HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-28, Page 51
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 11366
CAP TAL (Paid up) • •,. $3 500.000.1Z0
•••• .... SA4500.000•00
Has .65 Branches in Canada, and Agenfb and Correspondents In all the
Principal Citiea in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
•••••N••• •••NN•••NN••••N••••••
READ OFFICE. TORONT'., E:.1.tltl IStIER 11367
II. R. WALKER, President Paid. up Cdpital, $10,000,000
jttLl IANDEB LAIRD, General Manazet Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, anti iii the L'uited States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current
rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or
more persons and withdrawals made by any
one of them or by the survivor. 124
Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
+++++÷÷-1-4-1-44-1-+ 14.4•++++++++
AT 40
You will regret you did
not attend one of Canada's
High -Grade Business Col-
leges, located at
Peterborough Welland
Orangeville Wingtam
Clinton Walkerton
Now is a good Time to
Our graduates receive
from $400 to $1500 per
Mail Courses in too
different subjects.
\Vrite for particar
bCIinton Business { ll r. Frazer Braun wa4 in London on
Prices Right and satistaction
fl6660t60 T11116
to do that Painting, Pa-
pering or Graining. To
have it done promptly
and properly go to
For Three Years
"Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv-
ine cured me of a period of
nervous prostration of over three
years duration, and the Anti -
Pain Pills are as necessary to
us as the roof of our house.
,They have been household rem-
edies with us for many years."
1214 Catherine St.,
Philadelphia, Penna.
Much sickness is due to nerv-
ous troubles. Headache, diz-
ziness, epilepsy and insanity are
nervous troubles. 'I'herl there
is a large class of disorders
which arise from a weakness of
the nerves of an organ or part,
as weak lungs, heart, stomach,
kidney, bladder, eyes, etc.
)t : 1 i,sia and indigestion are
usually the result of nervous
Restorative Nervine
soothes the irritated nerves, and
assists the ner'ae cells to gener-
ate nerve force'.
Price. $1.00 at your drurdllst. Hs should
suppl, you. If he does r,ot, send price
to us. we forward prepaid.
fine pro;;r:ttu,is being prepared. There
will be morning, afternoon and even-
ing session-.
Dtizs Itost•na Matson and sister are
visiting it ith their consin. Mrs. \Vire
Mr. crank (:annin3 is making ready
to raise his narns and place a cement
foundation under them.
A meeting of tho congregation was
held last week and it was decided to
hold the anniversary Juno 19th.
Mrs. It.'id. of Ch:ca_o. and !Mrs.
Douglas, of -Minneapolis. are visiting
their moth. r. Mrs. M. holland.
Mrs. \Vm. Burke and family and
Mrs. lion F" ann'ry and family. !eft
on Monday for Said( Ste. -Marie, where
they int nd to remain for the summer.
\1's hat • Carrntcr is i!) with la
fir :me.
Mrs. l -nry Pearce and Miss Ella
arrisfltch'.ca.nds in tht
Hsed on friMilion Mr. and SI' -r Gears. of S••nforth.
were guests at the. home of Mr. and
Mrs. \V. M. Kenny on Sondar.
Crediton, Ont.
+ Crediton
Monday visiting 'friends,
' Mr, Iticnard Ilousen spent Sunday
• in Windham visiting his parents and
Geo. 8pottoo, Principal.ti, f rMr. \Wna. '\\'entel wail in London on
_4"1.44.F44.l•.f••f•-(••f-i•.)••L•++++i•+•1•-1•-1•+ bus nws Welsh at day
eter. spent a lea
day+ visitint her mister elrs. Cock -
Miss Merle 1'reeter. or Zurich. spent
a few days in town tbo quest o( 'Mise
Mildred Braun.
Mr. Alf. Clark and `children. of
Craig *spent Sunday in town vis-
itint friend'.
Mrs. I.I. Worm. o' Zurich. teas the
;test of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gas_ r lot
a few days fast week.
We assist graduates to pox- • Mier 5lercy Sweet is ipendin; a felt
tions, The demand upon us weeks in Cheaely visitins.frie•nds. She
for trained help greatly ;•x- will be.nccompanied hornet by Mr. Eli
reed+ the supply. The three,tweet and children.
most recently placed are re- Mr. and'Mr'. J3rock of Excte r spout.
ivin 40.00. $50.00 and $100 Sanday iu'toot) visiting at the Royal.
c •t �• e• :3iturdt •
• rya
. nt )
per month respectively. Hua- Alive Lillian n I
ince men state our ,gradnatea in London on business.
are the hest. Enter our czars- Mr. Frances Clarke p'irchavetd n
ea now. Get our freer cata:ogne piano from Martin and Son of Exeter.
Mr. Adrian Coughlin of Centralia.
1) 1 \f 1. 1 1 1 . \ v spent 'Monday and Tuesday in town
visiting friends,
Mr. George 1?hoer 1(fc :or New Un•
• tarso tt her. he has accepted a pos:-
1►•••••••N••••••NN•••••• tion n, bush ranter.
Dr. McCue spent Monday in town.
Hey. Vo.•;tete. of Chicago. gave on
interestin; address in the Evangelical
perch on liondny evening on 'the
wurk of the deaconease•s. Everybody
that oas there certainly enjoyed it
and who didn't go to hear him cer-
tainly missed it.
Hey. 11 an return •d home Tuesday
evenint a ler nit 'tiding the Canada
Conference at Berlin. wee understand
that we will have Mr. )Lean for nnotb-
e•r year.
$) per Month and Up. Nome of 'the friends of Mr. Charles
W� Silber gathered to,:eth••r at bis home
and celebrated h.4 48th birthday. They
K months rent allowed on returned home c•ar:y in the morning.
They all . njo i d A hemseIve. very
the purchase of a new Piano much and sato that i4 th• place to have
1'1 ti.
We are Lorry to report that Mr.
St MATIN & SON 1'ow'•r. is on the sick list but we hop
R to ere hitt around noon.
Ileus-cl.:u, n r is the order of the
i CFtliRA.
Thrca Departments
Commercial, Shorthand
No. (11.4181. Vol. XIV
W halen
Will make th • rout.. this reason as Th:• S1',i . Lattie tiinir • and Edna
follow.t: Monday. May 4th will Itave G,tnn'nr have pini -h '1 codiei-
i bis own stable. Lot 2(1. Con. 13. 11ib- int I • church o ete (4 for
' bort and ::o to Chis •Ihurst thence Missions and this :0li r with the
south to John Ilorn,•y's for noon; W. M. S. :tnint! 1 and .Ie:v,'ni:,• offer-
th(tie• to h s own stable for night. int amount .o >tl70 for this appoint -
where h • tt iiI remain a:1 day T'ettday• mint to -tides the hale packed by th'
Wed":sday. to John John's for noon last last fn'I. Th., people or this
the r.e to .los. Hawkins .for night, ch'trch are to n' con•:ratul ated on
Thrusday. to M.chaet Fletcher'a for the• r lintrnlity for th'.s cause.
noon : then(' • to Karn 'tontly'A for Mr. (lector Mikan aryl Mr.. J.
dight. Friday. to John Ikelland's aur,:'ht visit, (1 ft• ,n,14 in London aril
to 0Ii- White 0l; • ower Sunday.
((3l1nshlyd. for noon : Ito
Ter Harris' for nicht. Mr. and Mr-. Harvey Soth•rny. Who
itorday. to James Scott's t('hant.rt moved h re •t short tion • oro lei.
ad. for noon: thence to his own Tuesday for Thotndn'e whore Ihr•y'
hie pill the• followint Monday purpose r•. s:clinc.
rn'nz. • The %'oni ltl's \i s`ionary Sarney will
t v•
a 1 t'o'ut' t
Man- h ":r :nen 1 con t o t to 11
'1 I T �'. 1'rur•r'etor and .fan ha'd th
O. .1At 1
er. church n ti Thnrdly. May 5th. A
Mr. J. J. M•ern r bits arrived home
from his trip to the \%r t.
Mr. Louis I'rang's two children hays
both be; n -quite in, but are reported
some be•tt •r.
Mr. D. S. Farat left for Berlin. a•
on of The d'tc.ratet to the Evangel-
ical confer nc•.
Frank 1 ,ndreville, of Drysdale re-
turri d or. i r day r•vcnin,; from Que-
bec. w•htt r h• had been *summoned
owing to . d •atb of his father.
Mr. \\ t:i -n Brown, who h:ts ben
engaged it ,it a Toronto shoe dealer
for some t 'u.', left this week foe Win-
nipeg. wit re be has secured a good
11r. D. S. Faust received a mes,tate
on Saturday. that ha son Alfred E.
Faust who is living at Lew, ton,.
Idaho. had undergone nit operation
for an abscess under the liver.
Mr. Edgar Magel. who has been Mr.
J..1, Mcrn.:r s head c:erk for some
years bas eft town and ht visiting
his parents in Detroit, and from there
he intends going into the Canadian
Mr. Denton. tb' principnl of :!t
r •hoot left on Monday for bin boot
.0 Clinton owin,' to illness.
Str . Sho••mak.:r. of I'arkh:'I. is vie-
iti. h •r mo h r Mrs. F. 1)••muth,
wt , continues in very fertile hnIth.
'•Ir, and Mrs. Henry Ortw:in lett on
edn,sday to apt nd the rrn:nney' of
t:• • we•e•k with rr'ativri nt Kippen,
So Harsh and Drastic are
Many Pills as to Seriously
Injure Health.
in a letter written from his home In
Valencia. Mr. Marsh Helw•yn does ser-
vice to thousands by drawing atten-
tion to the Injuries Inflicted upon deli-
cate people by drastic purgative pill.
"For a long time 1 suffered from
constipation. This condition compell-
ed the est• of pills. Like tn:uty an-
other. i made tete unwise choice of
tieing pine that were like lightning In
their activity. I began to he filled
with Intestinal disturbances, constant
rumblings, gas In the bowels :,nil diar-
rhoea. 1 grew pale and emaciated.
Then the doctor told me drastic Irri-
tating pills had caused catarrh of the
bowels. an almost incurable disease.
Explaining toy sltuatlou to a friend,
he advised a trial of i)r. Ilamilton's
Pills. i aptedlly experienced tho heal-
ing and curative effect they exert on
the stemma'. liver and bowels, Tito
Intestines. freed from irritating dnigs,
rapidly regained natural tone, 4110
bowels acted as If nature and not Dr.
Hamilton's PII1e were at work. L know
It will be of value to thousands to
lntow that a pill its (nll4 and curative
as Dr. Hamilton's 1. tivallable 10 iho
bur bowel disorders, sick headache,
canstlpntlun, liver and stomach de-
rangement. there Is no pill .o int•tirl-
nbly mire to euro as Dr. Hamilton's
1'llls. Bernie a substitute. 8011 in
2Tic looses, all dealers. or The t'ntarrh-
osone Co.. King -ton. turf.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills
Are Mild --Never Gripe
110.1-ore,•n and Hayfield.
On Fr:day. ale. 15th u. Apri!. the
unvni •r, oi 1h• Lad:es Aid o' the
Evangelical. church p:earantly sur-
prised th •ir President. Mr.. (Rev.)
t;,schlcr. whil their companions
jult:•d th.•m and also surprised their
l'a.tor, \1r, C.:sett!er. A i-hor: pro-
gram was rt•nd: reed. Mr.. Ed. \ler-
n: r. viec-presid,•nt. ably presided dar-
ing the t %. 11in;t'.4 program. Mao-.:
Lyda Faust was called upon to Head
the following addr, +:
11r.s, (stet,. )Gischl.r-It i.s with
notch pleasur.• that it,. the 'manners
of the Ladi.4 Aid and friends. ,,Prod
a social ev.•nin: \tido you and your
family. 1)nrin: your residence of fo.:r
year. anion; um and holding the office
as I'resid.-nt of our Society, for thre.•
years. and by ywtr faithf,tln:•its :0
duty and deep p int .rest in all matters
pertaining to the spiritual welfare or
the Irul ...,:\id. ttnd also the tnembers
of our con-reaation: the efficient
Servs • yon have contributed to the
church. cannot h: tou highly amino
ciated with words. but merely express
our rztt it tad, As to •tubers o; that or-
ganization. yo:a have aid.•d us in many
ways, your active s.•rvic.' in our meet'
togs, willingly doing anything that
was re-tir:d of you, and your regular
:tttendauc-• greatly encouraged its to
work more faithfully for th • cause of
Christ. We know it is not cOmpul(Ory wed.
for you to leave us. but should it be No treatment Is so clean, so pleas-
othenwis•. we short d feel .h• loss ant, so (('10tin to cure as Catarrh-
k,;•tt:y..atid as a blight tuk,n or re- ozone. Hy means of the Inhaler, the
local symptoms, such as coughing in-
flammation and congestion are speed-
ily corrected. Ferrozone tablets,
which are taken after each steal,
purify and cleanse the blood of all
poisons, and build up and strengthen
the system.
This local and constitutional treat-
ment Is always effective. and cures
cases that have been glt'en up as
hopeless. Money can't buy or produce
anything better, and for get cured it
is absolutely necessary to use Catarrh -
Mre. Sint' Brown, et T....., N•Itt,
Was Cured by Catarrhosone of
Lung Trouble and Catarrh.
After Hundreds of Other
Remedios Failed
It your lungs are weak: 11 there in
consumption in your family; 11 Colds,
Catarrh, and Bronchitis bother you.
be sure to use Caturrhozorte It is
e.;pec•lully adapted for these disease,
turd euros every time
Mrs. Drown toots cough mixtures,
but they made her sick. Then alto used
an atomizer, but, after resorting with-
out benefit to poultices, sho tried Ca- l
"1 used Catarrhozate Inhaler,"
writes Airs• Drown. "five entnuten
every }mix. and soon recognized that
1t was going to euro me. I could feel 1
the soothing medicated alt' spreading
through the air passages of the throat,
and It touched the sort) spota 1n the
lungs that other remedies failed to
reach. C_atarrhozono seemed to go
Just where It was needed most, and
soon put a stop to my cough, It re-
stored me to perfect health, and I ant
convinced thttt no cough, cold, or ca-
tarrh can exist if Catarrhozone Is
vpect to show in niorr: than more
words our appreciation of your ser-
vice. w • ask you to acc •pt this combi-
nation music cabinet and Ladies Sec-
retary. All the• members of the Aid
jo'n iu wishing you unbounded suer .ss
in lour !nbor for the Master, tier
prayers will foaow and accompany you
through the years. and we hope ny
Gud's grace to p •rpetuatc in (leaven
the associations formed upon earth, -
ti gned ny th • Indite' Aid.
Mrs. Wachter aofy responded in ex-
pressing her henrtfelt gt'atitude to the
Society. Even though she he'd the
office of I'r..sident since its organi-
zation. she oft •n felt ber'nworthincst
very keenly, the work at times ap-
pearcd rather heavy in cJnnection
with her numerous oth;'r duties. how-
ever realizing the important- of the
work. her constant aim way th • pros-
perity of the Society and wished them
unnoundt•d sures in the future. As
to the alit sba was Overwhe:med with
gratitude. She heart:y thanked and
con'tracttla.ed th •' members 0: the
A:d on their tasty a..!cotion4 of such
a valuable ;nd s, rviceab.e piece of
furn:tore of which she was recipient.
Mr. U, 8. Faust addres+d the Pas-
ter on behalf o; the r= ntleman and
pres.•ntcd him with a most beauti-
fut oak rocker in which h: wilt find
•a•:• after .he days, 0; various. carry
cheerfully and 3ratefu:ly responded
for the kind consideration of their
anton,t It's co.tgregation. Mr. Gischter
pastor. 1•h.•n followed several Felee-
t'on' of music and everybody joined
in with the singing. On' of the pleas -
in;; featltr, s of :he pro4ram was the
5e•:.ct:one playtd on oho phograph on
se:,•etions played on the pttograph by
lir. II. Well. The ladies prepared a
most etc.•l1ant lunch, which Was en-
joyed by all. The evening was moot
pleasantly spent and before, we part-
ed we bad a prayer by toot', (::.ch'e'r.
Lydia Faust.` Stcr.
• II
Shipping is ltite brisk at our rail-
way station.
11r. Simon Dov has moved his im-
plement stare -room one building north
of Petty's brick bock on Nt!son St.
The concert hold under the auspices
of the choir of Cann t'1 church on
Thursday evening of last week 4114
very well attended. considering the
time with th
g part t O
the congregat:on. and an cxct•Ilant
program was carra'd out. which open-
ed and cod with well rendered an-
thems from the clto r. under the ab'e
:rad •rsh.p of -Mitt' Ilart, in which
some .tri took part. Mr. Ow, n Sunley.
of Torouton. the e.•:ehratt d and v.•r-
satile entertainer. delight -d the au-
& enter throughout the evening with
rt • numbers. Mrs. Small, of B:yth
, added to ;hoccasion by 1 fine
. „ while Mr, Jarvis Horton
:I most plcaain z violin re-
. e n.: two well except 'd piano
(•. t I,+. taken Part in by Ili.'.•,
hart. `•'. lydoch, Buchanan, Bellery Ind
Dorton. rave` a W• rising variation to
the protram and to•s•th •r with it well
rend. rill duet by 1'y M 's llart and
'.Ir. E. White. comp:et•ed the• pro tram.
Ileo. Mr. Smith. \!t+ pastor. presided
n h,s testa:ly an'.' and pl• :went min-
Mrs. Chapman. of Si, Thomas, has
h.• n t.pend.nit the fast week or so
,w th her Part ill Mr. and Mr.. G o.
Mr. William Buchanan. •on o; Mr.
\:ex:uul r ill':channn t,ci•ntiy :eft
h r • on a trip to the west.
'1'b • r •lntivrs and friends of ;Mrs.
ore,. 110 r will be 'Venni! ! to learn.
uutwithatanding her advnne d h,t.e,
he +stood th.• trip well out to the wear
o company with and on a visit to
h r dauth1 •r, Mrs. Dalrymple.
Thr s•ry:r.•s o; Mr ,11twthorn. of
Co laerwood. have been (revered as
.ead'r of our brass band. Ile cornet
•ry b'ghly recommended and 1114 al -1
ady formed a band and had a prac-
e . 1: da confidently expected that
J0 or before the 21:11 of May we will
have n No. I band. To insure its stac-
c: ss toe council hag granted 11:100 to-
t:trds its coo. :while our t•illagera
have augmented the same by private
sub.••criptior44. Our music loving citi-
zen: eon look forward to something
✓ ood during the long summer even-
Miry Annie Wren h14 returned from
v:siting her brothers at. Toronto and
Mrs, :Stellar e. of London. 01st her
d.1r:n,t the past w. •k w,<itinl her
parents. Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos. Peart.
The howlers lave eompleted their
:re 0 in fine et ape sparing no paiP•e
or cxp,•m,' to n" :e it first class. They
are loud in 'their praise of (he (xc(l-
'ent mann;;; meat. of Messrs'. Donald
t;, t•s ck and ilnt•i4 Germot1 in fin-
ishnt It lip. while not "0 g ttint lb•
nod se-n•ict s render(.. . rn :.tnny of
h • club front 1h.• time of its inception.
our flax rnnnnrarturer', with Ih.•ir
,:at eat •rpr's,•, are poi tin; 1n n
'at :e tier -:i•t • of flat.
Mr. '1'. Murdoch '.s intprovin,t ih •
tppearinc.• of h's dwelling by th,•
-r c••01 0' a v• ry hand ono. verandah
the fin st or roost cost:y in our yr. -
Mr. Geor„ •• Joynt bad the misfor-
tune to loose h's fine mare last week.
she hav:n, in som • mann •r. during
th •
irterbt injured b r_• ': it 'fie stook
so icer:ou.t.4 that .h wa.s dead :n the
We ar: pleased to s: • Mr. Jamca
C.:r:fsie suffici:nt:y r -covered from
Ifs very serious ,torts= to ,:o around
a litle,
SEXS I'rl 1
On 'Wtolm;day of last t,.cl- there
passed p lolly ;may to her ;on;
rest. Isab•.!!a Walton. beloved w:'e of
John noncan. a _ed 60 fears. About
it o.••k pr:v:ou: to her death Mrs.
Duncan was ,ak.•11 ill with pn•umoni1
and in spite of all :ha, i>'st umdica•.
aid and loving hand a could do she b
came gradually- tor'• until d••ath Peas
the result. 11.s'dea n sorrowing hus-
band she 1-av,-' beh:ud her Loa sisters
and a brother to mourn It •r !o -s. The
fuw.rai tool: place on Friday- :ant the
;interment beide trade in th • Exeter
cemetery. Mr. Dtntcnn los .%ht• sym-
pathy of the •stir.• community in this
Ws sad her: at•,•tnent.
' Ur. ('try. V. 4. has accept,d an im-
portant po. t:on in the Stat .• Veterin-
ary College in California. and has
d••cid:d to eau. up his o;fic.• here
at once." Clinton New Era.
(Too late for last week.)
Mr. W. It. Carr. of Clinton„is in the
the own,. of early ludi,.retiuus iota Later
resets, who are failures In life-- you are the
oneswe can restore to manhood and revive
the spark of energy and vitality. 1M.n•t give
up indespair because )011 have treated with
other doctors, used a eciric belts ani tiled
various drug store Doldrums.
Our New Method Treatment has snatched
mil:are al from the brei k of rle•pair, has re-
41,.re,l h:t; -.iuest to t xs1 witjs, e t homes and
baa made successful nu•u of (how who were
'•down and out." 15'o `•reseribu .pecitic rem•
caws for each individual ca+e according to the
symptoms and coanplh-atIons-we have no
patent utesllelnea. This Is one of t I secrets of
our wonderful success as our treatment can-
not fall, for we prettcribo remedies adapted to
each Individual case (tnl • curable cases ac-
cepted. We Imes dose!business trrousttout
Canada toe war TO Years.
EliDER Aresent' a victim! Rivo you Lost
ii tl hope! . reyou intending to:.=arty?
ilae yu .i bl„o. l twweu dis.•ased
? liuvu you at)
weakness) Our N.w Method Trsatm.M will
cure yau. What It has done for others It will
do for you. Consultation Fre.. No matter
who has treated you, write for an honest
npinion Fr.. of Charge. Rooks Fre.-
"tk.yhool, 31ttnhood. Fatherhood." (Illustrat-
ed) ou Diseases of lieu.
NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No wastes on boxes er ssv.l.
oyes. Everything Coafid.atial, Question list and Cwt of Treatment FREE FOR HOME
Cor. Michian Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
WarNOTICE All letters from Canada must beaddressed
ilj to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
aimmommumm ment in Windsor, Ont. If you •.lesire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we second treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
I.al,oratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows:
Writ^ f.,r u•tr private address.
Cement, time,
Dran, Shorts and Flour
Always on Hand. Lrave Your Order or Call up
1 -10 -INT 2
R. G. SELDON, Exeter.
spending a few days visiting friends annex. suburban i:.na. Thi present
at their :orrm•r horno near Belleville. arca of Dusseldorf. with its ,300.000
It will soon be that our rural telt- people. is 29.000 tier s: of Cologne
phone lin:• will be run by one individ- with a population o: 428,700, is *9,-
'tal as by h:s talk and s.tatt•ments h:' 800: of Frankfort. wi:h a population
ihorourth.y understands when and of :335,000, ds 21,203, Having en:ar--
how the !int should be run and used!ed its area th' city teas in a position
Mr. 3. McCurdy who has been en- to control its development, to plan for
dc•rro:n,; an operation in the hospit- its building. It calved in its architect
al in Toronto is slowiy improving but or ire en,t'n ere or it sent to
has not yet lett the hospital. neighboring univer-Ay for an expert.
Ont. of our citiz.•n+ took it open A plan !4 made 0- • n hourroundinz
himself to have a drive on Sabbath territory. or th topo:raphy of the
last, but either not having had enough !land. the natural :tdvantaees, the
village casing on friend+ prior to ''`P'rirnce with the lines or• being proximity of 'the rat:wajs, and , ilia
!caving again for California. it i. the • .tit head.d or nervous he Jet the!probaole u+.•5 to which the region will
int. ntion of 1)t', o." t;king his family run away leaving him on this be put. Th • prevaih ne winds are
with hint 'Ihi.s time. collie porous it sdhorset• of tb: road. No damage was studied, the factories are only per-
h,oks as thou h he purposed remain- done. �mitted to :oral:• in certain prescribed
ing in for „otd.n country.---�---
.areas. 1a soul.' c:tit,• they are ex -
Mr, John Moore and Mr. John F. AAM-JJUK IN 3 ACCIDENT'S. landed from th.• business residence
Elliott left the burst on Tuesday to It (could seem that zam-13uk. the se•ctlon altogether. If the neighbor -
ho d 's soot
o t ted for manufacturing, t
t tt est.high- i.
's t tea.Ie b
i:'t . .n h + healingbalm we hear o b
try their do t t . famous b.8 dedicated to dndu.trinl uses. It is
If things not soon take a turn it !'w ;pokcn Of everywhere, is particular-
> useful in tb family circle. A report a working-c.asa" tuarter, the tstreeta
will he up to Som • of Its to st ort and parking are adj t t;d to working-
homr-st •xd`nr; here in Ontario. �s•nt by pit's, E 11,50., 718 Ellice Ave..
Frank Itron n It -ft for St. Marys on i \\'tnnipef• wilt illustrate this. Shoal men's hom:s. If it is suited for homes
Monday morn.n t :to take 1 'mail ion ;sa •s ; 11 little bo of three, while . of more expensive sort. the pian is
y i y upon a more •:ai:ortte scale. The
:n a grocery -tor: in the town. paying, fell from a high v. r -
:h. of :hs
cit. donot end here.
Mrs. tor.) Jose and son Jack. are andah to the ground. cutting bis for--Stre:'t3, boulevards. popen spores
head nad:y, inst.ad of calling a doe ,.toed sots rot' pubic 'building:*and
for who trou:d undouot,d:y have put shoo. -boos't's an.la'd out far in ad -
.n a Hotel, of stitches. I bathed th.. vance of the c.ty'A growth. Eroni
wound well, and nppli,d Zam-(ink.City !holding in German..' by Frd•
t suffering..
•'1 t
1 ow•, although
ke. little fc.er:c C. 11044•.•. in the May Scribner,
ke, Hist soon had relief from his pato, 1
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
i)ovedale, Sask.-" I was a sufferer
from f e male weakness - moat illy
periods Ire. {talar
and painhll and a
had discharge.
backache and
wtete lied head-
ache, and had felt
steak eversince the
birth of my twins.
1 tried doctors but
got no relief. I Ix•.
gait to take Lydia
I- I'inkham's
etable ('ompsntttd,
and after three
weeks I%asfeelin
tune)) better. and now lam Well again."
Mrs. lassos: Iit).W, Dovedale, Sask.,
:1notiter Wonsan l'i,r('d.
Christiana. 'Tenn.- "I suffered from
the worst form of female trouble so
that at times 1 thought 1 could not
live, and me
y nrt•es were in a dreadful
condition. Lydia E. 1'inkltam's Vege-
table Compound o nod cared ole and made
tae feel like a different woman. Lydia
1:. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
worth its weight in gold to suffering
women."- 11rv. \Lilt\• Wont), IL i'.1)3.
1f youbelong to that countless :array
of women who suffer front some form
of female Ills, don't hesitate to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound,, made froth routs andherbs.
For thirty years this famous remedy
has been the standard for all forms of
female ills, and has cored thousands of
women who have been troubled with
such ailments as displacements fibroid
tumors, ulceration, 1rregtlfaritles,
backache, and nervous prostration.
In the court:. o; three weeks oy apply•
ing 'stn -ll ak daily. the wound in his,
foreh 1d w.as nicely healed. "Since,
Then 1 hay• i.' d /nm-ll,tk for a noili
whch cane on my ch •••k and which;
proved very painful and looked un-'
tightly, 7,am•ltuk *soon drew lb.. noil!
to a bend and it thin quickly Dani -11 -
ed it. "Another time my omby ma,
scalded on her left thigh and calf oi ,
leg with boiling anter. This was a'
seven• scald and the• child Suffered
erne:!5. screaming from the' pain.
Directly it was dont 1 thought to •
Lent -lick, ns tar had a box in th
hong.. and spreading tone on lint 1
w rape, d tip the baby's limb. Nextt
ntorn:n t -11. rested touch easier and
I applied a fresh bandage wit11 Zero-
Ituk. I kept this tr non •nti up doily
and 0714 reward d In s.• nt a great
mprovcm,•nt each tiro:- 1 dress;•11 the
wound. In a very short spec.% 0.
t 111•' .11 • scalds were nicely healed.
c.innot recommend 11114 won4frill4
healing preparation too highly Port
family use. and 1 hat•.• such ,treat
::lith in its healing powers that my,
house i+ n.•ver without a box." For:.
all skin inJ'nriea and dix•ases, piles,
eczema, salt rheum and face pores:
last-Iltrk is absolutely ono lunged.
50c. box all driergists and loon's, or
post free front %;nt-Ituk Co.. Toronto.
for price. Items• all subr'titntes,
This paramountcy of private prop-
erty do s not exist. I 1 Germany. Ilit-
inanity is first. The city enjoy.' tb'
lover:iznty of the Empire. It can
promote th • beautiful. It can destroy
(he 11 tis'. It can protect• its (.our. I.
• tt� 1 .'
can e d trate as 'r. t i I. t 1 ;n
i I can
,'nr the future. It can have city
Idri ams. And th • German city hoe
dreatns. dr. -stns tt iwch ar • fart visna-
s I've(' The Dorman bit rtotnristcrs
pare layin,t th• foundations of the city
Iof to -morrow as 1n architect lays th •
foonditions for a forty -story sky-
.cra;' •r or th • di s!,ztt r o; a \\'or:d'I
jFali piens his play -city far in advance
or 1.4 ecc1t•aiion. German :trehlti•c'q
raw the obvioni. They raw that the
city would zrow as it had in the p.m.So ill y en'arg,•d the boundaries, They
Publish My Letter
The World Over
The Words of Harold P.
Bushy, Who Was Perma-
nently Cured of Chronic
Lumbago by "Nerviline."
"Three years ago 1 dlacovered that a
man subject to lumbago might just as
hell be dead as alive." These words
open the sInier.•, straightforward lettet
of 1i. 1' Itu,+hy. a w' II -known man In
the plumbing and tinanttthing busI-
resa In Portland.
"on.. attack (ante atter another. and
lumbago got to be a chronic thing with
me. 1 could scarcely get In a day's
stork before that knifing, cruel pain
v. outd atm( k n, • back, i used :t gal•
ion of liniments;
not one of them
seemed penetrating
enough to get at
the core of .the
pain. 1 read In
the Montreal Wit-
ness about Ne•rvlline, and got five bot-
tles. It Is a wonderful medicine -I
could feel its soothing pain -relieving
fiction every time It was applied.
When 1 got the disease under control
with Nen•Illne. i built up m> strength
and fortified to> blood by taking I'er-
ruzonc• nt meals. This treatment
t ured m•• permanently, and I urge
everyone to give alp tho thick, white.
oily liniments they oro using. and try
nn up-to-date. penetrating, pain -de-
stroyer like Ncrvlllne.
"Please publish my letter , • World
over. 1 want ail to hear of ?:
Don't he cajoled Into recti g any-
thing from your dialer but "` Mine."
Large bottles r,or•. trial mise. Sola
everywhere or The Catarr; ..ue Co.,
Kingston, Ont.
A Family Liniment