HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-28, Page 600.04:100•000011100000000000111
'I'll I: t;A 1"i 11'1:S.
.Mico had been seen in the pantry,
Intl that keening Harry and Ruth
ttatchtd .4.4itt nitwit eagerness the
In the Spring Most People Need
a Tonic Medicine.
If you want new health and new
strength in the spring you nova
build up tour blood with u tonic
baiting and ttettiug of the trap. incdieinc. • Following the long in -
1t ►las nt,t r.ne of those little trap$ deur winter months most people
that shut down quickly and c•heke
ter house, but a big wire cage,
which must seem lea mouse IIKe a
1111g', airy 1.'"'10. Fltther eel oft a blood that causes pimples and un -
l';'' re •f eh"' that teas hard and, sightly eruptions. To this same
would not break easily, and after condition is (rue attacks of rheunul-
tc.hstiug it a kw Minutes over the tisut and lumbago; the sharp stab-
ftre• fired it 1.1"'1.‘• "n the little wire Ling pains of sciatica and neural -
le uk that hong down from the roof gin : poor appetite, frequent head -
of the cage. 'Then the big door at aches and a desire to avoid exer-
one end was fastened se that it tion. You can't cure these troubles ,
would stay wide open. Any mouse by the use of purgatives; you need \{'11.11 HER "DOT" DOES.
that sincl!'d that lovely toasted, a tonic and 0 tonie only, told among lent French 1Tontau en lia.is of
el cele could walk right in and help' all medicines there is nano can
himself; but just as stem as Iso; equal Dr. \Williams'!'ink Pills for Equality With Husband.fund up on his legs and began toitheir tonic. life-giving, nerve re- Though there is far re's su11lage
tut•ble at the cheese, hang'. wound, storing powers. Every dose of this ptepaganda in France, the super -
go the door behind hint, and 110 medicine makes new, richt blood, ice position of the French women
wen's! find himself shut, in tight. which drives out, impurities, 8t1- hes often been noted. If the leis -
The next. morning Harry was the' inulates every organ, and brings a band keeps a shop, she keeps it
fust one up. He waked Ruth, and feeling of new health and energy too; therm is no question about iter pellet( to give up and was confined
tcgctber they crept quietly dowel -,to weak, tired out, ailing men, w•o- capacity fur business, nor is her to my bed with Lumbago. 1 tried
stairs and to the pantry before men and children. if you are feel- share in the joint business regard- many medicines but they failed to
Morv, the maid, was out of bed. ing out of sorts give this medicine ed as "interference." 1VitIt rare Ju ►u' any good. Then 1 turned to
:1s they pushed open the pantry atrial, it will not disappoint you. exceptions, says London Truth, it Dotld's Kidney 1'ills, and after
(astir, they saw something which Mr Paul Charbonneau, 0 young is almost impossible, to imagine the taking one box I felt greatly re-
made then) both ery out iu wonder. man well known iu the town of St,. Englishwoman in a position so en- lirved. 1 took several more loxes
The floor of the wird cage was Jerome, Que., is one of the host tirely taken for granted. But a and hound myself completely
cl('sed, and inside was, nut ono who hear testimony to the value of French portionless girl would be cured."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He says: fairly certain not to marry: trent Dudd's Kidney fills always cure
"When I left school I became a the moment of her birth, therefore, aI'y and all forms of Kidney Dis-
ease. C close It her were six
bookkeeper in an important tffj('C' heel' parents set. to work to provide Case.
small otic' children that had follow- Probably due to confinement. 1 he -het with a "(lot." Incidentally,
I • 4'(1 the mother into the cage. She gam to suffer from indigestion and• th • "dot" system is perhaps the
hall net even nibbled the cheese un- loss of strength. I became pale and gieate_st incentive to thrift so 011-
til they were all safely inside. seemingly bloodless and was often titel' lacking in England. The
Strangest of all, the little family seized with palpitation of the heart dowered girl gocs to her husband
w•s' curled up in a beautiful nest, sed violent headaches. I tried see with a certain solid backings -which
' made of bits ..f paper anti small eral remedies, but they did not do R
pieces •f string and hairs and a few hie a bit of gond. I was advised proves its value in tittles of stress
or illness --and is not only willing
8111x11 rags, all nicely . woven to- to try 1)r. Williams'Pink i ills and but prepared to work.
getber into 0 little round bed, as did se, and the use of eight boxes The average Englishwoman, 00
st 1, and warm as any one could br( tight me back to perfect health
wish. land strength. I have since enjoyed the. ether hand, will be independ-
\Where could that nest have comm the best of health and cannot say est but she is also romantic. And
romance with her )refers the rote
frugal When the trap was set the:too much in praise of this valuable happy :
te;;ht before niece had not beon1metiicine.,, of bcggnrmuid to King ('uphetu'►' Suitor . le. 1' Say, i wish you
In her heart of hearts, site likes Ger,
ars thing in it but the piece of Sold by all medicine dealers orcould 'a ,• . ri her when 1 propos
cheese. that was now half -eaten.: by mail at 50 cents n lox or six timbale! t.. "raise her to his Bide. ed t„
Net even the little baby mice could boxes' for Lt3.50 from The 1)r. Wil- she scorns romance on n business
got lint. \Vhe could have brought linins' Medicine C'o., Brockville, basis. Ten late dors slie realize
Oust the small business ur proles _FOR THE PUBLIC
in the things the nest was blade of 1 Ont �` signal Man cannot really afford the
! The •hildre n could not tell. After' luxury of a huusekerpsr• Pieao Formula Cures ('ou h+ ('olds
blettlaast Mr. Arnold said he wets! HO\\ IT HAPPENS. o
);ming to fly to find out. - -Il.- - llrnnrhitis and H°arerne44R
He first took the cage back to the M r. StOat-\Ian up in the 'x- (;Ill:.\T (:l'\S. lu fire 'lours.
► l•4rttry and set it down on the floor, trcme end of Alaska writes to his
ju'► where it had been all night.; wife every Mail." Sir .1.,Trevor Dawson makes this Much is ihring done in these days
lie left the pantry door open 0 1st-' Mrs. Stubb--"My: What an af- comparison to show the great to stop the ravages of consumption.
Ile way, and placing a chair vat fectionate husband''' strides trade in modern ordnance hut probably nothing has been se
Mr. Stubb-"Oh 1 don't knew. pow -R 1
fide. in the kitchen, he sat dowt►' r is •it, years: In twit the meet effective as teaching the public how
whets he could see the cage all the! TL•ere�is only one mail a year up erful 12 -inch gun was a nuzzle -load- to break up a cold and cure
time: aad he told Harry that if he; th.•ro. cr. 12 calibre long. weighing 2:1.5 coughs, bronchitis, tonsilitis, etc.,
1 NCI1Id promise not to move once,' 4 tens. using a charge of 43, l)'Unils with simple 11,1,10 nil sed medicine.
I HOW TO MAKE BABY SLEEP .,f powder, and discharging a pro- A laxative ()ugh syrup, free (roar
I or eve■ to whisper, he could stay
WAS him. jeeCle of Olt pounds with a mutate whiskey, is the prune nrvvl. A
1'•r a long time they saw nothing The baby that erie'it half the night vcionity of 1,300 feet per second. It eecgh indicates inflammation and
'kept she mother mouse and her does not cry for nothing. It cries could perforate 16 inches of wrought 't.l;estiou and them' in turn are
because it is nut well, and has no, jive at the muzzle, and eight inches d is, to an exce.s of waste and Twig-
, br.bies i■ the trate. Then all at other means of saying So. fh( ate/ "I•' in the spate'''. A tonic lAsa-
r . ace a small gray shadow crept out at a range of G,(4x) yards. 111 I Y
1 chances are the trouble is due to the 1.2 -inch ,in Ilnd become a t ` .rough syrup rid., the system of
(t4 a ••ru'r and ran to the nage. some !upsetting of the stomach (hrcot. e,tion, while relievingthe pain -
was another rnonsC • nod in his, ' brarch-lander, 50 'nlibrep long, 5 p
n4'• utti he carried a little rag. I bowels, which would be speedily re• :.4crighioq 70 lona, rising a prejee- i fel runghing. <ict the following
!moved if the child were .liven n
tile of !150 pounds discharged with at (1 mix at home: One-half °mien
Wilco 1)A reached the cage there'tl,,s of Baby's Own Tabletp. These
I 1. a. a RtAat squealing.
He stood' a muzzle velocity of 3,004► feet per
Auld wild cherry bark, one uuu'rl
up •a leis hind legs and pushed the'TableLs make children sleep round- second, and capable of penetrat. rumpoumd essrnco cardio) and
rnG a bis Atreus,' the burs, and the ly and natnrallp bP'nuse they re• ing 52 inches of wrought iron at thtee ounces syrup white piste (4m-
►` tn. Hae inside ran over to hint and rncve the cause of the crossness tar mile:sle, :17 inches ata distance pound. Shake the bottle and take
twit the lag and ran back to her' and wakefulness. They are a blest ,•f G,(N)0 yard,, and 17..ri inch's AC twenty drops every half hour fat
! rest mid patted the rag into place! ing to children and a relief to wor- 21 000 yards. four hours. Then one-half to line
•I in as wall. pied mothers. Mrs. John sickles, taappoonf ul three or four times
) l Dlouglastown, N. R.. says: "If any- daily. (;iv.' I iiildren leas, accord -
1 Three times he rant'. The secTHE It IO:HT NAME.
Fos'• end 1iwe he breugl►t a little bit of. thing ailsmy
little onesisthe first i. i'it1 to Age. lent this cut and mace
1 se 'len. and afterward a small piece1thema What a sinqul arty appropriate it- fur semi' friend.
! or ,tall 1 Belay's Own Tablets and they are
name is Piste) for the mnu. --'44'-- -
lt ; and nil then' things !h1), scc.0 well again." Sold by meth -
nee "Why is it. appropriate !" (;eve the reverse le. r a yank
I 1,ie •' mous(• took when he pushrdlctn.' dealers or by mail nt Y:) cents "Because he spends his time be- when you tiud•yoursolf talkieg tou
! t,.. al ante the tttttr, told limed them'
box from The 1)r. Williams' Me•tw('n getting loaded and being much.
to make the ne.l s.trinnr.
! dittos Co., Brockville, Out. fired."
feel depressed and easily tired.
This means that the blood is impure
and watery'. it is this state of the
e:ease IGe4„
Very unpopular with the younger
set. -Life.
Mite F. 1X.11 l .l i'' t' E' s
Lachine Ilan, After Fourteen
Years SulTerlug, Made %real%%% and
Strength iu au Old !tellable Kids
icy Remedy.
Luchute, Que., April 143 (Special)
- -after fourteen years of suffering,
which started tenor pleurisy, fol-
lowed by drepsit'a1 hwt•ilingo, and
culminated in Lumbago, and cou-
rage' hint to his heel, :11:aluehi
J1e.1ulilTe, a well-k10w,1 resident
of this place. has entirely reeo'er-
ed his health, and he says without
hesitation, "1 ail sure 1 owe it 011-
tirely to Didd's Kidney Pills."
"1 was laid up with Pleurisy,
which affected no; kidneys," Mr.
gragmilmigimmommomma After hearing tlto c vid'nc•e in an
Cdwa dCRONYN =: assault case between mail and wife,
• in which the wife hada deal of pro-
Nealbers Tereate Steak Esekaaie. rot Otion, the magistrate, turning
Sale Invest/flints �; iI. faro Nour�itasr to the husband, remarked:
Keterastostau4a4141osayheok- "My good Mall, 1 really canna
Wehtvevcn•.l1' leu auytiitiLg i11 this ease."
our new bulld..t, 90 say .Sly Toronto. • • llut site Ilan cut oft a bit of my
a sir.''
at, geLI' rttf.VFat AND foot UI'INE •'Meer%,': said they Magi4trat4', ''1
gold stook•+ bought and 801(3. Prop•
erli'g incorporated and financed. writs w'i bind het' u%er to keep the
for pnrticnlnr+ 1'. 4. Unit -Mon, 25 Mame pence."
ing Arcade. Termite. one. "Yeti %•011 1," replied the angry
TiiE FOLLY OF t)111t \\'AYS. husband; "she's tl1•own the piece
uv.ay !
Like tucn who utilVe Witlt sightless
egos, B.\ BY II.UD'S B1'BNI:D.
Wi. stumble through our days,
Aur' Pave our souls to emphasize
The folly of nut' ways.
is as et•rnty Torero the camp. 16
will undermine the strangest con.
st.U.tion and ruin the most vigor -
011 het,Ith. Il leads to noligestion,
biliuus11a4, impure 3.%88(3, bud com-
plexion, sick 61ada, he., and fs one
of the most 'rewire! 4'.144„ 4 of
upp,•ndieitis. 'fo tow!. et it is slow
suicide. Dr. %forge's Indian Ano%
1',,1, positively cure Constipation.
They are entirely v4g't4hlo in 400)
pJ4itinu and dm not sicken. weakea
ur 'ripe Preserve your health by
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
•• • rants. Highest price paid.
Boss, Scott St.. Toronto.
Fog d
The young daughter of Mrs. T. S.
Dougall, 523 Flora .\t'ntio, \\'inni- I EARN TILE n.a1 "r
'time and again the drunkard's lifts peg. was arranging some of her instruction: few !%wr weeks complete emirs.);
indulge their low desire, (L Iles .4ca.hing un n clothes ruck, 1Oo)4eighteen dollars weekly; y:e earn
!fart c8ts
\n 1 all the time h' slips and stills in clo she .fell, and ht•r hunch (1►nle toque. %Imre Barber College, 2% Quem
Into u hopeless Mire. in cont:1't with the hot stove. She Fest. nronln.
hands lv te the stmt.
huslain4'd n' colons 1)1111, 1111(1 her FOR SALE.
Tithe and again the spendthrift'. '(•tenons brought 1)'r nutther quick ',� OFt R1LF. alt FRrILtNOF:, BUtLDINO
Intc :nd h:rm lands ou ea.y ear-
Mcauliffe continues. "I suffered a Are busy wasting all; "I sent to the druggist fur the 'news. will boy western property. 5.
gnat deur of pain, especially in 111y While sorely 1110.44' the shifting best remedy he had for burns," she 11. Matthews. Room 11 1-2 7( Yong() Rlreet,
„ Tnrmrto.
buck. 1 was also terribly troubled sands says, and he sent back x lux of
with dropsical swellings, and final- That bear hila to his fill. Zuni -Bok. Ile said that there was MACHINERY
ly, after Many attempts to get rid nothing to equal it. I applied this, t('I11N1:KY iNF:ARQUAR1'F;Y.H.
of my trouble, 1 found myself coin- Time and again the gambler takes and it soothed the pain so quirk%' ll •Iron 844(1 woodworking mnchinerr.
'I'he risks of reckless ,lay ; that the child laughed through her
engines, boilers, steam pumps. 5aso►Ine
B g engin..• electric motors, es.
While in his heart the canker ttitkrs tears. I bound up the 1101141 in machinery, err. Fend for CataI08lle me
Its al! -destroying way. Esni-link, awl each day applied ^•.r lett it
n. w. rerRlR
Lim it rd. TOrnnt,.. ltnntrrnl. Pnnrnuver.
!Lain -Hak frequently anti liberally,
'I'iut' and again we give to those until the burn was quite cured. WANTED.
We leve the words that pain; "1 would reeonunend all mothers 1NTF:D A FEW ACTIVE YOUNG
\While through the mi11 our e(t!$ei- to keep Zanl-Rik in the home." ��
men In learn Moulding. Tee
Year contract. 31..11 a day to start. 52.55
Clic(' gut's All druggists and stores '.ell Zam cats h. made atter 9 months ou piece-
T111 wC !al'C friends again. ltitk at fifty cents box. Post free work. liu.t he well reentuniended 0s to
g froth 7aanl Ituk ('o. Toruntu (u[ ctiaraM.r, hal.it etc. Apply the (turner
.. , Foundry Co.. Limited, ere, Toronto.
Some day-, perhaps ---it u►ay not be price. Befogs all imitations.
Till in 1,111 twilight days. -___-_ FARMS FOR SALE.
-�^- + Too late to alter -we shall $4'e He -''1 have been told that 1 was `v F.RTF:KN F' -that LANDS -CITY L(YI4
"Drinking is a disease with yoll. CURED HIS 'MADDER TROUSLE.
1:\ It;.
The tell of our ways. u r on e.wy terms. If you are going
\1 ATIC. Y ltandsoine." She- R hen was wr•.t, 8en(3 ter my li,,,, it whet pay you.
tllitt 1" H.' --''Te day." She -''No; H. M. Mathews, 7. 1(41150 %l.. Toronto.
1 mean, when were you handsome 1' A 100 ACRE F.5031. Willi GOOD
buildings in the County oI Mid,lle-
sos. for sale. or will etchanie for houwe
and lot or smaller farm. The we -tern
Heal Estate Exchange, Limited. London.
Meus0, but seven.
There was one big mouse, and
cuddled 1 p toix
11r•yup. Are you doing anything Or. fterbert nau.r. m1 navis,illr. Say+
for it f" he "Wei (5111 P1114 p debt of gratitude
"Yes, sir; I'm getting treated, which he Can never repay. ile suffer ..1
Minard'S Liniment Ceras Dandruff.
Si r.'' for years with Madder Trouble, and could
d, not pus! (trine except by mu• h strrining. Ann ,y n guild matt is
NO TIR)t'RL('..\ROtTT TH-\T. whish caused great pain. when the wlmelle blows.
Mr. Hauer sent for a free sample of Ota — -
Pa --"Rill, voting 014111, do yell Pelle. The first doer did him an much goad
K'MoeussMfluettrineafter aMarra lathetmial
think you eau make my little girl that he ordered six holes and begun to wheelenOb•tlaate, pitil•ucouth6ssheandd►4'u
take them regularly. A lfonth'S treat- sway by Alien's Lunt Balssu. No upiva In it.
The good ewes lasts. Take s bottle Lome with
mellt cump{et4IY cured him. you tine day.
a quitter
' Now, chil,l,cu," 111r. .truold
said, •'what -1).411 we do with this
family •f mice ! \\'e can't have
flora ► naming round in the pantry,
eating gad .oiling our foo(1."
••• fusilier, 1 know what 1 should
1,1e to ale with therm," said Harry. "Perfectly Trustworthy" is the
"1 sbeuld like to take them away character of Ilicklc a :Inti -('on -
elf leneetrhere, in the woods, and suntptive Syrup. It can he used
let Weems ga " with the utmost confidence that it
Ana stai was what they diff. The wal do what is claimed for it. It
cage was taken to a sunny place at is sure in 11:1 effect., •as the use of
the far end of the garden. Then it will clearly demonstrate and can
Owdoer wit., opened and the ebil be relied upon to drive a cold out
(bee weut away. When they came of the system 10(110 effectively than
1)s •k the cag.• vas empty. sire.; aim other ntedicine. Try it and be
Abuse had moved her little familyeot:vince(1 that it is what it is
10 the rennin-. Youth's ('ompan- claimed to be.
l'he church that knows molting
of the alley 'thews nothing of the
man who went about doing good.
R1.1 1:N1 E (.R1►11S.
The religion that costs you no-
thing costs toe much.
Substitute feu "The D • ft- Mattka1 Piaatae,
1: I Nan: zenm'n1 114144 11)1 prayed &thhni,th..msunsrrupulnosdealers may oar shore
la, Be, 'ninon le4 by doctors, ems1) 111•11) of Lille/lister. sad •,er,te,dy for pleurisy, stl mom. *to.
R.'is re Rees i:rlw and left London
ter. Rutile/ he leat•netl that his
sere Mir as Duke of Lanett ster, 1113
til le ander s Melt he is see.% ing in
11ir,rrite, a,_ inerrased laxt tear by
'I'H1. TI5T.
Pi rte 1)o yeti think 114 wn44 sin-
cere 1 hr 141%4'41 you '"
cc r.: hen h' said
1)(1111• 1'111 sore of it. He ln',ked
•_'.,visa. bringing it up to 51:110,0119 to , roans), t„ be reeking heliee,•
f,, file yea,. The result has not
teen at1,)411rd 0i1hnnt s )good deal
•,If float, hut King Edward lies the
f•1g,acify of choosing exeelle.t lean-
nge►(: far hip priinto Affairs, and
the result, is 1)1e 1)neh•7 .)f Lancas-
ter i`• f,r•vinE Clue of the nn•st pro-
tiln_hir of h:- a 141te4..
'the Prince of Wales 81:44 11nda
bin+s.'t( richer this year than best
teem for revenue ,,f his Cornwall
duchy, which has been raised frern
$41Y.f0, t• $4:15,000.
.- - ,1,—_.._ -
Sone Think that a virtue is pimp
Y an extiuct ties.
Try this
0NE°Yr "Minutes 0► coops.
You don't have to knew whet SINS of cloth
rrnur (foods are mad.. of. SAME Dye for ALL.
N• *ha roes of Mistakes. All colors to roma
fromour Druggist nr Dealer. Sample Card
STA 1Yooklet Free. The lehwsen•RbMrdeen
1 rnnaider 31(5.5RD'4 LINIMENT the
BEA' Liniment in (1444.
1 Sot tnr felt badly %nn,mrd lately. 1
&allied it well with MiNAR1's LIN INI:NP
an,l it was a., well sa ever next day.
Yours very truly.
T. O. MCM1.11.1,F:N.
Minard's liniment Cures Burns, Eta.
1 go. ilr LrlieveK everything she
1., ars, and takes the test• for grant-
Nip Disease in the 1111(1. -- It is
lliflic•ult to eradicate it disease after
it ban become re uteri, the refer' it
is wise to take any ailment in its
initial stages and by such reinedi,'7
at5 are snlliri'nt., stop if in 115
eonrpe, ( old is the c•,nnn'nest
c, mlplaina of mon. and when neg-
tied leads to serious r( sults. 1)r.
They who creel 111 the d1:14 1 time. Thomas' E:electric Oil will cure the
they travel fast,•' than ill- ..• vide, sc.4erost cold or Most violent cough.
n ark in t1,' light.
�.� ('.\MH .1N1► (('I{EDIT.
I. is only MCC,tsnry to read the "Father, wha• is meant by bank-
te,tinloniais to ire convinced that rltl,t. v I"
lloltoway's Corn Cure ip une'tuaf
"Bankruptcy is when you gait
led for the removal of corns, warts, t•l.ur nleney in your hip pocket.
et, it is a complete extinguisher. and let your creditors lake 3,1171
coal. "
'Il,e lecturer *As growing very ve-
hement in the. course of his oratory.
Leib subject. Was. "How to he happy
though married.'.
"As we all know." he erietl, "ilia
dols of n wife is to he a loving help
mete to her hushanrl by eouking
Iii• fond. attending to the various
requirement,. cranducting !towel y
hie householal afTnil -, and so en,
and se on 1.-
"•• nigher the hale elan in
flint. "11ms peter perforin 1.h•at
'rot duly:"
\1'hicb one is that r • ttakerl the
Ice ruler.
PA pia the little ratan.
"se.4' nn. n1111 ecu- 4411' ' anll he r\
hih'ted hi• shirt cuffs. whish were
fa-teited with pills.
last 1 N/1. 17 10.
You can try (lin Wille before you buy
thein. Writo National Bruit h (9lrmic tl
Co.. +Dept. W.I..1, Toronto. for free maniple.
At all dealers. 50c. a box. 3 for 52.50.
`'('lean, dry quarters are neces-
snr•. for young hunt's," says a stock
jeurnul. But any old quarte!., that
will pass are good enough for most
of its.
Mlsard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
'I'll• :average Ulan is never as big
a fool es he might be if he as..'ciat-
ed with the fair sex Inure.
Res, Weak. Weary. Watery urea.
'teller/EA Its emrin' Eye toile -ay. Ter
Morino bur Your }•->-o Troubles. Tall
Will IJke Munn'. It Soothes. fine At
Your 1)ruggisls. Write 1'or Eye hunks.
l'ree. Murine Eyo ltentedy Co., Toronto.
It's easy to get up in the world.
Simply pat moire an elevator going
that way.
lase af Ptesh, 4:,41(5 and pate to the chest rosy
not mean I: m.ump0'() bit are had .,RHs. Allen's
Lill/ Baboon 1•..'sne the ennah Ana 1..• s1, ire t u•
ad air pease's.. Not a grain of opium in it.
Husband ((hiring the (luarrel) -
"I'rovidence looks after fools, you
know." Wife -"indirectly - yes."
Husband -'•Indirectly'" Wife ---
"Yes ; by gip ing then) w iiee to look
after them."
,1 Simple and t heap Medicine.
,\ wimple, cheap and effective meat
cine is semeth'te to he desired.
'there is 0:, melt, toe so effeetise :l
rcgulalar of the digestive system
as 1'arinelee's Vegetable fills. They
are simple. they ate cheap, thi•y
ear, be gut nnywberc, and their be
eefleia' action will prove their r•'
tette nelldatiotl. They are they u,ue II -
clue of thethepour man and these ( who
a%isl to '~rape doctors' bills will do
wt'!! in giving them a trial.
„\Turk,'. o1.'4'rved the reflective
tramp, "wrk is all right. if you
can get the sect ti. suit sour indi-
vidual need,. 1, fur instance,
wotildu'1 ubjer•t to calling out the
names of the ports of call on an
Minard's Liniment for Sale Everywhere.
The low won't make n pian geed.
4h:'t il. may !;resent him frons being
a nuisance.
showed t• the Sone T A teespp,nafnt eV Palos,
kill!, in a l ,}. of 11 .1 11 tlrr swae1e;ttet w!1) 8114
O u an 1 set . col.). A d,) anhstttnte.• ere 14
tt nue " Pa1ukltler - -terry DavIs'-43o ant '44'•
\1'111.11 3 111:11 says fou Arc leo
140 art to be fooled, Ioek out ; he is
getting ready to spring a new one
err sett.
awes' Wit h i)eprsasior, and
M. lancboly. 'I'he.e ewe Atilt; rare
ILP a'.-''mpttninlent of a disordered
stenisrh and torpid liver anal mean
tl 1( tehedness (o all whom they visit.
'fire slurs and apoodiest way to
eoeibal therm is with 1'.rnlelee's
V. geta11e 1'i11-• which will restore
114, h(•.Ilfhlul malign of the •tenlneh
shit bring relief. 'I'het hate pro.4ed
Ilei► msefillnr.' in 01..11snnds of
441„•. and will r'tillinti,• to girt' re -
it •i to the suffering whit are wine
elleadli to nae them.
"Papa, why do brides wear long
veils?" "To conceal their satis-
faction, I presume, my son."
Mother Craves' \Vurnl Extermin-
ator has the largest sale of any si-
milar prepalatiui sold in Canada.
It always gives satisfaction by re-
st, ring health te they little folk,.
'f3 OR 5.51.3; OK EXCHANGE: A lea
acre farm with splendid buildings.
in the County of Ease". w ill sell or ex-
change for smaller farm. The We+tern
Ileal Eitate Exchange. Limited. London.
Ier.:a. EiJ•raeJ by 1,retnn4 medi.•sl moc
ttt,t, t.,r paillcu'a„ ►l. 1.tNl,MtN. Iiiej'dl,
.to teal.
ons of the Inners%, ..1 the etectnral tom
n use throuxhout the world. w .ite fur est..
111. 0a.etal A�u-tic Co., of Cassia. Ltd,
114 T 0:
$$roes. 107a•,230.
Clouting And ('ur:ing and Kid (doves cleaned TONS
coo be sent by pea, to par os. the bnI p4.. a u
Children's Coukhs Caws 1k'
Oa.s Much Uaaeee•..ry $ufferine AP p E N D I C ITI S
TS 9 'Corea without nn,rntinne. All who are at.
flirted with this disea44 and wish to 5
hared permanently• asters and quickly
with this great Homeopathic remedy.
C In 111 will he rent ll In t anywhere oma
In for world with fall 1nMtwelivaa r•
seine on aa to effect a permanent
ISE BEST Nttt.111E'( 1'f CluGksllICkps Price t? Addre,a
labs v. Walt, Homeepathle PhaleRafa
AMOPIw. Canada.
(..s i.aaat rekel ....l., .ui Irak Iry Leh
thrush wad corrects •ul• o-r,us alron (! 3d,,'.
then 1... ro plea. n to tate and d•.ea 84 4148e1
the stw.•c11
AK Drosawta. 23 cent*.
AL VES Ralse Thorn Without ■D1
114 .341 PrM.
1.t•401,441g .a••d Ce, Ltl., T.roat..,erOet
Is Your Hearing Cond?
rt:- nr tot) PRONE will glue yeti the
ben.1.•. ..1 gond Leitring. Send 1.0 tree
54..3!.4. giving partlruiara and names
Of sot,efied Users Also
ipeela, Offer for a Month's Nems Trial.
321 Spsdlna Avenue, Toronto.
f001 enttnna rnln.tly untold, fart+ (thont
Human Nature t (tend Pe Fnnte'a
'Wonder- honk nn the delicate •,tbtretl
of Lore, Marriage, Parentage. Health,
Disease, and Freaks. It i, the fruit nt 50
rete+' etperlenre of a on fell anther
end practitioner. Fnll 111 advise mecca.
tart' fn every man and woman. rantslni
Mere vital farts than emir dnetnr would
r.4' Incl for fen dollar, fu, I enctInes,
pin finer, ,nd 41 (Duet - tl.'••s Price 10e.
L. L. Hill Soak Co., 1St E. if atNow York
„.,..nr KFt.
THt: y
E e , I N
6091„ POL.
Men Me
*iv; Calf tree P,vtsoroe1.t40LL✓Rjfr
A7/Auu lien t'.ttlOrrt' l54tt1IF
When we I. 'bhl:let
'hr.mY4," r,l .uft,'rs «tom
!thou:satin t'aIna, Sor,.
Thrash itantttego. Tooth
cogs, . euralsla, 5: 1aU-
,•q PnO11n0nl111. 'nomad
U..lullanthnet ion o1 the
nr,44'SMorilal 'Cuhee. I
it.or 1.e1Ls, ('tamps.
or Nino of •4y
kind. a»
•ad w area
S UIU 1 t,e "
'S'ir, inn ' are fitted
with f rlr Engines.
I riple t c, cw•. and
Long 114,:.ince
men%. ,ire i0suriuu. .ted include
1 .e!luge
l thea ion i. ardncc.l :n a minimum.
.+•'n(I for .ai:a:Its, 1—,tet, etc., to
t . nrr.el .igen%,'%• 101 (hill,.'.
Th. Allan Linn, 71 Vons• St., Toronto
Arrested, and Consumption Cored
Mr. C.1). C..! n • II, e ! \1 alker Y,ilr. Ont.
war ,to ken down. %%di La Grippe in (901)
and u left him :n r -:y bad ce, d,tinn. He
says: 1 041 all run down and bordering o0
Consumption. 1 cosld not deep at trees,
Lad 11,f.:145,eel. 411d coughed nearly the
010!,115. 'lhmis how 1 %at when 1
EtAsn 10 take Pa►chine, is • low Denote
*0415; bu: from t1- aro b, Wt. 1 tease to
improve. hdrd matte's for m- aadleou5M
me back to health in no time, makings new
man of me. h ferti(es the body age:od
t',e strati+ of IA Grippe and u a tuts pre.
vrnta:i,e. I always take l'sych,ne if I feel
a cold corait4 ea sad it pus es right is
Do time...
for Sah W ail Dr.tt,as sad Dealers, tar. 1 11
•ce I.tH•.