HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-05, Page 3BRITISII BIIIIIIET PASSED Rushed Through the Upper House With- out a Divisibn. A despatch from Louden says: In a quiet se:.siuu lasting two and a half lours on Thursday evening the House of Lords, without divis- ion, passed the final stages of the finance hill, whieh now awaits uuly the Resell assent. 'There weie a few Peeresses in tite gallery and a shall nttendance of Peers. Lord Lans- downe, leader of the Opposition, detrvuneed the Government's capit- ulation to the Irish members as aft act worthy of Morocco or Somali- land. The finance bill embodies all of Lloyd -George's innovations which caused the Lards to reject the bill alien it appeared before them in November last, thus precipitating the general election. Chief of these innovations is the land tax, which proposes to take from the landlord a portion of the unearned iterentent on his land, to tax unde- veloped land, and to levy revision duties. The bill, in addition, plac- es heavic r taxes on inc•uu►es over $2e,000 a year, increases the w'his- Ice ( and tobacco duties, subjects motor -ears to heavier taxation. in- creases the death duties, and place a small tax on Stuck Exchange t ransitct ions. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS A ►I'ENINGS FitOK ALL OYER THE (;LOBE. Telegraphic Briery Froin Our and Other Countries of Hermit Events. CANADA. ()tin OTTAWA LICENSES CET. Fifty Hotel% and 'Twenty Shop Lieensey Left. A despatch ir:•rn Ottawa says: Tac License Commissioners of Ot- tawa on 'Thursday cut off twelve liquor licenses out, of the eighty- eight existing licenses, and granted only three months' extension in bix cares, which may or may not bo ex- tended. This leaves for the cur - The strike of t•he3 Dominion Coal runt year only fifty hotels or e ndtav- crns and twenty shop licenses. Ca- ed.ny trainers at Glace Bay has pita] and Rideau Wards now have Ca - ended. no licenses. The board announces Berlin, Ont., public school trus- that its policy is to cut off licenses tees have decided to use the Mur in outlying and residential tits - .The Primers in the schools. fleets, and to concentrate all the .The people of Kitseotty, Alberta, 1 (;tel and shop licenses in the busi- Lrub rt hard fight to save town from sees section of the city. piairio fires. The Grand Trunk Pacific has purchased sixty acres of land at St. SMALLPDX -1'T COBALT. Jelin to provide room for terminals. }expansion of agricultural train- Provincial Health Authorities See ing in the schools is said W be con- templated by the Ontario Govern- ment. Indians on the Sarnia reserve have voted against selling six thousand acres of their land to the town. Sir Sandford Fleming has been re-elected Chancellor of Queen's Ueiversit.y, having held the office wince 1880. Canada's foreign trade for the last fiscal year amounted to $067,- 142,189, an increase of $117,506,238 over the record for the previous year. Two Hamilton hbys, a Dundas boy and a Quebec boy have been selected to represent Canada at Bisley on May 24th itt the Empire rill.' competition. GREAT I1RITA IN. Kitchener was given a rims - welcome on his arrival in Lon- don, on Wednesday. UNITED STATES. The palace of the International Union of American Republics ens dedicated at 1Vashingtou. Richard Spicer, a keeper at the Bronx Zoo in New Yerk, nearly lest his life in a struggle with an al gry bear. Five men were killed in an ex- plosion on the Southern Pacific freight steamer El Alba at tho ni. telt of the Mississippi. Mei . ur Gaynor of New York, in as address at the dinner of tho Am- erican Newspaper Publishers' As- aticiatinn, said that \V. II. Hearst, proprietor of The New York Am - talent'. ween forger anti a falsifier of public ctocnlaents. ore GENERAL. Five hundred Alhsnians, mostly weinen and ehililren, were killed by T,:tkish shells at Godauntz, in Al- bnni:l. No Cause. for Alarm. .1 despatch from Toronto says: A report that smallpox is epidemic in Cobalt docs not alarm Dr. It. W. Bell, chief inspector of the provin- cial board of health. There were a few cases some days ago. but there were not over a dozen. The report current some weeks ago'that there as ,acs ultrh from Winnipeg says were 50 or GO cases up there: ssor�Th•' Canadian Pacific Railway has to 19c; creamery, 30 to :32c; solids, Mi. Cassels briefly notes that as a absurd. These were only fiveo5 to i'9c per Ile six. Be thought this rumor was tssued their sixth crop bulletin. - i , r• -all .,f the investigation before similar to that one. Everything which shows that satisfactory pro- i Cheese20i1`pertu(,13c per hdzen inese. in a' r. *i1,trate Daly in inntpeg Sues was under control so far as he et ess with seeding has been made. jobbing pea the latter fur twins.'a1g,+Eating A3,534 have been int - knew. They have an isolation hos .1t'ring rho past week. In Manitu- ) g y• `-� peed as i hoes• The i' here Int- pital there, awl eompetent medical ba 84 per cent. of wheat has been 1{O(; PliOI)l`( Ti;. men. sewn; in i.askatchewan do per cent. lied in Alberta h2 per cent •1t• a [facto . Eerie clear, 15', to 1b�',c CRIME IN ENGLAND. Itieent Slatix(ictc Reveal Alarming 1 ucre:me. Crime of all kinds would seem W be increasing in England to a rather itecomfortahle, if net alarming ex- tent. Se, at any rate, one would gather from the Blue Beek, di al - Mg with the criminal stiltistics for the year 1906, %vitals has just been completed. It shows that the num- ber of persons triol for indictable offenses was greater than in any year for which figures are available, and that the rate of increase was hip, any r - THE WORLD'S MARKS FS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. latices of Cattle. Grain. Cheese Other Dalry Pruduco 11 Qoiue and Abroad. l;RE.11)S'T('F1'S. Toronto, May 3.- -Flour—Winter wheat 110 per cent. patents, 81.10 to 8.1.15 in buyers' sucks nn track, higher than in year sines 1801. Tcrontu, and $4 to $1.05 outside, One of the great arguments in in buyers' sacks. Manitoba flours favor of the school beards institute ` first putouts, $5.50; second pat ed forty years ago was that with' cuts, 85 en track, Toronto. education crime would be abolish-', Manitoba wheat- For opening cd out of the land, and that the' nncigataon Nu. 1 ,\urthcrn, 81.0-1, expenditure on the wheels would and No. `2, 81.0.3% be amply compensated by the lower, Ontario 1Vhcat,--No. 2 white and charges for police and prisons. A I red winter, 81.01 to 81.06 outside. study of the ]flue Bock shows that' Barley -No. 2, 53 to b4C outside ; these expectations hate been .sadly N 3 extra, 50 to Glc; No. :3 at 48 falsified, and that, especially n of- t , 49 and feed at 47C (Iutside, fer.ses against property, critno Oats—No. 2c Ontario while, 35 to shows no sign of actual diminution. ` 3G!.Yc outside, and 3. c 011 track, Tu - As has been painted out in previ-, re pito. ('anada \\sent outs, 3Te for nus Blue Books, about fifteen -six- Ni. 2, Baty ports. teentlis of the crimes recorded are Peas -Prices nutuinnl. offenses against property, such as; ltye-Is o 2. 07 to 04e outside. housebreaking. The number tritd; Buckwheat -51e seaside fur No. f •r assaults and offenses against' 2 tho person in 1908 was 2,742, an m- ous i Corn -Nu. 2 American, Glc, and crease of 5.6 per cent. on the previ-; NI►. 3 yellow at fisc, Toronto oues year's figures; for offenses freights. Kiln dried 3, 60;;c c.i.f. against property with violence, l,-. lIny ports. Canadian corn, 00 to 076, ars increase of 22.1 per cent. ; , ! GG, -c, Toronto freights. for offenses against property with ' Bran-Manitohas, *10, in bags, out violence, 59,603, an increase of Tt,rorntl:, and shorts at $-"3, in hays 10.8 per cent. ; for forgery and of fenses against currency, 391, an in- crease of `26.5 per cent. The police estimateel that on the first Tues - dee in April, 190`i, there wero 4,255 habitual criminals at large. lander- n'ng to explain the cause of tits exceptional increase in crime 1009 the report points out that and Toronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples --$1.50 to $2.50 per bar- rel. acording to quality. Beans -Small lots, outside, 82 to $2.15 per bushel. Honey --Combs. dozen, $2 to *2. - Toilet and Medicinal Preparations Are Compounded by Expert Chemists Who Compounds Your Medicines? When your physician gives you a prescription you would scarcely risk having it compounded by a grocer or a baker, even if you were sure they had the right drugs. Von insist uu your druggist's skilful dispensing. if you did not protect yourself in (Lis way the laws of the country would protect you, for they Remand that physicians' prescriptions be di•pem� -d by physicians or qualified .druggists only. Is it not equally itiipx,rtant to know that the house- hold reuleeli:s, such as laxatives, cough syrups and tunics, and the toilet preparations such as tootle }}taste, which you use so frequently, are also compounded by expert chemists? When you use NA -DRU -CO medicinal or toilet preparations you have the positive guarantee of one of the largest wholesale drug firms in the world, the National Drug end Chemical Company of Canada, I,itntted, that each one ]itis been compounded by import chemists only. This is just Where NA -DRU -CO Cascara Laxatives. NA -DRU -00 Liquorice, Linseed, pnd Chlorodyne Cough Syrup, NA -DRU -00 Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Compound and everything else on the NA -DAV -CO list are pre-eminently better than mixtures at present flooding the market. They are compounded by men who know. Some NA -DRU -CO Camphor ice Creaseless Toiler Cream Talcum Powder Tooth Pasta Tooth Powder Baby's Tablets Carbolic Salve Cascara Lasatives (Tablets) Cod Laver Oil Compound, Tasteless 12 Sizes) NA -DRU -CO Formulae, Ingredients and Compounding Are Best Your own druggist could not be more careful or more accurate in compounding one of your physician's prescriptions than are our chemists in compounding every NA -DRU -CO preparation. Add to this the facts that only the best and purest materials that money can buy are used in NA -DRU -CO articles, and that each NA-D)tU-CO formula has been thoroughly tested in actual use, and you have the solid grounds for the Implicit confidences we want you to feel in NA -ORO -CO preparations. We are prepared to furnish to any physician or druggist la Canada. on request, • full list of the ingredients is any NA -DRU -CO article. Ask these :nen, who are men of standing in your cumwunity, and best qualified to tell you, all about NA -DRV -00 preparations. If any NA -DRP -CO article you buy does not prove entirely satisfactory return it to your druggist. Ile has our authority to refund the full purchr:e price and charge It to us. Von can get any NA -DRi' -CO preparation any- where in Canada, fee- if your druggist should not have it iii stcx•k he can get it within two days how our nearest wholesale brauch. THIS T)AD7 Mase .PPr*P5 OMIT 05 OV , 40001 Preparations Dyspepsia Tablets Headache Wafers Herb Tablets Nervozoae Pile Ointment Rheumatism Cure Sugar 4ef Milk Stainless Iodine °iotseat Toothache Gam Whit, Uaiaeat National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited Wholesale Branches at: _ Halifax, Si. John, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston. Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Nation, Vancouver. London, Hamilton, Victoria. 8 in ► S'O . extracted, 10' ; to 1 le per 1b. it coincided with ntarkcd depres ellORT-WEIG11T G1111N. sign in trade and an unusual ; Haled Hay ---No. 1, $15 to $15.50 amount of unetuploynrent. Nearly; on track, and No. 2. 81.2 to $12.50. •1l•rlr F:Idta}ur 1'olnpaniex Found five -sixths of the increase took i Baled Straw --$7.50 to $7.ss sit f: nilly art, hued. place in the principal mining and. track, Toronto. manufacturing counties, less than! Potatoes-t)ntarios, 35 to 40c per :1 .I. i arch from Ottawa says: bre{; on track, and New Brunner^ '1'I•e r•1 eft of warehouse Commis - one -sixth in London and the adja- cent counties. .t. _. — SF.EDING ARni'•r ('OHPI.E'r):D. Rain Needed at a Number of Points itt the Hest. Delaware. 4:, to :,tk per bag a nil err f';►stels, who was commis - track. ; su ned by the Trade and Commerce Poultry ---Boxed has nominal. Department, last afetal' to int -esti - gate charges of Dominica returns THE DAIRY MARKETS. by elevator companies at Fort \Vil- lins: turd Port •\ t thur in connec- Buttrr- Wil - Butter ---Pound prints, 21 to 25c :': large rolls, 22 to 23e; inferior. 18 taon with short n' fights for grain, ` : hat been receised Iy the Minister. LONDON TO MANCHESTER Great Aerial Race Won by Louis Paulhan With a Single Stop. .1 despatch from London, Eng- field. 117 guiles from London, and land, says : The great aerial Delby u", miles treat Manchester, at 8.10 p.m.. \\'bite started front Worm - weed Serubbs at 6.32, and alight- ed near Northatuptou, 60 utiles from London. at 7.55 p.in. I'nulh:ul had worked fur eleven e(,nsec•utive hours in assembling his sitar ('t•tnpany of Pert \Villiltnt, with but. a single stop. His actual' playbill... which only arrived from x.',000; Pert Arthur Elevator Cor ttnie in the sir was three hours uuul lessee on Tuesday. At 5.21 pen. pang, 142,500; Consolidated ('urn- 56 minutes. The second part of his on \Vi'dnestlay, withmit a trial of 1'— number of paints seeding is peach- lee lb. in ea -e bits; mess pork. patty. gene williatn, $50. The re- jerrney, 67 miles, was catered in 'u.y Lied, lie soared into the air and cally completed. Some delay took a e�,.5o to $2I; short rut, *31 to terns furnished by the C. I'. R. 117 minutes. f;rahate white, Paul- flew to Hampstead to. enter the rive: last wte•k by frost at night ::'1.50. Ell enter Company erre found to Las's rival. tita•lc his first deset.nt mile radius (rem The Daily Mail and high winds during the day. but plains-- Light to medium, 14 10 1,(, correct.. It is understued that t;0 ,riles (rem his ,••t.arttng point, e•ftice. Passing inside the circle. he no material damage was done to the ls' e; do., heart'. ln' to 13e ; re•11s• urtioti to sanest the licensees of the aryl when he retired to resit was thee headed north for Manchester crop. In Alberta the weather has mist.; shoulders, 14 to 1 t'.e; c(,utpanies will he taken by the de- fifty miles behind Vanillas). He was • and picked up the London & North - A despatch from fltrlin, Ont., Leen warm and dry and rails nimbi bieakfast bacon, 19 to 191.e ; h:ueks, pertinent in case the )fewest -aerie up again at midnight, though, and; .se steal Railway. says: Mr. Aaron Strome, a well- be beneficial at a number of points. 20', to 21e. ittg has nut been sufficient, and it slatted at 3.10, while it was still I A special train carrying Mme. kr.own farmer, she lied on a farts --.r--- is !ousel that fraudulent returns (suite shark, in a salient attempt to Paulhan. henry Farman, and o - on the outskirts of I'lor:ulnle, fell qt-F:ItE(' \1.11.1. NOT 1•IF:LO. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. arc made in the future. overtake his opponent. Despite the chailics W4 tit in chase of Paulhman, F. r a time the train travelled level with the aeroplane. which kept at n height et about tees feet, .\t Rug- by the trnin suet with a slight cte- lu, and the aviator was twelve miles attend. The train reached Lichfield five ;minute s after else ae replane- It was then quite dark, ttusn London to Manchester was woo un Thursday morning by Louis 1'atilhan, who descended on the field chosen, at 1)idsbury, at 5.32, con►plcttug his journey of 186 miles AGED F.1R11F:It GILLED. Fell From Roof of (tarn and Broke Ills Neel.. drum the roof of his barn, a dies — Montreal, May 3. --(tats- No, 2 -'----t----- dafhrnlhes and dangers entailed by lance of about 30 feet, un Thorn- Cling.. to I'nlpstood Policy in Spite Canadian Western. 40'si to 41e: Ne. r1'4I.E.•r ON l'ONTIti''1'. night flight, he stride 26 miles in day. and met with an instantaue- of United Slates' Efforts. 3, •59!, to 4oc• Ontario No. 2 ttbite. 10 minutes, but was forced to de- vus death, having broken his neck •1 despatch from Washington ail to2:31t se; Ontario No, 3 white. Nee t.. I. R. Train Between Mont. .re roll at Polesw'orth because of 1110 (10 the fall. The deceased was about says: 1':Burts of the United States 34 to 3gijc; Ostatin No. 4 abut•, reel and Toronto. i4( tr.uhle. 60 years of age and had been a re- , • 1 'file 1ieords of aviation show no Indent of Woolwich Township fur t•• have tmadifted in Bente wary to • 37 lo .37-_c•. Barry ---Ne, 3, :sit r : A despot' h item stentrenl treys: t'his whole litetinte, new pulpwood policy of the Pres- N•• 1. 55e; feed barley. 51e. Flour it i+ repurt•d here that the Grand thing to parallel the centeet he - ',tactically ire,: of Quebec have been aura(•_ \fauiitaba Spring wheat• pat. rets,w'• en Louis Paulhan and Graham --4•- Trunk Railway Co.lhaat decided to cesiifnl. United States Consul Fos- lir-ts, $5.50; do,, seconels, *5.10; sake au irnIf,rtant cut in the run 1:• 1\'hitrfor the blue tibias of the Ho passed over Itnrrow, Viat- 11 11.1 1 Ili: hILLS S('llltl:g• ter at (lttawa has telegraphed to Winter who•nt patents, *5.40 tee tong tilue between this city and To- air, The London Daily Mail's 8511.- feud, Bletchley, Wolverton, Rug]': 'the Starr 1)Ppartnu ret that Sir Wit- $5.50 llanit•.ba strong bakers'. rents.. .1t present the best tinge 000 prize fele the, first acroplanu and Nuneaton. 11 was dark when liners a 1 illage in 'talon lender 16 hid Laurier on Tuesdn.v informed; *Sell); st►:tight rollers. *5 t4, $5.I•.. ;nude is by the "International Lim - Feet of Snow. ' him that Qucgcc Produce deelin ••i straight rollers, in hags, $_.3.i to ileo," which dm.% the inn itt sev- A despatch front Vittoria, 11. t'., to modify the new law. Tltis meat ►82.•8►• Feed- Ontario benne *20.- 011 and a hall hours. Next. seasot Ifere ;it' Itihita the expert of timber, :; to 021 ; 1)ntitrie middlings. *22 to it is prepared to PM un n flyer, to any',: More than one hundred Jap ell. ',n 1'ruwn lands. excels t i; >:_::; Manitoba hens, R.'1 : Manite1i'a lease Montreal ret 1.80 p.lu., and suets were killed en April 3 when ulnnufactured ferny. such as pulp sh. rtie, st9l to R22; purr' grain mita• 'mike the trip i; six hears or less. an avalanche plunged down Sum- r eel eetnnsetciul lumber. Ceitside•t iI'i, , K:;_' to 8:13: mt\.vl ,nnuillie, wheat ulea•'s that a passenger will sose Hill according to rcperts re aide puss t'• .lrneriran paper mills k_' • t'• $33. Gutter \ew milk be able t.. lunch in sli etre al and re iced h( re on Viedhtesdrty, The stilt Ir .aurid by the ac I. nt•tr ht.. '11.3" •1, 31 to 31' .e, l.gg` 5t dine in Toronto. Tie• new train stalunehe uverwhelnred 1he \'illige wlieh t;u.s into effctt M • f \ishttnvatnuru, and buried it _ -__4._ _ ist'd the adjoining valley for a long 1111'l. '111 Tit t: 1.011115. di• fats. e under 16 feet of ':new rind i1''i'' Ittili•h LiDill Enters lappet hetet( steel, 23 to 2,e, and straight 1creipts, 19 to 20c per desert. I-I\'i STOCK 11.1 OK Ears. will lie t'.e fastest lar the length •+f the Inn (:333 miles) on the Contin• ref, eclipsing the Inmost% ••'rw•enti- etll legality Limited" betw(en \err pe 1t'entreal, May \ few very; \'• rk and t•hicago, linter Again. choice ,,,serer were •e,id at +17.70 Acre -------'f_.-'-- \ despatch (taut London says: to, !mine's, :cul trete Ihnt 1111.%1114.! 11AS .1l'l'EP�1ED .111.11111. i rept rte Chan/eller 1.1/.yd (,surge's finance 1t', p+dr pn.und f r ! ,% bel% the rejectie» et which le the I'p• u‘ ifood animals (rein e , tie Threatened Trouble at Montreal 1t)'., a of 1,"rdt cost the til114,1i. as 1• : "1",",",'" steak, 4 1'. 5t• !1'r; Has Been 1te)1, 1l. ('remise .1s•tttith anneunrl• 1 io his; 1'''I,nd; ntilrh emws`frms; 830 to $t3(1; .1 (le„p:itch friers Montreal says: titan spe l•r•h on It tuneful , y,;.:.00,. earl► ; (Alves trent 4 , to RK •''ieh. 1, 1rcuhlc on the anter front has null ill ,al It ''i money, pass• d th(' Sheri) freta 8 t., tie per Bustle ,i be, rs is,rted, both the then and (.lead l,As of hit begs s.+ill ret nlrauf • the steamship (sets tidos~ hating third reading in the ll"•e-e o1 Cern- a 1 1 n"'n- by n major'') „1 eelett three, 9-e'' per Ih. (ncrdpf the repair of theamid •'111111MIR,ttr a �N•efs 1141111 the T"1'atit n. 11;Iy a. - The )„.0)„.0 )(1':Ide1, a(:t(ed tee j1f.ii rd of ('••11(•1 hat lilt' and lieseSt%- livii,-terialists. It nits iminedial, of (nitlr, hrnl y steers suet hers eif. y ',old :thole *7, but. there acre mar(, Saban. :1s a result of the agree R ht. t • ' rehire will be 3G ELEPHANTS ON RAMPAGE Broke Loose and Charged Thi cugh the Streets of an Illinois 'Town. A despatch fr'.rn temente. I11<„ ei l•: ler , i, nod stens buildi,gs, ass: several persons s, ere itjered !sees -mall frame structures. .seal sl,' •1 •, 1' arse•~ and trees as Can"' ill let nnlrl• propel -Iv was daunnKs't1 t1" ii Lath t+e•rr pushed over. flet} 11•eejt.f 4iny 1,y 11111.• elvih:1111. .i• i, ,loe'.Is, ul,t'•etctl and thrown it, Ifrstnmprdrll jut after the% , , . .,.1,•. teen iiinfe tltd free, a ear rel 1, Ilse borne of .I'•s' ph Peebles. Acral h..;trs ride font ('hi. • :.i'.• , .'•tterning n shed anti kill- s_., levee hull ehph:(nt urn.' :1 i' :• .1 hers'. one• of the animals at - hi, ak 1,4 liberty, heeling lade tie, t .l Peebles and hurled him 1., ease enol eseapilu• The. nnirnal t,'• ,it;•t the side of itis house. ees (enlaced Ly sewn ether hulls. 1'' • Iles is in n critical cartdition. 14 hid! rats hollow tug through 111e' Berney O'Neal, a liveryman. was lirrel, 711141 Amass fin's, later. ti,:1)1511 from his waggon by the ele- %el,lle the entire force of trainer'= l,l,nnls as they clashed elos%n a stele nnei keepers Were etiungerl itt 111• Orr et in front of his team. F. rel n -"n1 -fst ' f e• luting elepli:,ret. Ernlel.e• sant' of the keepers, while i,. nutortiohiics. a female i lep):rel n.::.••:.9g in st•tbling three of the t•s, apr,l. For several home the e',• ).s.1i . after their enpture. was plaints mere at large. hunted h\ all lint led ag;litst the side of a barn fttiehes 4,1 the circus, all the cit•. ' red injured. t,, !a•e•n epi fool the nese tr•nturu ! Mere than 100 }wines were dam - ow '•itlzrtl'. The elephants at I need 1•' seine extent by the ole• ,1 i i ' 1•(1 in a huneli. !hell sopa r phntIta. but the total lass mill pro- ud. fit''y sfupped fur t:' tai IIg e\ hably not 1 xceed $10.000. ly retried to the Henss of 1,•,141-. ) ! meta t t rate m :'4 rel r1t3.7:r and $►7 per. cwt. !nate', tel Icl► was waiting in sestin 1' 1.• 1 need :35 rents an hear. and tar b1)- rettd it. and in quite unetcntfttl uu dnurl and dotrenlou bots}ter cut 1 ut,s system. %shish has been the 1,1 ranged (rens li:►.7:e to *(1.2t, 1 nose et mach 4iiife will be ul>,d• fashion the Lards pns.e(1 the fast reneline •'f the hill. 1.1 11111 0 01 ']'LOO 1i 11111“11T. New Brnuswick dills 1111 to Gnall S1:11.t. A despatch frim 1 hnthnni, N says: With all the loge out on hes- t/1i ayI)tr %'iu. Nappare Black River. Rartil,ogie, Tabutsintti and 'fi tea die waters, soul the low- in the northwest brand) '•f the liuiituirhi earning into the ),cauls at the rete of 7,0011.0(1) feet daily, the dein ing eensen is earning to all end, wit) s nt'w reeard for almost a complete clev,nent and quick drivntg. Whets n nine feels dint he's ar,- Neal: ted 0 rnenns he has been uvorcrliulritett le others. t)''i In. The gtnernll, ',rtstet. tet 1 j ishrd, Ten hours will constitute a flea 111 prattle r\lend,'el 111<e to 7:; 1 (hay's \terk, at:d double time' will n•u) halls, whish ,1"1:1(1' l al! the any 1 he .sid fur Monday work, hum $t roe) to en per clef The, 1 _,._—__,�----•..-- ,n llket was s.l►onK (".. milkers a"•1 I i l l 511) .1N IN('RI:1r1.. seri,'Rev . 5nlg,lirs were i"rlitted ____ t • hr sate(' hawr•1t r. n1)d brier- I1•)Iltt 4tliou of Carr:016n \',intern I-l.11pted from Sfe to See each. Trude' 1I "i tt ti111' i+ Net 1•ranldd. in stiek(•rs Wit" 411,44 gued. \."stung laic hs and spr,tie lamb'• are 010,lcd ,alt spateb from \Vinnipcg sats: 2'n helots the ,tt'si••lrs market. atoll ;TI, ('. N. 11. merhoni,.., who base si 11.1)aro •,•try ell )4:. 1., asked iar :In itserenst• in wage. eel fated that it was lrepesr.l tdull that l'.nglnnd is nal dreadent. 111'?lends at se; t" Phi Ilei yet 114,1(41 hotel forty to furts.fite (Tilts !tr 1::11 c\deli( vier sheldd s)rerily emu- 1\1t:111'%et ailtutww ally say fir think, R ••.1::, 1.,,.1,. 1 ' f,•'1 ntttl eat', st•1',` Ilmttht'(i ,,'1 ('tt, sips\ 1, •11.1• Illi (1ll:tev as fll'Ir) (lin rs11f11 Int t nisi• are' 1(5 ((ill as later, altld e•le d. - - f►•:t1 their ddlnnnd i:. rt•iu_...1. '1'h• :# .•etmm�11de•r in chic( of ihr 1it1 1 us full hr,i••ted. ywhr ix quite• ublce - •1' --- IN"1: hilt l' 111.1(1 a S.t'l'1'l't IIrr4•IIn �, ti,t.•rrnnenll With il(•ilel(11111•Ie'rs .It 11 l'dPl' (l.,d, le llrlt•rll+l lid }II`:' o111 111irn►Iku. in 51).•litl, 1 be, refuse to announce their'Ittd,l 11.1111. ,ie'•(il'I(e•. Mite nl'1'ds hl'lpl fra111 review, ),smut's an Enuli'-ll and a I Gee.; The C. 1'. 11. teitl,prr get j Inteltiew'ed seith tefe;•c,;r,. t . ih' 1,• ,f h•'r •hil.h•ea lir fr1)m .artn- I' 1•'It''), ill ulcer !,•111111 theme kes! t;,;: Is\a and •in,'-htlf ce'IIlS mote (hien,- ''1 .1n,tt'al!'1. i.',:'li ! ii^l+ • • e, `she r•;1f1 ItititP talky r le of. livable Ie t*i ' :Irl .•\hlhlllan e1 IIS :tt•d i111' 1'. X. 11. tip's'; derlat'e they a'r 'Vaud ]hitt for ':i,70,1,tu!', \r.•!. 1, '1 s'8'h' 1,85 yet 111)1 „mil, e4 a It tel with ether .I;•.;rnlin %tool,% in :',le• • �, •.. 1 :1+ -arc sea." said Kit it... _. :rt tier t„ tfr a(•1'el I,tn and l 1:1:•st 1, 1 :1 i •' t.L- in Le:ipids tystca. that ss u; luai.c ,.•.,;i, flight from i.nndon to Manchester. 1 the great nerol,lnne+ came gently 1'nulhnn started from Hempstead t) earth near Lichfield, after the at 5.31 11.11). un Wv(Inesdtty, and must remarkable flight yet recotd- aflgltted at Trent Valley, near Lich- ed in the history .•f as iation. 1.:1118.11/1111 P1'1,1' UNITS. /heat Tract Transferred to an Ant. er(can S)ndica(e. 1 despatch from St. John's, Nfld., says: Labrador timber lands • ewring an area of 13,540 square miie• have hcen transferred by three St. John's seen for a quarter of n million dollars and 19 per cent, ee the pr.,eeeds of the future de- veluptee11t to a s'ndieate of Anteri- cnns. most of whom are New York c. s. Pulp milk will be VI. sled at • serious points by a $23,000.C)0 cor- poration. q. INIANi•N t'11\1'1 I, I/EATH. Fell Into :1 rail of Bailing Linseed and hied From Injuries. A despatch Dent London. Ont., says: liars-, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Itay Shaver tel West- minster. fell 1 Oita a pail 1 bodies; linseed that her Lather was prepn1 into, e,n \\'edn•'wlay, and died from tin injurit5 she ree('1tcd. She Wats 17 months old. FIELD MARSHAL KITCllEER Declares C-Ire.it Britain Is Quite Able to 'like Care of Herself. 1 drspat -h loon Lolldun srtvs: hers• cllFr again, tattta,•k. She will Fnlg i•:elward ]handed lead Kite's- rte' lunger need to look to the mo - 1 1 i•e• beton of field marshal :,l tie r country for an instant fol aid 14,1 , it lient'e at ituckingham 1'11 a: ( • n 'Thursday. Richman(' Bur •1• 1 i ahl:o e se'4 telnry (•:'' ante ier to the event of danger. Th, inn cant .f ntont;v is but trivial '1 • ,,11(11 a rich country. Kitchener red • eat. petted to h stir the mets. r• :'el•. e 1