HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-05, Page 71 ABSOLUTk �•�� SEGURITY. Ce'lu 110 Carter's Little Liver Pills. Meet Doer Signaturo of co Fac -Simile weeppti. Below. !eery •n,..:l mud, a• va•,y to tale tis sten?. ll, fi� a; FGli `ilT},E: FC'N 6{ll3ll$NESt. flits T; 'el': LIVER. r ssfl ,IA11OW SY.tN, I I'ii! TF1€ OMP -ECIC!! Hints for Busy Housekeepers. Recipes and Other Valuable Information of Particular Interest to Women Polka. i 1 yids to make pockets. T!e +till tl(en!IT IS A HORRIBLE MCATs! b • able to have elan) treasurer; +tithin teach without letting lu ask for thein. piet1ces. Taof ble ceule► ,tbuut three Holler. -Wake a 1NST.1\1'1: 01"1111: IIOR1t011` bruonwliclt feet Ion„, and one yuld and u half 01' 111'01101'11111]1.1. Of bite calico. Roll the stick in to one end, rued tack it ie place with tintbrass tuck. Lay the cen- ter flat un the calico, and r.11 up Die broomstick. Il' ceutie5 will be kept perfectly smooth, told free from dust. :Midler Millen at t lbrallur Died CAR F.. 1 straining the tl 1 t k '1'I 1 In Loudon Death Struggle 11:Ishnlallow Cake. Due -half I� thing. l f' 'Told al Inqueel. evpful Of butler, one and one-half It is net necessary to cite cen- cut fur., of sugar, uue•half cupful of k is uses! let It cool -- '>• •' — tu►y-old eases to milk, two cupfuls of fluor, five leu I f I 1 K c F.KS. I prove the reality or the burrers of h rtlrophoIia. liit- setenifuls of baking powder, tete- ten by a nl:►.I dog while serving with quarter teaspoonfuls of cream of Let raisins tic 111 hot water a Ronan Poet I;h(i4t I;taphid AerOuul til 2nd 111 !folk Regiment at Gib- let tai- lice egg whites, one tea- minute or two to plump thein. i of Vide/init. Eruption. ltltter• last September, and later speenfu1 of vanilla. ('ream butter, Add flavorings to puddings whet discharged from the Pesten!. testi odd sugar gradually, and cream, Veld, as much of it +rill otherwise' Etna. which still holds the Skil- e ' p:a5s off in stduu, tars terror-stricken, has certainly trete at Paris as cured. Ge4''v4• Sca- the,. milk and !tour, altv.hit ing, he eh alarming, and oftct over ceps : man expired in awful agent• at the then the vanilla :old the whites of Dale; are un excellent substitute Ilnckuct (England) Lrtirm:ut re - eggs h' a:eu stiff. free augur and an addition in them-' w'1 t Irving, the inhabitants of Sicily selves. let various times during a period of t4; tit'. He had been brought to them - "Maud S. ('ake.--Part first — 11 egg^ se +aretely <' s and adding ung the whites the last ting. 1f boiled ani! core actin the eggs. When fruit is used stir it in last. VIRGII. AND ETN.!. There hen eggs are '.cruets substitute: 01* 1. 2,00(1 years. There is a refer - Eight table.;puonfuls grated deuce- a small grated e'trrot for each eggcr,,e in the writings of 1)odurus Sie- late, yolk et one eggone-half cup- is a plum pudding recipe. illus to an cruplien which is said tat of street milk, one cupful sit - For rolfce flavor du nut make a Har. Boil all together, 11•h •n .-e,el strut ffee r arra two teasetiontuls vanilla. Part K cojelly, but blend 14111* crestni c r white F til? l►ospital only two days preyieus• lye I' C. Walter Nick, said that as to have occurred as far back as h he was taking deceased to 1tit in - 1(9..' I . ('. Virgil, in the ••:\eneid,•, I fil;nary he suid that a comrade in e u a u e has a graphic account ;f 1•:tits n his regiment (lied from the effect of • • 1 tei's (or cupful a sugar, three. XK' eruption. upon which the mode),n! a dug bite, adding, ''1 suppose it qt :triers cupful of butter, yolks , p Buil rice until thick and soft in; cherrl juice and sorts with cream'journalist would find it hard to int -I 1, my turn to die.'' tet• eggs, nue-half cupful of sweet a:• 1 hugai.. p►uvc. •'I•:tna thunders with her- \\•.\'i1':11 G.1tV1? 11111 ' P:\'MS, or.�rrnnr,.,,,.,ra •..•..,. milk, two and one-quarter chills 1'lt�r 1 I :!fix sugar 1111(1 cornstarch dry, :'ihl^ ruins,' mites the Ron1it211 Dr. Gordon. this medical s11 ,(•ria ul �,,•,a;teese eegeAas aeeetM� of Ilene, two and elle-half !(rinse l• mit i t (•t, "and sometimes sends forth; 1 '• - ��=TS''e`!""' "'11"11 fills baking powder. Relit the but- r in t( little hot milk until ter:tient of tee Backus!• Infirmary, Ila, ""'t'•E• ter and sugar, add yolks of c smooth, then stir into the desired to the skies a stuck cloud, ascending sairl that the deceased when put in t, eggs, quantity of trot milk. i 1 n pitchy whirlwind of smoke end t„ a bath sprang up in a fright.atis ' then the milk, then !lour, next the 11' dumplings are put to cook in glcw'ing embers, tlu•uws up globes 'nils' witness r HF;yUUI' or l'U.►1. S'11i1hES. chocolate (eveurd, lastly the beat' colo water they will not fall apart.. p4,f fuluc, and kisses the stars; sotne-I „ e added: 1f 1 Inention- ee whites of eggs. Put together her ti (el water it rent the def cased into Gould Tie Up venous?(e in a Pett- with caramel icing. ('urumel Icing 11"hen nlukin • shortcake roll out tunes belching Hinge on }sigh the u spavin. He was, scot!! r. (suite •,'u• crust, spread tuft! soft ur melt t'''' and shattered bowels of the.scrsible, and could give a centime - • f'1)ne cupful sweet cream, lwe1 cep -„,p butte', Ila! the ( nientaain, and with a rumblin it et a accounto list ossa. „ tb'• fir,! and nIL to bake. 11'h0n 114,i•r in wreathe scups cun-ulves in `Ile sig_. of an egg. 1 tit ell together I u v of fight blown Sugar I tt s 4 lent 0111( on 4 e! f 1 II In view of the -"Eike :(t (:lace �' li ,+ • N. S., it is int. resting to Mute K .done this coke wilt se Carate in the au nxrlten r t'k<. and bel• ls up (ru, ! v reply to the coroner, witness and boil ten t when stirring cion• Middle withutit cuttingafd the de'('eahed was a fine xpeci- y.Lac the result to .lulcricu if an air lowest !:•.!feta. It is said that teen t t) athletic noel, and ht, ci iteernational coal strike had been sG►tly. B•eat when boiled until n 11"sou two lu+ rs h k t holt ;1 1•.nceludus hitt! cuu- THE S. S. LESSON I\'1'F:ItN.I'I'ION.11. LESSON, M/1•., r ee I. en 1 1. '1'r1 u• . ul .!:(ore Lrsssnu, !'roti. 23. _'9.3:. Golden 'feat. Prov. 23.3''. Verse ss. Woe .1 ►toy of t rans- lati.lg the Bele tee exclamation, ,.Oh Sorrow --t1 way of trunslatieg the Hebrew exclt(ntct1i''n, -Alas:- A paraphrase of these two 4iuestiens w4 old be, "Wile are the people thee must cry aloud, Oh ! and Alas! !•' They are nuteries of bit - tellies, of spirit, pain, and re - ,n• 1 4'. So bete as sten indulge in sills cutttcutious over the winecup, ar,u, in their angry wranglings, in - 'bet wounds without cuuse, there will bo these sad outcries of dis- t r4•SS. Had Weak Back.i Would Often Isle la tied Por " . Days, Scarcely Able To , �- -' ✓ - Tara Herself. Mrs. Arlt. Scheele, Black Point, N.B., writes: --” Fur years 1 was troubled wide weak hack. ()ftentimon I hsve Iain its beat for days, being scarcely able to turn myself, and 1 have also been a greats sufferer while tryingto perform my hotete11o1d duties. I had doctors attend. ing ole without avail and tried liniment* and plasters, but nothing seemed to do 1nc any good 1 was about to give up in despair when my huebund induced Inc to try 1)oan's Kidney fills, and after using hyo boas 1 ani now well and able to do my work. I aro positive Date's Kidney !'ills aro all that you claim for thein, and I would advise all kidney sufferers to give than a fair trial." IIU.1N:$ KIDNEY P1LI LES are purely yegetal,le tnedicine, malizing quick, per- manent relief, without any after ill effects?. A medicine that will absolutely clue Back- ache and all forma of Kidney and bladder Disease, • !'rice, 50 cents per bot, or 3 for $1.25, at 1(11 dealers or The T. Dlilburn Co,, Lime (ted, 'Toronto, Ont. la ordering :specify " Doan's." 30. Mixed wine—Wits to which ---__-_ spices have been added to make it hotter and to enrich its Ilas.c. This; HONEYMOON IN BALLOON. is the drink which Isaiah says (5.1 21; unbalances the mind. Fro nth Aeronaut and Ills Bride -31. Three qualities of wine which '1'uok 11 Recently. enhance its peculiar charm -- the A curious honeymoon trip was ric•hnes.+ of its color, its liveliness, trade by the aeronaut M. Emery and its delicate flavor. In the Old Tierlynck and his bride, ,Mlle. An - Testament there are nine. names gele Quesnoist, daughter of a manu- f•,r wine, but they are all pructi- lecturer of Roubaix, France. After crane the same, and stand for a the aedding ceremony was over beverage which, if drunk to excess, they left Roubaix in a balloon for a will result, in ietexicatinn• !'bort aerial journey, fl tt•as the 1. !i o u` - 3 owe+c l ''210•,11:11 the wino 130th ascent of the aeronaut, who cream. When nearly cold odd nue '' ate eked sen 1 naurkeJ to one o/ the attendants, may go Brun, !herr is at lust a d! dared, aught be. al at ,i, 4 in the old way, cut the `limed %%nil lightning, is pressed had just returned from Morocco, Jlillions of money111114 wuulcl be lust teaspoonful +Isi►Ounhll o[ vanilla. 111 41 n with this pili, and that cum H;w hard it i fur a young fellow st:ng sed a bite in it, which reminds tri:ere he did his military S !cake a little larger than the pie like me to b0 bruu ret tit thin mis- u., of uutnkin•1•s u}tl sue ler ser itary service as i 1 n very sllutt time. fur trade and Siker UakO,--Three-fourths of a t:n in which it is to be baled, and 14)4 tis lana, laid abuse hien, is stable condition bb a du The cuts The l military aeronaut at Casa Blanca. pktelyrcc would be almost cum- el fur ;I butter• two cupfuls of tarn til, the extra width in a mar therefore still spouting forth llantex1 g i particular species of •1s for the bride she had never plctely puraltz. •I, railways 4would •'''_urs one cupful cornstarch, one slum its burst htriiaet— and that!c.ortor added that there was 00 de- :0 4:, r and serpent cannot be deter been in n balloon to the dist ase "'As before. liter he stopped, and r1 oit f sing there 4 o 'ti I, .'.1k, two cupfuls it we, one ries, as often as he shifts his 41 eery side, l leaving the church the wedding would b� stat nasi,.0 t , see nothing ;ie.+ :t h 111 teaspoonfuls of baking make large biscuits fur indit•idu- al: Trinacria, with a sleep groan,! w4lll* ul:u►ifest itself. a .•,1. u't Kp•oceeded to the Velodrome .:. 1'110 ?((rot of wine upon the I" y I Velodrome, of the suQetiu,ts that w ,old he en 4tJ1r. whites of screen eggs• at shurtrukes, truly trembles and uye•t-t,reads thei WANTED HIS T}{It0.1T CUT. . ;where the balloon Neptune was in lured hundreds + 1 nm butter and sugar; add waiting. The balloon and the car were gaily decorated with flowers ant: flags. The young temple enter - 1 lees of thous -eels ..f gar, xe a alter uns1s iii! n, distorting natural ob- . .t••lt the tan ugar;a d and- Always bake puddingx as sour ns l hca+en with smoke. The Coroner—"You never can eels int„ L•Intasttic shapes, and de- fellation in every large Hetet of t, •',Used. As a rule boiled puddings __ _ sat : it may develop in a few days. strrryin regard for the truth. nutation who live by the sweat ! 111' w-1111 baking powder; then ono require double the time necessary -- , g K their browe. In fact. one . I,i t''''Spoonful o1 almond extract and for baking. s areely realize the gravis; . i ie.,the stiffly whipped whites. This 114 1 see uud pudding is lighter and more wholesome than either boiled or baked. PucUings will be lighter if steam - situation that would be .•!••sits d 11114 were All fee coal mines in till d1:11 Burnt Sugar Cake. ----Beat oue- w„ Iv shut down, 04 en for a etre,. half cup 41 butter to a cretin, short time. gradually add one and one -hall ed 111 a cake mold than if cloth be Factories, farna(,eS and forge, 1.(1114 of sugar, the yolks ;f two used. would he the: first to be affected by 'Fgs, one cup of water, two cups Mice, bread, custard and fruit the want of fuel. The great iron of flour, and beat fur f tt. minutes. puddings require a moderate .,yen weika, where fire 11112,1 1,,. kept 4•,•11- 1 .1dd three teaspoons of burnt ' staidly alight, would have to close ,(.gar, one teaspwuu ;f vanilla, 0214'- quick oven. and cornstarch it rat her burr cu ► mere of flour if needed. tll'ick oven' their gates; eye:y branch of indu,- I tee would be stopped, and the Iirat again. stir in two teaspoonx dingEgg intake attractive baking molds. w-4 ?kers thrown idle. a f, powder and the well b0ut- Trains and most of the electrie� 0". 44liitcs of twt eggs. ('',ver .•,cling custards!, gelatine, railways would cease working,! lamge Cake --One eupftrl of etc.. with glass to protect from dust st(amships, fuse, would he 11101140,-- -dear, one heaping tablespoonful and germs. less!; gm would go mite and most of of butter, two eggs, one cupful of 1dd gelatin t., custards just atter !'inti ulu from the oven, first dis- +:17• electricity switched off ; new,. • bre ad sponge, enc teaspoonful of ;refs -would soon be forced to `al'.;, rtratus, one-half cupful of rail- s"ivinq. aye publication, and in any cuso' uone-half cupful of currants, teeth* not spread the news of the tw,- cupfuls of flour. Mix the in- !'I,•greaa of calainaties over theer(dients in order named. Let it o::rye rise, and bake along with the I . • very cite the public would be- 1,1-4 u(1. gin to feel the pinch on the very d1v on which a national .strike was declared. .1t a single betted the p4liee of teed would go up :1 lien- HOUSEHOi•D HINTS. Paint. on window punch may be removed by welshing it with vine- gar. sl c u:,enlhs, or it may net make its- :Among the physical and mental ef- eel the ear, :end the balloon was 1111 ![11131. J I e7 .1 1'1:11, � 4(pt'•llrance until years after- feet` of intoxicants mentioned in wards.' scut off amidst the cheers Orf a large Ow Old 1'e-eat:lent are dizziness, crowd of people who had gathered amen netisr of ten Billions, in ;Ir:,. 1) Gordon said it Was twenty- al i,idity, 4(melting, incoherent eightyears since he had the 111x! speech, 1... undo Two 1101115 after it came 1 erne? of Human Ila*),I% ccs. :+bnurn,al exuberance of r The symptoms vele like the s ,.rite, less of (town at a little country place near Thr, alimentary canal i5 the nee! + he I judgment, eaten •Arras, in the Pas de Calais; depart- Seanlan asked hint to ti4usnese, shamelessness. All this' pet feet culture tube known to I/ 1' . 4e h1., tlel••at. This was not an in- agrees well with the-cirnli& fust rt'arrtfi, about thirty miles from the teriolugical science. No part • i 1. •• :alien to put him to death, for that drink is at the bottler of a east ?tart, d a then the young couple Indy is 10 densely populated w,; Ile added that it would be the only anemia of insanity, disease, and retched an ovation from the peas - microorganisms. It i, dstiulnl •I el -4 air could be admitted to the erinlc, a well a, ; :11:I:erism and '`nes, SI. and Mmes '!'ctrl}uck re- ll►:at in the alimentary tuna) , r ::. eels- organs. turned in a motor -car to Roubaix K racial tle.g.•ucratMe. tier difference: - 1 nvrrnge adult about tel the evening for the wedding ban - le time ,.„tlullt-, witness continued, was emiliu• 4i a!:' -1 cutin 1y to the: eteightecl with the aerial honey - They crowd this regil,n s.. d.•11"' • deceased's agonies became t4' iltthlt•1 . !., ,lt 111 to the; 1(111141(4‘,t1.1 till,. ly that scientists originally 1,• ' •..•,i 2, . iiblc that they had to inject git'iit cost of :u::,x0:itiup, liquors. ` that they were indispensable t., hu- t,:•.Iphia to quirt hint. He died at �e went x it easy fur 1114' iqurrs.1 + 110.11 life. According to 41 writer in't•:3`1 in the morning, after an a'•- to procure en•,ugh t4, dethrone thet . ('.1N 1111• (()L'N'1' .1 811.1.lON1 Mc('Iure's, Pasteur, w•he first dis- : (at night's suffering, !fitness had reason. Ina recent disr•ussien in mit 1ebes come into existence o. 4. tint 1:11•:1) IN .111'I't•f. .1(it)XV. between thl • diiel, !,1,.1.1, III of the' catered them, maintained this,i,•w•,. wade a post mei-tent examination, England it wa, said that "(ellen' Would Need a Life -lime of over but tee. 111 ill, 041igati1ns hay.• ra•'r.t.d from the 4yniptuuts 110 conelud wealthy i' ''i'' feel rtes doe n, the ther disproved it. i'•'i deren4ed had died from hydro- ) 1 11,011;1 !'cars(. There are many animals that ex- it ) + duke a trip t.. the South of France. I Suppose sense king of a land of I obis. t Sixpennywerlh el gig is a working, ivt in perfect health without any The ('or„oer—"It is a terrible man's mistaken eat ..t going to the golden sands should offer you a bi1- iut. stinal bacteria at all. Pular sight to see a plan huff( ring from 8441tla of Franrc.- lion paper dollars if you would Black knitting silk is n most use- I. at,. 1.0.515, penguins, cider duck, 113111.'Illurl,tu. I remember one in 31. In the mid_! ,•r the sea-l.lke, count theta ! You would go to work fel mending fur cotton or thread r+1. 11. reindeer ---terse and other t my nlecdical student days, and the or.e rolling inn tit of sickness in ; as though year life depended upon SPRING V1:(:1:1'.\lil.l;s, stt.ckin creatures in the arctic >.n11C have tight sill never b0 effaced from my your eased, ronnliu for abant g the middle of the ocean, '• I g ('hcest. ('arrut.s, - fresh cheese Kitchen towels sh•'uld be washed fey traces el th. er anisms. tueuwry '! twelve hours a day. Flaw foolish K That Beth upon for top ofa mux!. Bred per cent., and thee it oriel* made+ into Paste With a fork. add a out Dailyafter the dinner !stew •F —:1 vivid picture of the peril and that would be. You had better '►as be imphl.' fur hnnsele'Iders to vete. little cream and it hit. of red rtl,• put a Way. 'r uuateacliues4 of the man whose thank him as gaud u grace as pos- get: fuel in all. if by any chance pepper. 11u11 into little carrots '1'.' relieve a Dough try sipping a `11 It11.1Y4:! 11111101.'1• 111:.1.1, .....-_-_- 1II 1. 11 E.11.1 it 111 %USTI! 11.1 \. mind is ender ,tie. tl•:u,iniotl „t sil:11 and go to some country !there it were to oceur in winter the hor- nits a sprig of parsley in the top eincgln..f,ll of }wt milk with n ton- ------ 11 strong drint. mur.c: is out so plentiful. tees of the situation would beggar Milk Now le 1n_ I'nrilled in Pari. cit 1 sport. ltuoiu11 to Ss'r Per :1 billion is a mtlliuu timesa mil - 1 1 gheernu nl a 33 1 felt it n„t-.lfter a loan has description. b) mean, of 1 11 1.1 Violet Rays. ( Milk is 1.•,,4 L.•:111! 514 rilited of each. Serve on ,late with eulad s-ounful of • . or pie, • Wtyle kid gloves should he rub - Creamed Cucumbers. --Dice the bid gently With breathe -imam after cu0umber4 and place in ice water • nc•h wearing, and they will keep /01• about two hours. Neter use . •inn lung time. EVERY 1.1 1.71-1 INFANT. "!• •dcadu eetl hi, nerves with exec-,,tr d. lieBy strict application you I :ultldtahs le .e, l .e little A1)ullt gulzlinq lie becomes ill,enslhl! reel, Alight count •200 bills a minute, and�� Paris by submitting it to U10 a, l ' i' greet Com.. eiweallh of .111-' to hard blows. I utter prnel ce, t.' len to keep up that of 11!trn yielet rat's, thou eventing !?alta. in an cadres• beret.. the 1 will seek it. ;!gain -:1u insati f spec That would give you tali (7 d. :(It to water, 115 that makes there 11'he11 hot tlann0ls air• wanted in tri use of heat .rr 4rentntent 1.4 Orlllua Canadian (itch, M►. W. F. atilt thirst fur mere i, nue of tl, 81-''00') an hour, f42'4S000 a dzr 01 114 rt •!he sone eIlvmillion (00,000 die hereto b0rero <I. 1- anBoil m►akrlean thickening water until lt 11-th0+011n1a• to heating them in a steam- chelnicul auti4411)1 ' .Ill,•t,u104s 11 l•• ekshutt. .,f Iirunttur,1 made commonest 11711k'. of the confirmed . (I'e,*ty-[eur hours) or R10.;,1dta,ltg0 X and 1„n will thou •d h has long been knee o that light ►treat country. (Mich h0 "'it'd re -1 (at.tts'er. , i 1 a tear. +.• _-- - Had .!dam at the beginning of (':0,000 illcgttimutea Zorn there. all+ 1; rlilopr.J 1'etnturs. I':ue midi ch these + uten gnnlsnts, and 1n l'!ri it 'as I11.i'1.11 t•' him an Invplratien and reyela-I 1\Ill IIi:11 (:Intl!(,\. ,'l-, existent'' begun 144 count, and Put a tables ot.iut in the til n, , counted night and (lay, he would tent from the ultra +tole! part ••f .1 l uun:c 1:n:;li.hulan is Command- It'et c1 t lUlte finished his billion. 1'0 lint 20,t!G;►'He slice Thin one ,tenet .,r legatees. keeper on washing dR}, and you the spectrum !bore p►ecr0d•,I tats •\ustralin, lh1 twin heels?? in put layer of polatoe, in baking! (il' he pleased with the result. t nnada, was a count in • (( tit eerie -1 hit f in tlnruee,l, 4'••unt :t billion dollar bills would `Q"� that hid a 1)114 , re-id:11 r•fir:•t. It I4v;Illre R person t” count. Stt)h :1 111.,11, SI•:ISUII (Its I. I •• ••4. -?11'111 I DIIII r ('rack Meese... - Pllt. a I:IIIIn•4t a. great 115 Ullr Ile lllllllnh, i'l: ere of butler, .!teed l ilii - •,f , ., 4•.71• ill litllel Ile( II !11111 Ia• tile, 4 I+a 1.1 l%.•!1,. .,, ! n into them bef4 ! K I r lt''I • +.,ant; r I:i is I:•'; 4•'. V ( boil- p , :i1. ..e l' Y 111,1, :1• L(e•1 as f 1 .,. ,, f ►' ;hese I:It • t1' 111` 1 1„t, ••, - ea! 5 11011E14 and20minutes, 1, ' ••" i` 1 r„ysdcd h0 should 4 1• has taken ntel `et elf teal, ,u ,.ntrl•• anti Myth -we, emelt larger nee in Luliderl. 114.11tig a 1u. ,.k of . 47•iy Illgllt and (lay. n this. ( •!114. .u,rl 'mire Irdtrnliuns than ant t u• they e same as reach th , fifth }•ear, ndcordingl n for pre'.. They are dclic•n- tr able of wringing, at el t c to satisfies lust published. Of the. encs J Turpentine help? to p•1 • (petit. He said the Dip had been; ' ilbout hen! can dent I.,y mi••ruor 1 , I "Bronchitis. Tai SV MPTOJ:S ARI: 'light -nem across l c (;hest, Sharp Pains and a Difficulty in Breathing, a S••; rotten of Thick Phlegm, nt first white, h !..ter of a greenish or yellowith color teem•* front the hronehial ti',.ee peen eo igeing, especially the first thing in the morning. Itronci,ilis rs generally the result of e cold ceased by exposure to wet nn,l in,,^levet! ecut1•rr and when neglected will live:.::.r chronic, ('hroni. t'-„nchitit is one of the mord Ir,••:• rJ • .•t l• '.f Consumption. (Tele the ,• •1 llinnrhitis ht, the use e1 lir. n. o.- , \ore ay Pine Ft rap - ` 44+404♦4♦ \cis, 11:.,16:, Ilour- I ♦ •! get. I'1,1,• 1•:.1•.,41, ♦• RRww.ichitii •� thll•.,tiltee• I'.,t SIR ♦ 4 Cu, ed. + spring 1 '., , %I n + poorly, beet n 1..;! +4+414+♦P cough. sick I•:,I. •'4,1 ar11e, rvn114 4.•1 t • • ;,. end w'.t4 tired all the tine.. 1 r4 t, , , .ao d lou .!"?tars, and both told r,' 1 • had brcxlchiti•, and sdvisrd me topi' ' (,i� ' , . ' teaching. I tried shoo:.' ,A1 15 (llimg I,ut netlr of the „lentil -int -4 gv•.,• ,, , .i't reluef. I,;e•• of nitr..•t 1 • .,!,., ,.I ,. , rev lar, Nor.. ,:ty !110.11 ' , ' , ' ' • 1 , .. i •, to (1•t bet'et ; !• 11 I(•`. Ile a RI t l ' I U 4 for a period ef q )1' !•sibs r. ,( ,ul I,rgllyhmau %!. , !,, u I \lural .1- ,., days. It ut l p •1 I 1111<I sprint,' ,..4, I, I,.. 1 int( water. and the n,'tnl y. ill co I•' t'e,Ilcasi14 tlaro112111 '4nalrti. 4 11(`, and '1111 tpo chic,, 1111 fid nn !110 1111•,•1•• , , 1101 VI 1111 tlulir. HIT,” 2 Ili,' ,I,t!i! :141 elect the heat away so that the„11111 C;Iltirl ll- il•. praetor•% are n-.•.1 end thee till e!ass will not crack. di-!, with milk ant! ht !1,.,41. ! k 1 dg' to gr tern! I t(} ( ig hl. 445 (40( .11(1 s' I;ut if, while attrn• 1 S lenge, (narks en dreers are the tense”: hitt tow' ►11 Paris at:: appara 1it c;ulu `hew. 4 4erte1101-4 the”. h;►id 1P iton ll:',;..-11"n"111,11:4; s• ben uic•k na111(1 ourself ut the bnuntyl ,f lite kill despair of a fids hn11:+ew11, and 1m, has been made by ithich ultria sere eyilicnce+ .•f +net 'earth And The king 11:Ikor and, it a sol :2:141111. of te4;11 inn(1 o[ olden sandx u(1 IIII•: 1..\l-Xll1t1.enstfnt %ttshing spoils paint. In ti, let rays!, Illr01101 !Intro, x14.11 l'le.perily. The ho�pitiiht4 of ter 1111•, .•f f••Itnnr hi• a hie:,•uu1n�es K ,trade rub with a cloth slightly lit. 132 gallons el water an Boer. 1 "• pre wits a11no,l a burden to the io alnn,s1 wertht to hr 1anArll h„uld allow yourself twelve h+'11rs Iiia\!' fires-. - \VII, 21 you w'is11 to' t.,, isteue41 with paraffin. I 1 tslh,rs un whom it was lacitchrcl. 1. :1, tit' sot sleep, lrest and eating, to conal tt:Nl1 lslallke' !'Feil,!”, 'MI", And deed(' i Ash., much t1„time the seer'.:/ •'t (ne era! deli(!",,, Y,1 out billion you mood heed i`+ - " sli 1 t •'111•.1 a LI". ' bice. "I Chamois is leathers le a•.1 itl); of milk has been successfully 11.- \: prudll(•r•r'•(111• AilstI thins lt•11'.' {,•ti i 1likeLr, Hub:N'1 Pis= 1:1, i nl ' i ca'', years, :319 date. 10 I �r•.+ and .I:,, . ilii,•.?„li hit .nets cath pilcr,!:•'h :Istel washing as 'hen new. ;,•„rrl,!i•hrd. Illthungh it, •gpique- "• l anadinns la•at0n to n at•u►aatitl. •.,,, I �hol r,,'�to'1. nuJ other tri. Ti,,... 44•,i,t 1..• rinser) in a dean 111 ,., 'their ex r t5 minutes. vied !lore are perfectly clean. ' n e•..•- .ii fir-! a ,I,fli. , I fulls nnn'untea to its,”) 11 trnl;u(•lsed British :oleo n1'Ircr,. 11'rina out and stretch fell helot(, !het:. ansl pulled !tell na th y dI, .� hind, whereas ours were only Alt►• 11'hen only nineteen tears old ..-..... stomping linoleum with an ordi0 \• ( Y,e,lnnrl's pyre et en tar er . (': ' or the lin••, using pivot of I'll'-. ,,Icy besets is but scatterin the! see. the highest atera e of an .'l lily. t, then a 1rucoin .s the Rue then, 1111 g„"cl and i1,�11• '""I K r� Caul* Not .Sleep° Jr g sc, ns.lnry. tr4ei4.41 a cumo4i;.ion 'J' J g�. tent e,n tet• Ile`• LeAtr t 11 els..,. 'Inst. Slightly naoivten it vgnnre o f .• 1 tort en earth. The :1,:•trall',1, io Ilse Iegstlat, for distinguished l re t�h1 eiLl With ought% .Ire' awl flies ell! be %emelt !tense !kneel. lir It oyer ler' bl'nelll� l.t� L �j �� Dark. It'.. ! ere', nntonnlld (e thl('It Illi! galla'It r1 .,11 the field. 1111(1 Ile rc- Constipation • �y �1• •/} :11.1 then sheep. 'cry it! JJtt / D r title Oa i �j(!%YSitt» Kl•%�rll i semis• :111,1 ! ,,,I: like nes-, p tends sterling. tee his ra ,!since some liens• IRI- M l'u►t 14' 1),c, l,lt It, „r I'... Lns,• .1 chins cement (hit is -1st et}; Doctor Sr..i:l I-Ietirt. and i 4,• that) the 1411(711 of the t4hc:i1 e. tinder similar (ireunlstance(, in qj cin t11i;s rmtt L•• ,!„4) ,ip b••a ulifu! •:1i ;•„(` is made 1,4 n►akinq n rI'4'i 1 1'Ierves wore Rosponsible. 1 ,�1 (•4lnada. They Is1i...•44 tl,e tie N,•tna like,* campaign. For L ears. 1 ly and ,tuicklt ni t6e (•,Ilupit►g w it : f 141:it,• .,f egg acrd powdered rim.•. fl ;,• i, man- , 11111 :unl w; tan 1,,. . I ' ”" for wvo'I and tale* t' , !at le In April, I!!n:, h4iutt then at sumo Starch the rut! ..n- scud pin duel,, 1114'4, using 101 it uef quit? hnr41 int n;}hlafter nigh! ppon,a s1411 (1 .L..I, r '1,• ' 11141 411 Their sit. 4.,• in .. , 1,91 1e. he 14—,a11ed Ili, con1lni. "n:• at a time. • n .1 sh4:.t :1.' I 47:.)' r Hill t1,et affect it. 'I'hr•ir etre. du not tense in the •'4444' reel ''• i..,..'„ n t•uultl Ire j11da4') fruru, .. u, went In 11e,reccu and. aft' I- , .1ny irrcgel,irity of the bowels i. el- spre.:.i 1 n1,h'light <an h1 marls of a re;tr-i:in:• repose that tunes Ie 'h.,+e t.. I „ 7 il, , :;1 twilled. of !tool etas 4 n adyrnit'lee. nRlred his se, Rays dinge'rnu+ to your health nnrl „, a heRyt ,. .,r carp'!. La i• ,' 1,,14 n ,I enndl+•. Light I phew• hese'! and n'rtc• ur.• ti}!ht. Sonl4t , Multi }Inlid, the I rete•n41 ahtt1111 be corrected at once for if this is tn,•rr .,f I: :,•. ',hit, 11111-!6. •.tr, ►ill Il for n ,,i,• 4,e.rnll4 taken (f oe• ' ' (•. ,iu,ii((ic� roostilmtion:it di>•lurh:ilu, hurry er Olid !hell b rep- n , . ^4.. •, 1,... , 2 � � 1\�.•111ur I'1 1'11 :11111 111 :1 flit- 111'111!!14 hl' t1AS net done constipation and all snits of once :1.••I I; ...1 with het ir.,u. 1 11t• dis,(•ase hse,' 8,(4).”( 0.,ili1,'0.1 :Ind ;tn'atr`1 pelted-. Their f.: •� .!` r,;,.r k 1 :!rest •t inkk. tine SRI( 11%1' 7 1111 "11 r-4...11., t 1i 4 .1•:, a out trips a•u `I ten 114?"" ts n. t tet it c:umm ba1 ; .,lilted said, or ('umtnnn(ler- disres+•a err liable to atLtrl, you. .• 1rt:tin ,,,• ', :ting hoard and! Clio, In•1 Iu►lfeay c the pi4k. The g•iie•te • • 11'1 1:Idlints r.,•••1 1,r 4. ,.. I t,ip(• 1111burn's I.,Ita-I.ivr. !'ells Durr 1,,!i till :14 1 -r I'-:i:leeing 0211 flee ii,,,11,o,• Well Ire hours 44..d, •I, un(1 Sire • ('algin Stark. Ito•.snore, t►nt., Is. - rfel. 1''tih 'eel. ,• .1 1, •til no 111nn' of 1u,n!Hi He u. ati'rltion stet ail �luu4aeh I.iur and u, , Ils' , lel Ila will burn •letalc. writes. • ‘bomt two yeers4 ago 1 heron 111• , ,.Il!,l ,nscrlLell pa(i)l'/1. I !!1 flew"n �'• :.,•,t'11. ,! !. 144 111141 'ht 1„ 4i to be "'ailed "ilh a runt) 0,ing sen -411• ►• a< h, r and Boyle] complaints. another curtain, and ire ()!,I eutluins suer,:111!get I • a t1.1,. „`•1 , n as hc- F � i� t.., �.• •I tic o-rrll;re14 .\bd-r.l :\iia,• lion at NgM, wh:'!t 1 %;'1141 li: down. 1 Mr. Henry Pearce, t', Standish Ave,, i I. 111 near the r•11ge�, phi!•• (loo rest 11'.4 ,,, ;,v :',., : •,•.• ,.� , ••eft .11 + ,441 •'1 'Ill.% Ilftel'w ardv he - 14 Ic. lit (Ills n. illri 1hr1 a pairs Rot r" ba41 p e•,nld n;' 1l lei Iiin.' the d;l y. I' r ! 1(ulai lite. Moret sound, Ont., writes "Having of curtains rats h1 dune• it: hull :1 ! "f the curtains is sen fail k I:uetl. an I we (11 Il :,e to ,it nt' :4011 rah n, Ilse r,.nu;' •. I,, I ;'s4,. «:, ,4,eln11, 11! N; Y I !tau of \IutoC been Irons ,; .s Icd for yearl4'itb constipation, rake !fiche p, edge with 11 11110 lace. then'. 117:1 liana”. "MY •.toil* i•Iv•.".. •o ng1n1., ..",• n;” i it"I'•!. ,.f •,.•1,• .r c' d:e:. '1'.. prrte•nl the “sage, kind .. and tying yttriums so-called remedies nhich diel rue n" good whateter, I teal! , , 1, •t ...... ... ,.,. .. ,..� .. ., nest' „rl,erl 11:14 1111- •, sot of Ine etre sin •fust.` el. rr y,nalo.4. +ta J111',nm' Ilrart u':rl , ,ii r t!,:,! I I I r 14 4' ing nl:uhin. s. ,t 11 lin• trail, g I \,rr'e 11'71.) .td erli:.•,i :eel {tut „ Lex t•r '•s non& r .1, !rd., I, •c‘ cud ..then 4,tn'p:'lano t.o .tilos I. r : :,1,.1 !?tete•!, i, 4,•,•, 1•r' hit piece of (•mored s01cr•n b, 'h 41 !I :111.. , 4 ,6• i Arra• ,.1^, to try Sfil1)nrn's 1.'4 4•Liver „signed ri.., .t,., ort them. 1 t.l.i, three 4'05" 3'4'1 r,ln t, r Ihey Ir:r•t n^:I•n-! de, I Ire, 14 awl tier !nese- +: „ este 111..:,1 , • :! ,i, , n ; all! 1 t1 ., i ,,, - of s1 itching in -1,' ' neanl trill have an • si i 1)4114 . ffo, l . flirt IV. , n, -n 144 i44 t r.i•1•nnt ,1•••'4. 1, ! •'d l k mill , Pdl.. 1 bete found 4 1 < t ''•� uatl-e triers Hr l- sr•II en 1 the -'1 most bent,. • •• .•• yl,.; If„ rel : n„ 1,. Ils �I•Ir•, and metes • li ill-rlhrl. Unfurl/1 i' .(1 ell 1',' 1.1•11111r, x91 .•111 n••.! sans I inn "•roe, - i �. •the sunlit side of thirtl lici3l; they are, indeed, a splendid pill, 1„ n) j„ , Iner'r•' CI•fl I•\ 71 wall 111''k/'i tt:l a 1e, l '•,•••1.1 -les•,! Ise•illy t•1 •411 :.^?411'1`' .•11,1 1,:.1 IY!Cllfllllll`n, i ! irtain hi ince h+mgiu e. I 1lno:,u, r \1 it InnOs'" } 31144 1 ern heartily l thein 10.111 ! .v a ttlnit••11. ,,•1 the _� ,Ila' to the wall ht, hi; bed. "i'.tke e e "II re I;„. ' Ii.. •-,I t in. Ili. wife' thug who suffer from at ,,r .1 rer.,. ,,, � reel :rel el fere tem or :; fur il.:.i ”! uli Ire-tan41 that old Irilltan- I., '!':; `.I.IhI\(1 DESSERT. Ilure yu•1Mers oI 1,',.` nl,l of ''rc- „all Arll•r, er,nailri•tir,e, en ?seri `"' ! 1 ,teat ler ,; stet?? '_i cents :( +itl nr .i cur $Lull ,, .! -r,!, I. I i r I. ;:,:.,;,111t if ,col t.r.:, baby \ 1 /Ise loath• his fortune wit of a 41111• at 111 th•;der.. or;WM Billet Olt receipt lents, r„Irl np roll se tr. 1111' <leplh i of prier, hti 11.1.1'. )1i11,'c:, r',.. 1.1' :i:,.1, ' :s`i:'rp, 1.11,1 hi• - ,..ne beim, le se ,de Ile ente.e o ...u• :cJ, tur,ulu, On. lit tee',lne puddings itlw'ae s beat ' 4,nine inches. V i • • 1 "� If f • 1 the 1'. where Cu.. Limited, f .titch np at IlttCh , 1 croute, tint. . Vl u nt 1,1'.•e' ,s %that it loe.ka like.” 1 simple int cater." 'I'..:,,;, w, I! at.