HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-28, Page 7GYPSY SLAYS TORMENTORS
Young Man Threw Stones and He Re-
sponded With Buckshot.
.A despatch from Shawville, Que.,
cloys : t:,,itcled to madness by the
jibes and affronts of a half-dozen
young men who were tormenting
hint, Alike Murphy, a gypsy, 55
ze•r and ledged in the jail. His
wire was also jailed, charged with
being an accomplice in the crime.
Murphy has scureel' a friend in
the place. For three years he has
"Eerily defied the authorities to oust-
ustyears of age, on !Wednesday night, hint from the property un which he
tIn t and instantly killed two of "squatted" immediately outside
their number, Harry Howes, aged the corporation limit at. the south -
22, and William hale, aged 30. Huth erly end of the town. '!'here, in a
young men were killed by one shot miserable hovel, he has lived with
fired point. blank at a range of hie gypsy wife amid poverty and
eighteen feet from an "lel muzzle- filth and squalor, avowedly hostile
loading shotgun. Howes was stand- to everyone in Shawville. On the
ins immediately behind Dale, and ether hand, the two young men
the discharge of buckshot passed obi are dead were of good tenni-
completely through Dale's body and it's, and were themselves highly re-
entered that of Howes. Both spcc•ted, hence the very strong
dropped dead. The. slayer, Alur- feeling which prevails against
phy, was arrested by a private Citi- Murphy.
Pekes of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and
Other Dalry Produce at
Home and Abroad.
Toronto, April 26. - Ontario
Wheat -No. 2 mixed winter wheat,
$1.06 to $1.07 outside.
Manitoba Wheat -Spot No. 1
neither'', 81.00; No. 2 northern,
$1.07 on track, lake ports. Fur
opening of navigatiun, No. 1 north-
ern, $1.03; Ne. 2 northern, $1.03 at
lake ports.
Corn -American No. 2 kiln -dried
yellow, clic to 60l:le; No. 3 yellow,
kiln -dried, 65%e to (3Oc; Nu. 3 yd -
low, GI'.yc; Canadian corn, OOc to
the, Toronto freights.
Oats -Canada western, No. 2,
39;e, on track, bay ports. For
opening of navigation, No. 2 C. 1W.
3t'c ; No. 3 C. W. 37e, at. lake ports
Otrtario, No. 2 white, 36c to 36%e,
outside; No. 3 white, 35c to 35,!. ,c,
ot•tside. ; 3s1.2c on track Toronto.
Barley --No. 2, 53c to s k: ; No. 3
extra, 51e to 52c; X. 3. •leic to 47c
outside; Manitoba, No. 4, 52! c. un
track, lake ports.
Peas-- No. 2, 75c to :Cc.
It.e-Nu. 2, 67c to title.
ckwe it-Xo. 2, 51e.
'Manitoba Flour --Quotations at
T,,rentn are :--First patents, *5.70;avcrind patents, *5.2I; strung bak-
1s . '4-- 90 per edit., (;ta5guw-
e:ghts, 28s.
t • Ontario Fleur - Winter wheat pat-
ents for export, $4.05 to $4.10 in
beyers' bags, outside.
Millfee41 --Manitoba bran, $20 per
ton; shorts, $22 per ton, track, Tu -
renter. Ontario bran, 822 per tem:
ehort5. $23 per ton, on track, Tu-
t. ten►".
t OI'NTltl' }'ROi)U('E.
Eggs -20e
Ituttse-'The market for geed
lity Of butter is still very firm.
Creamery prints .. .... 30e to
Sei.arater prints .. .... 25c to
Dairy prints (choice) .. 214. to
Large rolls .... .. .... 231• tri
Inferior 17e t..
to 21c per dozen in
qua -
Long clear bacon, tons and eases,
15,'.c; backs (plain), 21e to 21'•yc;
hacks (peameal), 21,1 c to 22e; shoul-
der hams, 14e to 14' ; green
meats Out of pickle, lc less than
Rolls, smoked. 15;,,c to 16c ; me-
dium and light hangs, 18c to 18',c;
heavy, 16%c to 17e; bacon, 191/se to
Montreal. April 26.-Thcrc is
still very little business passing in
the local flour market. Manitoba
spring wheat patents. firsts, $5.80;
do seconds, $5.30; winter wheat
patents, $5.50 to $3.t0: Manitoba
str,•ng bakers, $5.10; traight rol-
lei s, $5.10 to $5.25; do. in bags,
$2.40 to *2.50. Millfeed-- Ontario
IZl 1:t:lt MI'ItDER 41'DItY.
Sit eek lit 1he Dark and killed the `r
N'roug .Ian.
A despatch 'rein 1Vinnipeg says:
A voluntary statement has been
made by Reichert and ll►'nbewak1.
the two (Ialiciais toner arrest at.
Alenlen, charged tvith having rant-
ed the <Ieatdi of A. Phillips at Plum
Cr ulce recently by hitting him on
the head. Both; men have partly
its IWeted themselves, admitting
that they had designed to avenge
themselves, following a tight which
had ueeut•1•ed in a hotel. Grabow-
ski carried aheavy club. and to-
gether they wailed until Phillips
at..1 a companion named :McGinnis
carne out, and hitched up to go
home. Then they attacked them in
the dark. Grabowski gate the club
to Reichert, and the latter struck
Phillips in mistake. for McGinnis,
inflicting injuries which resulted it►(uwpuuy will run Sunday cars be-
hia death;. It wax so dark. he 1554.4.11 l.unden au<I !'ort Stanley.
claims, that he still does not know Large purchases of Ontario eat -
whom he had hit, but his spite WIni tic by United States firsts are re -
against McGinnis, and not. Parti sp5usiblc for the increase in the
cuiarly tee ards the (14.841 man. A
third party is said to be implicated
also and au arrest is likely to fol-
THE t;i.OBE.
Telegraphic Brief's Front Our Own
aad Other Countries of
Recent Events.
Two Guelph boys were bitten by
dugs on Thin -Any.
James Parker had his head
jammed in an elevator at London,
Ont., and was fatally injured.
The report that the C. I'. R. will
Adel taee new steamers to its Atlan-
tic fleet is revived at St. John.
Montreal Street Railway Com-
pany Inas granted 111 increase of
ray to motormen and eunduilers.
The Lundell d• Lake Erie Railway
I:NEU.F:TON FOl'\1). '
Supposed to be Remains of WM.
Wilkinson, a lloutesleuder.
A despatch from Prince :Albert,
says: While gathering weed near
the east of the city, James Murray
lame across the skeleton of a man.
It is thought the remains are those
of William Wilkinson, a homestead-
er Wilkinson disappeared last
spline, and his brother, reporting
tie disappearance, stated that he
had gene out with a gun one Sun-
day morning and was not seen af-
ter Later the brother's wife tied,
an.i before death 4he stated that
the two brothers had gene away
together, but her husband had re
loan, 820.50 to $21: Ontario arid• turned alone. Later the brother
filings. $22 to $23; Manitoba bran, contracted typhoid feter and died
821 ; Manitoba shorts, $21 to $22; in Victoria Hospital here, and their
pure grain rnouillie, 832 to $33; only child died. the four deaths,
mixed mouillie, $25 to $28. Rolled °es erring within a year. Another!
Oats -Per barrel, $4.05; do per blether lives in the Bnttleford dis-
bag, 81.90; curiimeal, per barrel, trict.
$3.40 to $:3.511. Cheese -Old cheese qr
12jM(• and fielders at 12!,c. Butter DOCTOR'S 1031'11 111it'f11D.11'.
----Old stock, 9' lye to 29e and new
milk creamery. 30c to 31c. Eggs--
ggs-Selected let 4. lac to 21c and straight
receipts, 19c to 20e per dozen.
I'I y -ieiaa of 1 ratirr 11lio Says
“Eat. 1)riuk :Ind be lion).•,
1)r. Benne , f Walerion, France.
eel&brating h:, hundredth hirthda.
at a dinner given recently in his
New York. April 26. ---!!'heat-- honor by hi- fellow -citizens, deeiinr-1
No. 2 red. $1.13'4 nominal c.i.f.; col: "All any lifetime 1 hate eaten'
No. 1 northern, $1.15'•:, f.o.b., open- what tasted good to ane, and ]late!
leg navigation. Option wheat was •baulk as much of any li.lu'r i pre-
weak and lower at the start under ferrel as uas geed for nu•. I pity;
!either liquidation on the ueak those 114 niy colleagues who think:'
cables and tamer cash demand, but that lung life depends upon the 8h -
prices regained the. loss vIt covering atl'rrliuus dict. Eat, drink and be
In. aborts and closed at unchanged merry, that's my recipe'." The (Joe-
l() net decline. tel bus b; en mayor "f his teen sin ••
ISIS, fuel 1114 to two years age e ,
LIVE STOCK :MARKETS. a14.' noise fire marshal. In L'o
Montreal, .April 2u - ('"Hee steers lie rescued an old woman from a
leoniug roof. At the dinner he de-
br„ught. $7.50 to $7.s5: fair t4' geed, (hared smilingly that he had had
$5.`+u to $6.40; fair. $3 to 3:,.,511; the pleasure 44 attending most of
sews *13.25: bulls', 1�0: begs, $10.- his patients beth at their birth as: I
L0; saws, `9.5°:"`"'1steady lit futieral. Ile has a sun 70 years 4.•!.i
$1.75 to )10, while Iambs sold at 111 iubers 11f his farnil• hn5e h• - ;
any front 83.130 to $10.
87.50 to $9; calves brought all the th
ye pest of town physician for .'t5J-
ears. '
Toronto, April 211.- The average -
range fee the best quality of steers \ 1:11 SURGICAL 1. tl !: I II tl it.
atilt lo ;vers was teem >9ti.:,e1 t.. 117,
and an idea of the firmness of these .1 Slicer wire Snhstilni..l for 1h4''
i.rices may he gathered (rein die
rl:1t . 1 u•, which' shuw cattle
y.. thin} moll and tW$I pounds !►ring- A fie,•11ntch from it4Itimore, \I•j .
21e i.t;t from aft 14, *6.50per cent. ('naw says: lir. E. 11 I:iehnrdsen
Ise :nal bulls quoted as high ns 8sL2: .14,1ins Hopkins 11. -.oral announced i
Syrup - $1 to $1.10 per imperial aad *lieu per col. Trade in milk- en 11e41ttesday a tea method in sur-
('her:,. --13c• per pound for large
t4. 1.1 ,,e for twins.
Been- $s to $2.10 per bushel for f4.• this class of cattle ranging from a blunt needle is threaded with
primes end at $3.15 to $2.25 per $'.• tll.w:1rd. Yearling Hinnies me fife sil.er vire, then an incision is
beshre 1 fur hand-picked. es.....1 ao cents lower at Ss and S9 made shout the infected part 811(1
Petntees - Delaware potatoes. 1e io•erise•ly. Shoe are very fon' the wile is drawn swan f,lshiee
ase ee'r hag in ear lots. and Yx: 1" at ;;:I t•, S7 per cwt. Hugs nre 4.us5 threngh the kidneys to the ext. 1:'
(fu per bag out "f store. at Ste t .,,b. to 811.:5 fed iulrl mut. do •ile'I. fly the old ;nettled, lie
•.__.. ere d. whi(l, the knife was used, serious
6.........: -......nod sometime -sr uncontrollable hem.
Ten girls and a man were killed o,rliag,'s were enuse'<1. The silver.
by n I,.,ilcr explot ion in fn .1us- wire nee -thud els fates this. as in-
�tra<1 of c'uttinit through the flesh
slit -
• practised ctisetl w h s
see idly to
e 1 1
•ra r springers 1 light. hitt n gel
( nn)
t,•.% geed ri'm's 11ate bi'l'l! sn1(l 85 to M• at that In.spitltd in operations
high as $75 per heal!, the market for a <jiseive of the kidneys. First,
1'11 Sit1NS.
1\ t s'sa1. (1)11.11att“n0
I'•• R
Short int. $31 to *31.50
1101 L11,e1: 1114._.. 14:,.:,e to *2'1.
I.:,..i Firm: 111'1,•', tii',e t11
11 1. 11; ,r 1., I;4..
11 1r•r- light
),-. v , \a, .,t.
lei's,, male!! fact..!,+ 11 t+4rks thrmtuh the 51 aur ar
.Jewels sallied at half a million 11.1 e• eilhent severing them, The
'leiter- base b.rn stolen from the sstioel is premed eecl invaluable
f'111i•a.e,�i,, 4:itlie<I rai, in the kis•.0 . 4 5t,l•'rjott the kidneys.
1111. 'Olt'I III.1 \11 01 PROMISE.
Tera] Charters Made at An. Unusual
Figure at Fw't William.
, .le•p etel( teem rent
res s • .1 rate 1.1 ear rent n bushel
flew Cert 11-ill'ain (o Iiuflnlo for
lIII pi.'Inihlr though it may
..•--rl .rw1111'4 11111 th(•ir bunt!. 1,1111
•;,;..`inti be fere the supply of
..,Lees ons la rite enough to war
tall) the mesP. Now .-.,ins of them
ts011 hunts at 1•''rt William are few -
5441 �'.rral charters •were elesed i..L the M O911:111+e 44 making a rate
Is 1W( (hle•day 111 116.4 figure by Boit experterw could not refuse or
An private se•se)s. The vessel ,wli ending their bolts to Buffalo entp-
er, eh.. closed the contracts de 4141 Iv and lasing off their crews until
expect 1" mak, money "n the car es( a! cargoes are available. The
fess. 1141(1 whl"' they get their ll.ats one cent rate is the result. it has
lark 1'1 ituffiele it is net likely ti,. v het n figured out that. adding the
wi,1 %etch then] back for tni.re gratin wage- of the crew to the insurance
eat with a
o of grain
e 11;1%1111 +for the remarkably attaacentIa bushel is actually lally losng
kr rate Iles in the fact that sena. money,
I :el+r Ilunra n( Sunshine Daily on
Prot hula! Tarn.
.\ .lespelch irem To•t. MO Say`:
'll,el• is big premise in Ontario's
not it land, aecerding to the repeat
1•'',.151'/1 "n 'rhurs41ay 1,y the Pro
Bureau of ('"Ionization Ervin
l intrndrnl !Whitten. who has
of the (loserfinent demon -
farm at Monteith. The
farm is located 2111 miles north of
Netth flay and 31 miles south of
elliane. the junction of the T. &
N. O. and National Transcontinent-
al Railways. The report to 31r.
Donald Sutherland. director of eel-
(deli:tion. shows that f•5r the week
ending .April 15t11 (herr were twelve
hours of sunshine every day and
the temperature went as high as
52 degrees. The Superintendent
stated thatthe fall wheat rind clo-
ser were looking well, the seeding
for the spring grain was nearly fin-
ished and the ground was in splen-
did shape for seeding.
Wire of beef.
The Marconi .nipa►ty lire w'
ng messages at Montreal fur
British points at tw'else cents per
A vessel blockade is reported at
Sault Ste. Marie, owing to the re-
pairs to the United States canal
net being completed.
Mr. McNicoll of the C. P. 11. ex-
pects that the mechanics of the
casual) shops will accept terms us
the western turn did.
Mr. Asquith obtained a majority
of 93 on his motion applying the
closure to the discussion of the
Bt,dgct in the British Commons.
l; N i rED STATES.
A bill to
prohibit oral buokivak
ing has passed the New Yerk State
A s•rnlhl}•.
Between thirty and forty sten
we re eltembeel by an explurien
an Alabama c•„31 ;nine.
.1 woman believed to be suffering
fon, leprosy was found 111 a crowd -
1 d tenement in New York.
The Attorney -(general of the
( 41te(1 States has ordered an in -
i( -ligation of the recent bull move-
ment in cuttun.
The warship brake, invented by
a Canadian, has been tested un the
1'niteat Staten battleship Imitates
anti has prated e+ success.
Dr. !Wilgus of the New lurk 51-ite
Lunacy Commission says that one
cont of every four immigrants to the
b:ritcd States is an undesirable.
William R. Hearst has issued 11
statement endorsing President 'Taft
awl warning the American people
against permitting a renewal of
Hot seselt rule.
The military reservists in Eons -
dor are clauti,ring for tear with
The lawlessness of the ►tativcs jn
Hunan province, China, is spread-
The lockout. in the building
hales at. Berlin will i:robably be
settled in the near future.
Lonis Pulham made a clean eross-
country flight of 125 miles in
Frunc•e, breaking all records.
Tan Montreal Children Eat Theo
in Mistake for Candy.
A despatch from Montreal says:
Simone, vise years of age, and 1)o-
lores, three sears old, children of
Mr J. I.:demure) Cailleux, Ontario
street east, died at their home on
3V,•dursday morning from eating
sugar-coated pills. The children
ale tight the pills were candies and
ate a large quantity.
Famous Humorist Passes Away at His
Home in Connecticut.
A despatch from Redding, Conn:,
says: Samuel Langhorne Clemens
(Mark Twain) died painlessly at
6.30 o'clock Thursday night of an-
gina pectoris. Ile lapsed into curna
at; 3 o'clock in the afternoon and
never recovered consciousness. It
was the end of a roan outworn by
grief and acute agony of body.
Wednesday was a bad day for the
little knot of anxious watchers at
lite bedside. For long heirs the
grey, aquiline features lay moulded
in the inertia of death, while the
pulse sank lower and lower, but
late at night the patient passed
(rem stupor into the first natural
sleep he it:ul known since he re-
turned !rem Bermuda, and on
Thursday morning awoke refresh-
ed, even faintly cheerful and in full
possession of all his faculties. He
recognized his daughter, ('arrio
(Mrs. Ossip l:abriluwitch), spoke a
rational word Ui two, 1111(1, feeling
himself unequal Cur conversation,
wrote nut ill }Wiled: "(live rite lily
glusses." These were his lash)
words. Laying aside his glasses
aid pencil, he sank first, into rev-
erie and hater into final unoonsei-
enslless. There was no thought ab
the time, however, that the end was
so near.
Mark Twain died, as truly as ib
car: be said of any mar], of a bro-
ken heart. The death of H. 11.
Rogers, a close friend, was a se-
vcre blow. The death of his daugh-
ter, Jean, who was seized with an
attack of epilepsy last fall while in
her bath, was an added blow from
which he never recovered. It was
then that the stabbing pains in the
heart began.
Confesses to Killing Wife, Rut No
Witnesses to Prove It.
A despatch from Niagara, Falls,
N Y., says: A peculiar situation
has developeal here as a result of
tits alleged confession that he mur-
dered his wife here six years ago,
made at Waukegan, I11., on Rat-
ulday, by Foster Johnson, a Tus-
carora Indian. Johnson says that
he pushed his wife into the rapids
above the falls. It is claimed by
lawyers that the confession he wade
cannot be used against Johnson in
a tt•;a1, and it is impossible to got
cc•rroborative evidence against hits,
as there were no witnesses. "The
thing that makes the confess the
murder of my wife," Johnson said,
"was that before 1 killed her, and
when site told the that she intend-
ed to commit suicide. she asked inc
fo: a nice graves -tone, and I prom-
ised her I would get it. I have
never done so, and it has haunted
me 1 see her head in the river in
env dreams, and have hardly en-
joyed a peaceful night in all these
•.rib r r...._.-.._ r
a%.Aflf/ 14M•,,��tw
.o"- ¢? .e.ess
a .vki ! online 0 mut
9 11A au is a uta * s,a
mr. Ali Rasa livm.V444154 644111144-iga
t' t
ti ':'' ',.131
The "Dominion Pride" Range
MADE IN CANADA :.n•l is 7.!:t4'4t on t!.• re:.rk. t in r• ..nate to a .l. man;] for 8
Range r. n bi.,i; e. 11,c sit rho.. quul.tirs of Mall' t'1e Iron and Polished Stool,
Unbreakable, Unwarpah:e. Indestructat.le, Economical, Design Attractive, Perfect
Cookers and Bakers, will Last a Lifetime with Proper Care.
The ordinary rn Iron r,r i% at brat ita[t
4i ttninvestment
)nh• purchaser.
w11410111101.11t exhibit the rfe(ts, t wear alai tear, unavoidable dable in n ningr.anir
of sorb frail marl brittle material. 'f lir Combined Malleable fr.,n and 13111.• Polished
Steel Range is the nearest approach to Absolute Perfection ever designed for Com-
fort, Economy and Satisfactory Domestic Service and wheresrr installed it will
prove itself a seatinual eisee1 .4 Satisfaction. 'rhe price at which it 15 supplied is
s„ modest that it is brought easily within the reach of every prudent family.
"Dominion Pride" i18ngr•4.'VS %cold on the following Auarantee: if any resting proves
defeelire is twelve month• from 'lute ofpurchase. we will furnish wines
frt'c of charge. Thr above(;uarantce is very bro:.d. 110 if 's or rind's,
and any casting that wouhl ]rave a Aaw in 11 tit:,` we Tailed to see
in the cnurar of runstlu••tiun, sash tiger WotibI shrew long before.
tbo twelve months 1.4,51 transpired when fin it, put in mune.
Onr placing direct to the consumer our 11igh (;rade "Dominion
Pride" \Molle:,tile and Polished Steel !tang,.. r1. fully .I.•s,•rib••d
111 1,1)1 'ii ril.►i5e ti►:ulat mud guarantees!, for loss than von rag
bus n cast iron range. We are rnilit,,$ to mak, 11.14 eitraot.Iinary
,fir l.v our Direct from rectory to Kitchen Plaa, which Awes
(he i 4.1Kra, retailers. trsveliug salesmr:, and their expensto,
gitiog the ...roomer the benefit of th••se raving., which in reality
enables the consumer to buy as cheap as the wholes:do jobber.
fr.-an not bs:y direst ftthe Manufartttrer awl save the rei,lrtle-
trtr1.'n awl retailers' profits? "Dominion Pride" Range if sol.1
lhrn,.0h the retailer or traveling rale'msn would have 1' he N,Itt
for $•;9.011 to s;',00, according to 11.,' lerritnry 401.1 in. Ota.
price. ,lireet to the consumer. is :1s follows: "Deminlon Pride"
Range, A -la or 9.1V top, ssilh high closet shelf and 4l'%i(rcr1 lank
or flush reservoir. with rivet. of zine to go underneath range,
8 joints of blue polished steel pi pr and 2 citrons, .If1r.-erc41 to
any railway (a rias Statins in (lntsrio. (Q ret'r•r. Nr., limas, -ick,
Nova -1' tis and Primo)•:.]ward inland for *41.00 (We Pay the
Protght). :,n,) ,tenser.,) to Irl,) rr.11',ay rxpri-s ,latiun in ani -
It M,'k.1 -hewan ani British; t',.Intnlria f,•, *ti . l0
(We Pay the Freight), 15.110 to nreompony order. for halanes
fo 1., paid whe.,r.o gt- is delivered to you. If not (0nVenlent
to psy ,ad,. •,.li arrrt,t your Note.
818 or 918 Flcvnte4 Tnnk or Flush ilcservoir for Coat and 'Wood
Made of rile first Blue Polished Steel end Malleable Iron.
t>elivered to any Ralla'uy Station in
Ontario, Quebec, New 13i•uns 'dck, Move
Scotia and Prince Edward island.
We pay the freight.
Write for our Descriptive Circular.
49 Delivered to any Ruliwey Station In
Manitoba, Alberto, Snskatchewnn end
PRICE British Columbia We pay the freight.
Menefee tuned end Sold only by the
Canada Malleable Steel Range Mfg. C9 Limited, OOnrAR o