HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-12, Page 7ITTL
RAI Ile attache 8.4 relterealt thotre,u1dt.a tad -
6,131 to a hth:Hle Mateo( Ilia .ys4ern, such al
Dluh,,•ea, Nausc►. Drowritwsa. Distress utter
•atlud. )rate in the t+i In, dc. while their moat
errant labs• aur.1er ..5 boon ah...,u 11( uudua
Iteedact.o. yet Carter's f.ltt!u !.Iver rile ars
4114..1, y t:.hteeb144 to Co natlpui •n,c our; at'd p,+r
.•n t!ue th4+atmos ingeoug'lslnt.euit. (hey also
to -it, tell.tri.,r.l..t•..dtlteril.tn.*•'hJl(In'11s In lbs
10.r *11.1 see;.sal.: 0 u t,.,,(..le. Even If tt•t:y awls
• 1 w hole length. Hold these firmly •
ate with the scissors slip through
site entire 'emelt. ('old 111V11 1:., mud
wilh the seises,, 1111(1 there is no-
thing better ter trimming ch.,l„
;1('r! bacon. 1'scful for removing
she eyes and core: (4 4111 pie nppses.
When cleaning house a cenveni-
enc0 is u 'tick with a notch in the
end to liftpicture cords from
hot ks. Lrrl9nu 1"11. """ing Haired to
is htk. (1 and perfectly cult cuverI Tack a piece of sheet of No. 0 on-Jesu.4, Mall. I''. .''.•3'', ati•l'3.
mite 1.hil,p'd cream and sprt.(', try paper let a hoard three by ten m holden '1'('x1. Mall. 1:.'. 3(1.
pie. heaping inches. Sharpen the kitchen ;!1111
l'1►or„Deep 1 . (The heu14ln},
%valuta meats, add (o three e•rcum table.i,ouuful of c04•,71, •1 ((114(111 of
carving 1uites on this. Sandpaper
ch'eses ,lashed up, 1141s well, un(1 granulated sugar, tine -half cupful eu4Ling rr,.els.
,lake into s hcite of moh• of warns water, one dessert spoon I - -- -�-t,- ----_
hull. '1'18x(4'ellneetaeI sal, popurtlart. fel of corn March, and the yolks of , muaeln--a 1)„or unt(1rlunt(e (;it.rll hie 01'., resurrection.
!late Stinks. One (tallies of Eng_ three egg,. Mix sugar, cern starch PI11 1 IN i 1 .1.. 1'INF:' tuental ilium:nation, speech, 11)4!1 Three nights --'Phis is a histone
h-1. wedelns broken, one cupful of 1111(1 cocoa together dry, then add sight. difficulty, as the body u( jests- lay
date:, cut fine, nue cupful of pea-'tlo egg sulks, 'eaten sighs, told (he 1 nprnlllablr 11( Both Landlord and The son of David --A popular title mets• two nights in the grave. In
EA deed ,t r, three tubl'spuollf+lis tater; nits ell thoroughly tld bake 1111tul,fo:• the Messiah, refleciing the t 1 1:tug11Ige of Jestls, the Aramaic,
of Il„u r, •Ile truspoouful of h11ki11gill under crust (.nly. \1•lten done(,►nsul 1l'ullaee, of Jerusalem, tcuchingof the rabbis, that the son itwould besaidtial hrwasin th® ul11(11 „nr teas xwnful ..f ,.,1„i11„, takl from the (1tcu and spread over of David would not come until heart of este earth (Rade::, the
f 1 w'ritrs as follows of agricultural
t1 0 cgµ., beaten separately. leak' it t: meringue ,lade fruri1 the three Inelhl,lls of to
-day in Palestin(4 Hum(''s. rule was world-wide. D(1r abode of disembodied spirits) three
i' a flat tin in slow oven with paper cttg whites and !seep l:►'lr5p* 44(44lS 1'h' laud is rented an<I (41)uod in inc the lifetime of Jesus nu ques-lonahs, un moth being dcy and a
tinder them. ei sugar, return to the oven and u primitive way, which is un ►r,,. ti, 115 as (o the 1)uvidie destenl of night, so that a part would bo
(hunt;: with .Telly.-S4l'pt lino brew”. til able l4) both landlord and tenant hi, fannil were tai4'ed oven by his 4A:tinted as a whole. Our tr•ansla-
----^ 4A:tinted
1. no e. but1 s near its
t accurate., 1
ucc u
(1r:• 1140, 1r tees perfect rinds; cut nue- alike. 'Che lands are
rented fur 011(11►i('s. Julie•, the Cord's btu-
L:,ir it ie in stalk rod, remove pulp 11(11'«i:I 1.1•:.1NINO.
• tl 1 f the crop ae.1 pith ; soak oranges in cold Curtain Si 1,•1 )ting. -Get cont -
water for ell4' •hulls•, then serape i11- Ince growl'! -tring, using it deet- 11'1 (I+rlti'ly threshed. The tithes. or
side well in cold water, and set bled, and aft •r having cut off a gevernmein tax, are first taken,
aside to drain off well. Hole; detailed thread the exact length ,4( '.41aicli are enc -tenth of the whole.
caude in skins may be stopped with your curtain measuring the lace c,„lis and then the remainder is -'l. til 144eliebub-Sec Word Etu-
butter. Set oranges in cracked ice edge only, with n bodkin or 44tnu11 divided, the landlul•d rceeil-ing hi, die: for April 3. No better testi-
WI �� ��(,^ Dem
''' a'•d fill half of then, with bright safety pin draw the string through (1114• -third share. The farmer has 1111.11}' t•, the genuineness .of the
a►ii Ni�,1I [:ea�l Stull j'1C;I) pink orange jell and the renl:tin. , the narrow hem lenglhvriso 1(t the generally pledged a good portion !follicle could (x st the?' this t
der with orange ice cream: whcu' ltlrtuin, fastening securely etch end of the expected crop, virtually set /tees and senseless fling of rho .�_
I'LV .l4 ItOss .111.1NTIC. •stale first twilit. carefully ; cut. in of the string. Do this to each cur :ling it at u greatly reduced price 1'huris('oa. Since the Wunder had n (t i `
1 sene tastefully ori green leaf lain. if dune right you will have n' [u• the purpose of securing 11101111.
act sadly taken place, it rilust be AVOID) LICKING Sh1 1111 PS
Gel man Nal. Ile Will star( tomtit ”', special napkin. !perfectly straight edge after in adtitute fur his necessities, if circumvented somehow and the en-
Aliddlr of If a1. 11t•bsh.-At this tilne of year..stetching and the string never, glair is $t a bushel, 011 r n advance tltusiusnt o1 Ilse: people checked. .`'u
a h„n pickles and chili -sauce ruts slow• i n. him ..f atoll he wits agree to dc- ibis [mulish ch41rgo is chide) that
lir. Gans-Fah'ir, tit, t.. ru:arl sip ,rt, while the 'craving for acids, 111 Ironing Hint. -In laundering; steer tc.lhe party !1,e advances the Jesus is in league with the prince
MII'll(Ilila AIIE FOl N11 'I'0
:Ie4onaut who 11,1,11 1, t- att. 1, 11111x11 groa'trr than usual, a deli- a wool wai-t or any soul garment. menet. 130 or 140 bushels of graiu.(1 ([croons. . I:\IST ON '1'111•: )I.
to traverse the Atlantic Ocean in pious chili -3:14.1• can be Made from' if you have forgotten to iron it just after the hact'cst. Shuttle( the rr„h 13. Every kinddum divided the
an airship, has g.. en the following canned tontrato.•+. Pt): in t7he pre..before it is dry, as you should, here fail it. is carried over to the next forst mute of Jesus was to expose
particulars of his scheme: 5I•11ing kettle one quart•'Of canned is the remedy : Sprinkle a folded ,,,ii... hot under a new contract in lite flimsiness of the accusativa• it
'1 shall be- accompanied by Derr tomatoes. three green peppers 514 (4t eve nl1 and quite damp. '1'heu , hid, 3n per cent. i, adde:1 to the 4.'. notorious that a kingdom, 0r a
Bleckner, the editor .,i a Frank ch''41pe(1 tier: or four small ripeiron yolrr list on this, 1111(1 as 1.•11 ,,,;girial anmunt• ,city. or a house which was rent by
tut: newspaper, by a phi -ician and 4 r,4, tw,. minced onion.. two table- will ser the steam forms and den' T)1 f f E l ...-union was in u bud way.•rl..
Hints for Busy Housekeepers.
Recipes :old Other Valuable Information
et Particular Interest to Women Folks.
I).11N'11• I)I4ill•:5.
( lloeso Balls. - Blind up i41 thus
(t 401 chopper 15 cents' mottle of
IN'l'F11N.1'fION.11, LESSON,
X1.11. h.
ant' dt filed tInn►sclt•'s by illicit re-
latl)•m, with the ltorlt!. Although
Jesus diel perform miracles to ac-
credit his mission (John 1). 4 and
1.4, he never acceded to rely such
in:pious request as this for st mere
unmoral, o,tenttti.11s di•plity of
39-11. The sign ..f J„nah - Really
(w(, miracles the rept ntance of the
Ninevitva apart trout any working
of wonder::, 81111 the deliverance of
the prophet from the belly of the
whale. 1f the Pharisees would riot
Verse 23. Tire ,nultitu(I4•- were repent and Ll lie'e because of his
amazed \Nell they might he, fur preachi14). lie would grant nu ether
they hurl witnrsscd a threefold rlgn, ('tcp1)1 the future wonder of
Arho they wcnhl he almoetpri.'eless to 1hone who
sutler trona tLIsdLtreaotugcoulplalnn but torl 4'
uneasy their ge due s....anotoud*ers,.1(dth..se
who mucous thew will Mid these little pals veln-
ahla 11(4011.11(1' whys that they will not h0 wil-
liurt1udul' .thou 418.to. nut alterall ri:tboa
Is the bane of ioinanylives Il,at here 1s where
we wake onrgreat b'sat, Our rills cu•eitwbtlu
others do tot.
trr', 14ttte L1-rr Pills are very +m,11 and
very easy to tale. Oue or tw•o ills snake a el ,so.
11,ry bre ntrietly 4egetstleso,d do not gripe or
purge, to:by tccirgentle action please alt who
use theta.
C4.1112 YXOI:INE CO,, taw YOU.
0r(- lir( e ► �l ',reduced. Cher after the flesh. had descents- +1'e can come to accuracy.
After the harvest the grain is itn rusts who incurred the jealous hat- 42. The col►clem►lat•iun of the
red of Domitiuu, the emperor, fur Pharisees is further emphasized by
the very reason that they sprang a comparison between the rager-
frem Init id. ncss with which the queen of She-
ba sought to hear the wisdom of
Solomon and the stupitlits: with
which tliey listened to the 1, i -dual
of One greater than Solon(
Caught Cold
'By Working
In Water.
♦ Distressing, Tinkling Saxsa• •
tion In The Throat.
Mr. Albert \tacPhce, l'hignecto Mines,
N•S., writes: '.111 tict 1905, 1 caught
cold by working in water, and had a
very had coltgh and that distressing,
tickling sensation in my throat so 1
could not strep at night, and ley lungs
were so very sore I had to give up work.
Our doctor gale ole medicine but it did
me no good sof got a bottle of Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup and by the time I
1. id used two bottles I was entirely
cured. 1 am always recommending it to
my friends.”
Pr. Maitre Norway Pine Syrup com-
bines the potent healing virtues of the
Norwayinc tree with other
expectorant and soothing medicines of
recognized worth, and is absolutely harm-
less, prompt and safe for the euro of
Coughs, (.'olds, Bronchitis, Croup, Sore
Throat , Pain or Tightness in the ('hest,
and all Throat and Lung Troubles.
Beware of imitations of Dr. Wood's
Norway fine Syrup. Ask (or it and
insist on getting what you ark far. it is
Rut up in a yellow wrapper, three pine
trees the tnld4' mark, and the price 25
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont.
Result of Ilhscrtu4iou Made in the
AIla ntie Ocean.
SeiculisI Discovers flaeilluy of 'I'p•
In the coons ..f a b (lure on
phoid on 'their Slick) "Waves in Water,” delivered be
{ e 1111!(( ureters u t to p► 11►ns Ila'kv. - fore n meeting of the members of
Ily one ('ugine'r. I untold t.• -t:1(t speunfu, owl' of salt 1111(1 sugar, pens it evenly. The garment will live in tillages and under a cum- logic of that was, that, Satan's king- t'ie Royal Geographical Society.
about the middle of May fr„I1( 4i- (n' of c n11►au+un, and three ,.ant t, ,.b Hier un(1 smu„th : but you :1(r dart 114111 no chance to stand, that r
mines system calculated to destroy .Few people Iralize that every 4 Dr. Vaughan Cornish said that he
the 1 Cadiz, Spain. or Fei.e4itle. cupfuls of vinegar, 1(r lytta if 1.11 4)” n„t d4R1n ,ret. It i, snux,t1*, hut. "err
incl nett.e for the i11lprnt.e.. Satan was working against his
utile they lick a postage stamp that; had endeavored for many years to
This time of the year is ch.. -en nee like it ver acid. Simmer •'Ill ,tamp \1(w iron it agate on a dr'' oleo! ..f the land. !t is apportion -1"w” interest (verse 26.) i lets been exposed 1•, the ii rnosphere' obtain exact observations of the etc-
-Viet then there is an easterly L, tutu Or three hours, then b„tel.. -(•ret and it will retrain as smooth ed by put every three years. and 27. P' 1they� 1
By whom do your sons rust 1(r handled h1 other l” de tea size attained by maces.
wind which blows from the 1:04„ 1'I:i will keep fora lung chili. :l: Omagh ironed after being • each person is free to do as he them out 1 -Jesus thus turns the are liable to absorb into their sys-, le 1-ake Geneva his observations
11:1(, t0 the luleriean c„:I�i 1, 1(t Wit. 1(e jars air. better for chili :twinkled and rolled up all hour, pleases with his portion. LI sumo charge back upon the Pharisees 1. Ills multitudes of more or less sllew•ed that the extreme height to
continuously, and with a Goce i ,;,.,, 16u„ glass. or a hen it should ha'. -e been--viz.,j
nistr1y 30 miles an hear. It 14 a, t'' ()range Nlarmnlade. -- Quarter before ficin real dr1• of the cornnntnilies rash villager or. themselves. Exorcism. or the cast- '6111o/it inter"he,. which the waves attained was nine
tl, - wind that Columbus „w'.I lit- ,.taand place peels in salt K __ _ family owns a portion of the form ing out 44f demons b1• oceans of mug- .1 spry distinguished 111 Dish sci-`feet. the length of the lake being
x14 "•ss in sits(„eosin 1uu r'.)'' lands. The original farm is sub is formula, and incantations, was (ntist has just conclud'd some re- 4(i statute utiles; on Lake Superior
K writer for twenty-four hours; then LSI'. OF LEMONS. (fielded au►,,ng the survivor; in each practised b stone rabbis•:11cd their 'makable tests to prove Iris theory; waves its high as 221,; feet had been
••1 desire to I. un 111'11411 ('OIuml- 1,,,;I !cele peels for three hours in
111 . and starting approximately (r' sh , or crushed sugar will cure a cough. succeeding generation until a entu disciples. Let them be the judges that many di,ea•e- aro frequently measured with rt wave length of 304)
R I water, r, changing the water Lenton juice used as a gargle will ally it is in very small ruches. 1 win't'er such notable miracles ought s., communicated. Be buught s„alp feet. though on large enclosed seas,
iron, 1114) 0111114 1)04111, to be the first ,.,.,.,., Pour 1(f( water and put 1(4(415 1 g` K P•
to rea ha
uerica through the stir. ti••ou h food cho , her, usin 'the cure sore throat. -The farmer classes have no. rear, tit he assigned to Satan, when their stamps nt r4 I''''4 - office and placed Il n.• the Mediterranean. or the still
JI: cuura� will lir ucn•ss tic :1t in. g grinder.? 1„ B ► A cloth 'soaked in lemon juice
lining sense of the injustice done !miserable works of magic : tc atm some of thein straightway in tithes, I::rger semi -enclosed sea, the China
t H(m 1't the seeds
in -
'wide ocean in pert. Rico, {rays f4.11 the pulp squeeze out ano will stop the bleeding of cuts if, them in matters eft business. They! bitted to u higher power. wl.i'h were pub in an ineubalnr. S• u. it was not found that the in -
in Yuba :1(,s then a.4os- the 1 1 1 bound about them tightly. ;are thus kept destitute and poor,( 2t,. The final thrust of .(esus is Then he exposed the rest of the steric in the size -of the waves went
g gulf the jniccs with n lemon s(lu"zer, Squeeze little kitten juice into a'ld can hardlyprovide themselves
stamps, g tmmed side upwards. for o : 1.o rapidly, though they were a
to New Orleans. The di -lance of 1)., Ill„t use pulp. Mix chopper! t,e,•I q j f tae inecitnble enc. it it i. child 7
11r, course would 1►e• 1,0A over 1010 a glass of water and drink it heroin (lith the common necessities of life. i'Ih l4) think that such remarkable fccr hours in a scorn with an open little larger. In the Atlantic ()cents
i pit jute and aced measure. Allow one breakfast every morning. It ail! '!'r' tools and implements (1„d by deeds us those (lune by Jesus could. window on a damp day. alto-rear:is waves about 12 feet in height fee.
wile's. pit ( of granulated sugar to each similarly testi,
''' 1 estimate• that 1 should cover se erten your stomach. them are little different from those possibly emanate from Satan, then l them. • timidly recurred during strong
l.,•s dislanee in (ire days. M1• nit• gtintt 0t the mixture. Buil twenty Lemon and glycerine mak(' an used by the patriarc•hs•” l the Spirit of (;od must be their; both sets of stamps were hound )o. gales in any position not less than
rill ,, now approaching rrou(•hin cul, ,L•ti„tl Inir.utes; b„tele 1111(1 seal with excellent lotion for the hands if ap- ,�, source. That being s4,, the king-' I,rnr noxious organisms, but the Get•, nautical miles from the wind.
1 II K i rounds of 414' (I paper dippx•.. 's lied hetes(' min to bed. It will duel of God was with th('nl, which -tamps previousll exposed to mr,i:+t ward shore,
is a combination .d an ordinary L.11- brandy. One dozen good oranges 1' K K TOO LaYI H.:e;1 had five time•: as many' its the '('114' statements about waves t30
loon and a dirgible airship. The stake Seal jelly glasses full. remove roughness and vegetable wi(5 the ba as saying he was the
lcr:gt•h of the hullouu section r= t -v 9. t1)urri. 'file woman wI►o erns 'tains froom bunds. \fccr luring 51rs. Dobbs w•as trying to find Alessi:tlt. t'ele'x. j there or 10v fret high encountered
fort and its diameter, which i, 1yrur glands in but s.wpsuds rub out the likes and dislikes of her 2f►. First L•intl the strung Ulan --t \1.1'1:1; 1.11 h �'I 1J11'�,” i le the modern Atlantic liners re
t. preserves her own fruit will alI Llic:l to the altitude of large masses
cigar shaped, i; 5U feet. 'I'bc motor lea... ha; 1• in the course of a sea with +t piece of lemon. This will new boarder, and nil she 14nrnwl {t mus nut I>t. being in league wits► i, his n/hire 11' ex thatlel broken water as they flew aft
4(1 horsepower. „u or too some left over jar, of i'lev(4trt chapping and makes the increased her satisfaction. ; the cl"til that. Jesus was able to h• found in the
Loads soft told whit•;. .. s gran staPhaqueocci,� Flom the cmm(ussion of the vessel's
"Owing to the fat „ruble wind fruit, jelly. and jaln, snmetitnts n I)o •you want pie for break enter his realal and poil his • 1, grape-like clu-ters, of kinds L(w with a head sea. The state -
el telt 1 shall utilize, I intend t•1 stets' .tate for having been I11119 in Cut as lemon and sprinkle salt, (ast 1' -she asked. to !tenors for the destruction 1)r men.,v.luch under favorable renditions'
en iti rut surface : rub well with • l rents of such altitudes here not
Ilse the motor only in case of neer- r''• ,an*rl•. 11 she has cu14'fu113 'bio, thank eon," said the new 11.• hail gained the mastery cover might produce blood poisoning.
'-sits, '(cause it is mol 11,-,111.0 t„ ,,r.vrs the left over juices at tilts phi: en bras+. boarder, with a smile. "1'144 for. Satan in the wilderness, and this R 1 i n'c('5saril an exaggeration, but
btenkfa't seems a little 1048 lesser work of (4nstng out iuf'ri„r' Ile also found sonny bacilli the
t.,'•t•.r going for five days. The ea- I r:•dimes for a delicious r",serve 1.('Cf1.1•. 11 ELI'S. much... 4 ermine. was easy, It is uuly the 1 l
Ili,. contents of elle balloon are quit(' to 1(•r with meat. The follow Mg That•'s just the (vary I look at man alto, in the name of Jesus.
g There are mans• ever articles,
,Ilflicient tc, keel the airship aloft mixture made thirteen pints mf de- often (4y('sleeked 1. (he beat it." said •Jlrs. UnhbS,'sassily. "1 h.e, (•,nqu('nd the lurces of reit
for 145 hours. That would be six lit.ions sot ,ourri : Seven ,hits Dam-, s, t has pie for dinner is a necessity:1 within himself that can go forth. in
potpourri 1 but 44( w!(4. that may be utilised as
,1,11.:. or one day more than 1 re ,,,ti plants, one pint cherries. one 'nh} cleaning teeters and prose af.d pie for supper Kites n kind 1, ell•• '.11114' name. to hast the demons
,111tr •• (1(r the passage.
1 pmt raspberry j:1)1). .Ile quart, most effective i►1 lightening the la- finishing touch to the day 1 but too.. '•,1' ..1 „there.
! e rhapo the most interesting s1 111p left from spiced preaches. one'h(r and drudgers of housekeeping. fug breakfast � i, what l cull put ;1(l. I1• that is not with me. 1(rfer-
f(atur( of «t1' airship i, 41 rage 40 pint syrup left free, spi(4cd applrs,l(r 54t ling en nits. ring t.. the Pharisees. Since they
Vet sun and err feet wide. Lc ease ). the the any nrtirlc•s a1) btu+{► is,
R 111111 hint 5p•e'd currant juice, on"1one of must important. I
....--.......-.--s,hurl wilhhel(1 their sympathy (Iran
f neer sits this pun he sailed e11 µlass, jell, three packages reed ! \box containing brushes of def -f \1.18)1i.1(i1: 1511'OSM)4114F:. him in his contest against the t,„.'
th• ocean as a motor bout, and if p, •- 'ai,ins, r► little chopped stere 1, l (event stirs should be kept Al t:.. �'I of veil. they were ,imply adding
i not short of benzine it con Ire ..Ile (,01!1 rho 1 r(d fiK,. Iwo alilliunair0 - "R(' you want to slt(ng111 to the other -.id, they
1 1 p kitchen. Use them ler dean •• ,,
,ailed as a sailing 11Nit.5becauses[ „1,:11144', (•he1114('(I and stf•w(o) wail: 1l'gPlablt'S, bllt(• ertllg 11411'(•9 ,.t marry my dought(r. Itut . yowl were the ones 111 league 1• !1h Ilse!
,later take a portable mast, with in.•feeder. soler of one lemon. 1.1 rail els IIIr1 '(1m(4 frees the 1(t(,, `1' 1('t know her.” zebu'.
"F1' far 1(l !Inning! Ir,r(4•iKht rant Incp('cunione ('mint "1tst I will; (;ath'r,.11 net with no. 11111,1
'r .\ soft. brush i, useful in clean
*' i-o'e, my enterprise (nus( slIe' ► �In:' eat (lass. Date on hand there 't".,t kind friend le inlr(111url me."Mame with unlimited anthoritl and
d• A number of hep will , , .\1, 11 S. 11. "stet you lu1''e urccr srl n
(1111',. Ill sire~ of paint brush's :.•Ile power, exhibiting 1,l himself Ged's
r, •1 thp. lookout for u: between Frtlit ':t',1.1. - it ,led rinn s'''•I Ii•t: hews►, one and one-half inches Les. fila! way (situ men. 'those, There
1 ,10penn (unser and the West In- • i,.'al•Isc, three Iratnul•ts, flue.• 't iii••. for g I ('• I halt' ,ern sou, her fa', 1' le, she are not' gathering the
(des." I Kerasin Middle' :,1('I tl.cr, wlt„m she probainy res. n( -hr a4••- of the spiritual hart,•,,, in
1 ,,sere:•'•,. ('tet the fruit nate 5)1,1)11 L1. :I4I 11.1(1 (Ake f III, ; „114' of three, I,h,c•
1 1,1., -, pour dres'ing neer it. and 11401, width for cleaning the dust , lois eeit . and under his (lir” tion,
I. i stand on ice a half !Heir or mere (1, Ill carved woodwork. ,1 cheap! J1. - "lent ,'e 5 (1(11'1 Int•' her... a,.• nndeitg the week of the 4,•.1-
1,.•!••1•• .'r'.img. Sen(' wild genie!! .hating bush i5 stiff '!sough t(' I l'- -"'Clan$ --utters elms ' 1 (1*1'e,- (-'a(trr'lh).
,1; •-;Ill, 1w„ 4•t;:{ e111•-I171t( lea. (•1,•4111 1111' r, adieu, and dower. Ill a toil elm. to marry 11l•r.'' ;11 :12. Blasphemy against 111''
,I• ,.ufr.l ,:ail, IOW 'lunrter cupful ha:, as 11 tint h' worked int., 4111 sl. "But you ('a11't marry her • `iris x611!) n..t b' forgiven
I,,,:,al Oil,. „r ':,sear, gone (o:1r- at l$• n 1111 insuperable obstacle to (Il(':nI
1 to mall ',vases. run Lr u,0d ails„ 4: (111' it h,'11ul-, a hardness e
1' , eti1`. I •.4 ',111.• o1I .'r butter. mu. '"r.r marrying her...
1 I„ renl'or grime' (roto )tilt pictul' 'Oath is bast all repentance, The
'!' iteasscr 1 ,efal ,•f (sate, !((rut halm s, 'then there me the matey • 1 I '-Ther' are Ile ilsupera141• Pharisees 'null be (nrg►ten f„r
(,I,.Ir1,!es to m1 d't'rmin,ttiun. ,
,•:•c4s, a.141 '.''/. , 1' 1” •n )tele', a 1114.1•. ' 'clothes. l,rii•ht s 11«II 4ISO St01•' a 44 711(111 r1 allyl the ,('(1.11 Ill 11):111,
fl,r gnlw!Its¢ seldom r ru:rs f(1;n p I g K
\t• 1 kits ) Here•
haven't a daughter ' '
the!I it in ignorance. the Initially life
take sufficient benzine to keep th,' link .t plesrrving she has the in -1
the: related to a different thing
t1.at„rite perfectly harmless, a - from that tchich 4)14'1• culled the
III, ugh others 41nrloubterlly noxi-, h'•ight of a watt• whc•u they w•t•ra1
'•e 411!ich it wooed take limn to 4)e::Iing with a Jaye as u geogra1)11
id(utify-(•emit h.• ,inkiness pickwl teal phruwn(•nen.
11 p. --.t ---
.•These grape-like 1.1ganism►1. ' i 1'H IS 1;.1I.VI;S'fON ('At'sto; W -\Y.
II • said, "arc blown about in lb” The third great project of Oal-
al• slinging to (rag:uent4. of (111`1. •,,.4t(411, Texas, since the storm 111
I'I,• 1 do net poo ,bout 1)1(111(. Thr lflla), i)i which shoot) !lyes and >n20, -
'111•t 'pales on it stamp, 11nd the o1 ' oon,l10(i worth of property were lost,
1:;:ul'11A g0. lou. the 111111 lasing :t i-. 1. concrete Callarway now build
11,,-4,itable medium. • ilia over the two toile's of (;alveston
'there. are also five tine's a, irate rv(4ning h. t't'„n the nlnin
•,.•.11' elI(l*iii.l sic 1,11 11 :181111, that tt.'1:111.'...1 „f T('xn” :11111 (11•• ,'a\ n( liar
I,.. been handled than otherwise. sexton. It w4%) (suis st 1,1 a pn(
Fingeis ore .pcl•iatic likely to itn !coots loadw:cl•. a c„1(•1etc arch
p.411 e,rgllni,lrls to the 1411111 I('l•:Itl”' bridle allll :1 lift den►1'-bridge, asst
11,1; ore alita'• ,'ight1• lis„ist. t4i11 plat shout RI.:)e)A,(N)11, The
ti„ ugh 1111•\ Ilea) :1141)0114' (11'''. 'ft. I,y'l.t't,•d rtrltlw'r►y, .r dirt 41"rtion
1 butt and 'varlet fret' sur discal (11 the rau�('wn1, is to 60 at either
1•• that n11(nr p(''111iar1• liable Io end: t'hc emu relit arch bridge, 2,
t.•• 1(111''1('41 Iw .411111)9 ;1i'+ fret in length, i. to spun the
Itnt i1 i, r011,111 1110 t.. Iruu•nlbet� middle, and the lift draw -bridge
tint settle 4.1 the most tirulr'1t (lis i is 40 h(' in the e('n1rt. of the such
4 :,"14, ell11 only he rnitit•ated in mc- 1 I'tidge.
4)1•' remaining bleed s4'r11nl. ('011-1 , __
-- reser — •-
1a.: „111,.• kil:44 (I''wilted (emesis net ' 31rs, lirickrow--"(t does a lady
, -•s.:4) then(. 1r., rut to have I)r. (Irina alien one
Dills 'late!, s' n.'(' .•1 illy tylia•, ir„ick. He is alwny% sr, jolly." Mr.
w 4(1 is re•,l • tl'••r'• ,111!4'1 'n,il1' i'trickrow•-- -11,411.11
11 111(' 1 g 1 one 1 br jolly. leu, If
1 4 t •11,•41• 14 14 1' ( 1418. 1111'14 111x ( '•' . 144 • 1'..1) were .: iliac/ two (1•)Ita r' for •
1 , -tit.' (a4'm•y 1(o (forgetting to •tet tl ►-
I rl n.lnntly meanwhile F„r ),1111 1 I - If {1;1114! I t \ tii; 1)., , I'�. ten -mine!, :ll.'s
potato salad use un('•)1nit 4al't1ll it a( Jesl1» nut Lying in kr4'pins4 wish:.!; .1 „4;alns, 41.11414 he oleIl' ('e • �%
Nes., 1114' whiskhrooni into ser. ] �• their 11r5s':ulie exprrlatl• n Pilo 1 7 snubse d With
rl •n 1114'' a,:•1 7111 oraer•r L r,)fl7(� a( Bad .:•I, 1.11% e e;l„rd. and I •It(4grst I41 4
tire. l'S0 1111 old our for sprink she,, in face ..f thrix 4•,1.4 111
Prom a,4) \ of 8'11,4.4 f eek '.b,,, ., s , h.n:srh4,'1 •ltmuld keep a fl +t
' lama ledge. Beg 4h•t{►es, ns it dampens them R that the tniroe a th"•
1 I.. L„t t4 tell :► lry('r of felt f• l
•114r1'`+ 11:44;! �' a!' '(411'r. Re- p ! O 1'11(41.1.•x, ltr'd w'itn445(•11 era•. (1114 ens, 10 4i1'- 1•4,,;"1411111(( '11)111'•: (lir felt should
1 ! 4', 1'1111. 1'„ :1 gnetl. stiff elle' 111 IIII 11111' l!(1,. r 1(11•,
alt e4' 111' - - ; ' (reit int”! 4.111)1mµ dishes, it is mese, better I:': 1 I'•('rs, "I'llM0/', .\hsps-ese44, Fester- LI•nlgn Influrn(r• of 1h' Spirit ,'f .
„7 litttll..e! i1(' - „ lesshea. renstt►ation. 11'.el- 11...1• they had charged rl' "-, f'i \4I• th(11o11)4.' ( ' 1) 1 with eater t•' Now Cony-
I:,e !'1111 n tn. ,, 1111(1 it (I('nn•4. oink- f ► YeaYB
I �' n loch a few (ir1•ps ..( .ttlyreriup h:':' • pletely Carol
IV'ti :1 ,;,• in(I • i I, e•+i11U 1)r''the mrlarlr will) hent r
ink l'e'is and the Sink quicker than :,",,,,,i',.1.,
r!' I: I(i'd tkeep it r,„ist, a'tl
'lt' c('nl4l,1' 4,rrl pr r•,m bloc) and k('ep it porn IIs, 4ssrd. malei$ou-1' eaiin,� Fay Thu Use Of
:1st1)hin14141,0'repencI,the I” a fen4)1.t's". :,n 111111".1.1:(.. ,ll- i•I,t, 01; ter f •: ,,• "1 Ira(•' of impnm u,rhill it, th. 1' east '.a- h„t'+ I• DOAN'S IiIDNEY PILT'S.
1 4 hroenl and us(4 if 1,. ,o•r11h the met+' 1' .4 1111411 h1• u.inR ,- ,:I,I, .l1( . a, . Ft'n th, n ••f
..1, •. ,4.1111 „f 1. 11x$111, R:It/' 4011' het 11!tin 14141r In n., !4'1.441. I,1e).ent .•l f„f,l l•'. �,
,),' K :10 (turd slioo4141 L. ','
( O1(1)1.1I.I,1' INVITE(
"Are you Hungary
h1\ell, come 111,.ntr ; 1'!!
ell' !inn i'nse'rt. 1111d .$1110 '.41 1 „$.k 11, 1' 41.,,1hle I,I•oslie, that d11t1' ',tete their e1Tl-
I iler a stip 'light!) thick/lied,tie ' 1 ( t$i the. 1
'�•� ,r1(• ).
Stimulus o the Eluggi'th
Clean the rooted tong -1.
br('9tt,, clear 445114'' :111 wn-1• „rl 1 ..
nm materia{ frum thesyr.len' m „
014.) manses r, and powent as well r
4'e11"))patio11,Sick 11'adalLe, stili,.. i I„Ipstl,a
► 11.•,v'Inno, Caber' of the 5$o,o:1, 1 -• . • ,
SIt1:1(.,e$u, Vater Brash, and all t , - - : _ _ •..
arising 1,-orlo a dl!,Ordl•1'd .lilt.• '-
Sltu.•wrl,, t ,vee 'r ll(nc,Is.
Backache For
.,eIle 31111 nut 1'
•1, 1•111e erea111, 4 • •
l- , r 1• ':,
Whip tit! _•.1 ,4 a
eft•. J 1' W.- 114-t i', ,'.'
a►r. I;1"r. 11111.,41, 11'. : 1,4' I•r•11111•'. 1
tintfe(e.t 4 -. 1 ruffer"d for ”:+c , V. rte, x.81110,4
for Year. ♦ .1,410' than tonpui• col (•' „l 1.11;1 - •(I
♦ ♦ lull rte•„ 101) !,,•.11.1'.
1 iea,'
f a X11,1,
♦+♦4' IIle44!;11 1l1.'l4'.•( '•.'114r art •1 ,1
m►llic•ine, lett $'..11.1 6+ 1
1141 roller Ilfltt 1 got S111hhir11's I.:l4.-).1 1.11 ( tai: 4' 4•.11. `, 4.:t( 15.,,!1 . 1.• 5.1 "0-
?'ds. 1 cannot praise them loo highly : , 1 • :1'. t tr. It ' 1,1 11 , rot . • •1
101 5'IK.1 the' ha:e (101,4' far 11,1•.“ - ' II the' '.1:•:1' 01 1'I I:,I4,1i 4t 4•. o,
;t- .t tint. or .i for 31.00, :•t. 1 1111• :11:11 poo (14 „
511 dr34, IN « si:;ot'd direct. nn re(•eit,t el 1 11 11.• a rich t'•' .. ,I..f :Ind 'a .lie
atrice I.y '1'6e 1. Vl Il8rn 1'11.. I.om►t,:I,1I , .•' . ;t' .111•; , !t;• 4."•,'
utocue,l, (,Ll. 1. 1(•i:Plled .. 1.:: ti"ln a\ft,'l 1. (li.•
'I':1kr „10r 9 .41041 1 1
•e h I het, '•111;111) , ;toil.
fee 'el el,,l looms,
. 171'1 111x71 add aln,'it
. i,4 toilet table and use 11 's,11r• ItUftDOCK 1)14001) BITTERS. '1,111(1 •11(•1, 111411 he 1,'t:l'en, •...,.. '
•. 1 .r ere;Mims your (4,11)18 11(1(14 (ht sr rgr) 9101) 1414 jn(h'e, ( 44.4 •I $
4.rhlnsll (•ye'n tint(• tI)rs 111 ios 1'r1 1)iggs, hinq+tnn. 'hit.. thin► 111 from 911 in11;11:111:1)::,41,,,:11::;:b;:":4;1414:41:
lnrn('(s ,.f 1144• I•. fu111 right bunts 71. •:
w•rilts. - •' I was cmnpl•tr'It fun down. t:,,,),line„<•('1 11x111 m111(41' 4.41,tp,,a '
tett 1111(1 mad. ;m ,e5,iblr :1r,
usp4). 1'1'•111 th'nl al OW „pen .' in my '111x[ tear. 1(,n of older. and 1 used to ) i , ' 1.•• prudes,• 11,,E relents frfn 1t
(1'•:' . Bet ,Io we•►k 1 would Lr p41u)p'llyd In st11y i true lu'nit4't"'1'' 1''' It'd urgat►i Ile.
in I,r.l far w.rks tet 11,11(. 1 (•m1141 nus
1 musk brnnnl i, seer li,•nt (..r i! :: 1C' wen1'1 ser n sten hilts• '•, ,•'' „Ileo iral ,iu4411• st:nnp,.
mal. 11•.1: ph1r:ln(I phi►►; every one 41:n,plht (leg v seated M .l tie 111 ••f the 1,. • 1)ir(•4 and 1 •',,ell them et ith
ell :. nl,lq nn'{ 'lest Mg the 11,,1111'-5: I a:� p;41i1'K Into 'On+tl'n in. 1 d 1 I � I
'I.' r.'ru'r, e1 slainlvlye; 1o, 'In•t everything and different Signiors until 11' 1'hali''''' 1, s't•n in nelitii" sites 1 1 hl r"t;,let . erg -la-
-1 _ a1.;11 1Ile 011111 11001 41114)'1 141 friend note i P'1 me to 1Is4e Ilnrdu4l Illrxat tl,n„ Oil, 'T),,. hod Lehr. (•0711 1,' ,.r'. left ,,is 1111• 1•'11nlr4
(Tial '4,, 111111 I11 4.01i,11i11g "+e.4 •.. 111tt'r I dill not h;air nor, 60111h 4•I. tri) touted in Ih'ir t i„,, :II 11'. '• • ••, • 1,• tak' np -14. 1
Tin IIIIIIeI -1(1511 11•.i•111111, nr" '1,r' Iwhen 1111•,1 r stile began l(1 helve'', fere )1 to (ast('m 11901. .11'-.i ,i . , ► 4 1i4 ki'(l' 14 lir
11 K 1 Ie, ,a n ',•
, ,si, \\ 11'11 fairing apples• if elle Ir ,1 ((1 si5 6411111••. 1 4:411041 len 4,011e „. ' h^rue of 144411)14 in 11148)4 a w't141 I ,t: .,,,,. 4 144,4 4
it ton w1•ek... 1Vhe11 4 )i'g:m 10 pal,' 11 t: 1. Still Ihc•1 p/.1--i-I lit 11-k-.-�-
I n„( „wn n ('user, n•r a veodrn p I
only 4'.01411(51 timely 414•'1. 5)454111'1•. it
i' 1 h'. ,10. 1)0. s On' a "rk '1't 1154 f •• a 4.41rk 441 n.nd('r in 411'.11( 414 i,. -
( I 7 1a •r"n`eet, p•lI.nl(' ..11 t)g „„.,i,'. 1 1{, •'iallslti 1 14 n1'(• ('.11.1(IlI .4 :l.'8'
i; m••;or $•t N5.1'd Io 1„ soon yin. 1 ' . I . 1 '1'111. I \IIsi.\ II D's LIMIT,
h4 . i, n pair „f sn114ical s$ i:s :,ill til! ..‘1r' •nfi'
'Ter of }oar nnn11'rf't) MI101d'n4'. a,(1 evoked the ,lint
in ono , 1x:11 utile, The., a/. ;p to•Eecr'.' i1(•: and %telldcs',ted pi4rn•', • •.41' ,i: "lint wilts 1• Ir that sol) ?••t
! 1, at '.41'•)- •:11('1 10 die -11114.1•14;:+ 1•ur •.111('1.1':111 dealers. 11!•.1 n'llilt'rn11!1 )4neratli,!1 011) -ti (114::IL•••4) .ie 1.0.1 Mi. 51* Jnrfcer•
' ,• .c,•f,al'. 1)i .. I'•i.4„•r- I.1'• 'n•r'e•r•u1.41 „:1'• 1•c'I'h''f. \Sil6urn 14'4 pl'• 1'.h••. in (lid 'f.•s. Inn'nl I•In 11.• B",4u,e 1 'nitro'! I ",ur-
...d (•,,„ I.irnitr,l.1l,rea'e (Int. Ipl
game, led fol -Ilk” isle )':u'ltd laf;t to ma1ey.
r ••V,e•• 1(!f ,,,50.,411 -•11'(•1',, cue :
'I, •. 11 , l'. Doerr. 1.; I11.4410"n St.,
'•r:.l01. Ont., write. -"It is with
4,',x1115' That 1 thank tau (or the gond
v., ,r 1)IsIn'o Iiidr,cy Tilts hat' dune ole.
'Rave been trotiblr•l with (sekache for
Year::. Nothing h 1'(11 me until a friend
hrou;4ttt ole :4 hos of your kidney Dills.
1 heg.411 to take th(•11' 111)41 $('Ok (ma boxes,
.rnI ;on O('1 to 5:11• that 1 sun cured en
liens and ('a, do all rev nen work and
hal as go:wl as 1 used to hector taken sick.
1 ant positive Doan', highly). ('ills :110
1111 vont claim them to be. and 1 •u11i1,1
all kidney .,Itterer.e In give them a Lair
Let Ihn9 44 hidnce• Pills do for you
nh.° (het• h;t(e $1„,i'• for fll.uslnd+ of
et ;leer.. 1')('y stn'• all 10111i+ of I,Miley
1 r'. 1'.10 d riel flier r11r4 to slay ('111(41.
1'1 ire, :44) ('(Ill• per bol lir :1 bees for
t1 '11 all finders 0r maile.l direct nil
r, . • ,',t et mire be. The 1' Milburn Co.,
).i„:it'.I terotrae 1)111 4
IV! r,1 os•lering specify •' I►uan'a."