HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-26, Page 6KINCr EDWARD'S FUNERAL!LEABINQJIAHKF11!'S
till l' 11111'1 1'1.5.
Most Remarkable of Modern Tinges in. 1' li:el ‘‘twat,
Point of Beauty and Stateliness. 1 1l:li, ! N'•. 1 north
Ie•ru, $1 :. \, , ,•1 et t, 141. ut
lak. 1..,1• , .. .II..[. '{,il.11,ellt.
A despatch Irian Loud, n sa4 ft:: rho scept re, was p'.t'•ed uu the gun (1'"'! \''" ` %. , 11 dried
It (110 beiC t!(,11 5.I the 1-.01e fel- .t•llll•iage which curried till' tamales .1i•11""' '" • \. "1 ••.v. •`°'.,t d1i1(i
!treed in• King I. 144a141 s funeral' of ()nee., 1'irt.•1 :1, ;lest a ` art. .4;,t6f''.r: \•. ,.t,. :1 .:rials
lel.�gr--...44 011 I'1':, 1710 t\\(1 Instil cell- ;tattle Pa'l'l. - 1•_ I':e /' ill. 1„• 4.:, to li_'t', '1."4 "1”" tl'/•igl,tr;-
sI(el•ilt:etts x•elgheti : I' If . 14.11g (•04 rt I;P' `:! 1 .
G1 ergt•'S desire that un el l:. .: a-' I- i', ,i -h ' •.•. i:i• '•. ,• , .
Ilii\ „Ih"tlid be given as 111:4•,•. :,` r ,:,,: , t ,
t.rasib!e to witness the u$s0,1 t,• ; t 4 :,;: -
un ( second. the necessity of :4' . '
nlzing the risks attending a g Miler to...ell V ,ter. " t i•,_•
big of such tremendous uta- eS of 1':.111'• 4 ;e111g•ihai
pe, plc as were expected to \ icw the' ed the 17 41(1 J hili , • !
pr cession. i• •s0.' •• , :here. at,. 4•: , ,•. •"•
o141Ji,t 11.,, teIel, N1 49.' un
At first it was arratie that 0.: ...I s'(1:: • . ly- the , , .; track, i...' ports.
pits: e .ion should jot ti.. , .. Prae \. ;lh: to
Ti..fal;,ar Square, bet t : ` el•t 1 :. - !:,•, l= t I':.•.
('\''Tined by tilt• pt!:' 1 , n
pinitin(t out• that it x:4 1)F1 MS :\\I'
t( 1''U k die many entre:. . \ ., .. ,:..:, ill`. ,(t:. .) tong letters'
desirable, and that the stem,. ' The .'oflin, un a gut, ..:1, i I. • ; gNl,
epee (tl'ow(le(1 1111d Vtbr t' ers4• o - • (•t O.4'l e(1 1,4 a inagnti:, t lit. .:, ," •..•.i `e , 1'•:1' e' III., 1-; it►by;(1\\'
pushing on front the st . „!1 4i�•' el'e,i pal!, which :4249 w5.!!. .1 I4.1 •..,
re rtheast, nothing curl'.! • ;t!,-ta' .I . i0 cn Victoria's funeral. 1,1 til. ' ee:• sl !.,.,r ‘‘.11141•1* whcnt
t!,e pressure of the s\c t rite ,-r.•.'. 1 pines -10n pipers of the s.'.:t` r'" rt, res. so to !43.110
•.0 rising ground. Thi, • t 4 .: 1:raids playedHit/Wand ding... 1: 7:4 610.01', 1,:;1,', ,•nt:•ide.
it oide1 by the selc(•ti• 4 t.t t' •' ternatiu!; with a military band. t.•' Allllfeetl M:1:, 1,•t bran. ale
Horse guards' Parntl •. the M24 latter, ntunberiug sonic, 100, inr'u't !11 :4.n . >hort:., et:4 per 1(.11, track.
aril tit. James' stre' : n I, the:it: iug fifty side ai'd four buts (almus, 'P( rent,. 4 ) it.u'iu bran, x1u Ix•r
f.•t reaching Pteea.1:1l. andlly(:e headed the pro.' s:1011. Thc raw ' 1, ;I: •h„rt $_', per t4•n on track,
Perk. niers were plectra in the nide'. 5.f 14.1(,1it44•
the b,ur(I, instead of at 4144 ).• Id,
1,•41111 flat , I:t:ttl t \\' • t"r41, No. 2,
at.; \.• 1 W . . lake pert:.
f• lee, .• .4:4' 1;;1,:111'711 Ilr.tal'it'
v _ ',:, i•. t'• 344• out! i(1e , No.
It. 3:re outside, Jet•un
t,. • t. 1, .. 'IL'''.
11, \ Sic to 5214• ; No. 3
4 :Ara . is. Ne. 3, Ilii t° 47(•
t:\e• \ I,4(• to
11414 4t No. tt J1(•.
.•, Flout' tc)uetntions at
'1' :'•n'. -re: First patents, $:..50;
1It)}tl: ROOM. O1 \'I'I(1 ef(filtl't 1:.
The public lost nothing. By thol1(o an. the senior lxurdnhast'' • • 1;Aster ( !.•:neer-., 4..-:414•. '114• to
as is the usual eastern. and ).i•
etblige the route was a trifle short-; ti r Brigade of (luarlts, wrote .u1 ese4•arator, pi 4.1 . _.'. to eae;
er, ire ing a few yards 14-,-) than il'.troduetien fur dimes alone ; I'.:., t t,ritlt (4 to tee
three and a quarter m1'les instead vats solemnly impressive, r' " c lrt, tee. 4• .. t•, re.
of a few yards more than that dl's- from the softest 1Iintossl1Le 4, ti :' 1.1 -01 1•:•, ,1, 1011 ill 441:.• !one
(elate; but this was more than coin- lewdest forte and finally ,l4•...1.; i ...' t • -e \.•\. • ,•. l i '. 1 ''ergo
rersated for by the big area avail- t( a sort of dull nutter 1r 1,,•• 7,,. ,e f1'r t4, . i. • . ti,,, , t:e.•tie,
able as n public square on the a setelne, majl =tic prelude to the • , ler large and La. for 1%4145.
Norse Guards' Parade, and then dead marches by lit•('the\,•'4 at:•.1 14, ;, •,s $2 to 842.10 per lll•h. 1 for
all the narrow pavements in lock- (Iwpin and front "Saul.” 4 r n., - :In( $2.i0 to $2.20 f.•4 !Laud
spur stre't and lower Regent each of which it way played. ,• e<t.
atlect, in Piccadilly, would have When the cortege excelled Mar' ' 1'..t:,1' e. 1)e1aWnrc••, 55e to GOc
bc.roug'h flat.' It pJ'4e(sled et. r , t,:.• . .,4 . t 'cote: and at. Me to
tL) latter pert:orl .'f the route ''tk :,•�: 5.0 ; i a 1. l ..a, :had (intarielt
en by Queen 'V!ctoria''1 (1111,1 tI ale ,.., 244. :u.: I.cr bag on
procession - that: is, by St. Jeries i 4.;,•; '
street. Pic&a,lilly, Hyde l'ark. r1..• -
Marble .1reh. Edgeware road. 4%-. I I tylai(i\s.
ford and Caml..neige Terraces :1 e.; 11 4 .- ..,_,, .:.; 4'l t :el.•
London road to Paddington starlet!.. I'4.r1. :short , ,.t, x.tt tic A(a►.50
LAMPPOSTS I)I('O1tATE1'. 1,•• r ,' ' ���.:,u to X410.
t : 14'.1 t ,... . 1 . rt• 124'((.• to 10(:;
Within the bou'i•l:tries of t;• 1, 1
there City u'f Westminster'•r:. \. 4'y baht.
•,1.• i,.1 :,. 4 I'. -.:art, .l \teats -
prevented more than a fringe of
people from lining the road, where-
as in the Mall a cruud of fifty deep
had plenty of room.
The coffin was transferred from
the catafalque at Westminster Hall
to a gun carriage at 9.15 a.m. The
I1.4yal regalia star place;I on the
eoftin and the procession then start -
4 multitude
. w:,• headed b4 a whitit
"d It
ellen or. 111111,114 ill. the British
ere (ted Vero tian masts 2 • f.
ant: foreige military and naval high, covered with whit" }in014. :It
sr rvices an:1 by massed bands and intervals of twenty yards. From
lteyal suites. !these flava flew at half mast.: slid('
Immediately hchind the gun car below each 'hew; a wreath of mar-
riage came Prince Louis of Bat- t ga( ells,. 1\ Bile it was not practi-
ter.hurg. King Edward's charger ;cable to earn out an exactly sinli-
wr.s next, led, and then the Royal lar scheme in :ill the other streets.
Standard. Behind Dante a caval- I 0. i.tinuity (•f decoration was ob-
cade of Royal prrsen:4grs, King lain('( as much as possible by hang -
George leading. The Kaiser retie in^, laurel wreaths and ri .pct rib,
on his right and the Duke of ('en -
naught en his left. a few paces to
the rear. in rauks of three there
rade the Kings of N. rway, Greece,
Spain, Bulgaria. 11•'nnlark, I'.rtu-
ga1, and Belgium. the Austrian
heir -apparent, the 4►ttonma11 heir -
bons from lamppubts.
All along the line of the route
points of tentage were at a pre-
mium. :1s much as $1,000 aas paid
fu•• a small window in Piccadilly
apparent, Prince 1 44shin», of Ja- facing St. James' street, and stead -
pan, Grand lluke Michael. repre- jag ream ,'41 the roof of tit.
getable Hiefins, the 4►uke of :1us (i(, rge's Hospital was let at, three
ta. r.•pt.:senting t)h' King of Italy, grineas per head.
Pr`;rlee 14upreclit, of Kat aria. the .1t the funeral of 41,Iren 1'irteria
Duke of M7e ria, the Crown Prince wetly net ens wile injured l,y f ►1
of Houmtulia, )'rinse Henry of The lin); fruul trees which t'hry but lama Is. *27; flank pork. barrels.
g?.u.50; p:cklcd rolls, barrels. $30.
hcav • •c,•1('ac, fat backs (very
L' r,y; clear h::• , :. t. and cases,
• 10 1:,',c,: }::•• ':17 :i. 1 r toI
2t' a •i•. ., 4'.,..,,i 1. .l 0 to!
• sheul•n' 7,.. 1:• 1 t '
green meats out of p'ckle, le less
tl:nil smirked.
R. 1Is. ,:nehed. 150 t1, 15',C : me-
(clam anti light hams. Ise :o 44 4e;
i r :tv:: • 414' .0 t" 17 7t' ; bacon, 19eto
llontte:tl, May 25.—Dressed hogs'
5114.25 t.. $1.1.50.
Beet Extra Plate, half barrels.
I,4'' lbs.. $9.23: l erces, ::(A) 1be.,
$1'.1, de.. :100 lbs.. ate; 50.
Polk Heavy Canada short. cut
mess p•'ik. barrels, 3ii•4,, pieces,
$3.‘.5u ; l anatla short cut back
Pork. barrels, ta-55 pieces. $30;
bean park (small pieces. but fat)'
Netherland•, fluke . 1brccllt- "f d:bed to %few the procession.
Wu rte•nberg, the ('resit Prince of With the object of 4141 rting similar
til r4ia. Prince Henry of Prussia, acrident•s eel 1110. oCeltSioll the trees
t11: Grund Duke of Hess", the
Greed Duke of Mecklen}nrg-St rt'
Md., i, tile ('rown Prince of Saxony,
Vit (;rand Duke of Saxe -Coburg
atltl (i,t.hn, the Prince of Waldeck -
Prince Mehemet! .11i, of of perwUS w•he obtained a stew of ets'. $4.90; straight rollers. el.-
Eprvpt, i'ri,iee Tsai Kau, uncle of the funeral pr4cestiou. They range 90 to $5: do.. in bags. $2.'23 to $2.-
144111( ie'r of China Prince (7laries (relit 1.000.:'11(1 4e '1.4s mut. Al 35• extra!(, *2 to h'2.1(.
of Swr•len, Prince Albert, of :tickles (; tltiatone':. pudic 14 Mg in-state in Fold Mandolin shorts are in fair
YE. ig!
1 •.eO it (.radian homes to produco
dellc+04:', '.ctns'Inedo bread. and a 1401.'•
p)J b ala;'yn irtcluded;In Sportt:mona'
rm.) C:.• toppers' Outfite. Decline
a'I imitations. They neer
(;i4o enti•sfaction and cost_ just
4:5 much.
W,n,, r. s Teron t0, Or.t. Montreal
A:.urd.d AIjt...f Ao,or, of oil
' •• l..,poalItens.
1 , • „ \ •,.,•ri,•:t '4 . • ',•\., ii Tj),
" Tl 1) Ti T1►
! , ,1 nlix
1'(1. rise t., Blit'.
Butter Creamery, 21r.
4'lleesc --Fud: ers. I0',,c ti. ►u',,'.
Eags '-Selt•eted, dozen. 23e 4., 1 tc ;
straight receipts, 19e to 20c.
I'\I'i'1.1) sT.1TES M.tRhf.'fs.
11.1PPL\I\I;S I'lt(lll AI.t. (II I:R
1710 4.LUBE.
l(•Ie;rapbie Briefs From Our Dee
abd Other Countries of
Recent Events.
Ur. Joseph Griffin, a Irentieent
bl:6144,S than of St. Thomas, was
141110tl in an elc\8tor at 8ml Frau-
Peter 1'erigen 04414 4 gang of
D( ukhob:,rs 44841' 1.10,'44•.1 :l biQ
wading 0uetlael (.it the (:rand
rr1,nk 1'acitie near Panora. S:a•k,
The French t rax 11e.t• 114 toga start
ill co:lisiolt (.n \1 e(ncsd.1' :With the
lite:anter lhte!'ulore, off North SSyd-
ney . l'. R., and punched a hole ill
ht's boo. 141 dockiaag the Beluga
-11.• hist into tier tug Ltldce and
sunk her.
liH1'1'' i\.
Barracks at Pinar del Rio Demolished by e• `tl"ishetl'iti the4►ilI'� tis (will 'ounchil,
I .iiding at 1.,ndon for the use of
Dynaniite Explosion. (. lt.nial cutin,( I.
I:.•fL:', . \tat •.5, -\il,' at Spi'mK l;\1'1'1:1) ST 1'i 4'
4.1�. •''t. 4,111, \.•. 1 `' .tttel•n, ear- ,\ despair...: 4„•:•: lfautna, Cuba, 11rop)•c. (chicle 1- 4(ts milts distant. ,
1. ;•1; ere, .. 1,, W:t'ter, .uw- 4
1xu air, . 't •'It' ,lf1Ilcouy c., In s 144 4 rinee,, ,. !'.. alarm trier :leg. e :u 4 Knox of tt • 1 •,u(0o
cc, \e' 4.11` -1 ' .4 white, I Stat( a, Mahe :u, itnn:4,t to
,ons of d.4 '-41 i c, bit • I ra(•e (-,st erblu,.. , i„ Getcrnulent
I. 41 lec1 a{1 torp,,•u• ill PIT SelV4 tilt' pea•x• b4 1• e4 a I::•aa
dor and Peru.
Harry 'I'r'rupt:. a (4. '1'. li. :Leek
at 1)etl•uit, xh, '441(9 a 11 test.•d en a
:Marg(• of ei,tli ii.lcne•',t-, admitted
taking money from h:.s 1:a•hlejerh,
avid stated that much (,1 t had been
lost 111 4:5.4.11',)°!I1S.
Brazil. -Argentine and t ,c United
113t4. rill attempt to mediate be -
44401•11 Peru and l:cua..tt
ee. .,. \.•. t .. i'•••.. ,. \, :1 l.•;st of 3,04'0 potted', eewpletely , •, .
Iii,• \leiail;y in 4)e• p5.->e`•len of
((:114, tiJ; c: No. 4 4• 1:. 4,+'•• t,:.t.',!o' ,,•'i,-1ted (lie !lir (;•lard bat 4. etlaeto►•s., for road e„I'`truetion
Easier ; No. 9 white. 1:. . \.•. 3 ! u,ckv in 11,, • .4., of Pinar del 1('0 et .: 14111 1. p4blic works, to be re -
4 6.4'; N. f xhih•, .1? . l 1' 'en 11'e11n.'.i '.
troll\ f( I(nn4h,'.! Ir.,t'.I to 11,0 barracks for safe -
ley • l'e.•.l 444 414,141 �4' c,1 t, . . ..nes v. 4. ;.died, and r.(••tr', ir.1,1.41 int!. \l edn•'d'i, afternoon the
Mieeeapolis, 1124•, 1\i•11
37ay. sl.o',' ; July, 4 I.n:'a: 144 le
trl,lber, yet'„ to td4!�e; cast., No. 1
l:ar(1, *1.1'2; N.I. 1 Northern. $4. -
(vs, • to $1.14', : No. Northern,
`41.0`•' to :111.11' ' N... :' Nol'tb-
(rll, 11..,,. • *1..1'4; • \e. i 4-
(`r' 1.• �;..'•' 141.1,) t.
i ,.,,, I i,4 I,:,:.
:.,' '.•''01441 patent s. 1. <5.
111- , clears. $1.15 t': ?•; 1., . -e•'
1.4 ,
11:an)' \tere '., ,I:.:'•, 1. 44e,t , f I!:.•' e. ak of relne4:44g the (171:It17ite
teed sere I: , 4 :. i 1. ,:,ids. 8.41 the 4'.;ru the barracks for ship,ne:4t to
petite f,teal ., • f ” 4, c,•1: , f 1t.e of 1,, (oycl•n:tient. magazines ill Ha-
bit 4's of tl.t 1' •:•:1i, ,cher:' (. . %n" a. 441s 1 . gli1 by employees of
were also kit:, ,1 ,1- ,t1 tl ; s ••e•,s 1:•! • • I'Irnlit' Works Department, as -
1 by Rural (hclyds.
ru:pluyc•.•. (41,. I' .1.:. \Cork• i to • 14 t
4 241 tmcnt ted 1 • • .0. u! - . f the c:t_• . • Niles erre :•,gaged in luadhng
• ll w hieb fel? a 144,.4'• of masonry; (a• e's of the dynamite on wagsris
sirs.(' debris ; 4 i.e1, a terrific explosion occurred.
I• ,s 1:, r ,et km 4.0 %%holler the; it •.tartly f,llol.ed by another.
• .4 t;. „ .. ••4 .t'! a• • ,4'1 •' int' the cental court. in which
1•. • a.'. ..,- .1 0 !•. . : • t • f - t1: • 4'„4'l: tans gou:g ,.1', with (lead
,:,1,•c,•, 1,:11 : !•.. - •Ant: 'to11nr1,'4I. The whole massive
eon`id, r• I 4 l..l•Ie. 4•1141aeks building was destroyed.
tenlreeL 11:1y :.. t'a't 4 4144 1"1,e4 ; I .. t r, t 0. • adjacent row of officers' ctuar-
5.) to es; sheep. t:,• !ser i. : heel, . r• • 0.' ufGe. r • • (• !:'':'! 4' • . lt:ls demolishes. and the whole
tR t lir gt, reel, : t,'.gs, 1:, . -, ive,e•) (: .:'t'1 nr.•l 11 - • '
tuts .•(IU.Y:) t5. $44 5(t: r•.,,\••. .•h,• '','. n.'ed in ti 0
$4.• 4,;:,.41, fail'. I 4„ ',r•; t..h:'. 14, til•.
.(-711110.•i, ;(' .' 4.4 t' e: .1...•;.. Ch,n4 e'
p••, 1b., '' . . e : 0 ...! per 11) .
t,. -e' tr:d•!: l,er tl• .e to
(1 ' ; f •.4. 4” r Ir., :, ,•• 1., r. ; t',,.1
won, per 14).. t1, 5' c
1'\1O\ 111' 5111 1'll IFR11'.4.
G1'PS1 NOT 1:t'If-1'.'.
.1equitted of Murder Charge at
Shari title, Que.
\ despatch fr••n. Brybon,
says: t1 20)42401 11''1,1';,'. the l rich
c4psy. who shot tee young n,en
..:4 :el at Silaw\ int. I,eea.,t" they An-
t tli..:14 • , rel4bern section of the city was de- toyed him eel •lois Life, war 14111111
•}124 ! 44:-4,(1 \• ah n torrent of fragments mit guilty of murder bs a jury en
::t.,•- I .•f 34424•. nry. 114dn. clay. The feet that the
t •4. n nuthor•ities did not protect
Canada llilj Signalize .lnnitersar% A Boat Load of Laborers Was Upset in
of Dominion Ila).
:4 d('5nate.. from Ottawa says:
8. nth :Ifraet s Dominion Day. Mas.
the River Dnieper.
:'.1st. w•11! be signalize(! by flag de ,1e•nateh frurn Alesandrot•eky. -
lu(.n.tratluns prettywell all over 111 - - a. says : Pert •: -•t ven stork
('ur.ada. Mr. F. C. 'I'. O'Hara. :11• a stere drowned through the ne
Deputy Minister uf'I'rnd' and Coin erring of n heat in which a part .
nonce, who has been interesting .
of A 4 laborers were be•ng Carl ie.I
himself in ha4i'Ig the event fitting
al" • e, and the current at this point
ib •irr•lig. The boat heca:41e 11111na11-
: g' able soon after leaving the
• go t'• due. it is thenght. to over-
!• all ng. Smirked-, is mid -stream
t t .rne•.1 turtle. Mane of the num-
lot. from persecution 444j4gbed with
ill.. ,heel..
THE :I(I.900 '1'0\ 141114' \ 1i '1'.
/ural Steamships for 4llanlie's
Future 'Trade.
Mr. L'suth. chairman of the ( u
ale! Steamship'Cornpa..:,. +aid
re eat meeting of bh,t,• t(o141crh
L.•ndon that in his jut/gilent til
feature of the Neu' York trade lay
4ith the 40,000 or 50,000 ton coin
billed passenger and 4.14 boat.
Iie spoke from the expe111 t,te gain -
c 1 with the Lu(atania awl Maure-
tania, each of them of nearly 35.-
ly recognized in Canadian schools. : e4'"•• the ricer Dnieper noir here b • 4'. ere quickly swept from view, 0114 tons. 'These tw•t 1e:tatilaus
ret' rived word on 1Vednesday that '• 1 1C.tlflesd4y. Just one-half the a4 their bodies have not been re- have been so successful that a ship
IIIitish l'olunri,ia hnd agreed to fall 4••4al windier n.aua;;. 11 to reach serial. News of the accident still larger is to be built to share
into line. The educational autheri- % e•re. The mea boarded the craft. Ia./tight the families of many of the the Nes fork service with then:.
it of Nt'w Itruussick, \ova lice bleb was to burr t -sten them to 1 .•14 line. to the riverside. and the I; is believed that the new vessel
ti:l and Manitoba havedirec;r41 that t:1'• ••ppesitc side of 11.. river. Thr • s-•(1 e affe•(44(4 l4 the g'let '•(1 wives
Raga be flown on all the public . at111arts are a '1. , • distance I a d rh;l41r.'1 wa' distressing.
schools in those previn('cs. in t:t
44 i1l not possess the speed of the
Lesitania and Mauretania.
In the near future there will he
taws and Nontrial there still 1•'•' \1.111:11 11.1!1 4 i14144') f. •' test (rem n meta' • lad build f4 a monster ships exceeding in
sin iter d0rnenstrations and in '1' ' in,: charged t le ti call when a 44170 the present ('unarders. Tw"
he try st( ran sw•u• g 4: c boric light of tL em arc it'll under way, the
44 're,. a9itinst the ,tails. Several Olympic end 'Tannic, each of which
1.h• rt e'rettit+' affected the tele- 14 to be "f abnl't -15.000 tons. 'They
1 heuC+ are for the White Star Line and
a, _ are 15. 1,111 fru,,) Swlllla•npton to
('para Morris. the actress, is Nov York. The launch'ng of the
threatened with bl,,.lnes:s at her Olylllpic at the yards of Messrs.
I,.,tne in Yonkers. N 1'. Ili eland A• IVolff is fixed for (hate
5): r.•uto t1, t only sill flags 1.• 4., te-'l
heats'. all fat). barrels, •10 50 pit': in celebration of the tis,: nnh:4.•r
al• lig the scuta were circled by '"'• $3• ' wiry of South .African union. brat ,
l,:,rbed wire. 1 Flour Manitoba spring wheat t( 141torin! addresser will Le deli%
! paten., fi r•t>4, $5.440: de„ second•, ered to the pupils on the ?tfterlt.,• n
1145.10; winter when: pateets, $5. of May 31'4t, d('al;ug with the 1 \,•+,t 4
Iatinlate:' 411'4 nc 4., the number 2:1 to ?r,.:::,, \lanitoba strong bak shish It'd up lir the utlion of lttitish
111143 Boer in the 14044 fe(Ierat., n.
( III Irl II R111t1i1'R (11 14 IIT.
wig Holstein, Prince Arthur of 11',sttninater Hnl1 341(,(1(10 per•e11s demand (rum local :and routltry "lomat b. harm Rax ('uunrel•ed
' 114th I'a•lor'• (louse.
('onnan,tht, Prince Christian of biro brier(• the catafalque. It is buyers, but the trade in bran and
he 1::.• •4' ig Holstein. the Duke of
rift Prince George of ('utnber-
Iar1i. Prince .1lexnnder of Batten-
) erg, the Duke of 'Peck, Prince
Alexander .'f T.ek, Prince Frnneis
of 'Trek, Prince Muxiulillinnt of Ba-
den, Trills(' .Andrew of Greece,
I'm, • Philip of Saar ('ebnrg laid 4 I
lL 111:1. Prince Ilu11ile of Montellt.l 1 1 Pastor l 1right'c,
4(4"• Prince l'htistnph0r of Greece, trade) , o. 3, 5t , ,o, . u , ,
obese the Inst sol,•nu4 s• ruler wa•
t!rr Doc d'.11enc•,n, Comte ('Iia 1 . 1 1 •f tl retrains ..f
calculated that the thirty-eight In, ail.io 14 411111, the lntest bats re
hours during w7hich the public sus cei4e•1 fer the former for expert .4 despatch ft„114 Halifax say:
l'ormitte'd to pass 14 •45.ro the bier 30retltlt. buieg o111y' $17.50 per t•,11. Recently the eollee1Ien box In tilt•
of King Edward curl- •4''rabl' snore' ()e,tario brill. !419.5(4 to :120: de., i 1:rtho(list church at ,fillteen. N.
than double that nlunb' r err. hill: nlielalings. $2'' to 1423: Manitoba► • ti had leen repeatedly robbed. It
to pry this mournful trib:lte. Iran $111.50 to $19; do., short•,' wits (lett relined to emelt the rob -
1349' to $'22; pure grain rnouillie, I her, and there sag rigged up an
AT ST. gEORGr. S. !
L�' to $:13; :nixed mouillir, :425 10 automat,. alarm '. <.n til.' lox
' ,,-h ill (•n1 tote• e5.nn0C a is It 1 as or '8r s .
8l. 1;eergM • 1 han.I. 11'indser, is, 41, • .e s 5.
1 sire h. HSI'. 011 lfetalnv meriting at a
• (11.4! bane's, 514'.
,, ,(. a e4' a mortal
an'! thief. other Orleans princes, J (.4414 c,.1 1'll. s0ry eent:nitt0d t.. the Itolle( (Int. liras. $1.110; Lar
Vac. Prince Sian!. Prince
eels. >il 415; cornn11vlI. barrels, *3.
42414!1 in the• ,1lhert 1lrnleria! 4 h:, p;, to $:1 94.
1..'1 In tee fernier his late 11.0
11"tatoes- (seen n'untnins, ex
,e sty waS christened and mats 14.41- tract, 3:q' t" 4t►c.
r;..1; in the 'latter h•• tock part 111 arms Canada weal. No. 42, aa(•
the Inst tnenrnful lite,for his fel to :s5' -.e; No. 3, 37e to 1t" • : On
tl.(r and n,etlner. \ :3,
furl" white. No. 2. 3f' "•
The w•rtic4• xa< c,1 Whirled ly the
til(, 1 row II 1 ►ince of Sia
1,. -p5.1.4 5.4 ('1,111rir, and Prince
4Volra•I �,f 1Vahleck Pyrinont.
(,)1'1.1 \S IN ('.111R1:1(:I•:14.
:1411.1 41,0 11•n'al Ladies in ear -
1014,'.•. •,• (, ,, • r. \I'1r�. 1114,
.4' let
11. ti.. 7. I runae�, \lata• 1 • •• .,ehhi•. hop .•f (',It.tOrhnry, the
110' •1-', r •., O,,:' „.11 , t \.41.4:,4 ti4' 1,• hhi,llol' of 1•. 4'l.. the Iti4hop of ;
1'c, :, -- I:• I'1 it , 1 irte►ie. t ), (.•7.1 ar41 Ih•• l4. sn of 11 iairlsor.
lL• I' : ' •aye 4 . Lust; I;. fist. i \ the 4 e ' .t44. 4 , rti at of the
4!1• ( , • I., n• , - of Rotlt0'I44 •, : 4 the
1,.1'Ial •4'l\„ 4- I. 'Irlie
the I' • 40' 4 et, of ilolland, the
., r. '1141' 1? - 0n1"-4 4„441' 4. hlew'-
lJ. • n I' a, r of 1'ot (el, til,
,•::. of 1lontene 4'o. '> '1'•e; tided (rem the s,riut 5.f the
l',, ., c,4 I', .,�•�
g r . '121,er!+ through an opening: in the
and ti,• Ih:ch(''-v of .1trsGa.
A 1 '..11'• (ironed tilde eellrr,'” l;• • 1 let • 1i„• s111terr,ale 1 1 :Ii!,A•V,e
f.• tee , 4) 4.1 . f the '48' . 114 'I.uti11
tl; ., 1., 1 .lad the• roytll
( 1 :•,••.t ..' 4•, it u:1 : .4;.1 '11 a
tt N 41(1 0, Twn ulh('4' sl • , .4u.' 441)1• !,. - 4:'I. I'.d4va141 Ilin►-
1tt1i^s Innen with °tilers. 411 >, le, t. •i t 141- hist re -ling 1.4 \l(44'N i(l)ls T:S. 1
Ir. 410\4 of the time 44 hick the i 1 .i''•
Lir ! ,lni1•4 t1''' p91'4 l•f t4e• fn4'er
'. r • N.,. 4, :14' .I'
i'( lock the clergy man was awaken-
cal l4 an nbtrm, and hurrying to the
church he feutld the 1114411 4'11440i1144
lite I...s. Seeuring help. he ear
Lured the culprit, who pruatal to be
rule ..r tie otlitinlw, raged , '•..'nit• -
int.. The 111814 has been 1(111(!(.1 in
jai: and it is nn(Icrsteed h:• rill
plead sleep calking as an excuse
fit this effel,ee.
C. P. R. Lets a Job That Will Water Half
a Million Acres.
.\ .4..,.01. 4. 4, 01 1 aivars , .41br'r- 1 k:.m'. 1Vashingten. Thc cont rnet is
( , - ' • ( r i •1 •a canals
s 1 (:Mine fol• exrayatien of twenty
Li. .a., - :Via . ere r:4,t for an eaten (• 1 R•),2J 4,(•►(, end 4144 udc c t
111 pietea..ien 44 A, 1141(1'•1' 44.'11 1" f •,'' ". 1, ,) 1.11. 4 I'. It. il'I'1gatl•,n 4'l. 1
1.) (•'(•114(•1$, wihe•n Bing ('. ,'.... •,r • 'I'•,. 1;,•4,11•nn•nt•' :'•,4 :114:.11••' ,.41141. n)i111"n cubic yards of earth.
110 1:1,111,1•.'1' 11.411 lt•.rt' lis. 1 •,•.•, of �,:.11 11••. 11:,0,.• (.4 ri•1.' phi Ilse , nrt,!11 srctl(�1, 4.f the '1'1;, contract prier i` al,•Ilt :1 (1111T-
1it.d nt
1t4.rkiulehnm I'a18c•0. 1►irreti. . " 14:,11...,. 'Ill, ,,. •,nil 1 414 :,i ((• .,,,. 11 ;_ t'n n l!5., 1, bus Ian 11 axar(e.1 •tet of n million und•n the : e•linlnte
! I .44 A. (-5.. of v-,,,, e: Ill.' 1 . P. it., all(I ea1'11''» a time 414•• arrival of the hint; the 0:1.1,!. =.:l; 11 •o, Tel ,hie t.. ,,n• t •, ,s•.t. (, .1:117,: \1.124. 041.,
1 1 the i t 41. i • 14•4 ,e e., Il 40..17 1,•e • •,` 4.. •,••I t. 11'1 E. \4 if i. h, ,r, :Ire1 :ea 1••:110(4 !0:11 4f 4,41• 41 al.,. 'tile work t4 15.
(/1j the 14111„'Pial awl regal tele4404 ,'4h' 4 104S'r( )n(Inlnent.
01 ant. ;.milt ('r tu., all of Spilt 4 itiignl4 a1U,000 acre!.
(1441pM1 with
le t'0) (*1 ` •141, • - •
awl the 1-ui(.n .lack, 00 uieli, rest I', 1'hicf .(•'tier I n1e' ll;•ltr”. \Viet, r Becher llught•• and 1 le ,t 1)4,0d immediate]; and will
Jelin• Stader killed at 11eta•kisin
h)' Sl 'p sing Into I'einl.
.1 dispatch trent IVrt:skit/ in, .11
l, Ira. rays: Jul;us Sluder. aged
porter at the Alberta 11ote1,
vas electrecuttxl on Wednesday
running 1•y 'dept.:lig into water
Do you realize there is no longer any reason why
you should use a coal range? Oil is cheaper than coal; it
is lighter and easier to handle, and gives an intense
heat. Provided you have the right stove, oil is more
economical, cleaner and less trouble. Have you seen the
Oil Cook -stove
The accompanying illustration git.es you only a rough idea of
its appearance. You really can't appreciate it untd you either
use it yourself, of ta11c to someone who has used it. it (toes everything that
a coal range will do ---except heat ,be mum. Thr N w (`refection Oil Cook -
Stove w,11 dna '.lt;,n4 , from heating •
kettle of wate. to cr,ui.,�.g a course
dial..., but it won't heat a room. 14
der:_a,'t "mica," it doesn't smoke. it
can': 4:-t out of order. t.lght it and it
is ,e...lv, Turn it d•,w'n and it is out.
Only ,+ woman who knows the trouble
of carrying coal and cooking in a hot
kitcl;rn tan 24;'4 te,,.;te what it means to
have :t clean, petfe.t stove that will
conk anvil mg, boil, bake of toast, and
yet •101'1 heat the kitchen. How is it
done? 'the flame is controlled in tur-
quoise -blue enatnel chimneys, and
directed against the bottom of rot, pan,
kettle or oven, and only there. The
flame °Termer. exactly v::ure itis needed
- and nowhere else. \%'htb this stove
your kitchen is cool.
The nokel finish will: Cie bright flue
of the chimneys makes the stove orna-
mental and attractive. Made with 1. 2
and Limners; the 2 and 3 -burner
stoves can be had with or without
sneer e•set.r.rrwh.r.: 4 r, I l' ,..,c,1 on441c
41.4,74(,1.44 Co- »1.r l,.4'4- , ,.,. ,t e,4'..? •4 14*
Castionary Mier. 8e sure
x4.11 set 4hi, stove- 4.1
that til- 0190l -01544
suds "New )'erfect,"n'e
The Queen City 011 Company, l hulled,
het next, and the Titn'.ic is ex-
pected to be ready not long after.
.4 third vessel of the 40.000 tun
older is that shish the Hamburg-
.lmerican I.in.• is to build in Ger-
rnnny. Herr allin htis 0•un-
er 111 41ew (410
Ile4' hreend tyears444ng4),
le 1 cancelled the order he had
g:4en to Messrs. Harland & Wolff
(ming, to the depressing outlook for
.411autie trafli''.
\. •ther the White Star 'oats
11.1 the (4('rlllarl ship st ill have very
h ;til speed. I'r:'bllbly twenty knots
via '1• held to suffice. The Olym-
pic will be fitted with a combina-
tion 4.1 the reciprocating engine
(44 (4 the turbine.
With regard to the cost of Irlild-
itse large Wessels it is peinicd out
that the iiritish (loo('rninent ad-
vanced the ('nnar(4 company $13,-
000.000 for the building of its two
triple turbine ships, %Lich sugg(rsii
14'I expenditure "1 not less than at1,,
514,4,Ot1c4 en each 40•s' I. The 4 %j4'
'd);ite Star boats ate expecte-alto
0, ' .11aetlt the saltie set, the Vlore
• .i.'Iate speed aimed 11t helping
1•, ,ell, p,'le,aie ter their superior
.Ir. booth reinniked at the
weird meeting that twenty years
age a weekly ',claire lir New Yerk
Would not 11,1ve ropresenttd a
gr. titer , ;19111:1 outlay than $7,f100,-
\:ally :f!., ulillie'l tons of pita-
. • arrr raised in Ir, land la.*
11,0 :,u'nt'il eastl:►L4 of Iirltisll in -
",(1 :'L(1,Il,kl,u(r.)14'$44)24
'l' ,4Mt'l.'4p4 now •4.491.144.
(1 , ::g ;• •:11•'(1 :1• the i811!41' el
•.ter ;...41.1.' •i,••(, i4 - a 1111311) ill I•:ng
I::uc1 :u;d 1Cu!l .,.