HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-26, Page 44,11E Z$ E% 11 R T I M E B, MAY 2Uth lt►lu.
w. •est/,_ ,
E vt..i rr rt�c►,
Oleodlrss, ?
You Can Be Clued c'f Poverty 01
the Blood Just Lth Miss
Everett Was.
• 4444•4444.H4•444.1
Since the early ages• in all cauntrles
among all classes ofpeople,
A �en 1.
has been one of the most pornlclout
condat,ns that affect man' 'incl.
from her home let Paisley,
lir,. Everett bays;—"Aty d • ....t•
had just passed her -is; '!1 y u,
when she bean to k
and strea.gth. Serious r
stet Lu tlr.lt made her i.
friends most anxious, \'• Miss Addie Green, of Zurich, vis -
only tt"rtie•1 on account ,•t 1.,:•
h..!' t• •t because she was likely to ud'li.a Pearl Guhr over Sunday.
I .r work ut the High 7 Mlersrs. Walter Connor and Andrew
eel, • :ae was preparing- for Gib -on were in Toronto this week.
teaehi.tg. The due- . !.Ir. and 51r•i. J. Cas:, of Toronto,
I.UCi! S Mr. ('has. Blanes epeut the 24th in
, (iranlun.
1 , Huston visited in Brussels! me. 1'. \\'il:iarus repent 'the C!Ith
i r yuoy,
Jirow'n:nb spent the 2Ith iu• 11r. John'1\'alper seen( the 'lith
Load:,::. 111nr;ham.
lir. rend Al r. E. )1, Fish visited In I Rev. It. Hobbs, spent the pail
Ilene!: on nn the 24th, I week in Mtlslukn.
Mrs. T. 11. A[cCallum visited laI • Miss Al;tttl►ews, of Turouto, i; visit -
London over the holiday. (Ing elm h, 1'irtou.
Fred Alal!et n►:d Gerald 7Ltrdon! Mr. Ed Jones ou Tuesday visited his
were In'llitcheli on the 24th. I mother in Loudon, who it 111,
Alit '1
.. It r, •
I oto tit
lit sole t, f1n s
U 11 are
Clay r�
a tot I'
► ra Tree end E. u
] o t
fit hoops
spent the '24th at Poplar 11i11, visiting 11 r. and Mrs, A. J. ford.
isli:3 J. IS, Murray visited her Mr. Dyer Motion. of Illuf(alo, vis-
ited hit fattier in town Tuesday.
t rot her in Dundas last week.
Mrs. .7. J ntz, or Iluffalu, visited Mita Lyda Maar, of Lucan, l•+ visit-
!ative iu ;to1,1,n on Tuesday. mg her grandmother, Mrs. Dearing.
.\I r. 1>. J. Christie visited in De- There i; no 'Toto. Dick, or harry on
the council 'board now they are all
Airs, D, newer and eliss'Watson, 01
Hayfield are vitsiling Mr. and Mrs.
G. Manns.
Mrs. C. A. Snell, and three ehild-
ren are visiting at the James Ht par-
Miss Kitson and lit t Ali -s Towels.
of St. Thomas visited Mr. and 'Mrie
J. W. Powell.
trot a few tensa the past t1, Tek,
th' 1 • t
wa :,n,.
Alt .'.
•.'•. ltaerrd.i.' ! lotto' visited relatives in town on the 24th.
s Curt -ozone --and ,
Mr. J. W. lfubarth, of Avon. visit-
ed his'brother Stephen, over the holi-
Mrs...Ta Swe•:t and suns. Messrs.
.'rank snd J..s, spent the 24th in Lon-
1fe1b Strut.ser of seaforth, spent
the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. V. J.
Mr. and -Mrs, C. Lindenticld and son
` d 4•7silril in Goderich n few days
this week.
Miss 11, Spicer and daughter, Pearl,
visit:d Airs. Spicer. 1Vilaam street.
on the 24th.
Mies Horton, of London, spent a
few days with her parents. London
road. north.
?.fes; llabcl Mara and Miss „Ida Mara
or Lucent visited Mr. and Mrs. W. 3.
tioC area• rues, ;'"t,r Colo Tuesday.
col ivy dhsorder the Alis May Uawkit . vi�il.•d her res-
chi•have been eared ter. Miss hells Hatt km-, of \' itidsorrl
by i• ..:'y not you? In 50c over the boliduy .
box' • t r ee 5I), all dealers. or Tho Mr. I1. Maxwell, of St. Marys, .vis-
Catarre •::.:r. Co.. Kingston. Canada. ited at the home of Nr, H. Martin on
th • holiday.
NOTE. AND COelAl1;N17 Mr-. loon. of Harrisburg,'. visited
h -r parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. An -
The "Panama" has trade its appear- ( d r,on for the past week.
/ince. A sure sign of suwoter. t1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Gauld and family
take t,a . Ferrozon-
1:• . '1 he first
i l.i'rcese her
./ ,
:.•. . .tett the
.L. Ann!. .13
, ...Howls!) tit
•too,- bo fore o
ree!rtil.!,. in her
3:•ir r, turned.
r In
te;ctur° of
• • • • • of London were the guests of Mrs. G.
\Vond;r bow many 'people said "the Brooke. over the holiday.
comet" tvhen the fire bell rang on Miss E. l'arson, leaves Frida • on
Thursday night last, )
a visit with relatives in Toronto. Port
• • • • 5
fifty-ninth ruler of plops. Dowmanvilite'Whithy and Lind -
George V. is the
United England. The average length • epi s Zimmermann or Toronto and
of each reign was about twenty years. ff ,lir. 0. 1L ll. ckar o' New:Ilawburg.
Thus as the new king is a fairly young' v;•;;; ,J at th,• bora, of Dr. Browning
titan, aid in excellent health, the :hie stirs;;,
chances are that his reign will be a I Mr. S. F. Sharp is to address the
long ono.
that he will Lind the strength for the t•rurat Hiotel. Exeter. on Wednesday
part he ham to )'lay. There lacked not I let. at 12 o'clock with a load
those who shook the head when Vic- '• + for ria:e, Geo Chapman.
toria died, and yet her suet eesor was
the most successful British King of
modern times. And it may well he so
in the present case.
Atlxil:ars o t h • Women's For^ign
• • • Mi,o,onary Sueiety in Thames (toad
tnrden devolves town •'husrcht on Friday afternoon.
e t', Int the probabilities are (:gist•:; For 631re-1 will be at the
' v. J. 11. Kestle occupied (he pul-
t t :ti the James St. Methodist church
on t'abbalh morning 11;t and Bev.
.lr. leel:tnd in th•• ev,•n:ne.
1.CST-00 Thursday evening. May
19th. it boys overcoat. between the
The new Kings bit thday is June :t, Presby feriae church and Rodgcrvilte,
ten days after that of (ween Victoria, Find, r let a -e leave at the "Tim:,"
the liL.tteic May 21th. King Edward's offic -,
birtltdny conte in November, which The 2Ith of 'lay ea; luietly eel: -
was it poor time. so far as Canada was braced in town on Tuesday. A num-
concerned, the weather at that time b•r of citieena were out of town.
being generally too cold for holding oth:•r-i went fishing. tt hile some took
enjoyment. Bence. in his reign it tit the ball game at Crtditon.
wise customary to celebrate his birth- Lr wine the Campbell t'srnish
day on D.ay . lth. However seeing Stan Grainint, process you can pro -
the new King'ti natal ley comes at duce a fine effect over anyold dis-
the most, beautiful time of the year. it' colored floor. First apply te Ground
is possible the Empire will go ['ick to' Color. th •n the Serfac.•r. going over
the old custom of celebrating the Sov- it with the Graining roller ; fin!nh
ereign's birthday on the actual anni- I •4;t n ('arnno •::•, \'ire :it Stain. Light
vereary of his birth. (fak or any d; er••el shad:•, it wears
11t. Purcell of Myth vieited'tr, and ltkc Iron. Ask W. J. IIEAMAN
Mrs. ii. Davis Tuesday. abo .t it,
Nr hool cio .11 doe n last Thursday A to
Messrs. C. 1[oare and It. Rall of I n' fit:. and tee nut re-op••ned sir 1.11R mi supply .•f testi or, 1,,,,,i
Clinton visited in town Tuesday. i until Wednesda • when a fore H
r is visiting ie; preeentntion of the Nelson Sh i Harvey
a rvey
co..,... 1Y ill 'Jitney. n.t1 marl by th• r•nt 'sit
i MI'. Milton Memnon is around again and ru ►nl„•rs of th • iSchool lto �: 1. - _ ,
1 after hie recent illness, I it • Arno ars pini d up on tit • retool I
l Mr an 1 VCs. J. Ii. \Jerkiest') visited ! ;ro sad. rend march d down 'through
' + 1
and Ix: Stewart visited in Hrncetleld fou n and on return:n ; ru th school
over lh4''11th, Aire <.ee were given ny the Ill'ni“i•rii , t
end . t,•rai tont, tt r runt; nc the PAI'F, ttttN(�1N(,
Mr. F. Allison, of St. .Man y+. spent i see„Ier=, •
Tuesday tit the home of IL N. Rowe. Among rho.+.• a ho -; n! th • ho' !„
Mr. 1•: it,•eht. of Dunnville. visited ,11 toff n ar '1 r. •r: 1 '•I; •\ ,t, ''
at the home of Mr. 1'. Prior over the, :
holiday, ll, :.r. Ji.. I•t �. , .� •
'h. Il. (e ititen, Sr., who hits been • I -I1 : I
working in London, has returned it '! . i 'I.,s.or, •
'Ir. Fred Edo ;ads, u: ('orunna, vis-
ited at the home of Alt. E. Joey ou
the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wee t3ne11, of Dash-
wood. visited Mr. and Mr. Albert
Forel Tuesday,
Mr. Ilarvey l.iutott and Mime Alice
Smith. of tit. 'Phoned totem the 24th
with Mr. and Mtn. T. Boyle.
Mr, J. 11. Scott has necured a0 as•
eist:utt butter -maker in the person
of Mr. Newhall, a grnkluat(• of the
0. A. C.
Mr. 11. Spackman, Mrs. John Spack•
lean and -.Mies Geraldine Relight vis-
ited 'Ir. and Mrs. C. Spackman. of
Guelph, on'the 21th.
Mee. John punkin. of Lumley, met
with a serious accident on Sunday
last. She was knocked down 'and
truupifed ou by a cow. At prt•sent
she is confined to her bed, but is /pro-
gressing as well as can be cxpecterdt
A lit Ca. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe.
Leery. of Hibbert. nephew of Mr.;.
Jos. May. London Itond youth, died
front diphtheria one day recently..
The lithe lad wait fi or 7 years old ”'
and had been sick only n fete beers, L. - -
�i�cgc.:t!r:^ 1rccl; aration fork; -
slmitat�ngtt1cfoJdetl(111.0 tila-
lirg itis: Stmollhs cittiVowe1s of
Pro [n'te s •D i,+e s t i on,Che e t fu l -
nCSs anal l{est.Contltins ftl�ititer
Opuun.Dlarphine nor l'1ilitral.
NOT NA1tCO1'1Ca-
zsefe-oetzei)r.5.1t222. .'JZ i
/1.,.;41.a Sa J -
k'x. f,.vx, •
%Rs4tt;, .5 'n -
llfyrnarnr .
/a ra•liweo.r.j,. •
Apclfect Remedy forconslipe-
lion . Sour Stomac h,Dia . rtlrtea,
llorttts ,Corivutsions , Fevers sh-
aess and Loss OF SLEEP'
Simi!^ Signature el
-4 ti n14L►«h ji i
5DOSE, t$J Cryrtit}
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Ilse mother at at erre;.•nt ill with the
sate disease. HOW LINCOLN VALUED MEN 1
Abraham Lincoln pleaded more than
once with the Southern men and with
the Northern neer to come to some
agreement whereby the United States
goverment could purchase the negroes
of the slave -holders, and Ise said re-
peatedly tell i
t would 1
i� it saving o
rn r n
Yc n to
scally over against the tremendous
loss of carrying on war. This country
would not lintel) to his advice, and
plan ed into a great war which cost
untold sulfuring and ' mite outlay
of money, twice over the amount her at the time of such dietributlon.
I hat would have purchases. every slave EX PE 1 1M ETA1 FA I M (.LA DAfAN & STANBURY,
in the 1'nited States and given his Solicitor.; for .Executrix,
1 'owner n large ural sufficient suns for Dated at 'Exeter ;this 10th day of DR. 0. F. ROULSTON,
the carrying on of his estate. We Are GUELPH May, 1910.
Honor graduate of Toronto University
For Over
Thirty Years
THE ctNTnua Core.ar. a W TOOK CITY.
Times Want Column
Farms for Sale For Sale
ileing composed of Lots No. 27, Con.
7, township of Usborue containing
61 acres of choice land, On the prem-
es,s there Sieerected a good frame
h t r
�. and 'frame Ir
amc b
N never r fall-
ing stream of spring water rune across
the property, also there is a good well
with pump; .27 recross of fall wheat
seeded to glee's. 11 acres of hay and
the balance in vulture, This farm
its tv(•t1 Yenced with 10 -wire woven
fence on cement posts ; thoroughly un-
d•.•rdrained, and well suited to ,;ener-
al (arming, 1'osst•ession given at once
Also that choice gra farm beene
cornposred of S, 1-2 Lot 3 Con. 6, town-
ship of Usbornc. Thiel property js
f.-nced with 9 -.wire woven fence and
has stream of fresh spring water run-
ning acres the property. Possession
givers on complete payment of pur-
chase money. If Ihesu propertitet are
not sold on or before ibe 3rd of May
1910, they eill be sold by public auc-
tion with farm stock and implements
on Lot 10 H. T. It., 'township of Ua-
burne, on 'the 17th day of May .1910.
Positively no reserve al the proprie-
tor bas sold hid home farm and has
purchased a ranch in Alberta and Is
moving there at once•. Paul Madge>
Prop. r o Fore
terms s ,
pm and particulars up -
Vie to Mrs, Paul Madge on tbe prem-
ises or 'to Tbo4, Cameron, Auct. Far-
in the matter of the estate of
_Martha Jirew•cr Kernick, of the Vi: -
rage of Exeter, County of Huron
tnarried woman, dccea_s' d.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
Ie. S. 0., leJ7. Chap. 129 that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of: the late Martha
Brewer Kernick who died on or about
the 20th day of April 1910 are ropiest -
ed on or about the 1st day of June
1910, to sound .by post paid or deliver
to Messrs, Cladrnat & Stanbury of
the ',Wage of 1•:xetler. :solicitors for
the executrix of the said deceased their.
christian and surnames, addresses
and descriptions. the full particulars
of their claims, the statement of
their accounts and the nature of the
seouritits, if any, held by them. And
further take notice that after such
last tncntioned date ase executrix
will proceed to distribute assets of
the deceased among the parties en-
titled thereto, hating regard only to
tbe claims of which they shall then
have notice and ,that said executtirt
Moth not be liable for the said as -
seta or any part thereof to any per-
-TO THE- { son or persons of whose claims not-
ice shall not have been received by
South Huron
Brick house in 'Exeter moderate
size, in ,rood repair. Well situated o
one of the best streets ince villagt;
lawn garden nand stable. Apply.
at once to
1Uarristcrs, Exeter. 5-19-th
Residence for Sale
We choIceet offer
private sale one of the •
properties its Exe-
ter. Moderate sire. good repair, con-
venient location. Good stable and
garden. Apply at once, Gladman &
Stanbury 3-3te
sroousIs 011110 Coo Will w�►
Any person who is the sale heal
of a family, or any male over 11
seotoni of available Dominion land in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
The applicant must appear in person
at the Dominion Lands Agan% or
Sub -agency for the district. Entry b
proxy may '-,e had at the ageaoy, ori
certain conditions, by father, mother
eon, daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties :-Six months residence upon
and Cultivation of the land in sash
of three years. A homesteader may
live within nine miles of his homes
stead on a darn of at least 80 acre*
solely owned and occupied by him or
his father, soother. son, daughter.
brother or sister,
In certain districts a homeeteadtllr
in good standing may Pre-empt ■
u r
q ur section alongside his homer
stead. Price $3. per at re. DutieiT
Must reside six months ineaoh of eta
ycara from date of hamevtead entry
(including the time required to earn
homestead patent) and outtivtas
fifty acres eztra.
A homesteader who has exhausted•
his homestead right and cannot ob.
tain a pre-emption may take a pair -
charred homestead
nt certain ertsin t '
Prioe $3. hit r u
per eorc. Duties. -Moot
reside six months in saes of three
years, onitivete fifty acres and ereot
a house worth $300.0
W. w', Cott\',
Deputy of the Minister of the oterlor
N. 11.—Unauthorized publication oh)
mint witlnot be paid for
a ,ending in this country to day for
the punishment of rutin who have be-
"' conte criminals through (prink and self-
--->�� ishness of different kinds, ten times as
THE HOUSEHOLD FLOUR much money as would prevent the
satire number of men front getting in -
isn't always the "flower" of the soiree- to the jails, because we have not.
hold. It's the rule the world osier, learned the lesson of ('hristain econ-
omy. because we grudge the cost of
saving life bec 11154' we have not learn-
ed or appret'inted the value of men Aft
compared with shrep.-
Rev. Cha,, M. Sheldon in Christirn
it's straight goods we're giving t•ott-
There's plenty "inferiors" but no "su-
periot s."
LIGHT' BREAD. l miler 11 t•:.\ii-i..
It's wrong to gime le 1.11y tl,.ut 1.••1.. I
L Hopper of Belg;rthe t I' '
I, rotor •
HOUSE and I Iron Posts
1 T
Che Farmers' institute of South
Iluron will run an Excursion tilting
the line o! the Grand Trunk Railway
to Guelph, on
vtvsss• /
Centralia, 6 50 o'clock, $1,33; i':xet-
t,•rt 7 05 o'clock, $1.33 ; i(('nsn'.I, 7 20
o'clock 81.25; - Nippon. 7 20 o'clock
81.25; flruccfield 17 36, 7lf,20; C:in-
ton, 8 Oil o'clock, $1.20; Bea(orth $ 17
:o'clock. $11,13 ; Ht. Coiurnban, R 25,
o"clock 1,15; j)llb:in 8 ail, o'clock 1,10
httdren over 6 and rind •r 12. ila:f
Farr. Train will arrive at d%rtelph
1n 13 ; returning 4rmvt•+ Cue'ph 6 10.
T;ck.•ti good stoking only on one 'train
vnrid to return thw• 'fo:Jow•in;f day.
Th . advantages of a v,si1 in Firnt-
er, and others to the Model Tarns Ore
too well known and need no com-
et •rets suffice it to say. that no farm -
.•r •hnai miss this, the only oppor(un-
Mr SI(1 PAiNTIN(, tIr th-y (till have this season.. of
home fora few weeks. 1.• r : I. . win. n! II I in order to doge Out our Stock 1,.,1in • 1 • Model Perna ret enter ch ..p
At this particular se;pton )-OU Of Iron 1 Osts WC have reduced
r s: From nn sducalionaf l+t;utd-
tiii y Bench eel liens Stewart of "' I 1, I' r Garde' pour to the (armor th a• is nothing
1 ( the price from 25 cents to
Owe n ylound ;ate lir \1', Phil iv, of 1 n' 1' t '•1 : , . ,,,-. o. London w ill need the house decorated. h•I r.•r ! Intrrettintl Ieclums ,on the
Toronto are visiting Mr. and 'Its. R, 1 NI:, : ,i : Toruuta: 'lis4 1:. painted tit St,ntC paper hanging it?�3 ('Ctllt!'1 d..f 1 Int Jsu'bjrcts rnttu•ted In each
$. Phillips. i �'• ' . •.I• I erttnentot the Aimee Farm will
Rev. 'Ir.111•,ndswortle of Hrinsley,l •1.. 1 1'.f t. aho gas •1* rl•,nC' b• delivered by rtnineru:y rpnnliii.el.
occupied the pulpit of the 'Trivet( o'' ' " t',Iharin,s wa+ in • Ip 1 nee obrh cameo help vett prove
Memorial clonal] on `lunebty last, Hey. " r" ' "' 1' lad oculus' I an' We Do 11 and Do It Right IRON BRACES It Ir , nler. +tin!; and incl t ,,rti,e.
I Jr - hong n,l II.— - an on the iv hole I h • v. : tt t:l 1�•
D. 1V. ('client conducted re•op4'nirg(rest
services v1. 11,mle t"• I'he Ir. ,, r nn of
profit and pl a.ur.' la
• I, 1•, 'l, 1.. Hardt '11. 1..1, r and if you want Graining, House Iron I'ipe Braces all lengths at '
Iain It ,ht. itevect, of mothePottar.
In 1 and Silo Painting, i,CttCfln
Prairie, is vi•ttirx his ntothrr. He A g' "� cents a FlOOt :\ Pt' e Into h tt 1 he SI•t std in 11 c
t h.. ,. 1• rel .1' L,i;•r
W111 tetl)rn •Ifni►Iv to the /Vert. Ac•' Show Carel 1% fibre r we do it, in
I.- .puri' 11 1 4 . h .; J r. n( f+
co/prettied by spire. Sweet end child• j i; ,• i ,t ,. mem I: n r, tr" which line N'C (1') n(.thing but the
rer who have been w tine with relit. ! , I . , In 1.. 1 1.. y n : t:. t AIEK. MUSTARD. B. I1. PHILLIPS
tis. • heMduting{the winter. 1 •)_st work. N'r' will take in Exchange Horse- '
1..11r Isabella 1,11!.•, ne• ce of �It•. a !Ugh Scholl 1,•: Give Us a Trial heir, litlbhciq, Ifnr1, Lt/ppcf, I ,
R. I f. Murphy of 14,440, was 1E1%10 /111y •
President int �• . r, tate-, y 1 on t h • reel „}haat & %Vern! Pickings
kip •I on the. I. 11. A It !reek r,e.u) - „ , ,I, , I...Irene. the r .1•
lereeeshnro en 'Tuesday nicht. Thep f, r which .tie will
tictiln 4•f the eel ere,drnt fleas shire :' n•I t <:I:.•d :n .t' Giirnot
ficuwoodr. I:: h COLONEL CR',11 ,.yin:..0.i tied tie. a .I Mettle e. of Mt i I .,.,, ,,, n :.1 11 tr,9 1 :n l 'I f the Highest ,t
std \11 .. 'fens. hack.
se he t, e , ,, 9 II ,. 1 tis r.•. !'fief. \o. 12107 (!s2:, )
Lu, teat the trnrk. 'f h4' till ; n l 1, t r L :n :h g(;r:,1 1'.X1'• 1 1.R ()NT. M. JACKSON' ('o onel Grnhn►n null (continue• tht
ha,. ! ,•.'n in the Hybl will, I„ • i .•!Inst• S route shit+ .treason ,1s fo Incas; A1nnd•tp
oh. •:teetered unit. I t re. k .11 .1 tett_ , , • 11 11. I id itis - +r \in 9th will 1---. h'si
flit, dolrn 01:41, ir:K t41 I. ,looel,
�1' OINN�O \i \ 1 tie 1\ t l Eli
-rh, to i. it.bar I' • '11 v.• r,! 11 r paint 1 I ti.
MIA a4 1110 71 II ..' ., nr,..1' t i, the . 4'. . 1' '4,1 •. h,. 1 •n • • Iron•
enw•nr••r . Ir. r! ,• i, I ••n.. • :HI :►p,rlted ; . - I. . ...I 1:
the ••ni•1 j• 1r 1 1.1.1,.• In,' r Will foo . Itr . rot I,
late. \It-. Mut phv left \V•• nestle, to I s. , 1' `. .f. (;1••,.• :4.1 BI'iltl j' Bros.' Fred
attend the ',merest y j i I It I►•, .,
1:. 1!" 1 sash) I,Ittor t'artiers
• 'I n' :I". ' 11. !' :1 ,• ►�.
4 t. o47 11 startle
a alis
• • .. proceed 4 nyt to (Three 1', reuse's Our
.; i. :: :'i:',;. ('. fir:; ,t r -_ -. -----
noon then north to ('h . lhurst and
ti11-1 ro (0 0. ,%\ \t r• n'`' for night,
T. •dog wesl to �icl.. an'>= corm•r,
then norlh to Wm, ilo,cnrlh'. for noon
theft 44 .t by w•'ly of I,'p,, n Ro:id to
parte+ 3lr(:re,;or' corn r. :h tt north
1 I-1 ,ices th. n . +• •• lid ranith to
11o1.rrt ('ooh, , t, t n.: h:. \Il, dnes-
day. to llrec ,...d. I.. is Mack.
ens 111 shop for x,000; (lee... to Varna
for „.tht w 1n•re h.. witi r main until
ebur»day afternoon. The! silly eft' re
noon south to lltllsgre, n. . a-1 halt
nti'c to Wm. Love's for 4 ,:h., i•'ri•
day to Ils:isgrcen, month to 'enrich ltd.
Wl' ,tt-fist 10 Johnstone' Hotel for noon end
.t'at. tnken ill exchange for w•it1 remain until Saturday' morning.
7111(1 OItis tak1'll in S'I'ii y east to Jae. Green's for noon
:hen (Oto his ,own melee where he wet
('\t'll shit` f(Ir Oittl i i1, rentnsn nn tit the following. Monday
mornin,r, Thos route 0111 the contin-
ued throughout 1hr,t=rnson health snip
Rfvers weather p• rntillinlf
$ 1'hl.ne :,i,
Exeter. Out. I• RRA & F. IIEe :O GH
141.1. 6111•1111S0111••••111111111111111111141$'6111•1111S0111••••111111111111111111141$'E \ IS rEIt. - oN IA it10. I'roprictor. , F', (t n2omtth. Mn.a
T, ,1, B
Manure Littera
Some Alcohol Question
Is alcohol a tonic? No! Does it inake the blood pure?
No! Does it strengthen the nerves? No! Is Ayer's
Sarsaparilla a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pure?
Yes! Does it strengthen the nerves? Y'cs! Is it the only
S usaparilla untireit, free from alcohol? Ycs! Ask your
(Io*:tor about this iron -alcoholic medicine. If lie al)pro' Cs,
y:;' r cnrt'';dence will he complete. J•L;
s •sass st4•1881711in•vmsrrivi irtrawI•sasanv%I
!• deysl 1-:,11 kris Dull/nen! Duil tn.;.l:n! lleavy•hca(ied: Duwnlrcattcd1 .til
fwd often due to constlpallonl Yct the cut elssotase--,lyer'sPills. Ask yourdoct(.r.
Over heed ('unveyuts.
Bt'alty 11OS.' htvel
`spills stet :Stanchions
c,Tll he irtslnlled its cheep
414 Ittttt.-'t and last fnr,•ver.
B.:It t s' itros,' J.ontl
1 ri• 0.111 11111.s/ill irtr,l
I;11•ur-Pa Vet s for farmers and
nee em-il irp 1 ►, R 1711/111.
1'..1 •n'r 1•7.
W. T. Gillespie
our ee
All Good Kiu(is of
kept oin Ila11(1
Bran and Shorts sold by
the Ton.
Imp. 9996 ,(1.1311) DENTIST
OFFICE: -Over Dickson] & Carling's
Baron )reby will ,continue the route
thew mrnaou aro Monday noon. PLaw Offices, Exeter.
will leave b'at own no
8, ('shorn.•, and proceed •'to Thos.
Brock:; for m. ht, 'Tuesday.to John D.
Itoutely's for. noon ; thence to his minD S•, Honor graduate of Toronto
stable for night. Wednesday, west to University.
\Vm. \Vescott's for noon ; thence to
John Allison's for night. Thursday
to his own mtaole for noon. Friday'
to John Dttncene% P1ugtown. for noon
thence to Wm. ,Kay'.d for night. Hat-
erdny to hie own etab!e where he will
remain until the Jolloaing Monday
morning. Thi% route will Jur contin-
ued throughout the treason health and
weather permitting.
I'ropriet'irs, 1Vincheleca, 1'. O. Wm.Tr R. Knight, M. D„ M.,(4'.0111:0. and
Devine ',taasger. •S„ Honor Graduate Ti'n•
',entity. Two }}esus resident physician
- - Royal Alexandra Despite!, etc, Office
and residence, 1)r. Amos' old stand
Meeting of the Huron jAndrew Street, Exeter.
County Council•HONEY TO LOAN
Tile conned of the ('outlyy of Iluron' Wehareunllmit.wlprit%te toed, (Or tired
will meet in the teemed chamber.fn r Oen o? intero.G lowers
.taaga tropey ret towa
the Town of (lotted(It, on 1 motley the i)l 7 *(uX R CAIa.INO
7th. day of June next, at 3 o'clock. Easter
Acc is against the county ►n•tst f)1CKSON &CARLING
e ,
be pineal ,cess the clerk before the
aI•nve date.
Dental Surgeon
Office over Madman & Stanbury
Main street-E.x/emit.
w. BROWNING, el. D., 1111. 0
40 • 1'. 8„ Graduate Victoria U
faulty. office and reeldenonce. 1)omlaloto
ee►atory, Itzoter
Associate Coroner of Huron.
Meted, May 2lt•d, 11119,an ret owent 4.,te- of lotereet.
OViral: r -MAIM est ttr.1,-i KXNTSIa.
\tfl'1('I; a. cant,50 A. 5. L. 11. 011 'MCP
%V, Lane 11►►rt•tels,eollrttere, Noeartr,, t 081e steer.
(7onln;b•+t,ners Mo:Ie,;or• tar the Molsone
Clerk Hank. k;o.
is Obey
to Lo t
1'o Ilii •h:t.•hnid-•r.s of IIs• Exeter
Salt Work; Co.- (1ONEY TO LOAN.
1:. ntlemen-1'I, a-, lake c•
nol,• that
111 • annual meet ;n:t of th • slid ram• We hove a ;aeon. amount of prtsste fond.
early will b' Ir •id Friday June the J5° on farm 58,1 vI;btgoprcpertle. at lowest*!0th at pen. in th 'lotto hall.' Insure -1.
Ilv order or the Ilonrd, lit (I,lt•tN fi IiTANMI ItY
trl•ter. SollenOt..
T. 11, CA It LING. sten $t. 1301e/
Hee'y- Trcae.
MON 1 %"1'ULUA N
on tarn) and \Plage Properties at lowest rates of
Interest. improted suit other Northwest Inds and
Ll:e 'Ft aches with second c esti pro- Town Lots for rale, ►tone% to loan on sues property
• -s Orta c/ r;iticate for S. S. \o. 3 ERNEST ELLIOT.
ph•'n. 01..:1.4 to t010(11 ince i Aug- Conveyanecr,t't,' Office, Mum St. E Eller
1-1.14 MRe.ALE:-.1 aur again on 11.e market
with a 11111.1.13 or sir yourk rnrre brut shorthorn
toll., rhes. are good individual., ,tot by Count
ed N. I. anus. he.e ire goof color 48,7a in 1.t' register -
et 8t c -TI. as. Exeter 1'. 0.
the roan er w4r., Nice. to snake room for
. R Can also stare n fee females.
Court of Revision 1es1'toleAr.iahe4,I.the lrnlsandbeautiful Mitt ' and wi6lenkept Mr
the improremrnt of snio,1mt Shorthorns Apply
to Jnll s ELDER. Lot, in, ;.oneeswion Y, Nay, or
\ I1,LAI;P: O1 1: `, 1 ILII Holt t:, I1c84a171'. W.
Tai:, un: I• • 11111 111 Ce :tI of It •- - - -_--
41.:'011 0l 111 \; , i ( .,ill
ho'd ii 4 1r,1 .1;1i; t 1•;,tn
Ila!► ear Ibe Pa" I ; lig ,,, The Osborne and Hibbert
npprnls n,1nil,et ,;, rel to, farmers Mutual fire Insur-
l'othe "dingo for th ;DIN. on ante Gompanu
FRIDAY 'rill', and in \ "sti' .IUNE
at s p.m. .111 testiest inter.•s• (t are Head OffICO, Farquhar, Ont.
re ll); sted lo atte -!
Dated this 18!b ..,y 1. ' • lee.. President. J. F. Itt `x1,1.1,
.'ice -fres„ Ni, 11, OM
UI H tt(JTUR: +,
Court of Revision
Tot\ n+h:p o' Uebornt',
Take notice that a Court of nevi -
'imp to consider and determine ap-
peals against the Asses-!:, :.; Roil for
the teir he11 1• n' terse:: . ' the y- at'
ending 1910. a ill tee le l i ; Township
Hall, 1•:tinl%1i:e nn (uta. ! tn• 'til
day of June at: the Ilo.r of 10 o'r:.:
it the fore -anon.
\Vhnlen May i3th 1910.
Francis }lor!cv, Cori;,
It081'. Nr.itltJS, St if a.
TIM'S RYA\ Dnr,rn.
\\" \1. IIROCle. Wi11ehel,•ea.
ROOT. GA Ride FJt. Per inhar.
JOHN EBHEIt1', Exeter, agent for
Usborne and lliddulph.
OLIVER HAitiRIH, Munro, amens
for Hibbert, Fullerton wnd Logen,
Seov•Treae. Farquhar'
4ILADMAN & NTANt1itfY, gelatine