HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-12, Page 3EXPLOSION IN ALABkliINE One Hundred and Eighty Men Are Sup- posed to Have Been Killed. A despatch from Birmingham, th • first to enttr. After working Alabama!, says: Forty- five white leis nay 1,400 feet down the slope, n.t.i 133 negro toilers aro entombed iia found the second right entry is No. 3 coal nine at Palos, Ala., caval in. Jiuuos Gousby, a until carrier, felt}• nliles•west of Birmingham, as was caught by the explosion thirty tn' result of a. terrific explosion on feet from the mouth of the slope, 'f1 ursday. It is believed that all and his body was hurled into the are (least. The flanges front the ex- Warrior River. It is judged from ph sion shot lain feet into the. air the force of the explosion that none and the shuck was felt for miles. of the men in the interior is alive. Timbers were hurled several hun- Hundreds of women and children 0r((t feet from the mouth of the were around the mind wringing none. Rocks from the roof caved their hands and crying piteously. build a church and will have one in and made access difficult. The The only hope that some of the men pastor. e fn„ machinery was damaged, but have escaped is the possibility that p Fifty-four Doukhubors have made air is being pumped into the urine il.ey were in parts of the Inino far hunustead entries recently. and it in hopes that some of the men are orough away from the explosion to is hoped the communities are break- . stil alive. have missed its stain force. "'The first rescuers who went. into This diaster, coning so soon tu\Vhat is believed to bo the largest be mine after the explosion were after the Mulga explosion of April I silver "nugget" in the world is on rercomo by after damp and had 21 when forty-one men lost their view in the Ontario Parliament S.. bo carried out. J. J. Rutledge, lues. has plunged the mining set- a Government expert, was aiming tlemeuts in grief. CONDENSED SEWS ITE;ti1S Il.1l'PENIN(:S 1'11011 .1E1. OVER 1111; Telegraphic. Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of . Recent Events. CANADA. Twenty divorce bills were passed during the last session of Parlia- ment. William Jones, electrical engin- e( r was killed at Cobalt, being Ilse own fr„►11 a runaway ea 1•. The T. & N. O. Railway is send- ing out a party of experts to in- vestigate the New Ontario lignite fit Ids. The different denominations at Melville, Sask., have united to EX -SOLDIER RAN A!vWC Veteran of Boer War Shot a Neighbor and Then Tried to Kill Himself: A despatch from Port Arthur of Herman Yorke, a neighbor, who says: Hobert Murdoch, who was took the wounded ratan behind his w1111 Itis colonel, the late "Andy - 'house soy as to bo out of reach of Murdoch's bullets. Yorke's young known \I'auchope, in the Black Watch at sou got dawn his father's rifle and Magersfontein, and was one of the succeeded iu chasing Murdoch off. GREAT BRITAIN.fe •' who calve out of that Methuen Tile latter went to Silver Mountain ,ail t !!fists► ,her Furness, member blunder alive, is now in jail at stst:on. He sat on the platform 1 fort Arthur on a charge of at- u!i night. About dawn he jumped fol. llartlePool in tin' British Conl- terupted murder. It is alleged that up fired •••Inc shots in the air and 1n( us. has been iin'.cated. then nut. the butt of the rifle on the The London Dilly Mail praises he emptied his Winchester at his ( robust p i e c • of 1•:a rl Grey's y's r t+, influence 1 pulling the r r,•und and, R r 1- R neighbor, George Besant, at Sr g p � g Int ►erulism (luring Canada's grow cer Mountain, Borne miles from the with his toe, torn a gaping wound I town, where they aro farmers. in his head. Provincial ('unstable i::t; time. For some time Murdoch has been Symons and 1)r. Pratt of Port .\r- Otji Jatekhi Brant Sero, a hull given to hallucinations, and when lhur brought. both Martinet and 1 !. •'(ted ?1lohntwit, lectured to t1:+ Ilesant called the other day to get 1:esnnt• to town. The former was 14 Yat Saxon (;eographie.tt Soeiei . hi'r to do some work Murdoch ,Ina t 'aced in jail and the latter in the on the history and (character of hi., at him. A second bullet left He- f marine hospital. Besant's arm will tribe. sui.t's arm hanging by at piece' of I not have to be amputated, it is ex - flesh. Tho latter ran to the house petted. The bill prohibiting oral b• i.k- n ►:king passed the New Turk Sen - 'S a; un 11'e.dn(sday. 1 Miss F.tizahetir 1). Dean, Suprr- 1 of tlic Prunris 11-illaral SIRE inlcndcnt BY LOSSES hieago. •- after 1 died H( spilnl of (}u(a g . rt.ort illness. on Thursday, caused. it is believed, by ptomaine poison +l for April is 1 1, 717, 237 or 11,610,P184 i"�A soldier of fortune named Tet i' w r 'i tsbsr women 1 I'.w ckcrited four I t R v.ith false marriages. and the police ---- _ 1•( liete he has acted similarly-- in (.thee cities in the 1 -raises{ State, A desp.at(•h from Toronto says: T est r_,' .,f the April losses:- Eire: and Canada. The Monetary Times' estimate of ; exits . ' ; $10,000. $1,285,000; small A report. of the United States ('neada's fire losses for the month ' Its s, 82'x.,250; fifteen per cent. for 1't.n•nll of Collor tolls that alfa in of April is $1,717,`237, an increase aur( ported fires. $223,947. Total. rite Bethlehem titre! Works am of $4340,981 over the precious month $:,717,237. tole gilled to work from t rks to al 4! an increase of $9913,5',7 over At the rate of three every tt., thirteen 1 rs a day from seven day'- the same month last year, when the wt. rkiug days. the fire fiend hurne-1 r1 week, wl►ilr many of than reedit, waste was $720,650. They show a tita lives of 37 Canadian residents „Ealy 12'.e an hour for their w•'ie. slight decrease compared with the tering April. This feta) is the average. monthly waste of 1909, highest since the Monetary Times l GEN l;}t:\L. which was $1,750,461. The total commenced to keep thesis records., \ Lahoritr was killed and two number of fires exceeding $10,0(11' The fulluw•ing are some ..f the esus ! n t re fatally injured in an rlr(liun war twenty-seven, representing a e' of these totalities: Smoking iu light in II nry. , lu , - loss of $1.285.000. Three of these heti. 2; burning L•uus0, 4 ; hellfire., g fares account for over 50 per cent. :3; overturned lamp, 3; playing with ------4 - - buildings. The Ontario Government intends to cancel licenses of liquor dealers w bo supply liquor to prohibited dis- tricts. The Canadian Northern is re- potted to have secured an excellent route for the new line from Port Arthur to Sudbury. The C. I'. R. plans to connect tl.e l entral Station at Ottawa with the ('ui at Station by a tunnel and to utak, other improvements to cost. ab(,ut a million dollars. 'rhe C'oroner's jury at Stony ('reek returned a verdict in do. 1' irton inquest that Elijah Fi11(on wen- killed with it heavy instrument in the hands of some person un - UNITED STATES. More Than the Previous Month. NINETY-ONE MILLIONS. The Population of the I oiled Stales Nutt. A despatelt from Washington says : 'rhe Census 011i&, , ou \1'ed- 1,ertlay, unoflie;ally estimated the it: -reuse of population in the United States since 1';0U itt 15,1•'1,036. The unofficial estimate )f the popula- tion of the United States is 91,421,- 42:: Greater New York... 4,563,603 ('hioagu .... .. .. • . 2,2?•12,920 Philadelphia, .... , , .. 1,540,429 New Orleans .. .., :3h2,132 St. Luis 698.710 Baltimore .... .. ,., 583,374 11'ashingt- ri .. .. .. 350,145 The increases since 1900 aro :- 1 IIited States. .. .. 15,121,030 New fork .... .. .. 1,131,000 ('hieagu .... .... ... 584,100 2.17,000 '1'l►e population of Prance in given as 3.4 millions; (iernul►ly, 6a mil- lions; Austria, 46 millions; Italy, 32 millions; Britain. 42 millions; as compared with the 91 millions in the United States. . _ _ 1111,1. ('llt('f.E THE GLOBE. 'I'no Hundred Brill -h 11'arships to Take Part in (treat Cruise. A d.,t,atcil from London says: THE WORLDS MARKETS Iu;l'oRTS i•'no11 THE 1a:.tUlNtl 'MADE CEN'1'IIE:t. I'rlcet( of Cattle. Grain. ('Iiee'e anti Other I)uiry Prcducc 21 Uonle and Abroad. Eat EADSTUEFS . • Toronto, May 10. ---Ontario Wheat --No. 2 mixed winter wheat, $1.03 to 81.01 outside. Manitoba Wheat --No. 1 northern *1.05; No. 2 northern, *1.0:i at lake pt.rts for immediate shipment.. Corn -American No. 2 kiln-drie4l yellow, G11'.,e to 67c; No. 3, kiln - dried 6:t t to 66e; No. 3 yellow, 65e; Canadian corn, hoc to Ole,'1'o- ronto freights. Oats --Canada western, No. 2 36%c; No. 3 C. W., 3s'.:., at lake pt.rts for immediate shitnucul; Ole lark)No. 2 white, 35e to 35! re out- side; No. 3 white, 34c to 34;;c out side, 37e on track, Toronto. Barley -No. 2, 53c to 54e; No. 3 extra, 51e to 52e; No. 3, 46e to I"+• outside; ,1lanit ohs, No. 4, 52; -ie, . n truck, lake ports. Peas --No. 2, 75c to 70e. I(ye-No. 2, 67e to 1313c. Buckwheat -No. 2, 5!c. It is learned that the admiralty has Mafia ,bit Flour ---Quotations at l' r r ; - patents, v. u0 are :-First n $ ,• years' trip for the Toronto p 1 .,uncd two n� i Net of British battleships to take !lace next autumn. By that time It will be possible for it 26,000 ton 1,.ttleship of tate Princess Royal t; l e --the largest in the world --to iu at mho head of the second naval second patents. $5; strong baker$', j $1.80; 90 per cent., Glasgow •i freights, 28s. Ontario Flour -Winter wheat patents for export, $4 to $4.05, iu buyersbags, outside. erocess'un to encircle the globe. Millfeed-Manitoba bran, $19 per 't'w( hundred ships of all classes t( n; shorts. $21 per ton. track, To- w i1 bo included. Accompanying the rents). Ontario bran, $20 per ton;; rreat Dreadnoughts will be fifteen `l,'•rts, $22 per ton on track, To - submarines. This will be the first 1.1110. time in naval history that these lit - COUNTRY PRODUCE. Eggs 2de to 21c per dozen in Case lots. Butter -Creamery prints. 29e to at vaT10118 foreign ports. T' (s fleet 31e. Separator prints, 24e to 25e ; wit. be subdivided for visits to 1/airy prints, choice, 23e to 24e: Chinese and Indian ports. 'then large rolls, 22e to 23e; inferior, 1s.• vs • e he fleets will reassemble (cable in th t fl e to 17c ' r flow Sea preparatory to long Syrup --81 to $1.10 per Imperial •t(.ps in Japanese harbors. From gallon. lapan the II. • t will slake the long t rap to San 1 r:(ncisco. ' tic craft will be tested by the se- vere strain of ocean service. Dur- ing the voyage, which will take two years, the warships will call Rt lI.1t1\(, (I;1 11 (1111'S. GI titian 1i'hi1.' Is Ilan for the t •e „t Future (,:lnel•nlilus. `.,, cities in the modern world c1 ,,pare with thosewhich have at 45e to 50e on track 'Toronto. 0,1 arisen in Germany during the past tarios 35c to 40e per bag on truck. twenty years. The paramountcy of anti at .15e to 50e out of store. - private property dues out exist in P110-174S-IONSGermany. Humanity is first. The city cnjoys some of the sovereign- 11.'holt sale quotations: -- ty Itlotations:--- ty 4,1 the Empire. It can prom•ite Burk- Short cut, *31 to az1.50 the beautiful. It can destroy the p: r barrel; niers, 1128.50 to $29. epls.. It can protect its poor. The Lard -Firm : tierces, 16;.c u, German bitrgioneisters ale laying 16'.,c; tubs, I.;',,• to 17c; pails. tit• foundations of the city of to- 1W 4c; stocks Lely light. morrow as an architect lays the l moke(t and Dry Salted Meat -- 1( t eat - 1.-t ndations of it forty -story sky- ` I, ug clear bacon, tuns and e ,ciapl•r, or the designer of it 1•b to 15!•,c; backs, plain, :'t, w. rld's fair plans his play city far 21 jyc; backs. peatncal. • in advance of its excavation. +22e; shoulder hams, 141 to 11 In all the larger German coma -1st -fen meats out of pickle, le It r :lie,. the city architects have rea-tLan smoked. 1::1'1 the obs-' . They saw that i Bolls. smoked, 15',„e to IGe ; n:( ill t+,• , ity would continue to grow as; urn and light hams, 18c to 1s' . .i had in the past. Consequently j }cavy, 16;,v to 17e; bacon, 191.t.: to in each individual city sufficient + 204• 1:. .1 has been included within the 4.• . limits to allow for the build -1 SIONTRI'.Ai. MARKETS.( that the continued growth of )�lontre:ll, May 10.-i)ressed boa; tl.• • ,! • will nccesnitatc.--Serib-! juices, 813 to (113.50 per 100 lbs. i'ork ---Heavy Canada short mess., barrels 35 to 45 pieces, $32; (''an- i chives 501(1 at ]da short.-eut back, barrels 45 l0 55' each, or 3e to Cheese -12c for large and 12' c for twins. Old stocks are easy at 12%e fur largo and 13e per lb. fur twins. Beans- -$2 to $2.10 per bushel 1. primes and 82.10 to $2.20 for haul: picked. Potafoea -- Delaware potatoes. 5ie to 60e per bag out of store, n!I.l 4., - - -♦' of the Lural. The following is the thatches, 2.SI:1I'S I\ 1•. S. SEN.1TI:, lit 11.1►1\1. BOOM IN MONTREAL ALL G 1S IN 1011 '1.111,. .1., :,Iteruu' n. The comet is scp• r:.1, .1 from the. Firth by at least ilr. Jacob) Say; Poison %%ill he Di. : t 0,000 taller of space, w•h►eh i+ a luted and Harmless. 4ii,t:lnce great .en')Igh to prt•te•al 'I heliete that fifty per cent. ut There will hen building limas in 40 to fin pieces, $a1. i • tushihle ctil vile(1. on Ili•• the•. seats in the fatted Mute's Men \:( 'Arta) thin season. if no labor ]t,• 50 pi ce 1*ate, halt barrels, UNITE!) STATES JI.11iK1:'1:� A de,pat• l' from N. t. fork says . earth. The earth may pass through i.(•• can be stud to batt' bc(•t1 dal 31 roubles come to upset prrsctlt end- 10•) Ifs., $11.25; tierces, 2(x) lbs., ISO danger t., to flared from (i ' it, tail, whirli is compose! of • i. -t la ally purchased." '1111'. "'sue 11 l:tiens. Reports from the city *is. tierces, 3(x) 11,s., 820.50. tl et flail.: r'•n+•tor its tail, a' t; ,, y rand cl,hcnirrnl 'ul,a:ant. nMtnt e'1e ,nate here on \I'ednesdny hall state that, including the ('. P. I fear �I:ulitnl►a- spring wheat reeding to Di 11.:( :AI Jaltobv, 1,1 14 ,41 there will he ab.olutch is, h former !'ratted States ~rant(„ 1. station and fit. Lawrence Hall p.atrnt•, first'.. $5.60, seeends, $5.- \ 1 Cawthra Mulock & Co. OWN AND OFFER FOR SALE AT PAR, $ 100 PER SHARE. $2,000,000 of the 7070 Cumulative Preferred Stock, with a bonus cf 2507o Common Stock, of MAPLE LEAF MILLING CO., L.iM1'1'BID (Incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario) Head Office - Toronto, Canada. Capital Stock, Issued and Fully Paid Up. Preferred (no Cumulative) - $2,500,000 Common - - - - - 2,500,000 $5,000,000 THE COMPANY HAS NO BONDS issur.n OR AUTHORIZED. GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, Limited is prepared to receive aubacriptions for $-'.000.000 of the swore seven per rent. N cnnnative• preferred stock nt the price „f Eta) for each +bare. with a honor of cowwo etoc ker ul 1, par rattle e ta 25 per rent. of f the parr.nl e of the preferred stock allotted. to be delivered un pAyineni of subscription In fu The dlridends on the preferred stock aetruc from April 51(1. 1910. subsettpttous rrlll be payable as follows :- 10 per cent. oo appplleation, and Ia Installments as follows. to which 90 per cent. on Allottmeut. came intere,t at the rate of 0 per cent. will be charged : 100 per cent. or 10 per cent. on Application. 35 per cent. on allotment. 22 per cent. on 1st June• 1910. 25 per cent. on tat July, 1910, and L, per (•cot. on lit August, 1910. 100 per cent. The right 1s reserved to allot only trach anbscrlptI. na and for such amounts as way I.e appiOTPd rand to 41..9:, the xuhsrrlptluu 1.,,nk wltbout notice. Appllcatioo will be made fur the listing of the s.' irltles of the t•uwpany on the forunto Stock Exrbnuge. The subscription list was opened at the office of the Guardian Trust Company. Ltd.. Toronto, on 3Ionday. .tp+al 1'iih. 1010. and will be closed on or before Monday, the 9111 day of May. L.P.?. at 3 p.m. Bankers of Company: Imperial Bank of Canada and Bank of Montreal. Board of Directors: . • I C. CAMERON, Winnipeg. President. JOAN 1. A. ii[ \T. Loudon. !'resident (;oderlch 1•'Ierator & Tran- sit company. Viee•l'resldent Ilunt Bros., Limited, Millers. ellAftLI•34 tvrn'rnit:. Toionto. Cke-President National Iron Works, Litnlred. JOHN CAIti1ICK. Toronto. �e r, tory The Maple Leat Flour Mills eulupduy. i.1.lted. ('11AR[.I:s W. IDANi). Toronto. tar -President James ('arruthers Com- pany. Limited. Grain Exporters. f President Itat Portage Lumter com- pany. Limited. cAwri[nA Mt'LOCK, Toronto, Vice - President. Dlreetor Imperial Bank of Cannla. 1)1• rector Cunfederatloo Life AasochUloa, IIEDLCY SHAW, Toronto. Managing inferior. Clee-I'reiidcnt and Mnnnglng Direr - tor The Staple Lear Flour Mills Cu., Limited. Security and Earning Power The •'se5:4,1,1:10. f the ol.1.1', mpanlea taken Darr a+ 1,1,01.' •Mad 1n .'tree• of 1511 Ih- bi,tir,. .rllhoat �- 011o(.unr.' for 'a"l":ll. ir:.A, mark.. .'t. . ■: 53..10.- 314 11, tmount hems American Appeals! Ibn.pan)la(l.rrrndI(u,4o foa. ho:f ..I.lorf euhu a/•tpbr. ul1.a1i1). o1f 114t1,(.'an•-aadplapa a1•rt• taken oter. and 11:e crrrillraM of 111..r•. Price. tt':u,rhou.r R (company. of,II w i.'Inn "s• .. wren. Ila! isles. ,.i h err th 1910.0 current orf. sand 1 L a a.t .ur nl u tlbr ra allowance afro err plated 1 al o rware rp t r r.. h h 6 a. lotion a d {n that r all onllnarn,l There n p e 1-,-,.ur. $1.00...,,0 of ndd:flnnal .w.b, 1. hlel.. Ir.'.l.l.. permitting of the co.nplrtaon of a soon barrel o,e1 apt a rn1111un hu.bri rlr,afor and .forme•' warelinu•e sot Cott ( *Marne. atoll of fifteen addl,tonvl .1..atoes In the 53e•t. will p,avide ftp new (uoup:tiiy oltt, futlhrr .aur►log capital. A• per r..1t lrml.' of if . Price. R alrrliou.e & Co.. of London. the earnluG• of Ili. old Company on the pre•rof plant amounted from September '18th. 1908. to Aucu.t 2011.. 1009, to !1tR.a{;.3R Aad from .tostul 31.0. Ir,00. to t',hruary 'lath. 1)10. to fldG.:93.19 l.ring for lilt latter period at a rate ritual to o.rr 13 per rent. on Ihr prrtrrrrd murk of the (amnpuay. I'roappec'ul•ra and form• of ap{,llrntfon tram be obtained at any branch of the 11't''rl.(1 (tank of Canada er The 110)11 (tank of ('amts, trout GU,r,lla r. Tre•t ''. utpaur, Limlted, Toronto, and from Cawtbrn Slulo':k & Company. 1'uru,.t., A!,IJlrutlnu. or .1111,6 •hunld b. made upon Ihr farm we (o.ap.n.• In, the t,rt.•(,,. tu. ,.0d .Leal., l„ .rot l...rnnr ,s1,11 t!,, r, aalit.iu.-.' Jur on uppl., at•,•n t0 Any Branch of The Imperial Bank of Canada, or The Royal Bank of Canada, Guardian Trust Co., Limited, Toronto, or to Cawthra Mulock & Cclnpany, Members Toronto Stock Exchange, Royal Bank Building Toronto, Ont. __ tutees, $31•50; besot p(,rk, small Sheep from Ise t from $2.25 to $9 1.1111\1: IN 11I\\ll'E11. 5!:,c per pound. to tic per pound; lfuililing Material, :are Sparer in Half of '11(.tu Purchased. Sil)!t $12.IH(1.0161 itepresented in I'rnjectvi pliers, but fat, barrel, $24: flank lambs at from 81 to R: each. Good Farmer Senator. Under wit). (t( rk, barrels. 831.50; pickled rolls, i l,,t.t of hogs sold at about 10e per barrels, $31.50; heavy clear fart' pound, :1 despatch from Chicago sits : 1 dest,rlt(•}, from Montreal says:i►al.ks veru hence, all fat, l►arrele • f4asor of iu•t,• I.:ny, who lecturt.1 ,.-shitit> ..f nn} k: •t of (Finger. \1u:. E. Sin'on in the course of no s,rtioores, the total Mur of the 1'•; aniter wheat patents, $5.40 to at Columbia 1-nitersity on Thur' raid 1)r. Jaioby. inttrwiew in which he surged tb' ' r,,.t( work will Ire About $1'2.00t1. S, 5o; Manitoba strung bakers', _,i_- _ _ .•1, et ion of United State Senators 011 'There ore also Limo flats being 1)11!0: atraigl►t rollers, $a to 85.15; direct 1. to of the Pe i,le• ,,.!,�trucied Ill the northern pa rt SIIATTERED EARTHQUAKE.:111;\-s--1.;--1.10N,. s,nale Passes 1 ro1riation'. --N- .1. Five Hundred Persons Killed in the Town of Lit rui Ro. Costa R ira1 for 51:ra,10(t1,11•'1I. l:ltl on 11 ay 10 4'11 118411 111111 Fiance .I.•-3,111(1 a. "+ Washington Hied 51 Seat. In less that. lateen minute'.' A despattcla from Montreal says: • I l.e• !Senate i111 \\ 1•(IIII•.(IRy scut! .1 tragic incident took palace (hiringfell nod pins•cd the prn.ion rat' t 1 voyage of the Allan liner lon- I.roprittion hill, carrying rlhout (rem g Montreal. Tau in'. n. n Glasgow 1.. i.... �+ul .In,t• ha• 111•n Leen 1.11:11.1•.1 RIa5,1u4(1,(00), Senator Scott. who .1. •;call}, fr,ii/I'• in charge of the (rill, stated 1. \icaralgun. -tine )f the buildings being dn'n dint he.ncefortll there would ho a o, ('. !:..,. was de. r:3tr rt. hilt 11' deaths are report r(1 input (allin o(t til the amount rc• (, t crrtxg I 1 R 111 that cit. Snub (tire slight! in. ( mire:l lar the saymentof pensions. hit. rel ••n 1leflne-'... nir;ht ht a jl.{e,l. Forth shucks also were felt t ) t pu nerfnl .. i=11111 fir- .' uteri!. I►'' alt ?i le;,sI points ill Nicaragua 114 1r Ile said that :ti.lsal pensioners had tails are revs. in'•agr' . as the tel, rl'.• t '.<t:l Rican frontier. Reports grasp!► wire+ hate Leen i,telle(1 he- : r• :.riling here state that there is t•.cen San .)nae rand Cartago. The si leach suffering and destitution at ( (•er'Itors at the latter place wI ro i ('nrtage, consequent upon the disas- killed. it i.• kaon 0 dant nt least11 ter 6'1) 11,,r11,,r5.440.onart. .1,41(1 nnMI tisti0)' Cartago is en,• of the most (llei- luedr,d• injured Si'f,11.• of htailol- Tal ••n'. Citi(•. in .1ineriea. It was faun- .\ despatch from \l.,uetou. N. 13.. it'gs •very, throw►, (local.. .Im •,ie d.d by the Spaniards in 1522 on a says: John N('Krltie, of this town, ib( to the i'i11N('e r•1 .l!a"tie.•• I 1,•. t - p•I:,ill c• title :'•t of the petite 31,1- tea` 101 years old on Wednesday. f• 1') A15(llet. (':cl o• e.• The t( fe t:nr•• 1111/ii, .• 1 star at elle time n He came to Canada some five years a:ac1 child o1 Dr. I3osanlIr 1. rhon 3,''•, )1 , e„,' I.rable importance. before Queen Victoria ascended the (;r,orn(111un Magistrate t" 111• It I-!.' 11 L•.c(I allii,nt 311,1114(1 inhnhi 11 lune. and was in good health un - CI pita) .11nerienn .t rho ra1,.i!'tart-.. and until 1‘..11. when it w.31% ill ft (11.% weeks ago. Recently he C• nils, have been killed 1'a•' •• all but deor''ti•t1 In au1 earth•lnikl, 10(1111') aletter from a brother in the earthquakes con I it wit-, the capital of the pr„t ince. 1r. rand from whom he had not 11/uC.lte popnlatiorl in 1903 ata' 4,:300. Lard iu GO ,t eats diet! 1,1.1 tear. John ltd \111{1:11 1\Ii 10111. 1l.heltie is Celebralinc 11)1 Ilirthday. Young p( opb•, bound for the \fest, (iellrg(' Rose. 1111(1 Agnes Brown. be- came acquainted at. the start of the trip and became engaged. intend ing to get married on their arrival in Canada. 111 naid ocean the girl died sudden!) front kart failure aid her body- was buried at sea. 1.F:S, 111115hE1 1)IU1 \k. Orders rat ilritish Distilleries 11r. creasing Beer Prices 1 p. :1 despatch from 1.on(lon says: TI:.' orders at diltillerie'. c)Iltitllle to fall. Man% men have been dis- eharged. Increased prices are making the whiskey -drinkers adopt '14er, On Wednesday the brewers announced higher prices also for bepr. the Prairie Capital. \ despatch from Winnipeg says: 11 .nnipeg is suffering (rota the };I. west famine in building net-eri- al• in the past six years. ('ointnon Buffalo, Slay 10. --Wheat Spring hick has advanced 414 a thousand. wheat higher: No. 1 Northern, car timber and dimension lumber are loads, store, $1,15; Winter firm. $2 higher than a week ago, and ('0111 --Stronger; No. 3 yellow,' shingles are selling fur almost c•t'.c ; No. 4 yellow, (;::' ,e ; No. 1' whatever (dealers dare to ask. ('e - corn, 61%e; No. 3 white, 641'.,c. nant is still Felling at 75 cents a (huts Finn; No. 2 white, 45'.,e; barrel over last year's price, and du., in Lags, *2.35 t.. *2, 13. \ , 3 white, 44:ic ; No. 4 white, lha supply is very short. Good Roil( ti 011ts- dings, $1.90; barrels 4;•• Rye- No. 2, on track, sac. cornnm,n brick is practically cleaned $1.05. Minneapolis, %any (0• ---Wheat - out, and all the local brick yards ('otntnenl- barrels, $3.40 to !3. Sft•' *1.08;1; ,In1)', *1.0' .; Seo- terve dispose:I of their supplies. 50 umber, $1.01: cash, No. 1 hand, l's ntract'rs are estimating a hold - Barley No. 3, 5(i' .e; No. 4, 55e ; $1.121; ; No. 1 Northern, *1.10% to tap of at least three weeks on big (red barley, Me. ?1.11',: No. 2 Notlhern, $1.11,!•, to jobs. Oats- ('ar,n(18 at -tern. No. 2, *1.09',; No. 3 Northern. *1.0a!; to :31M; N. a, 3;'_c to 3•c: 111'.07%.limn $I„ to $Is.23. OIltnfl) white, �u, 2, 37e; No. 3, 1'lullr-- first 17t('llt1/4, $5.30 to %5.- ('1(01' CONDITIONS GOOD.:(tic•' N(r. t, 34e, 51): sl'..•,►1d pale►Itr:, ?5.111 to $5,311; Corn- American, No. 2 yellow, ftrsl (clears. $1.13 to $3.23; second Seeding Completed at Most I'ol1104 rise to 69e; No. 3 yellow, eta. to 07e; 41. ars, $2.90 to P3.20. Ni '2 mixed, 137e to 6.c: No. 3 !areata, Mny l0. .1s ns $7 is the 11 est• mixed, bac to 611c. i; nrenfioned in the ttnusaetihighons to \ dlspntrh from 11 innipeg snv` Millfeed Ontario loan, $20 to It•.tiug been i aid for a couple of ( rap e.'t►ditiona tlaroughunt t1e P20.60; Ontario middlings. fen to firer export .t. ,•rs, but the anernge ('anarli(tn prairies well. to ver bet - >:23, Mnuitnbn hn{n, 1'<1!► t•' $131.• range of the flrires for quad tut- ter than at present. The weekly :,Q �flnitnb1 `'}Inrlr, >?'ll t(r *22; c•1.''r ('rattle was flora 7111.-10 t) 8(;.7:t, ('. P. 11. crop report. which w: as is - pure grain n,ouillie. K:tet to $33; with secondary grades bringing all h, f.,1 01 Wednesday, shows that 11118C41Illollllbe. $2:) 11) $1ti. Cie way hem $5.n(I to $6.25 per set ding 1A completed at many Butter --Creamery, 80'.e. ens. ('oats sold ns high ns 016. but paints along the line, aril where it Cheese 1''ud(Iers, 11',e to 11',e. Ili" range for both cows tool bulls is not as y( t finished, only abuul Eggs- Selected, dozen. 2:G• to was on 1111 average (01 from i I.af1 l0 10 or lit per cent. of it remains to Etc; straight receipts. 19 to In(. W'1b the 0x041,1)11 of hogs• he accomplished. 'Weather eori'1i- width ars firm al $s.7a to $9 per ti. ns ane 18'.rnhle, considerable 1,11'1: STO('F M.11ih1:'1'ti. (cat., the sight sleek is easier. snot hci.:g reported. Slight falls of Moatre11l, May 10.- Prime beet('• S!c'I(t') :JVs ' +An•d1413 llnncT. ghs aro uolcd fro.' 4row it) ether ',•' 11, ns also helped ' r ' rot.' at from Wiie to near 7!;'se pre );lt'ail't 111 sllp)plylllg moisture. The pound: pretty gaud animals, 5!.,4.,+ - i .,11:4'.':1 ser•"n,tr uill he 20 per to t;'4e a11(1 the common stock. •le I The lfni+illtnn (',,,flet} of 11'n(I11^' 1'• e:. '1 '.' ( iiite•1 `tater lnli,agra to 1,(.q(• per plomil. Superior 11:1011 It •tritet,'!l its tt('1(•r1:I1(••4 1., (0' 11.0 1'• •• '• re•p•nisi;.le for 1'llleil in- : from $55 to a 6:t each; the lifnx r.,ir-,•'Its ,,s to 'I''''-.. (:!...(!tag k:'Nllr has 1105 1 other costs from $30 to 11130 vada. Paul t:' git' worm:, lutea. tea i'i,ty•J bJ w:. +-