HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-09, Page 44 FREE TO YOU—NY SISTER p A.HE EXETER TIMES, JUNE 9th 1910. Flli[ TO YOU AND [VERY,IST[R BUFFER. IMO FROM WOMEN', AILMENTS. I am a w•erllatl. 1 kuow wumans sufferings. 1 have found the cure. loin road! Ires of ail charge, my Woo treat. meat with f • tial luelructious to fitly rutt'erer from women's teiluiente. 1 *ant to tell ail woruett about this Cure—you, err rceder, for yourself, your daughter, yuur mother, (Jr your ulster. 1 want to tell you clow to cilli, youneef at Jeune without the help of a doctor. Iden cameos understand wom- en's suffering.;. Whet wo wuuu n know from .s. rsle. euknow bettor than totydoctor. 1 know hw at toy Rowe treatment is a bate and ruro cure for ucorrbQaor W kltleb dlack.rgye, Ulc.ratioa, Dls. placement or Failing ofthoWomb,Produae,Scaaty or Palatal Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or Growth.. also pains la the head. back snit bowers. bearing doe electing., nervousness, creepingl.ei. Int up the spine, melaacholy. desire to sry, Mot flashes, weariness. kidney and bladder troubles where caused by weakness peculiar to our mor. : , I want Iol.end you a co:metet.10 days'tr.ataeat entirely free to prove to you that you can cure If at home. easily, utckly and tresurely. Remember, that It wilt cult you notblas to give Eretlatinon$ a completo 1riul; and if you should wish to ooutlnue, it will cost you only about 1! rate a week. or toe thou t wo ceotsa day. 1t will not interfere with your work or occupation. seadmeyournameandaddreras, tell mo how you sufl'er,ifyouwi,•h and I will send you the eeaatment for your ease, 0,0 rel3 free. In plain wrapper. by retnra mail, l wlllal.oend you free of eeshwy book —'WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER"wit h explanatory Illustrations show Iogwhy women suffer, and flow thcycaucasilycure thawse! vesathome. Every woman should Save it awl liven to think for herself. '1'he srhenthedoctorseys-"YonmuFt haveanopera- t on," you can decide for) ourself. Thousands of ivtepee !MVO enicd ihemsdresw•ithnnyhome remedy. It cures all, old or young. To Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explain a simple Immo treatment which speedily and cerctually cures Ltucorrhoet, Green Sickness. and Puiuful in &regular Afeestruetrou fn Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result Prow Its ore. Wherever you live. I eau refer yon to ladies of your owe locality who know and will gladly tell any sullerer that this Home Treat meat really cures all woolen's diseases and snakes women well strong. plump and robust. Just .end me your address, and Morrie: ten days' treatment Is Tours, also Lilo book. Writo to -day, as you may nut tcU %hij offer again, Address ; MRS, M. SUMMtcRS, Sox iI `it • WINDSOR, ONT. . PROPOSED. TARIFF NEGO- TIATIONS About two week; ago The United States Government made formal Pro- posals, through Anibssador Bryce, for the initiation of tar:if negotia- tions with the Canadian Governtnent No doubt Canada will move promptly in the matter. and if a basis can be arranged for such negotiations they will I'robzb:y he commenced at ,an early dace. iOne difficulty bas been in such negotiations in ib: past that tlr_ United States has looked at the matter from one tstandpoint,`and has delibr•ttt•Iy chosen the policy of non- intercoure. for fear Canada should be henefited in the increase in trade. This hos forced us to seek a market for our produce in other lands, and the new channels which have been op- en ad up for Canadian 'trade can hard- ly be abandoned now for the prospect of closer trade connections with our great neighbor. when that neighbor has for many years pursued a policy which even its closest friends can not describe as friendly to Canadian trade. And then there i$ the objec- tion voiced rtcently by .fudge Nesbitt be or • th • Economic Club in New ,York. when ho said : "One great tveakn. ss in your constitution—and I spear; with friendly fr;uiknc, —is. Is that your executive makes a bar -1 gain :rid then somebody itc the Hen ate kick% it over. After learning a1: the other fellow is wising to do the Ben'it.• thrusts down the agreement m. and :t1• D , s n new proposal based on what h.• has le trued." Commenting on this. the Pittsburg Christian Ad- , vocate says: "There is but one objec- tion to Justice N.•sbi(t's statement, and that is, that.Ir is true." Canada ha- nothing hi:: the fricndiiest feel- ings for the people of tbo United States. but it Is . admittedly diffi- cult to nuke an rn1:;ritg comas -rein' treaty with theta, and we cannot feel that the blame res,.- in any large de- gre: with ours:1ve.s. SCPOOL REPORT 11. S. Departt.r,vll FORM Ili. The following have Passed /the May test exams and aro recommended to Writ!, on the tnid.suutmer Cxamin- ationa as indicated . tb low, Normal Entrance—Honors— L. G. .1Vatson 88.3; E. Copeland 83.5; A. Dow r3,2 C. Pickard 82.6; L. Martin 77.6; A. Pickard 76. I'ass-1V. llirney 73.3: W. Monteith 72.7: A. ISlu1'herson 71.6 It. Hooper 70.9 L. llodgert 61.9a Un Junior 'Matriculation—L. G. 'Watson 71.1 : A. Dow 67; E. Copeland 63.6; C. Pickard 62.6; A. 'Pickard 61.8; (\'/3. Monteith 57.7 ; W. 'limey 57.6; It. Hooper 56.7. W. .11. Weidenhantmcr. Principal. FORM 11. Pass—S. 'Petty 73.9; 11. Iloggartb G7.9; 1t, Dearing 60.8. Number on the roti 26. Averaga attend,•tnce 2a. E. M. Rob), teacher. Fc)It11 I. Pass—P. Brown 73 ; I. Rennie .7l ; A. loupe 67; 'M. rMacQu'en 62; It. Wood 60. Commercial—S. Gilli••s 6:►. Number on roll 43. Daily nv^rage 41.16 A. M. .1ohnston, le•t :he r. 1'. S. Department ROOM IV. Sr IV—honors—Nelson Hill 83; .Lia - den llatrvey RI; Myra [Morgan 79; J. Davit 78: Ihrt Gillies 47. Phss—F. Arnold 74 t David Hall •'73; irent Ric- er; 71 ; Russell Balkwill and James 1Valker equal, 70; Eric 2lurdun 70; Viola Howe 68 ; %W;I:;c Snell 67 ; Fred 11cPh••rson 67 ;.Ariel Beverley 1.11. Jr. IV—honors—Irmo Sweet 89; Bruce Walker 83: Florence Rowe 82; Mag- i• � 80; F gt Case xFrancis I an is lltl 80; label ;Day 76; Iteta Itowe 75. Pass—Blanche I (Nance 73; Oliver Modgert 72; Lolo Taylor 72 ; Harper Rivera 71; Sydney Hector 70; Eth•.•1 Balkwi.l 118; Thorn- ton Fear 65: Edgar Horsey 61. No. on roll 3). Average attendance :17, C. Vosper. teacher. IttOM V. Sr. 111—lIoaors-1V. Manson 88; I1. Knight 84; f3. Ilodgcrt R1, P'asa— A. Day 71: A. Bell 72; W, iliydd .71: O. Davis 71; M. Illeyit'ood 70; Joe rollick 68; O. !MacDonald 67; E. ilowey 66; L. Kestle 61; 1tI. Itowciifft• 61; 'M. Knot: 60. Jr. iii—llo'rtars- 1'. Jackson 83; 'II, I'arsott 79: M. Ruston 79; A. 'lack 7R. I:ass .— E. 11:av:: 66; N. llot•ry 61. No. on !toll 2:'. Average attendance 27. .1. S. :Murray. teacher. 1!001! VI, Forte 111-111onor,— Gerald Fitton 81; Karl Wt•idenhammer 77 ; Lila Zuefl•' 7't; Dorothy \Vhit.-• 77: Pass Gordon Ford 72 ; Bordon 'Wells 71'; 1). lief:lien 63; Dorothy Kuntz GO. Forrn 1I Sr.—Ilonor-.—:Elton hydd !'1 ; M. Pickard 8;f ; Mildred Hardt Hector ;+9; ll.lii,• \Va:k••r 76: Dnv:s 70; Viola Wt•I,th 75; Jacobi 74; Lillie •\\a:k,•r 73; Cec:l D•.•:,ring 71: Mary D.ty 65. No. enroll- ed 30. •Average attendance 26. 11.:1. Kinsman. t •acher. NOTE ANI) COMMENT I''' it fly killer !ochry Ther u ill b 0 feoer flier in July. says an hority. Arm the daughter of th 1r.. • held with •t rolled up news- ', .• ' J .,•t h•r :liter therm. Not or.': • ; is good and !:seful exercise. h... :il. calculation of July fly .nv;ngs is fin • excret.•• in rnithem•t(tcs, • • • • • Th.• immigration for .April If year bents all previous ntornh:y record.. Tb' n as enrrr'•r.i tat .17-'1 18.267, as compared a it b 21.237 for .A pril, 1909 The incre•as• 1• 'd► per cent. Arrivals via ccean forts nurnb:'re,l 27.823, com- pared %tit h 11.628 during April last •year. :113 it.cr::o . of 1.1.1 p r cent. Settlers front the United kztatcs ler Apr:I thi, year numbered 2:3.113, as again.! !2,00'1 for th corr .sponding Month last year. an inercas • of 63 p:r ._•u:. The statistics pre sent td a: the :inn - day School Convention in \Varbingvni Iver: exceedingly encouraging. The total enrolment in • ,:he S'rnday Retools of the w'or:d is 3z:v n at 27.88+,171'. w b eb Is an 1! c: is • nt• •t 11e• of;r n ;riven at .Itoni • of :.early thr m I ion-. Of the iota: enrol:• mem 11; ((00,000 at. crt•di,id to th,' United States and Canada. There i• rt total of over 23.000,000 . •Sund•ly School '•cholera. attending over 28:,- 000-choolo. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R to ME_ iS. S. NO. 3, STEPHEN' The following Is rt correot report for the pupils of IS. 8. No. 3. Stephen, fur tbu mouth of May. R. Par - A. 1Vill;s, J. •\1'illis, V. Hogarth It. Parsons, M. `\Vill1 Sr. h11-. L. Hander...., C. Triebner, G. 1 tanlake, L. Shroc•der. Jr. 111 .—•T, Willis. 11. ii Shrocdrr, 1,. Souders, 6. parson,. 8r, 11-11. Writ, hoer. P. S:utder:, L. Nitrite - der, V. Pox. 11. 1'resZeator, V. Press-, cater, 1.. Hill, Jr. 11—G. dhutltuu, 11. Parson.,, E. Hogarth, Sr, Pt. 1— E. c t:uilake. E. Presacator• 1't. 1— G, 8hrueder. V. Iiogarth, Jr. l't. I— C. 'Willis. F. l'reszcator, L. Parsons, N. S;ndcrs, i\Vm. L. Triehner, )teacher. S. 8. NO, 3, USIIOR\'E The following is the correct report of 8. 8, No. 3, Usborne, for the month of May. Sr. IV— Max. 400, Eleanor Doupc 286, Lcouard Barri.( 207. Jr. LV—Max. 400. Ida Irvine 271, Reg- gie Doupe 126; ilannic McColiogh ab- aeut. Sr. III—Max. 400, Ten -a Mc- Curdy 591. Nay lludgert 281. Fern. Francis 278, Oscar Copeland 227, Don- ald Balfour 190, Sr. 11—Mux. 400, B. ehutc X73, !toy Pletcher 2:r2, Gordon Copeland 202, Lester 'McCurdy 179, Jr, 11—Mas. 200. Howard Shier 139, George Harab 114. Bella:MIcCurdy 108. Pt. I. (Sr.. Maggie !McCurdy, 1'l. 1, Jr., Iva Francis. Primary Class—V. ltodge•rt, Ernest Harris, Laura Mc- Curdy. Edna .McCurdy. Laurence Ir- vine, Gordon Rillillan, Annie Gilfi!- lan, Elgin Copeland. No. enrolled 22, average attendance 26. Elsie 11, (%reason. 'F acber. T110 following is the report of 8. 8. No. 15 Hay and Stephen, based on ex- ams and conduct, fir. IV — AVillie Schroeder, Gladys Turnbull, Itosetta Rader,—Jr. IV—Chris Beierling,--Sr. III—Beatrice Turnbull, Edith Heck - mann, 1Villio Fischer, lfoy Stanlake. Jr. 111—Itosabella Pfau. Ethel Oliver Fred Stuart. Sr. ii—Adolf Keller, J. Heckmann. Jr. Il—Charles Green, Willie Fischer, Leonard Schroeder, Albert. Fischer. Sr. Pt. 11—Agnes Turnbull, Norman Fischer, Fergus Turnbull, Pearl Keller, Jr. Pt. 11— Manford Luther, Eddie Keller. Sr, Pt. I—Florence l'ut nhull, Wesley Green. Jr. Pt. I—Dora Wilde, 111utilo Luther, Gordon Willert, Tillie Keller. —M. C'hellene, 'Teacher. The following is report of 8. 8. No, 5. 1'sborne, for the month of May: Sr. IV —Rufus Kestle, Emma Fisher, El- mer McFall., Lila Moit, Austin Ford. Blanche Ford, Sr. Ill—Maggie Mood- ie. Garnet Mc1'allC, Clarence Johns. Jr. IIi—Ferrol Higgins. Orhy Kestle, Thelma Ford, Harold Moir, Rov l'erk- ins. lir. 11—Albert Iloulter. Jr. 11— Arnold Ford, Gordon Perkins, Charlie Prout. Sr. i—l'harlie Fisher, Mae Ford, Atny Fisher, Oran Moir. Jr. I —Laura flicks. —E. L. McPherson, Teacher. ZION Statl►te labor is in progress and our fine roads will not be bo pleasant for driving for awhile. Andrew Taylor and wife of near ht.. Thomas visited his brother Robert at the old homestead and other relatives for a few days this week. The Trustees have had the outside woodwork of the Church painted. and this with the new colored glass wind- ows Makes a great improvement.:( Our Sunday School Annivers'try Services will be held on Sunday, June 12th. Rev. G. J. Bert of Loeser will preach morning and evening. An old fashioned tea sleeting will be held in the school grounds near the church on Tuesday, lune 11th. A good program of entertainment to commence at 2 o'clock. 'Tea served at 4. Football and other games. Swinge, refresh. Inet)ts and alrl»bententa. Mrs. Ilannah Brock, who has been very low, is at present considerably improved, and her chance of recovery i4 more hopeful. Thames Road A few of the folks in this neighbor- hood went down to the Model Farm last Monday. Miss Jenny Catnp:aell visited ,Miss Flossie Passmore last Mahl•atll. Mrs. l'ercy Sparlink is on the sick list at herr home near Anderton. Mr. Fred Stewart is improving in health a little. Nilo buililt 1s have bet n busy at Tuna Cameron's this week. There are quite number of silos going up this 1'n»,• er in this district. which greet to 1 rove that the average Ginner kr,nwit good thing when he sees it, even if le city Zoon dues cell bit» "an old nysee 1." Sotie of the f'1rm,v'tt in !hie vicinity went down to the big sale of Short- horn cattle at (Inelph. Han the cornet any influence on the weather, a to Moult VII. 1' Honors— -Garold !toy!. r 1 .\' r • I tl 3tt:. t 83; Vern N1'rr.h •!, l i I1• n.' h C'hnrlion 80; Ilrt:c.• lot r• ; l),v.; 76; Vary Morlock 76: \;tart Corn:sh 73. Pas --Czar iI it:., -. 71 . :talion Bedford Gr; C.ifforrl G• ; Leon Ihiltn• r 6t+ ; ,Leon D.• (': ttt rpc.• :tor. •y r6; " :iic• I;row a !ren:• Easterbro,k 61; ilel! Goa:d Co. 4r. Po .11—Mooers Gladys lfarve. t, tier:!: Jack.on 89 ; if;ldr -d hart- : u 11 ins • hn!ght 7 ; Irene , • 9 I': .: Br1m•lcocu.bc Pies Cori _ .fid. ra 65 ; \ iale: Moloot Cbr.ri,. Por.' 01 son 61 . Mormon Norry CU. No. on rel' •3 .37, As-•r:ig• ndlne. 39. :1 A. I.. I`ieetb, :eacie: . JU'Or.M V iII. Part 01—llon:,r --'. t•I. :; it t0; 1`.,r: Hawse 77 ; I•.rn•.•e'1.. • -fare• Elmer '1•ay:or 71 !•espie :1. Joscph,ne f), i)o.. Miss Its,Ly 3't.snior• and \tits 1.11 - Wood took in "t h,• excursion to the odel !'arm on Slondiy. \O►1,f(1 Ifa:eing i; the order of the (ley. :Ir. Eli King raised hie barn nn fiat. relay. About 169 hands tot r•''i't.•'eel. r. Samuel Steels zee rr.i-ed Lis clop• t • •10(1 cedar mil:; on T•tted•ty and r. 1' ni:b. r: r r:ia:d his hart, an den 62.. .ir. 1't. !: li:,:ior !too ey 76 ; Paas, d 't 1 Mnuriee 11 I'hdippa if Hon no. I•:cid,.. 1, ;