HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-19, Page 8.11 4' a .1; '.tl.cti . lid MAY 19th1910 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••♦••••••..•♦••♦•♦••♦•••• 1•••••••••••••••♦••••4••aoa.0•••••••••♦••••••••••••••♦ 11 it • s•• • • • s2 i•= i •= • 42* �Z • • :Z S • Z S•Y SZ 2: 22 2� 2 • •' 2 • • • • '2 Z 2= SIS • STEWAiT'S PIIUN E i0 Our stock of Millinery, Dress Goods, Clothing, Car- pets, Groceries and Crock- ery is undoubtedly the fin- est Collection of Merchan- dise one could wish for. It. is thl' e,titc(►nie of cart 1'ul buying and wt' aro confident that it Merits Four inspection. ('all and see it No trouble to show you. 75c $1 $I.25 (WI; 111.:11 IC VOILES for t•nntmet. weir in all wool and tine 41ea\•ee at abort. pri c•es . annul b•• sol Paget d. If )ou c+,111)0t cull alai bee them send for railnple6 $l 1,25 1.50 is hi ee special linea in BLACK '1':\ 1FETA SI I.K. Thele; 14lk4 are all a yard wide I ale goetanleed by the manufacturer just the thing for your Hummer Dress or 15c 20c 25c 4..•r 1an(4 t,r WASH GOODS that you will 110d 11•...1 141 (.eat, All the newest e.1••1. and tyeat es arc 111 this ns -••111114.111. 'I'Ile•se goods are ve•>• suitable for Ladies' and 1)l ess(•$ and Odd 25c 35c 50c OCR FANCY LISLE BOSIS for ladies ill (.Molls of bronze, tan. grey. champagne, glee11, 1cseIlli wi�laris, itces of ros- es. - es elio mauve and black in- clude -clule everytniug that is new in Hosiery. They have dou- ble heels and toes. Fancy Parasols Better pick your Parasol now. The sooner you )take your rho ee the better you will be pleased 81d the longer you will have It to use. We have then) to match any dress in Fancy and N.total \1'ot•d Handles. Lmoleums A a . h'rbhinnlentof Nairn's Ht',1te1' Liuulellnls just arriv- ed. Toe patterns are new and are dire to please, We (it and lay without any extra clarge Curtains We s10W the most suitable ca 't4 08 fur every window -- with -:sn'1 doorway -you will be surprised at the reason- ableness of the price. Com• pare ours with others you have seen. Per Pair 50c to $7.00 Carpets and Rugs AVe make a specialty "t car- pets and room rugs, 14181 can furnish you etith almost any size you require,at prices from ti 75 to $40 Mattings 1Ve have about ten differ- ent patterns in Japanese Cot - 100 %Veep Matting,. This snakes a splendid covering for bedrooms at small cost. Beet quality at Per Yard 20c and 26c All kinds Produce taken as Cash T. A_ STEWART 2 2 • 2 2• 22 • o s • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 •� Y• ♦2 • • O • • •• •• • • •• ••• • •• • • •• • •• • e• • • •• • • ♦ •• ♦ • •• •. • •• • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • •• • • •• •• • • •• •• • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •! 0 4• •• •• 2• •• •• •• • •♦•••••••♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦♦•♦••♦••••♦••.•.•...♦♦•♦••♦••••••• ••♦♦•.......♦♦••••••♦•...• •♦•••♦.•....•.♦•••.•••♦•,• Ali i,• ()ROAN and PIANO Repairing and Tuning G. Pr DLER lateof Chicigo hats decided to remain inExe Exe- ter some time (indefinitely) and will wait on the uulsic•Ioving public in the capacity of Piano and Organ Tuning and Kenai' ing. This line has been his life work and he is thoroughly practical and competent in all lines connected with Pianos, Organs and Pipe Organs and Guarantees his work. Old Pianos uud Organs overhauled and made eve,, like new at lowest, porsib'e price. Following are a few Pelices :--New Strings 25c each ; 'Tone Rego ..ting iia up ; Once Tuning $2; Key Levelling idk• ; (Iver. hauliogt from $II) to $2,5 ; New Action and hamster•. rot 01.1 Sryuer.• Pianos ft $2, up Dampers. Fells, Spring.. Regulat- ing Set ear, Bridle'I'epe Etc., furnished reaeouahly. Re -varnish - Ing. Polishing 1 eating like new) done at lowest figures, also Estimates on rips Organ Tuning and Repairing furnished on re- quest. All Reed Olgane (01114' under the sante Price List. A11 %%elk linart(nleed. All orders left at .1011N i1EDLEit'S read - demos s+•.1.11 M.1 111 Street, or a Postel (lard addressed to (1. Ped - ler, lixet. t, w'111 let eive prompt attention. G, PEDLER, Exeter. i,► DUST Causes Sickness, Is a General `Ilikat cc but c141 he ,tvOi led ISTIII on Sweeping Day. "Dustbane," rnorcover, dis'nfects the room and restores rugs to their original freshness. The women swear by "Du -thane•' when once they have used it. I) .n't have another dusty sweeping, clay but get a 35 cent tin of "1) 1sth,tnc". We ar•' authorized by the inanufacturers of Dustbane to send you •t 35c can of their Sweeping Compiund, We want you to use this 1 trial for one week. At the end of this period) if not found sa:i.f.tct.try they will take it back and there will be no charge for quantity use(i. If it does away with Dust on Sweeping Day You Want It Sold in bads , half bb's. and (platter Ibis. for stores, schools, churches, hospitals, banks and public huiltl.ngs. W.J. Heaman 1)istrlhutor fo.' Exettl'. Canadian Factories St. John, JV. B., Vk innipcg, Man. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• I I' ono for Sa:e-n)e auud second • •••••••••••••♦••♦••♦•N••• baud ti 41110. nearly 1114. Ant:'ru•an The l imt;s Want Column iultlkr. un'y *)6O Aoply to John I'ed- ler, Exeter, Maan et r.- tts south 1-711 \. an salt•, rt:sin. 111 11111111 the I 1• r Tenet cannot tie sur • ;•:t .-. 1. Doers it occur to yam that :411 ltd% •r) ',*'lu,•nt may chane • 1 h ' t1 hu:e career of an .nd.%idea . and may ulat,'r1:11- . 1 :1' It':• advertiser's � .' \' :Ser s l0 t : A tent estate ad. wi.l 1• i' :1:1 by our t'u',rcr h. ea ;0.,1 utle.r- 1'. 11.1 114 Il. r- 1 lIt 1 111'. ,.::It 11; it 11 have tout •.h lot to dispose of ; a4..• want le; .11.1p, or have -oru.•th 11,; :e bring l).•iori' the u. • the columns of t he 1' 11(4.4: ns your ad • r t .all;; in Ilium. The cost is e••••.•••♦•••••••♦•••••♦•• oto••••♦•••♦•♦•••••••••••• 't . diet it -pore -1 he to:loo in; is 111 report of Exeter Market... tor- . 1 _. to'.\tey Men. t '`_ -to 31 c •uta 't...1 ' 1' our t',•. I I' our $I.45-:31.50. IIs) $9 UU, E 1U.I J 1, ::. 20e•. l"over seed $7.50 to $8.00. Timothy seed $1,50 to $2.50 .\Isyke $5,50 to 4.6.75. 1 otatoes. 40c to 50e. Wleat 95c. Standard. l"-:4$ 75e. 1... y 45c. to 1St.. ,. •••: oto� J,00, x'20,00 lie •: 9,111. ('!,.,•e,• export cattle 07.25. good export cattle $6,00 to $7.00. 111 fonds of cattle numbering; 3961 were sold on the Toronto nlaritets last week. • •LOCALS •• •••••••• •...•••• fl: +:11.1 IV at 1,941'10(1. - 1 • •,ra,•. visited !• Tay io' s;•: nt Sunday at '%4111. \1 . .(•'well 'visited Mi•s Corn e• II.•n8all, ton Send 1y. .• Cameron Ls visiting in . .1 .cull bh'nnloll. of !'.born:. is ill a`. • itntn••. Fr d l::ierington r r urnrd he n • from 1 h.• West 5lontl y, Mrs. It, N. Treble. of Ce11:1 visiting in town for a fete day •. Nir-. Fred 1)e,string. o'' 311 n- t 1. v::• ited in town IMbndey. 51r, 8. l'opleston:'. o" Illyth. tens a visitor in town 0font:fly. Mr. .Itis, V. alters wag .n Hamilton on Monday. \figs Lyda Oke. ho was visiting in Retford*. returned home Saturday. Miss Nei:. • (latter ant) friend. of Toronto are ci :ting" Sir. 7.:1'I \I r.. T. Ratter. •\lies 11. Lonsberry. or 1*.•trn;t. (o- ;lite her sister.l.r=. J. 3. Whittl. lie 11r. Win. Hooper. who hat been via - tine for the r outh in Michigan. i fan has returned hone. Master Clyde Beaman. is ringing his grandparents. Mr. and Mr!. \\•4.n. Ileamarl of London. Airs. 3 'thorn. and • o' In,,',•0 i. 1 lee 'nktn 1 r..;de11r.• 111 1t' • 5tannin: liir{a \\'a111ed 10 :Work in Clothing Factory 1•:a••l -r. as ,operators on ma- chines and hand iiewiug, by the .lack - son Manufac4'ring Co. Apply Ju G. W. Danis, Supt., tot' duff particulars. Auction Sale of IlOu.x+ and three 2 I i Saturday . 1,1 .. l h 411. n Exeter on ) Lot 5',. 51i 4.0and time oe ustreet. John Gill. Auotioneer, Giadyull and .lL rl Barristers. Exeter. 51 r. C. It, llowurd, Jnain branch of the 5101sons tank. Toronto. after ;pw.tlln.; twe heel:, with; his parents 511' .and Mrs..l, N. Howard. left Sat- urday to vitet a few d1,ya in Acton before resenting his duties. The kirkton 'nl: line Co. Is going 0141 of business, The 'property. wi:l b4. .1 to auction on Thursday May 211. Win. Dale i 1 enter 11,; an aI•- !+,'• a l.u.t the judgment of Chief I.. -tics \luluek ill '11►1 ItI:ul.h:ud 4.1:1 - nay 111111 I,•r. hiX r.).0!(1 t'ili.1r.' by applying a coal of Campbell's Varnish Soon. loll will be surprised and deliF hl .•d wit h the effect you can prodttc.. '1t' ('o -t Iri'fiing and It i5 3 pleasure 1.1 110 1 ilii ,lurk your�•!f. :♦*k \V. J. P t: - 11.1 \ for color card. The \1',•.t Iluron Teach»4.a Institute ., flirt' in previous wears tins been b, t1 in 5I:1)' win not 4,e held food I'ctoher this year. The change is made by re plest o: the Educational Department so that ono or the Nor- nt:tt lultruclors clay the present to render aviiStanoe, A Regular Storm Period cover. the :8th to'22nd, central on the 201h. Low barometer. much wanner. with decid- ed electrical .;loans will re'su'lt about the 19th to 22nd. \\"e repeat the warn:n,; of t•robablet ornadio dancer at this time. The seismin period cen- tral on the 911. will continu • up to. and reach another seismic criei= from the 2Ia to the 20th. centrtl on the 21 at the Moon'.-, eclipse. The model Contest under the au- spices of the 'W. C. T. U. will be het() in the t'i'-rn Mouse on Friday ...ven- al.; May 27th. Besides the contest- ants in the eloeotiiin there will be choruses by the boys and girls. Th: orchestra .:rout !Jensall Pinder the Leadership of 1.)4.. Seller's and consist - ale of t.ix instruments. two violin-, cornet. clarionet. cello And piano oil: also be present end give several I..c- tions. A full Souse :s expected. A number of boy a around lawn have been in the habit of Joiteiin, in the lobby of the lfaIneat street 31ethodiet church on Sunday evening 1 and t•11118 - *ii,; a disturbance during hit. time of service. The hoard have. 411 (t ((('v ent occasions. wanted boys against stet' actions and it they du not take the warning nod stop, a few examples It iI Ibe 'made, It is against the law• to distort, any puiblio service an die the boys continue ho disregard law std authority the (Board intend to snake rat•vers' arrests. The mains for th-• water works have been Laid along Slam roreel. The opening tip along the ride of 'the r::::d tells tales of early days. In sev- eral ptacea they came in contact with ceder logs, Mhieh Cormeid 'Part of the old corduroy roods and although they have been bntied for over fifty year.► they were Will 111 a perfect rat ailed A lot o' :antark from the ud ('arks(; Mill and tin c.ippinges from i). Johns liusmith shop were also elnearth,e1. In some cases the tsa't,I I earth was covered over two feet show ng how the roadbed ha= been bn'it up fronts year to year by our tires nt system of road-rnaking. At the annual nlret'n,t o.' th. elec- t on o' stewards and repre!eot.ulees 'or \111 n ''tri' •1 5Ieth0d »•t church held \\•eine-dny, May 91th th fol- lowing stewards were re-elect..!:: T. II. McCallum. W. S. Howey. Thos. Darien. T. E. (land::ord, and II. F, 11:ston for :'thin etrecU and ('. Har- vey and Frank Down for 11 :'1 appointment, The !or'et' r pc - u'.. fives were nil re-elect d t i.. I'. :1. Follick. A. .1, Ford. A. ilooper. .1 1 1•.. • - r r \' .on :r 1 11x1 1 • lay .or Main !r r+• I. The ••'eel am of tor' •! e r pc 4.r lives for Bethesda w;il ink. ; • in 1! I the neer future. T. II. \le('. •1 .n,' 11. F. '(Liston were noon 1l '1 -u a' - tend 11r• IAfny 1).stricl meeting h •'.d n th•• .Ines •s street church Exeter. T11e.dny and Wednesday. Anniversary s n•vires of th • Ep- worth Lea,u: of the Main 't r,•• t Me, hell:' 4.h::reh It ere I;cId on S:n- day last. nett. .1. W. third. of Lon- don. Irenrh • l two 4Xceilent s+•rmgn= ' I r. .I.nl. (Maden o' U1 • Matson•, $UflIny w as the YI!( 111111.%••f-1! •, I: Ink. fort Arthur. is 15p:•n.lin,g bit the ij,ltorth f.ea,tue and 51r. If, 1 . '40 11*dtnlln .vi'Itin„• h'+ father. had charts of lv since (ore14.1 1'�''.Ill \\ ','on, Or ilenlall, tyh0 For •e4. r 1, .,1- '1'1 1 .4 ,tri 4.i : dressmaking with teed the 1,, nem. ;:r. to 4.l;•:4.l'% .:sill Vim). wll1 )n 5,lndny lest taken in 1898 it ,'each d high-waternl grit • ti appendicite a at her home. numbering over l'1.00•111•110,t e 1 1, howlers have accepted an in- Then for several rears th:n•e was ,en to vi -it Igen forth on Stay 'LI ilt-crease and the !co. 1:: et,nt h:ci• . 1irobable ;three or four rinks several tho•teand mem! re i,. N% di ;go over. 'I 1..',ran to pick ..... .. • t' .1:1,' d high ., 1 • - d_ ..n. i• '• 111-11: l u' 4:1 . 4. ons t1 ': } • _; - :.l ev, r •.net. th:-r.' his i`.•,n a 'i) inti. a•" :11 wanGere and 4.4124' :t- * Ofl'. In the 'morning (hir. itnirtl'r; •1171011 tin! 151•4cinlly 40.40(411,; .1 ,::. '1 rod i e delivered a ,rend • pr +c; 4. 1 discourse. pointing out 1t' 1 , of ,tri. ;o the home. to it' 1 ,n'l i to:r••rs nod It' 4. , hate 0v:r one another. :it :h .1 n in,: the church sermon .t n! ►nor.• ! , • r': , young (men. Sir. .1, C. \'- and son '.'eddy" of Londul+.., c .1 in the -services of Pone 44 real Iy appreciated. The . ; 4.l has a good. erne voice ::mi tie - romp:lnirn••nt n; his father on . banjo d ehtet' the congrezation. I1 •e, 1'. .'. ('ear preach -d in London. '.1•'..4.". Tenn:alt and new x11:1•;''t1 • ••I of horses ';o the It 1•4•4 Mot: 11y. ' .1, Ilarrlaon. or 'Toronto. :. . ur in 'Town. \Beset Mabel Follick and Came I. 1 n( Ht. Mary( 159.•111 Sondav :and 11 , E ci•. is n;; Mr. n0.1 Mrs. I':nock Mrs. Wm. Batt k4haw and Miss Jean 1Iawkshaw Lave to -flat (Thursday. for \1'oolsely. Sask.. ho spend the .-simmer. lir, John Bumf r hat !old two car - +i of \Ic('ornaick farm machinery -1. Pao! Madge. who w.11 Ink • it to u!.' on hie farm. r. John Rood shipped a load o: • tiers cattle to Toronto Saturday. A. T. 11'ood, of 'Merton. •9+•01 ...,!ay at his hone.. \lr. and Mrs. \'m. Body. o; Da!h- 1eowl. who visited .Mr. and Mrs. A. 1)av for a fete days. left Mo0•lay 'or their to w- :horse in Vic'orin. I3, (', ' 'r. T. Farnconbe. lit:;_ i n. ;'r. of tendon. and Dir. Cellon. contractor, u' Iluntsville. were in town this week .11 connection with th' a,ar 40ork!.' 511-. .I. Shnrbeton. 51r. el 11..,k r• cillo and \l4.-. D. It t11 t'0 hat i 11 t',nrnntined with th it 1. • .'1,: 11 oea continued on page Ti). • Milsg '111 . 1 `, f- c ; ; rrn.trrd Ill Ill 0:;, "utice---Owing to4. the meeting of 1t'•- Canadian Dental A!.onialion Drs. Itoulston nod 'Kinsman fleeing to an - flounce that their officer will be c10=- ed duriner lh•' week commencing 51ay 10th. 5-19-2 Pet.. Mr. Lmltrh net, or London. I 1••:11`11 •(I in Caren Presbyterian church on eiundny 'Ina in the place or Rev, 'fit, F. Sharp. 8 ho hn8 beer' somewhat indiepre. d during the, ti,•r week. We nre plenw•d to e that he is able 'to be around main. 1 EARS EXi'EiRIENCE OP' .1\ 01,1) NITIt`1E. 511a. \\'iuslow'a Soothing syrup 1'• the prescription of one of the best female physicintis nod nurses in the 1 nited States, and has peen used for fifty years with never•failing succ-e'. 1,y millions of mother- for their children. It relieves the child from pain. cures diarrhoea. griping in he bowels and wind colic. liy giving health to the child. it rests the mother. Twenty-five ccols a bottle. Church Directory JAMES STREET mITNUDisr crluRCM Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor Sunday Public Worship -10.30 a.rna ' and 7 pan. l CIa.s fit•rviec-Sunday 0.30 a.m. and after Morning Service and Wetness know the necessity of havinggood qualities ill goods in order day night. Youug Man'. 'Clam end wtsebeloeaa to secure the longest service. It is only the careless and Sunday to ! l �t p.m Sunday School and Bible Crasser e.ao wastt3tul who buy second and third class articles, (because ''°'' they seeds to be cheap). We do not cater to that class,but F: ,worth League -Tuesday at 8. p.m Prayer Meeting -1 y 2.2nd-Rees at . pica• carry goods that you will not be afraid to look at when you James 8). Slay � ,ld-!t.•v. 3. 11. Kr8- t l4. i11 'the roof nine* and Bev. J. G. get (tome, 1'clltuld at night. areful people Ladies' Whitewear Alen's Suits A choice line of WAISTS ranging from $1.00 up to $:3.25. Neat patterns in UNDERSKIRTS, new goods jest in, from -AT- $1.00 to $4.50. $20.00 Don't fail to examine the Summer Underwear Ladies' Vests from 10c to 25c Misses' Vests from c t After all it's Ibe Tailor who slakes a suit a SUCCESS or a FAILURE. The most fascin- ating style would ht• a fizzle if there were not, careful needle work underneath. That is the reason our Huits at, $.a' 1 are better than the suit you buy in town for more moony They are perfect in every way if not you can have your stoney back. W. W .TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER ONTARIO IAm selling the best Woven Hence that is made and I air selling, at the following IOW priceS:- 6 Har Fence at 34 cts. per rod 7 Bar Fence at 27 cis. Per rod 8 Bar Fence at 3o cts. per rod GLtITWOK1HY URANTON. -. ONTA1.10 Bus & Dray Business !laving purchased the Bus anti Dray bui<;!1 'ss from Wm. Arnold. 1 so- licit a share of your pat- ronage. Orders h'ft at the Advocate Office. T. G. Creech, Proprietor. l RANO TRUNK SY's EM 1ICTORIA DAY SINGLE FAIRE FOR ROUND TRiP Bet 1 all P ill Canada. a 13c' n 1 so I0 1 Ningara Fella and Buffalo, N V., De- troit and fort Huron, Mich. Tickets good going Mav 23 and 21 Return limit \iay 21f, l'I'PEit LAKE STEAMERS Mailings of passenger steamers from Sarnia for Hoo and fort Att'tnr every 4l'edn/ edlyy end Saturday at 3 30 tete, Also additional sailings on Friday Mnv 31.11; Mrnday, May aoth and for 1 ill - 11t11 May 211th SAII,INU FROM ('OLLiN(1VOOD 1 :3411 W, and Owen Sound 11.1:1 p.m. Wednesdays and Salm-dep. for Soo and Georgian (lay Potts. Vol :n lrma.ion 38 to dates etc. from J. J. KNIGHT. D pot I. I. or write 3. D. MCDONALD. Union I1. ,•e• linrnntn. ant. ure,Blood Means Strength NYAES lood Purifier means pine blood. '91 y it anti you will be lorteinced. Boils, sores, pimples, .kin diseasem >v and rnuell skirl indicates impure thin blond. Nyal's Mood Pntifer. put ilia s and enriches the blood, drivitig out the 1.'1.on• us matetla!s that produce such disagreeable symptoms. It is for the sante ('less of diseases 4.18 those treated at Hot Springs. tact a h,•t ate et Our 8(1.14.: w4. 3,4.011 - Mend it. he. 141181' IIP know what 1'. in it I and every NYA1, remedy is good. 111 Price $1.00. Summer Dress Goods A choice line of these goods in FOULARDS, SILKS, MULLS and MUSLINS, ranging from 1Oc to 50c. Our Remnant Table is again laden with MUSLIN. ENDS, FLANNELS and WRAPPERETTES at BARGAIN PRICES. Do not fail to see the Ladies' Shoes We are showing a line of Ladies Shoes that are second to (tone for Style, Quality and Fit, prices rangiug from $2.50 to $:.75. Men's Neckwear A new line just arrived. We have a line fit a quarter which looks as good as $ goods, while our 5('c goods are equal to the 75e goods sold in the cities. W. J. CARLING Highest prices paid for Produce. EVERYTHING IN HARDWI l'Icnty of Goods for Immediate Selecti3n with Faciliti3s 401 for getting Anything Special that may be wanted in •bort order. This is mit. Store�� 04 IF YOU s► iv WANT ONt PRESTON Safe -Lock Shingle 5% I11LP, y,l'rs talk- ing ahutat the Pre/4011 Shingle. Don't for R. its twin brother PRESTON CORRUQA"I'1:1) I RO N4 Made according to the r:gid Speciflcatiolls , f 1t' !if 1(1,11 (i,.tel tl• 'tient e S,v /I"; .•.;)al t'te lc 4.(lei-third Spring ( �t' i1P, 1181h, Nr. 11 sort 12 13, weaving & Poultry Netting The Maitre Exterior is of Metall except 11 (11- i1 g i f 5'eta)d.1, Tin,n►ithing, Plumbing and Furnace \% ., 1.:t `I+cci.t ty IidIkIDS Stove & Hdr(dr store (hie door north of Itrowning's i)t rig Stoll. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM I?? 'TAILORING! N6w Sum SffltIos We guarantee hest Workmanship, Best Material, Best Fit and Prompt Service. Conic in and insl:ect our materials. W. JOHNS. Merchant Tailor - Exeter, Ontario. At Howey's Drug Store! EXETER - ONTARIO, a 1 a 3 a a a 3