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Exter Times, 1910-06-23, Page 3
�`alt� DID FOR Illi 1 turn :n.i,• , slut (t• is suggested �, not ('arse for 'sheat• ty the lullewin;.; •u•( (dote. The Iot.KS The Kidneys Seldom to Blame-- An has been sec• last( already', l erects of an undergraduate K•cre The Trouble Due to Blobd neither the new ling nor the J.1`. E. Illt.tN'I' SI FFI:IiI:) TOR- el•sputiig as to the dale of their <ao-o�es000�woalot/ Queen is credited eith any liking Mt:\'I'S FRO 11 hlh\1:1' fast letter to their "hopeful," lean figurines for what is called the swarf et. W ;lieu, sumeehat to tlla distress of 'I'll;: I' \Nui.l; eI(;\.U..111e1. 1 1:. the mother, the hud not heard fur It is now recalled that las. autumn Playmates titer since they could There is more uoii eese talked Queen Mary was staying at a Ileum) seine time. remember had been Jimmy Bi " l about backache than any ether dis- peaty in the cuuntie tti,ich is clud- 'hen Ile Used hold's hh18e} filly "Aro you sure, Thomas," asked siel Ned (.'live. Their mothers bail , ,.: ( . �.,tue i)eople hate been fright- cd three or four members of the and Became a Well Mall • 11ir1 the mother, u«c o inced, thin it '^-ice t1 at their friendship began alien . e• ,! ..e.., the belief that eery ultra smart set, whose cunselsa was 4411 the 11th that 3013 wrote to II, y crept on the their. that it went 1 ,,, e.,. tie nasals deadly kidney tier, at dinner was also ultra 51111111. Experience a Leysen for You. 1;,ek „ i•Ii during the age when they plae- t„.,i That is utter rubbish. As The Princess, as she then was, Athairi,ra Lauding. Alta, Julio ' :\bsolutely:" was the father's sit ideee, ti ti -ober, and baud •u ,t fleet, r of svieutitic fact not ono participated very little in it. :1f 13._(Si"-ei:ll). 'Tat Kidney 1)is- (le• i•'n•e ►'espon9e. "I lucked it up 1•.i n4; the}• hall gone to the schiee• ie. eel ;,e .n twenty has anything to terwarel, when the ladies were in (sale, neglected in its earlier stag -I1') ul� eheck-buck this morning.,' },• .. fee the first day of 5choul. l 1. it:, liic kidneys. blast back the drawing room, the I't,1.,• s: es, Icads to the wast terrible sof Tho expert accuuntsnt se ho is I: ,s ue(dle s (41 say that the;e. i , . • ,rte from sheer weakn(ss opened a workbag, dress front it it ring, if not death itself, and that' e .: e fast friends, and that theft. ,::,d i (lies dl segs can't possible .t woollen sock and. taking her ; o11a ane sure cure for it in all that: culled in to balance ri set of books /hail i, things that they diel t are that,. You need a,ulething tO •• stand un the hearthrug, proceed-) , never figures on having a steady ! lar [� t•, ea' h other to be ler is Dtxld's Kidney Pills, is the ex - jute jute 1 iirne' . vu up and give you new ed to knit. tee icily() of M r. James E. Brant, a " 1.:tiy untie: spoil They Itad a-trenetii and that is exactly' Khat For over an hour she remained Tarnier residing near here. I, great many tt'�rds of their ote0 Ilse 1l illiaunS' Pink Pills will do.: stock still almost, absorbed in her Mr. Brant hcoalracted Kich,,, THE I:It l:1'1' \U11'I'll COUNTRY. n !king to denote c• stain things of Other backaches are really muscle w'' rk, and while she b1oexi th0 til- Ihe: ase, when a young man, from' Those Indians who made the first f• .nes: they lead a good ,ualt]' lee rheumatism, and Dr. \1•illianis' tta smart ladies, whose usual form a strain, and, like hosts of others, Icauue of birch bark long ago, were r. 11 es.: . plays of imagine- ...-. magine- fink fills have cured the wont would be liqueurs and cigarettes, 1luglected it, oxnectir►q it to go' aur greatest benefactors. The t', i:.1 t tiling which no one castis u[ rheumulism by driving the had to eland too, until they were aw'ny itself. children of these, ludiails know the c. ' 1i-u..l was the signals. t,,,i.t Hour► acid out of the hloud. absolutely dead tent. The Queen, But it kept gradually growing Faroe, and they know how to use when there seemed w (►thee I,aekathes are the symptoms: who resembles her great grandnlo-worse, till after thirty yearb of in ; 1t. and if yeti go to Temlug:uni, On - h•' r• r ;l on for it Jimmy Kuuld; t. ora'iru ry ailments such as intlu thee, Queen ('llarlotte, so closet} creasing suffering the climax came, 011ie, this summer they wi!! paddle; I di e the roues, when no c rza, indigestion, constipation and iu appearance, has also, curiously yid he found himself so crippled F"ser canoe in their sew a superb _ ...'that Nr<I was at the 1, eloligh, inherited the taste of that 4411}'. Studetts who cam I hl\l. 1:1111 .i 1(1)'5 tilNUNESS lif l:ccr tom „alar. In woolen back tllt at times he culd not turn iu p i« stun -d '•:Is quite inlpossiblenthes often come from the trciubh'-s ei'meKhnt domineering and manaR 1(41. and for t.v►u wtxks at a flute wCl ulung the Teinagami lakes are • i,oK Jil[llll}• knew, Oftenthat follow su surely un ally t+uk-i Ing IIIdy fur standing fur a lung at Kay impassible for hien to ►iso able to <!u tw•o }•curs' K•urk in cele.'Smputhy fur 1'oar ltawker Saved 1111 Jin,, to tame nluui; thelroad: noes or irregularity in the usual time after dinner. fi, m a chair without putting his. Yiiteet of fishing and hunting. Easy) [,allot from Police. SPAVI nal bis ++,;, school he would say, ! , Rof access by the Grand Trunk Rail-, ' Nru his gone alu,:g. ' :Cone of b, cod supply. The one way to cure.(Illl.11 BI:GG.IKS 1N PARIS. Lands on his knees.One of the incidents that showed these backaches is to strike at the _ Ile could not tattoo his clothes.) ens. System. Information and the iu( - were able to find nut how' root of the trouble with Dr. Wil- , - He was troubled Kitt► Lumbago,' beautiful descriptive publicativa Feng Edward's kindly nature oc- curred/k�fltttti\ he knew this. ,.,.Parents (lire Out Children to Pre- G,nveI and Backache, and tried b''n! free un application to Mr. J. I). • at Lengtharnps, France, in When there was a number of buys lie ens Pink Pills, which enrich ilte re -skeet! Beggars. \!t Donald. District Passenger eller Inca tthen he and President blood and • bring strength to aching medicines for each and all of them}r• le gether, and plansae were being Larks and weak, nei-ves. Mr. Alex. Sometimes, even in Prance, we without getting relief, till good luck Agent, Union Station, Toronto, l.t•nbet were at the races together. Y. faille about the games. Jimmy al-ICcckbiirn, Ueloraine, Man., saes: d•, a little good, writes a Parieeor- turned hien to 1)odd's Kidney Pills.) Ont. lust before a big event of the day weys could tell just what Ned was lel wndcnt. Here is an instance:; Uuld's K:dne1 fills started at ----- Stile King lowered the glasses going to do, although the boys :\b"art three years ago I suffered [through which he had been examin- eculd not sec that they had looked, remit')• from backache. I consult- For some time the number of the cause of his troubles and cured CARRYING IT TOO FAR. Zing the homes at the starting past, at each other. The mystery about! cd a doctor and took h''s medicine, child beggars 1►a's been increasing his Kidneys. With cured Kidneys ;Ind there me sem^ Inert Nho N111• and turnip to one of the officials • this was of interest to every one in i and wore a plaster, but did n• t gest in alarming proportions, and the his other troubles speedily disap- de their best used even their test. is the tribune.gsaid: th• school. 1 tic least relief. Thee 1 got :t 1,e:t, •result. of enquiries made showed reared, and to -day ho is a well friends- A poor woman over there seems One signal. however, was at last but this was as use•lees as the either that eo•tt in servants pr'•fitcsd by malt• to be haying a bad 1itnC with the discovered, and this by Jimmy's' treatment. Anel n,s suffering still :tic' absence of their masters to hire If you cure your Kidneys with No Alcohol In It. -Alcohol or any 1,„fico. I wish you would be good mother. The boys had been play -continued. Then one of my friends �'• ung children from professional 1)c.dd's Kidney Pills you will never other volatile matter which would enough to send over and order. Leg in the barn, and they wanted asked inc Nhr i�did not try Dr• tfggnts 'and Itt ottlr,it ttu'irllown chit- I)iseaI. mbagopsyltlorinlatight'slleis- eart impair strength by evaperation'them to handle her more gently." some pieces of old fe'.t to cover a. Williams Pink I ills, and I got a f does not in any shape enter into The object of the King's sympa-I hex. Mrs. Brown told Jimmy thathex. Before they were all used dren. 'ltbe Prefect of Police, how- Fuse• Dro the manufacture of Ur. Thomas' thy proved to be a hawker who had! ire the attic, in an old chest, were tl'ene was sante improvement in my. ('ter, has taken .tees t.' put an end I:cleetric Oil. Nor do climatic inadvertently strayed into one of senlc heavy strips of felt, just what condition and I lint three boxes to this disgraceful':I:ate of things, JOHNNY KNEW. changes affect it. It is as service- s< ervice- the reserved enclosures, and was be needed. and to open the big more. R} the tune I had taken and gave eels rs that all seeing chit } Sunday Sekool Teacher -"John- ','}''' "' the Arctic Circle as in the being hustled out with unnecessary box under the eaves and ice) in, these alt the signs of the pain had dren found begging were to 1)0 1'v, what is the first thing your fa- "sell 7,c,r:e, perhaps more useful: s;. icnco. ver carefully, and that he would Rune, and as it has not, since re -taken to a spatial shelter. Thule 1'1 the higher latitudes, where elan! Thanks to the King's inter en -I }th•er clues, after all are seatei at R sect need a light because there was turned I feel that the cure is per-nrnoeg thorn who ere old enough to the dinner tablet" is ))taro subject to culls from ex -I u, she las allowed to remain very little else in the chest. I teamed. My only regret is that I undorst.and the evil of begging. but Johnny -"Ho arz, 'Hold on a` i>'"tare to the elements. ,:tail after the race. and then took Ncd sat down on the cricket near did not. hear • 1 1)r. Williams' Pink who are forced to it b} their par tu;nnit, begs, potatoes before: her departure in peace. where Mrs. Brown was sewing, and I'ills sooner. ter net only would I vests, are to bo placed under proper pie.' ,e "What's s yours l asked the wai- ter of •quick -lunch patron. "Jfuf-; Tho woman with the shortest LANCER, TnlnriF, Lumps, etc. internwl IIIrs. Brown was askingNed about but would also have saved some Some of .the younger ones were Ens and black coffee," Nas the re (tet may possess til longest and cstrrnat, eared without vain by Through indiscretion in eating' ,it. , and the Kaiter bent an order our hums treatment. Write us before too school, and they were laughing to- twenty-five dollars uselessly afloat 4• delighted with the shelter pre grocn fruit in surnrncr many chi'- 1 tongue. late ser. Rehman Medical Co.. Limited. gether, when there carne the sound in other treatment -s '' 4 <led for them that, when released to the cook : One in the dark and t oningw, nd not and turned into the streets to begdren become subject to cholera two rubber tyres." A Pill That Lightens Life. -To l't three quick raps and then ane' I)r. Williams'Pink Pills are sold H1, rbus caused by irritating acids. �_ FARMS FOR SALE. short one. She had just asked Ned by all dealers in medicine may t F their awncl•s or hirers, they Ma- the man who is a victim of indigos- ^ '" that act violently en the lining art IMITATIONS ABOUNO, but insist upon tion the tfIInSIICfiOn of businessatbe- �� OR SALE. 161 ACRES, y E. 1-4 AEC- weat the class was doing in nature) be had by snail at 50 cents a box a:CdlAlel}' returned to their refuge tee intestines. Pains and dengGr- 'l.ttcrttwheh has Flo d lh.•The D Atral of Trur■` CUInC9 an added miser}'. He cannot t wrlys90 eereF rlultivat d`bwlanc unbent'. ilor study. Instead of answering Iter,; or six boxes for 312.',0 from The i)r. nIMI 41ished tO stay. M. Lepine is , us purgings ensue and the delicate it cures; en)teunuF Ann c. "'the u. & L.' caeeentrate his mind a )on his ta9ks en, Fad honer, SOsU, inside: two log houses. he stared with wide eyes. Williams' Medicine Co., Brcck- to be congratulated on hit prompt • .tem of the child sutlers under I■ made by Davis a Lawrence co• t user Fe■h1rP, three went, lite spring. Ar -d merciful action in this Inst -sal- and loss and vexation attend him. par cowl mine, neatly Pts feat vein of coal. "Excuse ale, Mrs. Brown, he, vllle, Ont,t drain. In such calno the , \ 711418 whir 41 black eye is up To such a man Parmelee's Yege- Roost merchantable, 10 mike due north said, and away he t)rK, up the; - -'b f'''' and surest medicine is Ile. .I. from station. Iielkirk. l' P 1:. from ane stairs three steps at a time, and! YOUTH - FIJI, 1tOB131:115. -e` - .... I' Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It against the dark side of life- isble Pil13 offer retic(. :1 course u[ prams, 2 1-2 miler from past P 11 . Foremen, �� Q P ! ebe"k the inflammation and tleatrncnt. according to directions, and R,')t ,l, i 1-2 from 1'. 0. Notre Damn, ten uJ, the attic stairs, fairly raid , A Kell organized band of boy ' iChLY BABIES QUICKLY CURED. Ask for Mlnard•s and arks no other, (wilt convince him of their great good land. Rood water. Fhelter, good nuc• :;ng over himself. Mrs. Brown;robbers, led by a ferocious chief- - ::•te the child's life. Fide pafor one Painter rre••k, rte. laid down her work, and fulMNedThe sickly Labs is quickly cured ( eecellence. They are confidently J or fulln for Frni,il, ill -health and wee. ruin aged 13, have just been cap -I }' A bright little girl, who had Roc recommended because they will do 1'.,r particular, write Chas t±lirbnts. from curiosity. Something told her fated by the police of Sopron, 1'4 13nLy's Own Tablets. These •••I don't like your heart action, ' cessttl!ly smelt the Kurd ''that," all that is claimed for them. )' r,r. t �l•a there was trouble. and she, too,• Hungary. bays the l.oedvn Daily Tablets are a never failing cure fur the doctor aid, applying A stctho esus asked what would remain af- rit up the stairs. Mail. The baud eonsistcd art eleven t110 treuhlos arising (rum n discs• s,, ,pe again. "Pau hate had soma ter the "t" had been taken rte -ay. it is. however. not at all strange When she watt half -N ay up she •lads. aged from 8 to 13 years, who tiered condition of the stomach Rnd trouble Kith angina )x-eteris." , ''Tho dirty cups and saucers," was that so few fast young mes conic beard Ned tugging at the chest,! had left their parents for a life oft ()(.wets. Being sold under a guar- • \•ou•re partly right. doctor," the reply. '. t' the front. trying to open it. "Oh. con,',• acl%enture. They lived in a largo artee to contain no harmful drug said the young man sheepish]} ; ,. ----- ph ase'" he cried, when he heard ease, and during the lust three they can be given to the youngest "fluty that isn't her name." A Safe Pill for Suffering \'•Inert. Keep Minard s Liniment In the hoists. --The secluded life of women 44hieh --The Secluded life of women which .- permits permits of little healthful exercise, is a fruitful cause of derangements of the stomach and liver and is ac- ct•untable for the pains and lassi- tude that so many of therm experi- er ce. 1'armelee's Vegetable Pills Nils correct irregularities of the digestive organs and restore health a0(i vigor. The most delicate wo- man can use them with safety. be- cause their action, while effective, is mild and soothing. 1)i1) NOT NEED SYMPATHY. pec WHY BACKS ACIIE - NO ESE FOR •)1 1111' •I:'I'. , l t•. I'(1 TELT,. «� t 1<WHAT NEGLECT King George and l�ueen )tarn do A esus . f 4b' •, ,; ht.Blues of cors _ 41 Contains more real body-building nutriment than meat or eggs -Costs much less For any meal in combination with vege- tables, baked apples, sliced bananas, stewed prunes and other fruits. Heat biscuit in oven to restore crispness.1 Sold by all posses, Mr. • saresa. ewe lee 25e. School of Mining A COLLEGE Or APPLIED SCIENCE, Affiliated to Queen's Uaiversaty, KINGSTON. ONT. Tor Calendar of the School and further infer - Melton, appy to (44 Stc,eluy, S.boo: of Mining, Ktnett on, trate Mining and Metallurgy. Chemistry and Mineralogy. Mineralogy and Geology. Chemical Engineering. Civil Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Electrical Engineering. Biology and Public Health. Power Development, ,asasonsviamsamammammaZo Kills Bone Spavin Rich Palley. Alta, May 20th. 11.09 "I have used your Spavin Cure for a long tine and would sol be without it. Have killed a flout Spaviu by its use." 01,11 CARLSO N. That tells the whole story. Aad hundreds of thousands have had the saute experience in the past 40 years. For Spa\ in, Ringbone, Curb. Splint, Swellings and all Lameness, Rendall s Spasm Cure cure• the trouble-ma►es the horse wand and well -and saves money for the owner because It removes the cause of the trouble. Keep a bottle always at hand- Cleo 6 for $.% e:oo,i for man and beast. Ask your dealer fur free copy of our book "A Treatise On The Horse" or write us. N 51 O. J. KENDALL Ce. Leesburg Falb. VL he; step. 01 can't manage the months have committed 123 robber- child with perfect safety. Mrs. lock'" les and one murder. In the cavo Francis McMullen, St. Octave, j Mrs. Brown hurried into the nt I,,,,,ty to the value of $25.000 was One., writes: "I have used Baby's! tic. and when she heard from the french The young chieftain. who Own Tablets for my baby who was{ inside of the chestthe repeated our• ,L,•t and seriously wuttnded the p0-; ceestipated ter four or Pito days at I -two-three--from the inside, and l:er.inan who was sent to arrest• a time. I found the Tablets to be! then the short k.lnck. she seized the 1 :Its has been sentenced to ten of great benefit and would recum-' MIN ARDS LINIMENT la the Doty feint- meat asked for at my *tore and the only heals flap of the lock, raised it with V, ars confinement to a r(formatory.' mend them to other mother•►.' one we keep for Pale a jerk, and Jimmy rose up, pale;'IThey are sold by medicine dealers All the people 4144' itARLiN It LTO . and frightened. He had gone 1"' El' ra ''I like cots ns a friend, or by mail at 25 cents a box (rein plrseant May, C B. tie wrong chest -the one with a . \, r Junk.. but I could never marry The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. feel about. The cover had dropped i •,4.• had 4. ,;,tithing to do with ; Jealousy has no tnercy for itsl,spring lock. and as it wasdeep, he}•,,11. 11:, • ,• 1 made myself perfect- Brockville, Ont. had stepped in and knelt down to 1. plait,.ltinks--''\fell, you may el}--- feel about. The cover had dropped i ,4.• !.a.) W ,;,tithing to do with it; Jealousy has no tnerc•y for its, ui.on him. f ,.t t •rd sny that Nature was victims. •'Oh, hew did von know'" site lee , : . (feeder." eyed, when she had Jimmy out. i Sit I. l,t)l S. -- Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals 1 couple a[ old salts inct after ' ♦oar Ilrus:,:laf \l 111 "1'rll \aro ''}lues did you know ?' ,t as a worm medicine; the name Nutir-Kettc' "1\ • believe that a Thr b,,ym lucked nt eaeh other. a "', 4. . 1....+.. $..r.• r -)''a long absence, and the following iroe*n't Amw,t, la Mother Graves' Wenn l:xtertnin w„n,al, 'Ii,,tl Irl get a.man's w'Age".' nr.lr,i:dcd conversation ensued:- n,inute. nn.l then Ned said, "It teas S.....:: t...• i'.e.,. eel : • tis ter se... Try a•or. 'i'he greatest worm destroyer Jlnrril.I Van "Well, judging \t"►ter In Your Fayre 111141 In Baby's ( Well. old maul how are you get- p11t' signal for (lunger 'nave raps i.: • - 0,r 1''L :ill'Cyellda and Granulation, id the ago. ! (tefll let .4111 es! ericnee, she tine on 1'' Is danger, but when the short rap _._. Ido, "First rate! I have taken a tomes after. that means come ati }ttlil:'Iilt)L'f;HT. Newspaper Interviewer --'11 it -_ •flue, sir• that you started life as a'wilt ' Uler• ++ A S►RAINED ANKLE la not an nnrntn• "\lint if l,egan Mrs. 111•nw 11, 1 • Yeu ale probably not aware, eeor plough -bey 1'' SIlcee4""f el mon necut••nt I aelktller relieve* and •\ very sensible Ilton." tut she cen111 not say mere. The; s•,. said the angry father. "that 3lerchant.-"No. sir; I started life, CurrF armour a. t1 by ma(,c. Thr Rreateal "Net R bit of It; she's a regular hotlpehnld remedy, lo.nI Puh.titule., etre Ertepdown the -tairs for trembling. lest )ear nty' daughter Spent $1,500 ay a small, red-faced, yelling baby!' there is hitt nue f?'ainkiii'r. Perry i)alis'. irttr.' , ADA flint was how one of the sir- un her dress.'' "' ?Sc. and ''y''' "Then I'm sorry for you, mate•. Geed An%, cies nab; came to be known. I '.You. 1 am.•' said the young roan .-.- ---.4.---... -•- "There'e no need; she brought Ifit fillr. •'1 advise. 1 her to du it over SAVED 1N NIS 0LD A00. BridR('t No. �sr. That•'s the me a large vessel at )ler marriage `_�L a :‘...it nits,. sifter) w0 first became Anneereis, N A, may H. 1909. -1 am neer parrot you hear ;t. }i iterii. portion." :‘...it Et:\("1' iNFORM:\TION. i eighty year• 01 age end hate *ifrrrd "Th^n made a. geed bargain, en¢dKeit from Kidney and nladder Tni,med for Mlnard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Atter All steal \ tenet's enmmerat•,r ens 4111e4 i �'-� fifteen year*. 1 took .I.Ior, medicine -.-- 1 "111 knr.w,' judge often !elle%- bot Rot n.. help 1 want to thank ei,u {tli'Cflal t:fi.1%I\(:. "Nothing t., beau of, 1 can tell l ,all ri woman of indubitable 1'r•1- , for ,ending me rhe *ample 11•,s of (lin e Il. The tthlp turned out a worth - 1 extraction and had Coale to the .1''1 his judil'ia) wisdom with a t.,uch Pill* which helped me. „ i of hanor. One 1-�. doting the 1 have taken ail hose* of cin Pitt, al- ' llot%, said the minister, '`I le! -Al old tinder box." if • . 11 elf sexes. tegether, hat got relief before 1 had tak- ),ear �e well' at Dunlop's kirk on "Then Fin sorry 1 spoke," 11 •t% man)' (males have full in. t11a1 of A (•use. Mr. (:1"10 WA8 A en near that amount. 1 had to art ')1' `nndny Inst. Ne)t that 1 oteet• ye K it 'Ie"S 111 111e tux, and as 11e hest- '•,tae nights every fifteen minute* and "Bah! Yon call !speak as mach as 4 , einll41 1" lie asked. i ' .,d to OPe en instrnmett before 1 eould kelt, blit le. w 1(lna like Yet- nln tented A Doll doll, dud ... ul, you like. The old tub was well in - I lee allay. sort., an' I frit um R�•n,ete. see 1 ran lir in bed four or slice `tr83144' aw-Ay IIIto strange t ' she mph( en) ,hatienlly. 1%Ohne- after mach persist, , • t hour• without getting np. p lured 11n1' teens dawn on her firs I t ! pastures. 1 (,lle••tieniu4. to tell what he kn' W. li P11:Rf1:. „ ve} ages i t.i r• jlldue said tit1 within .., r•', said fiery. ' if ••S„ you of the ,111 there, any him: ••Cotnr, ll ries National Drug A Chemical Co.,lbIt wA. 1111er _rums." R p ON SI{.1111'.x. ; 11 r. ('roan, don't. hang fire. \iter t,. pt. W.I. .. Toronto, for free Fample. L % it. •I (eluting his grand li,e t•s:inlinatien hn(1 closed. Illi C,.nlar Fire so., 6 for $2.Sa _ \ : so much• tante; I only gilt ! piece art) -'•1 (omit) take I .o eve 4,.i)4else(' by the judge ad �'� 1 ., indeed dollars out of the jab I an, afraid. madam. said a w � t r • s hare.•I 1 , , i. !lar gold pieces from vend •sig : Mr. (:;tn,,. , n can u•, off ; T pp ' %' •1, ale d14('i1.t g' 0171-1) who '.ns 14 ,.king for �� r, D S !• ball." 1 , night.' -- t "that the house, a( ����1111 fhat way t,N, hin•(414 111(h41(Illal- "Ue nitcari. 1� gnu near J len bill) f �ouunq eI elle 'sort : petit: Ili give }c hall" D r . Mors ©' s • •n to be plensnnt," "it ✓ ,� \\ :(c was on teasel and went down 1 !t,e ne,w, assent -d the land- , I i D N £ Y w tilt the rest." O1'I:RLI)KEl) (;OOi► THING. Indian Root P i I I s la,,: ; "tut [tom the (runt windows '�/ PILLS __-:-:-,it if..11mm.c•a Corn Cure n \What wakes the trust magnate eorricdl" 1I-• ham just read that the far- [, . , very prosperous, and he f• • that he must have overlookj'd le Jet:thing." I'. •'pie with the complaint h8Lit lr . •.ijnld}' slop (e'er. lair Dont le always ail .:1 itis tough luck. turf In�tit common ailments which are tort, dills rent, but which all an4P from the same ranee a sys- tem .I,gg.•.! with Impurities. The I'lIl, ra•Iae the bowels to mute rev S ,'este, strengthen and stimulate ti• kNines' and open the pores of the skin. "rh,•+•• organs Immediate- ly throw off the accumulated Im• purities, and Nlliousnees, Indleaa- tton, Liver ('ornplalnt, Kidney '1 roubles. lleadscbei, Rheumatism and similar ailments vanteh. Dr Ilor.e'a Indian Root P1111 Save Doctors' Bills one has smell a fine view of Iwo. IIIc wllrr ,Il,e.l 1110 -,••.••• PILLS - •' io 1� ��' S - t • al. It removed ten corns from t�` ; ee. lair of feet without any pain. First. New Woman ''Never more C� ,q-` ����\�' �5` 1 stirprised in my life, clear. when t Rr 1, KIDNEY. !/i+�re, t\ bat it has clone once it will do m ... s. What .•.. �...-.. S`i---- t'f I C again. mach you marry- -and such a e "'Of -VW otare ?ief 14 man " Second New Woman (npo- { , oIAaETES 11 1:)r Many think they have the faith )rgetically}--"1Wc11, done, you sec, p. 1 teat i, reedy to die when they have I entertain a good deal, and you 23 Tt1 i ills the fanaticism that is anxious know I can't carve poultry a bit, to kill. aid he eon beautifully, and so--arpd ae 1 married him." 1"1 1: O. .':► 111. Mlnard s Liniment used by Physicians. You trust be very polite to suc- ceed in this business," said a bar- ber to his young apprentice. "Al- ways wear a pleasant ►,mile, and by to flatter everybody." eI'll do my best, sir," replied the ap- prentice; ''but how am I to flatter a bald-headed man 1" "Easily enough," replied the barber. "Just ask him if he doesn't want his hair cut." Hr.. 1't. Barrett, s1 Id Jean 8r, Mut tre.l, *aril " A b,rrid rub came out all over my baby's'nce and spread until it Md t••taI'y coveted his scalp it was irr rating and painful, and caused the little one hours el suffering. We tried s,,apc and 1,„wders and napes, but he (lot 'in better. Ile refused his fond, got quite thio and worn, and w as reduced to a very :Mous condition. 1 WA, advised to try lam-Buk, and did so. It was wonderful ':ow It seemed to tool ar.d ease the child's burning, pinta! skin, %sm•Ruk from the very commencement seemed to go right to the spot, and the pimples and soresand the iodation grew lest and loss. \\'ithil a few weeks n.y baby's i .n was healed completely. 11e has naw not a Irate ni (P.O., or eruption, of enema, or broiling , .re. Not only an, but cured of the int• menting skin trouble, he has improved in general health." len Nut Is sill at all .trees 11.1 boll. 41e eta• dors, ser. a fess, nr post Ire' from ranelluk Ce, To,.u,t:,, for looe, Aborts fn. Si y,. A certain curs 1,r all sk•n d'nu•r., cuts, horns, etc., and forpilee. CHENILLE CURTAINS and aN 11.,14 of re. Se Moire.•, •,••• L C! Cl1RT�IIN_S °YL ;IKE°41E`Iaat* Nr,t. 1.• ns •h. nt )om. plittL ht,/Mc arts. 0: •.twtf, jtf.Udf, C1 T3 seJ MAT( !Alt' for ('roup. thphM the. nfurnaa, ('ramps. hp4rna. Burn.. iced.. Ace dents. Brnleas. Fall., Gunshot Wounds Pols..., to r. of Wounds, Snakes Elting, of Insecta, oto.. Itadwars Ready Relief• When buying your Piano insist on having an LOTTO M IGEL'e Ptano Act ion Is Your Hearing Good Tb. HEAR ()PHONE: will else you the teenehta of good hearing Rend ler tree e. klel, Siting pertlralafs end names 0t satisfied u.. -rt Alps, {oecl■I Otter ler a Menth•s Nems Trlat. THE {RAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, 1+4 Spadlnr Avone. Triennia .N YO LIR MINDS EYE ii" eitla BERRY -A. WATLRPR EST" L IN THC1NORLo LARc KEEP AWAY ,FLIES Foe Hall .1 Cent n Day. loin Istel (;Ad f 1 e.. itlow Flies, Flies ,f I • 1 %1 .,, : i,•••- Lice and all 0 , , . - ,, .;,.51 of the .haunt11 t„ u'i . !• Cooper's Fly Knocker hat been applied. ta+ily put on with a .prayer, and :0111 Tess than one cent a day fnr 0,11.11 animal. Protects wound* run) A, Now: and int1t•nma ' . More than I'.•, - tar itself in extra milk. extra hr• '. ed .Ind,,,d'r.' ,tort( trans Morcel. $1.75 A GALLON `:iO'; A QUART 1,, SCR Fa NEPHEWS SRITI*N AMERICAN OYLIRC CO, Bss 161, rico:reJ l ...,, 'r1 1 t%