HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-09, Page 5r
416Hk; EXETER TIMES, JLJNE9th 1910
llNNt►N•NNN•••NNN6••••••N N•6••6•NN••••
The lVlolsons Bank 1
Incorporated 1855
CAP TAL (Paid up) • • • •
$3 600,000.00
Has i:: Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the•
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
�. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10.00l,(!r0
LLKZ/INDER LAIRD, General Manszet
Reserve Fund, -
anches throughout Canada, and In the United States and England
anches and In the United Mates England
Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current
rates. Accounts may he opened in the names of two or
more persons and withdrawals made by any
one of them or by the survivor.
Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager
Brandi also at Crediton.
AT 40
You will regret you did
not attend one of Canada's
High-Gr.Id c Col-
leges, located at
Peterborough Welland
Orangeville Wingham
Clinton Walkerton
Now is a ge)nd Time to
Our graduates receive
• from $400 to $1500 per
Mail Courses in 100
different subjects.
Write for particulars
futon Business
Geo. Spot tete Principal.
.. Mr. Mauch is on the sick list but we
e. hope he will soon recover.
Sunday School convention will be
held next Tuesday, Wednesday and
The Misses Love and Struthers
spent. Saturday in London visiting
Mr. Milton Parker left for his home
i1 Brussels on Saturday where he will
holiday for a few weeks.
Miss Lillian Gaiseh• was in London
on Saturday on business,
Rev. and Mts. (licks and daughter,
are attending the conference at ('hat -
ham this week.
Miss Ethel Lamport is laid lup with
rheumatism but we all hope to see her
out again.
Mrs. Barry Either spent a day in
Ex ter last week.
Miss Gladys Essery visited with her
parents in Centralia over Sunday.
Mr, Frazer, Braun was in Dashwood
one day Last week.
Dr. Orme spent Tuesday in Central -
4. ice.
Mr. Dick ilausen spent Sunday in
Wingham visiting with his parents.
-+(• Mrs. Sambrook spent a few days in
+ London visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Towers left the (lend
+ Monday unorhing where they will
camp for a month. They %vete accom-
panied by Miss Mercy Sweet,
•. The Stars drove down to Alainn Thursday last intending to have Craig
a ', we a
hot game of hall with that team. Ow-
ing to the ram they could hot play.
We understand that Mt. John 1;i11
has been appointed to enforce the
township b •lav tirohibiting cattle
running at large. lbws and yearlings
which st have tags. Stine can be
purchased from any councillor.
The conceit which was given by
the Southern Serenaders proved a
great success. They certainly are linee
singers. is the church a proper place
to hold a concert ?
Mr. and Mrs. Keys of Parkhill wera
the guests of Mr. stud Mrs. (ieo. Law-
son on Tuesday.
Word has been received that Rev.
Christian Braun, Uleveland, is very 111
anti that the physicians give him little
hopes of recovery.
Mr. .1. 1•inkheiner of Exeter paid
our town a flying visit. on Solidity ev-
ening. Jake trust have something in
Senator Rate is spending a few days
with his daughter. Mrs. Chas %%virk.•r.
Ne thinks Crediton is the pleasantest
place to live in as he knows of.
. l
Three Departments
Commercial. Shorthand
We assist graduates to posi-
tions. The demand upon us
for trained help greatly ex-
ceeds the supply. The three
most recently placed are re-
ceiving $40.00. $60.00 and $100
per month respectively. Bulg-
iness men state o,:r graduates
are the best. Enter our class-
es now. G••t our free catatonic
D. A. Mcl.AC11LAN.
IN••••••••MOO* ••••••••••
to Rent
A very Pleasant church wedding
was held in St. Mary's ()hutch oti
.e • s
'v tee. 11
11 t In 1 t .loot h at 1 o'clock.
when Miss Monu O'Reilly. daughter
of efr. and Mrs. 1Vilhum 1Y Reilly, lie-
: came the pride of lir. Peter Finnegan.
of Piet leinibton. The bride tvne
gowned in a handsome cream brocade
silk and carried a hoquet of white car•
natiesie. She was attended by her sin-
ter, May. %vho was dressed in a suit of
stone colored silk 11 and carried
pink cernations, while the groom was
$2 per Atom li and Ul►. supported by his brother, George. The
cereteony was performed by Rey.
Father Forester in the presence of 141111'I:A
about 1') Kneels. After the ceremony Mr. Mirhael Beaver, of Crediton is
the guests impaired to the house, easily it winner. As N tnnstr'r•tne-
where a dainty wedding dinner was Chant(' he is up•tn•dnte and swift Mic-
served. Mr. nod airs Flannigan left heel !leaver, the Credit on Carpenter
en the evening 1t'n'n for a trip to De- entries the crown as he beats the hest•
troit and on their return they will re- Mit heel 15111 mit, measured rind
side at fort 1.nu11:tau. Guests were marked with Ftluare and nn•I the cunt•
present from Sr. 'fhutna••, Lerad„r1 end plate timber fee air. Samuel Stveit-
I'ort (,antb.lo ). zer's new saw still n building :t'3 feet
by Ice, feet, containing live bents,
5 i .\ 1'I',1 donate lie, •11 in less than floe and a
The rrtnnin • 0• '\I r. I'illni',r • ['I,,.,, half d1)•s or 11 hours by the %vetch.
leets of Alae .I'll% 11 r. hl1Wir • h r • The IInIIe•sss ['onset goes some. too
doom \(r llirbu••I Ib river
on Satittday 1,o for interna n . 'I It ales. John 11eynhai n has retnrnetl
dc'cen,ed lad eons w est a rh0rt tan • from Condon, where she was rat, the
ago and tsatrich'Itr with typhoid bedside of her brother, William
fever from w 1 rh he never r •e vered. Iiesterd, who we are Mand to state is
The lease %eel ones hat•• the Ry►ttp,lhc recnvetiaw.
of 1h' t ntire cornm,lnity•
Mese StIII nel ywr•itzer is in (imago.),
PAS1itVf O1) this week attending County Council
The Young f'eopl.•'s Alliance of the The service in tee Methndist Church
F.wnngetleal ('hut•ch will hnlrl their! here %vee taken by Missrs Ida Rale.
atrawbeiry Social on Fr•idne evening,) nod Martha 5weilzee. The Services
the 21th of .inti1'. The festival hist w'e're highly nppt•rriatr.l.
year• oras it grand rnrress and we, may 'Tito Straw In" ry Festival 01 S11ipkit
Ihls ye.,r look f..r•1s•ntd 11. 11 W 1 pen. Methodist ('hu/eh will be held here on
6 months Pent allowed 1)n
the lmrt•ll:t,r :)f
a new Piano.
ylmp. ow; (1.1314)
Baron 1reby w ill ,continue the route
thea seasors os Joelowss Monday noun
will tense- hat .own stable. Lot 10. Con.
$, 1 al erne. rand proceed • 'lo Thos.
ilirork'- for nerht. Tuesday do John
Itoule:y's for noon ; thence to his own
etab:e for night. 1t ednr•stlny, west 10
1Vni. Wescott's for noon: thence to
John A'1ison's for night. Thuroday
to hit own etntile for noon. Friday
to .Bohn 1)unean's. Newtown. for noon
thence to Win. Na). -1 for night. Sat-
urday 10 hie•u1.1 stable where he will
remain 1111.' :11•• .'ollowing alonday
morning. This ramie will Je. conlin-
d throngho+tl the s•neon health and
•;loot p.rtrotting.
EC(l) tm. pry!
0tRrnn. mit has ;C33: riday, eveutng I
nne 21th. Good
rieior.;• winch •erne1'.(.\m.nt 11 %t i 1 ratanLrnmnlr of the Supper. iaseball. programa.
corny and
r !tansg r, social,enjoy a trent.
TA'<r ("d
"I ,
useDr. Miles' '
Isles Anti -Pain
tt at'n
fills for Neuralgia, LaGrippc
and all pains. I 'Ion't intend
to be \without th.1n, for I find
ready relief in them for every-
thing I use them for."
120 W. 6th St., Davenport, Ia.
All Pain
"In my family 1)r. Miles'
Anti -Pain Pills are used for
headache, colic and other
pains, and always give relief
•tt once."
R. D. No. 3, Dunn. N. C.
Price 25c at your druggist. He
should euppty you. If he does net.
send price to us. we forward prepaid.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
Wednesday, May, 2.1. at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John urine, Iilanshard,
when their eldest daughter, Miss
Mamie, became the bride of Mr. Wil-
son Kennelly, it well-known and pros•
perous young farmer of the Mitchell
Road, Blanshard. 'There w'ta•e a large
number of gueste at the interesting
ceremony. which took place at six o'-
-clock, the Rev. W. R. Vance, of
Woodham, officiating.
Last week there was hhronieled th
0 Mias
Adeline Turnbull.
abt l
of Mr. andI W.
111!.•ti ••
Arelc n_ was of a bright
genial disposition and beloved by all
who knew her. a faithful affectionate
daughter and an ogreeahle slater.
Respect for the aged and sincere eytn-
pathy for the needy were ever char-
acteristic of her. From her earliest
years the (Bible was ever an open book
in her band. and when She was stili
quite youug she became connected
wwith tho Thames !toed Presbyterian
church. The choir. of which she was
a member. showed its dove for her
and gratitude for her eurvicea by
the presentation of a aloe! beautiful
wreath of flowers, and h •r many
other fricnda and relatives eat) very
kindly furnished lovely flower+. The
high esteem hu which she was held
oat. further manifested by the larue
numb; r of sorrowing friends who
went to pay their .last respects and
foilow •d in the funeral Procession to
the Exeter cemt•l,ry where: for
rernains were interred.
Zion intended to hold their Sunday
School anniversary m► June 1 Ith. A
good program is being provided.
Everybody welcome.
Mat.. 1 urkls n n spent e ,
I rat 1 1st week in
London and Port Stanley.
Mr. l'trnk l.ingard met with an acc-
ident while returning from St. Marys
last week which %vill lay him up for
some. time. lie was thrown ()this wheel
and fret hired his collar -bone. Ile also
received other seriousinjdries.
Mr. and Mrs. John Trout v•1•e
guests of Mr.e. 1). !licks last Sine..
Mg. W. Jaynes spent O. few des,.
Wil h tier eon, Charles, in !Ural/010
last week.
Miss Jennie latrkls.n, after spending
a few weeks with her sister Mrs. Tulle
of Prospect 11111 returned home Iasi
'rhe den lli took lilac! on 1 hnnd.ty,
Juni.. and. of May .Ian • Plainer. be-
loved wife of Mr. Thea .Sruele, aged
662 years, 6 months and 20 days. Mrs.
Antnle has been a sufferer ror 1b:
pall nine years which eh • iris 1,0tient•
ly born with Christian fortitude ,The
deceased was born itt Merton. 41(11.,
Devonshire. ling. At the age of 22
she %%•as married to her now sorrowing
longhand. The following year th-•y
immigrated C a
to au da. Aear atter
Mrs. omnis Joined the Methodist
ehorch and ha.% bean to member ever
.onc. There are left to monra her
bo+s a lotsbaml turd three eons•. Wm.
of Toronto, 'fhoro:it•.;i of '.Wittt•h rise re
and Tlanson of Et' • • st ho have the
eirneere sympathy of , 11,<t of frienne
The remains 't% era iii;, i r el in the
Elirnvil:c a •metery t h - rvices being
rarer:et ::! by Rev. '.l r. I',-al1'. of Ex•
1. 1, F.
IIA itPLL't 1 K Irkton
Miss Labelle Ilautlfuid spent Hater- The citiz•u 1 01 I:irl;ton hew • .• per -
day with Miss ouzel t;hrtrilt, utilised n pi, cof Lind 3
ul fruit Mr. .
Mixr,ee Naze) and Lydia Hherritt, al. Doupe and are fixing It up for a bowl-
s° Mr. John love and tuns took in the utg guest.
picnic centenary un lialurday. llaclen:•y and aladge ere
Aro you going to lite pie nit% remodelling their hardw are titore.
Dlr. turd D1rs. Aarot► Shet•ritt of When completed it will greatly all i
North Diskette, who have been visiting to tit, appearenc • of the store
at Hensel' and Exeter, tetttt•nell back Prof. Duxbury r. :; b:• at Or: '•I• i
Iu their brothers of Hartley uu Sntur• radia church 011 'i hnrday, Jun It
day, uc(0IIIi ivied by Mt, and Mrs, Re :,lir not to 115, 1h U•ent, AtI.
'Phos. Naudford. Mr. and Mrs. Hand- list tiwt. Adult, 2' cents; Children
ford returned home Saturday evening 1:, cents
��--- At r. 1iIan (a:more, of .1Iticna, Mon..
KIPI'EN is renewing neouafntane •s (round
e, lrry pretty' but anter wed..ling I: a... It is 25 years Since %Ir. (*.inners
write i-oleruuized nt the a•esidene• of moved away from her. • nil1,
Mt. end Mrs. George (Taylor. on :May ninny changes. his forii r t,uut 1, •-
211h. when their third daughter inti on the 11th Cun. of (;ebonies at•
Alice Louise. was tun tad in marri.•tgc the farm note owned by 11r .I. Shute.
to Mr .S. G. rl'roy'Cr, only son of Mr. Entries for standing fall wheat crop
and Mrs. Ste -Oen (Troyer, of the •ith of the Kirkton Agricultural Society
concession, tiny, 1'rrr.eely at seven ar • no wclosed. Twenty-seven far -
o'clock the 'young couple look their cls Lave entered tb_ contest. The
names are nxfollows: Jos.KirkII
places under an evergreen arch. nu.
ceremony was perforated by ltev. W. Dawson's Golden chaff : Arthur 1)outi
J. hart. 'The bride who was given do; Arthur f, Doupe, do; Richard
away by her brother, Mr. Albet fray- llirtcb, do : heel Ross, 'do ; \\ ilbcrt
her, of London, wore 'a becoming Priu- John Dlorpet. do: Hugh Merry, do
cos gow•u of cream voile over white Wesley Shier, do ; Thom. •Marriot r, do
silk, and carried rt hou•tuet of whit Spat -ling, do; John i-rquhart, do:
carnations. The neddinit march was Jae. Gardiner, do; S. Itout1)•, do: W.
played by Mi .$ Maud (Bricker. After Hanna. do: Josiah Crecry. do: Itat-
th:• ceremony a dainty -wedding sola ('tiffs Bros., do; Watson. Tiros.. do:
per •was served, and on enjoyable tirnI Milton Gregory, do ; \Vet. Ilolan;s-
we, .pent in music, and social chat. head, do: Archie Robinson. do ller-
I'he young couple received many
j hert Oregc. do: W. Heywood. do.
Cha;. Harnett. do: Sem. Brock. do;
:\ler. 1'rasc•r• Re;i•tb:o: Thos. J1:111=ot,
abundance'; A. .1. Doty, Iiarvest King.
(;rand gond
:firs. \\'rn. Patti r 11 and runs left
Friday to visit weir Wit. Thomas.
Mr, \Vm. Ilecr. of Exeter, %vas her,.
Mr. l'iedeman and let'Ilolt !VIVO
d: colo -d pari Th-• p)rk 11.111
he ran after t his by Mr. Holt alone.
Mr. Campbell, of Sylvan,avas in our
burg on friday. Ile is 'trying to en-
force a sheet compliance twith the
Itiver; and Streams Fishing Act.
Mr. end \Ira. Huebert ;Wilson of
Arkon,. t,-;ied around h reSaturday
and .":lido.
The ti:,,- Annie and Edith Beid-
etnatt. of l.s:•Set. visited at Mr, and
Mrt. 1.4 .Gill's on 'Wednesday of !ast
Mia Pearl T.ev+tt arrived •Hera last
week to keep house -for h:'r father for
the summer.
The pathrnaster in the beat going
to the lake on Stephen side bas start-
1 toui
b IJ ; ce r walk. -
m. rat a 1< It ',
t re-
ported that it is Co be built to the
lake. This wtli be very convenient
to pleasure seeker. in `Thr summer.
Mr. 11. Smith is visiting at Petrol-
ia for n few days.
Mr. Fred Page is ?building a cement
brick cottage for Southeott.s which
11;11 he th' finest in the park.
1L•. Beaman. of London, was in our
i,urg Last week.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Southcott, of
Santa aionici, Calif., and Fred South -
coo of Toronto. have taken up their
residence in their etrmm'r cottage.
Rev. S. A. Carrier, has left to vis-
it his mother in Montreal and rise) to
attend the General Aseembly.
Sept. alb • to 17th, London, Ont.
The management of the Western
Fair. London. Ont., have for some
years had under cons"1••retion 1 he in-
etalling of n cold t<tora4o ryslem in
their already well equipped Dairy
Building. tett not until this year hie
the 'plan been adopted. Workmen rare
busy at the present time with this
work. aced when the exhibition o('cns
this year, exhibitors and visitors wilt
find one of the hest and mo.t up-to-
date equipments for Cheese exhibits
found nny%
here. 5
cr cepa
been kindly donated toward the cheese
Dep in tuent and one to the Rutter
Making Ccrnpetition. in addition to
the cash prizes offered, all of whick
should melte the Dairy Building one
of th., most attractive pltc s of this
thie years Exhibition.
Inzc Lists.
Entry forma and all information
promptly given on application to A.
M. Hunt. Secretary. London Ontario.
ni:'rDuttl:ase-•P iris nND
'a -1%1-1117K
Every athel te. every ball -player,
every so irnm :. every c:ano:ist, a very
u, 111 er •• t,1 n whit loves outdoor life
nhd res , : hould keep it box of
%rind -h .,. Ir ,rales.
%nut -11 .k it Irerely a herbal prepera•
1.011. 1i:. 11. .� , 1 0e11 11" applied to eat%
111'1 sprain, blister+, etc.
e 1. y I, •n tiri:el ,•tparation.
1 r•1 its antiseptic rcndets the wound
Ile • Ironi all dang,•r from Wood
poisaoing. Next, ifs lore Inn; proper-
ties relieve noel ens • t la, loin. Then
ill rich. herbal balms '1•oat rtie the
1 taint', and ret up , h t+ owlet -fill pro-
cess of 'healing. 11111, d 's ire . er itches
insect stings skin diseni. pacb
:is eczema, he:: i,..lies r.11:,11 01111.
!Mine. 111,0i :lir . c'hatte'l pl.wee.
vire tt•el -all come a it hitt Y. un-h•,k'e
power. It also cam-, .n'I rarer p11;•'
.11l di ilti1U: and : 1or s. Avoi•I imila-
h:utd,;ome and costly tiresents, ehow-
in the esteem in(.wbich they are held,
1.1.-y will reside on !the groout a farm
:i. (lay where they will carry with
,1 goer wishes of t he community.
Aira. Iir11. of London. ,. visitine
with alto. 1). Faint.
Mr, and M r4. C. Fritz visited with
relatives its llawii:on th ptst week.
Mies Lydia lto-rusb:rry, of Bertin
%i-iling old nc,ivaint'Incee in town.
Mr. John fichilbe. who took suddenly
rig ':tar weak, is on the mend.
'•1r. Edwin and `dins Emma %taeller
0i New hamburg, viSIted ::t th • home
tt \il% Thos. Johnston. lest week.
Mir,. 1. Wittier of the Zurich road
haul I h • utisfortneis to bunk her nnlcle
recently. while working around the
hon.,e. Ate 41: be ::lid rep for .ou:e
r 11 •:•taan Molder. Sr. spent the s•
e, l; • on :l basin ss trip in D;tra.t
:n•t .:rtes d
horn. 1 ;?ts
Ilauch, 111)0 11as :suite
i11 for .•0m••1v. ,-ks 1 . soutl r.•coverine
At the m• -••tint: of the 1'r •;bytery
t 'Kipper) the call
of Huron ht Id : i ppe
from the coner•;rition of Pine River,
Ashfield. to R. t•. '1r. Sao yers. Pao.
tor of the Union church in this
lage. was finaLy disposed of, Mr.
Sawyers deciding to remain. Strong
delegations .were 'present from loth
congregations and the decision 'was
lift in 111• hands of !dr. tato yea In
view a. the kindness and considera-
tion with which the Bruce -field con-
gregation had treated hint and their
strong appeal for hien to r main. Mr.
Sawyers considered it hi- duty to
stay at Its:lceii ld. Th -re it a <trona
lie existing between Mr.Sawy:'r. and
his congregation and bis .d:cision will
be received with much satisfaction.
Miss '/.. 1lawden ret,irn:il to Clin-
ton last wcck after visiting for .t
week with her nunt. D(rs. C. A. Mc-
Donel 1,
Mr. Ed. Pappel, of near Brucefield
was in our village lest week and we
%%ere pleased to see Ilim looking eo
well after his recent Tilenet.
in the absence oat Rev. Mr. Milt -
yard. of the '•1 I hodist church. who
was attention,- con(ere.rice at Chtthatn
the congregat.r:n s of Or. Presbyterian
and Method..i , h ,i t1 , united on
Sunday lays. , , r las b.•!J in
the !'resbyt--t it , IS .trh in' the morn-
ing and the \le,bodi-t rat night, Rev,
Mr. Stnith took both I,ervic s.
Miss Itlanche Petty hie returned to
1 .1
Toronto e visitingfora f d a
oron o st[t r
with her mother. Mrs. John Petty.
Mr. and Mrs, 1) tlrymple h','• • re-
turned to the went -atter wiaiting for
severe, weeks with relatives here.
Mi. and Mrs. Cooper Forrest were
Loudon recently (wending a few
t. ys ,1 ith relatives and friend!.
\1r .11, f)alryinp;e has :triproved
his dwelling by n coat of paint.
Mr. A. (Bolton has ,erected n fine
new fence in front of hie dwelling.
Mies Rrnlric.• Reynolds has very
successfully 'linseed her final examina-
tion its stcnotrraphy.
Rev. 11••ob •:t 'ti ll%ar 1. of ;Goderich
father of It v, J. E. "Miliyard, Iris
been elected pr,>ident of the London
confer:-nc • %%bile• Hey. .1. E. Mil:yard
one elected aesietant president.
Mr. Alex. Thompson, oho has been
iti Toronto for a number of weeks.,
hat returned home.
1. h ,rid
a fine new bridge near John Bell's.
Dr. and Mrs. 5e'llery• att •nded the
Dental convention held In Toronto
last week.
Mr (:,Ther: m::d' a lar%• 'shipment
of hogs Inst week 'from this station
its is evi.lrnc: d by .11 • fact that he
paid out no lees t':.n 13.'157.31 Tor
Ilie tarn• .lntong th,. e.
big prices for hogs e11,i '.: r
.(nems Morton who had 1 - '1 th a n :-
ted h:m 865. tsha- Mr..i,;, M r,.
sots of :\Ir. 1:. 1;. McLean. h 1d I1 trigs
it hich brought birn in 1 h surra of
17.:3\lt. '1'. ale/aloe kind Mr• N. \Vnr-
rener. ol:r two livery i,roptietors
%•ere in t;oderkb on -Wedn:•qday at-
tending th' b?;: ::i.ction :tele of the
Gundry tiro=.. 1,%aryrn n n ft hat town.
The relatives nn'l friend: of Mre.
Ilond will repr: t to 'earn that she
is nt,itc poorly. ottinq 'to her advanced
age. ,h • being the oldest woman in
our t•iling'. but enjoying on the who:e
eplrnrlad health t:n1tl within very re-
cent years,
'\Ir .Galloway. of Sto•tffv':le, has
been sp:•reling the past it It • with
her brother Mr. Krily.
Mrs .C. ('ink and Rig ter..M1-, ii, rnp-
h ll• veer. •n Londe,' (-tti; week.
lira. B. 11cArtbur his disposed of
the Loutt.' property on 'the• 'Lurioh
road to Mrs. F. N. fletchford, of
Mr. T. Kelly lost w'eci: moved into
%urs ,Lana'a cottage, opposite the
poet office.
Children Ory
A number from hers took in the ex•
mesion to Goderich on Friday.
The Anniversary Services will he
held in Boys Presbyterian Church on
Sunday next, the Rev. Mr. ettewai 1. of
Ileepler in expected to conduct the
Me'I Vicem.
,Mrs. Alex, 11 )(Igen and Kenneth
spent M,atnrday and Humana, with
friends iti Kippen and Breiceneld.
The many friends of lir, and I1rs.
Andrew 1Vtight extend their deepest
sympathy in the Toss of their eon An-
On Sat utility Inst, the retuning; of the
I tie Archihdel Jamison were (aid to
rest in Boys Cemetery. The ilecpesI.
eytnprtthv is extended 111 the w iduwed
mother stnn family,
The 11111140119 have completed their
work on it Iarg.• silo on the farm of
Mr. George Bi'own.
(Ton let:. for 't• • k
Th Revs Mr. _tilcfnto.h. of Mitchell
pi, cited a very able sermon in Roy's
-bytcrian Church on Sunday niter -
1). Maclean of '.Iotherw'aii was
ti • guest of Mr. and airs. John
\Ic.l'hail on Sunday.
Mr. Wallace firom%n of Toronto !;
t%. are pleated to s'1y. Rra(11'111y im-
+ 11• h;. i : r • h r . ...Nor his
severe sickness.
Mies Cora and Mr. Bert Vennor of
Cured by the New Method Treatment
•rhrlacands .,f young nod in..1,11•• ;,,;••.1 nv 11 aro anrnr.stty Swept (o a pr.•ul:aure grave
through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases, If you have tiny •:1 the fol-
lowing symptoms /consult us before it is to late, .11e you met•vous un.l ,.t.,':, despon-
lentun•lgloomy, ..p.,•cks before rho ryes, %Vali dark circles under than. weak back,
IrritaW.•, palpitation of the heart, Wishful dreams and losses,iii,iodine•1 in memory. pimpled on the fuse, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, care,coru uxpreasi,•u, p r : tueuturyy,
lifeless, distrustful, lack ene,;:y au 1 strength, tired mornings, restless ni..hts, • ':antelablo
moods, weak 'nunhood, pc.lii.sture decay, bone Ivies, hair loose, sure throat, etc.
Our New Method Treatment can euro you and make a man of you. t'nder its influ-
ence the brain becomes actor, the blood purified. sit that all pimples, brute, a and ulcers
disappear. the nerves become strong as steel, is. that nervousness, bashfui1 :,i and des-
1', vanish. the eye becomes bright. the face full and cl,vtr, energy r' -turns to rho
•,•ly and the moral, physical and texu,n systems aro Invigorated; all drains cease -no
, ,re wilul woste (Teem th system. i5 u't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard
rart:cd dullury. We will cure you or no pay,
READER: No tuatt.•r %. ho ha, i re,,1 - w•n1. ',rate for au brte•st opinion Free of Charep,
Books Free -The Golden Monitor" • Illustrated , on Secret Diseases o1 Men.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, h'1ieh.
NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed
to our Canadian CorrespondenceDepart-
ansiasomeamaa ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
sec us 1 (r dually call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we se:• and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
Write fi•r cur private a,idre.-s
gement, Lime,
Bao. Shorts and Flour
on l land, Leave Your Order or Call ill)
R. G. SELDON, Exeter.
"20,000 Razors
for Free 'Trig 's"
A hest Scientific discovery -a secret Wo want you to 1 - and en1ne
pro'ess-has revolutionized the menu- the smooth shat:ng . •..1• It you can
facture of rasors. This discovery ta- obtain only thruug11 1. ..:,g sweep•
utiles un to offer you a blade of Carbo• Ing diagonal stroke of r. sti.,ight blade
stein -wee) plus carls,n1--wh11•h you standard razor-tho Carbo -Magnetic -
do to -•t have to hone or grind; it blade which cuts the I:.rfrs ti•..aly without
that stays sharp always. splitting them or tureen.; the ends
back Into the skin to cau.;o Irritation,
pimples, and cern woe • troubles. ,
tome In today and i•• 1 C.irbo_Ma`
tietic Razor on 30 Da,., , :co Trial.
coat 2R THIS T511 `Ver - q,
To prove It we will distribute Carbo-
Ma):nctle (tax0:s on 3' Pays' Tra.r1 oh-
t..lutely free-tiere 1s one hero for
This nnxor Is tempered by .n secret
electric process lit temperature absolutely even
. r temperature.,
turr of .e,M lege• • < The re-
sult is the hardest cutting • Ice• known
to sclr cele.bin :�
.\ made -t',t r =t •
etl that
we gunruulee /..r a hfirv• t peflc..t
wtar. no honing' -no grinding.
aeMlledemidi(he C i6o
Chiselburet, and Mr. M. Lawrence of
Seaforth were guest/. at 'the home of
tIr, nod Mrs. A. llodgert this week.
A numbsr from hereattended the
eAnnivereary tarsier. at Bethel on
The It_ v. 'Ir. McKay. of Crorn tr:y,
and Mr, .1. L. Russel attended the
meeting of the Synod held in Tavis-
to:k on Tuesday.
Cornieil stet as a court of Itt•vialan
on Wienieetley. A number of minor
ch•tng:.s were made. The ass; stnent
l) ,neat Stewart's buildings oras
retl to •el 1$00. Three dogs 'were added
:n Dashwood. At the council meeting
the following buisneee w•;. 1rnnaneteil
Account% passed -3.W r:ght & Co.
$l 0,12; Municipal •'• orid ; 3',!•
E,1\urm. hauling . rdcr. $ 1.30:
J. Laporte grad:,,.• $8.00; C.
Either working ;r .-1 •r. $8.00; 11.
attention, work S. 11. .10.20. The pet -
tion of a number of ratepayers of
the and and 3rd concessions to grant
thcut the privilege of .:in; the road
for a telephone line sea; passed. Th•e
council then adjourned to meet on
Wednesday July 0th. at 2 o'clock.
F. Hese. Sr.
Children Cry
It's the actual test that tells
A Furnace is no better than actual tests prove it to be.
The "New Idea" F'urnac'e has been subjected to tests devised
by heating engineers and contractors alike. They know that
this furnace is unequalled for durability and fuel economy by the
best of all other furnaces on the markets of the continent. We
have concentrated the genius of the heating industry on the
making of better furnaces for the iast 63 years. The "New
Idea" is scientifically constructed --the radiator nearly all steel
-the firepot practically indestructible -the Duplex Grate clinker
and trouble proof and easily operated.
• Our Free Book on "New Idea" Furnaces mailed on reg ,.t.
It will interest YOU.
W. tie HEAMAN Makers of Nent.ng and COoI[iat
Goods for 66 years
EX ET (Telt, Ur:'I'. Hamilton • Ontart