HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-12, Page 8•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••o•••••••• ••••••.•..•••.••••.•.••••• STE WAi T'S I PHONE 16 il,...... y! 22 •�t,.,r• •v;rel,if••if AI College „ •, .ti. 1 1 kt '1* 1 M ha 8 MAY 12th 11110 2• •• 2 • 2e •• • •• •e ♦ • •• •• •• • • • • • 2• •2 ♦♦ .. .. •• •• •• • • •• •_ 2 • s • •• •• •• 2• 2••• •• =2 2• ♦2 2• ♦• • •• • S• S• zt • • • r •:• : SIJIT'S tor Boo Boys you are sure to like our New Suits this Season. Cour* in and bee Them. We want every man to see our New Spring Clothing. We consider to be the (test we have ever shown. Compare i'% if you will, with any you hav seen elsewhere. We only ask you to let us show you it. The College Suit Prices $10, " Lion Brand " $12.50, $15, $18 KING HATS Beresford Shoes Mans Men want New Der- bys. \\ e sell King hats and we (alt' give you a Becoming Shape fur $2.25 If you want comfort style and Shoes that will wear. Try a pair of our new Oxfords Patant,. Tan and Gan Metal. $4 and $4.50 Rain Coats One of our Meas Raincoats with the new, reversible col- lar is something every man should own. They are guar- anteed to keep out the rain. Price $8.75 SHIRTS Our 1910 Shirts for men in- cludes everything that is newest in Shirts. Colors are fast and patterns are very neat. Price $1.00 All kinds Produce taken as Cash 22 22 22 22 •O• ♦• ♦• •• • • . • 2' • 2• .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ♦♦ •• •♦ ♦• • • • ♦• • .. 2• •• •• .. e� •• i� J-_ A_ STEW ART ••♦••••••••••♦•••••••••••• ♦••♦•••••••♦•..••♦..•••••• r••♦••♦♦•♦♦•••.•••••.♦•••• ••••••••••...•••••••••••e•• ORGAN and PIANO Repairing and Tuning O. 1'EDLEI1, late of Chicago. hag decided to remain in Exe- ter for some time (indefinitely) and will watt on the music -loving public in the capacity of Piano and Organ Turing and Repairing. This line has been his life work and he is thoroughly practical and competent in all lines connected with Pianos, Organs anti Pipe Organs and Guarantees his work. Old I'muute and Organs overhauled and made even like new at lowest persue* price. Following are a ft'w Prices :-New Strings 23c each ; Tone Regul,tl it.g $3 up ; Once Tuning $2; Key Levelling n(Ic ; Over- hauling front $111 to S25: New Act" and Ila 'rs for Old Square Pianos from $'.i up. Dampers. Felts. Spring Regulat- ing Sctews. Bridle 'rape Etc., furnished rear'ottably. Ile•varnish- It g. Polishing (•caving like new) done at lowest. 'ignited, also Estimates on Pipe Organ Tuning and Worthing furiiished on re- quest, A11 Reed Organs conte tinder the sena' Price list, All Wotk (inarantecd. All orders left at ,IOBN PEDLF:IL's rest denc,' N' tit ti Main Street, or n Postal ('aid addressed to O. Pett- ier, Exeter, will receive pr pt attention. G. PEDLER, Exeter. t - - Hugflol's Ddnacr-Ofl The Great Dandruff Remover and Scalp Remedy. DA NDER--OFF is a Scientifically prepared remedy for diseases of the scalp and promotes the growth of Hair, for itching Scalp, Scurf and Ee,.ennic Affectations. One or Two applications will stop itching Scala, Five to Ten applicationsarc guaranteed to cute the worst cases of Dant stet(, Senrf, Scrofulous and Eczeni'e ARecttons of the Scalp. Thousands of Testitltoninls, DANDER -OFF Is positively guaranteed. Money refunded if it fails to do all that is claimed for it. Trico 50 cents for 8.oz. size or 10 cents an application. For Sale Only at W. D. Uvrkc's Shaving Parlor, TF:ACM R,\VA NT ED Male Tacher with etecond class Pro• iectaSnn' c, r.iiicnte for IS. S. No. 3 Ids,(Isla. Dnyies to Commence i Att.:- nit. Apply to .JOHN PitFy%C:1Tt)R, Di y•,c-Treas, Exeter P. O. Termly Thon,ant] Plants for Snlr•- Geran;unts, }'uchsial, Asters. Stocks, Ageratiutas, double gni u•ingto retort - :a.. Foliage. Ferns. Salt-Ia. and .•til kinds of flowers for banging baskets Tomato. Cabbage. Cauliflower, Celer . in largo or tsmal) lots. LOUiS DA Market Gardiner, Istater. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •♦•••••••••••••••••••••••♦ The Times Want Column As an advertising medium, the Exeter Tunes cannot Ile sur • ,d. Dotes it occur to ymu that 1111 advertisement may change the whole career of an individual, and may material - 'y ur` et the arivrrtiser's lot :11 5 ! A rtu: ,.tate ud. wig 11 tend by our rsubscr:h(M surd others olio are iu:er- t stcd iu rust! *81:11'. If you have Nowell ng to dispose of ; are wanting ,help. or have eotn,thlig ,o brio„ before the pub:`u . • the columns of the 'firs a; your advertising os d'um. The cost is trifling. •O••••••••••••••••••••N♦• ♦•••••••♦••••••••••••••••• Market Report. -The follott in; is (ti • report of Eceter markets. cur - 1 ::, May 12th. ("eta 32 ;o 31 cents Model Four £'.^2,15. Feed Flour $I.45-.51.50, Huy 09.00. 01U.00 liutte•r 22e, Edits 19c. Clover seed $7.50 to $ 8.00. Timothy se, -d $1.50 to :2.50 Alsyke $5.!0 to :•B:v... Potatoes, -10e to 50e, %Vheat 05e. Standard. Peas 75e. It:ar.ey 45e. to 4Se, Shorts 1023.00. Bran 820,00 flog:. tiveweight. $8.80. Choice export cattle $7.40. Good export cattle 80 to $.7. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • •••••••• • • • • LOCALS Ir 1), ilrat:u is on the Pick list, d0'.1r Tilos 1"ynn •is visiting in Lon - n. \!1. :-! Mr:. It. Treb!e. of Central- . t ::• d in town Sunday, Alice Iioward ispent. Sunday at rich. Mr. and 'dr.. 11I. Oise ars• visiting relatives iu iSea forth. M;'s Vera horse. of London. spent lid t, It her parents. \1 lbs:. Walters. ef, London vis- ited its town Nondny, Itrue^ Anderson spent Sunday at his L•• ..s^ in Uoderich, Fred 51a:lrtt visited friends near Dashwood cn 8mnday, Alis Rose Finkbc•iner. of Berlin. vi.+- ited with relatives in town this week. Miss Ada Tucker. to( I:linevi11e. is vi.•uting ;it the home of Mr. Jos. Har- vey Mr. McCoomb and Miss "label Mara. of Lucas. visited 11r, and Mr.. W. S. dCore. Sunday, 1lr. 11, Gregory. of Stratford, visit- ed his tnother Mrs. T. Gregory on Sun - Mr. Frank Tom. of Toledo. Ohio, visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tom. Sunday. Miss Ethel Sweet and lady fiend of St. Merys. spent Sunday vis'ting at the former's house herr. Aii•ses Anna and Emma iie'(i •man. of Zurich. visited the lots' part of the week wi:h rt• ativea iu town. Mr, end Mrs. D. W. 1'. gravers were in 11 ,nshard on etinday visiting Mr, nsn! '•!, <. \\'m. D'are's, 11' Ind Ale ,1, \\'r;;Ili .Irr. of 1)' - fru . :11111 Mm •. Johnston. of llensn!I. vi. 1 ,1 Mrs. U. ;lfook,•, t\'edn'adny, I'• Cornish 'eft ,• 1: = week for Nr,i.wa:r:'r..contiucta 1 • r shop d::r.n:r ' Is • sumo] •r mouths. '1r. Saxon Freon has moved the barn from h present premises onto Ws new 'co. placing is at the rra^ of W. W. Tartan's store. • \ •-t. Stewar: attended the the infant son of Mr. and Ed. Stew art. of London. on •rsday last. 51r. and Mrs, H. W. )'water and 'n -d• of inter cch! •..•Itch.• are 5•Ies,.ra, Lymnu,and George Palmer i h' Comm••rc•ia', 51r. r. T 1•' 1 1. 11fart 11 r • f , 1 shipped a c0r- • .I 1 0.' horses rn Winn it •;; Inst week.I.' * weer cccomit:1 ird ,by M.. .los m of ('r d or. 1' ono for Fa I -(Inc road second hand ',Soo. near y nen-. Arnericnn snake. only s ro. Appy to John Ptd- 1*r. Exeter. Man serif, south 1-71r 'rt:e mayor o: Listowel last week Nen. in h's resignation. The action t*a• attributed to the fact that th• too .1 has not an efficient constr,h' , Mr. S. Martin. 11. A. and Mr. For- rester. teachers in St. Marys Co:It;r- inte. accompanied by their wives. v:s• ited the former's brother. Mr. 14. Mar- tin on :Saturday, On 'rhi,ndny 'sat fire destroyed the I)urm nion i,.oc;;. Strathroy, The loss it as ahem $10,(100, The pant of the (hroy Age ryas ,thrcatrned for n t•, P. A. Carri• r .. of (:rated (tend •• . it ([ ,t n c -:;eat s •rmons in the ( .t •9, Pt •ISte••fan church von Sunday ,s(. ire*. S. F. Sharp ;preach, d 1111• 11 vu-r•ary sermons at Grand il,•nd, 'I: J. 1'. Rosa. alter v:sitin,: ::ds 'n icon 'or a few days. left Saturday for herhome in Canary. Sh' 0 as in Kingsville Inc sem' tint' vl•it- r 7 her fath• r. Mr. 8win,'rton. who I'r^ Epworth Lvegu' sof the 1fa;.t r• •. Mcthoti:St ch::rch will hold annic'rsary services on f?ut)day nl at. 'tar ;5th. Rev. .1. W. Baird. o' Lon- don wilt occupy the pulp' Myst*' Teddy Wlii;nms and father, o:' Lan- don. will assilet in the singing, Tedciy h'uh'c spoken of as ,t ringer and no one should MISR h(-aring him. Rev, E, 1 tone of the ,ptlh.ie, 19 putting the case A. Felt. n•ill wrench at London, feeb'iy, EDWARD THE t1'EACE9IAKElt 1 M 1 hear 1h tiiiuii led 'peal of brats is nouud.Ylg rthi)lk. 1 lint to 'sante h, art rend- Illg bl II Aad f Mrom the l.a!aer, wun,iou and the lowliest cot tug* A oat ion's prayers o1,.;'•, 1.111! may Cod bless our widowed O11''11 and mother '11) Ile who titlark 1 111* lowly spar- rutt'' S,11,1 w olds of 1C0111forr to 111 brok •11 Ilea • i, (1 'rhe King i,tsdead:: 1?du a rd our .zr::,t peacemaker 'Such was the en'ssage sent to all the world Where'*: the t•tob'rnt o earth's great- est trot (10/II our 1 n un Jack'., unfurled. Proal ,•errs'} curlier of the old Earth's habitattors. ('uute•s'buck he .words of lOrrot* nod of grief : Froon 'every rm.:' 1. E n=.•' :d'.4 i05 c( • Inoaninst - Almost beyond belief. N. DYER III"1tDON, 51 s(:.)"(i'Inn. of •I irkton, is the guest of ber.auut,•Mis, Gardiner G'r:s Wanted to 'Work in Clothing' factory Exeter. as .opernlors.on ma- ch'i,es and hand sewing, by the Jack- -on Manufnct,ring Co. Apply !to G. W. Dav:s, Supt,, for :full particulars. The va:::e of varnish stains dencnds : t :lir;-'.y t;ron ih: ,:rade of Varn- ish used in snaking it. CalnPoi•ll's Varnish Stain is made from the tough - :•;t gum •floor Varnish. You can fin- 'sh your floor with this etain and po•:r.d it wits a hammer withou' causing the finish %to chip or scratch. W, •), !IRANIAN sells it. Mr. Paul Madge returned Saturday from Alberta where be purchased a ranch of 43110.acres. Th,' farm is 1:, Luce; 'around and Mr. Madge has or J• red posts for fencing it. Ile in- tends go".ez Into rniz:d farming tvht•nt raising and sheet' grazing and ha; purchased a car -load tot imple- ments. Ile(or*• leaving Alberta' .Air, Madge wns offered n dollar an acre more for the\'and than he paid for it. On Tuesday nextt1 viii hold an :me- : io't sale of titi:. farms and chattels in ..n^ An accident wh;ch,r(snited in a '• w •hruis(•s to a couple o' lads. and broken whi'fle-tree took place on Station stret last Friday. Lloyd Rivers accompanied by 51iater Harry Se'.dom tsaa driving to the depot and when about to enter the station yard a dog ran out and :righte•ned the horse. The animal jumped to on- side and Ithe wheel o: the wagon caught the tate post. Th' is hide* -tree broke and Lloyd wn-t.brown out. but he hung onto)th.' lines. When hr ,dot the horse under control it had turned around in the gateway. and was al- most free of the shaves and was fac- ing the wagon. harry fell between the box of. the wagon and the wheel and had histface badly bruised. Lloyd's left ankle was sprained. The boys were lucky 'to escape without more serious results. A Reactionary Storm Period falls centrally on 111 • ,14th. lath and 10th. Th • Moon at'f is, wart r and the cul- mination of tie ALrciry period wl!I heighten storm probahilties nt 'th;a period. it must br!borne in mind that "the annual focus of snlnr energy" is centra: over the middle state and other May storm periods, lir:nc, great e:ectrical and ,tornadic storms are more Tr: vent and violent snout this time, It le folly to he nn- mindfiti of these •great (acts, and it is crirninnt iu any one having the care of n househo d to make no sort of pr'parit-on (or lornad!e visitations nt such times. itegu!ar rise of barom- eter and change to cooler will follow r a .rh. ewe. of all May storm periods, i the her••••. ler r •r" n iou•,with " r•. 'outh a •, nocg,;). winds. storm e'. • 1*i11 1 i . at :themselves dn,!y an- i , .•nl :ions break up, When ysu - • 1, h barometer. stiff w•••s:er- .y tt mel • ,nil decided change to cool- •'. kno" :tint dui:y eye's of thunder. r''u and ta•snd it at an end. Church Directory JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor Sunday l'ublio Worship -10.30 5,011, and 7 pan. Class Service -Sunday 0.30 a.m, and after Morning Service and Wednes- day night. Young Alen'. Clue and L/atasbunteoa Bunchy it t P.M. Monday school and Bible Clitsbes LAO 11.01. Epworth League -Tuesday at R. p.m Prayer Meeting-Thur,dua ut R p•n►. fund;ty• Hess 15th, The 'Pastor will presets a sermon 'io 'young men at night, Men'sSuIts'KHOW What They Want INTELLIGENT PEOPLE II s llo not feel flattered by the methods of those who seem to think they can bully them into BUYING. Most People -dT- 20,00 After all it's the Tailor who makes a slut a SUCCESS or a FAILURE. The most fascin- ating style would he a fizzle if there were not careful needle work underneath. That is the reason our Suitt: at 821.1 are better than the suit you buy in town for more money They are perfect in every way if not you can have your money hack. W. W .TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER ONTARIO IAm selling the best Woven Fence that is made and 1 am selling at the following ow prices: - 6 Bar Fence at 24 cts. per rod 7 Bar Fence at 27 cts. Per rod Ylte buyers. when looking 8 Bar Fence at Jo cts. per rodj. around not t O overlook GLflTWOR1HY OItAN'roN, ONTAK&O t♦ J. CARLING Bus & Dray Business a great deal better than the Merchant Knows. They know too what their means are And What To Pay for their goods without extravagance. Knowing these Things perhaps They Do Not Know the Place where they can trade to tale bet advan- tage and would be glad of a hint ; Where to Go c We can only say we do Our Best by all and in - flaring purchased the Rus and llray 1)IIS;'1 t'Ss from Win. Arnold, 1 so- licit a share of your pat- ronage. Orders Ie'ft, at the Advocate (slice. T. G. Creech, Proprietor. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM VICTORIA DAY SINGLE PARE FOR R'OU'ND TRiP n.•tween a:1 stations in Canada. also to Nit nra Falls F •tl s a ndli,tf.l [ •t o N. Y Detroit and Port Huron. Mich. T.ck •ts good going May 23 and 21 Return limit May 20 I'I'I'Elt LAKE STE AMERF9 Sai:;ntr from Sarnia tat .3,30 p,nl• for goo and Port Arthur. \lay 111 11 1S for Duluth Mae 11. 20, Sailint-. The 11th Annual Convention o' .It. 1 from Co;lingwood 1,I0,p.rn.. and Otreu Women's M'asionnry Noriety. n' th • Hound 11.1.' p,tn. 11'ednvsday nnd'lnt tart .r el str'et wns.h.•'d in the 1L-tit odist church. Wha'en. mit Thursday of nst w•e,'k 1 lsr,r' numner tvrr.• nresi tet. the church being comfortably filed. Mernbrrs were present s from f'nrkhilt, A ',a l'rni;t. , Clandeboye Lucan, Feet r. h;rkton. Grr,lron and Grand .Rend. The morn'n;t sess'on tt:1. taken up in the Transaction of business and th • address and rep's of ;t eleonae, 14 the afternoon a model,nux:':1ry I,'eet- •ng was given thy the Lnr:tn au.si'i'ry : aos by Mrs. (Iter,) Steadman: en address by Mr.. .Dickinson ; duct by Mrs. \'nitre and Mrs, Snell : n rounnd tab.,. temp •ranee conference by the members or the Vagler auxiliary: inarre(te by Woodham Allti'irlrvt 1lissiranary letter rend by Mrs, Wilson and d'•cuss'on on \the• work, In the ••ven'nC nn :anslratrd lecture was given by 11 •v, Out t. of Centra i i, Re- freshments were ,crvl•d in the 1 a'c- merrt of the rhnrch. `'Ir-, W. B. t1,sr- shn'I. or N;, ,'ars • it a• r.'-ap!'o 11. 11 rarer. le;,er. The Toronto (:'r,he ,hal the follow- ing to ens n' Mrs, Anes Enos.. II :lel, who w•i'I lecture nt the Thames florid Pre-brt,•r'an church on May 123rd. The ndm.',. on eharg-' i *%.1 tr 25 eta, it is rather n darn! ambition to Iry to cnfertain on nndienr, with 1h;• myelic phi nsophy of Carlyle and 1 h 4nbt'e Po'lry 01 Shelley. yet. ntrangt. to say. The 8''-dt on that met with the greni'+t approval were rhos• from tinrlor Ite•nrins" nrld " 1'341. ',yid i're•ent." and •.11•• tttnlnif!ei'nt "oil, to n 44kv'ark." Mrs. Charlton 111rack's work indanal'* n naw egad 'hopeful departure in 1'rn'e••'on 07,011 which so many ('1:rions'y 1'n'se ideas prevail. That the n rn of 1 he reader should be 1,1 e'e'pi, t Ihnmighl. and 1h' nob', Al toe's,:h hint the tongmnge of nae n,- t'nn h:I: given .•xpressinti to. I.. the 011' n1ts'* o',h'•r erred. Such an nits 714 ih's ;.s one far mar difiic•t:t of r - a'itnt'nn nail involves infititf••ly greater 'alto' than h• ordinary aim. of the ordinary t••0rutionist. That 51r,, Chnr,tot, Itlnek has soceeed tl and is succeeding in educ•stin.' /he poi,;le taste in 'this respect. and i. us- ing her gr't g:•niu$6ti Hiding en 'the work of raising the literary and moral urdays (or Son and G.•0raian Illy 1'orts. Fit:I inronn:ision n. so chess *tr. from J. J. KNIGHT, Ihpot AFttt, or write J. D. 11UI)OSALD, union t'• '•o Toronto. Ont. A DIFFERENCE Dun's make the 1mistak' of think- ing shat all tnlcurn Iso'. d'rs are alike. There is a difference -an important d.fferenc,'. Nya"s Toilet Talcum i• purified and ground and ground and 'nitrified , fird until it . perfectly t1 y t:m• and smooth. without a particle of grit or roreign '1t, tanee. I: is :he rest sass:•,t•:^ ; as der '• - toi'e, ansa nueery-best '•or baby nn(1 be -1 for you. it *ecps the skin cleat and ' ninoth. and Protects. ns well ns bra's send relieves rh'pping. chafing lowness. abrasions. irritations, prick - !v heat. etc. Delightful after bath:rt.,. or sh.v•ng. Dainti'l perfumed, 'I'ric • .ie. Attractive ova! can. •tier your eye -glasses at Ilow'y's, Howey's [)rug Store EXETER - OYTAIII(1. )AIh7Ils1{!:I{it.� Ii�CUlt;ftONti To i • Highest prices paid for Produce. E!,J$,IG IN HARDWARE Plenty of G )(ads for Immediate Select; )n with Facilities for getting :anything Special that may tib wanted %s in short order. This is } cur Store 44011 IP You Qlv WANT NIM PRESTON SHINGLES WHILE? yo,i'is talk- in1 ah.ut the ' Preston' Shingle. Don't (,ogee its twin brother PRESTON CORRt t:IA•1'1A) IRON Made according to the Igid Sperifications of rm. British (:over [mien: ire "it, t.l,,i 's ith Preston Roofing late: 1 ,1 finish, d M ith Metal (',Sling Seeds Now in Stock :i s Mange', Tornio, Co n, Fre ling Carrot, I, t‘‘ n Gras', 'hall and I)tcarf % i'i1lrtniuls, 1,'nt 1 an 1 Broad ll'indscr Beans, Little tit m Pea.. 1'- t c Tire+:rithing, Plumbing and Fiartlate 11 earls e Specia•ty. „t Hawkins Sovc & Hardware Store •111t,T1•,R\CANADA :IgoN�"r,=>- Ott•,edoor north otBrowninRsl)rtt,;Stole. Thro,l h r lI • AI, : ropolis of Chicago, thence vIa hu.uth and I'ort Francis. or through l'hica,ro.and the twin cities , U seal :*! ,i :, and St, i';nil. May 17 and :tl, Via :Sarnia and Northern Novi/tarot! Co. alenmer !!eaves 14,1- n'n 3,'10 p.m.. May 20th. - r :.0 YIitAite EXi'EitifiN'CH OF AN 01.1) NURSE. Mt s. 1\'insntc'a Soothing syrup f•. Ole prescription of one of the beat (ging:e physicians and nurses in the l'nit(•d States, and Ass been used for fifty yenta with never•failina sucoess! by millions of mothers for their children. It relievca the child trona pain, •lures diarrhoea, griping in, E Merchant Tailor the is• s TAILORING! N6w SnrIflg Sriltlngs � We guarantee Best Workmanship. n_.. Material, We hest Workmanship. Rest Material, Best Fit and Prompt Service. 3 Come in and inspect our; in 4'crr::Ila. W. JOHNS. rind bo el wind colic. Hy giving Exeter, Ontario 3 moheather. to the child, it rests the issiumsimui �� mother. Tth child, Mt re bottle.