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Exter Times, 1910-06-02, Page 8
ti • • h .C.; 1 L t1, '1' 1 &L S JUNE 2n(1 l b l0 •..•....••..••..0...••...••••••••••••••••••••••e.•.• •••••••••♦••••e•♦•♦••••••••ae•••••••♦•.•e•••♦••••••••• 2• if S i2 Z♦ 0 ♦♦ • • • 22 ♦ 7 •t i• •• •• •• T• • • •• ♦� •t •• • ♦ Z • • 2 •• ••_ •; •o ♦ ♦. •♦ • •• o• •s 2 2. 2= ••• ♦••• t • ♦ • ♦. ♦o • •o •o ♦ •. •. 0 • STEWA ST'S .tltlllttl�.a• � wv PIIONE 114 Our stock of Millinery' Dress Goods, Clothing, Car- pets, Groceries and Crock- ery is undoubtedly the fin- est Collection of Merchan- dise one could wish for. It is the outcome of careful buying and we the confident thltt it merits liar inspection. ('all and t•t) it. Nu trunlllh to chow you. 75c $1 $L25 Orli 111.:1t'K VOILES for sutuper wear in all wool 111 (1 line weaves at above pri- ces ( annot le. Sul pat sed. 1f you cannot call and t•re t beau Bend for stltupleb $1 1,25 1.50 Is throe special lines its SLAVE TA1•11'1•:r.1 SiI.K. These silks are all a yard wide and are goar.utteed by the tu:ululacylrer just the thin{ for your Summer Dress or Coat. 15c 20c 25c for a range of WASH (;!)t)l)S (lint you will Itncl 1111 4 to heat. All the n••west r, lis and weaves 11,1.4' 411 11118 ;1•.,111•1 im.rit. ''hese goods are ve. y *suitable for Ladies' and Children's Dresses and Odd 'Va;sts. 25c 35c 50c 01' It FANCY L1S1.1r, iHOSl: for Mastics in colors of brou)O, tau. grey, champagne, green, t•eseda, wistaria, ashes of ros- es. helio Inouye and black in- clude everyt,ting that is new in Hosiery. They have don• hie heels and toes, Fancy Parasols Better pick your Parasol now. 'flip sooner you make tout• choree the better you will he pleased :and the longer you will hive it to use. We have then) to match ally dress in Fancy :mil Natural Wood Handles. LinD13u ms An it her shiolrl wit of N airn's Scotch Liuoleuuls just arr•iv- e•t. The patterns :u.• new and pre sure to please, We tit and lay without any extra e.rarge ►+ Carpets and Rugs We make a spectsIty .,t 1•u•- 1 tta and 11 t 24tt nn rug., and crus furnish you with Monist any size you relluir•e,at prices front $t175 to $-10 -( Curtains Mattings We ,how the most suit tble cacy►ins for every window - a: ch -and doorway -You %vitt be surprised at the reason- ableness of ale. price. Com- pare ours with others you have seen. We have about. ten differ - eta patterns in ,f.tp hese Cot- ton \Vary Mat rings. This makes a splendid covering for bedrooms at sun ►1l cost. Rest (lu tlity at Per P.tir 50o to $7.00 I Per Yard 200 and 25e All kinds Produce taken as Cash S. A_ STEWAR,'2' • • si Z• •• o • • •• •• .. •• • •• • •• • •• •• • o •• •• •• • •• •• . • • • •• • • • . • . •. •. •. e• O •. o• •. • . •. • • • .. •• •• .. 0• •0 ••R • .. •• .. � • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••• • •• •••••••••••••e.•••••••••e0 ••.••.•••e••.••••••ee•••••• DUST Caus_s Sickness, 1s a General \uisar•cc but canbe avoided by Using DESTILL) on Sweeping Day. "Dustbane," moreover, disinfects the room and restores nags to their original freshness. The women swear by "Dustbane" when once they have used it. Don't have another dusty sweeping day but get a 35 cent tin of "I)ustbane". We are.authorized by the manufacturer; of Dustbane to send yott a 35c can of their'Swecping Compputld, ‘Ve want )tin to use this cn trial for one week. At the end of this period if not found sat; -factory they will take it back and there will be no charge for quantity used. If it does away with Dust on Sweeping Day You Want It Sold in hills , half bbls. and s1I1aiter !ibis. for stores, sch„011, chnrchrs, hospitals, ban.•s and public buildings. W. J. Neaman 1'111111 01' fur 1'.Xf•i 1•I•, • ( .11larftatl Factories tit John, N. 13., ‘Vinnipeg, \i;tn. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK ON BOYS' CLOTHING $3.5o will be paid to Good Stuart Girls while learning; and piece work will be given as soon as competent in which way. as high as $7 so per week can be earned Both i land Sewers and .t. chine Operators required, Good Clean 1Vork, Steady Employment. Also S.nart I3oy, ab, 17 }ears, to learn (uttirg, Apply to 0. W. DAVIS, Supt. JACKSON MANUFACTURING CO. EXETER, ONTARIO. •••••••••••••••.••...•••.• •••.•.e•••e•••••••♦••••♦•• The Times Want Column As au 11(11 (taiu,4 medium the Exeter Tunes cau110( oe sur• pay.1(.1. 1)u11Y 1( occur to you that an advertisement may rhangr 111e shot.. career of an iudividua!, :awl oily material- ly affset Ib. advertiser's lot o '4• ! A nu! estate ad. 11 1 :1d h; our 11ubser 1' r.'+ and oils •11 t%hu or: int l'r- . nt d in real *stale. If you have soul,•141. Ifg to (1 ;.,pew, of ; art. warltiut Il••'p, or have sum...•thing :o 1,14(1„ before 1h • public u..• the cl.iutlsn$ of 11,• 'I Ill(sr as your advertising 111 411uu1. The cos is trifling. •.•••••.•••♦•••••••♦•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Market Report. -Thu fotluwlu; is 14.• r. tort of Exeter markets. cur - ::11 to Juste Yn11. Oats 32 to 31 cents Mod, -1 Flour. standard $2.60 (1.1,•'4 Flour $1A5-511.50. Hay 49 MI. MOAN Fe.: t r 1 l•, Clover seed $7.50 to $8.00. Timothy seed ti 1.50 t02.50 Alsyke $5.511 to $6.75. Potatoes, 40c to 50c. 1\•heat standard 90e. Peas Toe. Marley 45c. to 4Sc. Shorts $23.00. Bran $20.00 Hogs livowtight $9.30 ('hu;cr export cattle 87,25. Good ext•er e•11tit S•;.00 to • •LOCALS • • •ewe•••• .•�•••. • 1'arsil;tl s pop:patios'. is 1367. Dr. Pond was in Toronto last w 1t \'• . I)'cn ;n. o: L:.catt. !, ! :trent : Sunday. .1, M'.rrac visited in 1)und::- r. o' H -Irina. Sasl;. i - _::d Mr,. G •o. Conn•.. • Mrs .T. Wood. of Petro - n town :h. forepart of 1h •1+ Y 1 1 el v11 %c' 1 • will *preach rc, ch r • rt• •t M •t hodiat church r • and evening. I .. .11(1 It. Hobbs pre the London con • Chat ham. 1'. 1•:. 1131dturd .shipped a tar- , s e• hors to 'Winnipeg \W,•dntvr •! a\ '4r. Wilson Anderson accompan- 'i 1 Pro . I) .zh rry will deliver his 11110'.. '1 ir'• on th'• Hook of Job in • r • I. on Methodist church. Jun • . Os h. 6•=_3 Th • S,1 h Huron Farmer s Institut • 1t if/ r its annual excursion to th Hort 1 ..arm. Guelph. next Monday. u. '14 I •nd Mrs. Geo. 'Willie 110(1 11iss Els:. '.t. (' Mum drove up frdrn Lon- don 1.•- Saturday and spent Sunday - 1:h Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McCallum. M'-. Fan=ort and Mr. I11c)lor: r: ,• Thoma;. r.ecompanicd by t1 11:0 e get) t•m••n. cans,- up from St Thomas:Sunday in an 'auto. and called on relatives and friends in town. Sir. John Lenthorn has tak,n pos- - - on u' the "11110%;on douse" and \\ dl I, • pleased to accomtnodat • hip old 'l,-•nd l as well as many new one. 11,tIs th•' best o! accommodation Richard I1i11. of the 4th con. Ste- ' -h n. left on Tu,••day :morning for :1 4th friend- n 1)cals•rry. Alta. {••• '1 a1=o i•' , .11aideston^. Alta., and C...1 ;,1 City 'din.. and . 1; 1). , t, hi, return borne. .1 -. i '. t;oodaon. of -r1a:1,a) (I 1' ...yrral of 1; 1• :el, c:trn'.'o on S;:r- 11'11 1 . • ,4 , •, . :I. Mr. 11.4:1 t;:1,. .11 • 1. ,nd 1\. u: '11 - . '1''e4: ". ., 1'- 4 w 1.1* 11:1. 1 :1 1 - r . ; i 1 • • 111 17. \5. s .rn 'i t'... un Tit - d.it 1, 1,11 •. 1: • 7,1 1• ro .I Ort, . h 70 r• Ars of :o. •. .-n)oy'd her vi, t. 5h 1 1= met .n Toronto by 11r. An- d 111--t • h .00kp lace n far Ailsa ' • `':nday of .\Ira, -John Charlr- r ,, Mr. John Charloton. of t'iierl •son ;:ved :o n good • t. :r'y e!,thty years of '4 • • '7 Mt ('ltarleton at tool - 1 1 w h ch w•I' held on • ..;•7 t1. It:• t: o. Sossthcot1. or r •,'u: t . Ii4ir,d 144th refs u • n I tie:: the past Werk. .r )c ay (0 their snnr- Grund Hrn,�. On. • - Mr. 11outhcott sangr n • ,'t in th1' Jam•. St h act. t 1 hod • III,. tour •n on Wcdn •:day fright of 1.1.4 week. givtul by 1 h . Stilt bland •r, r •.,. r -:. ntlti •r 111- ;.'spices o: h. t' linschalt (•I 'h % to :airlr 1w,•I r ,dsrl, The cone, rt on the who. • w good and con, - ••rl or to - ,1101. ., p'antalion ns'•ludi •s and 1 1 •irlett:`s by the colored t o l Inane;nl'y the 1011.. rt s a t 1 silences. I' v. 1). W. Collins. F. 24••,..1•'(. It. Iron V. IW. Taman. I I1. I):ck- :' 1 ('. S, awr,'ght. tis ::,4) •r• of 1' ,a Yorest Lrtd:• 1. 1', 't tt ri i the Ind • e lost roc - on 1'1. • -(t,y alf'•r- 1). 1••11 . •'k. The „ • ••24.4 1.7dFe 4 1! •1 1 1 1 • of- ' lot .11 11,-•%, 1 i111 .4.-(9mscht Ledo•. 1 :1,: d th third dc- • 't -'r;r in ib:. "Times' proven eeve.al tunes ' '1'11• lost overcoat tiro i . -'-d for in he "Tin.' 1 'rtt»(1 the AaI:1 • . 1- 1 . .1i 1% ,a published. A11- (.- r :'•nr h'mnn advertising 'cru, 'o; 1•` whose ad. was to appear three 111 4. bo•Iked all the orders he could :1 llfs r th'• first in•••rtion :and .nosh •r tt1d us that le. %1 •:p= r :vin4r orders for cogs 1011g alit. r til•• :111. had brrn disrontin,tod. Advertise your wants in Wu. "Tim"s.' The ro=t i. trifl:nf; and the result! are great. \1,1,24 i:mma i.idols visited in Clin- ton 111 • pa .1 ,1,•.•k. 11r-. Foe.. 11 s; :11 1 ;1 rt of least w.ek 11 Grand 11 1,41. Mr. 14('('01 VII '011. u; 1.iatuwo4, 11(1:1011'. ::l (11 ' ani, ltdrt•. Mr. Hoy L. at hOrn .uf London. 1:+• :1d h:, p:u'nts. in 1(111 11 11)45 %\.•.k. 1: •v. 11. C. Phillips, of Itat'ensltood• s11.•111 a 1,11 d ,y. Wit 11 11.S parent! here. Mr. hank Bauder.. by Hlout r•,':*I, visiting n:. ,',24.111-, 11r. :mil Mr.-. I'. Baud al. It. Km -nem :s ill Toruuto this week att•Ildiul; the Dental con - c 1111011. \lids T:yr 1111sto11 return •d Thur,dsly roan 1'. t rot::1. wher • tike visi I .•d le r '454.•24 11'•. Lila Huston. Mr-. U', J. 1\ est away :tits' 1 wo (•h.ldr n. o.' Toronto, visited '11r. and Mr-. .1. .1 .l'or'd the 'past weak. 111-,. 11. 1)t'nch, of Owen Sound 1' fit 1 he 413,1 (0114111• of w,•eks t ---r- 11'r uncle. ,1r. 11. S. Philip-. The new colored 111.15, windows for .1 1108 street Methodist do. telt are i. re and are 'bent;`, put i11 Illi- %\eek. tl•• C. l' lto'11.ion. accompani,d to . Ito'llstott and child. is att.ndinl• It •uta) convention being held at this. week. - 41(1;- Italkwill, Sr.. r..tnrucd Thur -day evening last after in S:. Tho►nas. •London and 11 .7 run. 11 c'. W. and Mrs. Jlal:er. n; rise- .t Mr. and Mr,. Enoch 1'11:i airs. linker wit: .• 41•L• Mr. Ilak•`r attends • nt Chathatn. '1'••, 1 u- 1t' :. for the t' r 1(011. t „ ! 1,14 '40 Ih • North -•nd a tlsr lawn. AI'+•' the I,:• 111 abut to, pts for the wayr tow 1 124.1• 1 "(1 ! 11 1,1 the Ira of the 'town Next Il 1nday in the absence of the • -tor, t' 1.•I1 Hobbs. the services in , - ' will b:• condue•.ed by Tho. .0ertnoll in :h^ morning 'r.nworal Lragur' at night. i s ii; o0rlh League swill attend in a hods, Yo can make old 'furniture har- t:,on / twit's new 0)1rro,ndin;rs •iv a;l- % . 1111., c1, , 0! Ca:nb:?1's Varnish Tn - • , • •:'1:, are transpar•n: 1:.^art ` n co:or and fin - til• woad Any :nex- d p;•r on can use them. Ar - .0 W. J. IlEAJIEAN for co•or c:a r 1 t, The first baseball gam' $Hayed in tot; 11 this season took place on th • claool grounds last ;'Wednesday !even - ,n4 ashen the return game leas allayed w oh the Centralia nine. The gain.. r -tilted in a tic•, troth ides scoriut :.:. runs. Owing to darkness only 11 11111 ugs were played. W. Boyle. of (' otralla acted as *inspire. The Cert• t r -1:,a buttery Ions II. Swan and 11. \I.tchell and the Exeter battery was T. Carling and G. Acheson. Follow - :pg is a list of the players.: Centralia 11. 1litcbelt. II, Swan. M. Mitchell. 1', Donlan, 11. Duplan. 11. Mitchel! M. Elliott. N. Luker, A..I:sser.y • :.s:'••r, 0, Acheson. T. Carlin,;, G. I'a4m^r. Steere. It, llrintnell, t:, Haw - t‘11:1110.(1 4 11. Bissett. 111. Hoskins, G. '1'4 .7 Clyde Stallion Gerdy Gold :..o this country a few r r h; T.J,Ilerry. of Itensal: • 1) -Co.1 by huts to Mr. I:irhard Med- , in of Mains, bag died. Gartly Gold on • or •h,• (best drat. ho:n s es •r Alt into Canada. Ile wa; a bor• - ivality and weighed 111 , nd.. This animal co_ •.i ditfrrence• lust as whnlesonle 1 : • . ►hot'--,nd 7,00045. n• 111 cheap• r, IVs Bell hnndrrrlH of .1 I 'Ih nl lid '1 t. vet t•. '1'1y it. Is • 11."o. T..I figure i Y year. •i,• ,n:-. ,1, i be a ' !. o -r. as %\ ell as. to 4 . : • .rater; •is of the co; 1 ltl•actiooary Storm Per:od - ,- Church Directory JAMES STREETCareful eolv�errlol�is•r criuRcrile Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor timidity Publics (Worship -10.30 ;ems. and 7 pan. Class Service-. Sunday 0.30 a.m. and :lft••r Morning Service and Wt•Cnes- dly night, Young h4CA'r Viaalr and eataahu,pena 8uaday at Il! D m Sunday (School and Binh- etaa8t•s f..40 '''"' they senna to bo cheap). Wo (lo not cater to that class, but Epworth Lague -Tuesday at R. pan Prayer Meeting-_Tbur.due at 8 p.m. carry goods that you will not be afraid to look at when yon 6th -M r I'4* , Ilartnoll ,o th, morning ; in c•h:u'r • of the 1•:pwort 1, �et how. I. agl..;7 ar night, Ladies' Whitewear IAm selling the best A choice lino of WAISTS ranging from $1.00 up to $3.25. Woven Fence that is made Neat patterns in UNDERSKIRTS, new goods just n, from and I am selling at the following $1.00 to $4.50, low prices: - 6 Bar Fence at 24 cts. per rod 7 Bar Fence at 27 cts, Per rod 8 Bar Fence at 3o cts. per rod know the necessity of having good dualities ill goods in order to secure the longest service. It is only the careless and wasteful who buy second and third class -articles, (because fl. J. GLflTWOR1 f1 Y Don't fail to examine the Summer Underwear i Ladies' Vests GItA1''ON• -.. ONTALIO A choice M ULLS and GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Round Trip Summer Tourist Tickets at Low Rates, Jun.1 to Sep.30 -TO- Portlttud and Astoria, Ore., Seattle, ''scum('. Everett and Bellingham, 11'ash.. Victoria, Vancouver :and New tl'cstnlinstet•, 13. ('.. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, ('al. IIE•I'I'1tN LIMIT OCT. 31st. 1010 from 100 to 23c Misses' Vests from He to lir Summer Dress Goods line of these goods in FOULARDS, SILKS MUSLINS, ranging from 10c to 50e. Our Remnant Table is again laden with MUSLIN ENDS, FLAKS NLS and WIi,APPEIZETTES at BARGAIN P1 ICES, Do not fail to see the Ladies' Shoes We are showing a line of Ladies Shoes that are second to none for Style, Quality and Fit, prices ranging from $2.430 to $3.75. -+- Men's Neckwear 1lomeseekers Excursa t A new line just arrived. We have a line at ions tOWestern Canada which looks as good as '~ goods, while our :)0c ©dual to the 75c goods sold in the cities. Via Chicago, %f..y :f i and June 11. Via Sarnia and Northe, 11 \aaviga. t.io^ (`,n1p,u1y; Steamer 1..., es Sarnia ::.a1) t,. tit. May a',th and 1s..•• 14'1th. 1'1111 information as to dat .5. .f. '1�'vl(;ifT. Depot. or write J. D. MCDONA Petro' Toronto, r • ( Ic. from . • • A;;otlt. Union - 1. ••••••••••••••••••.•o.•••• Lemonade, Lemon Pies, Pure, refreshing, gold, made with- out lemons, with 1'rnrlt' lion -alcohol- ic tl.a)•ortng stud tartaric (:rest con- venience fur kV Ial1ie., ;1s well as 1111• 1111.11. i.ess fuss. 1111 111us, ('1111'1 tell on the Gth.7th and 8th.wl•h Moon on the 7th. near its p' r- .nd . xtr'•rne north declination. ! 1' • .11:11•• :01.414..'• and kb- Venus 1 :.1111' are both b, ginning to b•• felt at 1h:c p •ro-1. Look 'or very high temperature. low barometer and vi- cious thunder etornl• durin,t this I'••rlod. heavy ra 11. %4ith t'robal, hail. nil r•• ult during th • t-ro:•r o• th'•we storms (ol:awed Mine ': . 1 by much coo: -.r. \t'ith'e thr, • day: osuns •t on the 7th, eap,'ot -reports o--I'trtoshakes from serious part. 01 th • ;;'o1)^. Th • annual trninina o' the Militia 11:;1 tak-.' p4ac:• a: 'London art:,in ►his y ar ..11(1,0^acing on Monday. June 13:0 and et: ady the O'fic •1s and m •n o' the f{x••ter Company are luol;. :ng forward '.%4th pleasure to 11, fortnight under canvas, 'risk 1 r th• men mill make u fine appear It. in the new ictte'nt( tthich tt:.% • ir.:dv 524244% d. whit:' for drill ps:rpos `s n^:ztige shirt and straw hat will b.• nscd. An ndd••d attraction this year will 4 the %i; • o' insp.-poops of General 1 : flat. on, of the heroes 0f 111. Su'., 11 African w ar. Thr 33rd it-lrens. ti r Lirn: n: to Which Exeter Company f• !Hotta has al wayA borne t4• r l•,;• •i sol of be - sill Due 01 411' . • • •41 well ne 'n,•.ntt one 0 , 1, v . ,.'i ' \ in camp. and the character :1101 Ind- 1n;r 0' both off ;cots 110(1 men . 11 - Way. b 1•0 0.' h't¢h•'st, A gl:, n' t1)-• I.,: or officer; will sot fie • : 0)3:n this: Licut•Colon'I. Alex. 1t i - son. r :,'meth ; Majors JL '13. Comb.. 'tn'1 41. T. Dane Chinon; Adjutant W. if. 0undry. Goderich; Quart er- 1111st •r. Jai, D. Mel'aggart, Clinton . 1i ordeal (Mires.. irer, 1)r. 3. IV, lihaw , Clanton : 1'ay-masr•-r. it. N. Ii 11•-, Sea- rort h ; Chaplain, !t, v. .1. \V. Dodging. I•:e':t•r Company. will b• under com- mand O' Capt. IW, .1. Martian :Ind I.: It, 3. 0, 8tnnbury. Capt. Denman 110w reel•ivitl;t applications for re- cruits and. t'*4'ecI': to have h'• com- • ny isliekly filled tip ns entnp at 4 r,ttdon is n most 'opt,Inr outing. 4.1(11)'onal locn:s 1' i I ''' found urs 1' ' i. YEARS i:\i'r?itfENci: of 1� (OLI) NI 1t ,F, 1115. \;42415'11+t '11 4411(114:11,4 1,1'1114I 1 • the prescription of on.' el the hest f, rn�ie phtr.ir4:ins ;1011 1101::.s in the 1' ratted 8151..5, and his b. en used for fifty years with new, r-failin,t suet -eats by psi:lsooa Of mo:hcrs for their children. 11 relieves the child floral p14n, c,on% diarrhoea. griping in the bowels rind wind coli,•. Iry giving health to the child, 0 rests the mother. Twenty-five cents t► bottle. Highest a quarte_ goods are ce. EYERYTH1NG IA HARDWA Plenty of Goods for lmmediate Selection with Facilities 2 for getting Anything Special that may he wanted( ,- /j in 'short order. This is yGur Store i°P 64 IF YOU �, arir Jt) (ho' j er will make l:. 1•'• 4 iu WANT one quarter of the tithe. I)lhel v_ 4� ore--%'81*i!Ia, Nutmeg, ('intn.l. 0, ''l� •'i^ -04‘sico \Vint,r,reeu and Peppermint. �!dNc. etitiattn only av-,,--so tor Cleve/and Spring THE: Puiri V PRESTON(',•i1'Yite, 13x11. No. flRt,f. Nps lune 111'c„Ids 110w 011 7•x44'. 1'-'. 1'i, weaving dr 1'oultly \el ting Safe -Lock •.•.•••.••••••..o•e•e••0, Shingle '•IVIflf.l? t'ou'ts talk• iIen s Sults ing al,ollt tlae• Prest mi 5�hiwle. unt fat its twin brDother - get PRESTON $20.00 After all it's, the ''tailor who makes s s,,it a SI'('('ESS or a FA I1,t' It I•;. The most fascin- ating style w•nold be a fizrte if there welw not careful needle trot k underneath. That. is the re'/ -..ti our Mints at 31:31 are 11.•11er 111.11) 1 he Soil yo.1 but in t -..%n 1.124 more IIIIIIey They are perfect in I'l'l y- way if not you can have yo111• money hu k, W. W .TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER (►vl'A10 ) Does Your Skin Feel Dried Up ? eta haps y.1(1 Have not been taking 11 4>' ' 1,111• of your Skin. 1i 111.1•ds (Yate and tlllention jolt to. touch Its your teeth or your• basil'. j if we could live just as. in. J •► tended we should we won/diet (.40(7 to , '1"rry nl„•111 cur lashes ,and would die of old age. flat if wewould repairthe ravages incidental to the III tin( i,tl 111, %1W 11 y4', t%4' sngw,•st the tegntar• 11.1' t f Home E Such d.litlf y e(rsnlllent tv ,\ sols Fire ('r rutin, it smooths outthe drawn and uncomfortable fl'el:ng frons wind, torn or hind water. Leaves a sensa- tion of soft and grateful comfort. Costs (11,1 y n (Inert er and we w oman- te•0 you win like it. At the price you can hardly niTord to be w ill t it, coRRuoAnt) 1 RON Made according to the rigid Specifications of the Iii it Isl. Goy ►stent x•111 The ISnt ire Ext. rine is t/f Uetal except Rail - log t f Veranda. Bruce's New Century Swede Turnip ,1 purple tnpprd t•,ris•ty, re•trn1,14rg l4,•st1.,,, s , s l -411101),4 ILufntnt growth, toots cleat, and of handsome shape. It 11.•,,b. nsil,lrtt• better ihan 1• otIPA r swede. 4'•,..l lot c..okirtgpill loP•-s. 11 • Imes(el!ed, 1 1 )n r(t?icing 0.l,, le b"gr yunnluo A rite eros n (oi the a mei it el. 1. at krt. 11,,' wrow' 1s and '11'111.1 1N %%IIIhave no(.tl.,, ''.1yShoat 1111; Ill11,:11 (Ili 11,11Y111nt.,. 1'1e Also stock Sutton's €hanipion and fiat 's \\'t'stbnry Hdwkffl stove & fldrdr"stor O.,.•d.or1)011hof lirowning's 15111.; she e. mmmntmmmft? mm!Pt tnft? rnfit m� TAILORINut Nw SnrIn SIII61(Igs %Ve guarantee Best Workmanship. Best Material, Best Fit and Prompt Service. Conic to a+..1 it .i tet our materials. W. JOHNS. Howey's Drug Store Ex Merchant Tailor - t't(•r, (,•stain EXETER - ONTARIO, a US 4 4S S US 4itt 444lu 144 a a 1 31 3 1 A