HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-06-02, Page 3dry++,i.p.;,.p..)i ).1..� 1.1..i.1..1..1144'COMPELLED 1'O
Hill Is. A Very Severe Case of St. Vitus
��_�� sauce Cured by Dr. Wil-
Dams' Pink Pills,
Lingerie go„ ns are taking on St. Vitus dance is a common dis-
tuucht s of bright color. case in children and is also found
S • ••t es generally are still close in highly strung men and woolen.
• --
How a Company of 'fratellerif
Amused fhenisel%e:1.
The Bedouins of fiction are usual-
tTC(. CS.
honk Poi the revved ( 11• 1 •e 1 tr
R'nrn11.U1.lp u•�" I N n, u e ..n. Ota
Milling Companies.
Eaw,a•: sap C°.
inr" 90 Day Street, Toronto
ly supernaturally grave (cilia' IO 'I'UF: (�It.1XI) 11'ORK I)OUD'S
vthe look out on the aurid/ with
"unfutit„uiuble mystery" in their 6111 N F:1' PILLS .1 31;
eyes. Quite a iliffelent picture is 01 'it:.
that drawn by \1t. Norman Dun-
' •in "(:•,in r I)uvcn from J •
ti use -
/cut." it ,..1• n company of tray I'iehcrmen Regard
oilers (:ttr;st:an and otherwise --
that had stopped for the night. One (loon to Mankind
fitting and quite long, Tile only cute Iles in plenty of pure member had just performed a siln-
l'rese.tt fashion demands that blood, because pure blood is the pie trick fur the entertainment of
the figure be kept in slender lines life food of the nerves.. And 1)r. the others. "A feat :" cried Must-
alx.ut tote Itips. , 11 illiau►s' )'ink )'ills is the only afa. "1 too, will perforin a feat!'"
Sortie of the handsome new sweat -1 n.edlieine to make this life food be- We made a ring in the moonlight d
et s are of %%ki'te with large sailor cause they contain the elements and fell silent and watchful, while lay I� (Special). -Among the fish -
g t}.ut actually make new, rich, red the old fellow gravely wound his ermen here, who through exposure
collar and cuffs in color• to wet and cold are subject. to those
A noticeable feature of the sea- blood. This statement has been' skirt about his middle. An athletic
eon's,. blouses is the tendency to, pre vcn over and over again and peiformnnce, evidently some !nigh pains and aches which come from
simulate a '::ikIe front cleein now from Port Maitland, N. 8., t1 acrobatic feat of the desert. I !nigh -
diseased Kidneys, Dcedd's Kidney
their r at td e the remains dogs
rimes another remarkable piece of 1 "Observe!" said Mustafa. I ills aro looked upon as a positive do hcate skin tit tour chtWren The ardent controversy which has
Snide pat t•t leather, and uatul p t} t 1 k d el been waging in England and Ameri-
n k:<! Letts ;t re in high style with •tedcnec of the power of 1)s.. Mil -,Our attention deepened, and boon to mankind. w arc Back- eases, the prude salves made up ca concerning the raglan way to eri-
tired of telling •
how their Buck-' hogs of Switzerland, the earliest of .
s;'t,, w.:, l and linen custunles. Ili:►ens' Pink Pills over disease. '11 r.' Mustafa, having bowed with mucin ' which ditto hour the age .et stone. c se of aching buys in the tun sum -
at lengths vary a Lit, though ` Lyndon E. Porter, is one of the beet politeness to the company, turned; aches and /heir Rheumatism vanish � from rancid animal oils and fats, ( g
kl:awn residents tit that town. He a sumersuult. It has been found that three dif-
mint of them ore below the hip, before rho great Kidney remedy. folent races of dogs existed there
mineral coloring and scented mu; vacation hos prompted the
suffered from a severe attack of St.' then restraint broke loose.
Among many others, 111 r. hrunk' matter to hide their unpleasant ap- (stand Trunk Railway System to
dcl•th and a uuntber have uuvel ,,, Bonfield, atter years of Bufferin al, that time, one of which resernb- pearaneo and odor! Remember that issue a special publication giving
vest &lice's Vitus dunce, and got no help fronts C'atc•h me: shouted rho youngg' le,l the Sil,ct rout sled e du of t•)-
ing are r 1nledicine until he began usingDr. 'er khawaja. Here teas a familiar has found relief in 1)odd's Kidney g g whatever gets into the pores, gets suggestions and practical hints to
gieveskof white suede with the backs\V'i.dliams' Pink l'illsHe says :-'gutne. They reached to seize hire; Pills, and here is what be is telling!(ler. Liter, hen the age s,utwu few into the
things failBtik Uett cures parenscloilsbovsto durimgt to
edo with
"11 Il bad. I h kl leaped hit friends:- g
Henfield 'fells Hut
His backache.
M r.
115 a
'They fared
Garnish, Fortune hay., Nfld.,
II IS 11080 NAME.
"What is your II/11110 ?" inquir-
ed the kind-hearted woman, as she
handed the inte'lectuul-1.'.kitg
tramp a large piece of her best,jel-
ly cake.
"Me real name, ma'am," the
n an replied het ween his eager
bites, "is known only to th' forgot -
t en tLl' SIL`: )'It Ain 1'l)Re teu past; but ever since me gal
l Gold ,•t..• ks bought anti sold. Fon• tui Pled me down, an' her oI' mat/
grower. Reports on Porcupine Write for r th'
'sweatier., P Y. ,Ilairatun. 25 Manning tpl'ned III" out. I've went by
lresele. Toronto, Ont. Hartle of •(�aa, "
Remain,. Found Among Ancient
Dwellings In Switzerland.
Swiss naturalists have recently
"Zam-Bilk" is best for chafed
places, sore feet, or iuflarnel patch-
es. caused by friction. For babies'
sensitive skins it is especially adnp-
presented to the Helvetian society tee', be.<•ause it is of purely herbal
of natural science the results of t•omposition. Don't apply to the
1 i : i ofsc of,
found among to ancien lake w - ihei for cuts, sores or skin children,
Indian Root Pills
Owe their .Iorutnr tr. • t:•enel4 la
curing Rbrune.1,e•o. Lumbago. end
He•latira to lawn power e•1 stiruutafe
lite Pond streettl ening the klathrva.
v enable thine otraue to thor-
oughly Alter Irmo the bh•od the
uric• acid 4the .rodu.•1 of wants
matter, which g•ts Mt, the /mote
site muscles and rausee these pain-
ful dlreusea. (her 1ra11 a century
of couetent u.r has proved ronclus-
la'ely that Ur. M1 r.v's Indian Rq.%
Pills strengthen weak kidneys and
Cure Rheumatism
Iron and woodworking machinery.
engines. boilers. steam pumps, [anoline
engines. electric motors, contractors
a,aobiners. etc. Rend for catalogue n1
over 1400 machines. D. W. PETRIR
Limited. Toronto. Montreal. Taneonver.
stitching of the seams done in'. - !' case was unusually a< . but o younger ►awaja caps species appeared. ,eared• one beinga she
p- "I find Ucx}d's Kidney Pills
the F 1 p• also, for piles, tlstering sores, tori. July and august. me vacation
black. was compelled to abandon work, 1 Plum the quick hands ..f the bigherd dog and the other a hunting Peon is one of the solutions and
f i hl 1 f beat medicine for hackadhe Ihave'P
the publication entitled, "What
'shall a Boy do with tis Vacation 1"
tluroughly covers the ground. A
copy may be obtained fur the ask-
ing by applying to Mr. J. D. Mc -
Dc rald, District Passenger Agent,
Union Station, Torouto, Ont.
The chante'.'Icr belt pun may he ounl it impossible to seep, and muleteer, dodged the catspring u • • du.
k I I
la gift or silver with the rt„•ster night after night would toss about the Sudanese, buffeted Aboosh,' ever used. I only used two boxes 1I1 of these doge were of north
h [ 1
head in gold and red. The head
is in half relief.
/'oat lengths are a bit shorter,
vas ing from thirty-two incites to
the I,lalf length. which is usually
that of the Russian blouse.
Buttons are not now used in
great numbers• and are always se
le, tett with great care to guard
against undue prominence.
Draped effects and overskirts in
some form are so marked a feature
of the gown of the day that their;
absence is almost exceptional.
Buckles made of tiny rosebuds,'
!t.lg(t-me-mote, or other flowers aro
unities; the Frenchiest of the spring
millinery accessories.
!NUR. dot fouliuds are seen in
beauty those of any previous sea-
son advances. Made up with a
plain silk they are exceedingly ef-
Never were silk colorings m• re
sof( and entrancing than this sum-
mer. They are nut vivid. but gen-
erally in wonderful41alf tone:.
There seems to be a universal
lilting for drapery as the artistic
addition which lends grace to the
eat row. %straight lines of MOS!:pin its.
timer materials surpass in
in 11/41. 1 was receiving medical „tertw•-ed the Bedouin, sand darts.; and t ey cured me u Sac ac le ern origin, the canine types of the
case ulcers, cuts, burns, and every
day injuries.
A man isn't necessarily a humor-
t'• itlmeat 1 gradual) grew worse.; whoop like the shriek et a disnp- through a strain. My fathers back erP Syed the Alps. -Philadelphia, lost. because he is good humored.
\i p: limbs jerked and twitched W peering locomotive, They wore at.. also bothered him, and he got some Record.
such an extent that I could not ter him in a flash -a yelping, gig relief from one pill I gave him.) ; i Mlnarde Liniment wed by Physicians.
Never proclaim yourself a fail-
ure Lea.ve that to your friends.
Is there anything more annoying
than hating your corn stepped up -
4.s.,'• Is there hnything more de-
liehtful than getting rid of it? Hol-
ley ay's Corn Cure will do it. Try
it and be convinced.
t;. t,t,•at, but in spite of the careful ed off into the moonlight with a pati heel for five years. it started, Mediterranean lands not having •
ett.ss the floor without falling or filing, hallooing, guffawing pack, h'ney %sere too precious to give/
...pin contact ssith sonic piece leaping over the moonlit Bund like h'n1 stere. All persons suffering A Boon for the Bilious. -The!
i furniture. I could not raise1 shadows. from Backache should use Dodd's liver is a very sensitive organ and;
glass of water to my lips so badly/ 11'celah? but the delight of that Kidney fills." en: ily deranged. When this occurs)
gWi el D 1 f' K' I • P•11 a there is undue secretion of bile and
the acid liquid flows into the sto-
mach and sours it. It is a most
distressing ailment. and many are
prone to it. In this condition a
man finds the best remedy in Par -
melee's Vegetable Pills, which are
warranted to speedily correct the
d;rordcr. There is no better' Medi -
line in the entire list of pill pre-
4.111 Illy :urnis and hands tremble' pursuit, the triumph of rho cap- ly a occ a u tie- 1 scar
and shake. I cannot imagine more lure : i Backache 1 Simply because Back -
severe suffering and inconvenience, Ilio around -a rosy" --and the ache is Kidney ache, and Deed's
than one endures who has St. Vitus desert fairly groaned from the vigor Kidney fills positively cure all
dance. My father being a drug -of the squatting. Kidney aches and ills. This has
gist, knew of the many cures of '•Ball in the ring" -a mad sue- been proved in thousands of cases
1. eted y Dr. 1Villiams' Pink Pills, a
in Canada. If %., lat'en't. used
81111 ad%iscd Inc to try thein. I did, Ce Crack the whip" -and the cls- them yourself ask your neighbors.
so. and with the most happy re -max of
enrtt►ly joys was achieved.
stats. In less than two months; We put- the camel boys on the end 1111111. CATS MOSTIT 1)1:1F.
frons the time I began the use of of the line; we sent them tumbling __-
Oi' pills I was a well man, and I;head over heels, rolling over the ')'hose with Odd F:345 Dun') hear
•have not since had the slightest, soft sand like rag balls, far into the
yrnptom tit the trnablo,e Well -Their Sense of Feeling.
farther moonlight.
:111 over the world Dr. Williams', 11'eelah ! but they would be crack-, The acuteness of the average
Pink )'ills are making just such' ed again. And wo cracked them, eats sense of hearing is proverbial,
cures as Mr. Porter's. They V. with such joyous fervor that we but it is a proverb that needs qua -
right down to the cause of the dis ' never expected to SCO them more. lifying. Fur example, many white
e -t in the blood. In this way they Mustafa clamored to be cracked. cats are absolutely deaf, and
hove proved in thousands of cases 11'^ indulged Mustafa ;ave put Mus..
14 cure anaemia, headache and/ lata where he craved to be, and we
backache., rheumatism, lumbago, pipped hands with a new and
neuralgia, norveusne• 5, indigesti• n,
41, -.line and the special ailtnents of mightier grip, site we ran faster
gr., wince girls and women. Sold by and farther, and we turned more'
abruptly, and wo cracked the old
be•nty e 0 0 ariv1 it `tilers or by mall at_tb•It looks ells _elven.
ail ore• , a ,.. 4><,.ttltw eil+,w.elltt. of tt?b4Zr Ver Il:'rytagaP O� 1CN� l`glrCd cats from owe thelll." Owens -"You are to PP p n
sen site both materials and style r Tares t -
of the hour seem /nude for each i •'0 cents a box or six boxe9 or >(jo the ridge of a sand -drift. abroad, but not one white one in Seymour -"I don't see why.
50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 1 , be congratulated, sir, on securing Ashley -"Doesn't misery love
,2. -
other. (By Mohammed ! he screamed, tt_e number has been able to hear , a permanent
Frocks for summer made in shirt -1 (-'`.••
Brockville. Ont. return'ng. "But there is a deep slut slightest sound. Of course I
Riter-"I don't see how Blank-
er and his wife could have married
fur love."
Salmo-"Oh. they didn't marry
`;torch the poets, young Aman." far love; they married because
r,•', .yeti the philosopher : "search they pitied each other."
tie pacts." "'.eel what's the user" Ritter -"Pitied each other? Why,
complained the ex -pickpocket. "1 if they had had any real pity for
(mce searched a poet an' all I got ca; -h other they would never have
wa'► a pawnticket." 1 tl:uught of marrying."
EVERY HOUSEKEEPER must often art A SiGN.
th.•ugh the idea may appear absurd a• a family ph,' a sono Painkiller for ail
at first sight, I am inclined to be- the i,ttlr ins. cut. and sprains, as wen Seymour -"I uonder whether the
g as fur all bowel romplatnt. is indi••prn.-
believe that the color of a cat is as able Avoid substitute+, there is but one Tiddlebys have been happy since
sc.ciatcd with its sense of hearing, i'•Psinkiller"-Perry Hari.', 25c. and Ser. their marriage?"
says a writer in the Scotsman. 1 1 Ashley -"Well. they've been hay-
have several times imported ('aaor- Snip and Co. hole yem in• g a good deal of company, and
l r:;cyed me to collect the bill ou
waist and skirt are exceedingly p(-1 B1: 1R II ENT IN J 11'.1 N. bele in the desert. where I alight
►1!Inr, nr:d the materials used are ed."
lien 'silk, or the usual summer - -•t'
fabrics. inexperience and Ruety (inns Led HBI, ,
Nimes;; to Ili:•a' Ice.
used td, emphasize important lines • I; happened on the 15th ult., Ask any mother v. ie lois used
of a c.•sturne. They :ecce excel:ent 'shortly before sunset, that some Baby's Own tablets and she will
Jy the desire for a touOa of black. surveyors accompanied by laborers, tell You fhcy are the best. thing in
Rough straws are decidedly smart were still surveying a field at Cy- tilt world for curing stomach And
thea season, nod, strange as it may enai in Esashl-gll(n, Hukkuidu, 1 hose! troubles and making teeth.
seem to the uninitiated. the rough- wiites a correspondent of the Ja- inn easy. This is the highest praise
01 the straw the costlier the hat pan Advertiser. a medicine can get. And we give
may be. 1 While engaged in this work A You the guarantee of a. government
The liihaon plaits are used a /cyst mode its appearance from a analyst. that this medicine is ab"o-
qr( at deal in rl►ildren'a dresses this ease near by, and ambling threat Irately sato. No other tnedieine in
seism. By cleans of these plaits ei.ingly toward the party sprang tended for young children give lm'
tea necessary fullness may be ad t tlpon one of the workmen who was thers such a guarantee. Mrs. Roht.
mirahl• adjust•edl. in the act of running away. The. \Beth, Hotham, Ont., says: ''I
(',,!or in lingerie gowns is some-111.an escaped with a lacerated arnt i cannot tell you how much good
tithes ,introduced in the design of and the bear was left victor, the Italy's Own Tablets have done my
the lace or eUiLroiden trirnmingt field being cleared of its human oc-I baby I ani Seery I did not know
or again in the girdle or about the eupants in a remarkably brief space about them cal'lier." !fold by me-
ce•llartess neck and sleeve. of time. dicinc dealers or by tnail at 2e cents
The coat closing at the waist line The incident came to the know• a box from Tho Dr. Willinrns Me -
i.; preferred for early summer ledge of some local Nimrods, and (i.tiite Co., Brookville, Ont.
,•u IS, at. it provides the deep open- some days inter bruin was tracked----Ce-----
ih.g which is pretty with the lin- to his lair. One of the gallant hun- It, takes a lot of /hick to separ
girlie waist and the fashionable leis fired, but there was something ate an ostrich from his feathers.
/rill. wrong with his gun. Unfortunate.MEM .••••./D
Fantastically colored wooden 1t it did nut go off ; that is, it went
brads )inye a distinct place In Pre- oft hut in rather irregular way, \Norms muse feterishnese, moan•
sent fashi..us. Tomes edged with th, gun being rusty rind the powder ing and restlessness during sleep.
.wi dedt'm heads dyed to match the (lamp. All these things, however, Mother Grates' \Norm Externiina•
ruler of the gown aro decided%v t (ails- served to enrage bruin, who 1.11 is pleasant, sure and effectual.
1ective. attacked his enemies. The other 1f Your druggist lana none in stuck,
lttutlish one piece dresses of lin- lit,• ter took the opportunity when Get hint to procure it for you.
Black pipings are in favor, being,
en. buttoned in front, have low
r.e••ks Dutch or lingerie finish-
es. Other one-piece dresses are
of Ilenrictte, 1 . qt e, poplin, fou-
lard, and other silks.
A 110tI1N 11II0 1;aa.
the bear's attention was centred
upon his companion and fired his
gen, but this weapon too was use -
1,, t.
He is a poor convict who can't
afford a catch and chain.
A certain judge, while passing
through the scene of an election
riet. had a large stone thrown at
his head. but as he happened to be
i•1 a stooping posture at the time
it passed over him. "You see."
Eaiu he, addressing his friends af-
terwards. "that had 1 been an up-
right judge I might have been
Send ler tree 'amnia to Dept. W. L., Na.
Clonal Drug a Chemical Co.. Toronto.
THE LINDMAM TRUSS .illhold any reducfhle
Immo& find .-1 h, t Pen1e-1 m".11ca1 MOIL
position.' „ were f..r partrc..a•y 11. LINDMAN, (Reg'4k
__ company 1 Stomata
have possessed white cats that sae for Mlnard's and take no other.
could hear, but they have been the -- .--
exception, and that applies as much My wife made an engagement of regular habit medicine is of lit -
to the short hair pet of the fireside face me at the Ilingsee. 1 forgot. tie concern. but the great major -
as to the aristocratic long hair of and went fishing." "Catch any- ity of Alen are not of regular habit. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO.
the shows. Moreover, I have 0b-1 tl'ingt" ''Nut until I gut home." I T1s• worry and cares of business
served that the white cats dullest! I prevent it. and out of the irregular
of hearing are those with blue eyes.' Yo■r iPrtag$Ist Will Tell via l i(y of life comes dyspepsia, sods APPENDICITIS
Morino I.s i R 1y ltehevrs Hors. F:yre,
The cats with orange eyes which Hlrenguirns W Eyes. Doesn't Smart, gestion, liver and kidney troubles
Rielly. Yyr )T and 14;:::14
rils fur We. Try as a protest. '1.'fle run-down Sys- Cored wlth mt operation* All wh'. ore •f.
I have had could hear gllltP, well, Murine In Tour Ines and In ilabya giM.•d with thl• dl•eare and wla to be
those hating odd eyes -that is. one Eyes for acaly Pyelitis and Granulation. tt.n demands a corrective and there cured permanently. .,rely and Qol(kty
1s Acne better than Parmelee's Ve with this great Homeopathic remedy
orange and one hlue--could hear awhleh will he sent Po,t-pald anywhere
little but not well, and those hav- \Vhrn a man becomes unfurtu-I getable Pilis. They are simple in In the world with full in•trnetInne for
ing blue eyes were quite (1081,their composition and can be taken using on s, to effect a permanent cure.
112 A Afire,*
th�u, h all have come from the carne rote his fair-weather friends think by the most delicately constituted..
John T. Watt. Momeopathio Pharmacy,
Ktl:cy have clone their cduty when Arnprler. Canada.
An Always Ready Pill. -To those
Clegiel., and Vitali'', sod 811 move. • leaned 1 heal
ea'' , e. .eel Ir post. le pot the I...t plus la
litter. All kittens have blue eyes. they say: "Ain't it a shame:"
til: they are about six weeks old, i
wl.en the eyes change to their adult DEAF. LISTEN
t r permanent color. But to show'
bow n itlely the permanently blue; You have used Burns. Trumpets
eye differs to begin with from otleer' and other Mechanical Devices in
eyes 1 may say that immediately the Vie hope of being able to hear. but
ever tit white cats that are to havelalways found the expected satin-
faction was spelled "1)isappoint-
permanently blue eyes upon they
will Aline bright red in the dark rrlcnt." It you write to Ernest
Aral neither the ephemere kitten Pratt, •108 Yonge Street., Toronto, Mlnard's Llnment Co., Llmlted.
hho our any other color eye docs !'n will learn some good news. Do Yarmouth. N.R.
this. it to -day -better still -do it nowt (lentl.•tnen, -in January last. Francis
beelnre, one of the men employed by me,
One peculiarity of deaf cats is working In the lumber woods. had a tree
that they seem to have an aggro- "That was a great sermon you • fall on hhn, crushing( him tearfully. 11..
warr, when found. placed nn a sled and
voted sense of feeling in their feet preached this morning." said the 1oka home, where grave rears were en•
j alt " trrtained for ilia reeoyery. his hips being
pads. It 18 yc ry difficult for a heavy I churchwarden, and it W1114 well
1sear bruised and his body turned black
u alking animal 811('11 ft9 num to AP- timed, too." "Yes,„ rejoined the from hi. rile. to hit feet. We uped MIS•
pais.tl, with a deep sigh, "1 Italie- ARD'S LINIMENT on him freely to deaden
preach a deaf Cat from behinddhree
without giving it warning. and this ell that." "Noticed what l" asked 11.rwes11raims`ieltI-tcured eand tlahle tobotre.
1 nttributc to the extreme aensi th'• puzzled warden. "Tho timing. turn to his work.
tiyeness of the cat's feet. recording Sever -ill of the congregation looked
the slightest tremor of the ground at their watches frequently," an
and sit to n certain extent taking sacred the guod mom, with another
the place of hearing. It is a be- deep sigh.
NO DANGER OF THAT. Is Your Hearing Good 1
Mrs. Stubbs -"John, no true'!
man will smoke up his wife's cur- • The HEAR 0•P11 will glee you the
tien•Rts of hood hearing Send for ecce
taloa." beuslet, giving particulars sod names
\1s.. Stubb-"I should say not. of .au.ned users. Alen
Ary body that smokes curtains Special offer for a Months Hems Trial.
would bo a freak. I prefer cigars." THE •RAND ELECTRO OLONE LIMITED,
Sle Spadini' Avenue, Toronto.
The bear apparently now had FOR RHEUMATISM It Is not nor . y Ht.! held by some country people
fn o ,, 11't Iltt,rings. .lust fur "Thi• 1) that white eats do not make good
beth Ince/ at his mercy and in a A •• Menth..l i'laet.•r. and result,. wll)
s1.. rt tinie they were lying seeming- 1,.. ,atl,faetorr. 2x•. .t druggia.. Di%i, hunters, goad mouse or rat catch -
Iv lifeless and mangled on theIt Lawrrnro Company• manufacturersera even if they do hear. I am in-
,round. A paesi•ig small car car -The painter oho fell from a inti
11 Ulm% 11ith Pour 1 leIdr•'11 1,1,11111• 1 e.l the vanquish, s hunters to tin..•.• went duan sill flying colors.
algid from Dish �, /iii I, t .,rest village, Where one of the
P•, p.G oho claim that the Inly, is.'. 11 Sef1118 to ho on the way 1•. Keen Mlnard's Liniment In the house.
I. •. very under treatment, but the
t • l•'1 had any chance in life . tl, r died of his wounds. \I \'1 MI Ol: YEA 118.
.I • 111.1 take heat of gree. (resin ilia
,'sanll'1c of \Ir-. t7'rtII'di. It. 1N HIS LINE.' I`!' s I'oplcigh doesn't. brag
.larolte•r, n /icor id'l'yw 4)1 l'lli•':W t.. said the lect.un r, is 1 tel . ,t that. bright boy of his.any
with four stunt! (hil4lr' 11 depend tit Inn<I." t • I,..
1 cornerstone of health.' ' i I. • t • Has he ceased to bo
up,4.11 her, whe /has. j''t graelilrlt.el' It,.' Jose, Polly." said J►nks, on'
frit* high .shoo) awl expects t•' s.• 1•I ht :•'
I I !I. way home. "Ilia! fell -w must ! I, ,, ' Net exactly. Ne says
1'11M A 11111,• 1 -ill tl'Sllee '- 4? , •1\. llpar(I qt I�, 1�." '
file is a 1; •/nuns en 1I It(1 41,1• :1n:1
the same sort ..f things as
Lail hero through eight grades I. -
fore leaving the Fatherland. Six
at are rig., she started in at night.
F(IN,VI. Nuw she must take a two
ycal•s' course in the Chicago Not
Thal School and then two :pars.
rk at the 1'nit(•rsity .'f Chicago
slid' win her 11. .1., without which
OI•e • :iiia .t Leconte a high school
teatime 111 th' city. •
1,1-1 a Alan -11 down and siie him.
coif tip as . thee• see lin►. null the
.ttstilt ieapt to be more of les. elis
tout a 1;1!g.
To use
ONE- ronAtLwtnos or coops.
Y044,l•,nt 4. Wen h.•r enin.,,. 444 1/ 41..101.1.4/14
Ave er.rl, OleIna.). •./ >A411 11.• 1•4 \I1
Mn445,. are 1%11./1,.n11 r 1 ..1 a•"i h.
Coln" 14 erne Don 1 41110 to, .1 14.m41, (..04
one iM..4 rre
'rhe .1..!1•944,1. 44,.1..,-l... ('.... I;rdled 41.n4re.1
416. 4•11119
fitnlerly, but lies got to the age
where tiny are saa(•y."
(:ri,tlrinnn Fanner (t -r 'his gar -
4!' , ••r) "Will you hate one of nay
dais to make n scarecrTW
It'. (inrdcncr '`If it's nil the
-;cine• ht you, sir. 1'(1 rather have
„f the tnis!us'9. It %4 1111141 scare
• '• More
' 1 ate so gild slur Cider enjey-
.-.I her visit to ns, .Ir. Smith."
••Oh, well, she ie the s .rt. of girl
wl1•r con (•11j•)3 herself anywhere,
you know."
(heed to think that there is a foun-
dation for this idea, and i would
go further and s:ty that dark col-
eyed cage make the hest mouse and
rn: catches because they hear best.
� 4r- -
When two fat men collide there
1s a mass meeting.
1"1 I NI). '22 10.
Pain is a Punishment.-- Pain is a
protest of nature against neglect
et the bodily health. against care•
lei.'ncss regarding the physical con-
dition. It steals. in at the first op-
portunity and takes up its abode
In a man and It 1s sotnctinles dif-
ficult to eject it. 1)r. Thomas' Ec-
it(tric Oil will drive it out in short
ol(ier. fain cannot stay where it
is used. but immediately (lees away.
'1'111: 1i EI1O.
Elgin Road. 1,'t -Irl (•o.. Que.
"Bring some matches with you
when you come hotne," said Mrs.
"I sent up a dozen boxes yester-
(lay," he answered.
"I know. but those were parlor
matches. These are for the kit -
In the treatment of summer com-
plaints, the melt effective remedy
that con be ti -ed is Dr. J. 1), Kel-
l..y 's i)ysentery cordial, It is a
'1a-e•Inr(1 preparation, and many
Little Tommy Perkins had is • u 1 • ('Ie cnlpl••y it in preference to
al;sent• from school for over n week. . 1L'•r preparations. it is n'highly
ant one evening his teacher d•Tcided • i •-entrated medicine and its se-
ro call at the house and ascertain (!:lisle and cnrntivc qualities ore
f?1 • reason for his non-appenrunce. 1, sand que;ti'pn. It hos been a
On turning into the street where i'• eviler medicine kr many years
'felinity lived, tho teacher was and thousands can attest its super-
a1,4 eked to see Tommy stumping fur qualities in overcoming elysen-
1 wniels him on crutches, and lit- tory and kindred complaints.
rally enveloped in bandages.
"Good gracious, Tommy :" she firs. Jel►n+t.on- "nh, ptefcssor,
eaclnimed. "line there been a bad I wonder what 1 could do to im-
prove. ester accident or All eS111eSlen 1" prove Illy daughter's Vol.,'1)19-
"No, nuffnn' like :hat, teacher," I tinguished Professor of Music .--
•nisi 'Molnar. with it proud grin. •'\I•e,ll. I nm sure 1 do not kti ,
I' was me and Jimmy Tompkins unless toll try feeding her on
pins in' '00 could lean fnr'est out nary
of the bedroom window --an' I • ----- -
won 1" I Nlnard'e Liniment Lumberman's FntnJ.
Braids, 35 In., 53.51
Switches. 22 to 31
In. Ieng,S3•5S to 05.45
Pulls and Curls. 11
In :luster, 52.M
f Turban Style, Som•
/tele, sant-
B►ald, by the yard,
Ladles and Osnt•s Wlgs, from 517.51
Cent's Toupees, from .51
Hair Nets, extra large, • 3 fer5112lye.
Turban Pads, • • 3S to 750.
Rare ,had,• ettra Order. over 5100,
post free Send sample of hair and
cash will. order
112 _Kin! St. west, Terente,
NI.r/Au -
Ratiway'.Ile1Ay Re
lief cares the worms'
1pale• in from non to
111 enty mini's
For I1,'adar►1s
(whether del' or
eery on.,. foot h-
a••he. 5fenpal1:,s.
Limber,. pains and weatneee
In the /park. e!•Inu or kidney.,
around lite liver, pi0IN•y. •weiling
M the fnlnt.•, an.f pa,n• 1 An kind.. Rad
war's flew'• llellef will lo -. taw
ICM • German n' care•
The Lenox hotel
lligleraf Grade. I'ir�pro..a:
The ideal hotel for to,lrist• and Visitery
to Buffalo. Niagara Falls, and Points en
the (treat l.akta and tit. 1..1 wren. c Ijiver.
sl. 50 per giggly and nip.
1'.''on' mor lain Tapir .he or Caul ,Cee N nn,
4y9e1o. 0) 4.144 14, 5..141 .1 aren't Pas. 44.1'ro Leoef.
When In sallalo stop at The L .
ten .reemeltodatlens and service are sure
to ,tease.
.. A. ?It4LR Manager