HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-28, Page 8el .& r: t , 't. t Dd r+ S APRIL 28th 11110
NN•••••••••••♦♦•••••t••••• ••••••••••••••••••••NN••
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It Pays to he W ell Dressed. Any utas dressed as WE
CAN DRESS IIIM it alwava taken ,►t his face value.
Our Fabrics are pate Stock, 'th t Tailoritg is perfect, the:
('claws and Designs are exclusive. We want you to look
them over. Four Good Selling Linea are
$10, $12.50, $15, $18.
Lace Curtains
2 We du
• of !.ace Curtain,. in Whites. e showing a fine range
• • Champagnes, Beige. .4 look
will touvinc•e you that Our
vit'ues ate unstarl assed, a pair
S• �
Madras Curtains
These are Fashions Latest
( •real ion and give a fine ap-
pearance to the hest room at
per yard
50c, 15c, $I, $5 30c, 35c, 40c, 60c
Room Rugs and Carpets
Has it ever (secured to you what an important part Carpets
net upy in the furnishing of a room. 11 certainly has to us and
we are ready to supply your wanta in this line as never before.
Hugo from
$6.75 to $40
"NAIRN'S" Linoleumns
Our New Linoletunns are here. We say they are a fine Lot.
You would yourself. They include Oriental. Tile and pretty
Floral patterns. Remetnber we fit and lay without any addi-
tional charge.
Dinner Sets
(h,i oa Rose Pattern with
clear white body and pretty
ltose edging. This is one of
hest seller,. You can
hey any piece you want or
the complete set of
97 pieces $15
••••••••••••••NN•••••••• 1
The Times Want Column
A... in advert;siu,g medium the
Ex. ter Tint •s cannot ue aur•
pa•.y:d. Uo,as it occur to you
that an ad id titist•utent may
chat;- • th • ce hole career of an
indiridunl, and May inatorial-
'y aft et 1h,• advertiser's lot
tt `.i. r A rani estate td. wt.1
n• read by our 1,ubscriher
and others who are inter -
=h d iu real estate. If you
hoc. sunt:•tbn;t to disperse of ;
are wanting dlelp. or have
-um. thing ;o bring before the
uhSc a<• the columns of the
Tut s as your advertising
tit d•un1. The cost is trifling.
Market 1i 1wet.-The following iu! la
tit report of Exeter markets, tor-
r: r' d up to Apr.: _�:b.
heat. $1.00 .,tnnd.rd.
•: t ;:t; :12 so :it rents
♦♦ij i'''a . EO;.
• Ilar!ey 48c. to ince
Shorts $24.00
•• Winlor `in $22.00
2 Mode. Fu2.75.
feed F:our *1.45-$1.50.
•• 1 11113 *8.00. $10.00
Z• Coal, $7.25 a ton.
•; Eggs
♦ Ihttter0'22 c•nv.% •
• '2
•• 2
Groceries 2
Our Groceries are Pure
and Fresh. New Goods are
constantly arriving and the
big Sales mean that big prof-
its are not needed.
All kinds Produce taken as Cash
••••♦♦•♦♦♦•♦••♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦ •••••••••••••••••••♦♦•♦•r•
Repairing and Tuning
G. PEDLER, tate of Chicago, has decided to remain in Exe-
ter for some time (indefinitely) and will wait on the music -loving
public in the capacity of Piano and Organ Tuning and Repairing.
This line has been his life work and he is thoroughly practice{
and competent in all lines connected with Pianos, Organs and
Pipe Organs and Guarantees his work. Old Pianos and Organs
overhauled and made even lire new at lowest possible price.
Following are a few Prices : -New Strings'23c each ; Tone
Iteg;tt!itting $3 tip ; Once Tuning $2; Key Levelling ladle ; Over-
haulieg front *10 to Atli ; New Action and Hammers for Old
Square Name; from $'..'.i up. Dainpers, F'elt,. Spring,.. Itegulnt-
ing Screws, Bridle Tape Etc., furnished reasonably. ite-vernish-
ing,•. Polishing (leaving like newt donee at lowest flgiree, also
Bstimate.t on Pipe Organ Tuning and !fermi, ing furnished on re-
quest. All (teed Organa come under the saute Price List. All
Work Guaranteed. All orders left nt JOHN PEIILER'S regi•
dente t►nuttl Main Street, or a Postal (:end addressed to G. Ped -
ler, Exeter, will receive prompt attention.
G. PEDLER, Exeter.
Causes Sickness, is a General Nuisance but can be avoided by Using
on Sweeping Day. "Dustbane," moreover, disinfects the room:and
restores rugs to their original freshness. The women swear by
.'Dustbane"-when once they have. used it.
Don't have another dusty sweeping day but get a 35 cent tin of
We are auth trized by the manufacturers of Dusthane to send
you a 35C can of their Sweeping Complund, We want you to use
this . n trial for orte week. At the end of this period if not found
satisfactory they will take it back and there will be no charge for
quantity used.
If it does away with Dust on Sweeping
Day You Want It
Sold in hbls , half bbls. and (platter bbls. for stores,- schools,
churches, hospitals, banks and public buildings,';
W. J. Heaman
1)istrihntcr for
jUanatlian Factories St John, N. I3., \Vinnipeg, Man.;
Hogs. ,iv. wc! ht. c;3
Clover seed $7.50 to $8.00.
Timothy seed $1.50 to $2.50.
Alaykc $5.4 to ti0,75.
1 lotalo;:s. 40c to nee,
Chole• export cattle $7.40.
Good capon cat t!.. S0 to $7.
•••••••• .•.•♦•••
4r. 1':d. 13•-•. rs. of Dashwood, !Vent
Friday in tow n.
Mr. Bruce Anderson spent Sunday
at h's Lump in Goderich.
Itnee :!t Flynn is learninr the print -
n: at th- "Times."
The Jewe•h I'na'over week com-
menced on Saturday last.
Mr. Frank Cornish. of London. vis-
ited in town ov. r Sunday.
Wes Nctlie 'Sttacr. of Hensel!. via -
:eel in town °v.•. Saturday.
Mr. F:d. Snell is workin! for lir.
W. G. Il'saett.
Mrs. It. Treb!••. of Centralia. spent
t few days itt town, last Welk.
\Ir. Fred ltallot spent Sunday with
friends in Mount Pleasant.
Frank Rooke. of 1)ruv:t.•. spent Hat-
urdey ;end Sunday in town.
-,11 e , • w: will ..•rrI the
• '1' c • 11 • remainder of 1910.
G r; r : • Fssery and Richard
Tr. rn .1, C 11, radia. were in town Sun-
-. ::tid 'Sire. Arthur Brooke and
'• of Centralia. spent Sunday In
>I + Irene Sandford return •d Mon-
day fa rWhitby Ladle.* College to re-
sume h •r studio's.
Master Edgar Brown% c. of .Fdg-
mondville. is vi1.itini in Exet. r and
Centralia for a few days.
Mr. T. W. Snow. o'• llatley.
viaited his sister. Mrs. Esth. r Jones
a few days last Werk.
Mrs. A. •Marchand return. d Lome
Fr day after .1i -oiling the part few
We ks in Ileriin and Ilnifalo.
Mira \'in:t Pi.her has returned home
,eft•r r. Ilion: Ws c'ait with her Mister.
Mr=. Dav:s. of Hamilton.
Mrs. It.!lin,:s itt taking charge of
ill • or,ran in th Trivitt Memorial
church dnrinz Mr.'Slarkham's illness.
Good cedar po=ts and c Sar brac,s
for sale. also anchor poets. Apply to
Wee •!y Shier. Woodham. Ont.
Mr. Frank Jones. or Jlrantford.
sp nt Saturday and Konday v;sitinr
11 a mother Mrs. E. Juntas.
Mr. Fred Wh'ta is this as eek movin
alto th • bolts!. Sanders nder street rr•
c:•nt'y vacated by Mr. lied Bass den.
Mr. Wm. Taylor. who has be •n no
seriously il: during itt past winter.
e0nva:t firing and i•t now Ohl • to
lake n short dui:y walk.
M'ra Helie !:night. of f:derton. re-
turned Isom- Tuesday after viaitin:
;or a few days with MrS. \V. 11. Le-
Mrs. \n•h and 1n'o mph-
ph and Albert Trickey. of Snrnin. visit -
d th former s d;t't rhter.:11r•. J. \V.
Powell for n f: w dnyt last week.
Mr.� and Mrs. L. Towers. of North
Dakota. eho are visitini; in Crediton.
and 31iAp Mercy Sweet. of Crediton.
set n: Er:d::z in town.
1' :also for fin t -One toad second
hand Plano. 11try new. American
,n:eke. on'y $ifi0, Appy to John I'ee-
.•er. Exeter MMa;n street. south 1-7tf
Mr. Chas. Beene.. of Grate on. a
thorough compo( nt erlwr. 'net ed
of c:i apprenlic• as plat -a It the I;
has 'ren engaged by Mr. F.
•,' A. Il wl ::. of 1 r:rko g. Ea•k ,
'n-••nd'n,t his ,•:inscription to i h •
"T:, yes' states that he is eca•ed
wit i th' paper. and is grad to ;r t
the news of :h • old (rends in l:x•-veer
"\1:•s•Annie and F. leant left for
Toronto on Monday to jo!n their par -
en -•. Mr. and Mrs. it. S. Lanae. A
nr t • crowd of th •tr ,ctrl friends Wer •
a: th • d 1,01 to see then[ off." -St.
Marys Journal,.
Th • n u• .tor) iho "1) antond Crep-
e-nt'' or "Mod ern Ito,re.nee" coin-
menc:s n"xt week in the "Times"
ee :'h, pater will
s forthe. bbl nnc • toe sent l
of the i tr
for 50 c; nt'.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Simnel Ilrole nahir•.
of 1', Won Fella. Ont.. and Mr. W. 11,
flee. n •hie •, of Au Sable. Mich.. were
111 . .. of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
t1e eh: a bee, altendinr the funeral
a ;h •ir tent. Mrs. 1). l:.•rnick.
Mr. ('has. Kerlily and After. Alias
1: eddy. .pent the litter part of Ina:
week in London ' itit10! iI%j' Nettie
hedd). Miss \. the oat sufficiently
recovered at In leave the Itoepitnl nn
Monday. She is ependinz the waek
in London before relurninlf borne.
Truetu:ut Elliott has returned from
London and is arida working for \V,
1\', Tamar,.
1)lt. OVENII EYE AND EAIi elUlta
neon, will to at the Commercial hotel.
!lours 9 a. m. to l p. in. Glasses
protterlr fitted and diseases of eye.
ear and nose treated. Next visit Sat-
urday, April 30th, all day.
"Mr. and 'Sirs. S. Cudmore, of Cs -
borne were In town this week. the
,sue -t+ of 'sir'. Cudntor•'.s parents. Mr.
:utd Mrs, P. Daley. '.tfr. Cudtnor.• is
�t::e , st nsively ,.nava, ed in 1bo man-
eiactutt of cement drainage tile, for
which there is an active deut•ind.
11'h:l1 in town h.• left eamp:es of his
file at 4i, Everatt's meat store. and
W. Kerslake's reed store." Huron
The story entitled "The Unexpected
Conte-s'on" whtch we have ocen run-
niinr for the past few months w'11
t ii.Ah this week. Only t ho- • who
has- kept in touch olds the atur)
know hots exceptionally 'r.terestinr it
illi,. The "Diamond Cr, scent" or
"Modern Itoniattc will 0e•.;iu tit 1
we •k. 'rhls story is or aosorbin; in-
ter • st and we are sore our readers
will to. p:eased n it h it. To any who
arc not subscribers,. now would be a
good Cute to subscrth so as not to
Or=s any of the story. \V•• will .iv,!
the ba'anc • of thio year to new suer
'cr'bers tor 50 cents.
The editor of The Brussels I'ost,wlio
is Otto of the leading Methodist lay-
men of the London (%o,tft•rttce, nays in
reference to the approaching meeting
of the (conference, to he held in Chat-
ham in June : "One of the early
items of buailsess is the election of is
president 1\'e would like very much
to ere the choice fall on Rev. Reuben
Millyard of (ioderiele Ile has been 10
years itt the ministry, has a splendid
record of wet k done and ie tale of the
first pivot loos of the Conference.
Rev. 1llr. Millyant is not an office -
seeker and is therefore all the mitre
deserving of the honor Ile would fill
the position with credit."
We are p'cast•d to reprint the Col -
:o0 -:ng which was taken from a Win-
nipe,t paper and bate reference to the
actin„ son of Dr. 1). A. Anderaont
formerly of Exeter. The gold tnedat
contest h.•!d at Stephen s church fiat
n'rtht by the Itoyal Teplar's Legion
creat •d a great deal of interest and
after a nutty surprising deepity of
juv••na:• elocutionary ta.ent. the prise
was awarded to Dalton Anderson. the
eight y,ar o'.d son of Dr. Anderson of
Furby stre-1. while :'\lis! 1). Wallace
won second plate. There were eight
contestants. each o whom itrondly
wore a silver medal. the emblem of
victory in previous contests. The win-
ner of the Gold medal recited "A
Small Boys Ambition". while
Wallace gave "Thr Two Picturea."
Mr. John 'Markhain. or!taniet of the
Tri vitt Memorial church and but :t
few years out from Enztand. met with
a acriotta accidcni on Thursday of last
week. Two horses; belonging to Mr.
D. Mack were in the rear yard o' the
Mansion House hotel and one of them
,;o: its foot tangled in a broken
c'o.hes reel. The nnimal had been
(re d and Mr. Markham t••as ho'dinz
it by ibe head. it jerked :owe.. wheel-
ed around and kick d him in the !ell
hip. brenkini 111• hip hon'. Medina!
RA ons at once summon •4 and Mr.
Markham was taken to his bout • on
Albert Street whore the injury etas
dre4.ad and wt. Ile suffered much
pain and it will be tome weeks before
he will be nb:c to be around azain.
Th .• f:rat footna'l zam't of the seae-
on was play •d on the School ,tronntle
hot ween the married and ain,1:e men
of the town. The score wan 1-0
'n favor or the former. The only goal
of the • ve ulnar was scored by Sandy
Ilawden on a Now from th, right.
about the nt'dd'.• or the fired half. A
good clean game was P ayed. the teams
be!n ; pretty evenly match:• 1. Quite
a number of spectators were on the
grounds. The bath :'ora. aithou,th be-
ing beaten. have challaneed the
ben lets and cvi!1 tty conc.t:aions.
agn!n on Friday ev: nine next. The
line un wee as fol:occr: 'Marritel
eon!. G. W. Ilarr:son ; back.E. ifern-
.••s. E. Rowed. bait back : S. Moble r
T. (taker. :f. tin -!l : form arils I)r.
Boit!a(on. Ir. Axt. C. Northcott, 11•.
J. Statham. S. llawden stns'
gore'. M. Ilo•k"It : back. It. Anderton
n, Wilton; hair back. It. So: thcot;.
\\' l're•scator. 1.. 1't nha.'e • for-
ward:. W. T,•• cn r. 11. 'Ir.•ihner. It.
Itr stn:• t. L. II in. .1. M. eetithroil.
The 1. V. t'. P. e::( heated the
ann'ver,ary of the Order by attend-
nt Divine uorship in th • James stn.,
Method et church on Sunday mornii
ease. The ntorn'n,r was sout'what d s-
a.rreentee yet over eighty merntelt
tern:d ett:. It v. R. Ilo;,b: or
an ezc'!Ient sermon Inking his text
torn i-:1'ah :(Y: 2 And a nein ah til
bo as an h'dine p:nce from the wind.
"MI a covert from ih:• tempest ; as
rivers or craters in dry place. as the
shadow of a ,treat rock in a weary
!and." He Pointed out that the text
teach •t the' relation of one roan to
unci h r. It Portrays the var:cd cs-
Pf r uc••s of it Person and how th
It to be met. I'eop:e are tossed abeet
on ' (e's tempcaluotte ren. At times
•t rids are contrary and threnten to
•weep everything briore thein. .1t
toes 11trrr is drought. when evc•rv-
• it ng seems in titin and no pro•pecta
n, a harvest. But no matter what
the necessity Ther• iA provision trade.
Wien th • wind to bete it r contrary
and )our neighbor it rowin'z nttainst
the storm a matt can become n hiding
place. if we are what we aurrht to be
any man who is (tempest torocd shona
berable to take shelter tinder oft. Man
cog be as a r:t, r or utter in n dry
p:t.c-, A river stands for vitality and
n caws of need man ran (rive the vi-
tality that is ne •fled. The speak •r
ref erred to a river as meaning d •-
pendant•••. dependant on .1ributnrie•.
nnrl all organisations arc d:penrlant
on th••ir sourc a o' fupety. A river
tnnds for abundance and pneeenity
o' !top's. and so the Cddfel'ow•s ihoild
rand for ricers or eaters in dry
a :it' --. A man should h •. itt n eh:Me e -
f t rock in a weary land to give the
necessary protection to the weary
raseller 11e said the possihia-
ies of an or, anitation of its kind
annot he • atimatr(1. In c.osine Mr.
(obits po'nted out that it there is not
roan on earth that will b.' all this
here is One That wi:l b , the• Man
hrist Jews. When the Order re•
urned to the 'od,ro roost a vote of
hanks was tend red to Mr. Robbs and
he Trustee Board of James street
buret,. `;1!.• .�
Church Directory
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday Public 'Worship -10.30 a.mw
and 7 p.m.
Class Service -Sunday 0.30 a.m. and
after Morning Service and Weraes-
day night.
Y•ulag y h4ss1'st W•./aw 11114 Vistaskwen' BuDd.
Sunday Sohool and ftibte Creases t.30
Epworth League -Tuesday at R. peen
Prayer Sleeting-Tburadaet at 8 O.n►.
Sunday. May lst, Educational day.
Bev. E. A. Fear in the ntornint :ld
the 1'astor at night. Subscriptions
in aid of the. fund.
Men's Suits
- AT -
Slaughter -Sale
• OF - -
Ready -Made Clothing.
100 Suits to be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices
If you are in need of a good cheap Suit come to us.
X20.00 Summer Dress Goods
After all it's the Tailor who
makes a suit a SUCCESS or a
FAILURE:. The most fascin-
ating style would be a fizzle if
there were not careful needle
work underneath. That is the
reason our Suits at $211 are
better than the suit you buy in
town for more money They
are perfect in every way if
not you can have your money
Merchant Tailor.
IAm selling the best
Woven Fence that is made
and I am selling at the following
low prices: -
6 Bar Fence at a+ cta. per rod
7 Bar Fence at 27 cis. Per rod
8 Bar Fence at 3o cta. per rod
i'REMiUNII FREE -R, ad. In order
to further introduce our Toilet ar-
t'c'ee. flavorin s. perfutnet we are
rime to give (tee with each purchase
of $1.00 and over a usefut premium.
\1'.• ;unrantee our :mode aatir•tac-
tory or refund your money. We want
your trade. Come In and investigate.
No troob.r (0 show ioodtt.
New pont cards this week. Also local
v:.•w•s. Edison i'honotraplus Records
etc. Itt pnirin a done. at -
J. WILLIS Puwrt.r., --- MAN.t1KIi
New 11 :v It- cord; are 'n ' rd now
011 sale.
Bus & Dray Business
laving purchased the
Bus and 1)ray business
from Wm. Arnold. 1 so-
licit 11 share of your pat-
ronage. Orders left at
the Advocate Office.
T. G. Creech,
Prom Fes, ter with 50rts. added for
admisSlon to Canadaiatt National
Hors: Show. T!ek. is „ood going Ape.
28th. return limit May 2nd.
\1';11011,1: and return. `:12.ti1)
1:.1111601011 and return. *'42.L1)
V a Chicago or S ern! : . n-1
"IV. Company.
I'n'I in:orntniien as to Sat s
\arch ru
tc. from V Merchant Tailor
J. J. KN !WIT, 1'epot Age nt. 4MAsig thea 444 4
or write J. U. %ILlIONA1.11. Tien,
Deno' Toronto. Ont.
These goods are strong for Ladies Summer Suits and
are very Up-to-date' To retail at per yard
A few only in Blue, Brown and Grey. You have to
these goods to appreciate them. To retail at
Mercerized Ginghams
In Plain Patterns only
To retail at per yari
see 25c
Anyone wishing an Up•to date Ilat should not fail to give us a
call. We have a Competent Milliner in the person of MISS MOR -
LOCK. Trade accepted.
We are noted for Our Good Groceries. We buy nothing but
the BEST. Give ()s a Call and be Convinced that what we say
is Correct.
Highest prices paid for Produce.
fall Bearing Mowers
The Workmanship and Quality of Material
Ilse(' are the very best in every respect.
''101-2 Inch Wheels'
All the wheels en tete machine are thtee times
tee weight of any Imported Machine.
All three Mowers are made with Loose Half
Boxes, to that they can be quickly and easily
adjusted. Many Other Exclusive Feature,..
We Ouarartee every Machine and we have s
large Attaortreent of Styles to snit all require-
ments. A complete Line now in Stock of
Hammock', Fishing Tackle,
Builder's Supplies, Mechanic's
Fine Tools, Nails, Glass, Putty,
Iron Pipe and Fittings.
Plumbingi anti Furnace Work a Specialty.
11't• can quote you the Lowest Prices on
Housecleaning Supplies
tr'tlen Tools, \\')tshing t\fachines, Wringers and Churns,
fldWklll tone do Hardware Soro
mft? mn►?ft II/ mmmMmMMMMMr�
1E 11
NCtki Suring Su1Uns
We guarantee 13est,aWorkmanship, Best Material,
Best Fit and:Prompt Service. 1
a Come/in and inspect:our materials `41
-- Exeter, Outario
lfiEt Vera Campbell returned Fri- G0 YEA1ts FXPERiENCE O$' ,AA
day from Hamilton. OLE) NUM*.
Mrs, Geo' C311'1'1'41' Si' 3"ePb.
!Pent Tetesday in tow u. Itra to ii'"".. ;. .,:sits, 6... ..1_
Mr. John trill ha., improved th • aP-
p:aranc.• of h'.s residen, • by 'a coat se
Mrs. E. Jone s held It erre ,..cel
auction sale of household efferte on
!laturdny last. She intends Ieavin;
for llrnntford cnrly in Mny.
il3 101.1 (1. 1)ander•Of f sen 1p
ntasan,zin;t to cure dandruff. Scalp
mnsanae IOctet. or Por. hotlr4 SOcftt.
For stale -Only of W. D. Jliirke'e
Shaving Parlor.
ter. Mrs. Evans. of Ailey Craig.
1)r. McGillicuddy wit 'thin week
move into the house vacated by Mr.
1, G. Stanhury.
Mr. J. (:• 14tantitry i.t this week
.Lovina into his r, s denc,• on Andrew
Children Cry
Mrs. \"irlslow's Soothing Syrup 1s
the pre'• ription of one of the beet
female t•ltyeicians and nurses 'in the
United t+tatea, and tins been used for
fifty yen rs with never-taillnit oneness
by millione of mothers for their
children. It relieves the child trove
pain• cures diarrhoea, griping in
the bowels and wind colic. By giving
health to the child, It rests the
mother. Twenty-five Creta ft bottler.