0 w. w. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the nterlor N. B, -Unauthorized pnbllcstion oh; ment wtu not be paid for Ts B. CARL/NO. Life. Accident. Fire and mate. ones Insurance. also Collecting Account,. 872.1 Auetioneeriog, DR. O. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S.: D. D. S.' Honor graduate of Toronto1University DENTIST OFFICE: -Over Dickson' & CarlinRs Law Offices, Exeter. t'tiONP. r•. CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFI .R)OONO 'nit. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over (Badmen & Stanbuty Main street- ExKTr u, vimomiNINAINNS W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 LI • P. S„ Graduate Victoria U TWO TO ONE you can't make biscuit out of corn- meal nor Jonnny cake from flour. For all-round Good linking it requires BEST MILi.1-:D FLOUR We have it it's the cook's delight - And is always reliable. Don't use any other There's none better it's the best People tell us the) never used flour equal to remelt y. office and reeideuence. Dominion GabOr5t017• Exeter Aaaoclate Coroner of Heron. TZ R. Bright, M. D„ M . C. P. and +i08., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Two years rehideut physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and residence, t Dr. Autos', rld stand Andrew Street, Exeter. We Do It and Do It Right Give Us a Trial Notice to Justices and Magistrates The 1't.' trio Soo .2 •i for 1910 have been r, wed by t- for (1151ribution and in , be obeli. 1 by .Justice's of the Ileac • and 11 . tr:.te., (:no:t ap- plication at my nfi • •. • Gad:'rieb. O: h C. SEAGEI1. e-6-2 Clerk of tb • Peace iluron. GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARDI DEMONS COPYRIGI4TS &C. Aaye-e scnil(na a sketch r.,-.,1 ,i , r'rtl•,n m5y enle5ltfA.rortain (4100111,m roe whether an InrenlN nn ereear,lr Dpatan)pQ t, ( mmunh'A• llnnaet Melly rnneanntl,et. gatincoSit on Patents Pstg. rrrn 1.td?.t 5 •eery to/f ere r,rlt 5 JrnMn15. l'n1M.15 talion 4 ,r"uith T1,,,.a A (1. receive !eget it nonce. /mahout Charge, lathe .Hmerican. A hmd24- 7 sly Illuaral.-1 werhly. rwrOff •+l !n- t�u1alettel of n•,y a'',en(n5n j •ort. tl. !siert. foe ('.masa,/t„ e a rear posted.: 524115144 t'td.l by 511 new•leslea5 MUN( & Co2 Newtt.york Gdroet fluoOO2 EXETER. ONT. COLON EL GRAHAM No. 12103 (9255) Co:onel Graham will tcontinne th.- route this season ins follows: Monday biay 0th, will!leave hie own stable and proceed cost to tThos. .Venmer's Tor noon then north ,to ('bio-lhurst and civet to (Geo. t\V. Wrens Tor .night. Tuesday wee( to Mele•an's tomer. theft north to \\'m. llogarth's for noon then west by way of Kippen Road to Jame+ McGregor'* corner. ,then north 1 1.1 filet then ,w•('At and south to Robert Cooper's for night. Wednes- day. to 1(ruce(icld. 'Kiser's [Back- snt.th shop for tloon; thence to Varna for night inhere h.• will remain until Thursday afternoon. 'Thursday after- noon south to llills,treen. east half mi -e to will. Levo', for nigh:. Fri- day to 1111; sgtt, 11.:tooth to 'Zurich ltd. west to Johnston's 'Hotel for noon and will remain unci! :tietlydn)' mornin,!. 8a, tordny twit to,Jas. Greens for noon then to his ,ottn stable where he ts-J1 1rvnain until the following Monday niornin,r. Thk route trill .he contin- fued thro1,rhnit 1he1%ea+oft hcrlth and twcath r p,rrn�ltuti;. T, J. J)h:ltl; (ti I?. (JEM . OLGIl Proprietor,. F. il,•ngounb• Mao. N••Nl1111111MM:vy, m'relates, noitolteore Notarise, noes arsons Bas Cm ommlasl,er•, tls ollcttore for the /1011000 H1 Manure Litters 1"'k� k`° to YOaey [.own w0 towsst rause of la0aess!• its Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can be installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder These tihlee things Ale Brea labor -savers for farmers and necessities Cn a farm For sale by W. T. Gillespie I'ho a Exeter. Ont. 1 550 01144 01P1CS,--MAIN STREET, I<ZJITILR. , a. CARLINO R A. L. e, D1Q/Or) :1ON EY 1'0 LOAN. We hate w large stnount of prtvate, teats flan On form and village propenes, al Ie1rr11a Interest. 0I.ADJiAN & r TANHUIIY 7l.srrt.t.er. Solicitor+. 111 sin BL:EaeM(• _MUN /'Y1'OLOAN On Faro, and 101tage Propeatieg at low est Well O' Interest. Improted and other Nortl,5(0 Lan (la and, Town Lot• for sale. Roney to loan on such property ERNEST ELLIOT. f Cowieyam ea, etc Office, Main St. Exeter Shorthorn Bulls a,y pti•seul offering is four choice young hulls ready for service. got by (.'oiNT tivr.v.tNcs 1:W1)001 and out of good milking Danis. All registered. Apply to JOHN ELVER, Itensall 1'. ♦..0..0..0.000......4....• O„ or on Lot Ili, ('tui. flay. �•.....................�.�. The Usb erne and Ribbert The "Times' and Toronto Weekly farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- (:lobe to new snhscribers from now till Jany. 1st, 1911 for 35 cents. ante ompanu 1'ho •'1•intes" fnd Toronto 'Weekly Head Offlco. Farquhar, Ont- (:iot,n to new shbeerihers from now till Jan, 1st 1911 for 35 c..•nts. The "Times" and Toronto \Weekly ':lobe to new snbecribere from now i'I Jany. let, 1911 for 35 colt... The "Tiniest' and Toronto weekly till Jany. ist, 1911 for 35 cents. The "Time•!' and 'rnronto Weekly (globe to new subscribers from now till Jany. 1st. 1911 for 35 c-•nt•, The "Tinn•a' and Toronto Weekly Globe to new rubseribers from now till .limy. tat, 1911 for 35 cent•-, •••••1•••1U•••••••........• •••••••••••••••••••••••.•• President. .1. I'. It t'ssEL1, Vice -Pres.. tV 11. ROY i)IRKI,"!01(8, 110111'. NORRRIS. THOS. RYA\ \V?I. iI(tOCK, it01tT. (iAltilfll•:It, A(1 iMNTH, JOHN EMERY. Exeter. agent he Osborne and Airldulph. OLIVER IHAIIII(M, Munrot a % for Hibbert, frullarton and Logan. Stitt fa. Dublin. \Wincheleca. Far other. „PORN CAMI'.BELb -a Socy.Treas. Farquhar 01 ADMAft a 9TANN!'MY. 9,fl:More