HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-09, Page 1,
1•.;L •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••
Phone No. 32.
Novelties in Wash Dress Materials
This is the time of the year for your \Yash Dresses, We are
at a splendid position to supply your wants. Our stock was
never so good or showed such a variety of materials in all the
leading shades.
New Royal Linens
\Ve have a nice assortment
of this fashionable cloth -
colors are Tan, Blue, Linen,
Champagne and Fawn.
Price per yard 25c
striped Linen Suitiugs
These fabrics snake up very
stylish for Dresses, Suits or
Coats. Our stock shows a
good variety of colors and
Prices per yd. 23e, 30c, 35c
Gotton Repp Sultlnp
In these you will find a
tempting showing of colors
including White, Blue, Tan,
Champagne. Anlythist and
Raisin. Price per yd, 25c.
GinBhams & Ghambrahs
Plain Chambrays and Ging-
hams, also Checks, Plaids and
Stripes, which are in demand
We carry a full range of col -
Price per yd 124c
Stylish New Wash Suits
We are showing a very swell line of Wash Goods for this
season. Do not fail to see them as they are very otylish and all
the go.
For $5
We have some very swell
Wash Suits. Plain or Striped
with Fancy Trimmings. Just
try one of our $5 Suits.
For, $7
Buys one of our hest Wash
Suits. They are real smart
and one of the best you can
hay for the money. Well
made and good Vallis. 9 ` g.
Big Rednction in Millinery
Our Millinersar.� oofTering soiree Special Reductions on Millin-
ery for tale week. Now is the time to buy your Summer Hat.
Our stock is right up to the minute and you ate sure to get the
right styles.
Men's and Boys' Furnishings
IA e are always up to -date with our Gents' Furnishings. All
the Summer Goods are now ready for you. Nothing but the
best are shown.
New Fancy Vests New Shirts New Gloves
N w Fancy Sox New ('ollars New Underwear
New Fancy Belts New Ties New I'nlbr'llas
New Felt, Straw, Crash and Linen (rats and Fancy Paps
Beyond the isles of What's-the-lise,'
'\There tilipehod Point is meow,
There used to be %t•hen I was yonug,
The land of Anyhow.
Don't Care was the king of all this
realm -
A cruel' king was be 1
l'or those who served him witn good
t• • heart ale 'treated abawetully, grraoll. Monday after visiting Tela -
! lives in towlt.
• When boys and girls i their tasks The football boys have received an
• tvould slight, invitation from a team nt (Grand
2 And cloud poor mother's brow,
•• z ile'd say :"Don't caret -Jed good
s• ' enough I
• Just do it anyhow t"
$loon per year in advance
Mies Laura Elliott, of London, Is
visiting her sister Mrs. ..1. 1\'nlp.v'.
Exeter North.
Mra. Johu lJlatcbfurd, of Qlcnisall,
was 'the guest of !Mrs. Jas. Wood the
former 'Part of the week.
Mies Emrna Scldon returned to In -
Gut when in after life th, y lonlneed
To make proud fortune .bow.
Ile let there find that fate ne'er
On work done anyhow.
I'or he who would the harv.•-t reap.
!fust learn to us',tbe plow,
• •• And vitas his tent k long way froira
• 4h ! The land of anyhow.
•Z 1 ---4.--
THEM.I Our loved Dominion bless
'With 'pence and happiness
From shorn to shore:
And let our Empire be
United, loyal, free
True to herself and ,'Thee
For evermore.
i The above verse appears fin tha lose -
hymnal of the Anglican church. Th .
sentiment 'therein is of such a hairy
and inspirational character that 'the
1 people of 'this young ibut great nation -
1 to -be should generally adopt 9t.
Master Harold Boyle is confined to
his home through illness.
Mr. Elmore Senior Icft Friday last
• • :or 'Winnipeg
Mrs Gro Campbell. of 1st. Joseph,
• .pent Weel:ceday in town.
� Mrs. It. Robbs and iMrs. (Dr.) Snell
visited in Berlin fast week.
Mr .end 31es. \Vat. Daiincey, are
Bend to play home and home games.
'tMr, Alpert Seeley has bold Jlis
ford car to Connor Bros.. of Exeter.
and delivered it on Monday."-ClintonNews-Itecoed.
The Ladies Aid Society of Cavcu
Presbyterian church purpose holding
a Lawn Social on Tuesday June 28tH
Full particulars liter.
Mrs. D. Johns and daughter Lila
lett on t\Vetl$i sday on *a eztendctd
visit with realtives in !\Vin'nFpeg and
Messrs. Lofft, of St. !Marys, accom-
panied by Misses Olive Quance and
Ethel Sweet, carne over in their auto
and &`pent Monday evening In town.
1'O1t SALE -Eight room, kolid brick
house and barn in good repair., with
tr-itlden. Apply to Dr. A. T. JJond or
Gladman & Bunbury, Ezet r. 3t
G org• ` mallacombe, jr., bad 'sev-
eral gashes cul in his leg Monday by
I li upsetting of a circular haw. Ile
ttas crossing Main street ,when the
saw teal jolted from the wagon and
in falling struck him 4n the leg.
Among those who took' in the excur-
sion to the Model 'Farm at Guelph
from town were Mis., Annie .Weeksa.
Mrs. r, Fitton. 'Mrs.1Vm, Sheet, Rev.
Mr. Nestle. 'Mr. Jas. Gould, •Mr. and
Mrs. John Rowe. Gordon Traylor, W.
Northcott. W. Cool 0. J. Kydd and
Jas. Weeks.
The junior and senior _ baseball
teams were pitted against each other
on Wednesday evening of last work
and tho juniors were defeated 12 to
9. The junior battery was Treszcator mentor, Elliott and the entor, Brintneltl
:felting Albert king d rc d'ton. and Bawden and Acheson. T. Moyle
Mr. Barry Stevenson. of Seaforth. was umpire.
visited 31r. \\'ib. Martin one day i.,:t A book and ladder brigade in. con-
' week. nection With th • Fire department was
organized on Thursday last. The bri-
gade consists of 15 members. The fol-
lowing officers were elected:. eve
W..1. Statham. 1st Liuet. F. Bowden
2nd Lieut.. C. Northcott : Secy-Treas.,
H. T. Dobler. The company swill be
nt•-''r the die.'tion of Sire Chief J.
\ •.•kr',.
The Exeter School board have ad-
ded very much to the appearance of
the school grounds by 'the addition
of two beautiful flower .beds. The
beds nrt• round and ore on the south
aide of the school in the girls p'ay-
grounh As ani experiment of those
planted different varieties. A
largo bed was also prepared along t h •
fence. and on Tuesday the girls
brought a variety of . slower, and
planted thr•nt out.
The stor,•s in town will clost•'•Thurs•
• day afternoons during the months of
.duly and August.
Mr. It. 71. Dyer 'llurdon per rned to
Buffalo Saturday after visiting for a
•• couple of week, with his father.
Mies Thompson risked h^r biste•r,
Mrs. S. Martin the forepsrt of the
Mrs. flower and child. of Ingersoll.
is visiting her sistereMrs. it. G. Sel-
• • ',e. -. T. Gregory and Mies Gregory
nd d th • Grreory-Davidson wed-
ding in Stratford on Tuesday.
11. Co. 33rd 1(egt. All members will
attend drill Thursday night ' at 7
p. tn. at armory -\V. J. Beaman.
Mr'. .las. Ford hasurchased from
lir s. Tho.. Oke t h�• Jrick residence
00 (alley street recently ,vacated by
Mr. Three Hoyle.
Men's and Boys' Clothing
Just arrived -200 Men's and Boys' Spring and hummer Suits.
All bought nt job prices and will he sold for same. These are
the real nifty stuff in two or 3 piece suite.
Jones & Ma
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••
••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
♦tifat, cuoti
i••••t ,.- - it- i:i3:=/J;Us INaiii,ai.iii/finniiS�
Sariay Bawderi
.i:3: [[1IuIuIt17
Call and ase our (',lathing, You won't regret it. Sole agents for
FIT and FASHION. Tailor's, Toronto.
HOUSE of HOB13EI2LIN. Tailors. Toronto.
GItEENE-- SWIFTE Co., Clothing Mtgs. London.
We carry a complete stock of American made I.3 tift;IZTY
SHOPS, the Highest tirade sloe on the met ket.
Ni?1V II ATS. CAI'S, COLLARS TIES and some Kwell Lines
of Hummer Underwear.
t is
Straw Ilats. Overalls Canvas Gloves, Working Shirt, A. Shoe,
if YOU WANT' t • f, %HSY GOODS COME TO 1:8,
�•••; , •* ••.O•TTTlt t1��i j�
i.i•il•iNiN iii•fi!},tilt: is_ t'iiiisl+Ni7itliiZ r,
!! "iir�••:�:i+iii•ii�•i�•i' ..� fS
'I'ht• Demonstration (if the Met it and team'1' 't'S of
Which was to have been held on Wednesday of this week
been postponed tllltil
Wednesday, June 161h
1)o not fail to visit Our Stolle on above date. ti( UVeni14
all Ladies and Child rett.
Hawkins' Stove and Hardware Store,
Messrs. J. 0. litanbury. Dr. kins-
man and D. A. 'Isom attends& the en -
nest meeting of tha Sovereign Fruit
Co.. of Cuba, h_•ld in London. on Mon-
day evening.
Mr. W. .1. iir•amen ha.' on c•xhibi.
tion its his window n pretty pair of
owls. Th.. Fettle were captured
tulle young In n hollow :og in Us -
Mr. J. T. Wood hna rented the 200 -
eery grass, fern' of Mr, J. t\ie\inhon,
London hand, north, which be will
n -e for grazing Tlurpases. Ile also
pnrrh a -ed 611 hand of cattle from Mr,
Since Mr. Paul ,AIndg•' went west
Tho; .0 atn•ron has sold his Lumley
term to 11r. Horny An'eh•rdaon for
'.O0. This is a good i,iec, of land
n.i wii' tin•' mak • 11 r. Anderson
sten of at r .1 :ler .y
Vr. \V. of Montr'a!,
joined 31re away and rhildren
hero end v.-::• (I his sister. Mrs. A,
1. Furd. the forepart of the speck,
11.' and le , fnmily 'eft Tuesday for
their tu homy in .lontreal, recent-
ly moving other, from Toronto.
F'• 11QLI1Alt
'1r. John Heol in. of Lumley. Is
building a cement silo for Sir. 'rhos.
Mr. t'r.d Ht. oart is around
sr' . r h. i rent illness.
.\ retnc of baseball was played hers
'ru -day bettt'rcn the 1'arinar and JIt.
; - •r- ru+ :.r J t-,+Iled its -I
vee tory for the holt' ,• 'team by .18-0.
I'arpnhar is now open' dor engagc-
A pretty June wedding tens solemn-
ir.ed nt the 'Methodist p',onnge, 10.10
!Lichninnd street. London, on Thurs-
day evening, .lune 2, whet' Mies Issth•
er A Fletcher, of Kir knee and Mr.
Archer J. itiuidle, of \l'odhatll, were
united in mart iaae l.y Bev. Antersnn'
A t her of their most intimate
friends vete present lo witness the
happy event. Mr, and \Ire. Bundle
tvill he at home to 1 heir friot lis nt
Woodhnnl, after the2')th
1)n Wednesday. ,lune 4th, a very
ptetly wedding was solemnized at the
home of \Ir. Richard Canino, when his
, daughter, E. Get rude. was united in
Ilan mart taw. to Mr. P. F. 1)oupe. The
rime's joins in extending congratuhi
t inn1-.
For Infants and Children.
The end of the school term is' dr.. •• -
ing near and it Is time for 11.
scholars who intend to write on .
nmooatiotls to get down Ito study is
earnest. It is too had (that many of
the boys and girls do not appreciate a
good education nor consider what it
tnean% to fail at examination time. To
fail at the coining exams Iriraten to
a whole year and is something they a short honeymoon otter .which they
sill regret in after years It it Is Toa will reside in their new borne on St.
lose a who:% y•. er - nd is sotnstbreg ( Davit! sire •t Stratford. Th,• bride
they will regret in niter years I` . travelled in a tailored suit of Cham-
:. .o,= thrown core:essness• pagoe cloth with Persian trimmings
The Women's Institute met nt tie and hit to match. The many friends
home of Mrs.D McInnis on friday ;n town of the bride and ernotn join
June:ird. A very pleleant profitable the "Times" in washing them n sac-
slate w•es event. The (4tnay.4 were re- cessfol an:l happy wedded life' "
elected for the r g yo ii and were T
as follows: Mies 1'miner. I'res : Mie. HOitN
Agreement re Hall -
We the the undersigned business men
of Exeter agree to slow our respec-
tive 'place"; of lewdness during the
mouth% of .Tuly and August. 1!t10, on
Thursday afternoons of each week
commencing at one o'clock and to ad-
vertise same during month of June
in the local papers:
Ndvoe•tto Printing Company, .The
Exeter Tine.: Printing Company, Lim-
ited : W. J. penman. W. 3, )Beer, Alf.
Jones & May. IH. Si ackinan.
S. 0, Ilawden..Jos. Senior. E. A. rol-
lick, W. Johns, J. Grigg. W. Statham
Mrs. Yeo. If. W. V. !leavers, .1. A.
Stewart. T. llawkiu, & Hon. W. W.
Taman, W. J. Carling. t\Vilson Bros..
W. 1). Burke. David •Itussell, H. Mar-
tin & Sort, Ed. Treble, J. 13. Dignan
& Son. Wright & IAtkinsou. Messrs.
E. A. rollick. W. J. Statham and Wil-
son Brom. are closing up the grocery
department only.
Messrs. S. Martin and P. Harvey
have returned home after ntti•riding
the London conference at Chatham.
A (uict wedding was solemnized in
Berlin ou 1Vednesday, June ast when
Miss Anrm 'Heideman. daughter of
Mr. and :Mrs. E. Heideman. of town.
w:is united In marriage io Mr. Jul
Hill. The young coup:e will reside In
Berlin. The Timse extends congratu-
We are pleased to note from tin.
to time the 'progress that is being
made by young people who have left
our town and arc,00ming to the front
it' !leer professions in other places.
Th • latest is Miss:Eva Carling, rsecond
dire•ctre•s., of St. Luke's hospital. New
York, wile has been offered the posi-
tion of superintendent of n hospital
in San Francisco at a salary of 1? .1200.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Davidson, 203 Church street, .Strat-
ford. was the scene of a luiet but
fashionable house wedding on trues -
day. Juno 7th. at 2 o'clock when
tbeir eldest daughter, int Palmer
was wedded to .Walter Herbert Greg-
ory. barrister. of Stratford. and son
of Mr;. T. Gregory of town. The
ceremony was witnessed by n small
circle of immediate relatives of tbe
two families. and was yterformed by
Ito v. G. fr. Salton. 11. A.. R. D, of the
Central .Methodist church. Stratford,)
'1'h.• hrid.• entered Ilia drawing room
which was taatefully decorated with
palms and carnations and was given
away by her tether. She looked beau-
tiful in a w•eddMg gown of white
Loberty Satin. with long 'train, hand.
mutely trimmed with real '.ace. pearls
and bridal veil caught with pearls
and lilies -of -the -valley. She carried a
shower bo',Iurt of bride's roses and
li:lr-n%the-velty with white atrcam-
Th- tv^drling much twos played
13 L• r sister. Miss 'Vern. who also
1.1 e ,1 enftly throughout (the cere-
. ongratu)atione and the sign -
ins!: -1 rendered the bridal rnusic
1 r •,
', register. After a dejwuner
rII the bride was proposed by
,: it Inkin. M. 1'.,tnncle of the bride,
•std responded to by the groom. There
was a beautiful display of handsome
and exp.'nsivc gifts received from
their many friends far and near. Mr.
and Mr,. Grgory left on the 4.70
train amid a shower of flowers for
1. A, 3lanrete, Ist t ice -press : Mts.
IIANiugs, Secy: Mts. Miller, Lab : 1)ir• N\rl,T.-111 i'shnrre, on Thur•dav,
ectors, Mrs. 3011110a. 11rs Alt lead.
Mrs. Blatchford, Mies Htrang. A do -
tune 2nd to lar and Mr.. .1. C.
Snell. n son.
nation of ticwrrs was [Wade to the T1'it\Bt'I.1,-A1 the firuble -
school to halo in the decoration of the 'Is,. t n etee nee h '1n 1T r, nnil
flower beds, Rlso a donation Ire the
"Children's Fresh Aii 3lieeiou Fund''
fhe ieniers in the
Jaime; Street
church on Sunday morning lest. were
conducted by Thos. Hat twill. who de-
livered an excellent sermon. In the
evening a platform meeting was held. Ali nrrlin on
conducted by the I.:tranto' iwv1gue. t, t• t t P f'. Ohrrinrider.
The League nttemled in n body
and 1,•,. • Ii c.• ,., .11. of ptelrr. fro
occupied the centre of the church. I, .f ,I "..;rtR r;n.
Good address were given on the
diftencnt breeches of League work. 1'' t Pt.l' :1'e'ti --. T.. r :n -hard
The 1'urislIan Erode:Ivo'. and Literary t', •i 1, 'e
dep +lenients were taken up by Dr. 1 rr tlham.
Itoulston,whnpointed /elf thatIla• Ir \\'il�nn
Christian Endeavor oleo)rr t nicht has ' ''"
for ifs ohjett thesalv,iti.•n .f 111e yang i.' 1 ',('I; \1' i., 1C•,tkrr:nn. nn
people and training thein t , lake pu; 1' ' 1, it !. 't: -s :7.,,,•,.►(,,,
in the devotion•%) exetei'es of chin' h • i,, ••r Mr •:t'.1 Mrs
11. ',ir. V, Trine.
1n 1r, •t Turnbull. a daechter.
11:•1 T'E--C.\ - \t ""Sunni'
1'4,nm,, on \1'.,.1•re.day Julie Rob.
•.e F
(L.", ' ,!i"eh'-r of '.\1t
r' T'. Thome.
work, fitting them for future set
The Literary den ttlmoon was m•xt.
dealt with which e11 ; li.. t •s the 1111
port mace of stinu'blt!nu u ' al, whole•
some tending and develol,eng the tal-
ents ir, youth, The text ,.rl.lte•a teas
given by Russell ?lay who teal for his
finlike t the Hoei•el depot' t merit. Ile
cmmmcned by shying that sociabil-
ity WAS a part of nature. The li.l►
go ill 'deeds, the birds gn in
11n(•ks, the betel go 111 swarms.
the nnininls in heed., ntad ►nen in f.i n•
Blies and tribe', and cit len, Sot iahiht y
ii v(„ e•
o e edst 11 no hands c
two nt f
is n H
the gond it iy +i might) influence for f •• • 1' „ 1:1111rr of fete, sod
good. and in the bawl., of evil it ie a '.' 1 t, 1..,., r•,, qtr. ~\'alter
might ypower for evil. '1heMissionniy rl .. .:.. ..•..t_ 1-;r•i,r.•r• or
department WAN next dealt with by 1
Mr. M. E. Halter. \Ir. Halter s:►:d that 1'T.'. x'.lr, \ r+ It eite.1'
the Jlissiernry spirlt is esvenli111 (n . •
the succeesof all church work and f' ' • it ', r:r ltsii_
� h e1� 1\Tnna O'ntil
T .,t
i'fl'?._T.. �:
r t.
c (' ' ^ nr flay. t' 'It
„r\h! ,... e.t T -i, -T.. t
t •.t'. ,,7;:t
'. ih•r A. F i.
1:;rkren. to 3Ir 'Arthur .7, 11no-
d1 n7IV•,.,.1hlm.
(:HLT•:(;^8Y-P\1'11)yf1N -- in Ntret-
rnr.l ee T, . .1.,.. :hors 7111. Alis.
showed now t hat when t he It ague
Ic•�l�ir \l -m
was at Iow•t.ide 1he forward Move-
.t 1 1' r 1' ,:: a. or Port
wee started and WAS the 'bine• ieeel:oe. se. the 1' e. 1'eth'r For-
Inting force of the League. A short
t sunitning up Nag piv.•n by the I'Ct•-
for 'sideral, w•h r slotted t11;11 the i at ilium
the Kind You Have Always Bought 1 lit•.iI tIur�ulclies f r lIi:' anli[m 1, 11tat ani
Hears the finding the heart and centering its de•
- vntlon upon find. Misses Olive Treble
Signature of• land Effie Taylor sang R (Nett.
\1.1 - in i •Sorra. nn Thursday,
.l.rii - Ms, v •tan- l'udner, he•
Inv../1 a,f • of Nit. trio:. Single. aged
63 year•,, f. montl)t and 29 days.
Varnish Stains
Furniture, Floors, Woodwork and Doors
1S THE --
IN ---
Original and Only Real Varnish Stain
l5c 25c 45c and 85c Tins
Oil Stoves and Gasoline Stoves
750 to $11.00 $4.00 to $6.00
Ready Mixed Paint in 1Oc, 15e and 20e Tins
Ready Mixed Floor Paint 45e and 50c
Floor Enamels, 35c and OOo
Goll Paint and Aluminum Paint
f9,� e ,;.� �,
i3::JJ111e IIIIIB •J:J i�a«c`ltiii .'.l :�ti�l l tt-•- I H w�•# nn
pEOPLE about to go House -keeping should call at ROWE•
k ATKINSON'S Furniture Store and see how easily and"
Cheaply you cin furnish your hotne. , '•;
A Walk Through Our Store
Will show you. Here you will lind the I•irgest and bast assorte d
Stock of Furnit+ar'' in the ('.runty, ce:n;triving
Tables, Chairs, Parlor and Bed -
Room Suites, Kitchen and
Dining -Room Furniture,
en tact e.erythin„ to be found in a first-class Furniture Store at.
uch Low I'tices that defy Competition,
\Ve have a Targe milliliter of Lawn and Veranda Chairs wnic•h
is . we are selling at remarkably Low Prices.
The Lathing Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
rillErlifirlE717771112111Hilli ' !Ii!##t't! W.Eintimumumil
1 It the decided to make a clean sweep of oily Chinn
duiin!! the Month of JUNE -if low prices will
(10 it We have nttl'gtl shipment corning and lutist
matte ro0111 for it, Hf) are selling our present stock
at cost. 1)ur stock is made up of choice pie('t's of
hand (painted rhino suitable for Wedding Gifts.
member it all goes at cost.
Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses
Re -
a- t li • :lort) One (11)01' north of the Post Oliice every I';cening
this week and next 'ty €k at - p 111.
Also Saturday ;afternoon, .Tune 11th, at :t p.m.
And Wellne,day I
" kith, at : p.nl.
And .t Final Sale on Saturday, June 1 `4th, at 3 p.ln & 8 p.m.
Positively No Reserve tho I•ltilllt►•Il is beim; vacated
T. B. Carling, Auctioneer.