HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-28, Page 4HE EXETER TIME$, APRIL 28th 1910. 1 F ^ • n Al 1 T.', 7 «?ail 7�,- Id:tut:,,d L. v :•n' to th Puldialit•r i tlial i Ili.P.bj H aid land ulcre;t,.•t h s repo•,st to 1301) Knees, and vas succ:ssful in letting _— -- (tl: tn. 11e :('h•trapb• d to the stat;ons - Busincfc Mart. i`-'•ti^^i:j:l ►a• .ung the flue. and 1i,s Inst rupieta • Breakdown. were sold at 25 yews ;apiece. Thai turned ha wind beriously to teleg- raphy and h:s fuse practical cxperi- ., It needs only the addic veli ,tr.iltt "It a slump In bti _hi w.•uts were conducted through an am- Mks Cora Jloll:u•d, of Moray, spent nkt• 1907-8 to bring 'mint tin -r. e>:i ateur Iin: set up between his bottle a few days visiting Mi .s Lottie Mil- ani -1i to the very limit of the :r 1,1e.::i,-a1 and that of another boy. Ile learned lit►, endurance. things begin : , . tight Mrs. Rich, Robinson. of FNeter. With nu• curly in August- 'o; .: 1, s (telegraphy and went fruia t'ositiou vi -,iced her si+ter, Air=. George She t Truman J. Itarcourt from w,:.., c last week. to position. )lis first invention Iur rr. t , I ton. "Larger payments ,0 c•'•: ' which h; obtained wont was his We are glad to report t hat Mrs. with my- contracts had to to y" { and it tool: so much i (my capit.,l • , :,t printing 'tie.: r' fur rtcordiu, stock Thoa. Fall's is able to be around again. I found myself on the tztgt:e 1 :., . punt:ll on • I y t ,'• ,•ruph which he f old firs, A. Warner and daught.•r ,flat• I had worked very hard and : . 1 i' of the 16th visited the forvner's sister haps sling:. d too much, so when i,r..:- for $40,000. jiving unfamiliar `vith Mr.,. John Love. sure demanded strength my n. rv, y bank`ng he carried the big roll u: Mr. A. Carter and la's ei_,ter Miss SKOVRRet(to sleet. p before lost one o,rtlic ttco, andltit l. bills for ,two days before he found F:Ila. of Egwoudvil!e• accompanied by Mrooked :,... if 1 were all tn• out what to do with it. Probably Sunday eveningioat 51r.JJytJ.hTaylor j s. "I was reading his greatest gift to the world is his Miss Jean Mail-. of Cranbrook, is the Telegraph end incaud,sc.nt c'•.ctric light and the vial tin,: at 'Alts. Thos. Milli;'. Mr. Pfaff �— rteuda in bhipka. Mr. Gower and 'Mr. M. t9w:it.•er. of PERMANENT ROAD AWED Shipka, sowed 15 acres of flax for Are tb, Council going to do anyeJ John Love on teiaturday. thing this y, ar in regard to putting in Main in abundant • heti [':lieu lately. a permanent road-bedt A new drain ,\\'eAOD1IAM along. Main street and a permanent Everybody is ?through seeding road -bed are •nitstions that confront around hero. the people of 'Exeter through their ! Mr. Ilarry 'Mills sport,v n new driv- er. representatives at the Council Hoard. Mr. Hoy Kirk sold a vnluanle horse one day last week. The \Woodham Junior lJast-oall team went down to play \Phalen last Sat• urday. out they were disappointtak to find n000dy 'there to play ball, and so came home without a game. Wm. Mills went dot%n to act as umpire. IIARL'LEY Mr. John Grainer. of Itoeanville, Sask.. who ha: been spending the win- ter nith Mr. C. Uayt •r. ret'Irii d honte last week. M..a F:Ipa Love .,pent Saturday and Sunday with her cousin on the 16th. M'.; J1, (;ower, of l4hipka. spent a few' days with b •r sister, Mrs. Jas. Kenny. Ferrozolle noticed the won- derful surpritsing is the phonograph. �f Henry spent Sunday with /lerful work dune most The Beek by 'Ferrozone. I read of a case of an0e Tonic nervousness it had Cured and deckled to try it myself. 1 Ant met going i e 1,11 you of 10; vies and downs duriu,. .ho first threetve.ks --.'ti, day I w,•u! 1 feel pretty well. the next day 1'::,• thirty cents. In three or four '. eks the effect 01 Ferrozone was manifest. 1 gained - steadily --that's the best of a good medicine- All 1 gained I kept, and to -day 1 am as sound, strong and vlg- As ion; as these, matters can be shift- orous as a young boy." \\•hen you feel all used up—tired ed from year to year and as fon; as . out—lacking appetite. energy and am- the old way holds out, the Council bitten. these are the signs of thin seem to be -content, It is a matter blood and weak nerves. Ferrozone will cure—try one or two Ferrozone of ;real importance to keep the taxes Tablets at melds. Fifty cents a box, down. '1'he 'town ha; issued :several six for 52.50. all dealers or The Ca- deb;ntum: the 'past few years and to tarrhozone Co., Kingston. Canada. CORNSCURED soma any more may se to necessity some. Dot a nets drain is a nccrssity EN 21 HOURS a good road -bed a 'money -saver. Throwing away stoney on our road!) by putting on and scraping off gravel is poor business in these tiwcs of lImgress. Just think it over. You tan painlessly remove any corn, either hard. soft, or bleeding, by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burns. leaves no scar, contains no acids; i, harmless, because composed only of healing gums and balms. Fifty years in use. Cure guaranteed. Fold by alt druggists. 25e bottles. Refuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN 'EXTRACTOR tt fat of hotelmen. the hors;s into th fence whets the animals net., stopped. lir, Cann. Ther: or,: 63,000 farmers Zeas in hearing the• noise, started to their CANADA'S PROSPECTIVE ):CTI\'li t.O\'Eft• n Ontario than theta were, eight years ,s'',dance on his ago. All gone west or, into the cities. !betag shale.• t up and badbicycle.badly frightened Apart from thin • • • • • girls were none the worse, cal o.. The Ltutt: rn lecture and the Irish concert •iv •n in thi s neighborhood or rheumatism. stick to 'cm till they, last tt •; k mer• counted lithe a sec - n n. whoit ill l i' •i • o t' st „tolikely the next stick to you. ce•i. Governor -Gens sal of Canada. appears) • Mr,. Wilkins is a visitor at Mr,. in ltay lhtsy 4„,,ss 1'erhapi ie Is his) in the Canadian ?lou;. of Commons itobt. Ileatha. Sincere kindncsa and spontaneous i;,,,,lon Tuesday of last w•et•k. Sir Wilfrid Irs.�Sot-her:and front St. Mar Laurier announc -d that th • new Dc•- was a ,ve •k end visitor at th - Mari.- .' lality that constitute Lord Carring` p;tr(ment of Naval Service fqr (,'an• Mr. John Cann ra!acd his barn last. ton's ch't f ast : is ns a person in the ada would comprise five different ser Week. public ey;.. In the douse of }.Ards yifes. natn;Iy, the• navy proper, the �.._-. • ,man;' s region-; debate i; -enlivened fi•bt•ri;s mice lion i.ertic', the b)' - b; h:, welcomed merriwen( t droJtaphie aturtcy, tit tubs' A''fiA['1•A ¢n h ', '-. • - survey NOTE AND COMMENII Thames Road Tito little daughters of Mr..1. Cann had at narrow escape from s,•rionet injury one day recently. The ,girls who are aged 10 and 7 year; respect- ftally ,i:arted from thea field with a tenni of horses and a wagon for the house. about half a milt, distant. The horses became frightened and rant away and se vsral tinter; they were nearly thrown out, but alter 1oina This is the last week iu business for some d:stanc.• they managed to pull NOR -GENERAL An inr,•r.-ating sketch of Earl Car - Don't be too anxious to tale st A little precaution may save from cad O cm MMl{OI's €l 1 AVegetait�e Preparation for As - 1n :tinettyeFoodondRc uta- , tlleStnumchs ani113owc1, of INI \N 1S (HILUKI_\_ • PromotesThhestion,Cftoerful- beSssQdllest.ContaIns neither Opulln, orphine nor I'1uu:ral. LOT NARC OTIC. revD••14I ZEt MSR ef. - } Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diari hoea, Worms,Convulsions,Feveri s tt- nesS cold LOSS OF SLEEP. TacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. 6 ti u1111 . rrltl U(ACT COPY UT WRAPPCa, t CASTOR! For_ nate and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over . Thirty Years •„a etaraua ee�aaart, 5 W teas ITt1. Priee Talks . 1 - and a"- tcrre.ess icle,rraphic I' rvice. Mrs, Norman Mitch. !I :and daugb, r ! At the Store One Door North of the • • • • • of Centralia. wore the gitaats of the country p'!• forms• and at National �. form^r'; parents. Al r. and Mrs. Jose rb L:b, r Club batt plte is his j'sti ea: 5 women at a ?fleeting of toe p I V. omen's Institute: in Parkhill prom- $5400 STOCK tniniiu,i, ' . Apart front the neriou, , d to do th tr ebopp►u; (ar:t. that { cry tel view point of his initaion—and not for a moment is 'that seriou,l purpose adandooed--p•rhapa tb!s 'spacial func- tion is that of softening tha aatterites of provincial Radicalism. and of ton• vincing disappointed aspirants after social fam • that a peer may regi b: n hood fellow, freso!ution. In h:s young days. wit. n h -, proved himazlf to be one of the most S.•t,nty our of Ile Con, r-e;:,a:c:::t: charming and pleasant youn' rasa of churches in Canada is t • reported as Noma last week. • • . Mr, Itob: t Livingston: is v • ,I to do th it w •-ek end shopping on and no hope is held out for It's ri.eoc- 4. a; !far as po!siole or b:fore cry, 9 p. tn. on Saturday. or if compelled to purchase anything after six to carry the parr! house and not have it deiivered. This is a move In the right direction and it would be a good thing if the different sock - Ova in town would adopt a similar Post (Rice, where th • co'irt, Lord Carrington was chosen to accompany the flim;. then t'rinc: of Wale -a. on his fatuous tour thro:lzh India. And there. on all lad s. he me.•)• boils of friends. In iSFS, when the Earl w'a4 s:•nt out to be Governor of New Strict' Willis. h' found the pre- vailing tone of A:;+tralian stattt'mcn e•a4 oti of rain,:! d dislike and con- teinlil for .ill that pertained to Down- Injc a•tr. 1. •end iso that they were apt to t •'t, t t h -•r• dislike of the Colon- ial Office upon tint Governors. With - .out any Coo apparent effort Lord Car- t rin,:ton tion al; hearts, in Sidn y. the popularity thi:+ ••ains'(1 becoming a etaudard to which sec •nt Governors have in xp rctcd to conform. Ile was ;one. 1•. in embered as the mast ancc••++ful r'• presentative of the Crown who but r t r h.''it sent to Australia. Thoma, 1Wieon the World'sg reat• est int •naur. rec•mt'y celebrated bia sixty-third ..'1thd et. I'or n ear or two he u ' - r .rraph operator in 6tr•tt'ord. It• r • early hie tr• had few wpm, n., i for attending reboot bit; had . r , r t i-, for reading. 0 1lis rue r 1' ries i, i 1, wsbop on th Grand Tr int: 1Li1inay Let ••n i' rt Huron :end Detroit when h x .- •al of :2 y •a. , o'd. Un • o' h s ,:r '•a: Miss Ada Norris) has returned horn • after spendln,' a few weeks with r. !- atives n••ar Centralia, Mr. George 'Natoli has rented Mr. e::trance Itobbin's fnrrn for .a •ern of years. Miss :Myrtle Balfour has returned horn- from an extended visit to friend.: in $eafortlt. Mr, Bodkin. who has purchased th'• o:d Carmichael lion] •. Ina commenced vot•n,r in favor oC the Union or th; to improve the' host-.•, by chinglin,r Congregational. I'r,•sbyterian and Stet ho, st bodi:s. TIE, Methodist Ministerial Asaociat:on of Montreal last wee'L•. aft:r earnest d'.ctission, recomnx•ndcd that the article, Pro- posed as a bit,is of union b.• referred back to the Comtnitt,e of Union. or to n new Committer to be recast in 'briefer and more general form so that it tnay be accepted as a stand- ard of doctrine without any wide dia- satis(action or mental r'r•.•rvation,' Ill.'IION \\'F:.\TIIEIt INSURANCE \ me.•titt r of the Directors of ilia liearon Wrath •r Insurance Mutual Co. wa. It •:d in n aarnpl' roots of the Cen- tra! Dote! on Tu'•:day last. All the meutb.•ra wet: pre'ent and the mitt- ute4 of thy ::tet rias tins were read and adopted. The Secretary read a :et -ler from the inspector of insur- ance• advising that as tit, hoard o: D:rectora were not unanimous in the matter of changing the Head Office (rout Zurich to Hensel! that a:l pro - (s• •d:nr4 in this line be abandoned for th'• present. Th • su rgestion was adapted. Tito follow'in r accounts were i•asard ;or payment. r:nr Mfg. Co.. rub- ber stamps eS los, Donal. new booits. 111,7:, . '•1 .1acl:son. inyesti- gatin; .Oso,•,, i _ .. \'• , T. Ach: son, ups of room for a •u,, IMO: Exeter T:111•4, prinrinr. 17,10; A, G. Smillie. 1'0- , •,• "' 0 .\ -0 th • following loss- ,• 0. t! : 1 I 1 rt. Am. \\'ens:ler. horn rt.n . 7.• o : .1 1., \lcIntosh, wind- mill. 7.1r,a; Ice D. flan, r. ,•.en•Inai:I, 11,00 11, 'Sma:e. it 1 ,ithif. fin •11, tv:ndmi 1, 40.101; a' • 'd.•\ab, uind- 1 - problems of tb• time 0.1- to j.d: 0.00: G o. t\. Hee. r. windmill 'the• numb •r of paters h co :.d r t r 11 application+ veer' pass^d OD the trip. and' at Iasi It t sson th 1 e t: ci •+ orf •red issued. x rr lent of going to t t ' r►. e 1 d X a f trait I'r I tt;,a pa=• d that the rate o' .n - Press. reading the proo;a. and h:ty.n • j • 1 Ince on pow. r ret !la he r;ia •d from bis pnpera according 10 'th-' never' ti'•r c nt. on the t;nd'•rtak'n,: to n r .tit. rise m:etinr adjourned to nt (r in 11 •: '::! at the call n; the 5-er•tary. event. of the current %Ville. 'When the report of tint hat I • o' 1'i tabor Landing cant, out h,• went to the• Cir - Culmina 111'1 C01, t- nut u ., -he could not t r and ,.-ke(I for 1000 Ell MVI1.1.E 'tarred them U. ca:;s.- Mrs, if, Trout and little son. I:r- advinc •. 1 n• 1' -t spnt the I .,-t we -•k w•:th friend= I. orlon. in estst�.-a._ Tonic or Stimulant? There is an immense difference between a tonic and a skinnllant• Up one clay, way back the next; that's a stimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfect health; that's a tonic. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic, a strong tong. Th only Sii apal•;Ila entirely free 6•.111' alcohol. 1):, not stimulate unless your doctor says so., H•' Ifl!o\1;c, ,' -k him. I)o as he nays. f.C. iitrr Ca..j •'w,x.... ...ate,.Baa-..auwa-ic7rscrr_atsens•e•:Ala. 77 4,4111.1,4r7-.." •atr_r n 'ip:a'lev, i 1 ' one gnat cat;,: e,( t.it 'lti'ad id , t'ilio:,sit as, indigestion, had bread), dehilt>', n treu;nes;. has yuq� helot cv,c re:' rn n:njed Ayer's rills to you? l and of ht•rwis' fixity/ it lap_ Th,• Literary Soca-1y will ho'd it, closing concert in ill • tow nship 11111. Stalin. on Tuesday i ven:u-r. April 2r: at which Mr. Owen A. Stalky. rlocu. t'oniat of Toronto: Mr. 0. A. Gams - by. vocali4t and entertainer of Orono. and Mr. Londe itobbint sing:•r of Liw• kard. tt;!I tat: part, (;rand Send tlr. \\ i'b •r, 1) w.•y left for IIS.', bort 0n Monday. Mea. \Vtn. Itnch,antn. It to arr:%e.1 here from Mich •an, \1'e are lorry to gay \ire, K's',• i- 1101 itllprnt n t • 1. - • • • Mr. and \lr- .111- I: att, of Dry„da!'•. v :it••d t it - h. r on Hunday. Mr. and Mr-. 11•. -con, of Exeter. called on (r' nd• h •ru on Saturday. ''1i+, Well and Robinson.- wean the "a +1 of �Irs.'rhn.. Mollard on Satur- day. Mr, and :Mrs, Win. Fnrlandtt•cr• the 'sheat+ of lir, aur) Mrs, Ed. Gill on 'Monday. Mr. Walter Prigs who has been ani- fer:ng from an abs, :s in bis head 1- improvine. Mr. Sohn (laird i%tinder th • dor( ot.s care. Ilia many friends wish him as apredy recovery. Mr, and 'Air., Geo. Clark. of Th d - ford. were 'th • (swarm of Mr. and \Ira. Fred I'n•;e on Monday. Mr. Roberta tnnv'•d ha flrntl, r '„ (:od,•rich on Thursday. We arrt ror ry to 4)4- Mr. and .'11rs. Itob•rt.•. on Friday Inst. Mr. Silas Green and h•, then lift. d 1POil do,. h.•rring. t.h • f: rat lift of the se aeon at the pond n it. Tit • f'•h'men ?tat.• some of their 11.,1 4 in and have lift, -d there. the moat of their fish h•in•t herring. which are t, ry small lb). t. •aeon. Mr. and Mr-. Fred 1'af• r•c•it d Ih.• sail n ti 4 o:' 1h•• death of \h •it• tranddaii :liter. 1r •n • Thntna+, o; D. • trot. at th • a,t.• a.• ten months. She ti as sick on'y a fete •lay, PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method • If you suffer froth bleeding, itching, blind or protruding files, send etc your address, and I will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment ; and will also send sonic of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if re- gtiested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Sen -1 no looney, but tell others of this oiler. Write to -day to Mrs. Bears the M. SII111I1ICr3, Roc s.11 Windsor, litignaturs of Ont, is being slaughtered to make a quick clean up. Our prices talk so loud that W. T. Gillespie everyone hears of the bargains we are giving. LISTEN ! 1 Phone t3 F ' G 1, Exeter. Ont, Baking Soda 2 pounds for :x Washing Soda 'l pounds for: ►c Whiting t pounds for 0c Cornmeal f; pounds for 2.'c 4 Ittc tins Shoe Polish for 25c 2 paring knits• for ac In the matter of the estate of XX White Wine Vinegar:1,c agallon Georre Lewis. tate of the Village of Our Drell,(load» are going fast at tic Exeter. in the County of ?futons a yard, g,•ntkola n. deceased. White and Colored Muslin, going at Notice is hereby given pursuant to III cental per yard_ IR K R. S. 0, 191)7, chapter 129. that all Colored Materna regitl.tr 15 cent for 10 cents a yard. Big value in Ribbon,' lc, 2., :n•,llic and io rente a yard are required on or before the EutIttoderien and Laces at :'c nod 11k„d day of May. Po to rend by n yard. post prepaid. or deliver to Art Mullins regular 15cand :'Jk fur l0c Messrs. Gladwan .E Stanbury Bottom, all going at Ifalf•price. of the Village of Exeter, So- SHOES- Soverign Shoes for Men. Art licitor% for t h • Adruini,tratrix of the Shoes for Women, Children's said deceased, their christinn and sur - Shoes all at Greatly Reduced names, addresses and descriptions Prices. the full particular% of their claims Men's and Boy,' ('Inching going at the statement of their uceo'nta and II„If Price, Mens hate all kinds at the nature of the securities, if any I 2.ieach. heldby thein. And further take Ark to see our \Nall Paper at ac a notice That after such !oat mentioned d Ask roll. Cir Viin 1'l'it complete date the paid Administratrix will pro- ceed to distribute the nsaetsof the• de- nt 21) cents each. censed ntnong the parties entitled Mangel Meed l2i cents a puuutl• I thereto having regard only to the Tut nip Heed )package) :lk a pound I claims of which sh t shall 1 ten hay • Highest Price paid for Butter at Eggs , notice and 1 hat the said Ad,nini%tra- trix will not b • liable for Anil! aseet5 or any pnrt thereof to any person Sold under the Management of 1 or persons of whose claim notice shall not hat,• been received by her at the time of such (Iiatribntinn. GLADMAN & STANIiLIRY, Solicitors for th• Adtniniatralrir;. 1►;1r, d at 1:xet••r OSP 1th day of April 111111. •••••••••••••••••0•••,•4.01 000.0•••••••••••••••••••••' -- - Times Want Coiwnn Residence for Serle Notice of Dissolution \\'o offer by private sale one of the cholceat residence properties itti Exe- ter. Moderate else, good repair, con- venient location. Good atablu and garden. Apply at once. Gladman & Stanbury 3-3tL Notiot• is hereby liven that the part. nership heretofore subsiStin3 between For Sale the undersigned as General Merchants under the name, style and firm o: Cottage and three lots in Exeter, Carting Rrcis. in the Village of Exe• being lots Nos. 65, 50 and 57 south of ter in the County of Huron, has thld Siwcoe Street. On this property is a day been dissolved by mutual consent, frame cottage (brick foundation) con- The businetis w•ii1 be carried on at/ taining five rooma and a good cel- the same stand by Witham J. Carlin lar also a good well and a large Dated at 'Exeter this 4tb day of April stable. Good garden and trait trees, .1, 1). 1910. The property has to be sold to wind \1'itneas T. il, Carting up tin estate. Apply to Lewitt II, Dickson 'V, J. Carling. GLADMAN & STANI3URY, Barristers, Exeter. Ontario. of Partnership Dividend Notice A Dividend of .:ever. per cent. on the fully paid-up capital stock of the Exeter Canning and Preserving Com- pany Ltd., has been declared and will be held at the office of the tacretary- treamurer of the Company at Exeter on friday the Twenty-ninth day of April RHO. The, transfer books and re;giatl•r of 1ho Company- will be olds til 'from the 25th to the 30th days of April, inrt., both daps inclusive. Dated at Exeter this 15th day of April 1910, liy Order F. W. GLADMAN, Secretary Treasurer. 9-14-2 Bake Shop for Sale flake !Shop for sale, situated in first - clam summer resort ; good building ; front [shop ; residence above bake shop; flour and feed room ; bake oven at back, Apply to Frank Germotte, Grand fiend. 4 -7 -lm p• Farms for Sale That choice farm being composed of parts lots 18 and 19, concession, 1, township of Usborn., in' the village of Exeter, 100 acres. On the prem- ises there is an up-to-date s' -storey brick dwelling house with a:I r coo - 1 venicnccs ; Jorge bank barns with 00.00•1111.1 water in stables; silos, drive house„ ' ice house, and fruit of all kinds; 60 acres in hay and grass, 6 acres of fall wheat. balance plowed last fall. This farm is itt a high state of cultivation and well adapted for a man that wants to do a dairy cosiness or gen- eral farming. Also lot south 1.2 6, concession 1, township of ?lay. con- taining 50 acres, 2 acres of hardwood bash, 39 acres in grass, balance all plowed ; also never -failing well tt ith windmill and tank. This property is well adapted for graxing or ordinary farming. These properties will be sold in part or whole to suit pur- chasers. Possession given in March. Easy terms of payment and must be sold as the proprietor's health has failed and he is retiring. For terms and particulars apply to ALEX DOW Prop. on the premises, or to TI10S, CAMERON. Auct,. Farquhar. 2-10it I Manure Litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors, Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & 6tanchions can be installed as cheap rte lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder These three things ate grea labor -savers for farmers and necessities cn a farm For sale by NOTICE TO CREDITORS creditors and others having claim» ngttinst the estate of the said Georg.. Letti». who died on or about ttr 20th day of .March. 1910, B. W. F. Beavers 'there is a “right way” of doing bniiness and there is n ••wring way” of (loing bus- IileSs. onisitdonswereweipeowso The R o1IT WAY of doing business is to bring your old truck, such as !cite hair, tubber, iron, copper, liras», wool pickings, etc. to M. JACKSON'S MAIN ST. EXETER Where you get the highest cash Nice t' ting honest dealings. FOR SALE - A bit of iron :•ipe on hand for fence poste. etc. CASTOR IA HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS WESTERN CANADA LOW ROUND TRiP RATES GOING DATES Apr. 5,19 isae 11, 28 Aej. 9, 23 Ray 3, 17.31 3.1y 12, 26 Sept. 6, 20 TIIROCGft SPECIAL TIMIS* TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Ternal° 2.00 p.m. a■ above days Through First and Second (Ilk. Culebra, Colonel and Tourtet Sleepers. Apply to nenrrvt C P.R. Agent or write R. 1, 7hompaon, 1) 1'.A., Toronto. ASR FOR HOMEMAKERS' PAMPHLET Por Infante and Children. A ,,,;,,,•, OH(' snnnld always hr the same t's4neially to her husband, but if she is weak and nervous, and wets Carter's iron fills, she cannot be, for 1 hey make her "feel like a different person," so they n11 nay and 1 heir husband!. a;y so too. IM. Mod You Hors Always Bo.gbl Farms for Sale It; ing composed of Lots No, 27, Con. 7. town+hip of !"shorn:, containing Office over Gladman & Stanbury 61 acre% of clime,. land. On the prem- Main street—EXETER. s there is erected a good .framo hobs° and frame barn. A never fail- ina streatn of spring water rung across th • prop,rty, also there is a good well with pump; 27 acr.•a of fall reheat .seeded to gray. 17 acres of hay and the balance in pasture. This farm w4 well 'fenced ttilh 10 -wire woven (enc.• on cement posts: thoroughly un - d •rdrained and well suited to gener- al f lrtnin;:, 1'osatssion given at once Also that choice grass farm b••in; compo+ -d of S, 1-2 Lot 3 Cott, 5, town- -h p of 1 sborne, This, property la fenced ttith 9-tt•irt• woven fence and has atrentn of fresh sprint water run- ning across 1h, property. l'orseessioo given on complete payment of pur- chase mans y, if thcso properties are not sold on or before• the 3rd of May 1910, th •y hill be sold by public auc- tion with farm stock and implements DICKSON & CARLING, Lot 10 S. 1, It.. township of i s• r Us - born •. on the 17th day of May 1910. 1'oaitiv.•!y no reserve at the proprie- Itaeristers,noiic)tor• Noterles,Losee7_ascan tor has road h'.; horns farm and has Commts'ctoaen• stoneware for ID.AToIsssrr purcha=ed a ranch in Alberta and is oe ruot•in,t tiler,• at one , I'au1 Madge.~�eTbi,oaa•tloweetr►t•aot latere•t. ernes BTREET Prop. For Lerma and particulars ap- ply ItXlfil>Rs t o Mrs. g i s" "nu" B. a• Paul Madge on the :rem- co e. aoeoa• tees or to 1'hoa. ('ane -son. Auct, Far. jahar. syoousis 011de C000dioo IorIh 1 ea UOMESTEA D:REO OLATIONS,1 Any person who is the sole bead of a family, or any male over 14 years old may homestead a quartstt seotoni of available Dominion land it Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberts. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency •r Sub -agency for the district. Entry b10 proxy may be had at the agency, os certain conditions. by father. mother son, daughter, brother, or sister oil intending homesteader. Duties :—Six months residence upon anti cultivation of the land in easy of three years. A homesteader map live within nine miles of ,his homed stead on a harm of at least 80 aerate solely otyii and occupied by him Or Lis father, mother, son, daug'btere brother or sister. Itt certain districts a hornesteadels itt Rood standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside bin honing stead. Prion $3. per acre. Duties,: Must reside six months ineaoh of slag years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earw homestead patent) and oultivtao fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain districts Price $3. per acre. Duties.—Masa reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and crest a house worth $300.0(f w. w. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Marker N. n,—Unauthorised pnbliation o h . went will not be paid for DR. O. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8. ; D. D.. f3.' Honor graduate of Toronto University DENTIST OFFICE:—Over Dickson! & Carling's Law Offices, Exeter. Hoots s. 4io'si:Dwslis t'A1•A}TERNOON8 DIt. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 • P. fl„ Graduate Victoria U ♦♦mitts% office and resideneoce. Dominion t.aborator•T, ureter Associate Coroner of Huron. R. Bright, M. D„ M.C. P. and •8., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Two years resia'ent physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. HONEY TO LOAN •Ws hays unlimited private roods for loves. - att1 upon farm or vinare t roperty at lowest r rtes se Iate,Mt, DICKSON R CAIILINO Settee NO7'tUE TO C1;FI)ITOItS In the matter of the , state of John W. Hodgson. 01' the Tonu.hip of l =borne. in th County of Horan. MONEYTOLOAN farm'•r. d'reas.d, .Not lee ja IICICby given pursuant 10 rhe Farm and \hlag,• I'rnl.ertie. e1 fon rat rates o• 1•. S. (1.. 1897, ch ape 1'29, 1 hat alt intcrta. Imprmrd and other NOrthwut lends and cr tiir(tra and toilets having Clalln, Ton" [.Ota fqr aIle•• Loney to loan ti (n1h prepefty alt nsi the (state of the late John ERNEST ELLIOT, tt, iiod;:-on. who ,i • d on or shout (ALceyan' tr,11 Office, Main lit. Exeter eh:• +`';th day od March. f910, are re pair: d on or traforc the 10th QI ats) 1tilt SA 1.F.--1 am again on the market day of May. ;9111. to send by post plena id or deliver to Metiers. Madman &. Hianbury, of the village (`IONEY TO LOAN. _Wasuasumans have • targe asuman of private taus la ea tants sad village propertied as townies e. ULADHAN R STANDURY Bant•tere t)ollolton, nate 5). Rime. pith a supply of .ix yours pore tired Shorthorn, hall., '1 hr•,. arc goort Icdn'r,Iuat., fit h gnu,, Three arc 4( 1 rotor and n 111 1, r,'gteter• eel and .011 well north the prIt-e, to make room for rtf F:tet •r, tlo!icitor.4 for the Adnlin'r'• the ymu,arr Our-. l'an also sure it0. itmale•, »rokh (:n•y, a lt•autiful roan ,ell, mlrl one of tb• I : I Ir � of 11Y• said d •ce1►s.1d1 d t brit ?pent to Ips the heals and will I.c kept for ;:t_1 i •i i In ;a td morn 1inl'p. addreaae% the imtt•rOt1.11:t,t r1 pure-bred Shorthon,a. Apply ,nd dost ipt ions, t 1.e (sill partiCu• tett J(t)1 , M ltI:lt, Lot. If, :,'0nccpition t', Ilan, or last .4, lien..11I'. (r, Ctrs of t ht it cin' s, i lac rt•Itcrnenl of th('ir ncrounls and the nature of the ,,ecut11115, if any, held Ity them. And further take: ,ioti:e that atter such las: mentioned date the odd \dminiatn,trix will proceed to distri- bute aS'ets of the deceased onion; Use patties entitled thereto, It:ltini regard only to the rlaints of which Head Office, Farquhar,.Ont. she• shall th'n hate notice: nod mi it Adrrtinistratrix rhatl not i. arse for the atial nsseta or any part there- of to any poison or persona of wlwse claims notice Will not have been ►'e. tee •it -ed by Is r at the time o: such di+tribtit ion. GLADMAN & STA Nllt;itV, Solicitor) for :\dntin'-tra,rit. 1►:.:•4 a: 1•:\ t.•r- :it• 26:11 did of April tato. Toe Usborne and Hibbert farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA ?'resident. ,1. F. RUSSELL, \'ice -•Pres., \V M. ROY OIKhG"I'oKeit, 1100.1', \( RI115, T1?'(fit, It\ AN \V M. DRUCK. ItOI1T, GA ItDIN Eit, AGEN'fM, .1011N F.tiMEIIY, F,ieter, sasnt fes tltt,prne ted Niddulph. (LiI'F.t( iRAl(It1H, Tunrn, saes, 'e,r f}ihbert, Fullerton and 1... -ad. JOBS CAMI'f!G:IA) t;lecv.Treas. ForLohar 'MADMAN • PTANI'1'11Y, I dtsr• Strafe. Dublin. \Vincheleea- 1'nr pillar.