HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-23, Page 1txriter rneT' � �, � �.�.I!'1t�.r � , .ill► HURON&MIDDLI SEX GA LEVI v. .CHIRTY•SEVENTII YSAa-NO 1914 EXETER, ONT , CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 23rd 1910. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••A•e••N .•..•••••~•�~•� JONES & MAY'S Pillion* No. 32. BIG REDUCTIONS ALL MILLINERY For the balance of the season we are' giving: "SPECIAL PRICES" on all 'Trimmed or Untrimmed Hats. Also Flowers We are doing this early this season to give you a Sumner Hat at a Big Bargain. We are going to clear it all out and will give you•:sone of the Best Values you have ever had in Millinery, Come along and have a Summer fiat New White Waists We are showing a beautiful line of Ladies' 1Vhite Waists for the Summer wear. Fancy trimmed or plain tailored. Good values, Dress Skirts Our Ladies' Dress Suits aro extra good value. Nice Voile Skirts with silk strapping or plain cloths in Black, Blue or Brown. Fancy Sunshades and Black Parasols Every season the Parasols are better and cheaper and this year is no exception. We have the beet values we have ever shown. BLACK PARASOLS from 75c up to 83.00 FANCY SUNSHADES, to match any Dress, from 50c to $2.00 GIRLS' NiCE FANCY ONES, for23c and 50k Dress Linens We have held a big season's selling, bat still have a few of the best ones left. This will be a good time for you to buy your Linen Suit. Ginghams and Chambrays in every color that is worn. Plain. Checks and Stripes in abundance. Our wash goods are the best that can he bought. Sovereign Brand Clothing Just arrived, a big shipment of the celebrated "Sovereign Brand" Clothing. Route of the nattiest suits in the trade are shown here in two-piece or three-piece suits. Any person needing Summer Clothing will find it to their advantage to see our stock, Also *lot of NEW SUITS FOR BOYS. Now is pour chance. New Straw and Felt Hats, Shirts, Sox, Vests, Gloves and Ties. Jones & May Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 4,, at, - _.._� :l1Illit114111 1:::"%::t • , t• '_ 3': 1 I i IIIIIiIiIni ''"77* GENUINE PANAMA HATS FIVE DOLLARS Call and see our Clothing, You won't regret it. Sole agents for FIT and FASHION GO.. Tailor's. Toronto. HOUSE of HOBBERLIN, Tailors. Toronto. GREENE-SWIFTE Go.. Clothing Mfgs. London. Wv carry a cotnplete stock of American made LI III I TY SHOES, the Highest Grade shoe on the market. NEW HATS. CAT'S, COLI.AItS TIES and some Swell Lints of 'rummer Underwear. Straw Hats. Overalls Canvas Gloves, Working Shirts ill Sb••.• - If YOU WANT CLASSY GOODS COME' TO I's. 1.3 1 t =i. t : 1 7 i s: i I i 1 Sartay Sawderi 1 ».......... 1 i i 11111:12.11 • The "Times)' and Toronto Weekly 411 Globe to new subacribcry frotn now till Jany. 1st, 1311 for 33 cent!. The Exeter football team (lofeat• ed Grand Bend team here on Monday evening last the score hing 1.0. '1'b teams were pretty evenly thatched ,and not till the middle of the second half wns a goal Scored when Wilson from right eucceedcrl in landing 11e, Few. if any, f 1miliers. can claim ball between t he post.. A fair crowd the distinction , njoyed by the Down watched the garn.. Barry Denning! (amity. children of the late Robt Hort: was umpire. Following was the line Mrs. Down. who died n number of 111). (;rand lend: coal. .I, Ravi Ile, years ago. The family at the pees•. •back W. Elcin'liver. .1. Wilson : half ant tint.• eonai!tof nine children; beck I'. 1►iajnrdin• . 11, boas, nh.•rry. and the total number of yenrs lived seal \V Oliver : fore nrds. 1 f t . Geo. by t hem are 652. while t he average Other,- H. Will, rt. centre, E. \'• i 1 rt age is 72 years and 6 months. Thi� iiCbt. 'L'. Itavell••. It. Rolf. Ex t,•r, family consists of William. of llar• goal. T. Raker, back, Bruce Anderson, grave, Man.. Robert and Tomas, of IC. 1lowald, half beck. N. •Jiellwood, Entine, Ont. Samuel of Shedden.1 8. T. Bolder, C. Sort hoot t ; forwards Emanuel. of Payne! Mills, Henry, of left. Dr. Itoula(on, . V. Hoot hcoft:, i.ondon. Mrs. alio••. )lalsdcn, of Toronto• . tent re 11. Catchpole. right. 11. Axt, I Mrs. It. ):eddy. of ilurondale. • an$ 11. Wilson. r Mrs. J. 1.1 itehferd, of liensall. A REELECTION Children, do you see:those embers. All aglow with light. 1 Verging on from deepest purple To 'tbo purest white! Cracking, sighing. Waking. dying, Now as black as ,light! Such, clear children, i.- th story Of the human iife. , Tints, Qt seems 1A1 ,briitht :ud rosy Not a thought of ittrife, Singeing, swaying. Laughing. playing, Then comes eorrow'a knife. Now the skies are dark and <levity Like those coals you see. Some faint hearts grow r• id :and !tees ry„ Hard it is to ba Sighing, groaning, 'Wailing. moaning. They from life nre Tree. Others tree the skies are clearing, See a distant; ray, • (lopes of love and peace arc nearing 1t may be today - Stniling. lightning, Clearing, brightning. Peace has come to stay. 33rd Regt. Will Visit Exeter Friday. Word was received from Capt. W. .1. Beaman, F. Co., 33rd (teat.. Lon- don, by lteeve Bawden and N. Dyer Hurdon that arrangements have been made whereby the :tied regiment will detrain at Exeter about noon on Fri- day, June 21th. The rept. which is about 250 strong, headed by the band, will march down Main Street and back to the depot. itesidents of Ex- eter and vicinity should not fail to see their regiment, it will be a sight worth seeing. The corps will be in town for about an hour. Following are the scores of the boys of F Co 33 Regt. which call for 2nd and 1st class pay, made at the coves, Londun camp, at 100 and 2110 yards respectfully. out of a possible 70 100 200 Total Pte Brintnell Corp 1; Davis Sgt F Kydd Pte It Elliott Col -Sgt It Thorn Corp A Snell Pte Prouty Sgt E Elliott Pte 0 Hurdon i'te S Smith Pte (i!lousher Pee C Prouty Pte A Mitchell Pie S Smith Pte A Harness Pte C Cornish Pte 0 East Pte II Wyman I'te T 11 Bissett Pte 13 Piper PIP It Greenhill,' 31 31) 3'2 20 30 'L4 31 3-228 26 2f1 :31) ^2tr 'p, 2.i 23 61 5)) 28 ENS •LII 58 :311 55 55 21 52 21 52 23 51 11) 31 24 21 111 '1 17 21 21 lie le 11) REV. E. . FEAR. who hes been tb epastor of thi Mair: ee Methodist church for the past fc..r The Rev. E. A. Tear closes his It b c uv ies a bright cheerful spirit year as pastor cf the Main street aril as he often remarked.h• Methodist church and will deliver his farewell address on Sunday next 26. leaving the aarue week for lllytb where he will be stationed for the en- suing conference v: or. Mr. fear during his residence in Exct••r has, truths necessary for inane salvation endeared himself to all regardless of and in the proclamation of these denomination. always taking deep {n• I ::;t hs was frankly outspoken. Ile terest in any enterprise that !ought . strung physically. strong in intel- the moral well-being of the commune tact. strong in Ilii loyalty to do Itis ity. and a man. 'hose conscience •I:ry ..nd has always proven hites'lt Vuuld not permit wrong -doing. AI- t, ,Iy to a' umc any past of deity the ways an uncomptemising foe of the : !. • cit baa aasi_•nod to hiee In Mrs. liquor traffic. he advocated tewprr• ill= had an ab:e h !::.r in ell nnrr rrtortu at •very oo»ortunitY I,t,,t,el, - of church work. Mr. and i was formost :n the Mc 11 option 5)s. 1 ii carry with them the best 50 c.t:upalg0 tl; Janu t'tst. feelin! torr ti ii!,. • of the entire eoturregel inn 50 •oreiy its dale k. tea a•s••c • e.1 $. rel t1. community to It. •, w fi •td 50 with the :lair Ily Lu,, was born on the sunray side of the house. It is always char- acteristic in his bright.. genial and happy dislo'ition. .\s pa'lor of the church he was a good preacher. hav- ing. a clear conception of the Gospel 48 47 47 46 l8 41) 12 42 Mr. '('hos Striate. who has beer. dig- ging a well on the Rowe property, occupied by Mr. Thornton Baker, struck an excellent spring at a depth of 31) feet. The water rushed in and it waft with difficulty that lie was en- abled to brick the well It took three men to supply hire with brick and be- fore completion he was waist deep in water. In about half an It there I was six feet of water in the wellThis is another sample of this veterann well- digger's buccess in locating water. A BOON TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Ity special arrangement we aro pre- ' pared to make an exceptionally low ,offer in newspaper clubing to New i Subscriber!. From now 1i11 the end of December we will give the 'Times" I and Toronto Weekly Globe for the low price of 35 cents. The price is , away below the Boat of production. ! The time to have the bright,>t letups lit. the !toilets earner rcadif,i to wear the.• gaye,t dress•:s and hent,' u•I( the funleik't marls In one':r minn•l ory. is the cold rainy, reght. wb.. there will not b.• any company. o it when the homecoming h.ubar:lt. eoi , or brothers will doubly enjoy the cheer. 1 E3EEE IRON 0" WINE 1. ti ,f Stores Close Thursday! The 1. O. F. paraded to •' "1' Memorial church on bund. afternoon during; July !attiendanc'Desrts nta t `c,.s• . • numerical growth • . • .: Ti!.• Itector. th • 11 1' t .. rhos.• am his 1 • 1 i 1 and August 1'(114 - $1.00 per year in advance Campbell's Varnish Stains Furniture, Floors, Woodwork and Doors 1S '1'11E ---- Original and Only Real Varnish Stain 15c 25c 45c and 85c Tins 1N - Oil Stoves 75c to $11.00 and Gasoline Stoves $4.00 to $6,00 Ready Mixed Paint in 10e, 15c and 20e 'fins Ready Mixed Floor Paint 45c and 50e Floor Enamels, 35c and 60e Gold Paint and Aluminum Paint Another Car of SAMSON Cement just arrived HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE : And above all t tee, - i. • i t u; We tb' undcrs.)rn„1 t .n•ss Iii n eha►ity among yourselv.s: for char - of Exeter gree to clue oar to e10 c• ity sb,11 cover the nmltit::d • of ring,'' tits 'places of burin"u dnrirg th'' It has been .aid that Cbriatiauity has months of July seal Auauat. 19.10. 00 Leen et•olved fron, and elaborit •d by Thursday nfternoons of ( tch :t. hutuan intellect, If this w.•re 'a the commencing nt one o'clock and to ad- writers of the New Teat aneeit would verbs. F11111'. durint: month of ,lana have magnified their peculiar p.•reon- io the local papers.. .I 1,tnuerir:frtt. But we find th,tu Ndvocate i•r:ntirc Company. Tie. finking all p-culiariti,.s and uniting Exeter Times 1'riseit:g Company. Len• „ti,. area! truth of o rr re;irion, the ited : 1V, : a 1. Bt ntnn. •W,.1. neer, Alf► exc•Ileney of charity. in the (1 •fini- Walter<. .lone, k May.11. yi'tcktu,n.'tion of charity. the "ii• -,1 r said it S. G. Itawden..Ina. S,nior. E. A. Fol- was tlifficnit to find a word coverng lick. \W. John -1..1. Drigg. W. Htrithim 11• 1t i= sear : g ly .tlmspiving nor Mr". Yeo. 0. \f. 1'. "'a" rs. ./. A• l,,:ntan lot e i i, hirh s If and pas- Stcwart. T. hawk n; & Son. W. W. rite' nre oti, n 1 ,4 1 nee y e es it Taman. W. J. C irlata. V ileo:1 Croy.. i•Iniatit hrophc. tt .1.1, ton e ' 1 arid W• 1). (lurk'. 1)tv.l Itucs.•ll. d. .liar- negative. It ,• . • • r to 1 in *ILSon. El. Tr h1 •. .1. H. llienan give. (b) I h ,. - , , i ' • 1 i - R yon. Wright el Atkinson. Measles. the blest/ 1 '", ,i. nw E. A. Follirk. W. J. St -ahem and VWI!- l tea <e 1.'tning is it h :i! .11 1 lord son Bros. nre closing up the• grocery i,i,,pc.•s of th' action of th,• poor dcrnrttnent only. 001::.11 who poured the• itreciou' oint- ment over his hady. The desire to Thr. "Tlmcs' and Toronto \We.kly bless was contained in the whole f;!o4 ' to IT w' :6-criher' from not: ca rthly life of ('hti t freta which till ,Tiny. 1!t. in:1 for 35 cent,. conics the highest 1 ire , the d sire to dy mug 1). 1. ''c� oa who has bts een d � cantfort.s- trill hr r !but t hatn el aekinudon, wh11r.' men cease to • carrel. , nwy. 1) ind, r :,omr • and retaliate. This charity :i. tor - Mr. Frank Snellgrove. of London. visited at the borne of 'Mr. \\'m. I'in vent. It is not the dm11 of a ',NI - Ink, who looking out upon th • hale, Stephen, on Sunday' twotId. eiah,s it were teeter. but Miss 1 . 0. 1`hilip in v:�it ng ht r rath •r the roan tvho can mix with broth••r. Rev. T. 11. Phillips. at Rev - Hi ,1,,, world. men like tit. Paul, and etntood this week. help to ,hake the world b•tte•r. This Ti, Annual Garden I'artr of..y can be cultivated. loco cannot Trivit t Memorial Church will b • le )n u.fee el by a divest action of on July 15. PsNicu! r+ later. i soul up,in ite.if. It is it.ipo�sible - Mr. Vincent Wo vi n 1 bei 1 • ti• t- to move a boat by Ines Rig it trent 0011N cd relatives in town It t we k. Th 7. (eahin. Power mu't a me from •sane HUT('Ii1NMON-In Vsborne, on June 1 fl Wcdn••sday far Ili it horn•• t:. t rt from without. Lowe is a feel' 15111.10 Mr and Mrs:John Hutchins -•ata Iia rh9r t. ('tliforni.l. „ L•ol within but otil�,ldo our -elves. Ppl,, 111 10111 10 1,•ront. interest •0 in th• man JA1111[!+ N -lin Crystal City. Man NI r. and Mr<, T. Bolder to 1 :..: 1 . nein. ti:, in spirit sal 1h'ngs. M y .;th. to Mr. and My.. A. Jam. children returned Saturday after t1'• 1 • , 1,,,,. .tart out with •'I ought ieson fn • Cora Manning) a daogb• ng for two weeks withMr. Ito- t„ 1e tti'I .n•I up by "t will", ter bier's mother in Buffalo. It'h my cu.. a. th mulliludc of "I".DOG(-LAS'-At Blake on .lone itch �, : <- lis t .in• . lea it cover, a mid - The Exeter 1asel•ill boys drove to , to ate and Nits. lit. N. Douglas. a its of ,ie • in o• it e•• which male - I) Monday cveninx and ff • d•tt:ghter. DA WeiON-Parkhill. Wednesday. J.rht• !3111. to 11r. and Mrs. W. Dawson, !'The Gazette) a daughter. 1'iIINnLi.I.-llrewster. Friday, June 10 to Mr. and 'Mis. Norman Turn - bell, a son. Cl 11111E-Ilillsgreen. Huron County, 'Tuesday June 11th. to Mr. and 3Ir,, Arch'd Currie. a daughter. • n izcd tl cps n ) This is a delicious tonic worth trying. We never ask anyone 10 buy the second bottle -They always buy it without asking. Delicious in titate, it con- ta tis it on to enrich the blood.) pept•niized Migrated) (reef to feed the tisanes and choice wine as an app •t icer, if yon feel worn-out. tit ed and run• down, you treed a tonic: you couldn't find a Keller one than Oils. \Ve sell a great deal of it -like all Nynl rem- edies it is of highest (lilality. We can *ell you cheaper kinds but. yen tt111 be glad you paid $1.1)) for Nyal'v '('his SLOW will close every '1'huts(lay and FI itlay during July and August. W. S. IIOWEY, Pam. B. Chemist and Druggist Exeter, .l wa.iw l •ii.iiu.l .»»» •• Timm tin !I JUNE BRIDES PEOPLE about to go House -keeping should call at ROME . & ATKINSON'S Furniture Store and see how easily and" Cheaply you can furnish your house. A Walk Through Our Store 1ViIl show you. Here you will find the largest and best assorte Stock of Furniture in the County, cent Tables, Chairs, Parlor and Bed - Room Suites, Kitchen and Dining -Room Furniture, n fact eserything to be found in a first-class Furniture Store at such Low Prices that defy Competition, 1Ve have a largo number of Lawn and Veranda ('hairs wnicli we are selling at remarkably Low Prices. ROWE ATKINSON The Lading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. te H SPECIAL SALE �P CHINA E have decided to snake a clean sweep of our China (luring the Month of JUNE -if low prices will do it. We have a large shipment coming and must snake room for it, so are selling our present stock at cost. Our stock is made tip of choice pieces of hand -painted china suitable for 1Veddiig Gifts. Re- member it all goes at cost. S. FITTON \Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses Ont. II, ns.t�t' cr tale •., t,.'1',1:11:1,1'• h. to a.... It do.s defeat at the Ivan 1s of th^ home team i1hu- •.1 by 1 i -0114,r4 to se' amnll by ibe .core of !!-:•. Thi, way Ihr boys first defeat this �cn!on. `f:tulis. (I kin:; 11rgc :,I ow nuc Learn to f•,1 .• � :�p:ci.n' Lawrence Stykete one of the most unrelenting >ew •1 ity tlft. n 1 rowea I krotcn pedlars throughout guilt. ''thou tale the loan.' '1 he wide y youth lluron. h.- I.nrehayrd aft ex cp.e:k••r clo ed by wishing tb- 1. O. F. cellent bond earl and has discarded to ry btea'ine nod to retuemb•r th the grips h formerly (carried. The great trinity of virtu •b that formed cart is green and has several npart- th • arch of th •it order, Liberty. I3 n• ments and is admirably adarted for Lawrence's work. The exceptional offer of the "Time!' and Toronto Weekly Globe till ian. 1st 1911 to new sebscribera for 33 cent!. is one of the arentest hargnina we have ever b,•, n enabled to offer the public. 1f you are get- ting the "Times" and would like the Globe. we will end it to yon and will +end the "Time''' to a friend any• where in Canada. 1'ot.r f e-tels in th horn �T,,,.opt iate semen 1. -ti 10 the West would appreciate • m' r c"0•1 tad t: rr:! ::= f 1h• paler and the ttvo will only cool you a little more then the postage for the one. Send in F.ih-.eriptionn at once an not to mite any of the paper.. 1'h•• pric.• of the Iwo it les' than Ill" pric, for either paper. evreenc,, Concord. Mr. 1.. Day -- - SIIEI'III•:12U-North Boundry, iic(:il• chimed ' were a hymns !chile the livary, Wednesday. June 15th, to The ' Timcs' and Toronto Weekly brolhrc•n were ninrchiag. Th• choir sang nn anthem "('rain• 1he Lord, Mr. and Mrs. David Shepherd, a Globe to new• !utecriber! from now datl titer. cents. 1'S:, C Gl, m)• !Haul, and Mr. Markham per. g till jetty. lit, 1911 for sided in his o -nal able manner at t h.14FLL,1M1V.-in Vaneonver, 11. C.. on ort:nn ).trying a very Sine march •lure• 3rd. to Mr :1 TO 'lir!. W. R. w•hi'c t he mem)) es of th • order it ere !tell any (nee 1,. l'.i Ito,- formerly Iravit:!t the church. When the of Exeter.) a dee:let r. brethren rt turned to th it roan., CASTOR very hearty vote of thanks w'as ten- '.IVtltll:i) d re.l ')r. 'Collin's far Iris ab:, and SC, ;f1-I:Ittiv.'.--a. 'Phoma•. .l,:n. l,t. .'•I s-. \. l tee it. daught• r of Mr. ;eel Mr,. (ko. 11: own of \lo•nit irydges, to W. A .Scott. of Ait'a The .'Time. • and Toronto \V is:. Claig. Wel :• to new Pug-othere from now 11i.LUT-Mcr,\CII1•:N-At the lt. C. i 8ignattrre of .fany. tat, 1911 for 35 cents. chinch. 1)asbwoed. an Tnesihiy. .t r„ 1414.. by 1). Itev. 1 ;her -1,o11er. Mr. \W, 11 :r of D :.hood to Miss Margined d •1cVachen. of Stephen. Lt)t)111li-11.lRite T1 :he to -id• neve of th.. La .. - .i• res. \C1 111\Cede .,f ' .'stn • nth. 111!) 1,v ll. t•. .\ ,'.! !; . t' ncht >1r. Falai. an t;,. . • leer., , cy.i- vatt to Misr Sir tis L9nis• . da .,. titer of Mr. tnil Mrs. .Iobn la reel of West W i!ltirii-. '.Sci'31Cil:lON- ''.I1'fil e% t e M the odist 1'arson:i re. 1=arklnil, by Rev. A. McCulloch. Wednesday. .lune 15 Mr. George Ituf :a McPherson of Corbett, to M.v• Hannah. Iltabel, daughter of Mr. an d11rs. \Vm. Stuith, McGillit as r 4osvnline. For Infants and C11i1(1rCu. the Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the { doge