HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-19, Page 21j'1\C: 111' 12011.1V4. Law 'Men anti l' til v' • I' ,,I l •d • I:CZFMA iS CAUSED BY Il�11111 BLOOD 11'.÷1-1-1++4-4-1-1-1.4.-t++1-1-111 rIII; I�1III:i*;11 I:" tTOCKB I�U'1' 1:Y1:\' Sl'1C\'1'('111:11. 11 1 eatile 1 1 ( 1'1' ( 111 11 ! 111 & 1 P11 iaLyllki►�Kt�atel•)Yea� ria ( strati I heard tam'. husband 1G:1111,1 Scourge. i .aSi"�" -,Tt:CK r oNus OF 25' pledge. MAPLE: LOAF MILLING COMPANY has signed the Does Ill! The "liar! i-.44,1 to-hist-ro7 " the --,e, the lettor'I" keep it to 1••.•t ,• 1,111 ..f 'Ili,• LaYo• ..f 611•• • N.... '". :11.•1 11'0-'c,n I.uud:, Ilarithiont.r- "It a•orl't a letter. Erns 10 win( ..f 1.'11 din's of lieistun, It is Banished by Dr. Williams' Pink lilts. Hui. 1)1)1)1.'M K11)\1:1' PI LIS cC10 .arcs. sir, it Ivor u card•" is the one (cart,:e of the country ' - 1'1 RI:i► J. I1.111,1..11tli1:11\'S :dwarG C R ®N Y N A CO' "1 u,e:ul, has he kept his pledge :.K at the junction ..r Persia, .\f Pills BeoallSe They Make ' Itn1:1 11.1'rl,tl, iuriol:ue I Lanit;l9u1 and Baluchistan, say's tFi•°1•i-1-1•'1"i••1•'1••1••i'•i"i••i••i••f•i•1-1-di (�" " 90 Da' Street, TO►OtifO "\,,, sir. h(• {{111'1 kept it in vie ! .t Singapore Free 1'1'l.,•. This Good Blood, bu.l.l,•,;; •t Palling 1111141 414/111/11:rtes life (rola ,4I':P:\ I \ I'.11;1> {14(01'11. • •ti 104 at all. 1've kxpt it ill lavender !' 1, Ask any doctor nn( he will tell Further Proof 'Thal no ('a.rr ut in a drawer." .2(14 to tieptember. It prevlils // (on:u:r r;t.rrlt AN It Put:, 1 I ul: ' I'm afraid you don't under tot eryt '.1 (hal "I'll"' is O14118e( 11y Ilrl (ru('ht t bllt14/115 are a now detail Kidney' IlisPa%1• 1.211) 51211111 Before t mad rtla•ks bought and sold Lie mile a ttl'etl!lt td arendel' a '4h1st/11'I•ti i11 t•ele►'ed 11111t w.a'ts, g,errs' mad. ul, Purru{ 1\l.t, tot 8, and tile. 1\'11711 1 mean is, has he :1111( rondos; existence purities in tfle blues(; that nulitht. the Ohl Reliable lodge Itcuu'd broken the pledge since .l1 took miles 4'111(• , )' )'• tread % i.. 1 �. Hair•tuu, 2i flagging 1 otic cure it that (lues net reach the the crepe efi'eeta aro again spok- \ren de, l'1,r11n(n. gal. 1 K' :111.1g17:411. u1Lear1111e, lit.. 111:►`.• vl►ry blood that outward applications en of with ultic•li favor. 1(1111(, 1II111, Labelle Co., Que., ill" ligtfl'„In >, r yrur ill ur:! worthless. That is the reason Evening dresses run almost ex 1111} 9 (Special). That u n►un arty til.\'1'1:X1'1: X1:1(110\ti. "H- ain't touched it, sir. I've; AGENTS WANTED. (;Ira th tut;! 1lnlati••n, but in\arl , ably ,sale, (1•.111 north-northwest, I why Ir. 11'illiuun; 1'iuk fills lll,• clusn,•!� t , draped effects. be slued even of inherited ill -heal{(( '1'111 empty heat( ne\rr has a light kept it wrapped up in paper, un S:Ir degrees 4t`,t null 5 degrees on •{1411}; proved So successful..Ili, (lits titt11ruuuu straw facts many if he keeps his 1)11,1,( pure and hist heart. it'll eta good as new.”Ontario. all 1111 the blutrti, ant1 in, "et 6114 (u of the excursive hat ultxlrls, b041}• tuned up he u.ing I)u(( >,' , Then the rurute gave it up as either side of that is its greatest the l►lood they banish tw8(4 emit- frowns of hats are now faced Kidney fills is the l.z 4* 41 11ce „f 1 olishing a pc4 is not buruishillg h. Then • of vet: to .\ DAY EASY. No EX - body inl•iun. a rruw n. tion~ and pimples, relieve the irri- with metallic or colored lacer. JI hu I3nillargooA, of this place. -♦- - - t1 Perieuee aside(. 1;1.1111 nn Hight. In quirt yen r. the {{11(41 nlay not 1',•11 x:11114{ "wild broken hearts 111\1S'I't:It 11'1111 TESTED rAj so rte ue1Pay+ytto 'nod!r+. Does hour. este,',! 115 utiles :w hour and i. ail- {11{11,11 and itching and give IK•rfrct Shoes of patent leather or cult l inherited pour !mall' trl.ln 1„!h �trft r.,ldet.1/1111 hu,lth. They have cured thousands akin with cloth uppers cuutinuo iu my parents,” 11 r. lielil}urgel,n F 1) /,.111-lil'K. write today. C. R. Adam+ Co., !;:,rola, dein less than p'. Iu bud }curs it 11 i. east• fur the putty man to Oot. rt ac hes iso mil,., nn how. The '.[ eases where pour blood has re- favor. i was bothered with ltbrlunat''11 h at peace, Bev. P: F. I.augill, `'The 1lunse,' s* 1tetl in c118cuss. \uwng these Fuu11iiI me utilized fur the col LumbuK„ and (;ravel. 1 with :11 ('urs Ont., write, �ouu consi(1 (tENTs wANTED IN EV a l 'rows e1 /,Iltry' is dominated b1' 1l. H4/11.r. O*i1\' 71 4',1(4(14(1 1112111 c:111 wear :1 1 lu (ell r sit•dollar \'u. gum Carpal ! :eve to be burl{ with 14 strung wall they have cured ix 116x. James 11'�il- la: and cuffs 111141 for the lining of ways tired x1141 nervous. In fuel I re:uly ma(e .,pin on. cable time alto I beg:ul using %elm Glenner: rapid seller: big commission. 1141(~, \s Inter, (hit., who b8(44 1 Co.now ,6.,:118, was a total wreck. I 1iled all kinds 1306 with 71 Ilew' to [('•1lll, It that•Hills. 556 sell Rd., Toronto. • F. the north northwest aide, blank Thr heart ►+ nett r sura list( h. cm epi for ung window. generally i suffered d a hood do al With e(Lrnla 4(!1, length ( Data of Trish crochet et medicines but I Kut no relief till hoarded affection.• toughly. 1 am tr.nlble( {x1{11 eczema, e*5idc.i up into sn►all hale,, which 141141 did not got anything to help in (gest claborute de'iigna are be 1 tii('d 1)lxld's Kidney 1111x. Tbcy 11'11,11 your heart feels starved Willch is always, worse in the early EARN m• until 1 took 1)r. 11'illixws ! alk ing "it"' dui inc good anti no mistake. I took slit of winter, 111141 seems lu (cavo !t 7111 BARBER TRADE -NEW or, st, pp. tl up with dohs of mud as ,• tit to lake another boarder in. part 1A ' afstem- constant practice; careful tae wind increases, and which air [ils. ('hese freed my blots, of all hi suit~ with any pretense to Gftt`en buss+ in all but 1 nm cured. Some who advertise hl'uveu 11{11(•til(' 1161,11{ spring. 1 tried %1111( 13uk instruction; few weeks complete Pour«/- r`nlo\1d as it full;. \o 11'41,11 r:ul impurities and gave me speedy re- elaborateness pt►:kets area prone My wife also has taken Dodds ufucture a good deal of 1►ell, immediately my• )lauds started t•, tools tree; graduate• earn Iwel•s a g` lief I am, therefore naturally il,l.nt feature. Kidney Pills and received great be K elghuen dottan weekly: writ• for c•t•• (xis• without its wind wall. TentsStress the wood in your life awl break ant, and nal pleased U, say loans Slider Barber College{ Que•• ]lave to be arranged as to trunk~ \cry �.nlhuxiastic in praise of these Green in that (clic ttr tune known ncfit (rola them." 1 will forget. its diatrcases. j that it x11ecke(1 the disease, which Fast. Toronto. taaesosiEa R pills. as al 441 i, worn alike by young 1)41(1('44 Kidney Pills cwt the Kid- J•`,•. R tI more than I can say for tlliu , and furniture. 1Ii now day rumen by s1tt , uph A roMlicine that inn make rich, and old. n<ya ('used Kidneys strain all im- 1 hale ecce before tried. 11'11 now A table each l close enough t'r le( blood will cure anaemia, rhea- The smoke pearl buttons are (purities, all that disease ff'e(ls on, °t• night 41,(:}111{; over it. lie within reach .,f the canvas 4:111, !nattier), eezerma, neuralgia, indi es- still n ,ulur fastenings fur the,ou of the blood. That is why the • J.7unpa are to Ira kno\vn by (heir have Zuni Iluk in the house r, n, n they st,Ii' and sag to the blas( K 111 KsJ J radiance, not by ills racket they have sly, 1411(1 1 carry �t small w( ars a hole in the canvas in a day tit n, hcvtrt palpitation, the illi of black suede bouts. always cure Rheumatism, Lumbago, uwke, I sxmplc box in my pocket. One o\(n- girlhood and of womanhood and a Attractive indeed are the cur- Dropsy and Heart Disease. , (or (we. even a walking .tick or cti' n There's n tut of difference lx- ing 1 happened to look in where an ' bust to other troubles ;imply be- tains of white batiste bordered in -' r• tWxen putting sins away anti coy- old man had tut{ with nu a(ident:L Limited. Toronto. Montreal. Vancouver. d, es the same I,y the mere friction {'suss the," troubles are the result e. tors. Besides Great Britain, the ,1,1111 p' the cud against the stout cloth. (ring (licca up, week before, and had lest. a ringer FARMS FOR SALE. flit• surface of the land is 10,,_ 1f had blood --that is wilt. they al 1-ellew• anti black are used to tries which have old -age pensions Host of us are willing t+, take nail. I dressed the 4111111( with ]Ir until modified b\- this persistent. \ n}s euro the abo\•e lr utiles nn ! brighter' the (lurk tuned blue tailor err` Denmark,4 01(1 France,1 13elgiuul' 1-ssuns.in p7Ui-nc(t at the other %all(-Ruk 111141 1( ft lbs s:unple bus ! "1 E'TERN FARM LANDS CITY 1.OTi J min the low of health to tale mad.. on ease terra+. If )•1,u air Ruima R R 1 Srlrrnenta, Germany, New Zealand and .\u"with (lieu(. 1 have seen 1111, old' carat, send for my list, it will aur you- tt tort'. Driving before it great (,becks. Sold by all medicine deal--; The ut w hats that come under striate. man clinic. , (1 tIi(11 slue,, and the injury is �' fl. Mathews. 75 Yonge wt., Toronto el, gds of (n -t :1111( gravel, it act+ 'r► or direct at 50 cents a lies er, the head of largo are simply int- When a man aims lei'. prny'�Is at 6 ) y:• a perfect ,'4.,' blast and drat coy,- - - -- ar (4110: 110 always misses the '.red, ' �.\4()l 1•'(11{ A.\Lt: OR t:Xi 11A1t:t: 30 six boxes for R:).SU, from The Dr. wease--incredibly so. LAKE 111.110N 1\11 LAKE 1111 another utcaaion a furnler� �( acre. in the county ..f t:�.et, will run the <trr•ngr .' buildings. L„•, 1C6llinms' Medicine Cu., Brockville, Seaside suits in blazer and rut 1l I'Iil(llt. throne of grace. etrha4, for a larger farm. The west, inked bricks take on an 111. like If Iteave'l a(h•ertiaed fur gauger, , 4'i,•d at `The Manse,' and I none ....1...1,.(1)1:71 .rn Rrrl t. -tat.• taehange, Limited. 1411141• Out. away effects are being urdcred for A magnificent summer trip i• en of charnc;er half the world w,•,i',I ... :t rag on his finger. Engulfing stn• rl:'r • saw- with ( .rely int teeth. Waits.R ! --d• smart outing service. I•. nt the in injury, I harped that be West - It right 14 r( 11 to ,t- dire,•ti•,n 11441 ! joy cd by taking this "Fresh Water. be on the waiting list. J r�01-Totly \L1s1:11T.4 Sao A( RKt ;ompletely removed. thus .•u( fn) ABANDONED. 1 111 "'•• buckskin shots with whit- 13. 1 Yuyage” from Sarnia, Ont:lrio.. Mnkr Ise ,illi thio;; bettor of th .'ll- ' .,:e.l somehow taken a piece (r( 11u-1. r 1"•.r.• 1.4".1..\'L'111111-71i4 and. „611 •.•11 rh••ap fur ra+tt. 1 .. Jllu11S are among the dres-,. !tes 1mA you. Will 116,1 11•',',1 1•• off, and the wound had started t , re•ntr.=- 24 IIn,,,u,II- IM, 'T.A1,nh,. al•• groan( :*,t pared away. Thr $ nming with j1,\. little \it .. !tie, in foots+e:►r. to fort William. Ont:uio, through Stisalir,;11rigga seed Co,,, Ltd.. ToreatojOat. wind •f Seistur wears u1a�' t11 Mick sat upon the edge of Ills high -fi these great- inland sea,. NI• t• • rry oyer :our own l pit *ph. f. stet. 1 gave hint about a third ••i , Daa•Tk•mwuhoatant walls of buildings as the Whet-14mo hack{({ chair, His spectacles weie steamers have been ad(1441 to the \I:toy' wh.. talk about giving 1h•'Ii•:L box of %am -Bak and a sew days! �±ALVE3 B••„tealrll• .. 1.11 , ,- 1 BLE a•a••n�•�-., t• N( rthern __• llltel' he said 'That's great salve of 'it Cart. away li C'o ,. fleet, le arts to their Lord try to proveR Freta thesummits of the low p'. :eau 1lei i al1,untl in the country. cy•eciall) at 'he commencement 1,f the win.(. wino. frost has di,iul••- gi.:tr;1 the r,•. k and soil. drifts hntl- tir. ,i• •f yarf1- !•.ug and twenty feet (teen are• 1,•rnled. Cattle as st(•!l a, men need-lielter from the fierce f{1 : til-n•rtil4 a -(4'r, the enemy t•, 111,• :e Ilse country. 'The,- are pe.11- t.t( in chambers dug out of the soil 7,4.11 reefed .,ter kr protection, a L7r. Morse's Indian Root Pills are lust the right medicine for the ehIldr.,i {\'116.11 they arc c„ustt- pat•d alien their. l tJur)'a nrr lett td order shell user -indulgence in wine 1a 01.114 1111,14 gives thein in. il' '.Uun I)r. Morse's Indian Root Pills x111 quickly Alai surely rut thrtn right. Purely vegetable, they neither sicken. weaken or gripe, like harsh purgative+. Guard your hilar,', health by etaa7s keep- ing a lint of l,r_ Mures'., Indian Jinn( Pills in the h1,u+r. 'Phe7 Keep the Children Well f4 (111:1n1'1.4N V. 1N '1(4 Nta.l. 111(111 grade l.•..- Alfred '1') 1, 1. 1.111,1,111. EDUCATIONAL. ,� A('LIiSERY 114::t1)QI'AltTrati1. -- • Iron and woad -working mactiiner/• engines. boiler”. steam pumps, gasoline engine+ electric motors. contractors machined etc Rend for catalogue 01 over 1400 machine+. It. W. PE'rR1& .,..,, with ....r,l.....:., and 1,e list. _ - •• -- in rapt attention to the 14.narl {111(1 the finest and fastest ve..el, it b\ hearllrssne ( to mru, exurs, my linger is now doing THE LINOMAN TRUSS will h.,ldan reducible t (!1 ('r1,- e'1 it �hotln by Govern- on th- ((rest Lukes will ll\ the l'hcre'- it world of tl Ren nee be Gar.' 1 I testi.. enaor.ed tor fnreino•t mensal mea. 11., prospective mother-in-law.r 1 4nte cal• particulars. H. LIN OMAN, (1144edk "1 7n,ut tell you frankly, \I r. meat �t,ttruu nl, house flag of this popular lone- t; 4 en trying t', hate peopl • like y.'1! Test %an► -Luk: Don't go by (tear-. tl nrreaL 11 ek, said the lath. "that uly' on., r,• 116•' 1„•r-1 lt•1o.,tkahle shim. puny. The steamers nun in tonne.- 447..: learning to like them. say' 1'1,11 will {11141 it gives the Le•t l.ousnnt to your marrying; my stn , with the Grand Trunk IGtil results in all rases of (C/11111 rig • i jj (fl FON THE DEAF -IN ACOUSi -% 4 . 111K=' 1 OAP by any Batik in Canada --�, 1, one nt the nurxr!t ..1 the electrical a;s, v ity Svstcnl, and all articular} worm. festering sures, pile:, cut 111 u.e thrnecnoat use w.:rld carne I.,r «w: a. daughter has toren wrung (room mo 1. Matte evi(ent all the hart- et the particulars, r :nue. Oaneral An,u,t!c Lo., o/ ('anala, Ltd., under )roust. 1 knew that if I did rales and d"•. rl1,tiv, literature, \ ('are for 1* 44 r and .\c ue. horns, lac ! stores, (6111:11 n-, :11161 44 u oatsl4aStreit. Toronto. no; - ecce she would <lis race the Traders is In their (Iota rnnlrut etc.. can be had for the asking by, lh�turbancr of the stomach JI .ill kin injuries and di,t►:t,e<. .\'I K Statement recently ,;.bl.iue'I' CHEM/LLE CtURTA/119 vans-. 11y all g, the nt. 11'hat Ow ,((„4.111 that the deposits g tem applying to 11r. J. 1). McDonald, Iver always precede attacks of filuggist, stall starer!, 5oc e,•t. 6r It :Int, ae)fhlflg, \'.(! always hilts t„ ,1::111k have. 1111/'r.'a44e11 41116111 thhe ltist1lt Passenger Agent, Union' (et er and ague, showing dere I*R' fl. ut %alll-Iltik Co., Torun t1,, (uCi .,de!I 1m•.t•oilo:a-han[,.14(, a1•0 ile 1t to her, or take the rouse K Station', Tulonto, Ont. ,nitnt of the digestive organ. :u' 1 !,lice, but refuse: all substitutes. ' LACE CURTAINS DYED AND K - ill t}l l'l'1• lllulllha 1,f MIs }'illi over !deterioration in the quality t•1 116,' ---�-- • ! t•r.te 4' u. �. ut !,era 11.1.111 1 , ; and lung experience has One and a Nntf Millions of Dullnn, , "They sl• l.ia _' ,strap affording ule:uls of t:u'I;ilt ale that 1 might as well try bringing their total deposits up tui .,lull,%"t�Itdc al tlutt w� cirri{ to our lee's 1'c I(,tablc a I'illsllt havents ( 3ltlic l,rrn t ntnlRul.'Bella �I" Indce I !" a very- rll.l,lt aAITItINAMERICAN OT[INC CO ,Sox Ise, Henries( • 1,'• to f:ul off a cyclone its reason with :c 1 ; y gbt t be l*arged lu our d rr ,t,.1 donkeys have ,lire; ss• 41x►•000• 1, bring 1oo Inn' to invr,ti me the; foeud most 4 ffrl.tice, abating the, la --"Yes the • wire ejected frons t / 1 ) h, r when she loses her temper - .1n (finally pleasing increase is' fart,. R festr and sulxluiug the ague�n alone 11[ the last hotels in the town. Is Your caring Gen 1 .•II p!at',(1 ell their backs to pro- especially if there is a flat -iron sht,wn in the l,rt:(1 assets In the' i The Bf.ARO-FIIpSl; will gine yru the •. • • r'sten!. but sheep :11x1 goats, he- 1......il ' or a rolling -pin. Has the few days. There are ninny who are Bank. The Bank re ports to the, 1 ,. bei• fits of good hearing. Feed sur lice n Itch 111 ttFr provided 114 DA ,•. t 1 Liniment., for the Logger.-- sub;ect, to these (listrisaing distur•yy' 1-, is a 1.ivt•r Pill.- .•( tie' beiehlt Rising particulars and names t ►n:lrriage (al' be. 11 ((sill yet C. I -eminent an inereilNe 111 it, l••- 1 tut. wit/, pr„lection against, the out Mr. \leek', spectacles were ;at assets to the rand total stem L6,gger+ lead �a life which expusca, Lances and to these there is no bet -I ailments that man has to contend or satisarll users. At+., 4111(. re herded in pros surnouO1l' no longer misty. 1 have, madam.' K them to many perils. Wounds, to preparation procurable as a vOh have their (origin in t 11 sneers( offer lora Month's Nome Trial. r) b' a ((`lice, „( ?::,003,000, 41111•(1 is 1111 Illerease I THE BRAND 1LrcTrO 02011E LIf.11110 y he remarked nervous( "to See a , geciit• and avoided CS r14rlrlri in, :tbe {((earls of relief. ordered liver, 4111x11 1� 71 .!•':' 1 S;,adln., Avner TeronlG '1'uuchiog the slH`rtl tof IS(t miles 11:11(( {►(►1111{ a little lousiness. if 11f over th t►0(nd 1/ over the report g..ther nvuuied in .preparing tinllrer� --- , erg ire pceuliarly susceptible to till. R cu will excuse alis 1 II chat it uric m,:(r nt the grid ut the year. ;tor the dnvr and in river work, I "Sir, could you 911 hour. it I, Illter:'•1111 too noteRive me a little tlitturhanceS that conte from in. that 40 oii1- few. ,eats a gale, (;0 J '(liras is lrrrhapa n,, (lank in Can- to we and cold rumbined are '1 1 ial7uice t' said the weary way' ri lar habits or Intik 1,i cars iu APPENDICITIS with you cr - to nlurruw ” a.ra which is xhuwint( such 114415111 tulle(. a hest•"" -tarn, :111(1 440 t•, lid) , f gaily experience coughs and (uric. "I 414/11'{ know 4'111 re my ussl; anti (lrinking. This neeomll:' Cared wltl+yllt npernli.,ne. All nit, are at. .weeping eters •-1nd'las hr t' 11 Out 1 ittithe hall faint e(*4 11008 of prosperity and 1,.+<Is and 11ul'tcidar pains cannot rotxt meal i4 coaling (rem." "Nei-. for the trent nlurIv liter regulators Curt"( Witt, 1)414 (141014„4' and Rit, to be wile a hum • s,:e n little .,', 0 r gratnl lt'''1 tell rapid rowth as the Traders races perntauintlf. satclr and clnllkly thin); bdore it. The 4111( ../ 1.11 g but ensue !)r. Tylomas' 1 Electric (Ler do 1," rel,lied the prosperous-; i n% ),resa(41 on tl,e attention of wiri, th1• arras 11nmt•npntldc ren,edf. Ilrrll .1 4',''11"'• I:arlk at 1111• present time. "111' cook left sufferers. Of these there ter 11'11{- which will he cent past-pnld nnv:vhere (lays has evert right to 1••' • 1st --..1 a- _ i 0••, when applied to the injured or I. eking individual. t _- .1111;1'11 1 1 n 1'an1141(4 '4. l egl1 11)14 In the world with fall lnetl'it r,re Witt• 11•"e b. t'e( kin '. ., aCllilnititl•r.O to the ailing, N'Urk3 this murniuR, rue.' sltJ•erior l„ nalr.g •n a. t1, ,f•r.t n (,rrnam 6111. 1.1 .e- Il1pnified 1,• _i.e .•i! r e, '*54.114(018. 1'1119. 'l llrlr title ration (11„111111 (Cell Prlre a'_ t,ddr-• tl•• -1w- u. the -1.•---• •• ,, • I: \1;\ LIMA/ ♦ 1 )atirol in a ,e.t ,• rt I,„, ►ital4. tie is cff(etiv1' an( the nlorl deli .John T. watt. Homeenathlo Pharmacy. ♦ ( I 1 1 ' Arnprlor, Canada. r 1'r hart .tl:ln, :. ' 1, .. ' ,1. ' • t t7\ 1 I\l'AI.1.1' 4 lletr.riblvl with grue•onl. 1ltiehlrvn Over rl th„u+antl of the ele:vcre,l ( (•ate (4411 use thei). 1'1 lu, 411 ,n- , .' f '1 u•• ♦ t I his fellow -pati. 1111 lit- a lt••utu►es engineers in the world are at pre ' - - ♦ sent nlakil!Mlnard's Llnlmenl Co., LIm11•d. Oar can't alttays disguise p rap r f I;.e 1.1 _. ♦ M. 1 ( , I. i -Irl ♦ {{1111 rt bark off one of the islands. X a profound slit(} „( near Sir-,. Your ft IN AIMS LINIMENT'{ R tt. r.'.. of we-+ 111-t'.,' 1. I 11e ♦ iu ill' 11, -t Indi1 a, td( problems i,( flight. _, (• aur runway 11,6 carr. llunal, ruin. ar.d 1 breath Of Misp:rlen hy' spicy tali. 11. .4 ,R•I of i ' - �,,•,. . 4 ♦ ♦ ( -- !all ordinary ailments. i l ,• i1•t- the ♦ 1 hull just fell over the hal- It never fail. to relieve •ud care prompt - I, hut. the de -e.: 1 - lona fur • I f Warks, sal( the able %e:Ituail, STUN NOVtEEttPEE_nlu.t ellen wit a+ • Fel ANWMAT1$M- it I,1 n.t mummarrh,, 1 ., rid for �. , {sail) pbr.irixn. Painkillerterall'holm,.1111, ly' n:1ee. :31.1 -tan 1• in t1• ' 411(u(r• •.f ♦ 1:14{e oar:.1'll .\KL1:.4 R'Ii('1(YI'14 11.41 cleans Just min will in 11 •t. I \tent 1 I (late give(( • •w}len along C1/111e a big shark an rut•ana.prim. ,. r.,ti ,•fortereleomplatntt 3Hw.ters..n•1 ro•ult/ will Ll..tlidtrt••'r. .1 • ( ,1l T• and the le • 1 dl .1-.• 111 111'' ♦ ♦ ' I• IO 1Hpenathle t-. 11.1 ••Ib•tih,td., (he•.. f. but tuft 111 nlgia •e. lel/.a4), (1141111• ♦ theltt 1„ I.y baby fur t'el t•, g,.a11. Isle 11y elle I('g.' t• ionttent111., 1'err3 Dull., and Iles druCRi•N., OAT ill S lawlenro l„ 4.111(11 r/•(•4. 11, II;, deer,. (n. the ♦ �onstipation and gonr'`tin,1•, ♦ • What did ye do, then, matey �_-„� dr41egiaotaen ht: �'-•'llllg tit'' teltlpe f:ll utr 1.1'x- • for breaking tip a fever, and •, It+k'(1 arse` of the patients. ''1.4/11 :11' a 001 y„IIIIg 111:1111” 1:41'flit and 1n the small hurl - ••I ♦ 1 have never known then( to "1 (lever disputes nolle with '•r ( 1 like i•, the man oho ' Its k',•', ♦ 1 am." •Then 4'1411{ you want Ix ! hi face c111,1.41 I11 the right t1•' ,' ;1 • 1111,1 ning a hiaeket is 4ell'IIII '. ♦ fail in irking prompt relief. ? shucks," link) the anilur. "I Irl 14 lltrifty, economical wife." "Vet _ .1._- . ___._ (♦ Before 1 sharks," the u•e ..f 114'. • I Lim have illi• leg." at all. 11'hat 1 want i, a rich hoer- 1' Mlnard'e Llnlmenl Lumberman's Friend. • Tnhlets nrr ha ft wu+tin' 11'111 ♦ 1 (nelop:• 1'„n wuul<lu't marry . 1 t 01'X'1'1:11 ('1..1111. , al wife.' a girl for her money, would Jou t", ♦ and cried contin.alll. Since i Side clu+lags of wni�ts and coats -- hwy. Pitching "\o; but 1 couldn't Teacher 11'1114{ is a Larhlri Ile was a 11111,1 lo..king g{t'ntlxnlan ♦ then she has grow a splendid ♦ are. a pron.-amend feature, nut 41111}' Mlnard'e Liniment u•cd by Phyelalans. Irl. n girl suffer (girt (}' because she at' !” i upil -''.1 man Oho calx will. 5(11(1•rintlnr•I glasses, bat he '' lc and 1, plump :111'1 h• -alt(, ♦ 4,1 gowns but of suits, -- hair, sir:" - — 4011514' 1111(((} 11p to the lawyer in ♦ I also gate the 'f:IhL t- to u,';• • Smart little coats of plain colors In l�l.,li.la n bite i in course of 444; rich.' _-- Ili- ',Bice, :11111 1.ke+1: ♦ four years old child who ,•uf ♦ nr• worn with checked, lith(({`(, or x1 11-7140(4 )11 s1ne11 111 1511 miles will 11'11} go limping 141141 \t hit vs- ti 64 I "If :1 per•on fall. ,loon nn .,It. fere( frv•,lurntly from cons ♦ cl".geable s -sills, or silk. link up tl island, t'' mean, or tin_ 114/ther (_:lata; Worm I{Alrinlin' 'wont \•aur corn. wilco 11 t.'4 ,• ' �' ow 1,. I „ mens and they Made ►per ♦ n exquisite Chantilly scarf fur duels. ager i+ pleasant to take; Burr and locale u( Holloway's ('ern Cure , 0 ��� I "" • :heprem can 11.1 `.4I1.11 g. ( ♦ ♦ efftetMtI in ( c•trny'mg 55orms. , :he premise• for chuunRe ., • ; ? mania{ torr. 11'hen 1 have 4 el.( ring wear has some of the de -remove them! Give it a trial and 'Certainly. sir.- replied t111. l:ttt. _T. Baby's Own Tnhleta in the ♦ +,m!7 (outlined with gold thread. ,1 c.6ugh i; r fool the 1o...runner Jinny have .trir(I it With bust re 4.011 will not regret it. reg "certainly ' Big (anutgre, i 11„11+e 1 feel safe, Iu1( 1 a( f .18 111 foulards and ether silk Inn• of curious pulmonary ufflixt•,In rt sults. _ end get. them, t„•.'” ♦ vise olhel Mothers also t•, ♦ t( tints, the iwlka (lot is a favorite ti err i+ a simple Curr within the Ntolher "1s it p"-sihle. Harry. "\1',ll," wens 1.11 the eii' 111 "as keep then( on 11,1111(. 141 ♦ in the mixtures ..f silk and cotton. crash .,f 6.11 in 'tickle's .inti-( nd Nally a man Isle= to .t•ua en his that you hate eaten all that 1 akr my sou was passing Four boy,.• this by 117) 1111ne ,1. nl(•r + liar Ilius fur the neck nr1 to be sum ,rive �} iu I, an old limo and rights when he ha;_i't 7111}. 1 I 41(111,11( giving st thonglhl t.. your unn11 115 he fell throug1, a coal bele ♦ n1ll1 .1 + worn n great deal. Larger one'( wid ly reeognlCe( remedy. Which. if sister Harry "Oh, u1,' t ped, q enk, 1% eery. Watery Eros. T fie? hrokr 111+ 1'•11." I ♦ The '1'• • �'•.,. \i ;,r• ♦ ale Vrrtl a, the season ads tit. ••,. M.4/1i ed to at the inrepllnll u( R iteneted ley Jlnrine ESe It/mitts-. Try lh'-11QIIt of (ler ev0t ,reou:l. 1 ♦ f'1,, I.� ...lit ill., Ont. ♦ Lingerie tib1)048 this ' i•''11 arc Pun '3)11)4 a.ull .5)4)111*(111 1(!.4 'l) 0 wl1111,1 1•'or vain 1'}j.• Soothes. You y, . (1.. •1 all the time tb11 ,II s "11'111 t Said the lawyer lnl.(Ilta- j ♦ ♦ {1111( Like Attain,. •It &,trlh'•ti, iAl'• Al . :iv015 Theft 11ri-key: "Ili'( he use wider than usual. s.. (lilt when tied by o\'ercuming 4141 tr„111110• guard Your IlrtlsKealV. 'Writ, For Eye 1t'a,ks. w hr !err 1 had ('11.11 it ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + 4 ♦ (11 how 18 of xnn,I.I' 4,1111.• .17.e. the sytstetll from any 4PI'IUlla coma.- 1•'n•r, a11ulu” l:ye 11.lre•d)' ln., Toronto. ordinary' Vlggll:t see to 11,1•)'•.'13 Alliitl 111'__- - a11 acciderll ' 1 4 i Iso step and ex- 't' Irl the 1111''11 t'lllur ula•le, the Cln- (ill( 4)00'. l'Tlc'e ''2 i re 11(4. at all amine the e, ,,.,n of the )lye- 11r�. \CrIlrnlrM - 1 •,11 vay you hr.1d ry th.lt looks lik0 tat tail dealers. 1\('0X1'1 \11:X'( P011 Ll'/,''/.I I:. i arra{ befell.' -1 • loping on it ' .111- La" a 41fe .1 1 • • •is ill 1411(1 1.uti41 is :t great (list1 1184x(, and of 1 b y' 4114)80 chic( fault este t'utt' reel me {1144{, •il 1 tliree small (�:1:•Ir• n can't you feetively. 1lamma Iaernly'1 "Don't y, a 1, w„nl( infrrrupt his elder, hu( • 11',1,. Ise, fs, w'(•,k '” Beggar (soblgingly) - know' what the great King `lolome•11 I, (n r+:pcateflly eorrr(trd by' beim: '' 11. ( thumpha*1114 ejnen!ateel T""nle1,. t („ n„ R„ed, lady, t , Ask ler Mtnard's and lake no other. said. `�ipnrr the r„d and spoil the ;, 1f1 that h( h„III( say: ".1t your OUFFAI_O. N. V. ::t• t• an (.f law. 1 tho11ght ►:,.t.', k (1...{:111 old enough to work yet. \ns• n the ►riwnu 1+ brought be. 1,11111(' ?” Bobby "1'e+, but he U. nten14 44*, u.,(Ii4 1 hnv- some. Eta.. Ito:lrle r 11'hat'n for hrrakl7lsl K I K didn't say that until he was grooved l�"'''!'irrluar!; . „ t1l:llg to 14.11 y'' 1. 1 (.•le .t pellet, magistrate oil Mon. 111 file ideal lisle( fee tmn;sty end visitors lope it's not ham 111141 ell.+;+ again." i One day his sister in c'rosvi:15 n I ishan{ "No, air, net hirci( and '1''t Illerlllfag was a 'waiter whose ., R, iiuRdlu, Niagara 1'.. I-. ant( ptou,t• cu fate 4415. by no mean4t an unfamil. phalli dein duty as 11 bridge fill 1 Kthe (:rest 1.:0‘, i• :Ira '•' I. ,tt'n•ur.• Roder. ('RRL. (his nnernin'. Boarder int,' lather deep water. The boy, l lit one 1.1 the r'onrl. f 44m in- I I plank (;•,•.Ines,' 11 rat i, it., (` Who saw the accident, rtu to hi+ EUROPEAN PLAN '� S( rt'ant • • l I11'i ” formed that t 1111 have '{gain been n' \ /, 'faking V $ rot ,td)' stns( 6,, fnt'nd hegigl'1g 111 the public ai w i ai wr• '' w ••.. --•r• _. --- tsJ (sitsw stood politely beside (tet' P.1rn.•, e•„ . T►li.•d•• or . r.en el. 11(1) ” said Itis 4(4/11111', sternly. l •leq.t.et iten I n,.u1 ., ,.Laraine •u.. . , 1 .. 1.•...., "and yet. yeti carried ill your pox/: / fur sumo time, wailing till She had when In sow* stop at This L et oyer talo 41.,11111+ in silver .1,, 1 li'li4d►e41 a ratio:- long story shefonTh• accommodations and sorriest ars sora C4/1r ei "14+, your 111r1t,r. ' ; win just telliug. stone ser fns camp{• t• e•pt. W. L., Na to please. ('hen he said: -Mother, at your al Oros ! Cn•mleal Co., Toronto. 1. A. �uvl'tl Manager p'• ,.11 returned the mendicant. d ce I t be ns indtlstriolt+ as D nveniene0, i have something; to telt von.' ,1,.:e•. lilt, sir. I nm n1, spend thrift. , \ �l - Q!' l "1Vhat is it l• asked the parent I - Rt _I appl'"t•iugly. 'fire .Lisa!• -r ".\'141 who are the9gRh1CVMAYIS��,S�} "At. your 4onVCrlience. mol her \1 ,1' •An 0-,. 1."' Mr. 1iirphy tiIABE �SSA�r's4'.' Lizzie has fallen into the water.' \11:1'-t,.,.' \\bat.' 111111^" The" "11'hat1'' exc:ainl^d his mother. til ,.l' 4••, "I wenn, Oho do thin "liar anyone pulled her nal" 111„7I,it,- -(,ring from 1” 116. Altar- 3 111 ' "f don't know!" said the lad. 1.11 • The \Inrphys spring from no es,1' 'they spring at thilu :" a eA13{it]3 ulf.: 171 J.14P. ':vdlv.y'sIL. n 3 i:•.uc, «urea The w r.l lwluI in from one (0 twenty minutes. For i1ea•. .v•he (e ek o` o e r t ••aat, Toot bach•- Nearal1ta. it h e u rnatt.m. Ln'nl,ag ., iuear. in tiv hick ap.n• or ki.lne + pnine around Lll.- liver, pleart.). •4.111/144 nt 111e 1111-.1/, ►1114 Paine of wtl kin ls, use RAOWAY'3 READY RELIEF. feu have u. 1 •I t. -, 1, ultll•. t'. aril other 51eeh,u 11 .1,•e• r. 1he hope of trine able t„ Ilrar, tui ,t*aa71 form( the exported ,•x1•.41,. 1. 11••,1 13•1•S-A-P•P-0.1-N.T-M •F -N-T ERNEST PRATT, 4(11 Yon,(c St►nrf, Toronto, Yon will berg .1,u..- C0011 441 SYS. 11•. :l t., :1 ,, I.etle, t PI LLS y �.�` ion rats • • 41 DO IT NOW ! The Lenox dote! Th- boy is guilty of criminal negli- gence for he might. have fallen up an one of tnv family under the coal - bole -might have killed os all, sir' A- it. 114, 1 •hull sue hien fur tres- t:1. s . Good -(:11' (►F ('tlt'I1$I':. 'laity, aged thrc(', wa'' playing {%hent the• nen inn machine tone day Ind. when :tsk. eI what 114' was de- ity: -:lid 111 r1 grown up tone, "1)Ir, waking env baby n dress." 11 bit are, yen tritnnling i1 Ailll t )1.. the scissors." The Dian who will not he !; •'.'1 a11ti1 ho knows it. pay's, nays t lulucb for the goodness 'i0 bels ,i .41 • .,, t,, • t� 1•vlY BAC'{ If Olt 4(L 00 Pr t.Ult( DRUG AO) To Use THIS Dye Means Perfect Results ONE°tit I�RgEEtttMOS Or GOODS) e.•eie•,n 1.••• to whet 1..,44 of cloth >•,u, e.• -„ie •r• n, ,I. ..1 4,4511 14, Inc .+1.1 111.411•4 •,e 10.'14,1111 1 t..t •n.1 P. .,, 1{111 l .'1.,,• It tenet 11oe I IMI in Ire H %.myt. (.e,,1 MJ 111.,.,11.1 I ire he enhnenn-111. Mottle.., t:., . 1 kne'•J, 81o4.tr„1 I' 4I C NI). 211 1(1, Keep Mlnard's Liniment In the ho:►se. itBOOST YOUR TOWN BY ORGANIZING Al BRASS BAND information on this subject with printed Instructions for Fm:, - tour hands and a printed form of Constitution and Ry -Laws ti:r bands, together with our Mg catalnRue, will he 11allcd 1'R1:1: en request. AdJress i epi. 11 13,1' MANITOBA EG I T"S. WILLIAMS TORONIO 1.1SONS M 1 TCO I ONTARIO