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Exter Times, 1910-06-09, Page 7
CARTERS �rVER PILLS. CURE Celt rteadaeheau.t m140%6 4411 thotranbles dent to • bilious state of rho system. aide all Divines.. Nausea. Mows • 'as. I ..try.. •rter rating. 1•alu to the la, lc. w•htlo their moat rerlaukabie succeee has been shown lu .: urlug SICK itea.tsehs. yet t'erter'a Lit:ie Liver FIDS are equally velurhlo in (i.Ut. t'..u. curing and pie• veut,ug this an uo,l•.Rr i:p1.. at.wtitle they also correctalldis..r'I• r,,. tth...••tux. hrttuu.lateths liver and regulate the b.,.%411. Even 11 &bey wily cured HEAD Ache thavactin tiealmost pr! elee+tathuswho •ufMr from t bas Slate a.log corupl nim+: butrorta- tataly t bel rg.x'dnessdora tot:.ud here.and those w ho once try thein will !rid those little pills vain. able fu •o loamy was +t hat t hey w,il tot be wil- 3ugtvdusitLout t. u. n',taf••is'tsi/atumid '. ;AHE the bano of ea many tires Plat here 1a where make our great boast. Out pane .utei:.:hula ere do not. ('arter's Lit!le I.lver Pills are very small and ver7 easy 1.4 tale. One or two ``ills mike II dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or pmrfe. but t'y their gout,. action please all who 0... them. Cit:t3 Yd:I:fl'D 00•.lfg's TOU. faLFall s Dome ball Priest MILBURN'S LA"( A -LI ' R morasses, two-thirds of a cupful I u!.table breakfast dish. l.cli fruit syrup from preserved Oatmeal with Oates.- Add a ILLSsttwberries, peaches, plums, er tablespoonful of seeded and chop Jetts, odd a little borax to water.; sawdust, sand and a mineral oil the children of Israel, and serves. cherries, and the grated rind and I cd dates to each dish of well Cuuki " to teach the disciples that the chi! 27. But she said -In his use of at Stiluuinie tho Slupgtt;h Liver, f one lemon and one oruuge• ed oatmeal and serge with sugar 1)u net hail waist, as boiling git • it cul:+r, together with tincture P the word "doggies" she sees at H :.nig creamed the butler anti ;u d cream. g 'titrinks crepe. To rinsing water' of benzine to give it odor, accord- dren have a prior claim and roust! Clean the cut:;• l t..:,ri .. st„•..•tt tl:.l odd half teacupful of boiled starch. i leg to (1..wd Housekeeping. ring . Fires first be filled. I °rice a reason why he should an - breath, clear away all waste and poison- ; nugdr and twelve unbeaten eggs, 1 Have frequently slurred s,ontane 'Chou son o[ David -Twice we! seer her request. She accepts the oats material front the system in Nature's t t I at a time, using the hands to RHUBARB. ti sheet waist is ready to dry spread ; 1 1!edging of a family dog, ackn be easy' manner, and prevent as well as cure • u'at them in instead of a spoon, a sheet on table. Stuff waist with oitsl}' tr„m heaps cf this mnterinl. it :ve had this phrase (Matt. 9. 27; ledging the current distinctive be Coustipation,Sick �teadache, Biliousness, i ,t ben will blended odd part of the Rhubarb and Orange MarmuLade• tissue paper, sleeves first, then (;lrasy „teralls kept in a tight 12. 23), but bush times from the twoen Jew and heathen. But such He rthuru, Catarrh of the stomach, Sour I t., ,lid, then ,art of the Ilout• nlfx. ` One quart rhubarb cut in small button and fill as if nn a faro►. l'ut l wardrobe have been known to ig-lila of Jews. People from this dis- ;u.imnls belong to the household, �tnnmch, Water Brash, and all trouhlrs ! i 1 pe res, turn• oranges peeled and cut enper in very evenly, also do the mite. t rict were among those that throng chit - arising from a disorllerr.l state of the 'tare• 11hen all have ben used beat p tied, without depriving the chil- 1 in A half teaspoonful of soda dl- I"'i', six cupfuls of sugar. Take .rade with collar. leave on taha.s: 'Car utc"t dangerous closet is that cd Jesus at the Sea of Galilee ,iron of anything that belongs to 5:o:narh. Leer or Bowels. ! .,sited in a little warm water and • range peel itud run through meat i., dry iu a hot place. Your waist. wider a stairwu� , h'c:wee inflate- (Mark 3, 8). It would be easy for them (her masters), he may throw + 4+++4 {- Mrs. J. 1.. \\-e there, ',raider. Make a syrup of the sat- will look like new if trimmed with' wattle material• i:. t', hide there and Itct, therefore, to hear of both the ♦ ♦ etraultiver,Man.,writes: , :ben mix in all tae fruit exeeptin her the crumbs of his bounty. ♦ S.:tt.r«d ♦ 1 suffered for years, the citron. ear and 50111e water until it loco. Press lace on a thick pati on. if," fn.' 'let:- .n it the best avenue royal descent and miraculous pow- 28. Woman, great is thy faith- • for assts, ♦ more than tongue can When thoroughly blended pot i threads. Put ingredients in and .•(•rung side• u( escape 1r„tu tipper stories is cut et- „1 Jesus. Mark attributes the c'ncession of ♦ + tell, from liver trouble. I t.alf inch layer of the batter in d "'Port' fol' an hour. Put in jelly off. • Daughter .. vexed with a de -Jesus to her wit. She bad both. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I tried res•er,rl kinds of t : , .�s and seal with paraffin. !'It I 1111)11 I N t' !11 1. furnace ashes in the cellar hays r„un-Seo Word Studies for March With doglike pertinacity she had tan first has been lined with ser medicine, but could get lihubarb Pudding. --Ina buttered in then) so much fine coal and lit- 13 sur,nssed even the children in no relief until 1 got Milburn's Laza-Liverluta! thieknesae of paper, takiu, to that tar;; are liable to hien 1 )bibs 'I cannot praise them too highly !care that the paper eotucs we. !''king dish put two cupfuls of 'Ripen ,1 li••, 114 lull lee 1111110114 1 23. He answered--alatthew's ac- trust. And. with ready wit, she for what they have done for mc." . shove the edge of lite lin. C„t r • ,..•d rhubarb. Over this put .,no Ililb„ns .'t �Irtc tanouus combustion if an open win- count is worked out in more drama- had turned the Master's reason for Price 2b cent; a vial. or S for 11.00, at ' a lth a uniform layer of the citron i' '! fol of light bivan augur and I (low permits thein to get wet by a tae form than Mark's. There are refusing her into a reason for help- serroat- one half cupful of boiling water.per The t ,, •s1•• ,c see.;milieu by im-, rain storut. The fine coal from the four nplpculs, each offset by "ho in; her. all es by►The s. or tlat!1tilt,ItrnitCo.,on receipt I cmite(ll i.;:at1n ISc trcn,ahayhlg tht•clast lay- 11ikr a stiff batter of two cupfuls ervtthrvu tic t fibs empire as l:a(ndlhus� winter's supply may ignite if w`t, answer ed." To the woman's first Be it done -"He joyfully allows Tor"ate. (let of hour. two tea:pooufuls of bak g 1 Playing with fire and matehe >y .• appeal, he answered not a word. himself to be worsted in sego i.'g p„wdri, two tnblcs(wunfuls „{ prohibited henceforth the purchnsc`children is a prolific sour':e of fires bake (utter, two tablespoonfuls of gra- aro Sale of human hetngs underreside/tees.Thr appeal of the disciples "he terror." Attention is called to the i hints for Busy Housekeepers. {recipes and Other Valuable Information of Particular Interest to Wo a bluing that conies in the fume of a booklet from which leaves aro r IN CASE OF DREAD FIRE THE S. S. LESSON tool to bo dissoltcd in the water. 11 desirable a bit of stu,ch may be -- added to this water also. '1'u di' , \1 .I vs 1.1' 17.11' 11.11'1'1: \ .1 ND stretch carefully over u clean pal- IID%% 7'1) At"I' tvIiE\ 11' UOi:4 .w. Fasten the waist :it ti,e belt Women Folk.. itr, and rho pillow. Stuff the full- ! . „ in front and also the sleeves _ ith tyhilo tissue paper, smoothing Extin,uishin� a Stilling Vire Be Use material out carefully. A piece Sure lo Keep ;til Doors Lesson CI. The l'anuaoilish 11'0• \ \1'1:1)1)1\(: f. .1Ki:. of the blossoms from the stents, one of stiff paper this width surd length man, Matt. 15. 21-2S. Golden Closed. Tho wedding cake ..f 1 .tit I,t,• :.'ellen of cold water, three pounds. cf rho collar should be fastened in- l'.xt, 11x11. 1.;. 2'n. sumo rich, iudigestihlc c••1 „mid "f sugar, juice of ono lemon, one -ole of it, with the lace stretched Attics and c;.,.,els are the breed _ that prevailed n, far buck a our tablespoonful of yeast. Put• water over it. The cutis lnuy Ir treated i•tg places of many fires. :\n attic \terse 21. Went out thence -- great grandmother,' days. 1•a n t.r,i sugar on stove, let it. simmer, in the same stay. If the .waist is is generally the asylum fur all sorts Freer 1 al)eruaum, 'fife fact tneat er to -day the bide roof. rs t.. Lure a s•i:ain and let it stand till lake- then placed in alt open window it of inflammable material, and as it he withdrew in the face of danger flood in the mixing of her cals.:, Farm, then pour oyer blossoms. will dry quickly told hast every t.ever is properly ventilated it bo ltaa been criticize'.d as cowardly. bough it is baked at the baker's.iVlt/'ii cold put in lemon juke and appearance of haying been careful- comes a fire incubator when the 13u1 phis work was [tie [rum "tiuish- llete is an excellent rule that. cast, let it stand five clays in a ty, ironed. suuuuer sou,strikes the roof. ed, and he was unwilling to ex - Hese is he relied upon. The fruit %eaten place, then et rain and bot- Co 11 ash hitt Laws.-- Wash by Among the odds and ends that should be prepared the day before tic. It is as pretty looking a wino shaking the lace III but haat) suds make up the content, of the aver- should akin); the sake. (•ream together as champagne is fine. lather, then gloss and dry. Put age attic arc old yaruishccl htrui- cue hound of unsalted butter and -- !tune luutpe of loaf sugar into a tore, dry astinder, rags, many of c a a pound of sugar. Sift together a BRE.\ 1KI 1a'I' REI.I S. half pint of hot water. When dis- 1I.ent greasy and ripe fist• spontane- peeple of Phoenicia, at this tints bund 'a fly flour and a tcuslwou- Cooking of Ince. '1'o two cupfuls solted dip the htee iu and hang up •••'s combustion, painting oils. li I.outun province of Syria, were de - 1 1R dripping. When dry draw out with able to take fire when the sun beats scrudants of the Canaanites, tlto fol each cloves, ciunamen, mace, of •boiling water in the upper part ! siefnl and idolatrous race which and nutmeg, and R sal1.puonful of of double boiler add ..ne-half tea- ft'tgers and clap between the hands.. ou the reef ; broken toys and old ::it and set near the fire, where sl•uuuful • salt uud ung 1►alf cupful ,\ weak solution of isinglass catt!cl'.thes, the pockets of which may the Israelites had set out to exter- L' 'ted, Toronto. Ont. • the flour will be thoroughly dry• of rice (washed). ('auk directly be used with good effect for stif-I contain matches. Attics and gar minute upon entering this prumis 11 hen ordering specify 'r:ean's." Fut the fruit. buys read four arse lbc lire for one minute. Place stare lace, which should peter be rut often have a temperature of eri land. To the Jews, therefore, I ouuds of seeded raisin, •I.t lrter- pan in lower part of boiler, half starched. + 1 0 degre�•s Fahrenheit, which is tl:ey were abhorrent as more than it added harshness. But, two ed and dredged with 11 .ut• tater filled with boiling water, and took Washday Hint. ---When one uses al the ignition point for matches. ordinarily unclean. things seem to soften this harsh- petttd, of c:11 rant, or ti'eir .•.tui- +►bout one-half an hour, or until the wire clothesline it is often difficult; fluor sweepings under furniture Have mercy upon me --She evi thing One is omitted by Matthew,sh- v.,lent in date;, figs or prones soak n;e bus absorbed all tar water. Do to wipe the line clean (Hough sod 01 in a closet are liable to take fico dently realized that. her chance of but recorded by ted Mark, tt. the ed and slightly cooked, then chop- Duet no (,lack streaks aro left on: `I•`•rttaueously or front a flying surcess with a Jew was slender in - 6 1 nut stir while c„akin The r ins children first be filled," implying urcf, a pound of citron shaved as will be large, flaky, heparate, and tt.c clothing Th. following plan;'`rtetelt brad. Sawdust used in decd. in this respect the story is that later thorn will be bread for i, most excellent : Take an old mus t g floors, if left in a corner in marked contrast to the one int- , tine as possible, our half pound „i unbroken,alt. Then, this word dogs' ns f!. and annelids and a halt pound Strawberries and Cereal. -Take lin sheet, tear lengthwise in strips', "I�l re there is no current of air to tut following, which we have geed here by Jesus is not the sovcl•s each of candied lemon and orange a dish of toasted corn flakes, put ai,out eight inches wide, pin those teary off the heat it generates, is already studied. Tito multitudes opprobrious epithet so thecommonly peals shredded. frtsh strawberries or fresh rue 1. at intern 1!s along tar. line, thin very likely to become hot. enough • }asci but to range themselves before raspFor the moisture have measured le tries over top, with plenty of - will flung about the East ("Dog of an cream and sugar. make a most *pal - ung up th' trashing, and thyro; to ignite it�clf. bin' to find endless compassion, infidel"), but the setter, domesti- oat one cupful of confectioner's will be no dirty streaks left on the! U.\NI;I:iiO1' 1'lll:P.1R:1'CIO\`. while this girl can get relief only' cated diminutive, "doggies." Sufi clothing •.tl.' n des. I after the persistent clamor of an• „ Crepe \\ai.t<.- Wash waist. in, •\ prep:u'ati.cn advertised for etfeeieed mother. The difference is btcttttOogs," nndltlteusehaln we pets''r bee lukewarm water. Boil soap to at sweeping carpets is composed of between the dogs of heathenism and.• comes almost a bit of pleasantry. IN'1'I:IIN.t l ION.11, LESSON, JUNE 12. Troubled With Backache For Years. Now Com. )Pletely Clued By The Use 01 DO•N'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. W. C. Doerr, 13 Brighton :t.. Loudon, Ont., writes: --"It it wttb pleasuro that 1 thank you for the good your Divan's Kidney Pills bice d"rtu me. Hive been tioul,led with backache for years. Nothing helped me until a friend brought me a box of your Kidney Pilla 1 began to take thetu and took four boara, and ,aai glad to say that I ant cure..! en- tirely and can du all my owe work and feel :is good as 1 used to before taken sick - 1 am positive Doan's Kidney J' IIA are Fuse himself needlessly to the Pour- all you llfim thein to be, and 1 nJyiais derous onslaughts of the ruling triaall hiluej sufferers to glee them a fair class. Let T)oan's Kidney Pill.; do for you 22. A ('auitanitish w -„lean -- The what they have done for thousutnds of others. '1'hev cure all forma of kidney trouble and they cure to stay cured Price, N, cents per box or 3 boxes kr 61.2.1 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt. of price by The T. Milburn Co., .•r of the dough. Cover closely and set away over night. In the morn- jrll 11 l TO DRINK. in Live hours in a steady, un Berate oten, protecting the top Bad cooking is blamed by Dr. Pe- ,.f the cak. with paper till sutl'ict- ek, roctor of a Manchester, (Eng . nth. risen or steamed. then bake. on111•ge for the fart that tunny When partially cooled ice with the tek© to drink. He Gaya It is; shit,. of ..e egg beaten stiff with re important to ti -telt girls how ircti„n. i' sugar. whet this is r In cc•tnparison of his praise of the faith any pretext. The reform, however, r answered" by raisingthe claims of euiatcd sugar, and half a cupful el One's ability to extinguish a the lost sheep of the house of ..f heathen woman and a heathen coo water. Paur neer the rhubarb is oot altogether eulnlaiete, as by starting fire depends upon intelli- , IIsrael. Her second appeal ' he titan in the first Gospel, with his the reseript certain f"rna, of slat • voce and self-e„ntrul. I[ the answered" by contrasting the chil-' manifestation of his Jleaslashlp to end bake twenty min►lles in a hot R er;; will still bo tolerated. Ll a 1lazr is just starting throw water c'ren with the dogs. Her final at)• a Sntnnritan woman and an exOOni U\1 It. report made to the State Depart- P I I. the burning material, "he answered" by praising it is stated that the retainers pealI g uulnicated man in the fourth Gus PINI•::\1'1'1.1:. of Uunchn princes are Hol eruan Nt)'1' ON THE BLAZE. . her and grunting what she asked. to oak than how to play the Plano i , , , led an,l laud l apply the decura- Pineapple Brown Betts.. -- Fill a ciliated. but it is forbidden to call 1 Jlark mentions only two of the ap- ea elv. Many men are gradually t;ye icing. baking dish with alternate layers them slaves. They have long en- ()tin bio ks' •'f water will do more peals, and, further, seems to imply let t�•wards drink by bad cooking \%hen the cake is to be distribut- of haltered bread crumbs. sprink • jcycd educational :old other priti-; h' "J t thrown on by hand{e1s or that the encounter took place in a and want of variety in their fund ' ed only among the bridal Party pot led with sugar, and grated pine- leges, although still bound to th,•it faith :t I,r„„m than dashed on at heathen house. st: tis. la in a plain gold ring, a silver thim r.:,pie. letting the top layer be hereditary mReter,. t t'('l'. 1 small fire may be stuoth '11 • I ble• and u copper cent, each wrap- hre adcruntbs with an extra spread- The household sieves of the Man -f eted with a rug or blanket, or •teal in ,araflin paper, also tins sil- in •.f butter. Cover with a slate thus are also not emancipated, hut. beat- n out with a wet broom. Mike -"Oh, Pat. the black c}•• , 1 I ' I 1 R I1` von cannot pelt out in 'aye ye - Pity at's the matter • ter skates, Miniature motor ears or and bake in a slow oven ats,ut one- their statue under tier law is im-'• n 111!s.. t.• then mit an the fire! in Pat -' Ui pa c1 ('lancey a grudge t . k pins. one fur each ,nembe•r of half hour, adding a little water if Cr' red. They are to be regarded; n tri Du not !ggive a door open at eisterday, an' th'•t's the resate h l'•' party. '. semis 10 dry out. Remove the as hired servants, but their service tchcm you run out to give an alarm.gay., mo •, \t the larger and more formal platy and brown on top. is dor for an unlimited teen of If the doors and windows are cloned ' t '•ridings small boxes containing Pineapple Sauee.--One pineapple )oars, so that they are tit reality The four-ve•at old descendant of ....Willa ,sake are piled nn a small atter one hunch of rhubarb cut in pttpetttal slaves. Under this re• when a fire starts you may be able a line of Baptist miitirtcrs osis , the Peal' the front dour and small pieces, two and one-half cups script the immemorial practice of to get the firemen there in time to found on tiptoe strugglieg to int •,,,,l,.,i ..at :as each guest departs. s Igar land one cup water. Cook feeding children in ('hiva in tithes ht:►. it lett while it is in only one merle her kitten in the rain water lee -,• individual boxes are oh 1 k. prr,et hes. Ser yr cold, of fare is abolished, although teem. The tiro soon consumes all barrel. The kitten was equally loci{ -•(ll:ares either three and they may be hound for a s+pecift.s.l the oxygen in a closed room and frantic in her efful4s to avoid itis It half inches long or two incheri term. but never beyond the age of may die' out if it gets no fresh air. reersion, and at. last, be dint of 5,,,,are. They are covered will► ('-\til: OF I i'RS• Twenty fire. 1 !flet the firemen aro called kicking, clawing and wriggling. , 1551.rk at getting out the things you m; jvigud to fret )iersel'i from her 1'u r. while kid or egg she•II paper. lyoielinq Moths. Take four full The nesrrilrt. is said lu ho a emit• i want must Os save. Don't throw l'h. cake iv out •to tit •tar box and is •:.lied •sheets of a printed •newspaper promise •itie•Asure, but it will even-' littlsmae tail stress. As disa14 )01rrdle ger the wof all tilted. ` •lapped in a sllnare of paraffin s, w around three sides on the sew- ttta1lr give freedom to trillions .,f i cr.rryluektfroYour the window i nig, aSlls',m l• disappeared e,. ser, then in tissue paper. On in nlaelitne with a longstitch ht:man beings, and is deetnred to the diseppointed missionar;: eject' ti:e top of sash box are small in- milking a double hag. I'In a wiUl� mark n rlistinct advance in eitilit-11" r, on, have done. Intc•d. you won't he n liapti,- . 1 .1 twined initials of the bride and in thurung(tly brushed and aired et1011 1 It awakened in he night by the e Then go :•rel he a I resbcter!an' :•. I err ism in either gold, =liver. or furs. Turn a deciefuld of the paper smell elf in a blanket or quilt from bite. Che boxes are tied will► nt the top, sew with mnehinc, and ill 1:1 1, I tl s I \ I 1 ." th , bed and get out the quickest wry you can. Shut the doors you 1 a -s throssh. After calling help !..•k in r1st see whore and Caught Cold white satin tibbun about a quer- t 1 ..f can inch in width. By Working DIIINK ItE(iPE'S. 'Posit Wats!. Brown nicely, but taring f„r furs. After thet- a, not burn the .It„• of bread. ,tend rent upon them snflieiett. bulling otlghly ereuttutg and along place water l„ a-.,tsr. Let them steep inn- lets in the -manes( hoc that will In Water. • Distressing Tic 141lag Sot119. tion to The Th:oat "etch at t.'p with two large safety p.ns bewhich to suspend bag from germ NI' el 11'„''. 1 •t1It i to Il:a- 1•.ouks. (Sire must he taken to have mond I .i..1 I1 I •, I „ I1. the bag perfectly tight :and un Thr T i ; , _ looken.itt ext' Pies e 1 1• , e 1 i,,. cr. wn Jewels. motive'',sig r mor:' to the contrary. r. 1 lit t dungeon cruder the old foundation:,t I cold ki., ring 1,„551 o1 dish cert i,.,id them without ""%4 1111:.• The of 1Vakefield Tosser. near the i)ark- taining ih. 1„a st ch -els vet ered. I''x should he linevl with a ptl•ee of, ,I ne stairway. which !cads to rho Strain off the c.a'r :old so erten t., l r riled two%paper and a piece scurf -t chamber whets: (.,1,. ., rs to -tri patting :t pace or sec into ltI shied(' be putt eel r then, and 11 vie I•eft to (lie ill n tltc ,iliell'• ,:c.; 11r alhert .\1aePhee Chigr'':n Mite• R; drank. tut keel in at sides and ends. Seal The Bank of England. hos ••.' r. N S writs:- "ln Oct., 191ti, 1 ctugh' Slippery Elul 'feet. -Pour hniling the box ,e,•:•.rely by gumming two -1.• iter, Ole famous ('ullinitn cti•t cold by working in water. and had r 1% nlyr „ger the Lark. first breaking tt.ch strips, cf newspaper to the ht.x n:• u'1-. s li eh the Qttcell s:tpp',-.-d y very had congb and that distressing it into hits, c„v.•r tar- i'ilcher con- and cover \I here !her inert. pi':ol ! u :11- 1,11 !;teat o1.e3oiona. TIP' fast ticking eetsatiom in my tum..t ao 1 t:i'nitig it ad I. t it st,.nd until res' ink i= • Ili' of 1114' h. ,t of n., cit, (lues'n has never wont the could not sheep u: night, and my twtgt cold. .Itl'I !'11101 it if ;still itr.intitr,. 1 •' l The mesal diamond which were so very sore 1 had to R.ve up x011 aold ,wc1•ten t„ trt,le Before Purling .1way. I:• f"+,•, t •h'1 •.n her corsage :t the Ia•t it doctor gave ere medicine but it dill Flaxseed Lemonade. four ,:II putting awry for the steatitic,' fn �� ,t• '•p• ninR ..f Parham(' 't woe a nn(o.xt so 1 got :, bottle of D.•. Wood's f',u r lath-pot,nftits .1 tt hoie flax- `h sold t thurquglily ',ensiled „,,i I.' .1.•: nt.,tl'I of th.m real hien'• 'f' �r�_ny fine Syria and by the tiers I ,••ed. "le• 'foilri .•f h.,iling realer a :ed in the bright sunlight. 1' 1.,?,etc in .lmslr•rdnnt. The Queen lisa7ised two bottles 1 was.. entir'I) aria add the juice „f tat•, kneels. ',. •sihle store them in it well light ,h,-!i'it sto tsrar the real one for r.urr,l. 1 am tawny, retventeenciitag it to 1.. t it steep fel tare, I:..urs, kerp- '.1 room. le trine 1•11.4•S4 OW „1 101 f,41 .'f l o-irtt( it. my (r;eud.. i. ; !1 el, •-. ly s'.tered_ `fission to tic meth that destroys a fur was %%hen the 1Vakefteld Tower is on, :may with ii in the firm of an, rattan opened to visitors the !male! la•1'• Excellent for Bolas. 1)r Wo.ld's `•,reit Piae Syrup cone c t null h trhed uneler the favor• , f the Cullinane will once snore Nalrel Milk rut the mill: in n bine,. the potent healing virtues of the nLlc e„nditi„na of wnrmt!a ;tmtd Gleam on its velvet cushion. The j:u. .,•\.•nes ..t., • u1 with Norway pine tree with other absorbent, I ,:.Irks,•., queen's fnv••rite gems arts ame- t.l.ilr pal'r,_ ";'„ i�,''' ;n nt. �, ern expectorant and 'nothing n.ethcines of , - Hosts and pearls. t ern until Ihic.. ' , " .r:n. Hiss be reoegmmJ worth, and it absolutely harm• t ak4 n h� I h' nr„<1 d••'it a' st„ni THE 1,.11' \ 11111'. t ss, prompt ant safe for 11.e ewe of n,h I, neeti�• 11-,tisi flint. flow to Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis, Cro'ip. Fort Ballet \Vat,•t. pat two ,,sane•• of t taunts., lingrl rrni-ts with„u Throat, Pain orTightnes• in the !'hest. le -a11 I,arl.•s it,.. half a brat •.f tr. nil's. There ate many times. and all Throat And !sing 'iroubles. 'coiling %%stet and let it .itn.nr•r a: vhrn ti-tlrelling, that one weals Beware of imitations of Dr 11u,t'I's few mellow:. drain off and Add te... lee to wash out hostel ie blouses if Norway Pine Syrup Ask for it :cud ,,eart•: et' le Alin:. eater •t eh a f.•.'. ' le: tidies fel ironing 55010 possible. insist nn getting wbat salt •isk for 11 is !i_. and „i tai -in cot filo.. ;'t •. fe,if„ttinit meth„tl uiav be Nit- wit ►nput .1p in a yellow er:.pprt, th.re i'i''r l „tl sl,•wlr lest „•,t.•'••'d to about 11 !• :cd. v. ith it •.t sati-factory re- trt•,s• the• trade mark, and the ('rtes .h •l's hilt nrt•r .1t•,1.11. - er.•ten lu'<:II(s. Vasil the ":ti•1 ;m a ,,..,„elcoati flee. , 1 I', ii.. . '•f .a I •muni .:ods of v 1. jte soap- Itin<e lien in .Isu&&^tun•If only ty Ing .Ii•.ura le •i• _ i 1 .,' • '.4 At' ilei !Its' t •. , •• 1 vat r. rias, i.inlited,'foruuly, Out. L1.14:1601is 1\ isle Pick one quart,. y I witntu\ be slight') blued with MONEY ire L1NiNt,. .1n eccentric old man flied at i itrtertt Englan 1. the other day-. H" had worked at the Runcorn docks for 50 years, lived a►.•me, and Imo always, npl.'•nred -u poor cir- t•tm,stan•ss, Oa his d -•alb -bed. ,wcco . he aske•I that his work - ices t:ais11^.'tt- should he gisen to lii• broth -v. On exeminetioa, it tl:.. i. mei 'het a hundred severe lane hail been sown in the lining. 11 it 1'I' I-, THE DANGER. pal (I. 26; 9. 37). SMALLEST HUMAN RACE. Tho inhabitants of the Andaman Send her away -They wanted him islands are the smallest race of to do what she asked and then dis- known human beings --that is, tak- miss her. This is evident when, in en on an average. The height of s his answer, he shows why he can- full-grown Andaman islander sel- 1,do as she asks. But. though elan exceeds three and a half feet, they did not want her to be per and few weigh over sixty-five cmptorily gotten rid of, their yea pounds. They are said to be mar- sc,n for wishing her request grant- ' t'`tously swift of toot. as well as cd (she erieth after us), is thee- being possessed with extraordin- ary endurance. The few travel - 21. Sent onto the lost slice ler+. who visit the islands avoid --While the di•ciples cared not fur contact with the dwarfs as far as the woman but only for themselves, Ptssrble. partially on account of tai.: reply of Jesus+ toils a genuine, ' ipally 'because of their warlike their extreme filthiness, but prin- but pent -Hp, compassion for the voulnn. He trust act in accord disposition and their handiness erre with the mission given him of,"illi poisoned spears. the Father. .1 !ready he had charg'I' ed them to remember that the stray REGIMENT'Sitt'LLDOCi. sheep of Israel had prior rights The men of the 2nd Royal Irish (Matt. 10. 6), and now he must in.. Rifles nt Dover are jubilant be- sist that for the present n broader cause their brindle bulldog pet, stork is impossible. It, through the Billie. who had fallen into disgrace Jews, the kingdom is to be trade, through biting a boy, has been re- sccessihle to all men. then the work , instated in the regiment; fur the tnttat not be choked at its source edict had gone forth that. Billie by neglect of the Jews. I sic.itld be banished from the regi- 23.--Iltd. she came --Matthew im- nu•nt. when it is mentioned that the fire is on the first fluor it is Flies that the first cn• "'inter took t, r dangerous to go above. be- place while Jesus and his disciples violas brut and smoke ascend. *ere on the way. .1s Mark omits One run often get out through a the first two appeals, his confining hal' filled with smoke by going on the woman's efforts to the house indicates that Mat - hands and knees when one would eft at this point in J1at fell choking if one ran. The smoke thew's narrative we are to think is thickest. at the ceiling. Holding (.f the company as coming to their n wet towel or anything made of lodging and the woman, undau°t Blood Was wool, or ergo a coat collar overtill• ',1 by the first rebuff, following. �+ Bad. tte„ttth greatly lessens the danger 1Vorshiped hint Perhaps Mat - of injury to the lungs or death 1,.;nt, thew (who uses this word repeated - tee carbolic acid gas in the smoke. I;) docs not mean here anything 11 n nt(1n 15 in a burning building more than that special reverence •with no fire escape and the stair which one would pay to a kingly Wow is burning or the hall filled J.( rson preparatory to asking an with smoke. he shotde) shut the unusual favor. in Mark and Luke clt.or• and transmit to keep out the it is a rete word, but common gripes. Then he :hornet throw open enough in John. who seems to use i1'e window to get cool air and to it always of the worship of a diving It t the firemen and neighbors see Person. where he is, so that they may bring Lord, help me --She does not re - a Mulder to the window. prat her sorrow, for he knows al- rendy. This is the persistency of faith. Chry•sostcml (.1. i). 373) says beautifully : "It was a piteous spectacle, to see it woman crying with a' much feeling, and that wo- man a n:other. and praying for a daughter, anti that daughter in shelf evil eil'e."' lei. 11e answered - This is not tui rely a refusal but a stern refus- al. To refer to the well-known .1fewi=1, distinction, between them - at Ives As children and those of dif (!t the top may be l -ootid .,if f,•r11 t'•tiug religion at (logs. wns to re Manufactured only bt The C 11ilt.ir. Rio 1 peat his furan,. r reason and to Hive, eo•• Liwit4u t; uo:r. J_. Billie was presented to the regiment iu South Africa. went through the whole of the Boer war, and had war medals hr•stnwed upon him. On affection which the men of the Roy- al Irish !titles have for hint will bo readily undertood. , TO PI:RIFF 1V.1T111. In ces•es where it is impossible to obtain it filter. water may be pnriftc.l by n•hling to it loos dered plum in the proportion of „i1,' tab- lrat oonf.al to four gallon- of water. ett,t tlni'^klv and nllott i; to stand. Ii• 1!utt ;a impose will then sink to the !bottom. and Ow i,;tr • water From impure blood enneee Pimples. Roils, Ulcers, 'Tumor;, lhscl•ssee. Fester ing Sores, Rashes, constipation. Headaches, ete. Get pure blood and keep it pure by removing every Ir.tce of impure morbid matter from the system by using BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Mrs. Dred Biggs, Kingston. tint., "metre "1 war. completely run down, my i,tsowl was out of ord^r. and I used to iget so weak 1 would be compelled to stay in bed for weeks at a time. 1 could not ent, ea. pale and thio. every one thought 1 was going igto tonsunlption. I trle.1 everything and difierer,t do^tors until a (rien,l advised me to use Burdock 11i001 ititters. 1 did not have one bottle used elien my appetite 'organ to improve 1 used six bottles. 1 gained len pounds in two weeks. Wien 1 began to lake it 1 only weighed ninety-three pounds. it just secmr.l to pull me from the grate s,. 1 never expected to be strong noain. 1 will tell every' sufferer of .-our wnn.lrrin) meth(ine." • b i'or rale by a:; deslers.