HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-19, Page 7KING EDWARD'S FUNERAL
Seven Reigning Sovereigns Will Ride
in the Cortege,
A despatch from London says: t.tt r through the streets of the ca -
The London Times on Thursday pital. and each then in personally
editorially says:—''Klug Edward's taking part in the uwurning fur
funeral premises to surpass in King Edward will have the sutis-
solcmn splendor all former funs- fuc' en of knowing that he is doing
an net as grateful to the feelings
Lien- in our aloud., or, indeed, in id his subjects its ti) his OWII. With
the annals of any ether ani III 't tl.cnt will be the representative of
the great• monarchies of Europe. the mighty nation whose kinship
Seven reigning .Sovereigns, headed. with ourselves Makes their syulpa-
by the German Emperor, will ride ' tsar with our sorrows, us with our
behind King George as he follows' joy s, exeei.tionally dear and valu-
his father's cutlin from Westmin- 1 able to u,."
LEADING MARKETSt, 819: Manitoba shorts, *21 to *22;
pure grain lnouillie, $32 to 833;
mixed nwuillie, *25 to 828. Cheese
—(adders. 11 to 11' e. Butter
BRli.1US'f(%FFS• Choice, tae. Eggs — Selected stock,
Turemo, May 17.--Flour—Winter 23 to 21e, and straight receipts 19
wheat, 90 per cent. patents, $1 to to 20e per dozen.
$4.05 in buyers' sacks on track, To-
ronto, and $3.90 to $3.95 outside. UNITED STATES MARKETS.
in buyers' sacks. Manitoba (lours
Minneapolis. May 17. 11'flcat•
are steady; first patents, 85.50; arc- May, :(1.10% to $1,1(11' • July. *L-
ou:! patents, *5, and strong bak-03' to $l.l�; September, R1.eN1'e; FR111.11� MAY '20, A HOLIDAY.
•r•s', 84.h0 on track, Toronto.
Manitoba Wheat --No. 1 North- cash, No. 1 hard, $i.la'... ; N. 1 To he Observedas Ione of General
ern, $1.002%, and No. 2 at $1.10(1'•;, \uthcru, $1.11 �_ to $1.1a. \'u. 2 Mourning for La'e King.
Bay porta. Northern, $1.09'., to $1.11 ; No. 't,
Ontario Wheat—No. 2 white and $1.0C 4 to 81.09. Bran—lit 100 -Ib. .\ despatch from ( )ttawa says:
roti winter, $1 to $I.02 eutsidt•• sacks, $18 to $Is.25. Fleur—First Tee Cabinet on 'Thursday author-
Barley—No. 2, 52 to 53e outside; patents, $5.30 to *5.50; second pat- ized n proclamation declaring
N• 2 extra, 50 to 51e; No. 3 ab encs. 85.10 t., 85.30; first clears, day. May 20. a general holiday as
to -19e, and feed at 17c outside. .81.15 to 8.1.25; second clears, *2. a day of general mourning for .Ed-
Oats—No. 2 Ontario white, 34 to90 to ?:3.30. ward VII. It will be a bank huli-
3.1',c ell Buffalo, May 17.-- Wheat—Spring day and all business will he
outside, and 36 to :;6.1..,e
track, Toronto. Canada West eats, wheat, lower; No. 1 Northern, car- suspended.
86..c for No. 2, Bay ports. --- ---
leads store, $1.151,'; Winter stoutly.
Cern—Firm. Oats—Steady. Barley
Feed to Malting, 62 to 67c. Byu
—No. 2 on track, 86c.
LIVESTO('K M.\lil:l•:TS.
Montreal, Muy 17.—\'elute
beeves sold at fr.•na t;' . to a little
over 7c per pound ; pretty good ami-
n•als, 5,1,-; to 13! iv ; common cluck,
4 to 5c per pound. Jlilch cows from
$',m to $60 each. Calves front *2.-
50 to *12 each,or 3 to61,a per
pound. Sheep, 5 to lie per pound;
.Spring Iambs, 8.1 to $7 each. Good
lots of hogs sold at about tae per
Toronto, May I7.--.\ few choice
heavy cattle still continued to bring
as high as *7.25 par cwt., but the
average and c nunonest range of
prices was from 86 to *6.65. (Goal
bt'teher cattle sold readily at *6.50
and over, with the (medium and
tt.uuuon grades bringing from $5.-
5o to 86. Cow:, and bulls as high
i1 86 and *6.10 per cwt., and rang-
ing all the way upward from $-1.
Stackers and feeders, $1.50 to *6,-
50 per cwt. The market for sheep
and Iambs was noticeably easier,
ant' prices are quoted from 25 cents
to 50 cents lower on butt/ grades of
sheep and fur yearling and spring
lambs. Hugs. $9.25 f.o.b. to $9.-
5) fed and watered in Toronto.
Peas ---Prices nominal.
Rye --Nu. 2 67'.. to 6'-e outside.
Buckwheat -51e outside for No.
Corn —No. 3 American yellow,
kiln -dried, 613e, Toronto freights.
No 3, kiln -dried, Glc c.i.f. ('ulling-
wcod or Midland. Canadian corn.
61c. Toronto freights.
Bran - Manitob:ts, 819, in hags.
Toronto, and shorts at $22. in
bags. Toronto. Ontario bran, *20
in sacks, Toronto.
COUNTRY 1'I1')1)U(1 .
Apples ---Prices ,ir•iu ell
Beans ---82 to 82.1.-) I.r1 Lal- Ir:.
Honey—Colnbs, t!•,c. •I. to *2.-
50; extracted. 10' _ to 11.- per Ib.
Baled Hay ---No. 1. $1 t t•• $15 .,n
track. and No. 2 at JII.5,J to 812.
Baled Straw -87 to 87.50 on track
Potatoes—Ontario. 35 to 40e per
bag, on track, and New Brunswick
elawares, 45 to 50c per bag, on
Poultry- -Boxed lots nominal.
THE 1).111{11 MARKETS.
Butter- -fount{ prints, 23 to 21c:
largo rolls, 22 to 221,e; inferior, 17
to lee; creamery, _', to 29e: solids,
I•:gga- -casts lots. 19 to 2'1,- per
Cheese ---Old steady at 12', to 13e,
and new at 1I', to 12c.
Hot; 1'I1(11)17(7\
Bacon --Long ele:tr, 151y to 1ii';e
pt,r Ib. in case lois; mesa pork,
$2S.50 to 829; short cut, e31 to
Hama --fight to medium. la to
1='-c; do.. heavy. I6'_ t', 17v: rolls, KING GEORGE V. QUEEN VICTJRIA MARY.
15',1• ; shoulders, 1 1 to 1 0-e ; — - •— -• ---- - —
bleakfust Steen, 19 to 19'.e: Lacks, til 11 hili. 111 1 \111 1;11.1'1%. \ `• 1 11, niface, and they met ;tt the hl\I. \1 is 1 1,141111 s‘11,1111.
I loud new hemp haw -.el and was
ecv. 6, 21e. sem out agatin U, rescue hi. friend.
I.,• on the night of Wed11. - lily,
Lard 7ierees, 16e ; tubs, Ito ,e : 451 Icl► lie diel, un.l tow' 1 barn safe
tails. 10/c.
Jnotped From the C. N. R. It, :.1 1! „ I. \Noun•• -(lay 1ii'til+l.r.•'+' 1 ,,•111"1' Iltlli•cr fraise- 111. 11,,- It Into the harbor. It w•t• :1 smart
at Winnipeg. Le d v Was fnun.l to shallow water j.•slt's �t•.unu,!I,il. t,t• ce .if se:Inlanshil+,' shill' it omit!
close to the bridge, surd at the same
I11J,c31Ni:$tS IN '14)\ fl;l 1!. 1 ,i,•.pnteh free► \1'il►nipt.g• hate clone credit t.. an ofb,,•r alt.
t'me Vcnlein" .t's botly.w'a, ("111141 A 111-1•111'11 11' '1, 1-""(11v.
Munlreal, �Iny I' Ont \,., \ !e 1.,r I)ivaldt.r' and isador \ 'stet had far wider t.hinitI cr it.,
• 4t mod. Troth from the tame vii: , •u at Jliddlechnrch, ei }:tree •flat '\'ones .•n \icdneIli i 1,•, • •' ilii
(.'innellan Western. : s' I , .'' \,•. . •gl„w•11 the then. K :1 tor't'e (1'•.11! .1 I:a\a! ,rth•'.•Y`I•• ,:I. cert "( work (hall Pp'Itle+.
t, in Belgitun, loth in love with the c 1; 4rge hall enjoy(•I.
3. 373s to :stn' : Ott( i„ \ • 1 . ital.; a Sp', Ilio n, i ,1 _• •,I 1'1, 1,1'There
37c, Ontario N a .n L'1 a lti ra,ne girl ip the old land. thrown Alp whk{I King (;t'.,tgr. p ..•rfut.I0 •I nietit vele no ,ter II carte
tabu No. 4 white, 14p;t.lhrr repeatedly 1,� strang4•
!Ms's 1' 1(1.1'it11:11:11. t••nt11•Ilt- of newspapers pi+••t•tit.
It., .Lile in eolnnlanti of 'torpedo'font ,;,,t 11 was well known that (lir
Nt. :1, 56jyt'; N•.. 1. 'r, i I,., frees s of fate 111 their 1ut11' y••,tl�' I , e "where, -a\ • the w' titer• he
ley. 54c. Flour 11.1:, ' ,• 1 ssi Inv \.irk in Jlrnit ,Iui planned and 11 lII im_ 11'11 \o1 Tithe Place on ... Act! \ ,.1 , ton (lest comma/oho of N '. 7:t war
1 ,lis -mall ca Lin ant, i•,• It a on of th se ,rho Ila;. 4.1 011
wl:rat. patents, first 1:711. ' ,•t .d ant a death pact two weeks blit.:', Funeral Ihr). ,I n.. 451tb 111. . •I • 111 u, .tc, t
second,. 155.10; \\niter `diel(. pat :I1" l'stsh was unwilling that the • ,,, osmolet. ;•Dating Ila+• mow, -
titu, 1•;Urt., it being sufficient nt fol hill
,•11 1 should 1 .;•••t,:t:• I, ', 1 Iltt:tw':i ,a'. to know that he had done 111. dolt).
eta,:8i.40to85.50: NEInit••bastn,l,z I has(' the girl, who •of 1`.,`,9, he 113,1•. ' n ,11.:111
bakers'. 81.00: straitbt ('.hers, iz;, w:I' willing to marry the one that Tie. d••ath ,•i t\I,,1; Edward 1',. c. nett d1•ne it well.'
,1 a. 0141 ,••r,l for her
I 1'1.11 a few d•1•. - el life t . Walt,' 'I'eadron aa- stilt It. 41-`,-„I
They (Ire', t.1 , The writer of the letter atolls it
to $i►.iL; straight, 1,•. ,ra. in bag,. I. v 11 Nv'ill}• 1111(1 as n” nit•ol. L.
g 1 , tido, by Iltlt tont! In' 1t••,,. :1 ing 11ltgII.b1r ." I"!,•, K The tienior I)f% one
Present. • n•ni
8.2,:35 to 2.- r ,. p ) I l i, • rnenlc Un' hanlly ex ,... 1, ,1. , .
8' 1.,. 1'1 . •),,(trio hero. i it•itt11 f dettlt at No;ts i;,. •,•1 I rindrs: • May e,nr old, with al,
+ r 2 , + (i. :It11 111 111, I{ell (;•,'r tr•,lfl 111•• l ','lee. :eft „1,.• I torpedo boats w.-,,.
81.1.,,(► to g• 0. t 1„i.l. nliohll� ,.-.
x lt. bride•'. 1:• •h liv•'t{ 11. Nt. t!1 • noti+l.•1 of 111- .', ,•n 1 1 1 ••1 re•>pll (1171( t.1 ihap• 111; X19
$'22 to >l'2:{; li:anl' :La Lean. t !- ,•a • , to t .:1 • ,e• night l., recon„,,:
f'.li nil.• u. to th• sihl ,.r 1 „ I, )•in wrl "'kr n ere the %sora.•
r, alt after dirk, with old. 1-
- 'eau Ontarn. t.:1-' 1' . The , \. , :, 1; 'King for being n good sailor."
i - , t , I n into the harbor at d .+ I
••:, eriKinnlly tl'. 1 f"I h. i l 11.•
(1 •
Has been Canada's favorite
Yeast over a quarter of a
century. Enough for 5 cts
to produce 50 large loaves
of fine, wholesome, nour-
ishing, home-made bread.
Do not experiment—there
is nothing "just as good."
Winnipeg TORONTO, ONT.
P C Montrine
Awarded h.ghca bona u
alt E zpluitio,u.
)1 ORE t:.tlt'I'Iiit'.tKF:S.
People are Fleeing Front San Jule
in .tlarut.
A despatch front San Jose, ('osta
Reports from the agents of the
Inca, says: Heavy earthquakes ('anadian Pacific ltililway, received
were felt on \Wednesday. Thou- at the local office on Wednesday,
sands of persons are leaving the indicate that. rain is needed getter -
city in alarm. A series of severe ally through the west. On the La -
shocks was experienced on Tues- eonlhe branch there were several
day. While fear has seized a great geed showers during the week. 'I'Iw
part of the populace, theattthol'i- weather is cool with showers on tha
ties continue resolutely at work Slt:w'bray branch, and there were
au:ong the ruins of Cartago. Many 'mowers at firer Mound. :\t Saska-
living persons have been released
iron the weather is warm and the
from the debris and some of these land dry. Kenuray and Fleming re-
survive. In most instances port wheat up two inches in places,
identification of the dead is Ultimo- at \Waskada up two inches, at Shoal
side, The dead are being burie<! Lako and }3iosearl{t up one inch.
as rapid) :Is ) .-'dl!c at the direr - Similar reports come from nuoner-
ti<n of the �it'-L tit inspectors. Dy -
points. :\t a number of slo-
is being used to lower the tions cen(lititns are reported as
walls that are still standing.
gt.ito favorable. although the wea-
ther continues (try.
t-. 4.11
t . w
The Canadian l'adl'e Railway's
Crop Reports.
,\ despateh from \1'itutipeg says :
II ons n rouKh nlgbt, .u►d
i.I, hat the f,l that tial ,,,11 T111:1 III.%II1: _roll': 1'1111ET.
r the (nnernl of 1?,Iw:lr•1 VII. ,`,.: It•tnrt7tat toward the hnru',
pr after O•tyl4e;ht, one ut the I 1
.. i, . �. , E .
, • idr for an .•x,•, n I nl• Ito.
h1 11 retched 1lenfller Ire•
a • . 1• 1.,.. „ , • un sllrh n day. tial,. 1,I.,k, down :Ind petro to a I '
,t,.•r t•, the 1e,.ptere, who 1'(' :11 tailing 111 Cranes..
; 4 u-.•.411••111'. 1: -. will get .,•\oral, I .\ .1.• -!,:,tel. from Paris ,ass
C•e � I,:t�tt �+•a ata. on. 1 1
* .1..1, r, til,ut tae c�,"ctrrl. I 1
Hundred and I'llii ty- t e''ei Lives Lost , \'•. 4rutnr(14ntc,\ "1.6 1+t the 1'111 nh.o„nmble weath(r 4,'I,l64110. ,
} L 1 e :ng ('hal -.la} ad r('-, n4 ..1 her c„n,ra+L'. :ul.l 1114' i in the northern half of f \Nage the
at. �Vhitehav(�ij, ;-'1 9 Alin,
,tn•l.•r th„ -.,,•,.491 It 1•••111111.•1 1„ 11„
. ( 1h,• c9-. ILiI l L•.: hart►.,\ (tcn,peralure on 'Thur -'dos eraser'
It' rope It the "tanto,',, ,I, i1 '1'' • H. at times, yet all other tiro(•% it
41• 1,I.'It•d boat 11a, t./1111.I a ,.,144,1 :1,141. v..1.' celnparali\el% mild. 1'ol.l.
not in sight ft,,m the r,.lnor u111-141is11111l showers ,•ane :11 1111r/•%.1 Is.
a:ass: (II.. 1•,In111ed 71n+1 tlilrt\ ., t• i• comfit; rentlt're'1 fire gees' •hip. lar.tl the stint shifted capricie1t-) -
en miner• lost their lives on'rhltl.. ((only eapie'41,.1; extremely prop t.•. A. H01411'11I nnsit.led of keeping Shortly afterwsuvls No, 79 rt I,IlaininK a high speed. which last
able and that all undergrf111t'1turned. and roporf.•4 that she 11'141d
., howeyt.r, onb
ly for rief yeti• ds.
day in an explosion in the Welling w.-rker. ought therefore to be on Gant11linc Montle.
ton eoal twine at 1Vlaitellnven. It+•. 11,: alert. The, barometer reache41tarried away her only hawser, and R. ports from sa1riot,. p;t1, of
,\ .11•.pal('11 from \1'In111prK says: failed to roto' the disabled boat ells 1 :Irl.-.. s114.% doll( 111, . “1111".•11 1.1'• ,
cue portae' • sueceetl.41 in 5:r\ ing l i 1 highest It.utling in the \\'bite (•. A. Holden, keeper of the Moose of danger. The situation ons ori p'• ie lu res 4(1'14 1.4•1•111% 414.11four enol, but fir, has hre•ken out4 h.itun (11511(• ( !1111, a, g:urllrling joint, w'aa on tient, and imrnetliatcls prep;uat'.,,,s;Ih.' ;p,pluaeh of tt;e e• 1411.1 i, the•'
in the workings. leasing practical 'foe ,ollIrry i, .,ts•nrd lo, I41e End Wedtl atbty morning convicted of were made for resetting the dis 'deet .•f the leis ,II, 11,1,• attn.:-
ly I11. Ilepl' ("t' th„se sill(/ are -1111 .,' Lon stink. a11(1 its w•ot kit,:{•• e\ Peeping a grumbling . house and bent. boll the a'(►IIi I11311iticr of No. ,'1 1.1,4 I-!• litit rL:1,e, Tit •I', 1- :1-'
enlumbly! fie -tens work w:', ,rep, loud torr +,r lite 1nt1e• ,,ut ,moreI' ft►.ed rho limit. 4 500, :nttl given n
p;,,, by tot ,„11;11,,,• „f flip 1 „I”. ICI. se:1. 11'11•' spot wh1'r1 the '451 scathing selling ouI by Jlagisf rate
,\ corns'. Inst 4- that a r ,llien ! hest er•• a•..l >,.n"• 50 Odd-hiftml'il Italy. 11•,14rn Ills cleaned up a
warning was plibl!'hr11 i11 nems. '•1 t P ( re 45.•114111$ alt the 111114."( the ex- I small i•,rtune in the past two years
tho. 11('w'papera 111 the ;"noels .1' t ., Ss' 1, :IL •:•t Il:r,•r' Milers from an4 ohs flys got .'re.11 (er having
trioti 41 the kingdom on \1,de' t,,- shah a\,,. political prolet'tio!I
.1 414 , n bout '1 •u,l' : to the eff., , that unnaunl hart.-. 1 111:111' I'I\I:.
ss- t ,4 k,'en to hate another ti . ' y. I, hl•wei. 4, 11.. .
not with-lan(ling the fa••t that he a il,••ug them, 11••11%ith.lr!editiu Berl.
111141 110411 up all flight. Hilt it was all the netts's,i . 1" :11' vu•, 0.11;nl
dctidea to gine oho voting soh lieu : •,1 ,•n Ihr oinr.t'.•44 a'- 1., whrlhcl
tenant a champ of wit.ning his On comet's poi'enon, 1•141 ss ill de
spur,. So he ea- pratid••d with 11 .:Noy animal life "n the earth.
Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own
aid Other Countries of
Recent Events.
Prisoners in northern Ontario
jails may build colonization roads.
The wheat in southern Alberta,
is said to be dying fur want of rain.
.\ new militia uniform to be worn
by all mounted troops, has been
Se% en Chatham, N. B., hotel-
ketpers have gone on strike and
closed their houses.
('um:minler Stewart, R. N., has
been appointed to the command of
the c•ruiscr Rainbow.
The safe in A. Harder's store at
I'tum ('oulce, Man., was robbed of 1
set en or eight hundred dollars. I
Mitchell ('ampbell was killed at'
.\{lalllla)e by the caving in of at
drain in which he was working.
Rev. W. J. Winfield brought user
fifty English farmers of the ('artha-
gceian h. settle in Prince Edward •
Hot. William 'Tam 1)1(41ton is pre-
paring a hill to provide for a Gov-
ernment test and examination of
The giving:( in Canada in 1909 for
inis'ionary work totalled $1,906,063,
ea:cording to the Laymen's Mission-{
ar.• Movement report.
The Council of the Montreal
heard of Trade passed a rt solution
opposing reciprocal trade arrange-
ments with the United States.
°HEAT BRii'.\IN.
King George is personally super -
i Ilrtoliug all the arrangement% for •
the funeral of his lath. r.
Queen .'i)exandra has 1-- ,••1 a►
touching letter to the nat. 71,11lk-
tint the people for their t: 'thy.
The British Parliatne,:- ,:,• t on •
Wednesday and Ansaid . ,lotions; 4,1 their inauguration.
u1 condolence with the 1: .11 fam
ily, and of cungrattdati, 1. 1 1. .. 0111) 1'If'1:s 01' 1'ski 110S.
UNITED S'r.\'TI:». . Rear (',wrings 1l••pre-entiii
Seeding Well .ldrauced in oularlit
and the West.
A despatch from Ottawa saysl
Tho census 014(1 statistics uftieo ha.
ilds'iusluiuouudduto.he cArratps buunliht tlnte( • usttuhcek c fua
The reports made by correspond-
ents in all parts of (',nada at the
d t �f �\p„ ,
II that guild !ICU.
gress has been made with spring
settling in Ontario and the western
Provinces, but that in Qucbeo and
the Maritime Provinces little More
than a beginning had been mad(..
Orllario and Alberta are in the lead
s.ilh spring wheat and oats, the
former with 89.31 per cent. of the
Epiing wheat and 71.71 per cent.
of the eats in the ground, and the
latter with 97.50 of the wheat and
73.13 of the oats. Ontario had al -
8) 72.94 per cel:t. of the barley
seeded. Manitoba and ,Saskatche-
wan had nearly equal proportions
of the wheat land finished, the for -
ince with 90.68 per cent. and the
latter with 92.60 per cent•.
Ontario and Alberta are the only
Provinces with a substantial show-
ind of fall wheat, and whilst in the
first named the condition at the
en.i of April was 95.47 per cent.,
in tho second it was only 81.66 per
cent. Alberta also showed consid-
erable loss by winter killing and
el. nth, the proportion of the area.
sown being 22.46 per cont., as com-
pared with 6.42 per cent., in On-
An excellent report was made
hr all classes of live stock for Can-
11'11,1. t'M: (11,1) SUPPLY.
Head of king George on ('oius and
A despatch from Ottawa says:
The head of King George will nob
appear on the coins or postago
stamps of Canada before the end of
Etc year. The likeness of Edward
tho Peacemaker will continue on
the currency and stamps of Can-
ada for another six months at least.
In the case of the postage stamps
any design may be used, but, it is
the custom to have the Monarch's
head on tho two -cent stalpp, which
is the one most in ttse. The depart-
ment has a six-ntonths' supply on
hand, and these will be used up
''•hile dies are being prepared for
the new issue of George V. stamps.
('hanging the design of metal cur-
rency is also a (natter of time. 1)e -
signs have to be prepared and ap-
proved in both Canada and Great
Britain. Where the• head of this
King appears on at coin his special
approval of the portrait has to bo
obtained. The Finance Depart-
ment has for some time been look-
ing into the question of designs for
the new gold coinage of Canada,
and on these the head of King
George will appear. but the first of
Jaltultry will probably be the date
Forest fires are raging in the' the Four Seasons.
'copper region of Michigan.The pipes used by the I.skinloi
\n int,nutliunnl at4ation (nett ar• quite different front those of
will i' )e Id ou Long laland in Oc- • any ether North .\merican race,
t. Ler. ' ar.t{ in the shape of the bowl moro
Twelte persons were drowned le. I, reulhle the opium pipes used by
the sinking ..f n atrnnit.r it► the tt44 ( Lineae than anything else,
\11s,i-,ippi Iliver below St. I,teui'. !-: Forest and St ream. The old
'fillet girls were fatally injured pip es were very small in the
in their home in Buffalo in a fire '(,meat of tobacco that they would
eaused b% the espluaiuu of a Kau, -.1..•14, for in former days •t-ihaeco
tint ,+t.tte. w;s extremely sellree 11110 ill its Ilio
\1 rt• most carefully husbanded.
I3ENElt.11.. There was, therefore, a wide roar
(' tluitt'i Ileus(•(-el1 %%itllesse(' ; 11 -, Margin! 1., the pipe to catch any
mimic {171011.• 1.\ (;etllla 11 tr•n,ps I;railts (If t uI, gee that might bit
:oar Berlin . •1I 4%e+lot•sdily• i spill(•(( in filling it: then there was
The Minu.•htlh't, w1ti,11 was wreek- it hollow which would hold a pin•h
al on tie' 1Sci11h Islands. has been of tobace., half as large as an ordiu-
Itoaled 11 MI will Lt. repaired. a's pen and a rather wide holo
Thin,. has been another rising in poising down through the base 4f
11%:nun and the lives of n►issionuri` s the bt,w) which fitted into the pip”
tut "f nitite Christians Are said stem. The bowl of the pipe was of
to be in danger. ivory, stone, brass or copper.
\n Italian p%'1;"'ivnal sword(( The pipe then was curved and
..out and al 1'n'nch journalist fought 1,xal a mouthpiece. It is said that
1 duel in 1'atis. in which the jour- the, small hole • running down
I;Itst w •Int.lc.1 his ad'trsary. through the base of the howl and
11,14 the pipe stem Wits usually
COMEr S '1.111. I.(1\1:1.11. plugged with melba(( hair to save
Ills Croon reran I its to len Ile- any grains of tobacco that (night
oto erwise have passed down
Rive-, in Lenetl'• ti tough this aperture and so be
\ dt..p:loch from I'aria :nys; k -t. rhe croaking of such a pipe
\,11'"tl.mlei•a Ilt 1'ta111't• al 1'C Inakin{ 't'•,Ild (tut last Ivng, still we Islay
ed,servation` on Halle% 's cornet that 1 •.`ume that a sr.ry few draw~
a•e attracting the greatest interest. w, old ex)taust• tt. The suit.•ke wov,
Maurice haul' 4,f the Paris Obser- 111 t.otirsr, taken int the lung.
e:duty reports that the length of The Kskinwi aro known to be
the tail has increased from five to extremely skillful in the rcprese•t-
ten degrees in three days. Pru• lotion of scenes and objects. while
1c'sor I)eslandies of the University the hollows of Queen Charlotte's
•f Uijou finds a reappearance in tl.e 54 111141 and generally all the les
-p•ectr •SCIpc of t• mower.). the poi• Incl of the N•.Ithwe t const of
sm,uus gas which was eL•.eI ed in .\nu+rices arc famous for their (11rv•
Januar'. and Felt! oary, lint which ing to wool and in a block slate.
(li'appeared in March. lit Itis re- Ilnndsonaett• carved Eskimo pipes
1,44 he says tint the hypothesis .•I walrus isory from Nerthwestent
tont the g•1' is liable 1•, affect the .11a1ska lune on each side of this
telresttial atmosphere. ((t,tild not pips, flint i. to gay. on four mot.,
I,,e nt all a,urr,. (ht the o
other r les- Tong, fiat surfaces, sceneshat.d. (:aorLto Il;ntu:;rien thinks from the daily life of the Eskimo.
th.t 11,•• t•til of the .t.lnct is simply Of these the Iwo sides on the right
..4,ta al phenonu•n4n, pt"du.'e`d h:end of the p'pr as i1 is held in
h the lIIght Ihreugh elht I. ,inlil•II position Go' .tri kiup :Iprpelr t.. mp
t., the wake "1 a !•hip :If "`"t• JIr. Ip„rtlt the pet io 1 of cold weather.
Miti;•hau 1 maintains that the (scut 'aloe a111umn, winter and early
et slots .4 111114.11:11a \111:111411' (1'4.111 ,ill'jug, \t hilt. those on the left ib•Ind
i1, i111l.4rtaut '•roti(, \s{tirh prusif (11 rias •,f the pipe represent the !AIM -
anus pooh,' s111prise4• 'mtcl life • f the Eskimo.