HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-05-05, Page 1lY a vier H CTRON&MID DL +'S +,X GAZET L t THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR -NO 1907 EXETER, ONT, CANADA. THIIRSDAY MORNING, MAY eith 1910. •♦♦•♦♦•♦♦♦NN••NN•N•A'•.•♦11.1111♦♦NN♦♦♦♦ •••••••••JONES • & MAY'S Phone Phone No. 32. TUB GOODS EOR SPRING THIS is the Time for making up your Wash Goode. We are well prepared to supply Your needs with a beautiful showing of the season's most Stylish Goods. All the Newest Patterns and Shades. Be Sure and Visit Our Wash Goods Department Fancy Ginghams In all the latest Patterns and new Shades. Checks, Plaids or Stripes shown in abundance. if 1Oc and 121c per yard 11 i• • II: il Plain Repp One of the tenet Popular Wash Goods for Spring Suits or Dresses. All the Newest Shades are shown, 25 cents per yard White Vestings That very popular White Goods for %Vales+ ur Dresses Ten different Patterns, 15, 16, 20, 25, 30c a yd Linen Suitings Very much in demand for \Yash Suits. We are show- ing a full range of these in the good Shades and Patterns 15 25, 35, 40c per yard Ladies Wash Suits Just arrived a Swell Line of Ladies Wash Suits all ready for you to put on. No waiting to have them made. They are in Plain Blue, 'ran or Linen Shades with different Colored 'Feinting also Fancy Stripes which is very pretty. Dress Skirts Plain Black Voiles, Black and Colored Sprees, Panalnas and Venetian Cloths all mule up in the New Styles. Prices ,$5 to $ 10 Ladies Waists Black and ('Mored Silk \Waists, ('ream and Ecru Net \Waists. Fancy Iaawn or Plain Linen. a big assortment $ 1.00 to $5.00 Gents Furnishings for Spring All the New Goods are now ready for you. We are better supplied than ever which is saying a lot. New Shirts New Pies New Collars New Fancy Vests New Gloves New Sox New Suspenders New t•ndarwear New Straw Hats New Mott Hats New Stiff Hats New ('nps Jones & Ma Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper ••♦N••••♦•••♦♦•••N•••••♦ •••♦•♦••♦••••.•.••• ••♦•••••♦♦••♦N•••• •••♦•••••♦•♦♦••••.••....•• 1. - $r.oO per year fa advance E.ETEIt INORTII, SCHOOL REPORT A M a[cr]e, 1 sec her goons full robed in whitc,I{ Ere yet the break of day; 11 ti Department t The silvery moonbeams waningli„ht, Th.; star; foil soft ::rr'iy, 1 see her ermine rmant: • Cs' With countless diamonds ocr, 1 &.e the curling stnoke nriee Lik: incense in the• air. • 1 a{ -e the vale low East and West \1'h.•re taanton ri zlit mists tic : I 1 x ' the ..oedcn glittering sheen Earth'; cooing fair decry. • :rite night h •'d treat. the• north ring ris't 11 here holy praise arose II. neeth that roof most sacred atilt, Where first they called on God. •• • • • • • if s� •• • • • • • • •♦ s♦ Jackson 71; A. Mack fit ; M. Se'don Farmer; Institute held at lit nsall last week it traa,decided to hold an excite. -''3' 1'• Wood .O; j1. Parson di: E. 2T;ion to Guelph on Tu'aday, June 7th Davis 61. No. on •roll 29. average at- :2a for Sale -Mr. Chapman n , tendanc,• 25. he at the Central ]tote]. Exeter. on •1, S. hurray, teacher. • l'neadny May lith ant 12 oceock with ROOM \ 1. • • :another load of [caws:r for sale. Porta III Jr. -Lila Lue(l. 91 ; M. Gladman F6; Dorn Moulden Ft ; Kar! Locals ►t,•vs. Coffin Fletcher \and 8. 1. Sharp 1'01[1] III. at1••nd •d a meeting. of (the I're'byter)• I^ llonors-1., 1lartin 7'1 ; \V. Mewl at 1Srweefi.•!d \Wednesday. 6,h; L. \Vaiaon 75.3. Pass -1. 11ar- The new -tory Ii ha "Diamond ('r,•s- lchand 73.5 ; 11. Hooper 72.6 ; A. Pick- ens" begins [Ilia week. The story is lard 72.3; Alma McPhersoit 72.3 1..t('1 1 of interest end we feel sure our ICrSanders 72.1 ; \V. 111ontoith 11 ; E. r•ad••rs will be delighted with it. op'•L•tnd C. 1'ek;ird .6:1.6, on 'Oii Friday .'a -t :t horse dropper] ,'o'• _J, nt•, rage upend„nee 2'. 1 ,t 1 in the ,C,• 1trn1 ]lots] sheds. T 1c 1\ \\ •', 1 1 It. „ I nha,nlnet'. 1 Itncinai. ][Gree belonged 'to t1Ir. Matthew Rout- 1'OIt11 )1. ley. or Sunshine. Pa's -S. Pel l y 7.1.2 ; .E. punkin' and (;. Passmore 70; e• Copeland and E. it. -v• H. A. Corriere, of Grand Band.66.I . 11, Liston n•1.7 ; It. Dearing uS ; will preach in (the Cav,•n Pr.•sbyterian 11,Fi;l; O'?.2; t'. Wood .01.1 • w. \Wets_ church n••xt Sabbath. Itcv, ..8. F. miller 60.7: I.. t:ri.-ve 60.2; 11. Sweet ~harp trial lake anniv.•rsary service's for \1r. Carrier • at (;rand Dent). The ]lay. 11r. Sharp. of Exeter. tea, a ,;nest at th • It••r. 1). N. 'Mord••nj, Monday and ;rave a 'bort( address art (b,• ('lir:+tion End,•avor nie.•tin,t' at 1st:: • 3 !!ir:,rye[ : ('hArrirch. 'Mondayy evening.- nQ 60. No. on ro:I,26. average at(codance 23. 1?. M. ]told). teacher. I s..• the farmers gatherin4 round, 1'OltM I. And he who called the tune ; Honor, --1'. Brown i'2 ; 1. Itannie 77; MrL,•ods. '.11cDonalds. Allisons, S. Geiger 75. Paas -11. (;tcnn7t; A, Kilpatricks, Griggs and Drawn. Th • Dempseys coming from the eolith in the o.d :f to by sieigh. MrKcnaies. Andersons and Browns. The Camerons and Jlcliays. Itrave men were. they tvho pothered t hare Where faithful Logic stood; And warned his hearers pain'.t the Ir - And his infamous brood. Th • sound of many waters joined W h.•n he arose to pray: And earnest called on Ilirn who hears; Andt swept that lock' away. All gone are they with scarce one left. To trace their record here; But whilst tbos' lien that memory los-,11 Will hard restrain rho tear. Li^ht of the north. thine holy flame Shall never flickering cease. Till nil thy sons and daughters stand Within His Farce of peace. Linwood. Mrs. McTavish of 13hakespettrf; vis- ited her parents. 'lr. and Mrs. John Taylor, this week. At n meeting of •the i+rth Iluron Morgan 73; lt. 11'uod 72; V. Geiger 71; A. Willis 71: A. 'loupe 70 ; (t. Bissett 6s; M, McQueen 67; M. Car, - in„ 67: 11. 11an'on 66; V. Hodgson 63; 1'. 'rreion •r 132; A. Brnkenshire 62; 1'. Oahe 60; .11, Doepe 60. ('onl- mercial-llonors-i. Eseery 75; S. Gillies 71: 1. Itowe 70; C. Ilarvey CO: G. llooper 6S; M. ,l: we:l 61; M. Iiaynham 65; Fl. Atkinson 61. No. on roll if. daily at vera,'•• 10 6, A. M. Johnston. teacher. 1'. H. 1) •partmenr It'O(tM l\'• Sr. 11' Honors -land n Harvey 75. Pass -Nelson Hill '71; ,'lyra Morgan 74: Irene Rivers .71: .3..an (';,•]don and Greta iss.ft 73 1 +, Oasis f► ; Haat t Gillies 69; James 11'a:ker 68; Florence Arnold 158: Ariel itleverly 67 ; Russell Balkwill C3: Viola'Itow•e 65; David 11411 65; \.•:',i,• .!ones 60; Willie Snell 60. Jr. IV Honors -Eric Burdon 78. ['ass-Irno Sweet 70; Ethel Balk - will and !)ruse \Wa'ker 69;: Florence Rowe rt? ; Sydney lle•ctor 67; Francis 11111 67; Iteta Itawe 63; Marie Case 65; Oliver llodgert 62; Lola Tay:or 60, No. on roil 39. average attendance 37. C. Vomiter, teacher. 1t0031 V. Sr. 111 -A. hi'gl)i 72; W. Manson 78 ; I1. llodgert 73: M. Heywood 72: O. MacDonald 67; I.. Pestle 05: .1. Foilick 65: A. Day 63; A. Ilea 63 ; E Idottey 60. Jr. 111-M. Huston 56; 1'. Misa Nettie Keddy. who nnderw: nt and reiteration at ,The London hospit- al some weeks ,ago, returned Lome Turaday evening much •iniproved in • I health. Mr', John Down, who has anent Illy •'0 w riser in Mt. Marva hag taken un her • 2• • •i