HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-02, Page 6- The Diamond Crescent Or, A MODERN ROMANCE. 1 CHAPTER V.-- (Cont'd) 1.• Halide pointing to the crescent, Evelyn Derrick joined us as he ( that those diamonds aro of enc•rin- fi( isshcd speaking. She was a tall, art's salve? 1 have not see" u sch nee fill girl, gentle and dignified F4°"" 111 any shop in London. I fu manner, with a pale, relined dare not say what that one crescent face. Site was pretty in a wary, but alone is worth. or that emerald bracelet. Jewels of such value as not to compare to Aurelia. Evelyn bracelet' aro a grave responsibility." ' Ire stood, shaking'tis head a little, and turning the crescent in his hand. "Wonderful!" he said. "Wonderful! 1)o not tear up that piece of rice -paper, Miss Derrick." , Ito added, taking it from her. 'file crescent was wrapped in it, and I will put it round it again. All these stones want polishing, and duany of diem resetting. They had au anxious look about her t, t•. Now I do not approve of a Kiel looking grave ; she ought, to be bright and happy, with a smile for everyoee. It is all very well for us sten, who have the work of the world to do to look grave at times, but with women it is differ - eta. and a woman always looks her best when she smiles—at least, I think so. First, Aurelia came .down, per- fettly dazzling in white satin; then George, then Ralph, giving an arni to Lady Mary. who suffered from rheumatism in her foot. Then came the gong, and afterwards a rustle down of more people, young and old, friends of the family who bad come to act, or to see their tens and daughters; but as I never el u!d get even their names right I shall not attempt to give any ao• count of them, especially as they are not of importance in any way. After dinner, on entering the drawing -room, I found that great excitement prevailed among the Jaelies respecting Sir John's death. .About his sad fate and costly leg - a -y they all seemed well informed. 1 had myself almost forgotten the •reason of my taking any interest In my new surroundings, tusk hav- ing even as yet given up the jewels IN PAIN FOR YEARS net give up r:!I ht tae. though. of (•gorse, we let,•t II't count (.n your' "FRUIT -A -TIMES" BRINGS RELIEF fl•i(•nd being amble lar collie at such! MRs. FRANK EATON )lrankville, Out., Sept. 27, Igo9. "I suffered for years front headaches and pain in the back, and I consulted doctors and took every remedy obtain- able without any relief. Then I began taking "Fruit -a -litres", the famous fruit juice tablets, and this was the only medicine that ever did Inc any real gook, I took several boxes altogether, and now I ant entirely well of all my dread- ful headaches and backaches". (Signed t MRS. IRANK EATON. toe a box, 6 for $a.so or trial box, 25C. At dealers or from 1'ruit/a•tivej Limited, Ottawa. 1.1aort hart tare " 'J'.1"• telegram w•a8Y written and dospat.•lied, ('sur hating given WO an 114141r.•-- nitere letters would 111141 hi11,, i11.rtigh 11e 69141 ! •• •lid out lila up there, 1 sincerely hoped he would not be out of the wry 011 this occasion. and I was not a little phased when, a few hours later, I rcceiv.•41 a telegram in reply, say- ing That he could come, and should arrivu by the afternoon train which hair brought inc the dad• before. ('fu be cuutinuui.) sot 1' I:D 111. 111:11 'LIT. Eugli.hwomau Owes 11er Life Ilei Merry Widow • London is prepared to contend that the justification of the enam- ilu tit hat the "Merry \Widow" lid ---has been furthcwmiug. says a de- bpcicl► to The New Turk Herald. Practical experience has been in- voked 14, silence those querulous )CI U1is who complain that such fe- minine headgear blockades the rush of the public at, rude ay stations an 1 other places, gives women the to ought not to 1,e tumbled toget•hcr coming. A rush upstairs un the appearance of huge animated uw in this way in a bag, with nothing part of moat of tho young men h chars, disturbs the acoustic Pro- t. prevent !diem scratching each brought to light the awful fact ierties of churches, and obstructs other. See, Ralph. here is a clot, ► sae view of tourists who hanker to 1 that .\t r. Denis lead retired to pig broken, and here aro some loose , i,:goober, a pre' to rludden and Ke t glimpses of Niagara hulls, the 1'yram:dr, the Matterhorn and stones, and this star has no clasp re tie indisposition, 1 at all. Yon must take thein up to ',Dear ins !" said Charles to Lady eV (`tiuinster Abbey. Here is the some trustwu►thy jeweller, and M'iry' witty a distual shake of his. e„ idenee : have then thoroughly looked bead, "how preen s is life l l "Miss ------- met with a seriuns over." I (-}(-ling occident yesterday. ' runs : Here to -day, and in bed to more "I suppose the second sun was the thrilling recital that appears in I l �„ r, w Support your Aunt glary' an English pros newspaper. specially mentioned, Middleton , ,,,% dear Evelyn; she a ishes to re- „ B I l 1 said Charles, as I drew back to let tic to re•t. Indeed. we may as` Iter brake jammed when she was r,ding down ('rugby street, a steep the rest handle and admire. eel, all go to bed, for there will "Of course," said Lady Mary i)no moro acting to -night without hie, and the machine dashed along sharply, v, "and a very fur:uuate at n great pace. Swerving into 1 >` y poor Denis. 1 only trust he may Wood street, it ran into the 'front thing. to •" be spared to tis till to -morrow, and "Very—fot Ralph," he replied. that ho may be well enough to dio of the Sun Inn. and the rider was "1S is really providential Veit 1to-morrow„ thrown violently against and part- um what I am. Why,I might have Ls my hand evening. 1 ly through a nisi l w consisting of g We al! d s persed for the night, in • ruined the dear boy's prospects if owe anxiety. The play could not platy glass three quarters of an 1 had paid my tailor's bill, and it,t.ceed without Mr. Denis, who n ch thick. The impact scattered lived in the country among the lout- took an important part; and Sir and smashed the bottles displaye•l teicups and daisies. Ah: arty dear' George ruefully informed enc that in the window and the girl was s. Hunt, as I see you are about t(, s• reiv cut about the face and neck. to Sir George Danvers or Ralph; ;all the neighboring houses had Leen , g I remark, how all things here below t:' (d for these theatricals, and But for the fact that she was wear- b,a at the urgent request of all the 5'urk together fur gaud:” that great numbers of people were "'g a large 'Merry Widow' hat, ladies nt once, Ralph begged me t„which part y protected her head and bring thein down to be seen and 1 was not going to remark any- expected. There was to be dare face, she might have lost her life." admired then and there, before the thing of the kind, ' retorted Lady lag afterwards, but the principal. It is now �sagered by mere men rehearsal began. Mary, drawing herself up ; "but, . f, store of the entertainment was that. in the targe of this practical she added spitefully, "I do not t1i • allay. We all retired to rest "They will all be yours you demonstration. the mammoth fe- ' tee: the less rejoiced at Ralph's fervently hoping that the health know," Ralph said to Aurelia. p K mining hat will become strictly de "You shall wear them unyour wed- geed fortune and presperity, when of Mr. Denis might be restored by ri .ueur for bicycling and autuno- de I see, as I so often do, the ungodly the following rnorniu s' ding dray." K g' biting. For no woman knows the "You are always talking about flcurrshing like a green bay -tree. _ _ day or hour when she may be Acing married. "I wish you would Of course," said Charles, s}►ak CH:\ii'TER Vi• thrown through three-quarters of a little pout. ''I wig i you would irg his head. "if that is your own experience, f bow before it. But But far from being better the fol- inch of plate glass. try and think of something else to ______Se tiny 1 was quito looking forward for my own part, I must confess I I( wing morning, Denis was much to it -myself until I came here, and have not fun d it »o. Flourish worse. Charles, who had sat up His Majesty the King has ar How I am quite, quite tired of it like a green bay -tress! No, Aunt [Host of the night with hire. andranged to tP iew the Buy Scouts in r,, W .nds••r Park in June. beforehand." Ralph laughed delightedly, and Sir George reminding me that ev- eryone was dying of anxiety, him- self included, 1 ran upstairs to take tho brow bag from around pie neck, and in a few minutes re- turn d with it in my hand- They were all waiting for me—Lady Mary drawn up in an arm -chair beside an ebony table, on which a areal! space near her had been cleared, (ttsarie» alone holding ra- ther aloof, sipping Isis coffee with his back 'o the fire. "Don't jostle," ho said, as they a41 crowded round me. "Evelyn, let me beg of you n t to elbow forward In that unbecoming manner. Ob- serve hew Aunt Mary restrains herself. Take time, Middleton : only with a view to keeping up ap- 3cur coffee is getting cold. H'un't r4.arancos that he was ever invit- 3(11 drink it first?" cc' to the paternal roof at all, ile- As he finished speaking 1 turned twe(•n 1111 brothers, however, in the cuttenhs of the bag upon the table. The jewels, in the •bright lampligiht, seemed to blaze and burn inti, the ebony of the table. There was n general gasp, a silence and then a chorus of admiration. Charles canto up behind inc and io ked over my 'hiulder. "(iota! gra, iotis •' said Lady 'Nary, solemnly. "Ralph, you are x rich man. Why, mine are noth- 1.'g 'to therm :•' and she touched a diamond and enxrald necklace on ho• own neck• "I never knew poor fl:r John had sn intuit good in hien," "Oh, Ralph. Ralph "' cried Au- relia, elat:;ping her little hands with a d'.•p sigh, "And will they really be my very own 1•' Ralph assured her that they would and that she should net in than 'the following night if she like!. I think there was not it woman prig sitwho did not c 'y Aurelia ss Ralph took up a flashing ilia - mond crescent and helot it against L F 'fair hair, I saw Evelyn turn Away and begin to tear up a small I icer of paper in her hand. Women ore ‘,1y- jealous of each other, rsi et i:111y tho nice, by which I 51.1;11. the pretty, ones. 1 was sor- ry to -.•t• j. alousy so pini.•Iv mark- ed in snob a ollnrnling-looking girl fully a l ranged. the tout lights were "l►„ fou think he would come?" A• 1s cly n ; bu't. worsen are all the lighted. he pisco began, :Ill went, ls4' a -ked. Philie about jewf'ls• Aurelia plush- well till nearly the end of the first "1 nm almost sore he would." 1 cd and sparkled Hud pnlllr415'11(5 act, when thyro was a cry Lrhi11(I said; ''he is a great friend of Ih s clasp relight in her Lair. and the .0411. s of "Ai F. Denis 1"mine.,' "It would be an exceedingly re. d-nntured and ftiendly net.," said Sir George. -Charles --no, I Mean Ralph --bring a telegram fktm ; and if you will write a telr- l;ranl at once, aliddlclon, I will 1.41141 it to the station directly. We shall have an answer by twelve o'clock, and, until then, ss e will Mary, it is a fallacy. They dun t. who came down to bieakfatat tau i am sure I only wish they did. But cool an ' indifferent than e••er t• 1 see the rehearsal is beginning. (awe extinguished any hope that May I givo you an arra to tho .till remained that ho would be hall l" I able to take his part that night. The offer was entirely disregard-) Great was the consternation . f e 1 and it was with the help of Maine the whole party. A vague feclitai that Lady Mary retired from an • c.? reseistineet against Denis pr• unequal combat, which she never` sailed among the womankind, ss1 . seemed able to resist provoking' having all preserved their u' anew, and in which she was invar- litalths intact for the occasion (atai iably worsted, causing her, as I each by her own account WAS :a 04.4114 t" regard Charles with chronic invalid), felt it was c\ the tuna (1.1ratcd bitterness of trernely ineousiderate, not to Sit., which a severely good woman alone iI (lCIieate, of "a great roan like is capable. !loin" to spoil everything by being I sown perceived that ('hairiest laid up at the wrong moment. was on the same amicable terms But what was to he done 1 i)cnis with his father ; that they rarely) was ill, and without Denis the play spoke, and that it was evidently c.,lild not proceed. Must the whole: thing be given up 1 The re was s gereral chorus of lamentation. "I see no alternative," said Charles, "unless some Clirtius w'1; leap into the gulf, and go suite of s, nut h to estrange, them, a certain kindliness of feeling seem- through the piece, raiding the cod to exist, whit'► was hardly to pati; and that is always a failure have been expected under the sir- at the best of times." cumstanccs. At that moment I had an idea. The rehearsal now began. and It. broke upon me like a flash of Sir George Danvers. who had re- lightning- Valentino Carr! I had seen him net, the very port Denis was to have taken. in the theatri- cal.; on the steamer. Iiow wonder- fully fortunate that it, should have occurred to me. I told Charles that I had a friend who had acted that part only the week before. "You:" cried (1►arles, losing all Li 4 customary apathy. "You 41011't soy sari Great heavens, where is lie ! Out with him! Where is he nt this moment 1 England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales? Where is this treasure concealed !" ('.level Middleton! 011. Loa delightful!" cried a number of gentle voices; and I was instantly 5111ronndr4.1, end all manner of tit•cstions put to ane. Would he 'dun a•4 1Wn•t he tall i And 41h : had h' n beard 1 1le had not a heard, },a'. Ise ! because it weldel no (lo far the part. I)id lie net well, When eddholie acted? \Where had he net - 1 Illy fl. -urge interrupted the tor- rent of interreenti'ln, in -mined behind to put by the jewels and lock them up in his strong -box among his papers, canto and snt down hy me, again thanking me fur taking charge of them, though I as'nrecl hila i4 had been very lit- tle trouble. "Nut tnucli trouble, perhaps(, but a great responsibility," he said courteously. "A soldier. Sir George," 1 re- pl;etl, with a slight smile, "be - ton' -s early inured to the gravest respunsibil•ty. It is the air we breathe; •t is 'taken as a' matter of course•" Ile looked keenly nt enc. and way silent, ns if considering something -perhaps wlkit I had said. I was delighl(41 to find the play wa4 one .,f those which 1 had seen acted (luting ours passage home. There is nothing I like se much as knowing a ploy beforehand, be• cause 1111'11 one can nlways whis- lor to one's companion what 1s costlier next. The stnge, with all ;14 n(Iju.tinenls, h114 604:11 care- fL. ok her little head impatI nils. at,d stns altogether enchanting. After the firstlmrstof n(Inlira tion had subsided. (General Mars - II, nn 01.1 (feline eflicer, who had &wren sllu(•wllnt in the rear, came De1.i< s1,n1.1 have rustled en, but II, Deni- did not rush on. The play step,. d. Mr. Denis vac not in the library, the inaprutised green room; M r. Denis did not app - pear s%Isen his name ens called In up and luuked long at the glitt(r sti nterinn tones by Ithlpls, or in Mpg mos! upon 't'." 1 able. p,.111etic falsetto by Cisarlks. In "Are you St%s•o." be said nt last &bort, Mr. Denis was not. forth. Camphor Ice ASEUNE FOR CHAPPED SKIN AND LIPS, COLD SORES, WINDBURN. 12 Vaseline Remedies In Tubes Capsicum, notated, II, nth/Anted. (•art.o- lated, camphorated. white ()side of Zinc, eta Each tie seer cal I•utl(rta w rite for Free Vaxttne clock OH(URRROUCH MPC. Co. .Cons'd, 379 Craig St, W.. Montrenl • I6XEI2, 1tzues Consider the higher rent estate alae of well pa;nte:l buildings, orrrpared veil!) unpainted ones. Don't postp, ne painting — every day dei its damage and ilea up c:,sr, for repairs. Martin-Senour Paint 1000/o Pure N- s the cheapest. Ahsnlntel7 pure and unadulterated, it weary heat, MIles better marl goes further al• m for gallon, than any other paint t any price, 1111176ait14►•er...-,• i f un•Ieclded whish paint t^, ase,vrrite • belay for the risme of nuc dealer near.•t you—ark him about the written wr-tn•.es that beets every claim we aka f..r our paint -a guarantee that ctually protects 7c0, -•• ihn't ecppeerimert when ecrtalnty • '. t•,.. s f.:w cents more. Theresa Afa,M1n t •,,.,•,, Pont for ever, pnrrose-- nr house, barn, as t,grape, wage n, carriage, cultivator and plow—paint nr word and paint for iron --the bast 11 skill and money can pe.,duu. if y.,ur 'Paler cannot supply you. Iry u. at:d we glvdly direct 7041 where sur (.gists 61:e 10 be had s., Decl;r••e Ai/Sulistitutes >trif4,, 6. Write for 1"cstr•ted * be••11et '1.1.111/4 n• •u1Cru1, and t,itetest:nr Mane rani. Free for t•,e asking, Tie M.rlia•Seaswfe. Pinnerre Pure P PLEINE 't Savories used the save as lemon ee vadll•. By dts • oc vsnslata4 sugar is witty •n,. adding lais"y.•delicious syrupIsrise44a.•' u syrup es than le. SIsY ci is geld t; snorers. 11 of send SGe for 1 q tts awi to i1. tsak. vwcsu Mfg. Cs., 3 , Ws Would You Paint? Ittght at the starting point have a care Many uureluble brands ars offered Whnevrr arcs them pays fur ,t. You cannot afford to lose. DAMSAY'S PAINTS are Fold by reliable dealer,. only, bis ked by guarantees and the makers 011• responsible You cannot get the ertabliebed reputable quality 1t any other paint, and you pay only the Proper price - not to„ high and not Ion low, known in Canada for ovet misty veers Write tar our hooklel "w'•' on h.io. painting it will help you it is hand,ulne A. RAMSAY & SON CO., Y.etabli,M1ad 1841. The Paint Makers, Montreal FAIRBANKS s MORSE Gasoline Engines SIZES a, 1, 4, 6 H.P. SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR GENERAL FARM WORK. They are so simple that the average farm hand can run therm, and are practically Fool Proof and Frost Proof. Send to -day for catalogue G.E.-moi, W.P. CO., showing full line of engines for farm use. It means nfoney saved for you. TERMS Special Terms to Formers, The C#NiADIAN T IRBR$M5 COMpANy, Llmlted, MONTREAL •ranshes,--Torcnte, St. Jelin, NAL, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver vans ADnRGsl MOTOR - CARR! Ati-E-S- AWARDED DEWAR TROPHY. The Dewar Challenge To phy is awarded yearly by the ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB fur the most meritorious per- formance of the year under the general.regulations for certi- fied trials. The New Daimler engine has now been in the bands of the public for nearly 18 months, quite long enough to prove its merit; owners are sending in testimonials by every post and we should like to forward to an" person or persons interest- ed a complete set of literature fully explaining this marvel loos new motor. Send also for our new illustrated booklet, "The Dewar Trophy and how it was won," a hi. -tory of the Greatest Engine 'fest on Record. The Daimler Motor Co., (1904) Limited, 114114 COVENTRY, ENGLAND. THE `ROYAL' LINE TO EUROPE SA/LING FROM Montreal and Quebec to Bristol TRIPLE TURB.N° EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS Royal Edward ANO Royal George Triply S- -yew., NI tres>'ni Idol) Susi 'Telephones, I'tt &'ii ;er I ,I,•vntor,, 6 Passenger Decks, 12,0Of) tons. SAILINGS FROM BRISTOL STEAMER Thursday, may 26 Royal George le June 9 Royal Edward June 23 Royal George July 7 Royal Edward July 21 Royal George • Aug. 4 Royal Edward 4. 14 11 AND rnOM MONTREAL Thursday, June 9 " June 23 July 7 July 21 Aug. 4 .4 ;wog. 18 4, FORTNICHTLY THEREAFTER Best Appointed Steamers. The Most Pic- turesque Port. Only four days at sea. The twin ships, the "Royal Edward" and the " Royal (:rut go ' are the fastest triple screw tur- bine beats in the Canadian service. 'ft:e British port is 116.101 (levo hours nearer titan Lit•erpool)- �I•r, ial trains alongside steamers within t ry min. rtes of London. The steamers are driven by the newest type of turbine engines, Insuring a maxi• mum of speed and minimum of vibration. Their equipment is the finest ever teen in (lie St. l.aw• rence. Large staterooms, spacious social apart• ,eenls, sheltered promenade decks, artistic furnish- ings, perfect set 1l, e, and ventilation by Ibe.Ino . tank system, the t es!. .sir being warmed or cooled as required. For full particulars, r ales, hooklets, schedule of saiiings, etc., apply any steamship agent, or write to 11. C. 1301/R L1 ER, Gen. Agent Canadian Northern Steamships, Limited, 'Toronto, Canada. FROM BONNIE SCOTIA NOTES 01' INTEREST FROM 11E3 BANES AND BRAES. What Is Galog on in lbs ighlaado and I.onland•, of Auld bcolla. In Paisley day nursery 168 chil- dren were luuked after !est year. Extending the Paisley reservoir at ltuwbauk will cost $250,000. A young couple were married in a cage containing six lions in Glas- gow recently. The consumption of spirits in Sulteoats during the past yi ar de- eitased by 3,000 gallons. An outbreak of anthrax has oo- eurred at the farm of Itegu,dolo, in the parish of Itathlaw•- Bannuckburn feels that it has the dignity of a town, and numbering of houses has been started, While fishing in the Lossie the other day, Mr. George Walker,. 40- gi;4, landed a brown trout or 4% lbs. Dundee tramways are this ye valued by the assessor at near 852, .768 for assessment purposes. TheCaledonia Shipbuilding Com- pany, Dundee, have booked an eider for a steamer of :;00 feet for foreign owners. Weighing 20 lbs,, the largest sal- mcn for this season, has been caught by Tweed net fishers in the N c,, ham district. Tho workmen at Polinadie loco- motive works. Glasgow, resumed full time, fresh orders having been received- :\ Stunehaven crow is adding to the dear golf ball difficulty by pick. in,r up balls from the course and drepping them over a handy cliff. Greenock burgh police passed their annual inspection on the 14th nit The population is 72,300, which gives an average of 603 for each uf- (icer. A Keith postman, who has re- tired, in course of his duties walk- ' ed about 208,000 miles. or more that] eight, times the circumference of the ghsbe. ' The output of the Clyde ship- bt.ilding yards during April total- led twenty vessels and 00,000 tons, which is the largest tonnage recor- ded since July, 1907. The Dumfries Town Council will efer the freedom of the burgh utA'n Sir Jaynes Crichton Browne an r • • r : ' ent se sites to his native town. The War Office propose to pro - 0(0c1 with the erection of buildings f• - militia stores on their land at llannahfield, and retain th headquarters in Dumfries. At Dumfries the Dumtr' and Galloway Northern Scots ciety has been formed. with Mr. S Phyn, the procurator -fiscal of the county, as chairman. The marble statue of General Lord Saltoun, of Waterloo fame, at Fraserburgh Town House fox nearly 50 years, is to be removed, anal a replica substituted. Boring operations in the Island .•f Itaasay have been commenced by a firm from the south of Scotland. The islands of itansay and Rona contain iron and. coal. :\ new bridge will connect the northern district of Paisley, mean- time separated by the river fart, and will he of great advantage to the inhabitants of thoxo localities, .\ rare event—a funeral on a Loch Lomond Island --took place recently when the remains of tho only son of Mr. I), McLarne, ynchlsula n, were interred in inch Caillieh, better known as the "Burying isle•" In one of the largest shipbuild- ing yards in Port (Glasgow the working hours have been re -ar- ranged for the summer. The men ,'start at 6 a.111. and knock off at 5.15 p.m, On Saturdays the closing hour is twelve noon. The cosmopolitan nature of the classes at the Glasgow University is shown by some of the names of successful students, Sheikh Saterh \tnsad, Mohammed Ahmed, Mostafa 1t. N.sart, fehok Lee Wang. ('he - tai 1'u and ('hen Tunk Shen. st I:\ 11 1111: JAI \'1INC CIR. lnt:t'inn of ('8%1(004 •Threatens Its 1. islrnle, The Irish jaunting car, the de- light of tourists, threatens to be- came extinct. as far as I)lublin i. c. ncerned, The "jars-ies" fav 115.11 tendure, , r, n ' htr us longseries c years, the ravages in their bustirss caused 1►t• cheap local telegraph F1 1 t ire, te1ep)1olics, St reet cors, bi- cycle-:, aa.4 lastly, nut, -nil •biles. Tl.ey resisted the introl(luction of 511..tor buses, and actually (Trove them ort. But now comes the taxi - cal, 54 eking to invade the classic precincts of the Liffey. :I1111 iIn end of the merry •'jar e'" i, in sight. \.,t immediately. for the corpora - tool of Dublin, yielding to pressure from the jaunting carr drivers• has so far withheld licenses from the 1.: ',leaps. But ultimately the cow set.ient and rapid taxis 1t:11 yo t.l.irling around the street- ef lila Trish capital, and the "Inr1i' u' mast learn to d'i'n there• t d 4 1