HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-12, Page 5ltlNN••a••aNN•••••N••••••a••••••NN••N•NNN• ;
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1866
CAP TAL (paid up)
$3 500,000.00
Has lib Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities iu the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
EEat all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
F D1cksOn & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON. klanager
rlII•N4NNNNQ+••41•••••••• •••N•gNONN•• •• ••••••• •
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve, $6,000,000
Arrangements have recently been completed under which the branches
of this Bank are abie to
onitse principal points
In thetoll
Faroe Islands
Exeter Branch-G.W Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
Fr ch Cochin-Cbina
Great Britain
Phillipine Islands
South Africa
Straits Settlements
West Indies 173
and elsewhere
4•.l big -{.,o.;.: 1{•d r{{-D-I-FFi-i-i Ff , N
+; 1S THE
-1• fi66eUteU ?[1116
AT 40
You will regret ycu did
not attend one
of Cat, a da's
High -Grade 13usincss Col-
leges, located at
Peterborough Welland
Orangeville Wingham
Clinton Walkerton
Now is a good Time to
Our graduates receive
from $.loo to $1500 per
Mail Courses in too
different subjects.
Write for pee tie tilers
to (lo that Painting, Pa-
pering or Graining. To
have it (lona promptly
and properly go to
} Crediton, Ont.
Prices Right and satisfaction
rElnton Business { Girls Wanted lo
-p• actory Exeter, as ma -
Cale e + ;chines and hand aew.ng, by the Jack -
o +' eon \1anufacttring Co. Apply to G.
.} \t , l):IVIA, fiupl.. for dull particulars.
Geo. Smitte n, Principal. + Mr. Itu•hald Nausea spent Sunday
.,+++f{•i•-t•++... •: to 'S inghaln visiting with tits patents.
4Mt 1"1"1"i 1„1 1 Q•larterly tneetifg LPrvices will be
•- ' held in the Evaige•Iic"l church Sat-
urday and Sunday ('Murch will com-
mence at halt past iwo in the atter-
I Mists Edna Work relarneet to her
home in Exeter• after spending a few
• u)onUls et the Hoyael.
Mr. FtaZCI• Braun :Tent Friday in
London on husinrss.
iti a nd-
1.1London. [pt'
1 l
- Ham •r$ Clara 1
�ing a few weeks with her parents 111 r•
Mrs. Christian Reit.
♦ Mts. Fel Sweet nod children and
• Mie Mercy Sweet retuned Fake at-
; ter spending a few weeks in l'besley
visiting h iende and radar it Ilk
Mr, Fred Felber is having hit house
painted It. will tetminty make a
great nomoventeet
t bt• settle great attraction
itil tr,,1►i Pat • / .
l �•11
Thee: Departments
Commerca:. Shorthand
We assist eraduatt$ to posi-
tons. Tb • detnand upon us
for train d help greatly
need; the supply•
most recently placed are re-
ceiving $40.00. &50.00 and $1011 •
per month respectively. iter- S
loots men *tete our graduates : ['Mee
are the best. Enter oar ease ok
ea now. fiat our ire r :ta o?(u • wrM r. aidlMils `Sante eel Braun R mon , • i,.41ucedc/by 'Mir. !'imtith. of 11,'nsnl.
• Mr.
1). A. Ucl, \('fiL:1aI, • Sunda,'in %ttrich the weeds or Mr and el...1 1a -net taken par, in by lith • r in nl-
s NI re.3. Fleeter. bet. of the ,eonrt.
Principal. MI's Reit Clalk aril daughter are!
• :.priding a few weeks in F:arttr visit• k. j Chest inflammation
A.►.•••••••••••••••••••••• ii Mi.Iai.d M'ahner
ts Christ 1cand
-- child' en spent Monday in I)aebweeti l -
'1►ai kJXI;T11R 'TIMES, MAY 12th 1810
"I have awful spells of Neu-
ralgia and Itave doctored a
great deal without getting
much benefit. For the last
two years I have been taking,
1)r. \tiles' Anti -Pain Pi11.; and
they always relieve ole. 1
have been so bad with
Neuralgia that I sometime
•'' ::'ht I would go crazy.
,OII1eti111eS it is necessary to
take two of theta, but never
more, and they are sure to re-
lieve me." MRS. FERR1ER,
.:434 Lynn St., Lincoln. Neb.
Price 25c at your druggist. He
?^uld supply you. 11 he does not.
1 :nd price to us, we forward prepaid.
by the Presbterinn a•hwrch for 'Mon-
day evening 'Olay N.3rd. A a the stain
object is 'lo .give the community an
opportunity to bear ''Agnea Knox. iha
price has been;put at 25e. so that ev-
-r oze. may have live privilege of
hearing this celebrated artist A great
treat is anticipated. MI ;fro welcome
The recital commences at R o'clock.
doors open at .7.30.
The funeral of 'the late Mrs. Mair.
:-1 ciird in the wit while visits:_
her (laughter. \irs. ,Dalrymple. and
whoa. remains were,brought hoose for
bora., wasconductedv
cram lb
P 10
her son Andrew. :rat week.
Onf; evening last week while Messrs.
Johns of near Eliniville were driving
through Exeter, Meir era became
frightened, but fortunately nothing
more serious than a I rokeo shaft re-
sulted. and a new pair having been
procured they proceeded on their way
G.r:s oared to Work in Clothing
Factory 1•:scter• u; (operators on tna-
ch'.ues and hand sewing, by the Jack-
son Manufacturing Co, Apply .to G,
Davie, Supt., for guilt particulars.
fbere Fusee liven 14 cuuph, 01 11111141 -
ways the last few days, but we are
pleased to aspen little damage done.
Rev. W. Godwin, of Parkhill, was
with Hee. W. 11. Mutt on Friday. on
hubiuess peetaiiing to reurrauge11ent
of work to the district.
The trustees of the public achoo)
have erected a Rig pule orally W feet
high, and the flag is flying at half
utast in memory of our dead king.
But 0 ! bitch a tletg ! It reuliuda 0110
of the red hattdketchiefs our grand-
fathers used to wear. 1f the Govern-
ment was going to stake a present it
might have given a faille' t•eepectable
1'he teak -ere of the Methodist par-
sonage have. Mlilt It new tenet, utoug
the atxeet troll time made It great im-
provement in the appearance of the
surroundings. The ladies of the
church are also making extensive re-
pairs to the pareonat1e in the way of
painting, papering, etc. The people
of Centralia have the reputation of
looking well after their pastor and
The Centrilie people are Making
arlangementb for a Fig time on Do-
minion Day.
Hey. E. Kershaw, of \\ oudstuek,
got uterly a pastor of the Methodist
cuhrch here, was a visitor in the vil-
lage among friends on 'Tuesday. A\1 -
though 7(1 yeas of age, the rev. gen•
tlemat) appeal's quite hale and hearty.
'1 here was a large atttIdance at the
°tibial hoard Meeting of the Metho-
dist church on Friday evening. The
fin•tneea were found to he in excellent
ahape, an.1 the 1lttetlbt harmony pre•
veiled. Rev. W. Godwin, chairmen
of the district. prebided.
Gardening is row the order of the
day, hu: the weather keeps cool and
Volley's c..rnet 1, blamed for a good
deal of Doilies..
A baseball t sole was played here on
Friday evening between the Eden and
Centralia 31111.0n, re -pelting in a et 01-0
of 7 to 17, in teem. of ' h.• hoose team.
Reel. Andrew Butt was unable t0
tike his work ol. Smut ty. owing to
sickness. lir. John ('013111 supplied
for hili,.
Mrs, I)uplaii has been eery ill for
the last two weeks, but we me pleased
to say she is now- rapidly inlproviig.
The opening hest -ball genie1
reason ..Iuong the somal' clubs will be
played evening here '1'hur$Jay r el g
the Wootihani hall team. Our boys
have been practicing hint and under
the direction of Manager Boyle n good
game is assure I. Let c•vrrylxuly turn
out and encourage the boys.
The Presbytery of ;Huron held ice
regu.ar Ineetinz in Bruce, i •Id
Tuesday. May lath. There was a
arae attendanc• of min: -:erg and
•• .1• r:, and considerable bieon••as wee
11:tnsacted. Mr. Larkin. the 'Modera-
tor, submitted ti resoiution apprecia-
tive cif 'the tliie and work of the late
Sir. Anderson, of Goderich. Mr.
Fletcher wee appointed ,t•onvcner t'
the Augment/100n committee In U: •
Mr.Lit ds.i
' N:'...;Anderson. place o. ...
declined e:. • coll yxu•nd;•<t 10 him ) ny
Hayfield :r.ld it ,wa l thereby *et aside.
Mr. II iii on was appointed Modera-
tor. trio .•'0..,o3 the ;orderie' emigre -
thee )ttaytt..1 \r. Smith of congregation. ile'rhelres-
ignation of Mr. 'Uavid.eon. of Varna,
was. with much regret, accepted by
the I'reel. • Ivry and ,Mr. Sawyers was
appointed •o declare :the puli•i1 reit•
cant on 11 ••:ort Sabbath o: \I,y and
to net n
* 0
r• or
1 d rot
hearty and tlnanim001,r;t:l groat tem-
pera and 11e1 -green to Rev. .1. Rich-
ard -on. a recent graduate of Kno>,
college, wn.1 3)04)311)1.11 and accepted by
Mr. in -
avid -on. the .ordination
damson to take .Tine,. May 31-1 at
2.30 p. l,1.. Mr.:Larkin to preside. Mr.
('earcy to 'preach. !Mr. Smith to ad-
dress the minister and Mr. Fra-er
ceder. of Hayfield. 'the tong reenti-.
Mir. 'Show, as Moder•ttor of Ibi' Ch
I •1 session. reported rhos Serii.•
I e'd there 011 Sunday conducive
the , by himself. 'rhe I'r•ahytery
al ved of h s,action. An interest -
in.: cuufer neve on "Evnngeliam" Ib :n
to Rent
attending Mr. Mrs. Guenther rt golden
wedding. They 1111 enjoyed themselves Buffered From a Heavy
ver y notch, I Cold, Pleuritic Pains in
Miss Lillian 6eis•r was in London i
alt Satin day. 1 Side - Constant Cough -
Mr. Harvey Kuh11+ Hato art ived on 1
Sat titd.ty from St rat fort . It 1+ vt log.
dandy. M0. Anglo Kuhn hall it up.
Hoes. clennetig iR the 0/111r of the I "Anyone that Rocs „mulch
ell that 1
dee suffered fart winter will nppreclatn the
Mise. Florence i)inney is spending a value of a remedy that cures like Ner-
few') per Month and Ll). 4v,rksi, Exeter vieitirg friends.. %line cured me." These are the open -
$•2 l 'rt rt a is a gang of al t Oilmen tr II - Mg words of the solemn declaration of
pl o :e wen arouiti Iixiug up new wires E. P. Von ilayden, the well-known
:ti]Uwed ON rind nerdy repairs. I violinist of Middleton. "My work kept
me out late at night, noel playing in
- �.-- l cold drafty placed brought on a ee-
-- - -•• 1)'...,. . 1 vete cold that settled on my chest. I
Thames Road hada harsh racking cough and severe
51r. 1'a:': Med00 teturne(1 home 1:1s1
Coughs, Colds
•b an ailment sit the throat
yeattitrit, It Is surely easentlul that the 1
O.medy be conveyed div et to the af-
reefed part. It's because the heating ,
apor of Catarrhozono 1s breathed Into •
the sore, Irritated throat and broil-
"'"' tubes, because Its balsamic orae:i
e germs and destroy t)je ra,
•`- uble, These are the r,
ozone never yet
cage of C:t
of the
why Cat
cure a genul
ma, Bronchitis, of
'rhe wonderfully s• tl,lnit vapor of
Catarrhozono laetantl) reaches the
furthest recesses or theelungs, t,ro-
duoes a healing, curative ` ecu that IA
Impossible with a tablet t #. liquid. tl
which goes merely to the atom Il and
fulls entirely to help the Biro et or 1
To permanently cure your wlnti.r
ills, your coughs, sneezing. and Ca-
tarrh, by all means use a tried and
proven remedy tike Catarrhozot:e. But
beware of the subatltutor and Imitator.
Look for Catarrhozone only. 10c and
$1, at all dealers.
Confined to His Home for Weeks.
led to
h, Asth-
rouble. 1
Just Breathe It,
Cure Is Sure
nutty for a greater .her of years.
Wsmell will, are int *rested are mai-
Dolling the (levet:mit„t to have this
changed ru 114 Irl put theta ( 111111 e11131
f"ot111g with Well ay 111 (•(roving.
l'ne• sn,aUest ttnn el y t lust w' 111 he paid
is *50 ,.s 1 tt:0 lilt gees t;IW O. Oder one
I ti cunt rihuled enough to c..li for 14 i
$.50 14141.11 ty he cannot withdraw his
cute, ileitis lie. If. however, ena ugh
line too bet as pint in to recurs this
)),1(i rl,t it will lie re-
turned any l,lne on r.tiueet of the
couu Ir.ute•r 'I'I.ere are two ar
cl,r0 of
annuities I.. the one class, if the con-
1ribrilor diva before the age 14t which
the 11111.11'1 eV:. Hie 10 begun the stun
veld in tall be retnlnod with 3 per
cent committed inlrr.I.t to his hers.
in the 4.1 her, 1.11 rein.n wit) he Made
the automat remains: g with t }1e sec
eb 111 Govern-
ment. 11
weal. The Aiu.ul
C01111 e as-. of course, lee higher in
1 i al 111
tlh• llOt
r) t n 0
. he A 1n
propel lion t o 1
the lift. No nledieel examination
is nerees.lry on begining Peynleats
may be made al any time 31141 there is
no lapsing of a polu•v Whatever is!
paid in holds good. The annuity can
not be attached fist deb:, and being
backed by the credit of the Govern-
ment it ie a certain source of income. 1
I• -.
o e l-
c Town w_ appointedo
t t o nFoster a
e in t .11•• ►n. C. u t
,m e1
vcouncil) I s to
Til• neo r i del •d several •r I new buggies t[
Hall o being
r.. n labor tax in a village
MINISTER NV Ho a'1?S'1'E1)
/A:Mrlit �K
Read 'chic Deliberate Opioiiou.
ltev. P. F. Laugill. "Tho Mans...'
Carp4, l)nl writers: "Some
able titter ago I began tieing %art -Mirk
with a view of testing it thorow,thly.
I aro troubled with eczema. which ie
aew'n)•" worse in the early 'part of the
truster and Keene, 10 leave Int. about
spring. I tried %ntu-)luk ,immediate le'
Inv hands started lo break out. and
am pleait•d to say that it checked the
disease. which is more than i can say
for anything I have ever b••fore cried.
We now bat•.• %aro-Illik in the 11011.0
The children n
use it for
• , i injury
cute, and )
or dtse nse. and 1 Cary' a atnall Semple
box in my -pocket. One evening 1 hap-
nened to look in where an old roan had
suet with an .occident a week before,
end bad lost n finger nail. Iiia wit••
av:1s dressing (h: wound. I dressed
it and left the little sample box tvith
them for the .next dreeeing• 1 have
seen the old gentleman since, and he
Mee now 'the same opinion of Zam-Hak
it • have.
and .m
•Bei[ nn )
ay m y
r •r
9 a fn m
"On another occasion
called at 'The •,\1nIL4e' and 1 noticed
it rug on' his finger. En miring about
the injury. 1 learned that he had
1i flesh ,• t
tc taken a
piece o.
1 to i
w u
and the wound had started to fester
lie was afraid it would turn to blood-
polsoning. I gave him .ahout a third
of a box of /am-Iluk and he applied
A few days later "I saw him. and
I'd. 'that's ,i rent salve of yours I
• •r i+ now doing fine."
. n s is a Scotchman'e opinion : it
i, . .!:cn a good while to convince
1.1.1. , lit he wanted to slake sur. of
%aro-Iluk'A merit before i.ndorsin.t• it
"It is well worth recommending."
'Thi+ is exaetly,the kind of testimony
e e most appreciate. Test ✓nnrlluk 1
llon'e go by ,hearsay 1 You will find
It give' the best reanits in nil case*
Of eceema, ringworm, teetering sores
pi:t•,1. cuts. burns. face pores. erup-
tions and all akin injuries and dig -
..airs. Ali druggists and store, 50c.
box, or from i%3 111 -link Co,. Toronto:
for price, but refute'• cheap and harot-
[ul substitutes and •:rnitations.
6IilO11ths rent
the purchase of a
t'ains darted
eettltda- from A.1,er,a sifter having through 01' sides
pal chased 11 4.:100 ae1•' eel 11c11 in 1h • and settled In my
tie •1►horhaod of .1 k '1114.0. Hhoulders. 1 used
._-- Mr. .1. T. Allison very recently 1''1 different linhnents,
but none broke up
ches•(1 a fin tl Igliewed Iihu11-
r loro2 rny'CuW 1111 i used
Lk' l'I'\ Er d. horned 'buil l0 bead ilia R1ork.)rrrl,• Nrrvtline, 1 ruh-
No. 1'ew1.41',. Vol. KIN, N1i: s Agnes Knox 01t.nck 1h •' - bed Il on my neck,
Will mak- til• route this scnao11 ae •- 'end r -,der has b_rn sec'tr t ,ht ,n 1 all the pain u <nred
chest tins -b.e,id• rr. morptng and
went. e >n n disappeared.
Re:dieing that such a. heavy cold had
run down my system. I tool( I'errozone
nt mettle, and wale completely built up
rind ,trengthoned. Since using Net -v( -
e have no
fi 1
and enjoy perfect Health."
1('s because NervIllne contains the
purest nncl most heeling essences and
medicinal prInelpics. because It line
the power of sinking through the pores
to the kernel of the pain -these aro
• 4 1
r k. t
a why 1
Li I
tt l
cures lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia.,
sciatica. and rheumatism, Refuse any
substitute your dealer may suggest
Insist on N'crvlline only. Large bot.
Hee, 60c, trial size 2,C. hold ever)-
where. or The Catarrhozono Co., King,
•ton, Ont.
follows: Monday. 'Dtny 9th will ie •lr A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL
bis own pint,!(', I.ot 20. ('on. 13. 11ib-
tbert and go to Chis. !hunt thence with io AII instnli rwticros, my rwne trrnt-
south to John Ilorm•y'b for noon: anent ahirh positively rums Leucorr-
• for night. K
t 1-
Rtab t Fal
w Displacements, a
:t n is la to
ate Ulceration. H 11.
n e on
• t 11 n 1
tbenc •
barn, vrltir0 he will remain a:f day' Tis. Qday • Il, ni the Womb, Painful lir irregular
Wednesday. to John John's for noon: I'rioets, Uterine tend (lvnrinn 'I'utnors
the nee to Jos. Haw kine .for night. or gre.aths, also list F'Inshe*, Nen-
Thr,la11ny. to ?tticha.•! F'letcher'a for ot,sn4'Rs, Melancholy, 1'nins In rho
noon : til• nc: to flanll ltcnl A`t,Ilan((Il Otrnd, Itnek. (towels, Kidney and
iii�ht. Friday, to r oho Bladder troubles %there caused by
Ole u r 'You
Woe • t our sex. h a peculiar to
1• l r
noon t. k . 9 c n
Vete-hard. for l,0 tt u n t
e'er Barre' for nizht, eon continuo trent nent at hotno nt it
Sltnrdny. to James Scott* (Thant n cost of only about 12 ccntn n. week.
)fond. for noon : thrnec to his nit n My hook, " Woman's Own Medical
arable fill the followinr Monday Advitter," nlso Rent free on request.
,torn nr. Write to-.Iny. Addreee Mee. M. Sumt-
(:E(, NIAItTIN. 1'ropr:clot and Man- mels, Box sit Windsor. tint:
Children Cry
"ileav) ,rock, serene strarning ,>l: boob.; fn ynlnh brought on
\'arleoM+ t'euw. ta'llun f swiss )'ad tt„at albino. t,Iiytountllye
severs hurl 1 was of ter laid up r r 14 w �� hu{w-tut I dn+udc,i it.
hybtcLw told 100 80 operation e• ••s 1') `' y 1 Y
iilried several specialists, but.e.....Soo.'
drxaor,asi! tt >t better than
money I commenced to tee see
regi. s. Ouu day my t,,, 1� - .0 y. it I11) (0 �e0asu11. l r'. )iennedy R
1 told Lint rimyy a,3l1 nl 04'at room 140114 thein 11in:Huif and know
Kenualy,t:e bo )idol 1.11: ,ki'1i,d. I W*0tH boon ami ,rot Tips Nsw
they sero s leuu, ':.t pr' ; r, +i w.us it nu•R l2at clow and durh,g
f ))rasa Tr. •lir"+
ens muM1• , t'-•un:•nt I tvas,:ouu'x•hat disunlra;;ed. 1[uwuver,
Ie not bony! le.eamnt 1 r three months 1,•rI'er trod x114 rewarded
• vtui o , ,,, , • I: • ore. 1 e•.ul ( only earn Q t: u Bar ek In n riaehlno
• dn•n ty.fnro 4visttlesent, now I nue earning 1 nisi never looso a day.
11. i,1,,J►eurferens knew of your valuable treatment.
melon POISOI: aro the most ,revtdent and n,e'4 serious dlscases. They nap tho
very lire blood oho viethn and unless c„tirely era:iicat.•d trout tlw syntent will cause
„.r ..lie eutnptle.,ns. beware of slereury. 1t may suppress the symptoms -our NEIV
)tk:rItOD cures.) blood disease.
Peds( 0R.11)I)I_E Ant:I) MEN. -imprudent acts or later excesses have broken
down your eyrie You feel the R)1111 *11:4 stealing iter f ou. )lentally. dlysirally and
vitally you artn,t the elan you used te be or el oubl be, Will you heed thelauger stgnsI.?
DERy ,u a aletlutf /lave
you lost hope? Aro you intending t.> marry, !las
' • :ale L1,.1 Leen diseased? 11avt' you an • weaknesst Our N,:w Icrinio
Ye' ,T cure yang tort It bas dune f. r e.tho('4 1(54111 do for you Consultation
Free. stn Latter e. ho hiss"; renled 3(1, writs t••r .w h.,uest o/i,intorl Fr.e of Ck3rse.
Book. r - "1. )'I1 u 1, �iuu11•�, 4, k'utb• rho,xl." 1111 est n1h•..l i . a1 1'i a :4Fes of ]len.
boxes or envelopes. Everything Confidential. Question List and Cost of Treat:sant
Cor. Michigan Ave: and Griswold SL, Detroit, Mich.
rillrNOT1 C r Alt letters from C:tt:ar!a .Hist t,c ntldressed
winimssmsmswensa i �i a. to our lanadian Correspondence vrpart-
stent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see lis personally til .et our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sec and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Andress all litters as follows:
DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Cr.t.
Write for our private addre.s.
pan, �florts and [I011r
Al WaVS ()u 11a►1(1,
Leave 1'utlr Order Or Call up
R. G. SELDON, Exeter.
II i n \v edn1 sdn all to en rs b „ a ` 'r t n t,
Art.: •nt. Tenders were opened icor stnb.e besides repainting End testi- eL stat to aha ' h are •(1 g
hr does. and tett of stout n dozen i ung his other rigs
Hie �l trail now hen !And.- .. nc r:tri oar a,Ior laihe ntli "(elate-Ong
t. nd ra the one by,�\T� . Wciberapoon ��:� `t increasing and bis numerous cos- W. W. Itevingeon. Win. Culberh, Thos
of Ailsa Crai„ •,for e-9-0 was neeepted.in tamers speak very highly of this torn- Morhin. lt:ctard 'llobhe. Wm. \`eat-
.\ nemb'r of ami:! accounts were out. man anti \t' 01. 'Olson.
Thc pound
West -
passed. The next tn^c;inewill be held Mrs. \\'w• Kropp returned to htr ke pvls nr Gro. Hod; ns, !ot 131 con.
on the tend rsfo at in, for re- borne ill Strnt ford on Fridey Inst. 3. lei Ilodeate lot 3:. con. 2 and Ar-
t tenders for ioui:din„ foil tuts �_ th::r \W:.-011 of the viilage of Gran -
vert•, ton. A re• -o ,. .an tens passed expres-
STEPIIi{N CUl_NCiL sing 114- ..)n:i•,thy ce the council for
their Tie, ei le r. Mr. John, Cox, in his
a - i the death of
•t I
e ve ,n n
sad b rn m
bevoted 401(4' and ordered co be print-
ed. Th: cranes: ndjo::reed to meet
again on Wedna+tiay. dune 1st. at 10`
W. 1). STANLEY. Clerk.
- •�-
LUit1CH The Council of Stephen convened
r• .1 ods
,• t n.
on o
'w [a!
Cr. d to )
the n
u►til J
\\" C( t i
\' ark in o h n
Wes \ anted 'to .f
Factory Exeter. as operators on ata i th'' 2iit1 of May 1910 at I p.m. All
chanes and hand sewing, by the Jack- iniei»her` were• ipresent. The affinities
son Manufacturing Co. Apply 4o G. lo[ the' previousenecting were read and
W. Davis. Vein.. for dui/ particulars. iopteNo, nd16ersonint3 ea le'- -ia- hat
MMr. Moye' of the ,Mo:sons Hank illy -law
stag!, visited his show: in l.ucknow, appoint I'nth twisters. found K'ep _-40,-
on Sunday. ere and Fence .viewers having been
Mrs. Wm. Fiukbeiner,'of Dlileerton, read three times, hi passed and signers The following is ibis report for 8. 8,
visited her father Mr. 1). 8. ,must, by the Reeve iand Clerk and the seal No. 15 Hay andcStcphen for the month
over Sunday. of the corporation Attach el ther:to'' at Aprii reed en --zminations and
Mr ,and 51re.l.Iohn Schilbo returned Carried Ander on - \W,tcrth : :hat conduct :-8r. 1V -Willie Schroeder
i,1. 22 6 Jo
u Turn:lid! 2 1
Gladys T t l
of tilt
i the+
• Clerk notify y
A visit
LN• w'CCk ell
a o1s. Dtc
Saturday [tomt .1IVChr r4,
In Detroit -
of \1cGillivary that this Rader Jr.r.r
Rev. 8 M. illauch. of Stratford, is Council r,fus s torpry the cost; of con- 205. 8r. 111 -Edith Jleckmnnn 310:
venting Itis uncle, sir. P. Hauck who atruction of The (Pollock Award Drain. Beatrice. Tut -null 2'6; Willis Fischer
i.4 in poor heath at present. Carried. I•ovr - Andir=on "That 178; Roy Stan:ake 110; Fanny lllarri-
Revision o
n oft 5
0 Jr. Ilh 1 h •! Oliver .
v 1
Dl r, E. D. \W11rm. our livcry►nnn, has the Township court of •visi
the A<sesgroent 11011. hr held in the `ItctOart 191: Ito ab.•aki'[a([ 167. Sr.
Town Unit, Crediton, ,out 'rhureday. iI-Adolf Keller 29:1, Johnny (Sleek-
Mny 26th. 1910. a; 1(1 . m• to laver mann 222. Jr. 11 -Albert Fischer 147;
and determine i he tappea:y which may Leonel d Schro •def 1'2 : Charley Green
be mad.. again: thei Ass:'smrnt ito:l 19. Sr. Pt. 11-Fer.:,i+ Turnbull 71;
Carried. Yearr).-\Werth : That th' A,;nes Turnbull 71 : ,Norman Fischer
reat:nl on Tossed on .lanunry 110th. 31: Pearl 'Keller '_6, Jr. Pt. Il- M.
1910, appointing inepeclore do en:orcc Luther 65; Edd - .Keller 53, 'Sr. Pt.
the provisions of Hy -taw No. 157 to 1 -Florence Turnnull. \Vesely ‘Green.
prohibit certni11 anima:s ,from •r,•s •1r. Pt. i -Dorn Wild. Gordon Willett!passing on the 'n thwar b^ amended \luri:e Luther.I''iit 1 e11er,
by striking out tthi' nam: o: Thomas
Mawhinney (resit -tiled) nrid ,cu(15114u,-
inK the Horne 'o( John Lawson -Car-
ried. The force ing orders were pass-
ed:-Ucorge Maize!. lIrick) bats and
drovingun 3rd tet, ltd $2..20; Frank
8cbneider rep bridgca and teaming
WascCuredbyLydiaE.Pinke 11,.',0; M. Finkbeiner. can p!nnk !telt;
Arex Neel) rip bridge* on Con. 1 lel/ham sVegetableCompound John Ell,tlieh buryingslog. 50; 11.
Lindsay, Ont.-" 1 Blink it Is n,l Carroll, rep Ford'* bridge 1.00; T.
Morrist•y, refund of earned taboo. L''
more than right far me to thank Mrs. William Drown rrrnenl Iculrcrt ItuO:
1'inkham for wl,:it her kinet d advice and le Conn J, iii 11od.pi on n p it reek 2.U9 : \W i.ti:tel
Lydia E. 1'itlkl,amt11Otul li sldone for �Lovit. rep cul.. 2.59:
1, l*.•et rdttile;
eel,. 3,09; \\•, \2ch.,. 1
inc. \W11rn 1 wrote
to 1►er some limo Midge 1.110; W. Lrajar41,uo t.tne con I Read Below.
cIt'1 cul., 600; M. Jloddin+ draw-
; ie 1 wag a t ery' a n ; 11, '41. d rd col Con. 1 1
Risk woman. sit - Ise; (lIr 0 1 cis:., 1.1111. '1'0,..
feringfrurn ivnlapf 1.,0; .1, H. I: -eery lit
d orders Oil.70. Th:• co•ince adjourn ,,1t- farm last la t wlntar i had i�lg n attack •l,f In�
tsida Ila. 1 h.l
tnilammntiun op t1 n)e;f gleam,'2in tilt. Town Heil flanmatlon,' vrltca \I r. E. 1'. Uaw_
In -
the female organs, Ilan on , h: 'Lard. n.t -II 111 a.tn, Gray- cue, ,aci + tt :, l 41),','
. it n t p.n, king. of Port Richmond. "I was weak
and curl lel nal ' 1 IIF:NItI" EMBER, ('leek. for a long thee, but well enough to
viand m• walk any ' o''rk until miffing. But something
went wrung with my bowels. for 1
+ + distance. At last 1 + had to use salts Or physis all the
was confined to my JJ1UUl. 1.1'11 t'OUNCIh time. My stomach kept sour, and al-
lped,But the doctor i 1p lliddn:ph Council tinct pnr'uatlt wa)•s after eating there was pain and
1 would
hair 1111'
o adjourun, ,,, on t'biay 2nd. Th.' fulness. and nil the syntptnnie of in -
go through an t+ triune' advised but thin I 1t ice and ail the• tuember+ wc:e teetlnnl Indllgratlmp. Nothing helped
E. 1°tn h do. \ 'getab aCion Lydia 1)1,.e,.n{, 'ph
following accounts wet, me until 1 used Dr. ItantiltOtl Pine.
E. fink. after sing three to of it, ordered to be paid John lty an IL ith 3, they acted d vof hhurting. like
other pills. and now. after using; three bottles r ft, grade'r on road Div. I. 1...10 ,
1 feel lik.anetvwomaln. (most heartily ewatt'a typewriccr attnrd for J;:dgc, hint the bowels. 1 did not require large
recommend this medicine to all wotnl•ll 1.,t►; F. :4n, 1 h. rc-p road. Oiv. 1.. 1.00: doses to qct result+ with Dr. 1lamtt-
e ho Rn1Ter 441111 female troubles. l Irate '• Dick n =, rip. 'rood. div,. 3 : 1,00 ton's 1 ills. an;t fee 1 so Rla•l that I hat's
. Pinkliam'e Liverfound a mild • t r . main re neck. To-
F', A. 1ty • 11 work on rand. div. 1. 755. day I : 'n well -nn pain, no sour etom-
\, its an work on road die. 1, 1.75 : I ash, it good appetite. able to digest
Albert llodgins. dor 1,00: Alf, 11od-( anythtn1. This is a whole lot of good
gins. do., 75c.: ,lumen \Wha!^n. tram 1 for one medicine to dl,s and t ,n say,
on grader. 1.00 : C. Chapman. binding Dr.
1►nvnl ton s t'i1nm14 an.
t' •
1es p1„?..
roll and carriage. 1.00: F. \\'. Tarn tt
t2 93 ttcfut s a e lbstitute for 1- llamll:
.: drain ltltter
cogsf�ccf I
re a
' cot d a
\T t r
h C.n n
corn�rills C
1 0
41. Mahe r n• road :Ind bridge. div. 4 11111. gold In yellow bo)ces. � •. Alt
1,(111; C. >icllhnrgcy do.. 1,�i1►:
dealers, or The Catarre :t0 Co.,
41e1,a' ghJ0 rep. roae1. 411'.l• 2•'''' : KIngston, Ont.
P. \\ halm. rep. bridge, div. I. 1,00:
too -I h N1e1'hargpeye. error in doe tax
191' 1,011, t\'. W. Stanley, for (:its. Drs Hamilton's Pills
,e on
, a property a 1141
. , n n
,r n 1 !
con. •1 ',, Lot 3'1 in .lu:)• 19011, 100,0[1
1, ea. dec,ded to open th- court o:
revision on "Wednesday June tat at 1
Government Annuities.
Mr. it. 1) ('',ninon of 1•ucknow de -
'iv. red an excellent wldstos in the
'rowel 11x11, on 'I'iiesdey evening of
this w••1•k. In rept enation of the Gov -
PI nlurnt pito 1110 o) age annuities. lin-
fort u11ali•ty 0140.• WWI a very ,mall at -
trn41an(0 D1 r. I'an,Prnn gs a splendid
speak.r and 0xpLuo1( very clearly the
terhis nal! to10111 nr) of the Can idiot)
A,lnllll lr$ Act. and encouraged the
young people to take advantlgs of the
s. hemi, pl tying emphasis on the sav-
ing habit. He also showed how rapid-
ly and individuals ravings grow when
allowed to accumulate at 4 per cent
r.•mpntind interest. All interested in
,.braining printed inftrular may
get it 1.y a)•plying at the Meet post-
of-fice, or upon writing to the tete hole fills and think they are Imes -Mrs.
ties M Ottawa. After the (nnclusinn 1' I:.\Nli Iat:•r. -v, 7 uul'ay. Ontario.
of the nddreesconnnrndatory et met kit \\'e cannot understand why women
we,.' ninth• by itevr. S. F. Sharp and will take rh3ttcis with an operation or
1S, A. Fear. A few ft•aturl•* ale ; It drag oat te sickly half-hearted xi9t-
may hp taken advantage if by filen nr encr, m::1:;ing three-fourths of the joy
women, old or young. Annnit115 will of living, without 11rst. trying 1.7411)1'..
not be paid to per-.mte Under n;s years 1'inkhanl's Vegetable Compound.
of age melees incvtse. r ' (5,ii'y, The i'nr thirty years it has been the
standard remedy for female tile, told
has cured i imsands of women who
have been tcoabled with sooh ailnieiits
as displacements, inflammation, iih er-
ation, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache. indigestion,
Those Who Experience Full-
ness and Pain After
Meals, Stomach Disorders,
and Indigestion, Should
amount received will..epteet entirely
upon the amount that has been 1
in. Women et pay *lightly more
1111► muni in prep'nrtion to what they
will Wei e. This is notified on the
astound (hat women live longer than and nervous prostration.
nett. and therefore will draw the an-
Cure the Stomach