HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-26, Page 1xelEr H URON& MIDDLESEX GAZET1 N. Char% THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR—No 191() EXETER, ONT , CANADA, THURSDAY MORNINGI, MAY 26th 1910. $1.u0 per yeko iu advance •♦♦•♦♦••♦•••••••••••••••♦•.•••:••N•♦•♦•♦•••••• • GP •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••♦ • • • • •s •♦• r• • • T • • 2♦ 2•• • •• • 2 •• i• ♦ 2 • • f••t ♦ 2♦ • •• •• • • • • •• tj • • • •• JONES & MAY'S Phone No. 32. SILKS ARE VERY POPULAR This is going to be a big Silk season. Nice light weight eT ts are the leaders for Smuttier Dresses. We are showing a large range of something very new in Silks in all the loading colors. Prices are very moderate. , Japonika Silks One of the lending silks in all the new sununer shades. Fancy or striped. 50c per yd Shantung Silks A good raw silk in all the good spring and summer shades, 5Uc and lac per yd Silk Mulls Another good summer silk. Good selling colors in plain or fancy. life, :3.1c and •tic yd Taffeta Silks Are as popular as ever. We are showing every saleable shade for 50c to $1 per yd LADIES' FANCY WEARABLES Fancy Parasols A beautiful lino of fancy parasols are shown here for $1 to $3. Fancy Hose Fancy Waists Silk waists, net waists, fan- cy lawn waists,tailored waists Many styles to choose front. Fancy Belts and Collars Our summer stock are all Some real new things are here. Plain and fancy. cot- being shown :n fancy neck - ton and lisle. In black. white, we tr. %Vast) !3e11, in ahund- tan, blue, pink, etc. •use. SUMMER WASH GOODS %Ve are showing an exceptionally line assortment of wash goods for this season. Every lady can have something to her taste from our many lines. Plain colored linens, fancy striped linens, plain repp. ginghams, chauibrays, ducks, Indian Head. piques. All in the new shades. LADIES' NEW WASH S(i A nice display of wash suits for prese•.r wear. They made up very stylish and come in different eolors. Stripes or Plain. Duck. Linen or Itepp. Cotne and see theta. are Jones & Ma Ifea(Iquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing ass() high grade shoes atlti ;all paper •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••♦••• ♦•♦••♦••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••w. r •••••••• 1 i i•••j •• • • • • • 2• •� • • •2 2: 22 •2 ♦ •• •• is •2 22 ii +♦ • ♦• i•' • 2• •• ♦• • • • • i;• Op. 111111111 ttJiilii:til Trillium] •••••••••• ill' ;alis:ilii #1 CORRECT CLOTHING 1('Ii new Season the Weaver.; bring out Patterns more attractive t has ever before. This Season is no exrep- Linn. Greys and Bluest aro•the predominating ideas in Color with a sprinkling of Brown the variety is almost endless. Do not he afraid to have an extra Suit. a change will make your Militia last longer. For Voting Men %Ve Iiate Pottle Special Stylee, willl a little more strap and ginger in the Cut and the Colorings than suit the alder and !mire conservntiv • wearers. Our Clothes suit men of -ill tastes, the Styles are diatiltctive slid the (nullities alwatr. r, - 1iable. HIGH-GRADE FURNISHINGS. HATS. CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, NEW COLLARS. Sa»ay E3awdei, •,....• ,� Tu ,..,. i - � tai itei- .t, .j. 7.•---...�., 2 4111111. 11 -I r .Conip2E Your Razor With the New Carbo Ed:e Don't be satisfied with the razor you are using beeause you merely think it Is the best. (let the Carbo•Magnetle. 1t will lest longer --It will give you a quicker, smoother shave. Try It for la days et our expense-- „ . n you will know which is the best • •r the sero test of value 1s come t.ari$On. •'I:1ght tempering'. Is the secret • ('arbo•?dngnetic Superiority. Tho .'.rest edge" 1s secured by en even el,•ctric heat of 2.60) degrees Fahren- I • 1t—a pr(..•e's of carbonisation 52)05- L.r to that by wells h diamonds h'tvo W. J. HHI-:AMAN, been produced. The result Is the hard(•.t rutting edge known to sci(•nee • - a 5,1.1•10 that you !lever have to hone or grind. I>on't take our word for It—the razor proves Itself—eorne In today and g• t one on 30 (lays' trial—fret. tno( reit THIS TeAd NAR( fur ' I�lri�jtit: •GikNidervr(hdie ar.6o SMILE Smile. it's as easy to smile as to [frown. Smile, it's hard 'to keep a cheerful ratan down. Smile, he happy and cast aside care. Smile. you'll find you have friendd everywhere. Smile, your pro+petits will at once grow 'Wetter. Senile, thus make the whole world your debtor. Smile, 'for the morning must follow the night. Senile. out of darkness there cometh Pastor. Rev. S. 1'. Sharp, delft-r:d the light. an excellent address on the responsi- Smile, cease teasing a friend of old bility of motherhood. His Subject was "The Paraphet het aro d the Home" r Smil5olt1rtday's done. there will be Ilia text being taken from Dem. 22: (lawn to -morrow. 8. "Whenthou bnildest a new house,. Snrild , for Dame L'ort the no fatori.e then thou [-halt snake a battlement' smil,trays ( for thy roof that thou bring not e. for so doing your Creator you blood upon thine house. if any n an >1lraise, fall from thence." In the land of Smile, and Thr horst of Thr Journey Palestine. the people spent much of is done. their time upon the roofs of their Smile, and one -hal[ of the battle is houses. in the open nir. Such would won, compare to our verandahs in open smile. for each cloud has n bright' place.; where we spend much time in silver lining, the summer days. They even rested. Slits, for behind them (h hri�ht Seen fel! n+le+ 11 upon these open places.i; shining. bene•+ th.•r•• wits danger of accident. Senile. and thus banish all doubt and Thar. it in that the admonition. yet, all tear. the command. is given In !Iv. text. ::1u for is orings you •he hest of The owner must build a parapet for gond ebe•er. Ile` protection of his family and of r his ••u•:418 likewise. This is his FOO1'IlALL bounded duty as the owner of his The return gam' bet %Teen the home. Ile must have in mind not 1:irklott and Exeter 'teams was play- only the comfort but the protection cd on the school gronnd4 on Thursday and safety of all. You see expressed evru:ng last and resulted in a tie 1-1 th • place and worth of home. The first goal was scored .by the Homo Instincts—The instincts for home team out of a scramble, the home are written deeply upon the result of n corner kick shortly after heart and life. You see this running tete game began. During the first alt thro creation. The birds return• half the Exeter boys had the Silay 11111 in the Spring -time. build their pretty much their own away but (ailed neat in 'the same place year after to penetrate the backs. Just at half year. Such h has its[ strong appeal. again for time the visitors [cored on a pretty ith • animal kingdom. how they like i;run kick from right. The second half 1 her aecntromed stalls. But this in- wai hard fought but neither aid, seorcd. C. Northcott was laid off in `tinct is strongest in man. for man Is ,, this half by a nasty kick In the Rhin. most {.r[ rt in his bang. Horne has Tom Moyle made an excellent umpire a marvel ila grip upon men. Why Th^ following was the line tip: Rids- neve those words such an appeal. ton. goal. T. Crews: 'mei,. G. iiarris •Bonn' sweet Home"t is it not be - C. Keen: half back, E. Garner. /7, taus., they find •t living response in Marshall. W. Vick rt forwards. R. the human heart)? Home is built be - Sheppard. 11. Driver. If. Muton. E. can`'' it is of Goll. You find when Gardiner. V. McCurdy, , 1.'!e J. Haw- you speak of home there are economic err acted a4 mascot. }.., •r, goal, !awe at work and these but err •1. lloskins: back. 11. And, r -on, S. veal the God who has formed sus. ilobier: half .Hack. E. Howaid. G. rh.. friendships of childhood ar., dif- 1Valker. C. Northeott : Forwards, Dr. ..rent frim [hoses formedf later in Itoslston. 0. W. Harrison, T. Carlin i(e. You were always George or witnessed the .targe. 11. %1'ilson, 11. Axt. A zood crow , Mary with for friends of childhood, no matter what honor or distinction --_ 0 may be yours. it. is easily seen how UPPER LAKE STEAMERS tMl It'S that the church of childhood has Saiting_e of passenger steamers s.ich a large place in Tour heart. from Sarnia for Foo and l'ort Arthur Thero are all the precious memori.e every dayAbd c.tturdsy at o, your eh +dhood days reverence for 1 au tete. I -o additional ealliags on throe-styhogss'ou have loved long since stonday. Slay ,loth. Sailings from and lost. rtwhilc. No neetiler that t o lingta'ood 1.40 p.m.. and Owen,or,' and dnuuhteri Waco memorial se Ind at 11.15 pan. Wednesdays and w'ndow.a • in Memoriam' or tho•r 10 saturdats for Foo and Georgian Bay whore they oa.' set much. ports. Ticksj s and reservations from Own.•rshilr implies resiron,ilelity — tin. (;rand 'Trunk Agent. Th:4, I-° Seen so clearly in the• text. There are the• laws governing human life. You are not only respon.iole• Two of our }dung people drove to to, tour family. but for your guests weret• on Tuesday of last Zvi..sly married at the rectory anyy the Bev. Ar.hur, Carlisle, The at your horw,. The reason of th• bat- rctory !lenient is that one in ght fall as:cep. b interested couple were Miss Siab.•1 hence !al :1105 b• injured. Yoe are Ta}tor. dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. b.111 re•por:•ibl •. We are held re - ;Ina. Taylor, and Mr. W. 1). Burke. Wonsible !or our cirldren until they who conducts a tonsorial parlor. r'- become r. sponsihle .or themselves. a•nrIy run by ]r1 L:.rs. Penprai'e ,& They 1- tree physira•iy. Yoe remem- Hetk . but who a short time n'to din- h'r that Ex•i'r• .id -rat )toorevcit. the sof, I partnership. sSr. •Israel^ Drill 'n ser n , t a Welk as a n r. r the business. Tho young rtiiid.1041,hin • lice and strict ob Menet. be 1, . i • . • so eery were unattended. (loth the •,front:. Such , :r,:r ! sod [;room are held in the eateenl 1n town and their acrmnplithnteu,. 'I'! . . L ' - ---' MOTHER'S DAY As Slated in last lt. •k's issue Sun- day 11 ns observed as "Mothers' Day" in the Caven Presbyterian church. Lar,te bon tines of carnations were nicely erre need in front of the pul- pit. while everyone wore n white Bowen in honor of mother. The ser- vices were of a se .tial character. Excellent. lt. music tt•:14 rendered by t e ti 1h choir. also a splendid solo by Mics Nina Carling. 1n the morning the . r reds extend hearty conerrat- :nd hest wishes for a happy ! • 1o,perous wcdtl,•'t i;.'.•. Exeter Agricultural Society's Field Competition 1910 The directors of the above seciety utter prizes for standing clops on onto. The Exeter Sm let v will award prizes on outs. which must consist of at least live acres in Path rase. and Will pay the following, pt izes 1-t, $15; 2nd, $12; 3441, *Pt; lth, tea; tithe )t.*i. In addition to the above. prizes will he nwttided for a sheaf exhibit at. the National Exhibition, Toronto, and al- so for two bushel sacks of oats and fall wheat at Guelph Winter Fair. nil! m.lt•l it Mars cern )s' had from the undersigned. (_'otupetitorm will please give notice before May 21th. El), ('IIitItil'IE, Pres. A (1. 1)YEIt, See. 4 -See /because sou cannot afford it. Char- acter counts for more. Let there 1, - revealed in 'your life truth, charac- ter chivalry, purity and service. 'Tb••se orak.• a beautiful personality and are the source of happiness that satisfies. They are worth more than many ru- bies. Piaoe of Motherhood.—llislory. Look at the place tvhich the Jewish mother held in the training of her children. in thturL' s t years their r [sa' rat n 3 ua4 almost wholly hers. You see tines in "The hidden years of 'Nazar- eth." Then in so many 000ks I have noticed this inscription by the author "'1'o My Mother", all searing testi- mony to the part the moth- er plays in th - successful i•: • of those iaooring for the world'- b.•t- ternlent. Then When you think of the w'orld's great movements, viz, th • Las men's Missionary Moeseion . 1'oa men heard from the lips of a Baptist- leader, one of your own men. spokes of ae one of the most ins, irin3 Leaders in the laymen's work, the statement. that lie owes all he is, to h, r ti ho taught his infant lips tee prat. and 1010 seeps in your own suet' church yard. eleportuuity—ilut this intruatin,1 of childhood to motherhood spells op- portunity. 1 know lvonu•n mark ont nrillinnt spheres for themselves. but then, rare none elual to motherhood. True it is Ihat your stork Is done in silence and without observation, yet such is published upon the housetops in later days. The seeds planted bloom in flowers the most twatttiful. breathing, the sweetest fragrance. T.stintony—What testimonies ore ho*rne.f So many of my class -mates have told me of the influence of mother. ire the hymn of that noted accompanist. we have the words, '•O :uother, when 1 t hink of thee!' I wonder what testimonies are bourne this morning. Many of them are in Heaven. bet they seem to be look - in;; down upon us as we engage in our work. Character—It is the character of motherhood which counts. You can- not get away from the memories of mother. Our love and devotion to her memory r -•reals the true strength of character. The true mother Is the embodiment of all that trite and good. You remember how that Mr. .1. .\. Gar'i,-:d went over and.keaed his o'd widowed mother. when crowned as }'resident of the United 'States. and we have the beautifulet'ourh of the text_ when with dying breath he the text. when with dying breath lir commended Mary 'to the care of John. BORN IiEAMAN—In Exeter. on Monday, May 2.Ird. 10 Mr. and Mrs. 1V. ,1, 1{e•aman. a daughter. SANDERI4 — In Exeter. on Sunday, May 15th. .o Mr. and Mrs. Arthur r -. .: son. 3IARItIEI) its ltNCE•:,-TA 1'LOIt--At Listen[, on Tuestl,.y.May. 17th, by the )rev. Ar- thur Carlisle. Miss Mahe! Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .las. 'Tay- lor. to Mr. 'W. 1). Burke, all of Ex- eter. 1>1h:D 1LS1•:—At Grand Bend, on Thnrtday. May 19th. Elizabeth Moppet, aged h8 years. 1 month and .14 drays, ROBINSON—In Fullerton. on Tbur;- day %Tay 12th. John Itobini-on. aged 51 y tri. 6 months. 10 day... Wet. \Valper Elected Cuuncillor. r [stns of the ul i c 1 n , n , el The election on Monday to 1111 the rhe. di:I.•rune, tr f 1, • • n t!i „ ,1 vacancy in the counei5. e,(etaed l.v the (wintry and ( his. .n :he real r- ot of learnini:. \l -e h , •. • ••nulhe '.- need of Ica:mina :n nrd r an (aster litelihnu.l. 1 10141 11.• ihr r1nph,•s c ) culture. 1 would >n) [eery boy and Kiel shire ! . Bond-cia:•t certifier •., , I• „ 'I mean merit for ••, 2 `toe will be fitted to mote. '('hen in this titre,-fe t opm. rat. there is a apiri.^.., . Ili e are no infidels to -day for n .n 1p:ritaa5 brief -r. 1 (20 n0, , rll'':111 a'oidnnc(• O.` carol: culture o' tit^ sp.rheal. Ferrel which make for cif • There :s the rail today for iii • :1- •. ' spiritItal cnitur •. th • :l e,•r •e'.. in•f of th • t>,' r, 1n 1 h • ch a rh t, .. s!:o : d -110 :'.(1 r -k ro have t h • I. ;. •:,r h p.n. et d 1 •;npm••n1 '1; all. 5lv.,dirI : h I. . .;'h --Yo l kraal[ tr r ,h ,: nc ',. sera:• attuo-plies i.1., ::•h ,•', 'i I h • ; rotee-- 1 i, l u,.1.31 .1. Th • it v. lir. Ch:unl. , • on • of the 1210:1 , in e .23 7 1: • I,' I o •�, h,u- .. h n 1 1-, ,., It 4 r torn I1 e for u..- unary t. 1 resignation of Councillor Luker. was , very (palet. %Viten the polls wets i (.!used it wall found t Litt. Mr. %Vrtlper ) WW1 elected by n 2222j .i it y of :t1), The toting during the tett. was slow, not half of the people I tuning out to exer- cise their franrhiee. Following was the vote by etibolivision,: I 1 2 3 4—Total . .11 :31 la 40-1311 %V.ilpet• :et :3': n`3 :tt—Isu ook at This List for Your Spring Wants (iaaden Hakes Garden Hoes Shovels and Spades Drain Spades Lawn Mowers Step Ladders Curtain Stretchers Carpet Sweepers Sac 70e $L00 $1.00 1.00 1.00 2.75 Screen Windows lac up Screen Doors $1.00 up Screen wire for Win- dows and Doors a yd. 10c Dustbane Liquid Veneer 35c 2'c Ready i1 i mixedpaint Uc Y up Varnish Stains 15c up Floor Paint 45c up Alabastineand Murallo 23c up Brushes 5c up Aluminum Paint lOc up Gold Enamels Oilcloth Varnish 25c up 25c up Buggy Enamnels 25c up Shellac per bottle 10c up Tube Colors /Oc up Crack & Crevese Filler lac up Oil Stoyes Gasoline Stove 81.75 up 4.OU up Jnst received Samson Portland Cement. Quality and Amatite Ready Roofing $2.50 per Square. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND -STOVE STORE ®M tt RIA stills LTILUIilE ilsrlrMEML MEhiil:)(�li # JI I tib Spec Iw lal Discount Sale of FURNITURE E ARE starting our Annual Discount Sale comprising every Article in our Large and Well Assorted stock which we are offering at a Special Discount for the \E\'I' THIRTY DAYS, INTENDING PURCHASERS Will consult their own Interests by examining our Goods and getting our Prices before purchasing their Spring Furniture as we c n sa.0 you many Dollars, ROWE •& ATKINSON The Leading }Tome Furnishets and Funeral Directors. I-'ruit and 1'oultl y Meeting and to (lo so have cut the pric(s all to pieces. The Dominion Depart nn•mtof Agri- culture at O1111AA has at,.(nged for a series of fruit at (1 !multi y meetings in what is known ns the 1, Lite 1lurnn District. 1 here will al.0 be orchrud demonstrations. '('hese resecting will be held in this C311111 y as follows: EXP. but ter, town hnll,ou Wednel(d0y, .Inns 1st; %uric/, township !halt. 'I'hursdny, I • 2t)d; Itrncelie141, 1►lxnn'm hall, Friday, .lune 31-41 tlnlntiy Ile, Stator - ' n ro t -soli- Jny', Jnr.e lel; Blyth, Mnnday lune :t mos:on. lith; Auhuru,'1'uesday, .1 • 7th: 1)un. g:utnnn, %%•.4msday, .tun' SIh: I.u1 k now, '1111 •day,•, nn• !It h II/moods. Fri -dray cans 1•yC 20C dray •lune 10,1i: W, omelet-, Satueday. lune sats. alt meetings will begirt at 7 :Ps p.m. Ile srerkers will le Me. Alt -x 25c Sht•c Polish 1 sc McNei:l J'Ili('( of the Fruit Divisum, and Mr. A.G. (filbert. ('oultty Mena- SOC Tea, 3 lbs. for .... 1.00 ger, 1 xperitm•ntal Farm. Ann)un(•'. 'trent will 1•e meds at the meetings 2 lbs slaking Soda i+,r5c a-4 to the time and pimp for the oreil• .u.1 demonstrations nn the following :& few leaps and Tams left at .... 3 SC each day. The pi untied work tti11 include the inetrnclinn in ptu21lti , rand din• Wing and Comet 1 Tics at i 5C " rll•sion% or cultivation tend Pare of fruit. trees. Sl•. McNeill will illustrate Just a few pairs of Ladies' Kid Gloves left, regular $1.25 for ....75c him steering addressee with lantern alias. Ile will he nssisled by other Dress Goods at (, a yard enciphers of the fault s5aIT. Every .5 1 ( {1 {1 r }} a Bargains FOR EVERYONE A1' '1111: CLEARING SALE one door North of the Post Office. «'e etre anxious to clear out the balance of the stock d . ''',.1:i;::,.11::;:::"... :it: Tile Doctor's -Y , 1 10 (.lid £: Advice II h.. drank 4n the :, r.:i=-'on+ on ._. 1f your do•t..e were to tell h • moi 11 ,'s 1, Th 21 :•'I- ynet 11•.. t r hose headache"' o I. moth t l: , , . o - e, t. were du.• to eye-sttain, what I. c .: n is : t: tt.x,11.1 teen do alurti it% $ „ ; I. 1 1. 3 1VI. aril 5111 yott frankly if 9• o: u 1 ,f. '.I ,. ,• ,, 1 ai:n 3 Iis the tension mot stns. '} i,.•„ 11 , , I, I. . i nr- j yeti [east leliete the 1r null• • h } 1,: ;I:01 t, rn, I ,. , uuu:t 1 A. easily end (Itli(•kle with a pair n1 t1 ho r t u n : an t i •Ft of properly 11411'tl,1 glasses. ._. h r, 11(Is I t ! ;..1 ..r Even if yen dol.'[ care to •t oc,, a n. • ! 1 fwear thele all the time they 'C, 11 • ., , kkspl ! per nn int( rested in fruit growing and , f ins hrlldull Whe►1 working or 1 pr. = el in ;. . puu11ry 5Oising iv invited to attend Fancy Vests for 75c each sludying. •t hone • l ▪ %Ve examine (les fere of 51 . • I' •,. • (l1:Iry 1• ntid rad vile is't elllglent• nln•i ,, 3 lu lie. I i• , ire dt•pnrt 11111 1111111 wl• rale 51ue that -.' ly ns In requirements. ire. p 1 s ..., 1 n . 1 ,53 e ho nitt•1 .1 Dies- meetings will he Corsets, Hats, Rain (,Oat:, Men RI!tl 130)'5' flats • pairing done n bile you anis Yo•, 1:now in II/ yo,. a (' ,o :: , . ,) re. brad. i'tte1, �'.i 1 anti in1lruclea. . ensu :i Ilirr epi' (10l�t. 1,1 , I, r. nl • 1iy A Slaughter �litel %'rices . ) .: .: • 1aranwein: 1 1. ; ed !! alit=1'I !:I Its' F.\l'1 H Ic)NH '1't) 1t a W.S. l luWe�, l brat. I3. I 1 t ry nth. tiau, „t \ ! Feu u \ c t N. :tel �s EXFTER, ONT �.;. chemist & 011llt 1+111, ! •onap;•, p r 1hay ':n•„,n (:h.cal-n 'Plasms. t ; h • ' 1 ...• , EXPtel' ( they' 11 li't hiVt. 1,: d e:r •t• w I'.. •!. •., • 11 • It ;:4.1 1.01( t'tWells. •I I A en:tut 411 .-toe I, n, e • •re , (i• r 1 and ihr [tent .•,- '1' S,.• If yen want 1'p -to -Date . •p ::ll 1 0 M I . (' . • :, . I . ({Sods—go to Hntve)'s, t clnno, L.rt•• t, ts••r• n,.•1. Ti n i• . ;1.;. ,r n t ,u i `oi .I: rn \ (v- Jan. 191 I for SUc, I ▪ rel Ifirn1ion n: ry N i•h :•nt:s- .31:011 ('11ci13•na}. lents•. f+*++++++f•+++++++++•:•++++++'r} more than your haviet to forego. :torten ::"'a 1•. n,•. Slay DON'T WAIT come and get a share of the Money Saving Bargains 3 Ca:)s Peas .... 20C threes nieelings. Mr. McNeill tool NIr. , 1• • 1 Children's fell tri err• �pertalisfa in their respect C Fancy /lose, b acts (,r hitt, at .. i SC A pair The Times from now until B. W. F. BEAVERS