HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-09, Page 8ti i± � ,1J K l' 1 M .6 8 JUNE 9th 11)10 1►.•••••••♦.•••••♦♦.••♦••♦.••••••••••••••••••••••.••• IM....••.♦•••••••••••.••.o •••••••.••..•••♦••♦•••.♦•• 1. STEWART'S it i i• = 22 • • • • • • • • 1:1 =2 2: • • S:•••• PHONE Ili VIM H 1 S STORE will close cvery Thursday Afternoon during If the months of July & August .s custumei s win kindly hear this in mind •: • MILLINERY We are having A Big Clearing Sale of Trimmed Hats All rite smart styles. These bats !trust all he cleared. r.OMF SPECIAL RAI;GAINS are now being offer - 1 1 ill Olt!, tlt•pat•ttnelt. Ladies' U idol wear Our Summer Stocks ate complete. 1Ve have a great assortfnent of weights and sizes at. 1(tc, 12ic, 15c, 20c, 25c. 35c Men's Fancy Vests See our Men'- Fancy Vests. Just the thing for warn! tvea- taer. You will like there When you see them. 81.51). $1.75, $2.01', $2.51) Suit Cases & Trunks 1"• n will !rant a Suit Case or 'I t u ak for going away. All sive s of trunks and suit cases in btock at prices from $2.10 to $8 00 Boilers' Shoes \\re have all sizes in Tennis and Boilers' Shoes and Slip- pers in blue and white. 65;, 75c, $1.00, $2.00 Ladies' Gloves We have never had a better assortment of Ladies' Gloves in Lisle. Silk and Chatnois in all leading shades, at per pair .'tic, sic, lit►c Men's Hosiery Men ! \Ve have something new in Hosiery. Every pair is guaranteed to give satisfac- tion. 1f they do not we will replace them with two pair. Price 50c Straw Hats Sailors and Outing Bats. The very newest shapes and colors. A gig assortment just arrived. Prices from 50c to $2.00 King Hats The kind that look well and will wear. We can give you a bet outing shape for We want to sell you your GROCERIES Our stock is all fres.: and (Jean All kinds Produce taken as Cash J. A_ S'TEWAR12' :ZZ• •• •••♦.•..••••♦.....•••♦•.•• ••••••••••.♦•♦•••••••••••. The 'files Want Column As .an advrrtinin„ medium the Es ter Times cannot 'tee sur • !;royal. Does it occur to you that an advertisement may change the whole career of an individual. and may material- ly tiff et the advertiser's lot in lit ' A real estate ad. will "• t, :,.l 1, our nubscribtres and un h r'3 %1.11n are inter- • seal in real estate. it you have something to dispose of; 1r wanting .help. or have n. thing to briar le•iort the I• I,.:t• u•• the !(Iotrols of the 1'.rn : a- your advertising 01 deem. The rust is trifling. 4.•••••••..••.•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••♦••••.•• Market Report. -The fo:Iowine is the report of Ritter ularkete, cot- • top to Jen• '.J:h. e; ; :33 to 31 dents 1•,.1 1 Flour. standard $2.00 • • I . .1 1' .oar $1.45-$1.50. i • _ OJ 4:1 3.00 ♦♦ it :. :' 1!i C. t1 N. 40e t0 50e. :: h e standard 110c. 1' c. • ossa 45c. to 48c, • • 8hor, , •. 23.00. • • Bran $20.00 ilesr; liveweight $8.90 Choice export cattle 57.25. Good export cactie 86.00 to $7.00. • ••• •• •• :• • • •• • •• • •• • • 2• • • • • • ••• • •• er • • • • • • • • o. •• •• •• •• • •• •• ♦• • • • • •s •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •' •' •• •• •• •♦ •• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦••••••••••....••..000.0.0 ••••••••••••••.......0...•0 DUST Caus s Sickncss, Is a General Nuisance but caubc avoi•1cd by [''sing DESTIII 1 on Sweeping 1) ty "Dustbane," moreover, disinfects the room and restores rugs to their original freshness. The women swear by "Dustbanc" when once they have used it. Don't have another dusty sweeping day Lut get a 35 cent tin of "Dustbane". We arc.authorized by the manufacturers of 1)usthanc to sehd you a 35c can of their Sweeping Compsun(1, We want you to use this cm trial for on week. At the end of this period if not found satisfactory they will take it back and there will be no charge for quantity used. if it does away with Dust on Sweeping Day You Want It S 11(1 in bhls , hall lib's and (platter bbls. for stores, schools, churches, hospitals, banks and public buildings. W.J. Heaman Distributor for Exeter. Canadian Factories St John, N. 13., Winnipeg, Man. GIRLS WATIU TO WORK ON BOYS' CLOTHING $3.5o will be paid to Good Smart Girls while learning and piece work will be given as soon as competent in which way, as high as $7.50 per week can be earnod Both !land Sewers and Machine Operators required, Good Clean Work, Steady Employment. Also Smart 13oy, about 17 years, to learn Cutting. Apply to A. W. DAVIS, Supt. JACKSON MANUFACTURING C EXETER, ONTARIO. ••••••••.••••••••••♦♦•♦•.•• • • •LOCALS • • •••••••• .••••••• . 1. (':u'Ilog w a>. ill London•,llou- ,1.3. Mr. Jos. Davis was in Toronto this week on bt:siness. S. Fitton for wedding gift; that ore attractive. Remember S. Fitton fur weddidg rings and marriage licenses. t \\ tl. I:ttE;tht, of London, was in town �funday. 31r. G. A. Adner,ott was in London Tuc.klay on bushtess. The 33rd Hurons leave next Mote day for camp at 'London. !truce Anderson spent Sunday el Isis home in (iocterieti. Mr .Garnet Craig is learning the baking with W. 3. Statham. Mr. Geo. ilarr. of Ottawa, visited 'dr. John 11. Scott this week. lir .Catchpole. of Toronto. La, be. It •;waged al barber by 'Mr. E. 'Willis. Ir .and 37t••. W. S. •Cole visited in 3..: in Ser.., ,y. 1 r. 1'. \`. .Gladman was in- Luean Lt,t week att ending division court. Mr. Fred 1 rooks. of Itidgctown, iF visiting h:e Ater, :1r+. Chas. North - eau. M:;. Itr. Yost visited ler parents, '•ir. and 'Mrs. A Holland during the past 'week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Andrew Taylor. o: Yarmouth C, etre, are visiting tela- ' y. s in tone,, ' `. •. J. W. Poo ell ep.•nt a f, w .3 t during the past week itt Mit- \I! • \. t 1. : rson. ul Logtdort. .,ri..3' ttith bt•r Sister itis; I. : , , 'Taylor. Mr. M. Y. 1rcL••an. M. 1' . of Sea - forth. u . c i 1. neve un Thera - day last. 11r. Wilson. of W11,4:h'tn1. a Medi. r 2 1 •elen-. o: T•.1; t , rite rsity. :•I r 1't .l k n., re .1) . r ,• . d u '1:. I •'. .t •• . and Mr. •u.1 '!t- .1. J.v'ro 1. t t -r \r,rth ' . 1: y. Pro'. 11 .. r r) v.'r his ;:arca s I:•c: .1 • on 111 13 , . ;f Job in h . k.rkton lit, hod: •t t ti ::ch. :fine h. 6.2.3 .1. G. V,•Iland .occupied th, tabu.t of the :Main estre.'t rh.trch last `abb:tth rand Arearhrd t e.tcenr•nt • moons. lir and Mrs. L. L. Foltick and Miss 2 of Ht. 'liarys /Tent and Mira. Enoch Fol - s. Ed. Jolt's i. in. London. nt tend. .n:' :.t ;he h1•dlide of :Ir. ,lore.' moth- - who has been 111 since the death of u her tla•tght••r. ll!'. Geo. S. 11.•8 •rs. of Illanahard accompanied by fir•. i.loyd !Calvet 4. 'tent 11-n11'rtnv ri.silitig lir .and Mr, 11. 11', 1'. I?eavtrs. Mr. and'tfr; .Dtyman Crittenden. of Myth . tt 't. pl. asant 12 i ller. nn rel- al.t. s ,n,l fr: nds in town on Sunday and Moeda y. 11 I . .l .I', • r and on Thnrntn:r. d in Sttalford 2, few *days th• l.a•r ver, k and ett.•ndcd the lregory nay.dson w, (Hire' on Tae.day. and Mrs. n. .1. Vetere( t. ar,rl �r a+ Alice I;acr •t:. of Brantford. and Mr.s. Eden Neuftu •11. of tileneo-•. n21 d the funeral of Miss Adelin,• Tenth .1, of '1 rte. s Its Id, ou Erni ty, \o,• a the. Iny-m- n whl w,•rr et• et• ••d .1 .•• London *•1n;. truce to att nt th 1: n sal Conferenc • at V:,ticnue 33. 1' .re 1:. A. Staid y. of boron; \\'. 11 Kerr. of Ilrnss •Is, 'trt,t 1: •or•te Thompson of Go'I••rich. Mr .and Mrs. A. `fh'•rrilt, of Man - hard. N. 1►.. who vi.it,d with !,•l3 - 1.•t (n trove. $gent 11 fete days of I). Hast wr,•k at Grind 11,•nd. On to sday rh.3 left for their hoop the boat ••Ilnrotlica" at 83r- '3 voile! by Iway I h d, nth look place /near Frobisher . 011 Mnv alb of Mrs. T. \\'ilfont! hr •r of 111r .•,.,.I 11r.. T. 11. 11 tr- , 11 •.r itteph :. Th. eleven' d was 32 yl•:a ag.• and hid been Int±; for or three y ear.. Five les ono • 11,1 Mr,. Warring left h' n .. lin West /nal tool. 11p r1 , r . . • .hi.h •, 'i'h t • i' eft , 1.. ' rr. 1, r : hsr .arrant ins; haa- t .•, .1 roils ch: •lr •,. The r .vrr-•d I'chichtr. 3 h r 1 1 of emir: 1{toter 12.1 11r. .lake Finkbeincr bpcut buuday at Crclliton. 'ti. A. I'uldestane and family have moved to their recently iturchasc•d cuutfortabl: hone.. formerly occupied by Dr. Long. We wish theta 11-11ttly 1%ro,peruus years in their cosy Lottie.' 1...; riot !standard, That (ening room floor recd+ at- :y•nt;ott. Campbell's Varnish Stain is the must satisfactory finish for ell 'leers. 11 -s tough anti will !'land the scuff and t r. ad of heavy shoes Made el r • r .i et Light Oak. I);n•k ntit,•r +•bides imitating oat - t :tar:inteecl by Last w eek iu '\Vnadbridge Crossley t:nd Bunter closed their 'twenty-sixth year together in Evangelistic two'k. During tbu year they have held caui- paign; itt Myth. Esscx,iNety Liskeard, Aurora. Alwonte, Renfrew, ;Verona() Li,toe,•I and Woodbridge. The eer- vic•e; ••, re union in oil but ttto places, and gr. at conquests as usual, have been sau.. They I,•ft 00 ,June 2nd for M uskueka (lit tt letter from Rev. J. Felslo,tt. of Chentu, China, published iti • the Lond3,it Tree Press we • :intim! :be name of 111.r. and !Mr -s. 1'. 3\Vestaway Lyell known in town. We luote "\V, are to lir•.• in a lovely house, lir. and Mr:. \\'estaway have been living iu ii 'but are -moving to another blare. Tht•y have two lovely childrep. fart all the Cinadi•at chi:drerl out hero are the very p.ctur,: of health." Mr. Thos. Harvey returned ham Friday after :t pleasant trip tiroug the west and visiting relatives neat IVindersley. cask. 11r. Harvey i favorably impres.aed with the t•., -t and reports things booming tot kin der -Ley. The town has llsrnng tip within the past year. About rl5 car loads of ceitler's effttets have hire unloaded there ihis spring beside many car -loads of horses oral cattle Mail i', taken into ICintjprslcy once: week in ton lots. (hl Snndny. Slay 2!ltb. the last F,•r- e:c.• was held in 'the I3cthesda •31rtho- dist church on the :r4 conoes=ion of Usborne 'township- This church ryas erected in 1874 •and for a numbe of years n flourishing congregatiot eorsbiped here. At one time th. congregation hal Th • 1 t- visability of enlarging the htrjtlin to accommodate th.• congregation. bu it •rust'3 finally decided to postpone ac- tion to see sthat the future would hold: and now the tone• flourishing green tion has disbanded. The last eerttton 1% as preached by •1tt•t•. E. A. Fear. of Exeter. The congregation velli b.: divide d part coming to Exeter ,nd part going to Ilens•tll. fin Thursday last at Chatham Ike. Rueben Millyard of God_ricb. a fornt- :a t'•ts!:•r of the Main Suet ll. thin dist church was after two hour- bal- loting elected president of :the London Methodist Conference. The n: w pres- ident has spent forty dears in Landon conference. In accepting the n. w pos. :ton. he referred in a feeling ruiner to his bereavement of the death of lois toile. rcgrettinz that she was not present to witntss the honor which he aplrrec:artd so hi;:bly. Mr. Millyard'e closest competitor was Rev. 21. 1). Hamilton. of Listowel. Tht• Tina: vote was 167 to 80. I'residn••t '.liltyard(s ion Rev. J. E. Millyard of•rii •.; t:l tt :< sleeted a'. -:-nt presid •. A very pretty bet inset sledding; n a t. of mused at the• borne of th bride'* parents. Mr. and tins. It. (I. MacKay. 1W: ik• mot. on Er:day. Jane3rd. 011 0 : h it youngest daughter. •1 • e:1+ married to Mr. W. Ftank 'I:t,... ro 2nagc•r of the Rank of Canine,' • Inninfrce Alberta. 'eh1 : . „ • .',tt%n.•d in her travel - 112. en y '•!•••,saline lard was • 1 1' 1'1, 1 rade nett groom 1,: ;: "ell 'dr .and Mrs. D. A. Be. .. !le on Monday for a short v1-.' ,• oh1. ,ends ! on NinP• 11 and with •h croont's j,arenfs lir. and tMi...1. I'. ltoss.•of Calgary. Alta. Frank i t an old Exeter boy haring grown to manhood in our town. Ile has a hos: of friends who all join in wishingWmand Ifs bride ninnyyear, of happinras and prosperity. It::- ' S.arrti p rind covers the loth to 1:•• h. Thi• period 1. at :Inc.; •3 •(. 11 • c1 .'2, of m•Ignetic and e'er r ,. t h r n 8• r R 1 r •• r 1:'r;I 4'1 l'!' 717 • 11 Jett • ! 1 • 1. .t.;ror:tl sights Phenomena) "p.c'r •:rre•n;•• through tiro earth .turf on 1 I• graph lints with rrrtt I ,• tit • rt•,- ,ro.t2,rti at this Tr. • n• . •iis;urbanrc u u i, ren•;:t-on at thio per 1 " 1 1.:11 :4121 vnlranit• sUsturb- ,te• • r. • .l 1. tet e ,'x113•'1 i et tit • i ,. 2 .1 r , , t •rll :31 it rob. lanai; for sharp shoo • .n eros r a hen !rind shifts to trorth'1 .1 ny 'h ruin;: lelrot.Ie:- r 1: •. Li ai tit: 1.11 • follotting obilnar% notic: was fns n from a M tnitoba paper. The deer .a sed is the third daughter of Mr. .11 it. Rio,. of Nesbit. Man.. and a n • e of Mr. Gavin Ilos.. of play. aha Ilia • th • sympathy of all .n .th •ir Rad bereavement. "1; ie our .ad duty thin rte. k to chronicle the death of Mrs. Allan Mlcl:innon. nee flies Grace 1.•Iliatt Ross. a hieh took pace at the horse of Mr. Al. (►. 11cliinnon. on the •.ft,rnoon of Friday. May. 13th. Th.• 1! • .a+cd lady tyae born in .At - omit'. 1 tr.. n:netotn years ago. and cath t•. with her parents lively.. 2• at • e I'!r •'r horn'• 1. 'n tth of `• 1. . \ ' .•1 eirrn!n•tancis flirt .1 • 1212 in-. 11 t:.•,n:h< sine • Mrs. Me's 0112.2, • r• :11 .. .\ (•11' a ekK 9:••1 •h • . r . ,. 1 1 .•1 •I, • 1nd 1:r;d- l3 h•r'rt.n2(1(1,•11 3.1 t•, ntor• cnm- 3.1.caled. and. dtspite cvery ro+ibt • 0f1'0r1 on th • Starts or dnefor.+ and litr=es she passed as ay :ls •13rot' • e .11. ed. The funeral •• rviee a a. h •'d •,t the home of Mr. 11. 1). Mr'':.onon nn Sabbath afternoon. le•init en; Iluct. d by Rev. It tlncknight. tt ho .had also officiated nt li r in trriatt .0 YEA118 EXI'EicIENCE OF A. 01.11 NI'tt'.iE. J115. Wins:ow'e t:oothin,t hyrup Ir, Ih.• prescription of one of the beat female physicians and nurses in the United States. and has green used for fifty years tsilli rrevtr•failin,z sneer !!+ by millions of mothers for !hest of die In.:.;.•'dent Order of Forest- ct,1Arr. n. it :cheer,' the child from ter+ at. 1•• !nested to meet nt their pain. cures diarrhea. etieing in node,. !nom :1; 6.30 nn ynrelav .June the ioty,:e nod wind rolir. 13y giving 1"tll to nttend invite. A•rvice . the health to the child it nett• the l'rivirt Memorial Church. mother. Twe•nt)'-fire rear+ r1 bat 1:.•. 8-647 Geo. 1:. Anderson R,•c. Church Directory JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Roy. Richard Hobbs. Pastor Sunday I'ublio Worship -10.30 tient. and 7 p.m. Class Service -Sunday 6.30 a.m. and after Morning Service and Wednes- day night. Young M n', Chir and Cataithemeaa Sunday .t 1 past Sunday tichool and flinty Classes f.30 tens Epworth League -Tuesday at 8. pen l'raycr Meeting-Thursdus .t 11 31.ot. Jun. 5th -Mr Phos. Hartnoll in the morning 3 in charge of the Epworth Lague at night. • e All Know That House -Cleaning Time Is Nearly Over but before finishing you may need something in Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums or Lace Curtains IAm selling the best Woven Fence that is made and t am selling at the following low prices: - 6 Bar Fence 7 Bar Fence 8 Bar Fence at s4 cos. per rod at 37 cts. Per rod at 3o cta, per rod 11. J. GLtTWOR1f1Y GRANTON. ()NTA1210 GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM Round Trip Summer Tourist Tickets at Low Rates, Jun.1 to Sep.30 -To - Portland and Astoria, Ore., Seattle, Taconic., Everett and Bellingham, Wash.. Vittoria, 'Vancouver and New Westminster, B. (7., San Francisco, Los Angeles and San f)iego, ('al. ItETI'RN 1.I1J11' OCT. flat, 1910 Homeseekers Excurs. ions toWestern Canada Via Chicago, May 31 and June 11. Via Sarnia and Northern Naviga- tion Company: Steamer leaves Sarnia :3,:30 p. in. May 30th and June 15th. Full information as to dates etc. from J. J. 'K'NIGIIT, Depot. Agent. or write J. 0. MCDONALD. Union Deno' Toronto. Ont. •••••••••••••♦••••♦••••••• •••••••••••••••.••••••••.t, Lemonade, Lemon Pies, Pure, refreshing, good, made with- out lemons, with I'r,I.1Tv non-alcohol- ic flavoring anti tartaric Great con- venience for the ladies. iva well as the men. Les; fuss. 00 ltutes, can't tell the difference•. Just as wholesome and cheaper. %\'e sell hundreds of it, every year. Tryit. Leon '25c. Tar- taric IIIc, One m jar will snake I:1 pies in one quarter of the time. 01 her flav- ors -Vanilla, Nutmeg. Cinnamon, Wintergreen and Peppermint. Sold only at THE PURITY New June Records now on sale. •••••••••••••••••o•••••••• ••••.•••••••••••••.••••••• Men's Suits -AT-- $20,00 After all it's the Tailor who makes a et,it a SUCCESS or a FA11.1'IlE. The tllu,t (1tccin• 'ling style would he a fl,zle if there were not. careful needle wotk underneath. That is the i 0(18un our Suits at >;:1II are better than the snit yeti buy in town for !acre money 'i'hhey ale pet fect in every way it not you can have your 111::007 hark. -- 24112. We !lave but a few of those CHEAP WINDOW SHADES left- call early it' you need them 1 LADIES i= -- A uew line of Ladles Gollars, Embroidered at 20c and 25c Jabots at 15c Don't fail to see them you t HOSE we have them at 2 pr. for also a fine line at per pair 25o a line of Lace Bose at 50c pr. White and Colored Hats Just the thing for the Camping Season -to retail at ,iOc Young Men's Hats and Caps_- A lino in )frown, Green and Grey--SOI"C HAVANA, an exceptional line to sell at $1.25. %%e have the neweststyle itt SAILOR SCRAWS. A rouge of CA I'm just arrived in the newest Shades and !!tyles at 50c and 75c. Men's and Boys' Suits -"1411.- A few Men's and I3oy b' Suitt, left to clear at Bargain Prices. We are going out of Clothing, so Mere is :t chance to get a Suit at your own price. HARDWARE This is another line we are going out of, consequently we are selling at. Greatly Reduced }'rices. Iceguhtr $1 18i Shovels at70c. A line of Paint to clear at 10c a can. Our Groceries are fresh and the best ! 3 cans ('orn and Peas. 2..;c 25c Pickles to clear at 15c tie line Baking Powder at l5c . J. CARLING Highest prices paid for Produce. DETROI VAPOR STOVES • c) Mean Easy Cooking 2 STYLES -From a "One Burner 11ot Plate" to a "Handsome Cab- inet Range." Hurn gasoline or alcohol. It burns more air and lees gasoline than all others. -'erfe:t Combas ti on Simple and Durable ro Smoke, No Odor Absolutely Safe, Pure fire We have the largestassortment of Vapor, Gasoline and Oil Stoves in the County. A ....mitten. lint 1t,ty in Stets of 1,'twn Mower,, 'heats, Hoes, Rakes, M.ti.•ti foot-. (;teen Wire cloth, Spring Ilingea, Garden forks, Sh tale s and Trowels. Tinsmithing, Plumbing & Furnace :iiork a Specialty. fluiMns tovc & fldr1drc Store W. 7 .TAMAN One tion n,nrh of i(towning'2 ih tit.,, e. Merchant Tailor. •• "- BXRTElt ONTAiIIoMMM!ft MMMMMMMmMMMa EAT \VIi A1'EVKIt YOU BEMS!! Homo illieR (110 dice 3it•e machinery gets (2w,ly otT. No kind of Food looks good to vote. You need Nyrtl't Dyspepsia rahlets. They are a temporary at t (.1 i d digest ive process to do the• 111,1 k until the stomach 1 troves; mama) conditions �((2nc people think Pe1tt't, is the thing to take. Ft'•nr times nut of live they are tt r•o.g. Pepsin digest Eggs, meat etc. but lets 10 • ITet r ons .irchy remits like itre.••' 1' , (!.oke. Pudding -in fart Wed of the sootilrs that ra.e the tr.,nnm. i)Instase is the thing. Nynl's 3)yspepsiaTahlets ate rich in 1)3,81(220• also contain some Pep•i11 /mei other digestive that, e.rver the whole ango. EAT WVOOAT YOU LIICK Nya1's Dyspepsia 'rahlets will d" the rev, 25 arid 50 rents. Howey's ))rug E )t 1•. 7 En 1 More e)N 3 TAILORING! NOW Surltiij SulUoUs we guar;tr.t ! lit st 11'nrkn)an.hii., 12.:,t Matt rial, Best Fit and Prompt Service. Goo- to ar,d incl:c'ct (.or nla'cnals 1 W. JOHNS. Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontario �I( ussu3s us ui iM to us to tw it us 3t!•• ui um x 1 1 The Times from now until 1,.n. 1911 for 50c