Exter Times, 1910-05-12, Page 4(
A. HE EXETER TIMES, MAY 12th 1910.
OUR Ui1VE\Olt L:ENERAL Clinton. were h,:t • recently wi,tin,;
In the Doitii:uu I'arlianrent+ la,i Itte it eon David.
Alr. A:ex rLump on t itt' the pass
n.' k, lair \Wilfrid Laurier moved tinlw•cek uI two fit'1'urunl0 +rich h::
r'h +y`� . ;; r addre to 1h.ir Exec Ilene.• s Earl ld.IlI titer. :11 r,. Char:,s $outhttr;t.
--.FI-Ii u. o T sell <,. ei..+, and Lady Grey. who will depart from! •\\'• regret th" 'seek 10 have •to
Canada before another session of tie. ! chrouic!e 11h. den. t.of Mr'. Georg4
I Mr.
Canadian 11rriawe tat is called together or
ui.1rof , :Ituliu:; fviliagc• ord. of 'I1111(1'"I" that
uek,•i'Hill J.
Sir Wilfrid said Earl Grey belonged; Jlr,. Moir on.y ;eft )ser:' three week,
to a family oho -i none had lou,; nope in compiny with her dap -hi •r
brei C0lIIloCted with a he history of'?lr-. Dalrymple, VA cis:'. 'to the•
I .reit, aid hug uu•'f°11.,y •;•ru ihie it little
responsible government. while ,he him- overate,•ek. a h.•ntiu her u,aally good
err :,t. e sae self had had a distinguished career hearth for un- advanced in year.;. rhe
all pretty class t:: , (ter lab, before cortin • to obis country.Since rsuddei:y pa -..•:1 away. pre:minority.
was born tet) sat, tet ,..tow 'trom heuwrrhage of 1tit tuna:. iter
back. Tile child :,u: , .i v a ,: lo:, his arrival he had given his whole I remain; were at tone. sent front the
weather. :`r,t my ott her l,;:.! r •: r•,ededl to
•heart and Soul to his work, had associ- we,t for interment in the fancily plot
much to be done for i . :dye ,>y•- oiled himself oith overythintY nhiclr 1ul lit• 11:n aill.l uiou cemcicr). AI r.
tem did not conte right „tor ole conctrus out national life. Arts. let -'John Turd had uce)t seriously tl! fpr
pallid. and mornin.. and ,:i;;lit and ata tees and sciences had received a not- teoute months and his litie was several
the time. I was livid• oto drtmela ! times d ..paired of, ono during The
told nae of hots well his customers able impulse Under ,his regime, while past w, •k or : o he improved consids
spoke or l', rrozonc, noel I got six he tea; antic?ed to much Praise f0[ uuiy and good +hop. were felt 'that
.voxes right arca:. w;di the coming warm weather he
You wouldn't be- what he had .done to combat tubercul- uti,;h. ;.t out wad !twain hi: match,
ferrozone lieve how well it osis and to +inaugurate the movement but in :l'te rof tat rare and utleu•
teems ntl UPtrargt for the preservation of our historic 'lion he'pa,sed away on Tuesday covet -
now to be peat welt battlefields. The idea that Canada 1 int
Weakness again, to feel like bhould have a Canadian Governor, the! Alra, t% 1). ' °ps0O, of �\'roxctcr.
say old self once , is visiting 'her iparcnla.
more. I was really Premier regarded as a laudable but 1 'Mr. Gavin 1(. hole.. of Quebec. has
hopelessly lr, de.patr and too complete- misguided amuition. The appoint. beeo b r.• during 1h past week, ar-
ly worn out to feel like living before went of eminent .statesmen of the Old r;t.:,o a , F000 ,as he :earned of his
1 used Ferrozone, so you can imagine Country he considered kc pb strong 'mother', d. ;u h, 0 ho,only n few weeks
how highly I prize such a good teed- 1 s ago went 0111 west welch Ler daughter
'eine. My children now say another the tie that binds Canada to the Moth- Mrs ,Dalrymple to spend the summer.
Isn't tired any more,' and for my child- erland and Places at the bead of of-! The Sacrament of The Lord'., Sup -
Ten's sake I nm so glad to be well tier will be ;observed in Carmel church
enough to give them all the care and fairs on_ not in any tray connected on dabbath 'May K
attention that every good mother feels with our pariy differences and there- arse
y 15th, at the morning
she roust bestow upon her family," fore able to ,
You are sure to be invigorated, ver- preserve better balance.1 The many relatives void friends of
tain to be built up and kept always at Mr. Borden in seconding the resolu- Mr. henry Dougall, tot London roach
your best -you are bound to enjoy all tion, said ]lis . Excellency possessed , it ill be pleased to learn that h•• still
the happiness of lasting good health couliuucs to improvc,ialthough hie in•
if you use Ferrozone. Try It. one or the true imperiul%vision and we recog- i' ictrit•s .vers of n much more scriuua
two tablets along with your meals. size in him as true a Canadian as is nature that at first supposed. It will
Fifty cents a box, six for =2.50, all to be 'found in this be some yet, howeve before h:
dealers or The Catarrhozono CO., great Dominion. q,
Kingston, Canada. He suggested that His Excellency con -.will :have 'then,. u, his leg, owing 'to
the bone bein4 .,nattered and the line
vey .Lo His _Majesty the message that pit n.ce sery takes tto nncrt,
If 2.t nouns the free people of Canada are fully i Airs C. A. McDonnell is spendu►p
R'ou can painlessly remote any corn, aware that there'etre great problem; this week fn Toronto.
either hard. soft. or bleeding, by which must be [aced to bring ago::; Ct t a number front Jiensall and
applying Futram's Corn Extractor. It vicinity on Tuesday afternoon last at -
never burns, leaves no sear, contains no the co-operation of the umpire, and tend.ol the :funeral of the late Mrs..
acid:; Is harmless, because composed 1
only or healing Rums and balms. Fifty that in thio connectiuon the people i Moir. from She residence of her son,
years In use. Cure guaranteed. Bold of tgc Dominion tare ready and willing- \i r. Andrew Moir. of 1 sboruc.
by all druggists, 25c bottles. Refuse Mr. Noah Sheffer. of Toronto who
substitutes. to bear 'the t. are of the burden. hold; u
.road position 1 here, 1111(1 tt ho
PUTNAM'S PAINLESS I:AI(L GREY'S I'IiOI'IIECY rt'e'vita csuf(er•d a sod ibc•reavement.
CORN EXTRACTOR; in the death o; his ,kiwi has .been
"( have had r:abundaut opportunity spending the peat week with his r••fa-
probably more abundant .than has to-- !Oyes and fri: nds.in Hensall and virin-
er been vouchsafed (to tnan. to mak• ily-
Tllu LATE KING !myself closely acquainted ooh th•
Ihigh hopes and confident beliefs of GRAINING
the Canadian poop:e, :and to form •
TO n w_, of the king's death came more or less ,adequate estimate o: ) ` `
a, .1 eedden shock to hi, vast empire
taeni ndous potentialities. %%h,ii ERNAN(,IN(,
Th: rotor. 'that Edward was no More, 1 nCece en '(he tc11stncss of ;1 o,:r
after :a short illness of but three days
area, the fertility1of your Foil. the un
was 1- c •:4-,..! with -profound sorrow.�iimit,d wealth of 'our natural re-!
From u:. . 0.1 of the Etnpire to the
The h ".,i.• Fla,. of I. • to rirut room
1,1,!1 it, the struggle het wren 41;•:y
40‘1' aril,: the family. and 11,.• In,ett.er's
inability through ill -health t.• perform
that duty,
-words sometime seg ., ; 1':1n:•v
to cxl're-s (1110'14 f vile • " Mo.;
J • 1' \t ltt• "1 f f
other. it t: 9 r the sad news had gone
peon:. 1: c I11 the light of his
high o. ::r . :ha extent of Lis domin-
ions and th.• fact that he ruled over
one-quarter' of 'the human race. it
may he :said that, in his decease th'
most eminent personage in the word
has passed' away. \Vh• n the newe
reaciaed town Ibe bell of the Trivitt
.4lentorial church was ,tolled and since
that time .+:•veral flarts have been fly-
ing et half-n:a;t. Th King woos a
great matt in.every sense of the word.
�YegetablePrcparat ioll forAs-
similating tllkFoodondltc ula-
big the Slumactz notil3owei of
E!v'mote s'Didcsli on,Ctteerful -
n oseii dRest.Contains neither
O nuln, 1olphine nor )1inetal.
I oT NAitcoric.
aIle.. n/GPd D S(IlaILI 7T
Aim bed( ••
eed 3•L
Apeffect Remedy forConstip.�-
Hon, Sour Stomaeh,Diarrhoea,
nesS find LOSS OF SLEET'.
For Infants and Children. •
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
y g
Bears the
Times Want Column
Farms for Sale
Being composed of Lots N.*, 27, Con.
7, township of Unborne containing
01 acres of choico land. On the prem-
i.si there ii erected a goad ,framo
house und 'frame barn. N never fail-
ing stream of spring water run$ norm;
the property, naso there is a good well
with pump; .27 acres of fall wheat
seeded to grilse. 17 acres of hay and
the balance in pasture. This farm
is tv,•11 'fenced with 10 -wire woven
fence on cement posts ; jhoroughly un-
d.rdiaincd and well suited to g.:ner-
ul farming. 1'oss,t±sion given at once
0 Ale° that choices gram farm Dain;
composed of S. 1-2 Lot 3 Con. 5. town-
ship of Uaborne. Thiel property is
fenced with 'J-wire woven levee and
ha., stream of fresh sprint water run-
ning acro;o the property. Pos.sessiou
given on complete payment of pur-
chase money. If thcso properties are
not sold on or before the 3rd of May
1910, 'they will be atilt] by public auc-
tion with farm stock and implements
on Lot 10 S. ,'1'. It., 'township of Ua-
'borne, on 'the 17th day of May 1910.
Positively no reserve net the proprie-
tor has sold h;i home farm and has
purchased a ranch in Alberta and is
moving there at once. Paul Madge,
Prop. For terms and particulars ap-
iply to Mrs. taut Madge on the prein-
Lees or 'to Tho,. Cameron, Auot. Far-
y a In
For Over
Thirty ears
\11) .south-, old
j) 1)tptilti-3i(I nit
"Yo• T„[ Ca11Ta V11 C0.1•ANY, WWI V0 CITY.
Girls Wanted to Work in Clothing
Factory Exeter. as operators on ma-
ch'n, s and band setting, by .rho Jack-
son Manufacturing Co. Apply to G.
W. Deva. t3upt.. for Rod particulars.
In the .natter of the estate of
John W. Hodgson. of the 'Township
of laborne, in the County of Huron.
farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
1t. S. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all
creditors and others Laving claims
against the estate of the lata John
W. Ilodgson. who died on or about
the sixth day o1 March. Ir910,
are reluired on or nefore thr 10th
day p( May. 1910, to send by
post prepaid or deliver to Messrs.
Gladman & Slanbury. of the village
of Exeter. Solicitor-; foo the Ad11tinia
tratrix of the said deceased their
chrlstian and surnames.. addresses
�IAIlON aRERY arid descriptions. the full particu-
lars of their claims, the statement
portico -
Imp, 9!!96 ,([3311) of their ;accounts and the nature of
Harem irehy w•ill,contintie the route the securities. if at)•. held by them.
this season as Jollost•a: 51onday norm And further lake noli:o that after
will leave 11 3 awn stable. Lot 16. Con. such' last mentioned date the said
8. .•.:borne. and proceed - to Thos. Adniinistratrix will proceed to distri-
11frs Jas. Shepley who was veryperi. Ilrock's for night. Tuesday •to John bute assets of the deseased among
1 y Routely's for noon: thence+ to hie own the patties entitled thereto. havinj
ously hurt by falling from the scnlfold atab!e for night. %Vednesdny, west to regard only to the claim'+ of which
HOUSE and of their barn is still suffering severe
Wm. \Veceott's for noon; thence to she shall then have notic • and that
pain and is at the time of writing tlo John Allison's for night. Thursday said Administratrix oho!! not be ao:e
sources. the invigorating nature of ) to hies own staple for noon. Friday' for the said assets or any part there -
SIGN PAINTING Mrs. tide Short and Mrs. Atcillurtay to John Duncan's. 1'lugtown. for noon of to any person or ',croons of o'hoso
)-our comate, and on the a,trenuous: of Crediton, who attended the Con- thence to 'Wm. IKay'a for night. Sat- claims notice shall not ince been ra•
ventiou hero on Thursday, visited at nrday to hisiown stable where he will reaiced
by her at 't be tiruc of tach Anent a tbepald
nature of your people, [ice! con- }'.
I At this particular season you Mr. J. V. Millson'sover Friday. retrain until the JollowinR ?louda distrihution,
vinced as I am that to -morrow's sun Mr. Thomas Gould of (Ironton, for -morning.: (MADMAN & E'l'ANI1[?Itl'. DR. 0. F. ROULSTON,
will rise 'that nothing can prevent you' µ Ill need the house decorated, Thi$ route will b•1 cortin•
Overly of this place has purchaser} the ued throughout the %season health and Solicitor, for AdsuinlstratriC L. D. 8. ; D. D. 8.'
g. perhaps before 'tbt 1 alnted or some papal hangin baking business of Frank Forrest of weather permitting. Dated at }:x •t, r tie _'nth d,y of Apr'.!
from becoming, p Honor graduate of Toronto University
close of the present ccntuary, not only
j dont P u khill and will move there shortly. GEO. COWARD & 1Vm. J)F.Vi \ I: 1310. B y
OFFICE: -Oyer Dickson] & Carling's
Law Offices. Exeter.
1'ildNY s. 1 l.ttst:I w•F:UNFsboo- AFTE1tN(.ON$
For Sale
Cottage and three lots in Exeter.
being lots Nos. 65, 68 and 67 south of
Simcoe Street. On this property V tl
frame cottage (brink foundation) cow,
taining five rooms and a good oet.1
lar also a good well and a largo
stable. Good garden and fruit treeaa
The property has to be sold to wind"
up au estate. Apply to
Exeter, Ontario.
Residence for Sale
We offer by private sale one of the
choicest residence properties he Exc.
ter, Moderato else, good repair, con-
venleut location. Good stable and
garden. Apply at once. Gladman &
Stanbury 3-:Itt
510011818 011110 COo0�ioo N0(Id ICS!
Any person who is the sole bead
of a /amity, or any male over 11
aeotoni of available Dominion land Mt
Manitoba, Saakatcbewan, or Alberta•
The applicant must appear in perpn
at the 1)ominiou Lands Agenoy si
Sub-agenoy for the distriot. Entry b1f1
proxy may be had at the agency, o�
certain conditioes. by father, mother
son, daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties: -Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the laud in eaelk
of three years. A homesteader may
live within nine utiles of hie heat's
stead on a dorm of at least BO acre,
solely owned azul occupied by him or
his father, mother, awn, daughter•
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteadda
in good standing may Pre-empt a
quarter section alongside his bowee
stead,. Fria, $3. per acre. Duties.,
.'lust reside 1411 months ineaeh of sill
years from date of homestead entry
(1rtotuding the time required to earn
homestead patent) and oaltivta.*
fifty acres extra.
homesteader o nesteader who has exhausted
tris homestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may take a pur-
chased homestead in certain districts
Price $3. per acre. fhltiea-Mud
re-ido mix months in each of three
years, cultivote fifty acres and ere.**
a house worth $.300.001
w•, w. CORY,
Deputy of the Minister of the merle.
N. R.- Unauthorized pnblication o hi
wi no for.
the granary but t63 heart and soul
and rudder of .the empire.' Earl Grey.
i:i.ECVION OF •NI' V ;COUrCiLI.tll(
There it now a vacancy on the•
Councit Board. canoed (by the r ,:,na-
tion of Vounciaor;Luker, who recently
On the :broil of Eng:and he did not left loon to accept. a situation lei
user .• v f .1(.1 the expectation; often 'St. Catharine,. The resignation .was
voic d 11 Il • ,rea.'tn during Lis long accepted 'east 'friday Find a motion
pear, .- 9 ,t apparent ; he excelled passed cxpres.ing their logret at Lii
in u . ' rtic.•s las tnonarch the hopes removal. Mr. Luker filled !the po :•
that s• r • 1. -,-ed on his erlgneiog Per- tion we:l andenlwa)•a had the good of
taona,ity. his cense of the dignity of the Teton at !heart. +Oar Monday next`
kingship. float which never permit- n nomination meeting at i:1 be held
'ted to :ape •. even in his most dolneso for the purpose so! titling the vacan-
tic .non, its. and J►i:+ stile exprricnCO (•y. 911 the eve tit of too or more be -
of !,ubac affairs. land general sound til, nom n +1.•1 an ••:cctiou t+l11 be
sense. in his short rc't;n of iit- herd 011 1 9 tMMondny following. A
tic more ban nen• year.. h:• a.•t his man is u• (ledttt•ho has the welfare of
et:.:np on :he face of E•lrop.•. and in 1In town at ;heart and olio 14 wi:iing•
n general tray on Th' affairs of the 10 ,aerifice lint • in its interest+. 11
world. Were the titlesto( earlier can• one can be •iuund oho 14,:1 meet 'the
to tie still poparlar. J1e might h• re tniretni•tlts give him the thank tem
knots n na "Edward .the Pene'•tnakr-' po.ilion ny acclamation. An election
or he u, ht i known 14 "Edward 1h • .+: ihit time for th • sing:e seat'
T...:. II turned 111,1 %tradition:.'. oov.d not be in the best interests 0.
enmity u• I'r:,nceitow.trrl England in- the lower. ns it 4401:d rn^nn nn extra
'to sou,e:u u,: ,ike n rat friendly nn- exp n• • IhaI could /be better used in � r.
del -1 ar.rl.n, : 9 • brought snout better ne d d unlitnvr111 •0(1. •Mr. let •r
re 1,.1411.,, tt th train and between repro- ,.t• d 111. 1101111 0i the town 11 11(1 ,•. ,. -
Erince and 1' . 1 He mon the friend- it '1
pn,h:,l.. •heat tt c h i want any '1'111' 110FSEItoLi► FI.01'It
Chip 0f 1.:, y. 11•• .brought 1{n;tland 0(11 r min Io o,k alt 1 th it in:ertsts.
Atrl 11,: -',, :n In c:use relation, alter Mi. Joh,' 11, Scutt of the excter ist.•t always the "flower" of the house•
1 •- a'. defeat by the Japollee,. • 11.1 Crean •r)- ;4 spok••n of as n prohab!o hold. It's the rule the world over.
niter neconrpliahin;; lli''(•at of i -o'.1 n. +.1 for the position. 11., is capable
inf: t;• rtnnny through this chain o; of filling it .in every way and we ail*.
in., resat iorl:al '•under,) 1111(1.11; a" w h •n eere'y hope• he w ill stand for the nom -
Ger rnan)• +ta-. regarded as the mos., not on.
'likely of all the powers 10 precipitate .e
ao,arherounded yiph',0orkby en- Ch!.1(�r`i11 Viii
de:tour. Ib:at were more or tesi ince FOR FLETCHER'$
':1 10 bring about mor•• (ri.•toUy
le,•::b;; Leto, r, f: n,•:arrrl :rand (:.r- CAST OR IA
many it ••.'!. 11 1 assess, d Juat„i.•,
of ),la n. ch.,: ,+ . r ,and tenlp.'r.anlen:
Which. find h• le . rl horn to n hunlh:. r 11ENSALI.
slat ion 111 it • it :irl have nsnd;• hire Gr • Wan d :u 'Work iu Co; hind
6 great rno111. II. , one exp •ri:•ne • in u)• .Exeter, as (operator/. on naa-
Statcer1ft under h - , i„ 1 9 r' eh 11 4 and hand ts.•tting. by the .inck-
deve'op-.•d ill him th Ii , . ;•;,., . - o1, !thin 1 iccur:Jig Co. Appy 10 0,
►" 1).,. Sone for �fult partici ars.
ledge and social ,Inst tt i,• I. .d • o n Mr. Ilse, Pear, is putting a neat
so ef'ieielll :1 t r ! •1 , ,.e 1 '41 „ i,: doeaiti 00 111 currlel Manor •
A root in pet 1• ,a c1 rib \r• •011 fit roofs. e Litters
L 1
op!... iI. ;.nn tit i•1 '•1• Time. Co:r•man 0f near
h: I arle•1 ! it nils a and 11i adv
It„ I n 1i n ,'I la week.
pet.r,l no. t L. . 11 1 i..i,:. tel \I1 '1'humes Canle'on. of
Mr. Abner Marley has engaged with
We Do It and Do It Right Mr.hs. Denham for the summer
Nina Eva 'fapp of Virden. Mane is
and if you want Graining, 1 iouse visiting with relatives around here for
and Sign Painting. Lettering,a i.ew weeks.
Slinday was Decision Day at the
Show Card Writing we do it ill achoul and a number of Young I
Proprietors, 'Winchelsea, i'. 0. \1•m.
Devine 3lanig,r, ,
=' No. 121111 (9255) - }t. A. H. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D
r':..era:-. Fern L:oc; end Imp
Colonel Graham 44111 teontiml,- Thr. 1). 8., Honor graduate of Toroatee
( ung Pe°h a route the; eraser ,a; follows: 3londtp
Mr. Thomas Cameron has received University.
which line we do nothing but the joined the church. Prayer meeting Mny 9th. will cleave his own slant' and :n•rrnetiono from the undereigncd to
next Sunday evening and a special proet', d en;t 'to .Thor, .Vcnner'o Tor se:I by public auction on
bast ..'.tyke Dental Surgeon
talk to new members will ne given. noon then north to Chiselhur;t and Office over Madman & 8taobury
Nr. and Mrs. %Vma. Odgen visited at east to (:••o. W. Wren's 'for ni ht. Ut1T 10, i3, T. n,. CBIiDItNF., (►N
sive Us a Trial her sister's, Mrs. Frank Cornish in '( Main street -EXETER.
Tuesday west l0 11cL:en's 'corner. TUESDAY. MAY 17th, 1910
fllanehard on Sunday, then north to 1Wm ilogarth's for noon T W. BROWNING. M. D.. M. 0
Vass Bermlf• Morley was elecl(•tl Dia• then west by way of Kip en Itoad to Y
Auction Sale
do tyle. Secretary at the the convention James 11cGra•,Ior's corner. dh'n north nt On. o'clock ( sharp the fol,ow n P. 8„ Graduate Victoria U
last 'fhurtdny.
1 I-1 miles then ,west and Routh to That choice farm being composed of .aoorytpm kzeteei ttvsldeneoce. LomIsIN
Robert Cooper's for night. \Vedncs- Loa ' 7• concession ;7• Tp. of Osborne.
'-'�'--� 1 ' containing 61 acres of !and. On the Associate Coroner of Huron,
day. to itrncefie.d, 'Kiaer'a Black-
smith shop for•n0on; thence to Varna prcmia•s there is an frame dwelling
2 •, for night where b" will remain until house and frame barn, a never -failing A H. Blight, N. D., M.C. P. and
Thursday afternoon. Thursday after- atrram` of sprin,I slater, also a zood •8., Honor Graduate. Toronto Un -
noon +ou1h ,o Ilius •rear. east halt
well; ' 7 Hetes b[ fail when. needed to ersity. Two years resit'ent physicia0
wife to \\'m. Loi e'+ for night. Fri. gratia, 17 acre of hay and oalance in Loyal Alexandra Hospital, etc, Office
day to Hillsgreen. south to 'Zurich Rd. a 10-j•. This property is fenced with and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand
west to John.ton'o (Hotel for noon and a 10•w ire woven tfencr on cement pasta Andrew Street, Exeter.
is thoroughly undcrdrained :and io
will remain until diafnrda)• morning. wc11 suited for+genera, farrning. I'os-
1 satnrd•ay'lilt I0.Jas. Green'n for noon sets!on given 11t once, A1440 that
then to hie ,own stable where h • w!Jl
remain until `the followin,r Monday
morning.. Thi; route will the Contin- 1 h
'red throughout tht•toeason health and
weather permitting,
T. J. t1E111:V & F. 11ENG";1:G1l i I a r a Pz i {o r . DICKSON & CARLING,
Proprietor.. 1'. Bet. ou•th. Man.
r1IF:Ill•: ARE •'F'1.0‘Vlats" ANI)
"FLOI'1ttl," I)1"1' N(► FLOUR
EQUALS 0(118.
It's straight goods we're giving +r u -
There's plenty "inferiors" but 111. ^e pet Jens."
Oi'lt 11.01'11 MAK E4
1,i0H'i' BREAD, LI(iif'l' H t:A It rs.
Ills wrong to gatoble--buy flour hero.
it's sure.
A good supply of feed on hand.
Harvey Bros.
.111. � 004000
Does Not Stimulate
Ayer's Sarsaparilla (toes not stimulate. it docs not make
you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. It
is not a strong drink. No reaction after you stop using it.
There is not a drop of alcohol in it. You have the steady,
even gain that comes from a strong tonic and alterative.
We wish you %rood ask your doctor about this. ire
tenet;;;. Trti�t i'ii,i. 1)o as he says. --A7047.- '
./: •wa o f ..cf-a--eanr ll►,ARa/ ) • - / 1 (j .a.t i, ll'C /.
What are Aycr's fills:? Liter .'ills. How long kite they been 44.1.1? Nearly silty
y:ars. Uo doctors recommend Ihem? Ask your own doctor anJ find out.
Beatty Tiros.' Feed
and bitter ('111'1o'ts
Overhead yore v eyot s,
e(vttt,' Brew.' S1('P1
Stfllis & )tatic 1ii)11S
ran he irmislled as cheap
as lumber and last. forever.
Beatty Tiros.' Load
7hrse Ibtee ihit. s nip {t11.1
labor -savers for farmers and
net enmities rn a farm
F„1 sole by
W. T. Gillespie
Phone :pl, F orlr t. Out
�1 D
All Good Kinds of
Flour and Feed
kept on Band
Bran and Shorts
Sold try' the Ton.
Wheat taken in exchange
for Flour and Oats taken in
exchange for (anneal.
W. Rivers
E\F."I'Elt, ONrARIO.
choicu grazing farm bring composed WSk$veaatimlted otiose• turn& for lame.
of South half Lot 3. coneeosion 5, t'=- .(1.00/e0a farm or v111age=ropenrid lowest
borne. This propertyIs !fenced w It r'�KVlstssL
9-o:r• woven fence; a R(ronm of
spring water runs across ro p •rty.and
It we: putts cr razin 'ur s
HORSES -1 brood mare..' years old.
atrricultur;l ; 1 crood marc c y; ere
NOTICE '1t► CREDITORS old. ngricu;tura: ttitb ,foal; .1 filly
3 yearn o'd. aaricultural: 1 -eidin'
let the mutter of the tot ale of years old. n(trienitura i; 2 fillies 1
Marti': lir ver Kcrnick. of the V!-• year old. ngriculcural: 1 gelding 1
ince e: F:x,t:r. County o' Iluron )car Oil. agricultural: 1 carriage
marr::d Itornan, d,'e' tsel. more 6 years. inset nod reliable; 1
a red marc with fool ar foot. farmer's
driver : I roadet: r marc 3 years o:d
I roadster geidin„ 2 year! old; 1 filly
1 year 0:d, .driver.
CATTLE -t ,I(:s•y cow: 3 gr;d-
co44•a do L.
!n �isw.
il'OGS-1 tow midi ;Suer at foot: 1
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
It. S. 0., 111)7. Chap. 129 tint all
c1. doors and others having Claims
!mote •t the rotor,• o:: the !ale Martha
�lltco'r K rrlick o ho died on or abort
11 he 20i le day of April 19111 are re pleat-
or shout the lot day of June sow due in May; 2 rows duo in June;
1'110 to •r(1 ht post paid or d •liver 1- t b no Ib ONEYTOLOAN
11arrlatees sollol,pre Notarise, Calve/Abeam
Commissioners. Solicitors for the Moller
dank. KM.
Mes y to Loan at lowest rates of Interest.
a. oaaitas 5. L L, B. pt�eeR
Ws have a large amount of private made
a ��sWI and Mate properties al ['writes
Barristers Solicitors. 1Mala. 81. Siet u
1- r more net aeout a s•
to 3Ie<.re. t;'ndnlnn & :itanbury of Ffl11'L-ilul wolves'. 50 ,young hen.% -:J•
the oiling.. t,. I' f{'r. •-ol:;itors for =oma choler roosters.
the ex. Catrx u th ta.d OCC.',?:' , rh, Vann and 4 Plage l'ropert ir. at 0 west rales Or
d chyli IMI Li.J11:\Td-1 track wagon. 1 interest. Imps„•d *1.l other \,.rthw CM tAn,ta sea
1 christinn and surnames. addresses democrat w aeon. 1 on buggy nearly To*, Lou for sante, roar, to loan on saurh property
and dc•criptions, the fell particularsImic. 1 pr, heavy bob sleigh', 1 ace ERNEST ELLIOT,
of their Claim, the stnt,•nu•nt of :!_•h- Lohaietgh!, 2 cutters J nrarig,'"'`e.`anerr,ete OINce, 11(1111 tit. Exeter
their ncronnts 00(1 she nature of the n w, 1 7 -loot b'ndcr near. )' 0 0, one
see'irities, if atty. held try them. And mower. p hors' rakcj 1 hay rack. 1 ctlti flet. sA1.11-t am .wain on the ma►►et
further take notice that after such fcrroo' Cockahut rdie_ claw. I �wttMasan:.plyolsitt)oung{{,u rehr/d�horthorn
:'1-. m1•nt tined .1 • ,: 11,. .•xecntrix 2 -Mere..• Cocksh,;c wa 9 r.:: 4 0".. 1 fan.. These are vend in 0404 a l., ,sot by fount
will proceed to distribute resets of '2•fnrrow n lhann.. 1 well reRehale"Iorandwil*t'iocri•trr•
at'„ p.Otr : .1 Sl`r. Dg I OaI h e+1 and sold well w -"rah I he price, to tea►e room lot
the deceased ananne the ;aarthot en- tee ltioator. or' Kin,/ collie__ the ymm,rrr o1a•+, l'in also spare n lea female•,
Tilled thereto. hratitU: Mk+nrd only to &otrh tarry. •r wantital roan Dull• And one of the
l.e.t to le hit, heal• the herds and w ill be kept for
the elnirnv °f .whish they shall /keen the Im,mcem(al t1pnre• 11 Shorthorns. Apply
to J(,11N [tl.I' I R, Lot, IR, ;k•nee•sion Y, IIs), co
10'. 24, Henna l'. O,
hive 1101ice and oho; :.sed eteem!riv
'there is a "right Way" of shall not be liable for the said as-
s,•t, or nn)• pnrt thereof to any rr-
doillg bilvill('ss and there is 8 `alt or persons of +t hose (!rims not-
ice shall not have been r. ceived by
.'Wrong Way of doing bus- her at the stint• en ouch d 41rihnthin.
' IBPss. (:LAD\AN & STANIt1'iIY•
$o';(- torn for :Executrix.
- _ _. _--_-.. Dated at Exeter chi r 10th dry of
May. 1910.
'fie It it WAY of doing business is
to hl ing ) our old truck, such an horse 11Altl'Li:Y
hair, crit er, nolo, copper, heaps, wool Mr. and Alra. Aaron Bhrrritt. of
forgo. 111. A are :+o••ndln, n :roc
pickings, r•fc. to QQ nt•:•kt v - :;n„ th.l; r:.ai;t:s :� the!
M. JACKSON'S • '' . •ti,onla+ 3}0•• r and his two
MAIN ST. EX!. fl:It -• Ni Ethel end Hentric'
. f: w- doe:
Whet e you get the highest (nob t i yt.: Fe d N':•i of Nett 31e
{ Imes and h011emt dealing.. Gi'+ •'' •• •nt �l0n•1.1t• :left.^;; the
. tree •ooi Mrs..(:±erg'
F011 SALE -A lot of iron ;vise 00 spar
hand fo....1111.1.111111111111111 Ih%
r fence pointe, ole. Mitis Lydia Sherri(. vioited at Mr.
A. Webb's !out week.
tor. ons' s- d xlrii:. on- disc narrow,
s••t iron harrnw•,.i:and roller. 1 ecmen,
and roil •r. 1 lawn roller. 1 scuffler.
1 '.1 raw vitt •r. 1 pe.ptr) 1 (ann'n'
m ll. 1 hone gritlder. 2 whe.•l barrows.
1 p:ntform senle. 1 extension ladder,
1 fruit fadder..1 manure boat[ 1 incu-
bator. :! brooder.. 2 sets double hor-
n ss. 1 s t single barn so, 1 s.•t heave
bay for!: harp •`x. 1 r din,' rod. • a not
brid't, 1 cooking s ole. 1 1113 1111
stove. 150 bus. ;pens, 1'•0 bus. Lar:ey.
244) hoe. onto. 1'nr.or si:it. old rail.
_cr -wood. 1 ditching' p.ow. plan -
::i y of rottoes, barre.'. forks. shoo -
chain'. hoes fend other arriele•
roo 1umero:s to mention.
Poaiti'," y no r, oars • as th • 1•1-ni,r;•-
for has gone cool.
Terms of tool estate mode known on
dny of rale,
L:ve Stock and imp:"ments, - All
num, of 83,00 and und r. cash; over
that amount A month;' cr. d:o will b;
given on furnishing oporoved jc:r.r
i'AI L M 10: E. T. CAMP:R(1\,
Prop. Aoet.
Tne Usborne and iitbbert
farmer's Mutual fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Offlco, Farquhar,' Ont..
1'1 ..,idem. .1. F. IlCSMl•:Li.
Vice -fres. Wm, 1t)Y
11(1111'. NORRIS. /gaffe.
Tlftk, RYAN Dublin.
\\ V. PItOCK• Winchelacn,
Rol1T, GA It DINPitt, Far pillar.
A (i SNT8,
JOHN EMERY, Exeter, agent fie
lisbkrn•• tied Jlitldulph,
OLIVER HARRIS, Mrknrnn &meat
Mr Hilbert, Fullerton and Logan.
JOli\ CAMi'Bi+,Lr,
Socy.Treas. Farquhar►
1LADMAN ! tlTANB(►RT. %%tieitive