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Exter Times, 1910-06-02, Page 2
NA IN THE FIPTII PLACE In 5 Years Canada Has Risen From 10th Place in Wheat -Producing Countries. :1 el •,.•ateh from Ottawa a. iv : 301,050,500 bushels; British India, A ,Ia: •,11:•nt prepared by the cell- _:5::,61)3,377 bushels; Canada 166, - se. ,:i d Statistics branch of the : t t,0th) bushels; Italy, 155,711,230 1) 1,rt;Inept taf -Agriculture shows i•u.hcls; Spain 11.1,511,i:`iI bushels; til•et among wheat -producing cuuu- Germany, 138,399,77 bushels; .1r - t r.cs of the world Canada now gentium, 133,551,000 bushels; Hun ranks fifth. In 1908 Canada rank- eery. 1.23,503,2747 bushels; .lustra- 0<l tenth. The tete! ploductiou of lia, 82,328.514 bushels: treat Bri- wheal In Canada last year is g:tei tain and Ireland, 0.1,:25,212 bush - as 11i6,71-1,000 bushels, as compared !IS. Iu 1908 the order of prcccdenre with 112.434,000 bushels in Itgs. in respect to production was as fel- Last, year the wheat production lows: United States. Russia, by countries was as follows: Rus- France. British India, Hungary, sm. 7811,47: •.;3 bushels; United Argentina, Italy, Germany, Can - Slates, 71:;._e5,923 bushels; 1•'i-auce.' cola and Australia. WITH THE MOUNTED POLICE The Governor-General Will Explore the Northern Wilds. A despatch from Ottawa says: Tbu northern wilds of Canada will probably have a distinguished vis - not this summer. Earl Grey, who last year visited the Yukon, is con- templating a journey overland to Hudson Bay. 1f the present plans alp carried out, the Governor Gen- eral will leave Ottawa in July for Winnipeg, and will there be taken Ly a party of the Northwest Moult - tees Police oter the route .,f the Hudson Bay ltailroad to Hudson Bay. This will involve a very stiff to eco of wilderness travelling, ulucil of it by canoe. At Port Nei - scoot or Churchill. or Hudson Bay, whichever is chosen as the land ter- uauus df the journey, the Gover- net-Genoral will be met. by the Gov- ernment stounlcr Earl Grey, and in this vessel will journey through Hudson Bay and Hudson Straits, where commercial craft in a few years will be 'nuking regular voy- ages with cargoes of wleest mud eat,- tle 'from the Canadian west. The steamer will then saline south and land His Excellency at Quebec. 'Nis will be the most ambitious piece of pioneer travelling ever at- tt 'opted by a Governor-General of Canada. 1.1111T 'flt1:FS Rl-It\Fal. Thirty 1•houxtrtel of 'Thea( Destroy- ed al laneouver. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C , say= 'Wise Provincial fruit In- apector i a' bonfire here on 1t,urseia. •t••.troying thirty Omi- ts net :,i : .ien vises from On - inti', 1 •• ; States, France, 13t'l- (riun:. o;• t :. and Holland, part a,r• ,: trees shipped to BTi.:-• • :l.:a this winter. There seot .;:, _ seams to have heal -- culturally • .ed the whulo Pi -it ince. • ! - t. one tree e's- c•a►,ed the 1;. , :.11 ('ulumbia in- A half dozen drinks of whiskey b;,.•. 1,•.•; 't • . h is said to be the in a day wi11 produce the same at- n;o.t 1 t any c'nlntry in the fret of fatigue on brain and body v. r .1 is -it Columbia is prac- as a day's hard work. This has t•eall\ ins from injurious or- been proved by experiments, ae- chard p• • , a result. Inspectors cording to i)r. William J. Wick in rro 111 r. r „ of Okanagan ei an address to the Chicago Medical and K.•• r + ., .,•.i l find no truce Ruciety. ..f the ,,: orbs codling moth „r ".Ueohol actually , tires the Sa Je_ _•;e!e. and report that muscles, the nerves and the brain," from Ol, enagan aline at least one lir said. ".1 man who had rested t}ii be s ippe a t of perfect fruit :n1 entire day. vigorous and fresh, oil: he shipped this t,ununer and sol, put at hard labor. At the end fall. - o! the clay he was subjected to phy- sical and nerve tests to 'truce the extent of the Tatiguc. ''l'ilrn he rested another de% and ni lain+ of the Disa'Irnits fire in wa • given six drinks within the North Japan. tis}. doing n55 work. The second ,\ despatch from Victoria. 11 t'., examination showed his body and a . m Details ..f the dis.ist r••ns fire nerve had undergone the same fa - e a, \os,3e,rt, \erth ,lal•au, 30 toed, tissue as on the day he worked." o: u .1i•d pet- I; -..re int rn.:Il to •:e;lth and i.' of the 211A THE THE 1)1-K1: OF MARMALADE.11 .. •'3 huildint - , , „ I:r r, .-i, 111111 I..•-- . f tee.oteaat)0, H. 3 t• • • t• .1 he among the whimsical titles which tite .teenier 111.1ba \lore+, .,, \Cod arrear 011 1110 Pages of na'tlnnal nc,day. The leii,•wl 11-' 3 , •ent( hi -tory. few are rnere apparently ur.c need three •+-•,• ole, :,•,.i• f„%olons than the Duke of Marma- n:,d a quarter et, .,.I I ` '1 this Count of Lemonade, and th usenet h. s, • i I•,arl of Brandy. They arc. or in refuge 1•11111:, Lam Rural 1)..triet Council by Doctor F. 'fanner. who said: 'The increase general all over i.ngland, 1 believe. is greatly duo to preservatives in food. Nut. that e:eservatives themselves do hart., tut the presence of deron►pu ed food which they disguise does. Per- stnally I have attended thirty cas- es this year held to he due to this ea use. Si\ DRINKS .1 DAV•S 11t)tih, So Declares Chicago Doctor. Speaking of Their liffte 1. CONDENSED NEWS FLEAS 3..0110 111 II,DINI:S BI'i1\I:11. , t;, le sever, real :titles bestow- () 'l.iwed the tire, a: •i : t,l,' ,,f ed by a genuine monarch on three Ti, e brought itl wet.• • e n ,'Ire I,v f01'o1121.s during the last century. the ravenou- prel,le. \ I :,• •.i 11 1.11 a revolution occurred in f uwdor •s1•io.ir.1 :111.1 !,„ek the! Hayti, and 1 lirt'ttophe, a negro, whole arra s. on after t:. fire Day: declared himself emperor. Through extin ;;uisl eta. a"nspira -r and plot he retained .pr:wer until I' -s20. pre-rr•ying to the !aft- the tbppt':Irnnce i.f a It••yitl e, ort, and creating IIIIlnerenm leo 1•i'it% .1ir'na;'them were the three ••,,:.• •• 1: and far from bring in- state c • 0+ the frivolity of the .11- r:can ehararter. the% were names ••f lila' •'s, the first tava he•ne ori - c t all% planteltens, but !at te•rly i 11 -.I: 01' 11'1'1:\DI( 1115. Do, 115r Itlautrm l'reeervali'ee lthieh 1)i.guiye ht•runlpo.red 1' 1. A dcsr.attt•h fr .111 Lend. to •:,y- : A remarkable state :u: nt ,. ,: o,d n r t! 1. spread ,.f a1,p.•n.1i.- i. ; , •,ti nla.de on 't'ie:,1..ht% before ••• 1 1.11 i to;.. n'• of st.tne importance. A SUIIE SIGN OF GROWTH HAPPENINGS 1'RO 1l :11.L OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Itriefs Froth Our Own and Other l'ouutries of Recent Events, IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND (=ANAL/A. The U. P. It. will rebuild the badge at Lachine. There hale been no forest fires in Onturiu this year. '1'IIe (,int o l-IlmLel 1. 1s sending the steamer Staiitc,v with a sut•voyialg 1 -arty to Hudson's flay. General 'l'rallic Manager Tiffin of the Intereolouial is in favor of ex- tending the railway to Toronto. The Canadian Northern has filed plans with the Railway Commission for its entrance to Ottawa. Luigi Rosso was fined fifty dollars at Niagara Falls for assisting his Brother, a prohibited immigrant, to enter Canada. Mine:elmtents to the liquor laws, Gxin g the hours of closing bar- rooms and stores, were introduced in the Quebec Legislature. The Rutherford (Jovernineet of Alberta has resigned, and Chief J•istiee Sifton has been called on to form a new (luvornntent. ,1 right of way through Carden Iti(er Reserve has been secured for the railway from Sault Ste. Mario 1•. Sudbury, and tenders 'fur tho curt:•,u of the road will be c„licd at once. It is reported that Sir William Van Horne will leave shortly fur Australia t,) advise the Govern - no ut regarding Oil) construction of a railway across the continent, with extensive irrigation works. NEWS 111' 11.1 I I. .1110 f 'l' JOHN BULL N I) 1115 I'EOl'I.E. Till WORLD'S MARKEfS ltl:l'Oltj s 1'1101 Tor 1-I:ADIINU 7'11.1D1: CLNTREtl. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Oceurreuces in Ib.' laud Other Dairy ('reduce at Heigus Supreme in the 1'olu- 11owr and .(bread• inert i;tl 1/"orld, Pe v- A cream colored sparrow•, with a Toronto, uruutu, Muy 31. Ontario Wheatwhile tail, has been seen at ! v _ 1u• ; tiiixed wustur wheat, 9th to ertl Pena, Swanage. l Hole• Mclbu, 1110 was errouc- b' outside. north - ...tidy reported to he ill in Paris,=u'tultu►,x 11'heu� No. 1 north iltl arrived in Louden in excalluut cru, 971•; No. 3 iedaat r,, Ise at hcaltlt, inks' putts fur iul►ucdiatc ,hi uuent. (tier being abroad for eighteen Corte --American No. _' kiln -dried y,lluw, 0t,,c; Nu. 3 }chow•, kiln- yeal's the 1 st Northamptonshire i1:c.l, �0. t1(;'; (.al- Jlcgimeut has been ordered home a hurt caro, 61e t0 1;2c, T,,n,nlu front -Won, t: eights. Brazil's second roper -Dread- oats- Canada western, No. -' nought, the Sao Paulo, left this 33c ; Nu. 3 C.1W., 31t' at lake p,•, ' - Claval construction works at Barrow : {,,r immediate shipment ; t 3nt:u ,•. for trials, ' \ .,, •2 whe, 33r u-idt Thu body of Mr. Edward King, ; ;; white, 'Sit2e t„ •satoe outsalenidet, 313c ou chief clerk in the Bishop's Regis- tack, Toronto. try at Chichester, was found on the Barley ---Nu. 25Ie to 52c ; No. 3 , beach at Brighton. extra, 49c to c; No. 3, o t'-' i 1Ylr, 11 illial� 71 bites Prescription Susan (i.alnnan was fined $a0 at • utsi;le ; Munttu50La, Nu. 4,4iic -1t9c ..it l:aet Haul for acting as a buuk duck, lake 21erts. maker. It Was stated that her cls- Peas -N.,. 2, 70c to 71c. etas w.•Ii married women. Lye -Nu. 2, ii7' to 08c. Of 1::,,010 bequeathed by a bene. Buckwheat -No. e, 51e. factor to the (seek (Staffs) Cottage Hospital, 19 per cent.. or 2:95, is tuiTrn by the Government for du- ties. Hammocks instead of beds are to For making SOAP, soft- ening water, removing old punt, disinfecting sinks, , closets and drains and a , for many other purposes. li , A can equals 20 lbs. Sal ;•'- ttSoda. Useful for five i thundred purposes, i . SoIJ k i rryNher• ---,---""---- 1. � L. W. Gillett Co., Ltd. '! iciest., Dot, OF Y11XEB FARMING Manitoba Flour Quotations at T..runtu are: First patents, $5.30; sevond patents, $5; strung bakers', $•t '0; 90 per cent., Glasguw freights. he provided for tramps by the hes- Ontario Flour- Winter wheat de 1 (Es:ex) guardians, who believe Patents for export, $3.75 to 83.80 that this will act• as a deterrent. 'thirty -54 Ven cases of talualblc ':1. hid., ► consigned to the ju ancse g jai 'f' ronto. Ontario bran, $20 per Imperial nurseries at Tokio, were tuts; shorts, $31 per ton tot track, despatched from Liverpool nuc day , , recently. Toronto. (Gltl',A'1' BRITAIN.lddrr4sed to her aunt, a help - GREAT le .ter of (,ween Marry rclat•- iu buyers' bags, outside. Millfeed --Manitoba bran, 819 per ten; shorts, 821 per ton, track, The I-:arl of Stamford is dead. ing to her marriage with Philip of ((utter-('reamery prints. 22c to Twenty-two persons were drown- Spain, was sold at Sotheby's in 2:'r , Separator prints, 20e to 21c; ed in a collision between two Landon for $1,023. dairy prints, choice, 19c t,o 20e; In - steamers in the English Channel. In co••noction with the campaign leliur, 13e to l6c. Queen .Uexandra received the against impure milk, 'tile Maryle- Eggs - 19c to 20e per dozen in H:gal ('oi11t1Cementer,' of ('.nada bene Itott•u h Couueil has removed t'a-•'' lots, *11(1 Australia in audience, and ex- el. ten premises from tite milk -hops' Cheese - 12c for large and 12 e register. f.•, twins. Old cheese, 12',e fur r. JI r. 'Pont Mann, who has taken a large and 13c fur twins. very ►ronlillrnr art is the labor (teens --$2 to $:'.•10 pe 1 P I es and �3.IU to $•�.:. 1.ressed her gratitude for the ex- pressions of sympathy sent her from the oversea cul•,uies. UNITED sTATl:S. The Hill railroads are to float R .l,,(00,00l) worth of bonds in Europe. Prairie Provinces. For th© • .1 despatch from 'Toronto say : ca:,ily w.,rlh three dollars a hush - AD. William Whyte, Second Vice- el 'Western packers tell me there ('resident, of the Cauadian Pacific is no butter tasting or sweeter ha- li:: ilway, prescribes mixed farming c -.n than that raised on wheat. So fur the we•ste,n wheat grower. u can see to what advantage the big wheat -grower could turn hie surplus crop, provided he (rid .-.o without making a regular busui••,1 -,f it and so glutting the market. ' "Anyway," he continued, "the v7esterner is being forced into di• versified farming because) of the oifliculty in procuring men to har. vest his wheat. hook at the great e,rop there now. It has all to he gathered inn short time or else the "1 know of no more indolent life than that of the wheat -grower, sake Mr. Whyte, in an interview the other day. ".after he has gathered Itis crop there i-: absolutely nothing fur hit. to do until the following s1.ling. Because of this we find the average westerner leaving his hold- engs and wintering at the coast or in California. 1 think if he could be induced to take up the 'feeding of cattle in the stalls and the rail- wind will break the husks and half ing of hogs, that it would be a di it will be lost. lust year wa Messing to him and to the great t:•uk• out for Ilial an army of 30,000 plains country as well.” khan. We had some difficulty in "Years ago," said Mr. Whyte. vetting that number, and what will "!outhern Alberta was one va-t the situation be as the acreage ex - grazing country. 1 •ntntlees herds tends: ranged three. '1'n day the great! ''This year the area sown in bt,lk of that land has been tree`:- - wheat in the Provinces of Manito'- itaino'd into wheat lands. Unles- lea, Alberta and Saskatchewan will nu vehuent in Australia, is return- 1 rn t , .�. the farmer takes up the work of be from eight to eight and a half eked• feeding cattle in the stalls 1 do :•eilliun acres. Saskatchewan .luno fog to England u. 'et month alter an !• 1'ot- tees Delawares, ;roc to 6,A: .it t know where the meat supply :'I have about 4,e00,000 acres, and absence of nine yeas. Thousands of orisons watched eel hag out, of store and at 15c 1.0 of the world is to come bent. .11-1 ..lore are ninety million acres of ! on track Toronto, and Ontarios take hogs. At the present Inness• • :,:able land .between the tech andthe leers( of the late Miss Lotties';•, .,.•t, to 10c per bag on track. piice of pork it is quite poosible f• , -Ali parallels of latitude in that 11 r. Ju=tire \Inci.aren of Toren- Collins, Oat music hall singer, i —_ a farmer to make his pour ►rt.:.i ' ruliucc• alone. \1'e have only Toron- to has been ctrc•ted Vico President ;sIinb look place recently at the' PROVISIONS. %haat, or the damaged vara•!, . , ,,:chest the fringe as yet." c•1 the \Wou ld's Sunday School Aa- � (iasis Fmeldcy C.•rnetery. - Built and endowotl vat al f a ?,W, 1Vholt sale quotatiuus : I stieiation Ot)J bet{uest Heide T�-llfiv'itad ?►ins 1f"rk lwrtcult, $i310$31.50per 1-iu•.:eq,.. 11•:•; s1;;;_cttxit_ttratn._ r..s1fi)I HIN\•1..111'. Samuel ! t! Samuel Lewis t•a reel nu•ss, $n3.l,b"te .Q`r9. �\,,, pit--\., - red, at. in' to 81. GI:NE.11.1L. Several Chinese were killed and a chapel destroyed in riots near Changsha. 'fhe revolt itt China is spread- ing. and a score of villages have �/c ; shoulocr tams, c 0 i• • 1,41 ; \e. dell• t , , o , n• en devastated. (.'1)de and the third at. Belfast. 1'aw•, Serene .lmand. (,uldmau, Three hundred of the poorest Lord Charles Beresford opened 111111lslnuk a 1."tit of tickle, le less �;,, 3, ,yp..1 to Got,; \•,. a „hit,.; i;l , to (Pe;No. 3 yetlew•, 59' : to eve; t,. irried Aman41•s daughter six .,,wish families have been banished ar Portsmouth recently the ned ad- R. 11», slrok•••i. 13c te5 131-.,c; me- No. •1, 55' . to fi7!..c: Nu. 4 whirr. 43:, rr:l s ago, and an announcement item Kiev dition to Miss Westons Royal Sail- .•buul 3111(1 light hums, lee h, 18' j(r i; to t:Ot2: Ne. 4 ycllnly, b5!•� l,• "td from a paper was sent to Bookmakers shut and killed a (its' hest, too Ileresfurd bleek, con heavy, 1 ••' .e to 17. , bacon, irk to 34;e. Oatm No. 3:+ •to :19' c; Ne. ' 1., 1 1111411 s wife in the old country. jockey who pulled has horse on a taming ala) ~(roping cabins and •'tc. 2 white; I(1" to' • \0 3 white, -lntand heard of the first wife, and It••nnlaniaut race track. Irtrgr, rrcreatien rooms. 31)!..,e; \e. t slut,, .i arnuc sew i-. to . ,tilde .esol - . 1', 3'a3• S••`r:1. points at Walton -en- Lard Firm; tierces, I13t•; tubs, rl: •; N.. 3 sad. S1.o5 t„ Ai 0.1; \••. 'two 11 en (lad flint} of 1 313.:' for s,,,,• :•,t...;'•n••'1 the other dry. ; le', -ac; pails, 10 .t; stocks very light. _ h:u.1, $I.U`sto itis((',: \• 3 h.tt.I 11111114Iling. (•,•t.tr.,,•-ts have been placed by - Smoked and Dry Salted Meats , No. t Northcru, 't ti : N.,. s 1•fur three 1,. ng clear bacon, tons such cases, N-.ithern. $1.I7' 1., $1 !e. N. :1 despatch fFele t'.•-taskiwin, the 1 ;eau t'ast e Liner, r t 1'borta, says: Lei.- 1..+'•1m�n, • ne'v liners of the intermediate class,' 1} .r lu 15, :c: backs (plain), ` Ic Rt ring, $1 t.. $l.U.' I' an N,•. to 31'.:c; balk. Ca ml'al , 21/yC to 'of:.Tale;t , t, taller butcher at this pia •••'.- (p )to Ne. t, ..t! r, lou Of which arc to be built by the ' I 113 t 14' c• �;o,2 ra 'II'>t on Tuesday by his fath.•r in •. _p. i t,► man having trouble over a cattle to „cal the men began quarrelling, :)7c; standard. U). , to tic. and Goldman is reported to have n..tett traveller and naturalist, was publicly presented 'tate certificate! ° ! %lento... i, May 31, - Oat% •Nu. killed by natives in the Fr'•n tt of the 1{u\al Humane Society to' ulvcnthe old ulaut u horsewhipping. Congo. Albert 1lilke4, the former inter-� Canadian 1lestcrn, 37;., to 3•ic; Nu, 1:111111\'1'11\ To 111\\11'1:1:. If was draicned :ova:.In• a ratan The Spanish police believe that a n itioinl foothill player, who saved .3, :;6%/to ; t)ntario No. 1 white, earned Irish. Goldman vent hock bomb which exploded in Madrid Ott ` ,lc : de., \.•. 3, a:,e; do., No. 1, fi,heuu• of \avi;;atlion lo hr Parr• p jahoy from drowning. -,•, Monday was intended fur King ,11-I lit deference to a superstition sic. Barley Ne :, a. .c; N'. 1, fully Inlceli_aled. fenso. ; that work on .lseensiun Day is at- :tacit feted bar:•• • .ole. Flour Mit The French submarine 1'invit"I tended with accidents, a holiday' utluba �;•:a,g ,•ii• It I,at••nts, fir-' A despatch from Ottawa • e• - i !. ,.in \lint• r :1 sones is to be inunc,t Lieutenant Boyd .Alexan ler, the, At West )trotnwich the Mayor BUSINESS IN 11ONTI{F.AL. vas sent, to the bottom) with her 27 , $45 18, c , - Lot ObSor ed ell the U(•Ca�le►1 at ! %%atilt pal. et-. `e :e I , �..:... ; \i.l a „nm„e•mred to ascertain the I wren in n collision with a moss- Lord l'enrhyn'4 slate quarries a( •, nitoha strong bakers , $1.1s► to ,43; I. ,;tv of niaking a nurrw11,', clonus( steamer. Bethseda, %hero ueaaly 3,000 men <i,,, in bugs, $$2.2:, to $2.:35: extras, 1. teen I;,Imor,t•.31 a All the .Jews in (fescue with the i are cnq►loyetl. ti' to $2.10. feed Ontario bran, I.v w.hr 55f the North Sa exrrptiun ..i 191 families e[ the firsts Il- was rotated al the 1 .,i.tl i' 1119.:8 to r!21); Ontario middlings). It.ver and I,al.' 11'inn.1•• .: guild have ht.rn ordered t., pr,elucot it...tupt,y ('sort that 11 r. S>dncy $2 to :e_rt: \I..nit„bat bran, $18.50 3l,,,• I. lace r, putlett that a -, roof • of their tight to remain out- i I'('loss a company recretarv, lost to ai 11:ulitoha shorts, 8:I to e Olt fa.+t waterway can he c side the pale. + slu._oo on horse races, and all ail i $;.2 • woe grain iuuuillie, R32 to :1 Portuguese .Anare.hist, accused! dei+,nal R;,;,K► -all he. ,osso sscd of eomplicity in the plot which re- ! 1 )•3:3; 111111..1 nreuill,e, $23 to $•24. be endeavoring to retrieve his less O,,•,• I • , to. i I',c. Butter -- stilted in the asses-61111ton of the K1ng and ('rnwn Prince of Portu- gal, has made a confession, impli- cating 1,1 le per ees. �•-- os at baccarat. Flour ea!, 1„ :I , . Eggs 8e1ee•t- ,\s a sealable adjunct to the war cd .1,,, S. _;:i t•. •r : straight re - memorial at. ifighbury Field)), the ceett- ae Itt 1•, plc 1.•3 demon. Islington Iloreugh Council is to be alt'! by one of its committees to LI V I: 5T+ 1(K M A RK ETS. ul It 22! \1)1{1:11 Hs, r. i,i,, lel e ton 551.1 pattern gums and 11:1,1, I 1 11' 011' Montreal, �l.it 31. Prime beeves ti. 1d carriages ft-i,lu the ar Ice mond at from ti , to 7,' ;c per pound; a• .1 rest of gal. ntrlty Knurl animals,J!.: le (Pee. 1•', Bamber !tilled at Ihr Trmiekant- ing Mine in Cobalt. le. rate1 frons ('obeli saps : CI,....•. 11 • .•t 1)0:111. l hlnch ter. a cte , . art.. f rumm K•t to ,+10 ..e 11hile a than Hauled Heide -ay was aura the reinitot► shock at 1'.; t. ,•.a.keig 'teller the trees at the 3!ie• per Ili.; nlitch cows. $30 t•• • iesh ,. 1'. (laulbcr, an Englishmen, with it wa attack) d by an ow•l, who'll flew ,/1. 3'_ t.. tic per Ib, ;sheep, a to oe wanl et estIta asfoisted that an owlet (; .,:I I•.tx of fat 1teg,'old at 10 toj :i:: thi:i.::"i:::i':::::” t ltl• atu•55r rr :eat cat (,r f Ii Ib 1 e•adorese4tiIItc rr wn4x,s4ib11 struck\1III•til•lllVt)lif1l� IS\� e sainn- 'hurl fallen out of a IICsL u1 0110 of 11. , rper 1b. yIlas the t tors. 'Toronto, May 31. A limited tome, his ,n'ane , • 1 . cd as high its `e7 and r$;,:0, but by the deseending cage. and fellthe %1:ige Iange for the hest (lawn the shaft on top of the cage, Though t.ne marriage exit of three lurchaer,•stock was fr,•n, $I .lu 1 + fent !intuited fret. helms instantly 11) Japan eieek 3n a diVtret , the, :i/t; 00. The nle(liu.n and ( eInn., k: led. The leak w'as badly broken lower class is. to an overwhel1113g Jii:tdrs ..f bet, 1 , I•t, ,rc• • t•it degree, responsible for this state. 11,„, :!t:,.30 t., s 1 •,n . ,' •i Labor l)epari mento Reports Increase of Rom CI: I\ HIS 1,1f1:. Fifty Per Cent. in Building. :1 d,, sial , f• •1 �oport it„e •t let;,. 111 the alive ,ul Otote a says; 'tu year by the la. i)e- lean 1901 were thing unheard of among tits gen! i the buildin aid: :\n,h••rmt N.M. ('harlett1.- •%as charged h1• his writs with al folk. The woman '.1 the loop's. , 1 N 1"111':1) ST.1TES 11.'4 11K1•:'1'5. purUuent ng K K _ ,t.eratluns Canada for 19119' 1• son, 1'.1:.1.; Newcastle, N 11. ; 1enlpted murder here on \Vedncs- l,t•ing aec•ustomed to live b•• her Minneapolis, may 31. wheat !}noes that total value of nett • `;o'rhrooke and Hull, Que. ; ua►y. The evidence brought out an . we labor, has only the loss of her 'lay, $1.09; July, $1.07 to $1.07',; 1 ,.i'.dings ercetrd in 82 chief in- Smith's Falls, ('nllingwood, N1.t• :,tor, sting romance. SSteinposka children to consider. In Jap.•In S .ptenllrer, 0:31/8c. ('ash Nov. 1 t -teat centres of the 1),.minion Kara Falls, St. Catharines, l;uetph, 0• h• a guard at Warsaw, and sever- the father has always the custody, held, $1.I1!, to $1.11',: No. I r •: .. n - no !lin Stratford and Sault tit,' ,-' a imprisonment for allowing a ho'e.•leer herrclity is only supposed Hathern, 81.94's to $1.10;',: No). wa• a�',,t::a,U77, an inc., r i p r I1f 1 pr ,s:tuately lifty per ewe.. 1• cum - ..,ted with the por•c.di.,g year. N. arly all tht' ,iters .i,te1 towns 4h .wed substantial inereasee. effect that the. in was Halltax :\ntoni' Steiiposka, a Russian, lief Now Ihr'e Charged With 'fry. ing In Kill Hie Wife. less t1 despatch from Brantford says: affa rs• in the npper a man 1 11114 for but, i„•r only divorces his wife after rcla- :Ind so per .•w t. for th, ht:•.t e1118 tives a►xl family councils have done I•tv, will. s••e•..ntlnry grades from their best to overt the catastrophe. :11.50 to $5.23. Milkers and spring - 1' the !ewer class it i, different.' (os. $t;3 and $71 per head, with tho A marl marries lightly. and divorce low figare e)1 the hinge lixrd around es l.ghtly. and women net infre i•:,. Sheep end lambs wove steady. quently divorce their husbands a II 4m weaker at $9.511 to $9.73. .1 the The only loe:ll,ties trent which tater'''. were e1;e,•ivcd e)0 Thuis'la) coal. 1lnrie, Ont•. ; Ednu,nt"n, Alta.,' static prisoner to esc•a3J4. Ile feign t;, lou tr'nsmitted throttle,' miles e Norlhrrn, $1,00% to :$1.04'', : Nn. rend Nelson. B.C. For the present eft lunacy and later eseapetl fres. '1'h'• wife has to salete her husband :t. ?41.63% to A11.05%. Btntl $14 to year the permits issued in nearly the asylum to Canada'. His sift• fits! on every occasion She walks. ea( t.. Flour First patents, $5. - all the larger centres show another fo flowed hits. Rcct'ntly quarrels! sits. toe., sleeps, all after hint, and :,o t•. 35.30; .pseud patents, $5.10 large increase over last year's re- developed. The prisoner was re-' addresses hien as 'odanna same. ' to $6.30; first clears. A1.1:. t,• +I.- !Hand,'d. : or ''toy lord." 26; second clears. (t'2.9.) to $3 e0 • ti lu'•I •.n thi• 1•,'1te at a cetnpula- te. o lv low rest, w it h few lnckatges, as lite ri't•r lids a deep and bread (•flannel for nearly the whole dis- taence. \ vete of ten thousand 1.11 (Mira %114 maths in Parliament last session to defray the tort of the si racy. The survey will be made under the direction of L. 11. Be- lie- who 51.14 one 0f the sub -- rleefs en the (irorttian Bay ('anal Eke ',arlirs will go in ,,y en surveying ,•perntinns e:n1y )inions of the route. 1, , !,. ete(1 than the «,,.!: \•.iii this s1Ir11Tlle•r. v ife in Lomb'''. England, aged at 13 m and ding Its miens In Ilia per lh.: bubo at *Lao to loin each.' 1.) ti. at .(maid again. when he 3ereivvd Pao stets in the forehead. and died sh• rtly after. -Amend was nrrcat- .•d. 11'(((('1'1 \li (II11111tiN, Chtas, 'I'.'41cLturghlin. `isteen Yeari . .Arrested un Supicion.l despatch fresh St. Jtlua, N.says : 1'harles 'f. McLaughlin, aged si;icon, w:1 • arreste<I ort Tlutrsday on suspicion tenoning 8 series of outrages in whi.li children weretiau victims. 111 fuer or five ces u;thin n month or so. boys 0ror seven w ere taken by al y"nth to unt•ef the -way place. and there perils stripped and Neaten se.rre- ly, at rept. bring ned in one case, a hrit 10 another. Four of tho sower boy• nnrl a girl of seven con- hertrd McLoughlin after his arrest and Raid he was tale one wlto 't tacked theta. fI TO WORHC\ Dominion Laboi' Department Shows Cost of Living Is Higher. \ despatch freta Ottawa • : - : hotted to the I •.1t.utber ieistalm.•n: t,• • ieon railoa. titration of the I,nl. •1 I, :, i.I1 '(11141(1 fait, I1e1.. the inetease In tilt' t-e.t of II(- month. illy is published in the curteet i-- 1)ltting :April theft. were 3'; Ia- 411e of 'file Labor (Gazette. 'lite 1,-.i disputes in existence: in (•:UI• 21.04003 chapter deals with the rein. six more that: in . pril ..f blab 1Folesale prices of hides, tallow, tear. About 122 firms and 3,701 leather and hoots and shots, which cmploy(es were affected. . are now 'nigher than at any time in 'the loss of time (o sold':; •s the peel, twenty ytnis. ('onlpa tool t!,1• -ugh trade disputes during Ilan w-rh the average prices foe the dee 01 3)1h was nupre\imately tent) ca(le 1,491) 09, the increase is ap proximately 33 per cent. During the month of .lpril the tali of death through acei(Ient-1 t„ uulkels in Canaille!' inrlustries r • nl••rrr� (veto .••;•ccseful i• Iheeo, ":.s 91. Iii addition, ''la, se...oat41'1 eetn'tr't•is•`• were olfocted t>A i,t;urics to work people wore It, ' '- 3.- '131 1 ..t .11 ,1,.; 1, ng the we-hing days. compared with .•0,- 570 d'lye in Match. Teti of the tai+- !TIMIS were settled. The employers %etre Rttcet.,1•0 itr tt"') eases. the