HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-19, Page 3PiSTtlik flints for Busy Housekeep'-:rs. SECURITY. Recipes and Other Valuable Information of Particular Interest to \Vomer Folks. 4Cnu3ne -- "— Carter's Little Liver rills. Must Boar SI(;naturo of ice Fal.SI11:10 Wraercr Below. (yore smell Gad ra asey to tats es e -u ar. CARTEgS FGf W1101NESS,. •1TT FOA D!LIGUSWESS. V �1 FOR *HAM LIVER. FON LONLT!PATION. TOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR TRECOMPLEXION 1).\1\'F\ oistil-S. (Isi4ke•,. t 14,un. \ling,• !incl( ll•I(c• 4,un(es 44( low chicken, ,;Iss 1Tuflins.--('reaul t•get144r one I t:rIler.p,.Iful of butter .11141 .'71. of It twice through the ural 114 fh'" THE S. S. LESSON \'1'1:11\.1'fION .11. LESSON, 11.11 '22. f the riu�;t��`end ef't►';�,�ee IN MERRY OLD ENGLANDWas All Run • Inert vit id !Mai k n. 2:-S11)• Neighed 125 Lb.. 11. She hl•ought it t her 0 -r Down --The cull-blu.ded pretishet witlu NEWS 11'1 M.t11. A110 UT JOIN . Now Weighs 185. 'hi•h these women wrought (l i tr BULL AND HIS 1'1:UPI.E.— ytngeanee is u Mutest 111(0111 . tt:lu Mrs. M. Mte Linn, Pchee Jimetion, N.B., ihn swift- retribution was %1..ted writes: ----"I wish to toll you what Mil - buries heart and Nerve ('ills huge done 111:011 .\ntipus and H1'iodias. 1'Ley for me. 'three years ars 1 111843 454) nun The Heath of John the B:+piid, went to Itouu+ to Berk (talo t,u• ton- down 1 could not do my own work. 1 Leroy the title of king, and it. ori went to a doctor, and he told No 1 had 114411. It. I -IL. 4.a tllvl 'Leal, i•(.wnttled by bring bunisa ' 1 to heart trouble and that wy n.•rses were all Prot. IU. J'_. I.rg414u1uus in Gaul, Her„din- 1.I- unstrung. 1 look his ►nedic•ine. 88 he orderer! nit to do, but it did u c no good. ut.larily sharing Ilerod's exile. {h.usll (he:euro I then ltarted to take Milburn': heart and Nerve Pills, and had only taken ono b•,x beton: 1 started to feel litter, so I continued their use until 1 had taken several boxes, and 1 sin now Ptrong and well, and able to du 44,y own work When I commenced taking your pills I (sighed 12' pounds, and now weigh 1145 and have given birth to a lovely y(•me daughter, which was a happy !tang !init.! n tEitel e family. 11 hen I comni•mcrd taking Milhuru'a licart and Nerve fills, I could not go upstairs without resting before I got to the top. I can now go up without any truuhle." 'Ile price of Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills is LO cents per box, or 3 boxes for Sr1.`2:i at ate dealers or trailer! direct tin r (runt of price by The 'f. Milburn C'o., Limited, Toronto, Uot. -leuld have been strange if soul- t., wake up the sleeper, but 1 know P.a-tgarto.1. ceieuruted his 103rd. -._ — uf tluur tool enough cornmeal t. (Wallet - "f a putout of Demerara Oe,arreneen In the Land That Reigns Supreme In the Com. menial World. Anthrax has broken out at Brtr- I•tat un to It .ne c • • una Iwo t,L- Verse I. tiered the tetrarch l2. Ili, elistiple4 ... hurled m,i.: , A case ..f built!! sox has been uo- su:;nr, add one whnli. egg Lumen gg 1 I 1 of sweet milk, and one cull of flea,. la ntily with salt and hite pepper 4'r (It the• forirth !surf ut,�u country. awl faithful devotion to their I •,.41 The law 4404• permits London with nue healing teuspuonf411 .1 ave! a f(( grains (1f nutmeg. . lint 1 tout the time of 1 / mp ey th I t helps us to unlerstuu41 the fa t t. xw web drivers to s,nuke. 1.nkiu , sew•,ler. Beat, sour in hitt ler st j:ui pet. Pelle18in the eontcnts, l;:est the title was} 61% en to any that twenty years later, in 4nr •I Viscount OI-1Idstune left for ►, I i 1 ••1,•r w II !I Rased paper, :Sul e4 sender( Put" .'e wo, while mile away Ephesus, Paul 101111(1 dis-i South .\(riga on Aped 30th. tried !sots, and bake in a twits g P I e,onwlc• to kings, still enjo ••ed (•i ,lt•s, ineludin ,1 pollux, aho ! st, am for booty live minutes. 'faro ! K ! :1 universal ruse congress is lu „ t' n auv 4'f the rero"atives of rt Hoyer- %vaffles. Brat two whole tggs. ' ;" 1 .ri a dish, garnish with c•rol.l. vigil. '1'141x1 Herod (:inti tallies) had kr0%v no tither baptism than that .f }„• held in London its July 191 1. sell ono e;u,fil of sw441 milk. t%%,.. , ''I y..lk of egg aecl rho}sped Pal”. t^ 1 ) john. Wages are higher in England Icy and ,oar a little thick „hit,. 'ecenrd the guvernuiv►t of Cali --- -+1•-. 1111in 111 either France or Gerusary. culfuh of floor, unr tea -),..ental of 1 i •( and i'l•1•ilea from Itis father. Laking powder. one-half teusp4,i,11 suuc•e "ter. ' I J • --1. .1 SI•E1:1'1' .1EAIt11 CLOCK I Ii Holloway alone last year t1, . ii.'e4 p.unds and a half of (lour.,c•vcs .l year •.t.. 1, 11.801 11 hick Ila•( (o he Shaken I:v4i.%. 'til'uk••nueas. melted hatter. 4v :old healing in�Guli144. 'fiber -11. husband was a culls heat) ('urn lakes. I'..nt• lint u[ Hutu I••und of sultanas, lhtee•qutlr i.t fhr vain"' of Hrr/,d, stood um 1loruing l0 11'ak4 11 l p. milk aid .nc !' cel 1(asn•onful . ('' "f :+ poumdl of currants, thee, 1 shit%el, a woman declared at an ''• 4- of chopped ,eel, one :„111141 tl" short 441 the sea .f Galilee with-' . .\: a rale,' said Mr. Stoggle- impeot. solo and s pin,.: „(1 it 4444 p:oed,•r• t I I ! it, fou wiles of l'aprrnuums• 8nd it lel; • the alarm cluck i, supposed 111 loot Earley a resident of (1111 whole egg. 14444 taIlesp.onf,ll, "i letter and lard 111ix••41 three I' ' l)riginnll3. I tett tic 1 was the Im - nett tolee Jesus --This I"vo oro on:sp".mint salt, utio-half rile Iespoo lf.l s .f cream. tie 1,04, g tit;e4i at Burnley. 1 Rich Cake \\ ithout It s Take Report t.ncc�lnulg t us- or w,,ln(n were cumllittdd for 141 salt. and one table,puumtt41 .,f . KK1 Jcs es hall been r4u •! 1 u K sugar. 11 all t{ ingredients t rumor wn r ' ' the (.x4.0(411(.0.41 the mull-. , •t , Ise In %v}uclt the sleeper wakes birthday 14 nth in eke a thick hatter. is ++ to Ingres len H �, 44 4244 had net reached his ears. I lit1:\1 II POLICE 1'1..1NS. An Emergency Picker. (;osis• "(her, and thee dissolve tine pen.f•11 the rearm cluck. Co'.cut (;seely n is flou41el will! r, w"rth of German ye:5sl in st pint : Said. ells )s John the 'flus cluck keeps time all r►ght, fasnlsml:ln apples. and the crop is , u,rrtvsals./../././...2).,44,1%,a. Some row apple, and all to 1t Its 1 , 1 Ilan the ('z: r of Rus*ia I� I;uarded ►eta I "el w;1tu1 milk, title into the iugre I.:.rti•t Popular opinion (Luke 9. but there's something the matter sail' le he :1 (4g.re1 nue. l m cents gnrW!Tesrr^ t;:. e•••• • ›: weight in (huppe41 union \del - 441`' wa elm ndt cl. Si*' soul flus I n land , Lor th rule last year -. _•=3:-44+- •�I u•. nos knead inti Id •f I t t lib t I •••t' that 't CURL. SICK N- o1'' E. nu liter with vinegar. this i, de t ' 1111 4,44 about t}ue4 hours :ult1 a w.:1dcroveiker was Elijah, others (u t• -not ring automatically. lou ens the 144(14-t on record, :.•.:,5 per; M. Pauli, in his 1.miniseences of — - - litmus, but will not keep long. haft. Mix half a teas)ooriftll .f that It was one of the prophet -a tit (•'1r Hct the alarm surd it will go thousand .f population. • the ('zar of Russia in \IcClure's Cheese torist is ni44 f4�r supper. 44,tx4d `Pict' with a (ire-glassftl of ' returned, alit) others that it %%Ilen the t;►ne curries if you shukc, :\part 1r•ru subscriptions there Magazine, shows the thoroughne88 lout some slices 441 4heesl• in n bci•ndy. Stir into the dough. Bake' eUS Jelin risen from the dead. The it, but not otherwise. ova. n loss ell lust 4( 1) 45 111114141!l with which the French police lay 41 4l4rpan, add a little milk, a small ;44 84488441 tins in a steady wen. i lust theory Herod rea41114• adopted. "You'd think that anybody emir ' 14:114111 .at Birmingham of $5,KC0. tl:4i► plans to insure -the safety of 1'pepper this Duke will kce , well. be ramie his cunseieuce troubled f• i the lemur of knighthood upon, "We heti established observe - the Kim has been pleased to con- a visiting sovereign. ie 00 of butter, x :all salt to 1 iri., a cluck like that would hate it K C 6 -- hint. In spite et his views as a Sad fix1'd ur throw it ae•n Sud • - 11'h4u 71aIcling. chillies chopped tine, and salt. 1421(1 1 '411, 1. all(S( ` %1 t its alarm section $u 1 l t I' Suffered ed From Ilor Terrible Kidneys For Nino - Pain Months. 8 For Backache, Lame or Weak' Back - one of the commonest and most distressing symptoms of kidney inaction, there is no remedy equal to 1)oan'a Kidney Pills for taking out the stitches, twiidll.•l1 and twinges, limbering up the stiff back, and giving perfect comfort. A medicine that strengthens the kid- neys so that they are enai.letl to extract the poisonous iirie acid from the blood and prevent the chief cause of Rheuma- tism. taste. Stir till 11111t( su.,eth and very hot asci then ser%( 0n a square of hot buttered toast. Potato and Cucumber Salad. --- 11 NTS FI)11 T111; 1OJ1E. Iducee (compare Matt. 14. b with other• but for some rea8441)Ltthis Itufms Isaacs, h•C., \I.I'. 'flue poste in all the fy'ntit•r \tark t,. In). and his consequent de 147 er 4!.0. 11 1 do either. I don't British military commanders are (lona, posts composed of officers, T4 11llpritve the (laver of coffee, 1118) of the resurrection, 1114 crltne L4 ginning to prohibit excessive cig- wb.. lust no tent' in fast o,iing on the • It ow, but it seems to MP as if 1 e slightly war.! the grits and odd a' filled him with n haunting dread. `fool a sort of n friendly feeling(4'r art sm.kinq by young soldiers. steps of any suspicious traveler. A }lave sonic coil belled potato (tit pinch of salt before pouring on the; 3-10. 'these verses roust he re th • clock that thug needs hell,. Birmingham is 113 Holes f1. i -lieu! watch had to be kept_ along into <l cc', with half the quantity of tenter. ganird as n Void .f parenthesis, in London, and the train voter, the the railways over which the limier- (uvurnbrr (routed in the stone way. 111 jugs for kitchen use should, ,� :1114e•ay, tie's as kil.dly t. tar „lel Kiel, a salad -bowl with union if the j gs much •us verse l3 0[ the chapter ,.leek us if it was a gentle friend. distance without a stop in two iui train was to (onto!, fled in the 1(111 r is liked, alt in the ve c- be large •enough to admit the hand, i takes up (he statements „rade in He 1141pr it all he can. 1 g so that they can lie cleaned easily.; veis s i and 2. \When Jesus heard (:tiles, sprinkle well with chopped When sweeping iuoleuue. or' •,f the suspicions of Herod concern-; "Six -thirty is my friend's iising pr.rsley, and pour a good salad boartie n cluster over the broom.' in!• himself, then he made his re-; tine. and (very uigftl when he goes diessing .%cr. The dust will then be collected, nut• trr.at across the Lake. i tm bed he winds the clock andsets I'eas with Bacon. -- F.ur slices of scattered. 1 3 3. Herodias --Syr Word Studies til- alarm fur that hour. He knows bacon cut iv small pieces and one Make every dish on the table ns f \ •I Philip the1 If) it won't ring, but he doesn't mind e 4 .► pn 1. i Ip la ,rv, ab/,tot Ulot. Hes a systematic, or - 11r. Doti ,ld A. \ie1149ae, Broad ('eye small onion cut fine. l'uok tegetis- attractive looking as possible; it iLt r .,f I{er44d was a Imitate citizen Banks, kid writes: nine i was troubled (r until a link brown. \4141 half rcids to ihe (n,te r i:d shat pens the duly Person, accustomed to rising with my kidneys for nice months, and 1 sn It,,ine, alai Iii•• wife, Herodias, suffered with such terrible pains across a reek of goes w peas, salt and pup- 711'1, tile. 1 tea• lured away Ly Ant while at a fixed hour, and he would the small of my lace all the time that I p'1 to to t4, :aid just enough worm Wet !,/rots tract] taken oft should; the Inner was visitiu47 the iwperial `take tet that hour whether he had could hardly get around. After taking water to (4440r peas: cook until ten- b•• filled witb soft Paler. which ab -'city. Their marriage was not law- an alarm (leek 14r not, but from84rbe the moisture and helps toI fuimmune!' „4 !imi e!' as she was his 0 lung habit he winds the alarm just keep the boots in shape. ! , 1111 ('0 and w ifn ..1 his living Iuuthcr the, same, and then when he cakes 11 hen choosing II carpet select i 1,e%. tn. 113). i up, im the morning at 6.30 or so he .1. • with a small pattern• as it will 5. Feared the multitude .rusrph-' I...ks to sec the exact time. fi two boxes o1 Doan s Kidney Pills 11'4 .an to feel better, and by the time 1 had taken three 1 was ron!)letel• cured." 4 ('rice 50 cents per box. or 3 for $1.25, all de:dere or (nailed direct on receipt of price Ly The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto. (int. When ordering sl.eeify ' Darn'n. 414 • and serve.. Canned pea, ('1111 he elevated in the same way. 1314uL,lrb Marsnalucle.--For three 444 8rt, of this delicious marmalade take (hive pounds of rhubarb, th1ee and one half pounds 4f sugar, ;,;..4 and waled rind of lemon to t este. Bed all together till 1141 1 "I. s IN 1 c 11111.1:. I- - ro,1ghly cooked, then, 110 remo4- -- I.,g from store, add one pound 41 11,,, nes 1y ors t ecliil4rt •. \4e 1dea almonds (hopped fine. ('ars and in Itnildin', Si ill in fruit jars. For winter use with the hands. Ili • insurrection that might follow. II - may be made in the fall of the Grease s1, -.t- •n a wooden fluor le4ause the crowd • regarded the Buenos .\y tc- has au archate,l is y4:u•, when the rhubarb ie ripe. should he treated with ammonia Baptist as a prophet. Prof. Pierre Ruvedn who has 414 I)audrlion Salad. Boil four nu t"fore s, rrihhing. l'uur a little of 6 \1.1411 Her4•d'8 birthday (nine -a Special plan f.r building dint, sized potatoes with jackets the thud on the sp,4,t. Ieis e for a -The uhser%aric4 ..f I.1 70141,1%s was "stele districts of 114,11-4, for the ,,r.. cut in (ub0s white %•n .n. Slice• fen nlinut,•s. liel41 then scrub. ' a (:reek custom. too -eh -led ulelat- n ,t c11nw signs of near quitkly, and 4;s declares that Ihc arrest .f Jelin I1 it's %4 or ten minutes he- n be more easily turned about w:,: for political reasons, Herod part half past 6 he rtt(•hes (lilt at if required to he reonade• fearing a, rebellion 4(4(1!4! he raised tune (mere:, or it it's five minutes .1 bent felt hal may he restored ii,.der the leadership of thin popular to its original .shape if it is first i,1, 1. Acting upon this first int - held before the fire till the felt fe els pulse. the t4 tut reit would gladly Pliable, and then worked into shape have killed John, but he dreaded u•rkingnlan. instead .1 erecting , ,10 small union nio1 t hard bailed L'a1.•11 lather b4wts when new oats by the 111-1't4.4(8, .ntrelucedl the houses on the ordinary square ergs.('hop .444 -quarter pound eh(1ul41 he ,eighth "armed before L. the Heroin. 'The lorthdaya .f bl.4k Prof. Hoveda has used a eir- ,,4111g ltideli.n leave•, Fry slow. wearing, to pre%rtit cracking. A k,r.gs were widely telehrattd in hours. , st14-0ts through which the proees- 1ieaths recorded at Yarm••uth elms would pars. Sentries wit -h fur n recent '.'.eek includes those .,f 1. acted rifles, posted at. intervals on seven persons whose ages total 571; tither side of the Zine, at the on - years. trance and issue of tunnels, on and Aged eighty-nine. a Crimean vet- metier bridges, prevented anyone coon mooed Stevens ens burned to trmm approaching. and had orders d: s+th recently at Trowbridge, Wilt- to raise an alarm if the; saw on or shire. near the rails any object looking .\ gel.(i second-hand hansom cab it the least suspicious. can be bought now -a -days for 82.1." ••\W4 also identified the ten:tuts n Lol.don witness declared tec.•vt!y. of all the houses situated along the Twenty-two children %tele a short Ili i1way line and in the streets t.►ne since selected by the Lambeth thr'ug14 which our guests were to Guardians for ellligral.441 to ('x1)1- ,it •• e. :\s a matterof fact, what 1t.4,111:144 da4.4 most feared was the traditional Chatsworth is to be reopened to ..,:(lass.• irepet•attd or attempted toe public on Tuesdays, \Tednes- fren) a window. On the tether hand, .lays and Thursdays during May, ,t( refused (contrary to what has past 11.1'1 past 6 he headiest out at ,lune and July. been stated) to adopt the system env, 1• the convenient table oe' Two men untied Sinden and employed by the Spanish, German t !, 1i, shy • ;e1 k I1 141'. a'id pi(ka it Husk 144'14 badly injured at Dover and Italian policy on the occasion 111) 1(11.1 shakes it• and then bang!, by the fall of jars containing tit- of any visit from a sovereign --the br.ng: bang' gilt's (ho alarm. rat-' rol from a cart. i system that consists in arresting thing away in great shape, apt! then Bathers at the l.eyten !laths are ail suspects during a royal guest's my friend get- up. to be allowed un certain days to stay. We sent swarms of pellet. to "1 think.:,- 1 'aid. flint be ha, a !furtive life-saving by seinu0ing iu Leat the fetest and search every suit .f fro -• •i • 1,,:-u for the old their elother. c•pse and thicket : and the chateau el,ck al'1 it ,.f '• • that he must Nearly a mile and a half was itself (where the royal party was look 41!:' r 1. 41444+ 1ru113 it "en"' covered by the prnce'sien at the to stay) w:4s inspected from garret as it the el, l k r/ l :pn,eated This feel -;funeral of Sir Frederick Thorpe to r4 I141r by .ur most trusted de- in7 and was saying t. hila wile(" ltlappin, a sheflield manufacturer. 104fives. 1.144-•e precati.ns, hoer. e.e which has a diameter of from little salad oil should bc• rubbed ancient times, lie h8s shaken it. out o Alterman Jor. \Tonle, Mayor of t h oar -quarter pound leen bacon tour. ,0rtri4cl insuffrc•ient to unr col - c.0. to 120 yards. cat in cubes. When brown pour ''.er thorn .r.a.ionally if not in' The daughter r of Her(,elins fib tiros and it ,torts bringing: '1\'h�. Malmesbury. Wilts, has 1111(14 rt'ken leagues of the Russian police." This circle of ground is divided bacon and grease ',ter pulatoeS. (•,•aslafit wear. i bene was her name. Her dancing, 1.4.44 d• poi d• .' Good rn.rning • ' to ra s0 $1.000 to envy the famous, f its I •si into ninety-nine radial Iota converg- ing to a centre. The circle is con- centrically divid((1 to form an in-' terior a'.rnue four yards broad to 4411ow• communication with the cen- tre of the circle. Each avenue leads to external sidrsulkt and 141 longi- tudinal and trans%erse streets. In the centre .f the circle is a pas of forty yards in diameter allure children 111ay be lefts , ibern- Ark.., without their nerve! - care, in charge of a specially (1'• ennte( pels44s. In this garden n 1.' .....',1, n 44/')14,01, tt hospital, a fir, ,' "11 mei an a(i,nilli,tratien roe., v', Lei hr (4,214141. Naturally Hite circular plot of ground leaves free four cernrr. in vault of these four tor44d•rs the pro- fessor propenes to 1)1111(1 fent 1 1.. let •, stayh as grec•cr, shop.. dairl• -. hi.l,. i last:^eir, and the like. whi, 1, ale 1nte1161rd to be carried 'n, in a c" -operative way. In each •f 411e Iunoty-nine radial plots a 8orking- tnnn's house i. to be erected on the English plan. i'roi. Hoveda nr- gme s for his 41rtr,lar arrangement 11411 it will gi'.e contirlu'us sunshine i1. all hours of the dry ae(1 photo: of light amd air. HEADACHE AND Burdock Wood Bitter. The pretence of headache neat 1,, .d•.a' • %tells us !hal there is another '1i*4.- ,I• which, alit gis we may not he :twine 441 it, is still exerting its flamed influence, and perhaps awaiting an opportunity to `>t b'crt it elf plaint•. It'u•h,ck itlend {tiller/ has, for years, Leon curing rill kinds of huadarhl., and yon w ill only give it a trial we are slit/. 0 Will do for you what it his done for 111011. winds of other+ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 44r- John t ,nr,0rr, ♦ Headache + 1' • 1r g t , ', \ S., 4 and ± 1 r,,, 1I,, -.-l•, II Constipation I nr l I• .I w1.1 I • Cured. erhr end re,. ► ♦ ♦ fur a lone t 4; \: • . 4 •-•-•••-•••lI' ill(! 4114(111 I4 . tors medicine it t • ., welted me to try liunb,ck Moo.; I:r •, 1 toll 1 nrr1 completely reins' , i i. , : ...g takers three 1,,ttles. 1 inn safely rtr.n,' mend 0 to all." I'er Pale by all dealers. !Ilsnufarturcll only I.: The T. y1i11,Rt CP, .m.11er!, Toronto. clue. Heat two table1poenfuls of vine -J \ cl.thc•,-pra basket sales much whichs. greatly pleased her (uncle, ' •' to that may 4411 he '.try 1,1(0, gar in fr;ing pan. 11'hen hot nix, s1• 'ling. Hato a wire hook on the Hrr(1d, e8, according t. an atter lett still 1 do think that if that all !I all ;together. sore tit unci. i)an I,•ludle eu that it will hang ',n 4ht. (lir tier enstorn of the (;reek•. l'r" no- elurk 1 .heuld eery kindly but drlen !entre are ensile cleaned if 1.,,t. Push the basket a14'n47 as you ft ssiu11al dancers were ensp11•y0(1 44► %4'It firmly drop it in the ash can. soaked in cold water several h.urs. 1'441147 •tit }ort clothes. oto through ptrfortnances of n liven- I'm naturally of a friendly 41isie,si- I.. Once may be used as a sahib- lttrr emptying a gess• tit fruit .r ti• us char8(t.r. Fur rt woman u( t•en m3self. but I don't think 1'(1 tut4. ijelly wash. dry thoroughly. and fill rank to steep to such a 14wd act have any use for an alarm 411,ck 'with sugar, keep in a dry plagt. and kc fele a 44,mlanv .f drunken ort lith! •I (1u't alarm.' Floating Island. Make n !hick' r4 xt slimmer you need only t.' buy Bier, war a shameless tutrag0. I-_—.1 custard with two yolks (1f eggs, (w4' flu fruit as yeti 4!)rendy ha%e the . \\'hntsoeter she ah• - - 11111 ask la( akfast•upfuls of milk, and dove t4n•poonfmly of 014ur. Let it (e .1 sl'gar'• Ninrk add. 4ten t. the half f 1 41' \ ‘ 1,%I: 111(1:s'i I I:H . n little. and then pour into a glass �i"I31sres which is required for ,► nr; kingdom." It was n cupid ply ----- dish. Take a pint o; stewed reel,. i...% poly pudding sh',uwise, hefero 1Ae, road.. after tO he rii ntal fad) .t,l 1•••111•1•••111•t •'I pnal:tn:1 1!s! 1 II! N , -,,; beat till '.rn fine, then 1141(1 the "-imus h.• thick pied with laced- ion, nal sealed by an eat h. and \1.1141'- 1 hampinn•hip. hi•ate'1 %lutes 4.1 the egg8, and ' 1'11"14`• * ' that it will net ooze nut took no account of the fact that 11e sugar to taste, and) heat nil t• %l loot Liling. Soule grnt,•41 lemon el 11141 net. a ithoul the sanction 441 .\ group (•1 ' ' n 41, Ila -s 14:18 x,1111 a144nys improves it. Biome dispose of fes of ground '''' ParalIi1 in 1 uh,p' . and "host grth4r till 4' 4,1 (1, light. Put I -eful pumice song for stained in his d.maii.ttl i1'( repr0.rnt8tivrr had n4%rr -. 1% 441 the ,"l ..f the tu,tlyd, awl Lauds. fake risers(n teacupful of ► L,c'ere left their native island. are .,14,.• ! s•. 1111 fur%sln) 1,4 her mother -- '( iI1'- .f t.'ilet .oitp, ad,I n little •flet' re81 ora,. 1 f•r .Ie)iri plight °1'1411! to land in England. :'I4tl.!d• (Itallge 1 r47:nL �Ilx l%• %.;leer, :111(1 (Ill! Iflfu rl gaBlp t 111 a "..i 01 ('•Iles,', til' 1,'l14•r111•..I!fh11t 111( consist of 71 !(core of .fapall- t• 18Llrsponnfuls .f 4''1-11 Ieeld -"I"...1•4"."1 ha "Iter till dIss,•!% ese wrestlers. including the clay "..11s!� into half n pint ..f tvrl41 iulpinenbl4 foes H,•lorli,ls. „hose c.1 stir lt an ounce tit puwd''Ie(l nu•triagr 144 114441 -o fearlessly • dr. -1444. (f Japan. riled! "ith heir ('.'11 ter: 44111 the stlaint41 juice of 1,41014 :lone, form into ball., an(1 lathy are stone ten hrn:hmete rot. t•';Meld. Had it not been for her, t;•.- swe01 ernnge. and /o lem(41)• 14, 1. to dot. n likely 1• ht ' 1 I tlt,r "rr,flrr• sill ne%, r "'Pat Tut!: the grate,! rine! 441 the Iemei, ei d fuck curves of ;. of ?21unr. four 4 4 and wrap it firmly 111 n piece of ha,1 1►een stirred b, his interviews "61111, perh31s. the most inlput1- 1, t . :I - (Trepan and stir 1111 It %,,,v,••I (,aper nmol talc( the Pala•r '.ith the Baptist (\kirk 't. 2U wit is the et44414. but the trainer and le IIs •u•'•I , „Ines 315483 fr'•w, ten •1114. 1 ). But int I% at both rads. The eggInnsscuse and bather and elotlsi,r. '.f t!'. r.v21, :Intl then 4.,417 int,. a � no% "n. this t•unsrirntel0., wu- ! 1'• , 1'o!I •i, good as any and none %tit1, their assistants. are baldly 41 • mn nl•I \\•14.44 cad (Tun cut. tr,r.n'. e6nnr•r. ".1s If it %414 *cmc , ..i 1111• )nsid.• will 0.4414 thringh the virnd she is eprnkulg, of just so 's+ 0ssentinl. (.este 41 lilllr �•r:Utgl• tied • %rt. a1(:1 , la••kedl ••}tell• ter (hal sn( I,'(I till!! The physique of the wrest ler* i• 41 c1, :Beth she ask 4 r !f yeti hate an 4,efosively iat boomed two,' 144 !x. Lrenght in in :t astonishing. and is the result .f a 134•,•1 Stow. ItuL a (4loltr 1'" lhirkl•n le 4•ek.41e ted throw the 41•arger•' (('heyo•st44,,s The plat- more intensive form of feeding than 1.411 l' 1111 n tilt (•mien• aril 16/••1 extra fat wry.. Fro •• .,1t careful tet %lis a flat tray, i.+1,11113 of bras., nn'. 4.nrnland over aimed at. 1114.5*,• it. 4 rtt up 84,1111' cold loci strain• and s•:1, far •h'rtening kid „pm, n Ice"' rt('(I :1)11411 which Nc ight is the chit 1 requisite, 111tr1 mt.. *vr111 levees, and rotes tel • bet f`•1 r•tk,•s •r 4'14 el:,s1 It i, suOc•r- 11414(1 the ,li+hes. and 8I"4,11(1 it the b,, nl('811s of "passive 1•xerei,e . t.•• 1 .f the frying -pan with thrift. •• that is t. say massage inr►rdihle 1 'I to 8413 s(4..,i •illnq hat the )rest guests reclined. \1 hon she r0- q lir--dge eittl 11.nr. salt and pepper. ) 1 1:.•,. sold is equal (n that. Tor 4,44:(441 that Ihr 1.I :Id 4( .I.hn might 4)nnnlitie, e( food 0nn be absorbed ;..,) :1 bttlr rh44ptn d ."ret h,•rhs. In 1) 0.r giants in girth. k14. Jnek ..r gue,•• grease may lie +4•• .,•1%441 um tc. h0r un one of the \.,'. 4,111 111 '41144' 'dIee•c (41 04).1 p.•, The v1restlrrs arc n r.n1111"1" i, w hit' of dripping .,n 44' ') (1,r 8.11111• "ay, hat hrf.Ir t',:y • 14, n, "6'1011 1.•e guests weer I I caste• .r ( its., gra41441 and mintlier- -21 11,411147 (Inrify 1„ frying in it to ,ng „foaled, the unfeeling jest • "Iter '1%rl. 0114 r -. 1111• thinly '11(041 p1,•tal'es. ir,'(Ilied that this would he to her, 4(I 411141 r(gisterell ereerdint' 10lh4i• ‘2,:', 14, and ttek %4•r4 tr1•ntl% 1' is the slee•es of n "nisi Putt loth her prufessic•nal for and 1101'-0rlt•8(•i(%. As 11)44 19114 .riginl114 • ; ,'1 hour. It twist on 1,:. I • ' dud nm,8113 from soiled coat p,•►tion of the fess!." :loaned to prvryide incumbents ''1 1 :Its. To pose' t 114• ns, .ew til !) '1114 king- `,, 114 ,oils t•alle.l ;ri l pnnr pnrish4s "111, a s•ir0' .•f 111 1 :1 I,,: r .1 sleeves 4)1 III'.si 8113 light p' pillar parlance. t' rue. they have a .(•11)1 religions a`• 4�,:44-•1 al muslin will ,Insuer. W118 grieved The :nthilgtr.••'• 140 ••4411 a4 an athletic eaeh01. 111 •'44vcr yea intend) to went a had! she%n J.hn (I2nn47 his '111,:1+ (islti.11 feath,'rs 4e the vnl,1r .1 L.. .y light waist, (4111(kly haste •rirnrnt. and the ple-,s,lle moth 4: 1,;:14,8.!714,1ve )ren expiated ;roll) I! '•-4• !lr•'•t4•• in your 4.-11 slue%e.s. wh'elt he lee il'/1 the Ilal•tlst .)149'41 ; 1.'•' ('ripe 441 (lo.d 111 0714 34141'. Si', :1)d the neck and -Ie'•41 I. ►s of -1••w that he Lad fortntd a high r- I+,'• -oat ..oil the waist. 1141.% a 1ilea4e of the plri!,ht1. \ teneh01 at all ec0ning -,4 loud II,u1• manor •,', i yon! shriller For the ,al:'• of Ili% oaths c•',:,, lead h0forr bier 11 1.188• in *4111th mar 1 th, 1ont. ll 3 alp means try Prete the .toI% of •I.•I'otl,•Ih. huh!. "010 1,18114 40r3 rough 1a41-. •Sur t6'. *I••••.•• -: 11 1 surprising how, li. :tl. T44 leave eitl,ll4:1"il fr'e'.l I.ts4." said the teacher. •'1 should 11 4% w 101 I,i.tei•t flits waist. - Tui promise " •old have horn I vi - say 'Look cit, )4,345 : here cone, biller et the crude 0444)0 of hon •r the. psite :' Would dint h. Dor i..( Ihnl dn4, r.n41 besides hr w.s ►ort i'• There %I 11.• a silence. Finally) I.,.o s \1 h, •t ,1 inns, sass 144 .,:c, l to gr.uif4 Iho )lead til'r••ty n little fell.w said. "\eine: that.: ,.,,• 1 ,:, , i:..-,- L, • w if,•, what clues 141 I, -„.i.0 ,•f his ft flow r(4e10rs. 1)1t:l1, H.u,l,• • H0 1114 ons he lu Beheaded John in 1114 .11', e'1 4•.)• •, :1.'• lei 11• tiny 144i118 •1411 • The I/anlluc•t must, nor”) reel, - held at the flair r•-=. p:3 it 114144. 1 , % . 4 1 etell t( I11t1 fake 39 I g({ with the ',Rt.'1 ernt•k ht4•t1 freed!. t,r the 111/4„4 of x0r„4) :1!• fr'•m their !illy servant.. of 1..0) '•r the moat will 1,4 i..,d 11.o'1 81.41 , for a 3"1111 1s fell..( 14 man) !WAIN' t. Le 11011c•11I1 4., 1. ;die. tot, its all the '4,Kr' 11cw:s :.• te hand it should n.f h.•. pn 11... di ei,j.21117 I :In 4%141 n Iho• 31.:111 i. 1• •r i.. ' • .k, '1 i, a 1111tk hru%n . ,•4, 41.1''11 1• r4:11 nm'rlt c. 11 i. -.- 214. 1'•iiit is trlk044 11p, 111 I, :1' Ion' .!ri„1'ing out at • ,,, ,,•foci ,... n Ln -tel. 1110 , 1.4,11' 1. t4• 4 4 ,L.wl half :t li•It .f l•• 1 •, c 1. w t!, 1-easenierg .1 . i, ;',,I • • 4 '., ' Sol. tel -• wt -l:.% r lir tile 1.•1 the er 1':ly'• 1• :e 1;..1 1•t.•l n I 1 t . '(.111-1 )n...' ,'%,.^ 1!14 lute.. N., nrt•.de' .. „' % - evcr as good as this. 5' ..wt- 1 ;•r•.'.*' been 4,41 market, cross from ruin. -.- Lord ('harles (tcresflyd has been informed b%' the \\'at. Office that (ho :hiss slater ---"Are you living in authorities contemplate strengthen- the handsome home left you by your iv;r the el f1 nccs of Gibraltar. runt, ('nlnnel---the house you went. Frederick 1loure, ex-rvtws%aifi .( (44 law about 1'' Colonel --"No. My the S14011.41d lifeboat, ehe died re_ lawyer resides there." 14 rent!%, helped to sate 150 Rtes Two friends 11404 ling after an ab - nett had many narrow escapes from s.tce 41 some years. during which death. time the one had increased (*MI- __ •un- ____ is crabby in bulk and the other still III II.I11\li liIt1:.1"1' 1'1'1'1ES, 14''('111110(1 only the "effigy of wan:,said ow stout gentle man : lieru)an .1rrhil4rls Ilan for the .1.:.t.4'I'),'.•ri.a I)ick, you 1ner uuk 451ny)100 if 1 l44,as14 1141(a dint 1 er of I'u111re lieneralioi'. .,: v,,,,," • \,(1 you," replied the Ni, (itis in the nl'(e•rn 14411141 141 er. "l•» -l• if you had been at temper/. 's ith those ehich have diener 0%, c • ” al ;•4.11 in (lemony during the past 144441(3 4i :urs. The parntronntcy of pro ate 4.l. -petty dyes not exist 1n German). Apumnnity is first. The city a llj',y4 45(nie .f the .,,%rreilln ly 4.f the Empire. It can prop,, 4, the beautiful. It ea. 41yst10) the eg14. 11 can pl4'teet its poor. Thi. (;c 1lurin burgeireissers are laying ta•• f.unllntions 41 the rite of 1. I':'•rs, w a, 440 11111,144(1 lay% the Is call Calculated To Curt All Dia- f4t udau.:a of n fortyo stry• sky , 451-1 apt' r, .r the designer of is eases of the Throat seal Lungs. e. lid's fair plans his piny city far in advance of its d activation. Coughs, Cclis, Bronchitis, Sore Throat. In all the Inrier Germain corn'- floarseness, Croup, Para ar Tightness in r.itirs, the rill 14r(hit4el, have ora- the Chest; and all Bronchial Troubles !1;441 the o)vi.118. They saw that ytihl quickly to the curative powers of Ito env would continue t. grow as this prince of pt•ctoral rearedies. It it had in the past. Consequently contains all Ihc %9rtuea of .eworld in each individual city seflcient famous Norway pine tree. .om).inerl 11,nd has been include'!! ' it)in the with Wild Cherry hark. and t soothing, • city limits to allow for the (41111,1- healing and exp4•tClant p .'peed:. of i•sl' that the rnntinu.'1 growth of other e%cr1t ti' herbs and broke. the city will necessitate. Serib- 11ind�or, itta•t� •': ,t 1111',1' 1 was Of the hie; towns 4•f Sco(1111,41, 1►4,t ler, is the 1114.=( expenaivl• to I:%. in. Three (loe•t 'r. 1% VIP opt 1:11,4:,, til) a man for appendicitis. After the ('ration WWI completed one of the (4«1(118 (missed a small sponge. The patient was reopened, the sponge (4111(1 within. and the man '-eo.441 rip ronin. Immediately the second do,•tor missed a 1100(11e. Again the patient was opened and 4!„se41. Then 111e third doctor missed a pair of *cissols. •'(ientll•Ila'is,•• %,. t,141i't L4 right.” "11'411," in- l ink( the %nitro. as they were nho111 quire(' the trnc•hrr, "how •hnnlcl it 147 open hila tip again. "far Hen - be sni41 '' '('brew it, (fillies: v, nos .8140, 1 31u'r0 genie (44 keep h, re 0( 414(•1 a cop!"was the reels 1110r lip, put button% on aur DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. ♦ Ilacksng ♦ 40. ,t.40(1w tt h a nat.. ± Cough. • ty I,ae p Ccu'Ip h Cured. ♦ lar ,hr par 1 ♦ A months and used a +♦ ♦ ♦ `�♦ 1.t of diflelent re- ++Iueditr: but the v did me no goet). At last 1 was ad'.ised by a friend to fry N. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and with the first few dost•. i found great relief and to day my Leek- ing eougu has entirely disappeared and i ant ncocr without Pr. Wood's Norway Pius Syrep in the house." The price of Dr. Wood's Norway Pins Syru!, i. '25 cents per bottle. It is put up in 11 tell. v wrapper• three pine trees the trade mark, so be vire and ac(e•jtt, t, 'ne' of the inane Piihrtiitites .i Ill origiw:a " Norway fine ;tyro')." \ts4,,i,,4.1.14(4 only I.y ch. T. Mill una C'u., 1.1s'•oed, '1 urontu. Uitl.