HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-19, Page 1xrier
if Fancy Hose
Phone No. 32.
This is going to be a big Silk season. Nica light weight silks
are the leaders for Summer Dresses. 1Ve are showing a large
range of something very new in Silks in all the leading colors.
Prices aro very moderate.
Japonika Silks
One of the leading silks in
all the new summer attacks.
Fancy or striped.
50c per yd
Shantung Silks
A good raw silk in all the
good spring and summer
bOc and 73c per yd
Silk Mulls
Another good summer ei1k.
Good selling colors in plain or
25e, :I.ic and 45c yd
Taffeta Silks
Are as popular as ever. We
are showing evet•y saleable
shade fur
50c to $1 per yd
Fancy Parasols
A beautiful line of fancy
parasols are shown here for
$1 to $:i.
Our summer stock are all
S ♦ here. Plain and fancy, cot-
ot••• ton and lisle. In black. white.
Z: tan, blue, pink, etc,
• •
Fancy Waists
Silk waists, net waists, fan-
cy lawn waists,tailored waists
Many styles, to choose from.
Fancy Belts and
Some real new things are
)wing shown :in fancy neck-
wear. %Nash Belts in abund-
• We are showing an exceptionally tine assortment of wash
• goods for this season. Every lady can hare something to her
taste from our many lines. Plain colored linens. fancy striped
linens, plain repo, ginghams. charnbrayn, (lucks. Indian Head.
• piques. All in the new shades.
A nice display of wash suite for present wear. They are
• made up very stylish and conte in different colors. Stripes or
• Plain, Duck. Linen or Itepp. Come and see them.
Jones & Ma
• Ifeallguarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
• % Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper
•••••••••••••••••••••♦•••♦ •••••••••••••••••••
11 h:,1', This that rooves lb. minds of
rata' + horst• for Sale—Bay horse, general
flys seventy -[lye year stranger— 1 purpaw•. Apply to M. ',Jackson & tion.
Hiding on high ut wondrous speed Itt. \\'or. Tiro. !Chris. Ilodt ins, •1).
1"Lether for peace or danger. D. G. 'M.,.bd Litcau, will pay Drill offi-
�ltotter than iron h •aced red ci;tl visit :to 1Lt•banon Forest Lodge,
rtvo 'thousand 'tines nor loses A. F. &\A. M. on 'llwiday, May ford.
• • That hear, until it conics again : •
• • Though many a one refuses
To think It a solemnity.
♦ • It ,.iulply him :onuses.
•Our .treat Creator madeall wurltL;
Ruth high and low and blessed then:.
II All ewthings were :rood, and fair and
♦ • As (,0d Almighty dressed them.
••':\nd though we knowbut this on-
:tr011(1 The Exeter Public School Board
•s A r,• there not many more? 1 tt:1l attend the ;National Memorial
•• • Saturn's bright (rings. and iseven S r v.t. • 711 honor of our late King on
moon~, : Ir:d:s) at '4,10 Ip,111. in a body and
444 and .)npih'r has lour— w il1 meet 'for !that 'purpose in th • 1.i1 -
••',Think of 'the length of Ilerchell's year "r^.ry or of Tow/1 hall 11 4.1•i of
I'„ eilth:v-four limes ours— that dpate.
• • 1'h.• sstudy of such wondrous thing= The re-entut:oof ah r N. !son M:•-
•• 1':,x all the merit al.potver3. tnorutl 'Shield lu'III•• ~(heel trill take
• ♦ i he marvels of the milky way place on t\\ld.70stay, May 'alb. 0n
♦ Ate far beyond our ken— the Reboot grounds 1t 111 a.m. Th.
Th, works o('llim who n•i.;ns on ht;th resident ministers and civio dignities
Zi Transcend the minds or men, are being invited ,and a general in -
For the centuries the cry baa b. -on. citation is tieing bxlended by the
• \1'alchmnw, what of the nibhtt ' Board 'to 1111, Joan ntr and Tru oda of
♦ To may a one the night is gees.• the school (u grac,l the occasion with
• But quickly comes the li,:ht. their presence.
•• ;And if ye well enprire.— !•:n\i r. Newton '',talar and daughter
let and turn 'to Him and 'Airs. Thornton Maker. of
Z And let your light barn brightly town. also 'Mr. 'Alvin Maker and Gnr-
• Nor let your faith be dire. net 11i11, of 'Crediion. attended the
11'e know that this terrestiaf ball (u neral near Hr::srels,bu Monday last
Must sometime have and end— of Mr. u,ear'Perev. third son of Mr.
•♦ 1r wise in heart. 0 trust in trim J. K. Baker. brother of :Messrs. New-
••_ Who is our Savior -Friend,
Zloty oft xc ton and Thornton itIter�of town.
•• • pray •'Thy kingdom The sourer rqun had bees', residing in
And do not ,feet afraid— 111 l'tt►I1, Washington. and was taken
• 1) Hock of,Ages when 'tis near ill w•oth 'typhoid ',lever. Aft:•• an ill-
i brant as Thy t'owerful aid, nese of IS',darn. despite 'the best of
care and attention 'he departed 'this
= Thine holy Word dolt, warn u3 life on 'Monday. May 9th. The re -
F.ve r to %%'arch and Pray." Mann wcr • tak••tl ,to Brussels for in-
I'or you britht heaven( like a scroll ferment. In speaking of 'the. deceased
jjz That roll. and flee ;Tway— the nru�cls '!'est says: "Dccenr+gtl
Lord look with .o Thelt ( favor Was home at /Christmas enjoying the
•Z On all who 'turn to Thee— best of 'health And spirits. A light -
2 lto Thou our shield and Saviour in the dark cloud of b: reavenlena
To all l:lernity— comes from 'the (act that Oscar en-
joyed '(Le 'friendsbr}, 'of the Man
• s For Thou wit. fail us neve? Christ Jesus. ile `ryas a mem,' •r of
•• Let us not be lit. • wandering stars 1 Granton Canadian Order b( ( (!ores-
•• to darkness set or tees
♦♦ hl, H. Alcock. lets which Court tvtll be represented
at the 'funeral. This is 'the first
'Comet of 16b0 described bs• Hie Isaac break in 5 eons .Ind 2 daughters
NPwton• constituting Mr. ',taker's 'family and
we 'feel sure a wide circle of friends
will sympathise with theta in their
Next. Sunday will be observed as
Mothers' Day at. ('aver Presbyterian
Church. Special Arrat,gentenla aro
being 111111111 to make the services in
Mr'. J. N. llnrvcy was in 'Fergus
last week attending ttre 'funeral of
her Mother. Mr-. "1Lt11, 22hich loot.
place Friday.
The 'prayer -meeting in ('av,•n church
ou 'I'hur'day evot*;tlg 22 ill 1..• in chart;:"
01 the 14'. F. "1. Society, when 111 re-
port of 171o• recent convention in Tor-
onto will i:0 given.
•• A special sc•«'on of the ,hoard with
ail members preseb Id on .lion
The Ord- r ; or h • \1 moi 4' - •.-
vice to lie 'held in T2 '.! .1 ,to,':at
church on Friday. '1 h'• ,'„ , o , h .
K:n:(', funeral. at 2.:lu p.m. :2::t •.
84 10110oa: -
Organ I'r,(It,d`..
1Ifrnn-0 0o11. (Lor 41,•;1• in Age. past
Sentence. from Il�,r :,l
%'Salm• ••'1 and 44. 11,•:1,1 r -V011,;vc1y,
l.e-.on--I ('or. X V. .u. *s eat 1, Her/.
S. t', -h a 1,. S. D.
Hymn-- %. t:(rd, fly 1'.I.h• r.
Addr, •.---1•;d»ord. tlr• Knightly
1.••„' ,., •n !fey. A.
1•:dw ,r.l. the f?nvreit(rr. Rev. D. '\%'.
Jid1.:,r.l. 1 he 1)ip,omat. ,Hes. C.
1' !,•i eh r, \I. .1,
Prat, r-.
Hymn -forever with the Lord.
Ifen'rf.c•t (In.
Dead :larch in Saul.
National .1nthern.
smowswwwwwissawasswams �wra
Nournation, lc er., 11,....1 .'.1:•:..
noon to fill 1,'•• 2acanev onI
Board eau.. -11 1.y tit • r . . ,r (,1:.
Contciilor 1.1:i.er. '1'i, • 'nllow•intt
Ilolnillnt-H4: 22, 1 , -• t •,i-: W. G.
1 e wag c It -....,•It 1,c T. I3. <:"• err and 1.. il.
•Z �t y �1ay 16th nt P. p.nt. when rb^ Drkwu. F. Chr.rtie ty T. (I. Carl
� Z hollowing r�aulot'nn �k•t X. Ir, Ca't-
• f • the *neral',', specially attractive. The n : and 1:. Ill t,drunte, F. A. Fokc
past(•. wilt s414.10., on the subject: "The • . • r' .r,,•:n, ::nrl fear',:: Wood. W►n.
Ing and H. mart nr war Introduced Parapet about the Horne," And music f. 1:-. ; . 1.
IIl r i I • D :3
a t mous) ..:.reed. Resolved that > �! 1 .n•l .1, ”a V: n� d
a 111A,e ►, •occasion
ac. '1'h 1?xrt, r %'.:bele Srhoel hoard I t the oir.h will be (urn- 1:, T.-%'ar ( .1. 1)a►:, and
•♦ t
♦ • a; the servants of our late Kinn ti ! 'shed ),v the choir. The cocoon) start- I It ,•;;.on +, uip(r Lt F..
rd onlyIt year or so ago in Ow United ' '1 ,: • r l i , 1. D,yi+ try
• • must Gracious llaj••sry I:in(f Edward States of setting Apart ,t Sunday for I It I1 , 1, ! ' ' '7el.a"u17, 11.
the Sryenth do hereby record at this the honoring of ••\lot hers" lis he. .1,.' •, •,1: I • tt i I I
• • time our deep !•orrow in th^ know- popular tell Jury and
• • I,tdf; of tin death and farther, our telae ho n talar that it has already I i • ;, I. It I► ckson tq .1.
• • high appreciation of 1h,• character of otrottte an institution in many ,arts 11 •1 I J, '.tel. , n, .(. lis vcott
• • his rei;rn not only in Ih • ordering of of the American rnntinent. The idrA, !:I :•is t ('Honor.
• • h.< Court and ',the loyal :bolts:• in is w gent% nor. When wr ennwic}er :..•-,[1,:-.1.- f• • .nd
N% bleb •ser ' I pi(i^d Y h' highest Na- how much as a tatic,t) and Hs icrliv:d• . •'. H" t' , f,s
: j tonal Virtue; and 1 l aspirations a- unlit we owe to our ►no'hers it shout 1,h :ort ,art :1 , d'ounor.
• per helosis) '. spite. but els° in its inspire its to join heartily in tanking In n nTlllt O w 7 r2• n till s-
•T,1.et(•etly • influence for Ili., mnint.•n- Mnthrrti Day" a great national irl- ,. •r.a '1'•h
ante of pr ac( urnou;t 1 be rrprcyuta_ i h�te to material love And Pacrifice, • t' • i1 r, iv! : h.::
live nations of the World and fur:her I In Arron', with the custom fhmutrhmnt 1 \'‘•,.
1 2t ,,•I...
we would al this tint+• record also 0'r I the l'nited States and ('anada (`even , 'fr. ' c.:an '.' ill
••. I. •I r, .1 ,ire (or ?It- seen, ul :f Church have Adopted the white car- r r• i , .
o' tlse lent',' r ,+ at PI •0r1 nation or other white tlnwer a• the -
t u,• 7 emblem of the day. Everyone. it re -i::.: II ' do In i:- II -1 , ,'I a m1d (.r,:• sear `.fon-
, h '-I :, . 1 g11P.iPd II) wear a while 11o2VP1e 111 f1•• rl r, ,,,, r rrch•n;t 1l1 d•,v ,tv•
:.,:rd h�miic O, 1 membrane'. and honor of the'. And
Nation- .. 1 '.rr• of the world Ithe c•hurch will he suitabl • decorated, '" • .,.:- '1,:•‘; , 11,l '- rh hs,- nt Alr.
.n,1 71'• 3. 1:,; of 'ach Pnhjccc ( for the 0rcahi„ ) i 11 ,., �1 :'. ! t,1• rt. Th• n d t. i.
:: Ile' 11 in, :1 111 ut 7 Ail' rrliglo,l♦ i n. vl, doubt many! „ i - „ ! �,, u•l , t , ., n 10d ra•
fr.Inl the town end morrounding conn- 1, , • „ .. . ../. et. rt. 17 w i. eha.•d
,.rr.,p ;:> 111 W iI
•Iii I ♦ .f.N;N1 1 iii i
ea OOOOO gap t� ��t.t..}.�1.,1 et % •
l('I4 new Season the 1Veavers bring out Patterns more
Attractive than ever before. This sermon is no exeep-
tion Greys rP} and BIIIeN Are the t]rP,itr1111nAllllg ideas
in Color with a sprinkling( of Brown the variety is a1 t
endless. Do not he afraid to have an P5tra Snit. a change
will snake your ('fettles last longe,.
Por Young Men
1%e have some Special Styles, wills a little more snap and
Hinges• In the Cut and the Colorings than suit the older And
more r0ltservativ • wearers. Our Clothes snit men of ►11
tastes, the Styles are distinctive and the (, ,i lilies always t. -
Sariay Bawderi
-7/1. 11
:i1 1.iiti«.;. 'may
SIN..... /.....,,........M--�... ♦: ,I
i54. Sf1
"20,000 Razors
for Free Trial!"
A new Pelehtlfe discovery -n secret
pr..ee,I4--has revolutionize,', the mono -
facture of niwrs. This discovery en -
::Lies us to offer you n blade of Carbo.
steel -(stool plus earbon1-wh1, h yvnl
do not hay e to hone or grind, :1 1,1 •de
lust :41,)14 sharp ,dways.
To prove it we will distribute Carbo.
. :1,
, Is ono hero for
I •
This Razor Is tempered by n Peeret
electric pro( els et Ito absnlntely ever)
temperature of 2.:,00 Regress. the re.
quit Is the hardest cutting cdpc known
t" "11(711.0, A I tide 11 ,':rho -steer that
„• goarnnt• • r a 1.•. ,nn„ or perfect
w•. Ir, n0 honin42—no krindinge
We e..•r.t ).0:1 12 1 ' n:,.1 col!
the smooth Sa.,4itg , • ?au ,
obtain only thluw;n t,,.. t : ewe.
Ing diagonal stroke of n ttr. -7ht tl r •
standard 1ez"r—the Carps-Magncti -
wloch ruts the hairs steady w•111: • -t
.putting them or tur0iol( the ct.,l.
Lack Into the akin to cause Irritati,:'1,
pimples. and even worst. tiolu,I.a. r r
tome i11 today nth! get n 1';uh..-yfag-
natic Razor un 34) Days' free Trial.
LOOK roe MS TRA0! ((
1((n,it t:
Tile Rade tarfhde
1 ire
'al'.ho "#e
The Times from now until Jan. 1911
cd 1.0
try will Jilin in this unique celebration ' t, t '•1, ,,,, u w h' n t h per-
next Sunday morning. r- ?o -t ,rick. ,\, th• Inrr• '.h^ do,,
Exeter Agricultural — - t, tr.tl t a Inttzi •. on Monday
Society's t FOOTBALL 1II •, HIM./nd
.1' :1r1•r,'st ll • 0.11
...1 ti 011;41:1 ,. - ": 11:Ir and t., .lrch
• w 1. cnnt.►rrld :1:1 clay. 1'h, hest' of
Field Competition The (ootba,l toys sial to Kirlronl \Ie• \tiller was lnrrourd,•d and al
on Friday t,:•t and %•lased th ;r t;r-.' !1-, the dn: was lora' -•t1 and shot. it
.fame ntn:n(t :,n ;is et tc.m. Th c It id ':ot rid of the motile 17,74 .-o far
1Q1O were snccessf,.- •n hrinrn•.t th i:,,,r-''t, known not haw was bttett by i
els back with th•n1. the e,•nr• h n,.'i _---� - The directors of the above .'(..'lets. 1.0. The game was 1:0 •I r• to !•• :r 1"71:1111:0/.1t1:)''.1."71:1111:0/.1t1:)''.1.'
elferprize.. for Pt.uulingcropsonoats. to fim-sh and -.n•• 2.; :r. - i t 1'',i.I.?�--'„ "71:1111:0/.1t1:)''.1.'.. ...•redly. May
$1.0o per year In advance
at This List for Your
Spririg Wants
Gamlen Hakes
Outlier' !foes
Shovels and Spades
Drain Spades
Lawn Mowers
Step Ladders
Curtain Stretchers
Carpet Sweepers
2 c
Screen Windows ".3c up
Screen Doors $1.00 tip
Screen wire for Win-
dows and Doors a yd. IOc
L`qut.1 V sneer
Ready nixed paint lOc up
Varnish Stains 15c up
Floor Paint 15c up
Alabastineand Murano 25c up
Brushes 5c up
Aluminum Paint 10c up
(;old Enamels `25c up
Oilcloth Varnish 25c up
Buggy Enamels 23c up
Shellac per bottle 10c up
Tube Colors 10c up
Crack & Crevese Filler `23c up
Oil Stores
Gasoline Stove
$1,75 up
4.10 up
Jost received Samson Portland Cement. Quality and
Amatite Ready Roofing $2.5o per Square.
3 ,
Trrfitr 1"i:=(j:7itiiiflll iii i' i'if1�i91
Special Discount Sale
WE ARK starting our Annual Discount Sale comprising
every Article in our Large and Well Assorted stock
which we art offering at. a Special Discount for the
Will consult their own interests by examining our Goods
and getting our Prices before purchasing their Spring
Furniture as we c n ease you many Dollars,
The Leading Horne Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
I,311LM/ELA i ifiifWiMe il� .�.i�
•1 .Mi..f. �9211
one door north of the Post Office.
we are anxious to clear out Sill balance of the stook
The Exeter Society w
ell award petits fair crowd. Ihe.-ver') 7 •, • , ,,,11, ' • \Ir.;nd'Mrs,Tho,. 1'3:::l, n ,
nn oats+, which Intel c'or,si,1.of at.Ie,tst cod for stonrft,•• :ern n 1 1'. i,•Il11ll to ll%) 50 ha%(' Cut til(' j)1'ICP$ all CO I)11'(E'R.
(Ise acres in each 1'lhe, And Will pay from ih'• start til
the follonint. prizes - 1st, $1:1: 21141, L, tuti!,:I ;.lay; a)*) .; t n.• : ` r•1
$12:3121, $111; Mt, $ti; 1711, $:1.
In addition to the above, prizes will
be Awarded for a alien( exhibit at. the
\nrirn 01 l•:x11ihilion,'1'1Iron*4), And a1•
sn fur Iwo tutoiel Sacks of 0al1 and
fall wheat at Guelph %%inter Nair.
1,11 p.n t i. Wert. cern 1.1* 117111 from the
undersigned. Competitor. will please
give notice before May 2111).
E1►. ('IIUIsTl1:, Pros,
A (1. 1414' I'.I1, !•tee.
The Doctor's
If your doctor were In tell
you that 1)7111.4' headaches
were duP 1.0 eye --1 t :sin. what
would you 4141 0111111 11e
\\''• w111 1011 you ftnrkly if
41, it is the reason end that
2...1 can believe the trouble
(vastly nud quickly with a pair
of nrnperly adjesled glasses.
Even 1f yen dote•t (ote to
wear them all the time they
sue helpfull whet. working nr
1.1 tidying.
1Ve examine Pl ( r, free of
Marge and edvirt• ielelligenl-
iy nr to I1 quit emend a. Re-
nnet Mg d,•re while you wait
W.S. llowey,
• t• 'hi'Dlist t4' O tl('ian,
1?xpter, Ontario. 4.
R 11 you want 17p•trr1ate
ftnndm-gn 10 Iloweys.
for 50c.+++++,•+++•F++++.++++++++++
11 ., '•:—,n (it -u 1712x.. Mac 9111.]
Mr. ;:nd V:., .. E. llod-,
half tit 1 looked tuned ,,:r IA •ser. !on.
as the 7,,‘ - ('r, ,-.•d hard, it cc As in 1 1.• • 2 , LL -Its London. to 'hangar.;
th''a hal' 1 ' , nn as pretty 3 pas. . filth. to :1r. and Mr Georg,
as J4( 4.1.., try: • l'nrlin,t. carried the I -•'• • . a daitr. ht••r.
peg skin bets••• 7, tposts. Th: root -I ,l:' •i'r-in 'fore::10. en May Ftb to
er who acenrn'' 1 rl the hors. and 123! 'h. •:101 NI 1.. Alar, D ,lonea (/),,ealso goal 7 r , 7• 'got so excited that r 1 - 1'u :y It.•ishr a (ia'tlrhter. 4
h•• didn', t:. - 1,14 flag- but "cheers %1AItItIF11
up Resat. you are n .rood mascot". in 11x11(,\1' — .Q1' ERIN—M.. ('army','
th. s:rond half th•' home tear.', n.•.,.,n; If: '11y. '•112 10.h. 1910. by Rev.
to warm 1p and Hoskin. in gaol 0.• 1', I•o'.••:•. 7'1:. Pa:rck M•thony to
.an to p:aT hes !,7r1 in the game. telt \l,• .'•t:::. Q ;'•r n..f l::;tht•-r of .far•
no goal res+.,t it. Th. seer.' 1•11: 0:' '1 :r t1. I 077 0' :4r ;•:r. 0. I
11'.-1 i1 \r-10 •Dein'ey. Thnrsdny•
t. ti••nry Ilodginr. 12cd FR
i "lo,., i1,
410e. pretty ' hot( rho Islay 2c. rt.
They nn• a et:ot of players out
Ih''r • and w h, 11 (..ay th.• return
!gni' Tn'tr-11712 -- 111, it n Iii h.•
a ell worth • n 1ft •r the game
I: Irk ton vers k o'I'' Provided n boun-
t'ye, c spy- 1d for •i h • Fa, .ter haat to
t1 h 1h they d 'I .1,,,t ice. Thornton;
11 61- r 1 '1 • -117!'•1'•. I'0itow,n•r
«a+ th,• ,n • I,1. ._hirkton:goal. 1'.
(loupe : )tack it its.:. 1. n . I(ai; hack
tie,,: r. Pickers. 11.1 I1,.% r: l-orwmar0
Mc('wrdy. Shel'1'ir•d. 11,r U. Anrdin•
er 1(11.1 Dutton. 1'' .:, 1:n.•ll. Ilosk`n
Hack. Anderson. holt • r : 1111, Hack.
\Talker. Bawd •n and \orthew. t : for-
wards. I,nuiston. Taylor. ('-.rI•nj,
\1'il•on and Axt.
Melva muih r ran rotlk P310-',
G(•1 bo)s. ni :• 'ucl: for lsirktote,
•1'n(Lly :Jot . 1, I
GU' 10411 0 . c , : r:: played '..-Il.
he had le o r
Did soy ,•1, r Sandy rush the
puck up on .Ile ;' .' 1i"(lt t, • t hn :,rht
he had 1h • week once or t.v:e •.
Acts got swelled head oy• r that
43001. 1: went to his head on th•• road
Kirkton ;:,d'.• . 21, n• h' and to, re-
mark "w 110 i; i, hao 2v'1 h his mofhe:'l
night cap onit"
These are married 'tnen though 1 !
I.1.-- i1 I ,.:e11.1. 1,11 '.11•' 11.
• 1-1 11 *L.• .0 int dnitrht•r ni
\lr. •to•I \lr-. t; o. Luy •:i,
AI*Ill1T'l'- :1t (',•til t t�' 1. un '\fondly
fl:ly 16,11. 1!110. 1., ,1 , .17,11, It, l-
iC tton. •helov,rl t• • u; 1 1;- A1)-
114)11. in her 16.1111 \ .11
1'.111x1:.\\i,:4-in i :Lu 1' •'1.1y.
May loth. 1111„ "1: \I
I'.1l n (1 tk. ' - o' elle t: • Koll-
er. 1' • t 1111,- ,-- d •1U y• rt-. •1 loos.
.IAE'•;x:111\ 177 \3.'i, ;0 11.1 I*.spital
oa Art.. .142.14. 'd..: i, 711, .I . •!:-nn. 3rd
'nn o' Mr. John .t.,ri - n. of !lodder-
l E\11A1,1:—In Toren •1
y1y l 111). I)r'nn t 1'
o' :1.. and 111r'. 1: .
• d ` y ;ars.
11 Ell-•/' (11.711-4loNS To
Tn::.'.tI1 th•• 11 :7701)077s o; ('1.(•.;1,
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I); OW! II ('hicatto and. the Iwin ei•'
t s - ne 1i.nn,:arn'i,' and S:. I':nti, May
:112t, V(n Sarnia and Yon horn N:ay.
i.r,1'0n ('amens!. St,an71'r le:tve1
:1:irnia 7.111 p. m,. Slay 'Olh.
but come and get a share of the
Money Saving Bargains
3 ca:ls 1'cas ... .
3 cans i.ye
2cc Shoe Polish I Sc
Sec Tea, 3 lbs. for , ... 1 00
2 lbs Italie Soda tor5c
.\ f. -w ('ales and Tarns left at .... 35c each
Wit's and Comet Tics at 15c "
ust a few pairs of Ladics' kid Gloves left, regular $1.25 for, ...7Sc
• Dress Goods at 25c a yard
Fancy Vests for 75c each
Children's Fancy Bose, I,:ack or tan, at.. 15c a pair
Corsets, flats, Rain hCoats, Men's and Boys' fiats
At Slaughter Prices