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Exter Times, 1910-06-02, Page 7
''iS r'l Q it c'c• Ir : 4 SECURITY1 Oenuin© Carter's tw Hints for Busy Housekeepers. Recipes and Other Valuable Illformgt,loa •f Particular Interest to Women Polka. 11111114 MIS('KLL.\NCOITS ItI•.( II'I•:S. j sugar, one cupful of milk, one and scattered Potatoes with Ouim, m' -half cupfuls of chopped pecan Suuco.-•Parboil white potatoes and cuts, four eggs, the rind of one le slice them thin. Melt in u sauce mor. grated, two and one half cup - pan a generous tablespoonful of full of flour, and two good tea - Little IA\Ter Pills. butter and fry in this two sliced un- spoonfuls of baking powder. Frost- lun>. 11'11(41 they begin to brow„ irg : Grote the rind of one good Must Bear SIYrature of saki• than out and stir into the • I•ange, them squeeze all the juice. ea !Leel butter a tablespoonful of tl•cn add about one-half pound of flour. and when blended add a cup-, I�Lwdered sugar, so y„u can spread �1 �'u-� it, ,SIJ:' fid of milk. When you have a snlnuthla on cake. I)rruratr top and sides of cake 'whole pieces sn.•'.tl► sauce ,easau with Salt and with h le p ees % !, to pepper, and, if a strong tla- � of 11111.1.t ,1 •�t oniun is liked, add a fe.vi THI? SEWING BOOM d,, l„ ..f union juice. Put the po-+ Lara - alis, a greased pudding dish For Darning. For ordinary flue ill ,.,•1s. aprinkltng each layer hose sew bobbieet over hole, then e•.l t: !,'r- •f butter. four in the. darn hole one way. Darn oter v. a is .Lute, dot with crutnla and g.,blet instead of darner. i ande. 1 t ,utt r b: light bake to a 1 , q T( nt• ,ia raveling after hand brown. !made scallops have been ln,etrr Apple While-. Set a fent of sweet- est stitch the outer exlge oatf the cued apple sauce in th.• ice chest damped scallop firmly on the ma - until very cold. (teat the whites of chine h. fare marking the scallops. fi ur eggs stiff. Into the Stiffened! Felling Hitt. ''se the soft white elates %ship the apply suttee )r: the cord that i. sold for heavy cording spoonful until alt is u led. Fill alas -'to underlay ,olid white embroidery. s,.s with the mixture, and put :► it saves the many underlaid stitch - spoonful of sweetened whipped ea, and gives the work the smooth cream mn top of each glass. Servo' appearance that few embroiderers Would Often Lie in Bed Forcold• i achieve. . Days, Scarcely Able To Brunswick Stew. --Prepare a pair' Making Mending Easier. --How Turn Herself. • of fowls as fur fricassee. Wash teeny of you know that rents in each joint and wipe dry. Put into woolen goods can he emended much an iron pot a layer of chopped salt,'1 •, t•o n• •• ••ly by using the rubh.•r Mrs. Arch. achntre, Black Point, N.8., park, sprinkle this with oniun juice ttsate than by halal ' Tort til • writes:--" For ye:(re I was troubled with an,t lay 111 SIX small ►ut::toes that !• weak back. oftentimes I have lain inf g,...ala wrong side up, ay a pi.•,•'• bed for days, being +e•arcely able to turn have been parboiled and cut into ,,f the tissue a little larger than myself, and I have also been a great dice; on these put the contents of the rent over and user the ti atm a sufferer while trying to perform sly: a can of corn. then the contents of pieee of good like the piece to he household duties. I had doctors attendd a can of string beans and lay the melded. 'then easel smoothly ing me without ztsil and tried liniments fI,w.ts un to of all. :\s each layer and plasters, but nothing seemed to do p w its n 41amp (loth hand prise with ire any good. I was about to give up in is put- into the fat sprinkle it with a hot. iron until dry. The place despair when my husband induced ale to salt and a little white pepper. will hardly show. Can mend torn, try Dean's Kidney Plata- and after using When ill the ingredients are used c at!. trousers, and umbrellas in two boxes 1 am now well and able to do pour in a gallon of curd water, this. wap. my work. 1 am positive 1)oanb Kidney (ever closely. and simmer gently. \la411-as ('11rtnin Hint. Madras Pisa ter ill that you claim tor them. and [ le; three hours. Uncover the et,' 1 would advise all kidney .utlorers to give I curtains are pretty and easily lama thein a fair trial." lay in six sliced tomatoes. peeled, dered. (:et wide. amid gualitV Ma DOaN'S KIDNEY l'ILL'are ii purely , and sprinkle these with a little sit- , deny, brink of better texture. Lay vegetable medicine, redising quick, per -1 gar and salt. Cover closely andmin strong cods of naphtha auap, run Amnent medicine that wlwill,ib„liue;l after erve Back- stew for another hour. Thicken' stick through hems. and hand on hat a l with a paste made of t'.t' table- line. When neatly dry take dew n ache and all forms of Kidney and Bladder I s ►o„mints of butter and there of Disease. i . ft Id evenly, and amoothe with ymnr Price, 5n ern!, per box, or 3 for $1.25, flour. bring to a hard boil and' h„:.41 This cin he done, in a few at all dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Lim - set ve in a deep dish or platter. 1r:•mutes, and hank more slily eel Toronto. (ant. Batter Bread. --Beat three eggs 11 an when ironed, and the Noire ordering specify "helm's." light, stir teem into two cupfuls „f ul design is mare pmmincnt. milk and add a half cupfn! .f cold I 1111,1. 1 . i boiled rice Beat to n smooth bat -I n,., all-lifhle. onftl .f etgretled my choice, she say`- Produced Annually by the lit Bizet' melted butter, a teaspoonful of saltt,-111$1•1111/11- RNt?1C1.':ii: `Ise is Fart!' a:arlr prmud that,, about 700 voting Iiu--iai girls are' ('onnlricr of the World. I and two cupfuls of southern arra- (_ d sores will generally yield to ehartly tm follow her rtautpte, hn%'- t ! meal. (teat hard and pour into a a) application of salarat i-. :alit been trained at Professor Bele Production of sale of eigalettes:• greased pan. Serve as soon as' 'fa improve tough meat and make. Ijubsky's traPolined ehnie Aeadeuhy for 'csxin .... .... .. .. 1441351.746.0 10 hnked. 1 It tender, rub it well w ith a cut 13,355.�^,9,•)l)9 Wamen. There are four divisions 1sparagus Loaf. -(tut the top lernott. s i ited States .. .... 0,411,6 1,409 (.rust from a loaf of stale bread andI Baked things will not keep well " the academy -tine for engineer nlanv .. .. ,. .... 5,243,001,(X,0 rt Inose the crumb::-. leaving only untesa thoroughly cold before ing . anther for ('-htrutcchnieal Al,.tria .... .. ...... 4,309,974,000 Cllr side and tx,tt11m crusta of the st. red. %cork, third for atr•hitecture, and 2.793.957.000 _ a fmurth fir chrmi5try. Alllr. Franco .... .. .. ... 2.793.95;.000 loaf. Set this hollowed loaf in the1 .\ corn many be eased by the a Hun 1 876 096 000 ! p Bandurina owes her 1,rofeasi�nal we I -.►.-Amite tt rapper Very .unll .v.1 es cess 10 talo as 1.450. , lrfrft SIEAOACHE. RTERS Hot QIIIit(ESfI. V8!1 >;I!!o!.t3'tf'S$. Fer -r 'VAPIDt 1VER. t,.J . fC8 (1CN3iIPAT10N. t}Otl EAitet'1 SKIN jr0R THE COMPLEXION CURL •`'ICk 1--ADACHE. Had Weak Backe 1 be washed every week. Plants take! in ai much neurishrnent through ILcir leaves as through their roots, mitt it is impossible fur ltl4nl to Jr' this if the leaves are covered with dust. Beeswax or mutton suet may be rt hoed round boots and shoes in tel t weather to keep out the damp. To preserve kid shoes rub there , over at night with a little 4rtseliie, Cls' polish them in the morning. ' The sante treatment may be ap- 1 lied to patent leather. '1 ho best way to (Icon nt white THE S. S. LESSON 1 IERNAI'ION.tL LESSON, JUNE .i. Lrssnu X. Jesus Ih:II1,s in the lira, Malt. 11. 2a -all. Gulden 'feat, 1!:111. I1. ::t. Verse 22. He r••nstraiucd the dis- 29. Colne. And Peter went' -AT could Not Sleep command (t•oul Jesus was all that, he 'a!kneecl(d 1)011 the Luke 5. (' ,l n' The Day'k 11'a!ke(I upon the muter, to come . to Jesus -The etas is a hold Doctor Said Heart and thing, in order to prove his loyalty, Nerves Were Responsible. wa•• native to Peter. (.'t year late: lir said : `'1 will lay duw'n ilv life There is inany n man and woitntn toss. for thee.) The w olds imply xutne ing night after night upon a sleepless bed. thing more than a mere attempt Their eye; do nut elnse in the sweet and refreshing repo.o that cornea to those cutting in instatt failure. He made whose heart and nerved are right. Some actual progress. constitutional disturbance, worry or 30. Whet he saw the wind -His dise.tse has so debilitated and irritated trt obit began when he took his the nervous system, that it cannot he eyes off Jesus. The rest followed quieted. Mrs. Calvin Stark, Itusamore, Ont., 1 et amel bath is to put a little tut eiples to . . . go before him 'l'ltis bat itably-first., fear, then a lose write+: -' About two scala ago I began ' pendia in a saucer, get a small bare statement does not explain of faith, then failure. left to his to be troubled with a smothering sena- ! piece of rag anti 44e11 rub the hath either the Lord•, urgeuc,. mr the 1,wi weakness, he must have rea- tion ut night, when i would lin down. 1 4101 over with the turps; then srtub elm:tient reluctance of Lite dis ' liztd suddenly how pre,;uilptnous got s;) bad 1 could not sleep in the dark, tl.e hath with soap and wenn ("pies. 1WIly did he %Lias to be left it was to attempt such an *inlets- ' writer. \., matter how• (161% the alone till he -huuld send the luttl , anility alone, and his extremity i bath is. the dirt will disappear like ti,cdes swat ' Jahn alone gitea fotccd from his lips that last de - magic. fly' answer. lie says that Jesus; untiring ere of faith, Lord, cavo Dress Hint. So nlatiy people s,.t that the pt�,i!.• "were about rut. which has brought deliverance have trouble with gingham theist,: 14• toms• and t•rk•• him by force, to t„ so many leen. ie shrinking and fading after they take hien king." They wore iucit-j 31. 1Vl erefore didst thou doubt - are made. %Viten you buy a new e:1 to it by the miracle ; for a Lt•a-, It was his little faith. and not his gingham dress take one tablespoon . clition existed among theta to the brave attempt to come. that, Jesus NI of turpentine. one handful .at. effect tlutt the corning Messiah' rebuked. Read P.sa. 77. 19 ; John . salt. two-thirds pailful of cold would feed them with bread from 1') 5; Phil. -1. 13. , wider.tt u; suds in aver Leaven Moses . _. They • Put the as 1 e. r , f s , F % had done in tn. weregone1 into the g t o p night. and you will have no more'v i'derness. It was to shield the b• at With the grasp of the Mas - in as when 7_e.:....._________ dir'ciples frons Lite vicious influents t(•r's baud Peter's faith was reviv- ceedingly popular one. Hundreds _- of this :sincere but Misdirected en-' ed, and he was able to carry of natives, laden with presents. at- thusiasstu that Jesus turned through his undertaking. probably tended the ceremony. All the tf,'O)lEN I.\1,1\h.KRa. 11uaightwav to the task of getting' %talking on the seal with Jesus in chiefs and nobles were loud in their and would have to sit up and rub my limps, they would become to numb. My doctor slid my heart and nerves were responsible. i yaw Milburn's Heart and Nerve fills advertised and got a box to try them. 1 took three boxes snd can now lie down and sleep without the light burning and ran rest well. I can recom- mend them highly to all nervous and run down worsen. a Price 50 cents per hoe or 3 for $l.25 at all dealers. or mailed direct on receipt of price, by the T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Set en Hundred It nada it Girls to them into the boat before he freed' coining to the twat. praise of the King's choice. King himself from the p( uple. 1 3;:. 1Worahinpad hint --A favorite (;(orge was attended by two pages, Euler 1 rates+ion. . 23. \Wtlt up int,. the mountain verb with Matthew. and Princess Takibo by six brides - Mile. M. 1). Ilamlurina, t'he first apart to pray ('heist's desire for 'thou are the ion of Cod -liter- maids. R1: -slam lady engineer, told some tl . retirement and quietness which alis• -God's Son," the Greek not In 1899, when the King was 25 thing recently of her entry ante i,,. found in a mountain iv severali thing the same as the full Messi- wears of age, he married Princess her profession. She i; quite a times referred to (Luke U. 12; 9.1 rink title, the Sun of Cod (as in Lavinia. His Majesty succeeded his young girl. She looks a little aver .;) Matthew, Mark. and .Cohn' Matt. 2•;. 63. for exarnple). They gicat-grandfather, George Tubou, worked, but sac has great ;lapel all record it here. It wits a crib-: were thoroughly amazed, and ready in 1593. His predesaor's reign for for the future. 4 al hour in his ministry. Popular t., acct Lim .)esus as more than hu- the last six years was somewhat The begiuning was certainly enthusiasm for hint had reached its men; but the full meaning of his st( rmy, the elderly and ease -loving very hated," ,he said, '•hut I have,.climax. and from now' uu st(':ulily m'•ssiun had not dawned upon them `monarch constantly getting into disfavor with the British Governor of F ji for handing over the Admin- istration dlnin ist ration to any stray adventurer who took his fancy. Tonga, as a part of the Friendly Islands, is a few more examinations and then I tale mountain, therefor0, is a kind --- protectorate under the British .hall be recognized as a fully re; of forest:ul<ving of the lonelier /truantry Displaced by a Bandit Crown. spr•nsilile engineer," Mile. Bandit- I;lye n} of the garden. 1 Chief. j One "Prime Minister," whom the rata's specialty is the drawing at' leaven way cow,. This must be; The saying that them is sonar Governor of Fiji thought it neees- plans and mathematical work. She, ieeoncilcd with a similar statement' among thieves sugge: is the thought !airy to deport, had become, when 1s not quite sure if n woman s phy in verso 15, as both unquestionably that if the virtue began a little fur a warship arrived for him, bit is siva! strength will suffice for such i,.for to esents in Lite same day. thei hack it might prevent any marker at the lural club house. details of practical engineering as lnlang the ,sews it. was the custom% practise of the profession. How'- When came the reign of a mission - dealing with workmen. But hither to distinguish between a first and a eters brigandage tieing an estate ar• t• who made the old King's life to men have, she says, always been n misery by preaching to him and - card evening, the first curie- lisped fact, one may permit him too. considerate to her. `'There are rutting down his privy purse. At ponding to our late afternoon sell to admire the gallantry dis- br:.nchea in the engineering proles i (Luke speaks of it as "when the played by the bandit whose exploit last a conspiracy was gut up, and 81°111•'. she says. "where a woman tale missionary Premier, when driv- +dn'- organ to decline"), and the is described by 11 r. Andrew F. CaO do very good work and gain a+ ,,,,n(I beginning at sunset and ( •' in his book, "round About i,1K out in the cool of the evening rei.ututiou." ju1 a landeau with a daughter, was (• stunting intra l9lc night Jesus the Carpathians." MI!.'. Bandurina chose the work already been employed by the ehief; dretined. Not long after it is said even after the feeding of the ntul- eltRlneers who are constructing the that '•many of hist disciples went titudes. This agrees with Mark U. Ochta bridge over Cho Neva, and I hack and walked no more with •'i 2. _* have obtained some work on the biro." Official hostility also deep - Nicolas Itailway. I have to pass al rated from now on. This prayer in A RE.tl, R1111ANVE. s••ught the solitude of the ni to ,W certain lady, the widow of a `''•ghtly wounded. He then retired because of her special gift for ma grin. (lien• just as twilight w•a.• %au-, aealthv man of title inhabited a to Auckland un a comfortable corn- Lhenautica. ".tad (hate peter }et 1-I.iatt into darkness. It r.ely castle not far from the route: is tenet'. 21. In the midst of the sea This le ;worn Buda and Vienna. One lateM. Basil 'fhumf son, sun of the discredits the .,Id attempt to ex-; morning the received a polka note .Engl nd top of fork, way cent 1,4310 the miracle by saving that, request•ing her to provide that (t'( in England (1 train the present Ding. King George ii. is a elan of beaten Itq the heavy storm, the Eight at ten o'clock a supper ford irgenuih. Perceiving that there b. at had kept close to the land, twelve gentlemen. n1•(1 ashen the disciples saw Jesus' She knew at once the character was money in the stamp -collecting ciazeb,• was really not walking 00 the of her self -invited guests. and de- e e- tlarce he issued new sets every enter but on the .herr. 1 %lsed a novel erode of defense. She three months, and made a good in - Distressed -Literally. ''torment- dnled tint send for aid, for she come -stopped only by the Clover - ed ' : Matthew says of the boat,' knew ctery road between the castle i !;: of Fiji, who stepped in and eta' Mark. mf the disciples. The anxi- at d any town would bo watched to I bleed a restraining hand on This • • Loa progressive manoeuvre. le'. t Bary .. ,• •. ••• , 1 • . ,, o.vet until (cite (icy. l'ut sleeted pia -titian of a little oil of pepper- ct ' .•f the utile blind was no doubt,) 1( est cmm�nlnleat lon, so she Italy .... .... .. .... 1.522.5:3.000 1 f f Pi sk.11 rntlrely to Professor Rcle�ub.I d I,y the rc.ollection of the male her own plans. arparngna into inch length`, sea- mint. , st increase Ruurnania .. .. .. ... 270,941,993 son to tast'•. mix with a good white' When bnving fish. remember it 1 f•,rnler stern' %heti .Ir -us canned :1t ten that evening up rode an In this table the little cigars pro- I Fatter and fill the h'lloe%ed loaf t al.( incl be stiff. and the flesh firm + ---- I tap sea. Then it was daylight and 1 armed band of twelve. The great du(ed in the Unitad States are in %%its this mixture. Replace the to Lite touch, los was with Chem; now It 1s night gate of the outer court was thrown chided as cigalet•es. No attempttap crust and set in the oven un 1 large eottou reel Inas he neat -C111 Ill 1 a 1. 1(1 1. 1 a Fat 11 a, i aim he 1. abs'•nt. 1 open as if for an honored guest. the horse; he is hlind 10 one eyes' has been made h: the compiler of til hot. Serve. cutting in ,1i(es. Ily catered, and Llatenrd t.• rho - The rntrth watch -Plum 3 to The lady herself, tithly dresses{. amid the auctioneer. (hese figures t(. .re . nt complete. K f f Strawberr float. -Cover two tl, .'r with a long screw for a it r Ill o • t„•r tents u,l• It u,. 1 1. 0 i.nl. This i, a Ilnnran method of stood at the entrant • to rev( ive. l The borer was soon knocked down statistics for all the countries of y 1„ , She at once selected the chief. bade to a spectator, who had been great- St of ripe capped atrawherriea ! - do tad to t,. • , nrk•.ting, adopted by the Jews 1 g the world; so far a• they go. host-� ! Itlanket while drain; h ild i. I,,,�)e !ecentt live .curs before this, Mlle aelc•ome, and gave orders that ly struck by the auctioneer's hon - 10% they are offici:hl. 1 with granulated sog:u to extract It,..i• s:.. ., .. I tied The inland revenue report for the1 Ca. juice. Strain thry ugh a clltese'tlell beaten makrttlhc�s flune ff... carpet I:.7, -•r :u. i n( err :nd1 ' n :+114 l',► to that tone ths•y divided thefor Then. taking the arm of the. .after paaing for the horae. ha the horses should be well cared erty. r,• th hast. heat the white of five lint% into three watches. beginning fiscal y.'ar 1.. March 31. 1909. givesgambit/1g 7 • •ff I I l t th d 1' •i 1 11 HALF THE TRUTH. "Gentlemen. I can't lie about scrams r was chief. she led the way to the din-' said : "Von were honest enough to the mntput mf cigarettes in Canada '}g' rt and add u em, gen u I Potato soup is much inla,r•.trc r• v the case with the D,11.'• , • Welling t. it 1 6 p.m. in- rt. 1c11 Inc that this 11101Tlal was blind the addition of a little chopped tte• who th.nn>{h ,barged to its hr- He came tutu the!;, - why had ho •e u atercress, sc•atteree1 over just be- dr lad ••d ao Iona ' Mark declares .\ go( frau was spread on the in one rye. Is there any other (le. 1, re serving. in addicted to iiia}ut:c haittul' f ,t.,. w•nt(hing them front tho tr.ble. and the-ideboards were erre- fx41 !•' r.:uintain••d (lest1 never in tl,+ cau'`e' reed with a magnificent dimple of. "Yes, sir, there is. He is also .1 little flour spread aver the top of his life had he won or last %writ 'h.'r He wuit,(1 Inti) they erre g dimple). ►► 114 3.16.1'39.3SO. SENTENCE SERMONS ally. the strawberry pulp. sweeten- ed to taste. into a pint of rich er am stir the sw• et, ncd jai• Line a g'n.s bowl v.ith teacart 11s. four A man's faith is her real farlune. ie the p-nk sIr:tw'botry cream and Love gives awry in order not to heap the stra;aberry m(.ringer by IoFe. spoonfuls on the surface •'t the Charity is not Innde to go far by cream. Serve as (add ac 1, spreading it thio. Von cannot irrigate this c::se rt by pr( aching for tears. English Muftns.- �.', 4 .1 i.l+ll mita and n tcaspot i f:;l ' 1 1, I \I'I•en the milk is !ultra .l+ , 4.1 t .i, t Love lifts up when it (lees net cupfuls of flour that ha- )e • f' crow it is bending down. ,•,I with n teaspoonful .f:I t and Von cannot list( n to (1..l I„ I...: in rl gill of maim nater 1+1 truing a deaf enr lu rnen. el n half yeast cake has bee 1 The more a man hugs him,e1f dlssulted. Set the hatter it a the smaller he hecomes. warm place for about six hc,trs. or Any kind of thottghtlese charity i until light. When light add n clip i• pretty sure to be heartless. ,.i flour and tearing off bits of the 1Vhr'1 piety is only skin 41( ep It ! (I(nl•.th, forst them %%its floured !s quite likely to affect the lungs hno(la into rotunda and rt to tisr A Tittle sunshiny praeticr is {�{ tot a half hour. I,ny in greased w, ,th a lot ,.f rr I ',ash nc 1•• , t, % 1 meffin rings, an a hot griddle and t -.,k pith brown on our side le - fele turning and browning ma the • ! taller Side. Constipation Iinnnan ice ('ream. Rrmuvo (, a x r skins front f ur bananas and For Years. soave. tion feree through a sieve. T. banana pulp add tine cupful .41 -- sugar, one and ane -half tablespoati lids of lemon juice. a kw grants of •alt and one .Bart of thin cream. I"iceze. using three parts of finely Crushed ire le one pars wf rock salt, vbie1, insure.; n smooth. line grained ennaiateney. acme in taupe glasses m'1.1 earns -11 !1'h seC- tm,na of banana •c:•. n -I 1 •plied (h'•rries. atato Salmi -tut larva (•. t„<1 hnnanns in halves cr'�--%''-c and eta section; fr* nl skins. Ire u:oe(' bananas. serape. rut in slices, then cut slices in rubes. To cube.; odd nn equal gtar~tity of canned 1,raa and marinate with n Ferules (1rtecang. Fill skin %•its mixture. arrange ears on n lettuce leaf. and gorllis!1 with three still's of ban:Ir,t mverla{,Iing 11111' anmlher. \nt Loaf. Put in a bowel and stir lea atliar three fat( rtha elll,fll) a1 Lett r, too and one-half cupfuls of Troubled With Any irregularity of the bowels is *1. ways dangerous to your health and Anna! Le corrected at once fur if tali is riff( done constipation and all aorta of die• uses are liable to attack you. ptilhurn's 1.3%1.1.1ver fills cure ('un - E' stipation awl all Stomach, liver and Bos el complaint A. Mr. Henry fearer, 49 Standish Ave., Owen `found, Ont., writes: " Having been 1rold.lel loryears with constipation, and trying various so-called mniedics which del me no good why:e. er, 1 was peraus.lc•d 10 try Milburn's I.:era-Liver Pill(. I brave toned them most hence octal; they are• indeed, a e.,leatlid pill, en•1 1 can heartily n ') lt,nend their to ail thane who suffer 1:. . coa.tipat;un•' • i'rlr;e. 's r rot . . .:al or 5 for 41.1:e at all .1.'.'.IY . s -':i dia'•'1 141 :err.:,: ;MCC i.: 1 ( 1f Ibiro (:u., Len• ••d, ., r t" • Jt.. , cake.. before they are Iced will tl.,•I..nghly rxhuustrd by their geld and silver plate. blind 1n the other eyel ty pounds at any game. It •.%.1 • The leader c f the robber hand at-. 1 . • reit the i int% from rtnning' different. however, with the other total,- rex, %tions, and in the die - `,'•w' flannels Bust ulanys be exit! nuts. It miss the sank rtnrted back it surprise, but recmy 1 Clothes do not make the Inan- chriatcner mf hoots who r,Ime (" it,%, for his friends which Hamm_ ('ring FIs presence of mind, he (•nlm w., lied in two lathers. There is a help 1\'(Ilingtmn at 1Wnterlal'• 1 1 1 armed hlm:+elf t/\' los h11atcsa. even if lie does owe a good deal t0 ., -fain amount of die`s to get out )iluetchl r was mrdinatilt (..,1<I o1 '' • bins to remain two days "in the ) hi• tailor. 1 1 fl I k Wirt n the mrnl wets nearly fiitah Lef•.re the dirt will mmye. (.1d tablecloths should nut he dis- suns of money at Ila% Wait to 11 tl•at Lazarus Irus anti sick.They must t the cur tea out has watch. I hitt o s �I rl. 1, tl hap- «Benne ,r, c,f fur rag.. (tut out the bent dl.auat this pa•si,•sl was Itherife(f ase• ! ilea% temente, of my life hate al- • 1 hers and use far face l ,wr Is 1 his In who held often to he re f; alibiing and repeal •1!% Inst Incur 11 :Ir''' w ,ere to ens after 1c Ilrty I I t k t )a 1 their lesson through trug ,1 'till ' lie said. " t 1 I hitis " I .. m towt II. S t , Ilea. are delightful% soft far the btkrd by his father for his visits t•. Walking mon the sea- See wean etas 1'1'1.11 the ahnrte%t, uave tae gaming table. and was Risen 2) , art stains on linen should he many a wIuolranrne lecture titian his 20. The disciples saw him-- Mark I must la ep, bit before 1 go allow rnhbe(1 ns soon as pn•siblr :with youth and inexperience.1 I t t tt 11 ethylnte..l spirit, and the r.tnin.• Our morning, howet.'r. young• n*tmther engagement to -night which says "they sll saw hu," and thele re- II'(' to tell y 0t that in appealing to 1"'a 1a• They all saw him." There ily honor as yo11 Int( •,•nig I . yet wr,s no (14'!11sian of any kind. , have saved me irntn the (mnllllla- ail; disappear. Cline her presented himself before \1'h" making n boiled apple 1iI , father and ex( !aimed with an i:odding. try the addition of half n n,r .,f joy: "Sir, you snit) 1 )(n(w• teaspoonful of powdered ginger. nothing about play. but here is tw• tah'eslw,'nfnla of auger. and {.r't'f that 4o11 brave undervalued the juice and grated find of half try talent.." pulling mut at the it lemon to the nppl . I snrn•' Lin' n hag of rubies which (aro '.i Recipes. [lase a nuns- Ir had wan the preceding night. In r .f large r,)vel.pes ..f hrnvv -and I anal the truth." was the re wrapping paper. Write the name. pt.::Sail down her( and I will of recipes an Ih' front of the ('111.4'-; tentative you." The (11('e were lope-. By using the envelopes' called for, and in n few minutes neves time and trouble will be('•t Wencher won rill his son's >•'%•(1. money : whereupon. after pocketing Travelling haws, after the I -li the Lash, he rose from the table, (lays mften balk terry travel aur•). : "Now sun arc• Chit i 1). ash Ihosr of black leather with ss a - , . ht when I told you that ymu a ga• d hoot polish. The brown ! w( old never win." Laos shit!(' be first washed with '1,(idle soap, and then polished with hl('wll 1,00t polish. When fit mg !into or baron for hit akfast always place it in the pan 1t foie putting it on the tire. It 1,1; (laughter !'• asked the mother tioks and browns much quicker m! the pate blonde. :tad better than if put on in warm ••Peas indeed I (st. the 1.'11111.trill rollfeatied. "anti not only 410 i if the hands are sfaitied from !•..• hili, but I love him. But i can holt ..r any household work. rinse ,,, ser nerept hint for 111.1 11401111111 44(11 i1► (aid water withollt seep. Ise i- t• tulatoin," Iten rub with a ((tweezed !emote \\!1 a •l .,n mean by that, t SIiE: I.OVEI) HIM, i1UT-- "Don't von like Mr. O'P4slery, THE SYMPTOMS ARE 'rightn(saa across the Chest, Sharp Pains and a Difficulty in Breathing, a 'fhry were troubled- -'though they! err eve ar appealed dDad my hvnrrr m. lin Mater of ction of hick Phlegm, oratftr;wrnl r s 1 sae plainly enough, they did not II greenishyellowish know hire. God Uft(•'1 come, to en r• 1 a'n. .ta fur nit' inert, I charge corning from the bronchial titles when rescue with help which we dm amt them to take northing (tool this coughing. especially the first thing in the recognize na 511011. Tile rely„f1 le time. He who (li'wIw s dies thn they cried out for fear was. per -i it'steet." morning. )imnchitis is generally the resilt of a halts. that they thought this attest.' fhe hrtgatld then aakett for piper cold eau"' by e4Polllte to wet and or appar:tinn. way 11 nu „anger .,f 011'. Intl. 111141 wrote a few sentei.es incletnent wenthrr and when neglected t,( •Its. 'n: strange ch:itattets. will become chronic. Sttnightwny J(tsua apake to-. "If you or your retainers ever chronic Bronchitis is one of the most t.. thorn - Mark adds the t'.urli.l 10-e anything." he add c1 to his ho•-' general catty of Consumption. ('lire the !tint he seemed on the fw,int 11f tc-s "pout this publicly in die hrst symptutus of Itrunehitia by the the ncnrval town, mut I pledge my of 1)r. 11cx„I'e Norway Pime Sjn1p pant,.,.. them by. This, doubtless,: K' J' I forth tJleir cry . MI rd the milting article shall be +++++++-++ t:e.wledgtnent of their nerd of re tutn4'd.•' hair. ile is ready to g'ie ns suecnr.l The hind departed. 1 fete' weeks bus requires that it ho nuked far. 1 hitt r the chief wag cn1tin•d and op elf goad (*herr . . . L • „et L angel. He 1,104(.41 to be the int- lftal(1 -\fords frequently an the 11tell•hrll %ullllgrr anti wf at luohle lit•/ of Jesus. The separate pas - family mf Ilunttnry• sages form all instruct 1%e and com- forting study. There is n., •iluation in life calling for alarm. if only lie is near to help. 2S. Peter --The piclni( it :1• • • r ate na shewiig hint to 1.. a 1'•:111 , f .t M %1111111:1: I\ FON I: 3. bins Geortie Second 1•akea a Neu If 9eeti. ♦ - lire achitis • Cured. Missy \lartha Bout'. get Little l'n).os, (tile., writes. -Last spring 1 WAS 4rry ismrly, had a bid cough, sick itead- n e e, could riot sleep. and ase tined all the time. I con - silted tau doctors. and both told Inc 1 had bronchitis, and adviud 1144' to give up teaching. 1 tried almost everything but none of the medicines gave me any relief. Ono of my friend, advised roe to try 1)r. 1W.(.1,'! Norway fine Symp. 1 bad ly scarcetaken the first bottle %I.rn 1 helot. to )tet better and when 1 hail taken itrlpettuusll(ts.a and (1.1, ing at her I h lug 1 • i I r ,a Walt the fourth bottle 1 felt as well as ever. my than of depth, with Ow .411 1'o% r .rrir(1 %1's ., 1 „i•n Doily cough Ilea left tneand 1could ;Irepwell.' 6nlurnl cunshinatien of ' . nti ' •' 11:111 cmnr,l,uud• , + iu►1 hap. Dr. \\'ofd's is the original Pine Symp. i11 the Jlnstl r analcm11i'I' nc 1 ! Llnd of Ill• 1',Irilir) to it is put air in a yellow wrspl'er, thane pier ln.. I le %ride mark, old the price t11(`11 1.1%1xe again. \\Nall w81111 soap d,, ,1 e. at, •1 the ie.,' her. hmtarlf. Compare the `1,.1'r !r1' I't.te.e'a Tula S, i.,. 111.1)0.. n 1)1:11(1• •25c(•n1A. sThrrPArt` many imitations of at d water, and the stains a ill hate The pale bluntly heist into tears. Jahn 21 j (1, of sixteen . II . .1 n tenlnrk Or. 1Wou.,%4" 1:0 br ntre you recriyr the disappeared. le'••a11, n, halm ,•" she (gibbed. If it be Ilion - lndi( aline tient ah!% line gi11 , 1. 4 :we. TIIC g.•,vttne when you ask for it '1'„ help ratite ()reel. 'rho no, -• 31,• rt•i,h"r II that 1 e•an't P. let's doubt:, were u•:l all 4 -petl- ling had been it a alower %ince %lannfsetured only bv•The 7•. **ore lea% es of plants kept indoors should 1; t.':'• h in 1t11i11 "e "' el I ION. and the 11111 riige was en ez• Co. LWlite(l,-1•otout0. I)nt.