HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-23, Page 2GROAT FLOODS IN EUROPE Torribla Havoc Wrought in Austria and the Balkans. A despatch from Budapest says: Nearly 300 persons were killed, and several villages annihilated by a cloudburst Friday in Krasso-szor- euy, County of Hungary, bordering we' Transylvania, Rumania and Sc rvia. The capital of the county, which is mainly peopled by Ruman- ians, is Lugus. It is expected that the death roll will be greatly in- creased when communication, which has been almost completely cut off, is restored. Bridges. telegraph a:el teleplone wires in the district have been destroyed. and it is feared that many of the survivors of the Head will die of starvativa or exposure before it is possible to lend a-sistanee. DAMAGE. IN SWITZERLAND. A despatch from Berne. Switzer- land. say : The floods in Switzer- Ir.t:d, caused by continued rains, particularly in the eastern and ceet •al districts, have proved to be the most disastrous in the past six- ty years. Twenty lives have been I. •t in the swollen waters. Many bridges, constructed at great ex - purse, have been either carried away or seriously damaged. I'ro- CO DENSED NEWS ITEMS E TO DRAW (:FNS. HAPPENINGS 111011 ALL OVER THE (:1.0111:. '!'eat of a New 11'ar Machine for British .truly. .1 committee of expert officers at- tended the trials at .Aldershot re- cently of a neve ail fuel traction en- ,'ne designed fur hauling artillery Telegraphic Briefs From Our Otva of the hes% fest type over all kinds add Other Countries of of roads and across r+,ugh country Reeeut l:rcdta, alai up hills. The engine weighs t:t rty losses aggregating $`2,500,000 eight tuns, is of 70 horse power, Tuve already been repotted. CANADA. with a maxim:on speed of eight 20,000 HOJiI•:I.I?SS. Mrs. Frank 11eon's spine was rni!es an hour, says the baidou broken in a fall from a carriage a l Quite lu. x• c :1 desputclt h•om \•:euua say's: Quite u new principle in loa,ulu- . Seuthua,tern Europe is flood -swept, h11ener.ru,\loon of the Canadian Nor- In"'► is applied in thtr engiuc, whirls anti reports received on 'Thursday tl•ern talks of erecting a line hotel a =lead of flare+!ling iu tf►u ordin indicate that the death list is be- al 1\•iunipeg. ary' way rolls along un an e'dle•ls tv•etn star and 1,0011. 1l hole vii- The :Militia Department. estimate track which it lays for itself. This (ages have been wiped out .and ter- that there are 70,000 then trainingtruck is something like a great tile valleys to -day are lake;. The no•A in ( anada. chain of steel licks, the out i<le of property damage cannot• be deli- The water in the St. John River tach being shod wills bl'.ek' of wood nitely eainaated, but mea re ad which act Lake the slucperK of u per - g is fulling and the big timber drive nutncut way. This truck enables viers already ut hand show that it r :it••:d „p a hitt will surely be in excess of $2.500,- 1 tg the ungino to pass over with great Dr. N. A. Beatty of Toronto has ease altd little propulsive ►ower G00. The situation has out boon been appointed chief surgeon of anykind of rough I lrurk eoualled in many years. :Austria, the C. 1'. it. eastern line. ground.y the Balkans and Armenia have sof- ('harle•s ].undo,► was arrested at areas, soft sand and bog and safely ft red heavily. Itelic f work is bc- Ilroc;:tillu on a charge of Putting ueaoliato the very stiffest, grueli- n pushed as well aspossible. 1C;th 4 1 g cuts and cross ditches and gullies. i g 1unison in his employer's tea. 1 It was tested across the soft nand tase roads and wireped eu out. railroadsaltied t The Montreal Controllers have; of the Lung Valley, drawing a six tt t ceded to have an inspection of all many sections at. a standstill, the the high water tanks in the city. difficulties of speedy relief appear. Mr. \1'illiam Mackenzie has cow- ls s••rmountable. Mains are report- 1,1cted the purchase of Ilan. James ed generally. and the floods con- I)utlsttttair's coal interests on Van - thine. With every dispatch the (.,,uver Island. horror of the situation increases. ' \ Canadian and English company In the entire region affected it. is, has Leen chartered by the Nova believed that nture than 20,000 pee -1 ;ic.,,tia Government to build the plc are homeless. EARL GREY BOOSTS CANADA tem field glut and succeeding in get- ting it up and down the hillsides about Aldershot over deep water courses the banks of which were very steep and then across a wide stretch of boggy ground, which was by fur the stiffest test of all, the gun at tunes sinking in up to its axles. The gun finally stuck in a deep ditch hastens Railway. aid' straight banks, but was sue- Lightningstruck la oust Lightning t e Court House ssfully hauled out by the engine at- London, Ont., while the County court. was in session. The flagpole t• as shattered and the flag destroy. •••1 GREAT BR1'C\IN. • The Tells People in Bristol to Go and See and leaders onconf of Britisthelce veto questionrwillrty be held this week. Lord Kitchener has resigned his position as Commander -in -Chief of Urge Mediterranean. Viscount Wolverhampton, Lord have visited it once you won't bo, I resident of the Council, has re- .1 despatch from Niagara Falls At Bristol, on his arrival, on Thurs. day Earl Orewas immediately • happy until you have seen it a doz- signed from the British Cabinet. says: A terrible holocaust of bu- y en times.' Earl Grey added thatEarl Beauchamp has succeeded man life occurred at Falls View sssrounded by a band of eager Canadians were pleased with the Lord Wolverhampton as Lord Pre- er,rl-y on Wednesday morning, by pressmen, but held his own against prose •t class of immigration. silent of the Council in the Brit- which at (east twelve lives were the fire of questions with frank Asked about the imperial spirit islt Cabinet. ! It st. Nearly 150 Hungariau labor - good humor and subtle avoidance i•. Canada, he said : "Imperial spir- Sir Edward Grey stated in the ers employed in the Ontario Power of controversal topics. "We had a it is all right in Canada," he an- House of Commons that Cul. Roost:- Works have been housed in a long swered. ''Why they are more int - pc rial than you are. I wish you would conte to Toronto to see the They Will Stay. A despatch from London says: 'you see it and visit it. When you l•: means of a steel cable and wind- ing drum, but not before the cable 1.ad snapped once with the great strain put on it. The engine is to be purchased by the War Office with a view of adopting it for heavy artillery. '1'11'1:i.ht: PEOPLE Bl Its I:D. tire in a Hungarian Bu:u•ding Nouse at Falls 1'iei% delightful voyage. The develop- ment of Canada is going as strong as it can go. The maritime prov- irc,'s are as good for immigrations as the Northwest. Prospects were t.ever brighter," he said. "Why c;• r't fou come and see the coun- try' Yen cannot understand it till tint's speech on Egypt was submit- wooden shack situated behind Falls ted to hint before it was delivered. I "c w postoflice, on the Ontario -- side, where they slept in bunks, huddled tope:her. 'Through some MAD[ CtJ CANADA YEAST CAKES MOST PERFECT MADE • r t . yr•• i t •• Has been Canada's favorite. iYer.st over a quarter of a century. Enough for 5 cta to produce 50 large loaves of fine, wholesome, nour- ishing, home-made bread. Do not experiment -there is nothing "just as good," E. W. CILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO, OMT. Winnipeg, Montrose'' A+,ur cd h g1,mo boson at all Fapouuun.. Masa TllE WORLD'S MARKE r5 REPORTS FROM THE LEADIN( TRADE CENTRE. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, June 21. -- Manitoba Wheat- No. 1 northern, 91%; No. 2 northern, 93;e, at lake ports for immediate shipment. Ontario Wheat ---No. 2 mixed win- ter wheat, 90c to 91c outside. Corn- American No. 2 yellow, C7c ; No. 3 yellow, t1O',:c : Canadian coin, Ole to 62c, Turont•, freights. Oats -Canada Western, No. 2 35c; No. 3. C'.\I'., 34c, at lake ports for immediate shipment; Ontario No. 2 white, 33e to 31c outside, 36e on track, Toronto. Barley -No. 2, 51e to 52c; No. 3 extra. 49e to 50e; No. 3, 46e to 47c outside; Manitoba, No. 4, 4 e on track, lake ports. Peas- No. 2, 70c to 71c. Bye ---No. 2, 67c to OSc. Buckwheat --No. 2, 31e. Manitoba Flour --Quotations at Toronto are :--First patent,', $5.30; set and patents, $1.80; strung bak- e,s'. $4.60; 90 per cent. Glasgow freights. 25s. Ontario Flour-- Winter wheat patents for export. $3.60 to $3.65 it. buyers' bags, outside. :ilillfee•d -Manitoba bran, $14 per ten; shorts. $20 per ton, track, Te - SETTLORS LOST EYERYTIII� j Disastrous Results of Forest Fires Nea Fort William. :1 despatch from Port Arthur has buried its valuables in the says: Damage to standing timber gt, und, and many have lost every - that cannot bo estitnated with any thing else, while others have so far d g-ee of accuracy, but which will saved their property only by cease- i- ach into the hundreds of thou- less efforts. The principal suffer - sands, dozens of settlers rendered ers arc in Comets, O'Connor and homeless, with their personal ef- Papiconge tow.;ships. fects destroyed and their fields ])cath has now been added to the scorched so that there is little like- destruction by forest, Ores which lihood of any crops being raised have been devastating this district thereon this season, is in brief to for several days. Mrs. Christopher Cato the result of the forest fires Evans of O'Connor township, was surrounding Port Arthur in every src.tttered ie the burning of her direction. Telephone messages re- home while her husband was away ceived on !Wednesday night from with other settlers fighting an ad- Hyniers and Kakabeka Fulls are vance of flames, believi.,g his own that there is no sign of the fires place to be in no immediate den. abating. .\s the message was re- ger Fred. and M. Winslow, bro- cctved in fort Arthur at light rain titers, who lost heavily by the de- hsd commenced to fall, but there structiou of logs in the vicinity of wr-s no sign of any at Kakabeka, Kakabeka, have nut reported to where the families of every settle- any of 'he villages fur a couple of motet for mile around have con- days and while there is no certain- gri gated for shelter and protee- ty they have been lost it is feared tie . Every family in the district to have been the case. s Minneapolis, June 21.-- Wheat- mach changed in cost, as high as July, $1.03°9; September. 92'.bc;l $6.40 being paid for the best meat December, 9O e. lash No. 1 and front 85 up for the secondary hard, *1.08/.,;: No. 2 Northern, $1.- 1 grades. Sheep and lambs were I lculiful and the market is easier for lambs, which are now quoted at $4 to $8.75 per cwt. Hogs remain unchanged at $9 to 89.35. 0-7ja to $1.05/.;4; No. 3 Northern, Empire Day celebration as 1 saw GENERAL. $1.00% to 111.03% Bran --$16 to it. Then you would know what I u:.k^oar cause, on Wednesday rohto. Ontario bran, *19 per ton ; $16.25. Flour -First pan els, $5 to mean. The people of Canada he- Sir Kyflin Thomas, one of the n'- rninq at 2 o'clock the shack was shorts, $ll per tun on track, Toren- $5.20; secdud patents, .tents to 85: litve in themselves and their future leading newspapermen of Australia, d•seuceted to be on fir••, and before to filet clears, $3.45 to *3.9.-i; second Is dead. clears $'1.60 to $2.90. a; a part of the empire " the step ting occupants could be got ' CROPS IN THE FAR Orders have beeq issuedat St. Petersburg to adopt milder men- Ill-arcs en- -arcs in dealing with the Jews. n, It is now estimated that two bun- jJ tired lives have been lost in Ger- many as a result of the recent flc ods. .1 futile attempt was made on Has Been Plenty of Rain and Little \': t•dnewiay to assassinate the Mill Damage From Recent Frost. :1 despatch from Winnipeg says: The Free Press monthly crop re- port, issued on Thursday, based on information from about 250 points, says the damp, cold weather which prevailed during the latter part of May and the early part of June, while checking the upward growth of the crop. caused the routs to c1e- velep and the plants to stool, the rr suit being that with the arrival of waren weather rapid growth has taken place. and new the general c.uthe.k is regarded to be as geed as last year. The common cry of "more rain," which was being hear.!, chiefly from Alberta, has ut tw ti,•e of tltenl were burned to COUNTRY PItOD('CE. death. The fire department from thisButter-Creamery prints, 22e; city was sent to the scene. and Serarator prints, 20c; !)airy prints trade the discovery that twelve of (choice), 14c to 19c; Inferior tubs, the foreigners perished in the lcc flames, anti three others, one ratan, Eggs • l9(' per dozen in case ]afar 01 e woman and one child, badly ('hoose--Nea large cheese, 1134eburned, were removed to the hos- clad btwins at I2c per pound. Old h.ital. The twelve burned and cheese, 19'. .c to 13c. Beans *2.10 to $2.20 per bushel for primes and $2.10 to $2.20 for hand-picked. Potatoes Delawares. 50c to 55c t•ar.• (intcrnot of Bosnia and Her- ,•i•arred bodies were removed to ma..• \Marco's 1lorgue, where they now 1'I ••color Botha of South :\frtali.•. hive more inured are in the has expressed the hope that the ..ltl't, ,-petal 4)•,w, making eight in all. been dispelled by hes.. -flowers party lines will break dew u. and 'I In men were employees o[ the On within the last few days, and now that a new National party writ de. ttrio Power Company, and were per bag on track, and at 75c per there seems to be no reason to fear, %clip•stooping like rats in a loosely -con- batt out of store. Ontarios, 40e to that the crop will be less than last The Tageblatt of Berlin urges the struct0d tenement. This less of 45e per bag in ear lots. year. Heavy June frosts lotto' German Government to send a life is the greatest in the bicron of stone some damage in .Arcola, bang- trade commission to Canada (41 help the I all, district [rum fire. PROVISIONS. ford and Napinka districts. Data- capture the Canadian market. age from wind by drifting is also rc ported! from I'iersten and Hal- brite. In ('arrol River Valle,. the tut -worn has been doing sten, dam- age, but the pr spects are still bright. Barley -seeding appears to be practically completed. and rapid g:'owth is taking place. In some of the damaged wheat districts the Gelds have been ploughed up and sew: to this crop MI\t:Iu 1 11 SIII-:I) •I'(► UI:.1I•II. 1114 II 11I:'NI 'ERN NC1100I'i. Fatality in International Mine at Sale of Their Land Itrinas Ilig Prices. ('oleoia,i. A despatch [earl Lethbridge says: J.'cpll Ilemenack was killed and William Keily was fatally injured Ly being crushed by a fall of coal [rem the head wall of the seam in the International Casal & Cokes Company mine at I ••lcman on M. n•la. mooting. A despatch from latevun, Sask., sacs : .1t the sale of sailed lands completed en \%ednesduy two hum tired and forty•ftve parcels were so'd. !'rices ranged from $7 an acre to *30. and competition ens keen, the net proceeds being over hal a million do'lars. RUSH TO B. C. GOLD FIELDS Men at Stewart City Threw Away Their Tools and Joined the Rush. A despatch from Vain ',liver. R. ton. There is said to be enongl► C., says: Arrivals from Stewart !or" 111 sight to keep 1.900 stamp ('sty confirm the stories of a big lmills going for a quarter of :t con ti ry. strike on Bitter ('reek, seventeen I A few seetinns of land 1.! \I ,t. n.iles from there. :1n hour or so after it. got out Stewart City was practically deserted. The stam- pede was the most frenzied in the hi•tery of the northland. Waiters dropped their trays, builders their newels and started on the jour..ey with whatever they could grab bold; of in the wav of outfit. The gold 0111, a few miles east of the F.-, , r River, on which mine sale right -i are reierved. have been discover ea, and a rush is being made by re- lsi•lents of the district to apply for prnpertirs, where valuable traces of oii have already been tempi. On Tuesd,iv eight .11►botsferd men Ai,tI their papers 4)t- the mining re - UNITE!) ST.ITES. • 51101 n\ Ii I• I►f(lltiI i:l'. Charles K. Hamilton flew in his Ili me.+trader in Blue 11i11 !District neropla e from New York to Phila-1 11 ordered. delphia and buck. Buffalo teachers are terming a :1 despatch •fr,.rn I►rftakenter, union which will be chartered by • Sask., says: 1Vurd was received tine American Federation of Labor. here from the Blue hill district of the death of J..1. Beales, a home- st•-ader, under eareumstances that p :4)t strongly to murder. Beales • 1, shot un Sunday evening and on `.I nday morning his body was i• •nit .se •'d•• his own doorway by .1 \I \.t.: ••i \.•w !Farren. There ., • r,• seccrul )Wallet w•utentli in the i, .1% Suspicion points to Frank `.1; '-i. who had trouble with Beales on the day the alleged murder Leek place. :Miller disappeared on Sun - 1 day night, and so far the Mistimed Felice bate been unable to locate I ;tn. although the country is being t110routthiv searched. Beales, who nes thirty yenrs of age. carne to 11.is district from Gloucester, 1'ng- 1:ar.d, a lout (11 ICC years npt•- __ d, 1.111' 1 1-;1,0011S-1\--;1:11 1 1 1. - 4- IIt1'I !'11t1I\ 11111:('hill. The 11ild Read+ are Loose and In• habit:ells are Seared. A despat.lt fru! !:hen -burg. 1'.I., says: The (-irelis train comp..•• •i ,•( fifteen ears of the Frank .1. I...•i. 1 Op. shows WAN wreeked one relate• fr, i,: li••r•• early on Thursday en ! t and Cresson branch of ties Penn ' snit ltailread. Two lir ns, :au enhnnt, one leopard, •• jaguar and an ibex are rel., r•, i : ho at Targe as a re- sult of tit• •i ailment. Ten cirrus employes were injured. The entire country for miles around PI 111 3 stat.• of terror. Many of the fare. gees and their families refuse t., leave their homes and take up the search for the liberated menagerie 1,. ;, * : • sol.n1I:lt' Foi(:Irr 1.1111:. Bush Near the Camp at Petanana Threatened 1):t11rage. \ •I, l,.ax-.:i from !Military Camp, 1' !.,..Earl.!. Ow , says: .!bout 9 . eek on 'fhnr•dat morning the 1 u-li neer the e 411441 .,f the Toronto e .npauy of Engineers caught fire,' ' :: r . a a high wind was blowing, r camp was in danger of being t.. ped out. The Wren were out of !lamp 11t work at the titre. ('n pt. St. 1'. Digits ordered the fire call is. ended. and the men dropped reef has been traced twenty miles, !corder's o0{ee. 8i110e of boring con their tools and came into camp at and that was not the end of it. Tho 'chine was started at work at Mats- Ole double. Headed by Captain d,scoverer fie,eribes it as a range. oi.il the cxeit•'ment in regard to Wags, they caught 4)t, axes, spades inn a mountain. of gold. fire free the oil deposits has been daily in- at 1 blankets and speedily had the willing samples wen 81!0 to 414'1 a cVim si• g. fart out. 'runlet Inundated Thirty -flee I.ives List. 1 de i..ttch from Belgrade, Ser- v:a. -ay,: Floods• following torren- t,.,' tains, have caused havoc in tl.•• talh v of the Moi Itiver. Tl.itty lite 1ives bate been lost. Thr towns of Clnlpria. J:tg••elina at Svilainatz have been inundat- ed. Writer to n depth •.f from sev- en to tee feet has filled the streets. Many houses. undermined. have eellapsed. King I'eter and the Minister of Public Works left for tl.e scene on Wednesday. The Mo- rava River, rising in the extreme st.utheast, flows in a northwesterly direction through the centre of S. rvia, joining the Danube near Semindria on the northern boun- dary. it's generally easy to be good sv en you aro getting pay for it. Wholesale quotations :-- Perk - Short cut, *31 to $31.50 res barrel; tress, $28.50 to $29. Lard- - Firm; tierces, 10e; tubs, la,' c ; pails, 16'.: ; storks very light. Smoked and I)ry Salted Meats -- Long clear bacon, tons and cages, 15'.40 to 15;=e; backs (plain). 2Ie to 2;' ,c• ; haeks (pen -meal), 21' 2e to ae ; shoulder harps, I Ie to I I',.sc ; green treats out of pickle, lc less than smoked. 1(ells Smoked, 15e to 15' ,c : me • d:um and light hams. I8e to medium and light harts, He to ; heats', 11P2c to 17e; bacon, 19c to 20t•. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal. June 21. --('ern Am- erican No. 2 Fellow, 66c to 67e 1 N. 3 yellow, lit!• to rs-; do., Nu. 2 mixed, 65v to 666: do., No. :t, U:;c• t, Oto. Oats- No. 2 Canadian western, 36e to 36%e: No. 3, :154' t..:t5'4e: Ontario No. 2 white, :t1e e:e Nn. 3 white. 3:k• de. No. 1 .• Lite. 32s. Barley No. :l, ;Ni1 :e : cin.. No. 4• :,5(' : feed bark), Ate. Fleur *Ianiteba spring wheat pa:tont5, firsts, $5.10. seconds $1.• sat; winter wheat patents, $5: Ma- r,itoba strong bakers'. $1.70; straight rollers, $-1.75, in bags $3.- 10 to 83.21); extras, 131.!10 to *2. Ontario Bran $18.51) t.. $I9; On- tario middlings, 821 to :322; Mani- toba bran. *Is: 1lnniteba shorts, $21: pure grain ne,llille, $32 to A38; mixed nlouillc. $25 to $25. Eggs Selected stock. 21e to _". and straight receipts, Itis icer doz. Cheese --11c to 11%e for westerns and 10%c to I0%c for easterns. Butter -23e to 23%e per lb. f;NiTED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo. June 21. --Spring wheat - Steady ; No. 1 Northern, carloads stere, $1.08',:,; \!'inter, steady. Corn -Higher; No. 3 yellow, O2%e; Ne. 4 yellow, Ole; No. 3 corn, 010; No. 4 corn, 59%e. Oats --Strong; No. 2 white, 41%e; No. 3 white, 39%;e; No. 4 white. 39%c. Barley - Feed to malting, 0l'11 to 070. LIVE STUCK MARKETS. Montreal, June 21. Prune beeves sold at fruit Te to 7'. r• per Ih : pretty good animals [rout 5!,.• t•, milkineu's strippers, 4' _c to 5',e, and the common stock at 3' .c to IV per lb. Good large mileh cows ranged from $50 to $60 each, while ordinary e,)a•s sold at front $30 to *45 each. Calves, *3 to $10 each, sheep. 41,c to 5c per lb., lambs $4 to $6 each. Good lots of Logs sold at about- 10'-c per lb., and young pigs at $3 to $1 each. by two heurs. Toronto, June 21.-- The receipts '� for the Inst twos days aulnur►ted to IN I'I'.11.1 1N 11 1.111)1:R1.1). 11s carloads. which contain 1,616 - head of cattle, 1,:120 Iambs, 1,480 Raphael I)nmcnelle Shut at Parry bogs and 525 calves. 'file best but -1 Siuiul by Jos. Pisani. cher cattle sold at 86.5u to :37.15, 1 despatch from Parry Sound Per cwt., with the median' anal •:l•, s : Raphael Doinenelle w•aF shin common grades bringing from 8,. ane killed at Fouto's Bay, Ont., b :4) to *e.25. .1 few choice export .It 1'isaui. Pisani is still at large ers are mentioned in ane U I' ansae otineial ('unstable ('annoy Iefl tion at $7.2:, to K7.;5. The best Parry arry Sound this morning to arrest i'i•31:1. (•p to the present nothing further has been heard. Roth men tare Italians. 1 \0l iii:It RECORD 11110hl:\. Rey:ll Edward ('Iflr '114) Hours OR .1 lantie Record. .1 de'pat.•Ii from Qucbe:: s Two hour- have been clipped r the Canadian trans-Atlantic recd TFe "Royal Edward," the new triple screw turbine steamer of the Canadian Northern's fleet, kit Bristol at 8 p.m. Thursday last and decked here un Wednesday at 3.30 p.m., beating the best previ .us per- formance of any Canadian steamer grade of 'am, *0.25 a' d the from 83.50 to *I i; from ti.i In •r• rttlal;t\ at Italic vier, u• t A Storekeeper Says: A lady came into my store lately and said : I have been using a New Perfection Oil Cook -Stove all winter in my apartment. I want one now for my summer home. I think these oil stoves are wonderful. If only women knew what a comfort they We. they would all have fi-- one. I spoke about my stove to a lot of my friends, and they were aston- fished. They thought that there was smell and smoke from an oil stove, and that it heated •room just like any othet stove. !told them of my experience, and one after another they got one, and now, not one of them would give hers up for five times its cost.'" The lady who said this had thought an oil stove v:a3 all right for quickly beating milk for a baby, or boiling • kettle of water, or to make coffee quickly 111 the morning, hut she never dreamed of using it for difficult or heavy cooking. Now- she knows. perfneco iyonouOirl eCaolloy •pveecmaeteaanwoat'nay New more coal to carry, no more coming to th• dinner table so tired out that you can't eat. last light a Perfection stove and immediately the haat from •n intense blue Berne shoots Mato the bottom of pot, kettle or oven. But the room isn't treated. There is no smoke, no smell, no outside heat, no drudgery In th• Wawa where one of thews stoves le used. Cautionary trete: Re sure you Yet this stove see that the name plate reads"New Perfeetlon New Per - ction Oil Cook -stove 1t has • Cabinet Top with a sbclf for keeping plates and food hot. 4'hrs nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove orna,nentat and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the i and 3 -burner ,fovea sae be had with or without Cabinet. •• •- Sooty dealer everywhere• it not at yews, write for Descriptive Circular tad* Dearest weary of the The Queen City 011 Company, Limited. Toronto.