HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-28, Page 3t►
CAftt(I S
8ack Ilea/Liebe and 'slove al: 140 trouble. Ineb
dent to a billwe atato of ileo alateu,,.uob as
Dlvir,oa, Nantas. 1)rotrainees. Llatrasa after
eating. rani In the Side. kc. wlnls (4eir wort
reciarkable aLec ..d )res Non abonu lo) our!„ d
84wlarhe, yet Curt: is 1.1tus laver PI11. are
egnallyr:.luablelo)ConetIt tl••e.curu,g.t'Ipre-
venting 01111111110)initrowplriut.whdothop alw
con e't alldtaonlore of 11.0st,,ma' I. 1IIIr,tlate the
11v4r and rtnu4,tu the Weals. ]:nu if tto y out;
Ache they wenhl bnahu0et pun..tea. to thneewho
anter front thle diatre••Ing complaint:hut tortn-
eately 1 he, r goo,tcess noon.' here,and thous
who once try thorn w111 find 14e,c talo yillssal'(-
ablolueomsnywe) ethat thoy W1111101110 ea-
]iag to do wuhot:t thou. llut after ■11.►ck Leat
Isnot bane of a4' n.... 1.,• .drat wh:'r
wsmaim our gnatL.,.+u:. 00 1.111.1.:111011 while
others do not.
Carter's little Liver Tilla are very %mail and
Very ism)' to take, One or two pill. luako a dose.
They ate strictly ver:..table 1. and de not gripe 0r
yurye.. Loot 11 (belt ,utlea. tiou plea..► all woo
Ase tb.in.
tans YL^,i:r,?S 4'J•, t1:77 TOIL
hall Ell, Sell nava, Stall Price,
spx:uniul of lemon juice. (i)rup' yolks, four r5g white,, one-half w•U 1 w•ia 4'r
Heart ruuare tour cu. irr.ni n teas oon about five laches• eiti.ful of milk, •one winrglussful •4f and put in a piece of !lard soap. Set in the violation of the sabbath. To
p brandy. one wineglass(u1 4,t wine, it (1n the stove and let it buil nal', !.luck ears of corn was looked upon
apart, and bake 4,u dt two brawn. u0 hour 4,r one hour. It will he us'
Fried :Apples. ---Crit or three six scant cupfuls of flour, one-halfas n kind of reaping, and the act of no doubt due' to the discomfiting
slicessmall pieces pound currants, one-half pound bright ass new• rubbing the grain out between the petition into which Jesus had forced
he sof salt park into p 1, W initially veils err washed at home, i
aid 4,t them into 1* hot spider. raisins, citron if liked, two cupfuls puma of their handl was equiva-them. :1cc4,rdinq to Mark, this
1 1 .•f nut meat,, one teaspoonful each they usually eonie out
quite limber let,( to threshing.
I madness led theta to join counsel
1.4'14* ,i� app!,. and slice them, re anti flimsy. TA) i(0 them 'stiffness with their implacable enemies, the
jt(1ing the cures. .1dd these to the of all spice. cinnamon, ground' :R 3. !leve ye nut read- Charging l
)ark as +oun 8s it. has begun to cic',cs, nutmeg, two uasponn(uls*id•i u pinch of .agar 141 the Helselt',4' Pharisees with ignorance of Hrrodians, a pulifi(nl piut� e0m-
1 il each of cream of tartar and baking w+►ter. posed Inrgely of Saddnc•c(•,, who
br.w u ; cover and cook until (.oft, f�c rihturr.
then add three tables u)unfuls of soda. 'Three hours in slow 01st,' I( when ironing anything white \%'hut David did 1t Nob. (lose, sided with flume as against Israel.
I This makes a large cake, (11 two `'.', find :► sailed spat, dampen nstudy of the Old Testament pas- ITh►ey would have proceeded to de-
loi l�sses and cook about eight minPiece of white cloth and put alit y David's
t stroy girl nl nave, bud it not been
ares. Ser41' c,•t0 hot, ;cakes can be mad(, or divided in 1 .sage (1 5803. _I) shows that
halt And but one mode. do cream of tartar 444, then rub the 71..1. was a threefold violation off f'":the clamor of the multitude.
11,1„240 11 whit,. ( -4' nuc pini .41 i Soft Icing. Boil ri(0 cupfuls 4,f' soiled spat ; you will be surprised
haw : (1) entering the 0410(4d shrine,
e ream. enc -hull pound of Hood Jia ' to see it disappear. —�F`
!mals grape,, half a ttxtenpful of so amilated sugar with one of cold'{ though a layman ; (2) eating cense
1 stirring till 't r4, ,es' Colds in the head, etc., may n4' . r ted shrc%brend intended only t(:tlHut. pleat, chopped. ('4,t the 1 ! • l f fork • take' cued 64• Putting the feet into but
Hints for t3usy Housekeepers.
Recipes and Other Valuable Information
et Particular Interest to' Women Folks.
• c1 your punished dining tabic rub hi; hand 4(.7(4111 h(• a breaking of the
law. But the malice of the at: -
with spirits of camphor. It wilt re -
closers of Jesus would lilt w utter'
remove ink stain, from table
linen and other white articles,
squeeze the juice of a flesh Ireton
(1ve+• the stain.
%Then eggs are scarce and they
(l•4' Heeded fur puddings, u dessert-
sp4'ou1ul 44f cornstarch may bo sub-
slituted for nue egg-
Si:t.Et TED 11 h( 11'I•. . 1 kilea&t. Knead in pan for about In selecting a tooth brush always
Southern ilecipe for ('nuking t' minutes, or until snu,uth, thea Choose one with bristles t,,f(`I different
Idl,ron. Spiiukle both sides of thin out in well greased stone jar to leegths, so that.
ale e• (11 haven with a mixture 4'(141 rec.. t',4' It galloon jar for this m►i,'• be reached•
pt.setl of enc part sugar and th11',• rtntu►ti:)'. It should vise almost to N(, retin dishes taste ar to Ipte4'' givet.11 a
part: cora 14409!. Fs) (1r hr4il as 1114' tuts. Bile,' rl'O(ly is, put in palls disagreeable,New
ureal. 1i11.dl ..41' the dough the size you placed in them unless water and
11) 41,5 lied Rive. Boos 4,444' (bird. want for loaves and work into shapo ammonia are first hailed itt theta.
of 0 cup of rice in il.c uvcn until with tile hands, greasing well to
Bread dressing may be served His disciples were hungry - !t is
1 . ,i,nk(• crust soft. Let 11 Ilse again. with a pal roast as well its one poo
it is the color of wheat. Put ono 1 ,,. in the aver.
The bread ':t 1d be 0 •t unlikely that they were return-
cu:1 of boiling water with aur -half Ituke in uo(1cratel• ht t ate 1 f
;nate(' it.
11. He said unto them --The ques-
tion had been launched with the
H. 11' 1. put pose of creating a discussion of
%hat thing, may he dune un the
Sabbath and what things uuty nut.
'1'h,' answer of .)esus tout all argu-
ment to an end, simply by rai-ing
Cie subject to :1 higher let el. The
rule of the rabbis was. that if u
sIo ep should fall into) a pit on the
sabbath day, it should first be as•
certainccl wli:`ther it Lad been in-
jured. 1f s0, 11 11 (1111)' 4,H (Ili, ('1111 -
(lit wn, it Wright be dragged out and
killed. But, as idiot, the Jews
found a way of getting astound this
hard rule. The 1talignatiun of
.)esus was therefore justified, 0(4elt
Ito saw these legalists much more
concerned about their prep.•rty than
human life.
12. How much then -'Che superior
value of 0 matt as 0004)01red to a
sheep slakes the logic of Jesus ir-
4, -Accord-
ingis lawful to do q 4,d- -Ace t
ing to stark 4(41(1 Luke, Jesus had
replied to the accusing question of
the Pharisee, by asking then), 'els
it lawful 0o) the Sabbath day to do
good, or to do harm :'.. 1o) deny it
w':: impossible, and to admin it was
to concede 1'. J,•;cs the right to
hent. So they were in a predica-
nt( tit.
1.1. The Pharisees . .. took c'oun-
qcl against him --Luke adds( that
they "were filled with madness.'
Le 05uu V. 'I'Nu Sabbath Incidentss,
Mall. 12. 1.11. Golden 'Peal.
Mall. 12. 7.
Verse 1. At that season --- The
thee of year is easily fixed by the
foot dant the ears were ripe in ilio
fit {d. Hanes( began in :April.
Passover -time was nigh.
4. aspu'oufoil of salt in f► double
4..•ilcr. .\dd the rico and cook ono
I"'4,r. This is particularly dclieiuus
1tll maple syrup.
11 k
Indian Pudding. --I'our '{ evert ten days. the ud,antage of
I, 4. ::Irl' over lou s Ices a ,tit- • .
1' :0'1 bread; when soft., add one bead in i, that the jar retains the coffee put bright to insure good caf-
ind from a lung service in the .yne-
fb (ty minute,. N,•rer use u' baked separately to .t cake tin.that
kIcuding hoard and do not spend 11'indow glass, lamps and lamp
tics►fuix11(1�,u1 custom be eaten iu41)0(1 iter
user fifteen minutes in work. stake g18rse., marble and Nlotle vase; 4,r
417•• 4)1(1 fashioned hal (east fresh mantels, granite sills, etc., if rub (le morning s(((ire.
1 be 1 with suit ire quickly rleuus(•,{, I Began to pluck ears-- Was this a
tie ft t Nut according to the Jews .h
lav', which said : "\\-hen thou cont-
est into the standingcorn of thy
soap, water and wood ashes, and neighbor, then thou (119 0st pluck
scour thoroughly. th4 ears with thine hand; but thou
\\'Leu using stale bread fur pud- shalt not no01' u si0k1c unto thy
dings alwayssoak it in a curd liquid. neighbor's standing corn.,,
Bread that 11:►s been snaked in cold 2. The Plutrioees . . . saw it -
n(ilk or water is light and crumbly, They were suspicious of Jesus al-
hruit C'itke.-One pound braw0 whereas that soaked in hot liquids ready; and wtre un the lookout for
{ cups 01 sugar 1 add five eggs, heat - i
Ion light, one cup of currants. two! sugar. one cupful lard and butter is hcav�'• opportunities to entrap him.
(414.s of sifted flour. and one table I ` Illlxcd enc pint ❑14,111ssc;, turn• eKR 1f the inside of your tea or col- it is not, lawful --The illegality
— ` • 1 !f fee pot is black, fill it I t of the act 4f the disciples consisted
� •.c n, Inn (c 4 u►g,- ,,to)• ►ul - i , s Always keep the inside of your
1' f 1 the 5(0440 jar 4,001 the pan t„ raise 1
oast 4,f u4i11; one cup of 441o1•tsses heat, and twilit; L.t11, 4(10, s nu chance let• Boil it out occasionally-
.gin'• egg, u pinch of salt and u pinch f•,• a crust to furor un (ap The
(1f ,.mhake 11),,4 , three (Iusek4'r light bread Is baked after
lh•llr5 Stirring often l4 present' i. i, begun the better it is.
I crust. Sent. Wit 11 whipped c•reani. I
Spanish Drop -Cakes. --Cream lo)-+ CAKES,
get her one cup of butter and two
Through one cause or another a large
majority of the people are 1.ruuhled with
so:ne fora' of heart trouble.
The system become:3 run down. the
heart palpitate. 1'uu have weak and
diuv spx41s, a sa,uttiering Io'!II g. cold
clammy hands and feet, shortness of
breath, ,ensatioa 01 pins and needles,
rust, of blood to the !head, etc.
Wherever there ure sickly people with
weak hearts Milburn's heart and Nerve
Pills will be found an effectual medicine.
♦♦♦ ♦P♦ Mrs. Wm. Elliott.
aItKs with thelgrcat-
+ Heart Trouble+ 4';t of plemsure I write
♦ Cured. ♦ vOu stating the bene-
♦ ♦ 4.4.44++, tit 1 have received by
using, Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pill.. 1 suITercd arcade frau
heart :rouble. weakness and smot.Lering
spells 1 used a west deal of doctor s
rnedolIll's i,ut meek (• i no benefit.' A
friend advised 7814' to bus a 110\ of your
pills. which 1 did. and soon found gnat
relief. ) 1 highly reeonuruend these pills
to anyone suffering from heart trouble."
1'riee !,n cents per box, or 3 boxes; fur
$1.2',. at all dealers. or mane.! direct on
nrs-.•itd of price by The 1'. Milburn (ro.
Lir,:;le(I. Toronto. Out.
t.atct without s trans 1 I 1 crated , nil..\\h1:Tm\U HO1(SES.
grapes in quarters and remove loci,nti4'kl(r4f'gptc fiEt' 1 let t►stand un ;water until perspiration is caused
haitli,ri(itylx(3) a tbreach
dn0 fur e Sob -
till ,. It. nu►))rruus instance s the health
otast \('hip the ((cant, sweeten! of' teteched till blood warm. Brat until on the forehead; drink a tumbler (rit"1 . 14 (.f the loaves, which, c and usefuln0s14 of a burs( is pard
to tarn(. add one teua1/uutltul of" t rr:Huy. Take in bunds and knead of cold water in bed. and well cover cot ding to Lev, 24- d, was the Sal ars of - permanently injured by
4 raj! la extract and the pieces of, sin•.4•t(4 aryl cream)'. Pack in 8 !ourself with brdelotte'A' Lath day). The high priest Lad 11.:.:,4 init I,.,.4, r.0pto.ed, un1)(li'ed r+l,
grope And nut meats. \nix well And; • r ,. , • r in n caul place. \good way to repair small holes 1eathtiun ). this act of 1) lest and cold wink, oP drafts i4, frosty
stove very 4'•,!d in Klass toy s, or for' 14' d glob Keep I
1 , 4,,e it'll .emu in a bowl, set in in holland blinds is to get -.owe
those that were with Lim. Hence, weather, after being drito n ••r
eci. (Monist) if desired with luncheon company i4, sh ithh cglass-{an(1ied� 1 eft water stir constantly till soft court plaster, cut a piece n lits L•
V( .111 Jolrmiy -t oke. First see
tlu-t the oven is hut, and butter a (r( nth lou cupfuls of (agar and :(
flat pan. 'Then place iii sifter '011' half "14111 of 1)9(!.01. A" a cup
heaping cup of granulated cot))' fni of sweet milk and three cupfuls
isi,oar third cup of 11 cam tw"- ,f (lour, into which has been sifted
tl.i.d. cup 4,t' .ug7ar, nue fc:aspuou '
fu! of baking puwtler, two ((asteem, tv teaspoonfuls (1f baking powder,
.( boy of twelve Years of aye.fella of soda. one teaspoonful of salt. I;n••l list of alt the whites of six
witi• an air of melancholy resigns- Mix thoroughly, then 841,1 4%4, Clips 111KS- Bake in three deep layer
tion, went to his teacher and !hand- thick sour milk with tone table'eake puns. Make 0 filling (,f two
col in the following note from his so -onto! of -4.u' cream 4,r melte(( pounds of confectioner's sugar. dis
1, -s her before taking his scat : butter. 1'1:44.• immediately in hot salved in sweet cretin% °till thick
I►•vtr Sir. Please excuse .lames ,en and bake till brown. er'ongh to Spread. Put thi, mix -
4 not. being present yesterday. Se4.0.11 Oat Cakes. -Use one 004) tore o4, the tops of two cakes, and
411900(1 truant. but you of 4.2(4 „„.al. sue cup of 11unr. oar lr' it d(;v n fest minutes. Then over
ecdn•t whip him for it, as the boy. tablespoonful of sugar. iii' hall it tap 01 the t•relanl tilling splead
o4' soda. Mix 4,l) dr. thickly melted chocolate. Put y'. it 2(44, kind always use (: •wooden spoon
he , mid truant wills and him tel! teaspoonful tial of )''take. together; the warn ('(4 04. far stirring. Never take a till
o4,;, And he ticked .James; an n il.:;lcdicuts, then rub in one quttr
u d. add enough cold lo)'. ni11 stake them .tick. Ice the 'p•,e)44 for this p1'rpo4•', espc4'1411Y if
(nun they keel I ,tones 1 t driver t, rap f lard. 1 t,q, one with a boiled icing made 11'. tie• soup contains any acid like t"
him 084 licked him; and the licked 44;:14'( to inane a smuut)8b. soft past(. king together until it "hails.' nult0cs, as this unites with the tin
of a raft tiles hung nu to licked ietide it into three parts. hnertd t'"'
anal the owner of a cat the) caul) piece a little and (hake into torr cupful of sugar and a half cup- , aryl torn+ a poisonous compound.
him • r 1 (ni of boiling water. 1'our this' Icor those who tied maple .)suit
obeyed licked them.Ph' n 1 licked 44,und thin cakes,. l:•4' a litre telling mixture• on the beaten white. beyond their meanstry this: Fite
him, when ire carat 11,1111.. ufte4 H, 4,r and oatmeal mixed I(+ knead ..t . ne egg. (►(•lieious. (cups of light brown sugar. three to
four cups( of granulated sugar. and
about nue-quarter to one half
S.1\I►11I( If ES. p44und of maple sugar; add water
('ream l'hee••e Sandwiches. - 111,- 1111,1 buil to consistency of syrup
lit ion:-' cretin cheese sandwiches :I %Viten chamois gloves Are wa.hed,
this cake cheese, mixed until it ties are rinsed with clear waive
14' sits Wright have Appealed to the, wet ked hard and caused t.. ,seat
enough to )'scud: flava( and 4,,r. In'Rer than for hole, w'urtn. aro law 0(4 e11(144ly technical grounds;; fro' 1)'. It is often u case (11•at may
Will keep indefinitely. ;lay perfectly lint over the lode. for his disciples had broken only, beproperly classed ander the 444ad
Carmel Cream Cake. -lieu! to A When dI;O it will hardly be n',tic^d• that interpretation of the how which of
cruelty t0 animals. It i; seldom
The ebjeclionable sputtering and
flying ..f the hat fat when eggs. t.'urliten it by the rabbis. Hut n(cessar)' to so) drive or work a
Ktie case' of Davol constituted a pro•• 1 horse in c101 weather that he will
hominy, apples and like things err c,.o+ 1st out of which Jt'SIIs e),1a1111•h. he in a sweat : but.when it is u4'crs- per., puouac, coir, etc.) have also
tiro plied into i1 to try mny be pl'' ,., the principle that occasions ari-e says.. e0111111011 sense sh•nld suggest done rencerknl,ly well.
v4'uacd if a little flour is sifted int..w _74.11 a cernu,nial law may be set tl'c kindness and prtole ' l' of (24)04.1-'
fat brf,•r' they nr. udued• 144 -+ole for haul:ace reasons. I ire hint with a blanket 'then, after
Was Troubled
With Dyspepsia.
For Years Could Get No Relief
Until She 'Wei
Burdock Blood Bitters.
+♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦♦ Al r.. IIerinaa
+ Can Est ♦ N.11., writes: "d
♦ Anythiug ♦ have used Burdock
Now. ♦ 14111011 Bitters and
♦ ¢ find that few ena-
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ dicines can siva
such teller in dy-
spepsi I and stomach troubles. I wits
troubled for a number of years with
dy.sp ep.;ir► and could get 4,u relic( until I
tried Burdock Blood Bitle•14. I took
three bottle., and became c•urty! and 1 can
now 0:14 anything withoet it hurting me.
1 will 1•ighly ieconnlnend it to all who are
troubled with stomach trouble."
Burdock Ulooi! Bitters has 1111 establish-
ed reputation, extending over 31 years,
as a sfxt.•iiir fur Dyspepsia in all its forms,
and all (11008l0s arising from this cause.
•% For sale by all dealers. R
\fnt►fnetur•c(t only by 'The'''. Milburn
Co., Limited, 'Toronto. Ont.
♦ 1)iektuson, Benton
Tea Production More Than 190,000,•
000 Pounds Lard Vear.
The report of the committee of
the Planters' Association of Ceylon,
just issued, gives interesting state-
ments of crops for 190.1 and esti-
mates for 1910.
The tea production was more than
190,000,000 pounds, about 12,000,0011
more than the last previous year's
an 1 about 3,000,000 pounds less
than is expected this year. 'Florets
thousand aeres were opened and
planted with tea in 1909. Tea sold
In 1909 for tyro cents u pound m0ro
than i4, 190S.
Shipments of rtlJ,ber during 1909
amounted to 1,492,540 pounds, and
the crop for 1910 is estimated at
3,000,000 pounds. Record prices
were obtained for rubber, the high-
est being 9s. 334d. in London, and
Rs 7.20 in Colombo.
Tho cacao crop for 1909 is 50,100
hundred weight. The estimate for
1910 is 700,000 hundred weight.
Cardamons, which have bten ex-
teesively advertised in the United
States of America, which is now
Ceylon's fourth largest customer as
regards this product, fetched good
prices, and 750,000 pounds wero
sold. For this year 050,000 pounds
are estimated.
Cocoanut palls products (oil, co -
.\n ens) way to skin a beet with -,5 Or have yr not rend If the( tieing o(encealcd, hr has to stood' ---
our bleeding it xnd causing it t" had, they had either not understood slily((• than a few ntinutl s exposed 01st Twelve minion 0attars -await
le re color i; to put it in cold watt r ,.r had [urgolten, . to cold weather outside. or drafts a Claimant.
n; soon as it is cooked. Th• 44 draw l'riesls . profane the subhath in u stable. When a her,4' has herrn
the hand gently down ••Nch one and Is, was the cumnu,n practice of 41114011 4,r worked until he i r4.s01 Search is bring made in the
Ili.' skin wilt drop off without truu-lthe pric-t., ;thong with other walk. ed with (earn and -.teat, he should r., 4(4, of Ireland for the heirs of
b'4'•(., fa4' 344,1 44(4'5. the victims of site b,• taken into the ,talle, well rule as ,ran called Harrison, who left
11 ben cooking milk 4,r stoups of „li'lay,
t4sr Sab1)uth (1114'.
said h• 1 down ,(ill w(4.l. of x1)21(4' „1 1+rturiuwn about a century ago
and died in London, after a:naas-
t b • I al,b„ : •••I'liere is no keeping lies or rough cloth, and then blaoi- i:4.• nn rn4,ruu,us hprtu44e. This
,.f the Sabbath in the temple. ' .\11 k. hal. 'there is little ground f'"'. fortune bel naw increased to f.h,-
11'- . 44 a. recognized as no inIpru- r,e•use fur the neglect of such pr•' ' J)1(11r0, 11•'X•0 is Iyier in the (:ourt
t o tc, siwply because it wets "done cauli„ns I. wen w64, hs0c b04'11 of Chancery. awaiting dist( (:1141 n
in 1..,:;s1.3„.
e�ly 1111 igs" in the service of the raised on a farm,
and huts know . among the twat of -kin who eau
temple. 4 14 dge of 114' ltlllltfatitons .,f n horse.
prove their relationship to elle full-
. One greater than the temples -Ins to the amount of work Ile eau liar^•tier. I
Il lo)-. „f. \Turks 41 nnrrey, in his -(and, and the risk of neglecting Ir is stated the male branch of
new.. therefore surpass the works to properly cure fur him. 'Che 111)1oe the Hurriston heirs is extinct, and
of the temple, and cats be p.rferm to which livery horses are some
,• 1 in violation of the Sabbath law times subjected. b)' men ignorant Arnung the parties who would bene
44 its greater impunity than could of how they should be used, is pili- fit are persons from the I urtnduwn
444 prohu:aliuns of the print 1o);, but may 111 (1)118)' ca4es he district named laracey, Henry,
7 1 desire mercy -it was ori.; a ,'barged up to want of knowledge•. LTd�llliccbll11,fl`ti4'a nc, the Iles.
brief time previouo 0 to thio that iodise than clue•lty, and should 1„,g
J( -es had .)noted these same wooly• toiartled aquin•t 110 caution from Junes I•;. .Archer. 1),I)„ who has
i:( noise el 0. tlic pitari'enie criticism the owner of the horse. 'Che w•I'll i•r .tcdied the historic assocultlulis o)1
of 11 i. (•'n-41'tl11R w Irl sinners Ie( -:III; wading 11 ease 1n whirl, a • 1'eotadew'ti and its surrottnding,t,
51.(44,1, n rad' u cnsam, c eves ant „f ail add enc even (raspuoflflll shrunken way. ►r gloves A+o' (Matt. 9. I:;: see Lesson for 'March 1110.1 -ter gut the 411 -will tof the cult4' 1,','. boon communicated with in rho
nutmeg, one -Half teaspon8ful "f petaikit, one e%en teaspuonfl .rf easier to get into shapa and last ll) Thr original design
{esi nut the Hat)
u0ulity in whirl he !iced, and i matter and has Leen engaged in
V r( nix. .lit. lith the," ingredient 5 Igor K R
"11'hllt'e he dun( naw►" ,:all, suRgrstion of garlic; when long( r.
bull: ons be•ntdcent. It was made Iwined hi. u,ifulr4,' . there, by;nmking diligent search among the
C 1 I that 1 1 nn,lhcr, when 441 Khl4 Into , n, (ftp of thick sour well I Mill t I Ir I 11f 1 14,• rum's sake, and not Hutu t••4 le listing of L:Hing 'Ibsen a livery" church 44'4((11 and the lurid(
1 1 llll k ilnll bt Ctl ltl 111 .Il .l If I •t 1 thl kl1 1►1'twP I• •f• ' .alchives (cii4 the view of further -
▪ Ira•) three )n•t 11ke it.
v -ill nuts chopped in it, tiro of the case so) 1(4•�t� 1;1�.. , �,•,. Ir may be mentioned that t•ho
iota for stuffing tomatoes for s •' •1 `•,Idler- 11:1t \not Hata, Hot liar desire to de nutty with the law. lle,uf the reasonable np.lbility o,4' c„ I{nrrison family were landed pro-
1 rtukre Sandwiches. - One 1(1'' lino. Funk ter ••Oil Inca, 31 pth, refuse
d1 1)1 .u, 4'.f clru(iiia40' il•i; *000 of the horse. rather 414au prietors, and held a high soeinl
Ison 1ani eneistenee tit,(. t.10 refuse t'. 4th 4.1:14'(4 the law u•siti0n 40 P4,(;:1(luan,
l'oltl tinned n,' :• for 4]'(1'.4)24 la had been hedged in lot take inter. .ot sciou%cruelty 4,r lack of sympn• 1 Inquiries Are beim; made for s
ani ttarfare will stool elisxppear fro 441 I,:etute too 11161(tcid replied lo' Il.s for a dumb aninlul. hArulrr's q
Major llubinsuu, who was horn
neat' Pi•rtJdnw11, and was comer -
sat with the family history. He
lit 111(1 110%1 be a110(11 eighty years
which Isis father licked hien ; .Ino! 4111'111 wit!, I'ti( on It flowed tin
1 had to fci'.e hitt another for Ile ..ind bake fifteen ntilntte.. 'They
i.'0 1m4 (4dcnt to tt.• fur telling his 4401)' he 4.,.,ked 4)0 0 griddle.
father. So von need not lick 111111 , Graham thudding. --Thi• is 11 '11,s-
u1.til nl•al tinllt- • ,.•'-t which i- to less edil►le for be-
lie thinks he vial attend regales ills simple and economical. nese
is, 1,-14, I t, • cul,..11 tnlsiflrel (irat, i, flour, creamy. with F(en(•h dressing, made :cod hung u1/ with the flIIs''I• full
+ iu'1 cul, 4,f eleop1 ed raisin,, elle len- Arru►(hllg lo) the fullowit►g r('elpe: e,( o#le•r they will dry with the fin
of .1 al 1 I. i \ 4 -I 4, ( T. i •p1 unfn1 of baking -soda. coir le 'f a lw o and (1nc hull tables1/4uuful.r gee- • xten(1ctl, instead of 1114' usual
'•H,: r a'w8; s ge•It1li himself In i t l 1 f 1 ( 'Ct 1
I w4' 111ixe 11(1 one a , . )u4, 11
' 4,l l a y44l I g • •1 I' f three
-tie showed him her 11311,0. Mat his;
tui vinegar;
s)4(4c (• - t'4 •ake of the Sabbath (amen. '2. 11'44-' .0 m1104 111 a ,' ' 4'1••"•
h4 4,t.. Serve hut, 111 ,lo) • ;, with' Ilio slices of buttered bread, with' ,, 4 141 that the burse II:t,1 ;1- ; 44- a 1.' leg the claims of all parties cun-
lo►rl saner made of but1.•1 and � Iellttce leaf. 'Chis same min 11: 1 1 1:1.1 1 \ f, 111►I 1 h i l l'II I:N. ci rnud•
tr-rd sugar mixed hal.! enough .\•4,l not saerifel. J("tr had o0 ••Jt of the overstrain. \ • ' 1;0.
I a1.
Had a Bad Cough
(ilallta'n iilead. -On,• 4111/1(41 4,t Some sardine ',oat. 11,10041 %nil .1 •i• 1is1 4f the hardships of u(trtc It„• Li.hul, who (barged hon with .\(1.4,(x44'.
1)1'1,13'11 sugar, too eggs, three cup liltlr grnl4'd c„ ,'',4 ,old tern•,(, jou. '
tela 4,1 steer milk, two teaspoonfuls a (044' did piek4.. p., stool otos, aims 50131 r. The ns'. of the motor ye- vi. 1tti4,u ..f the lows 4f fir. church;
Consitrnption• of soda. two, t,^:as1/tunfielil of salt, a little glared (.1)1„1), 1'tl Indy and fhr in(cu41 n of :1 nl('nn" because o1 his preflchi11g (out of .1'
fon' cupfuls of graham flour. two s;,n)), grv1han1 or rye bread 1l: nod �of cooking tinncel 4,r fn•sh meat d(.tr), butt theft• orre some things, 44f age, and before his retirement
t'.hi11' moving rapidly 111104' 44(444•(1(1 t1 • so0l, of Hien, 1'r exiunple. I!,4ISl\(i THE\. (rem the .1,rIny had sera twenty-,
lets much etrla (sane; be laid 01 the and once -hull cupful- of wheat 4 lately te,„I thick slices, halter light„~ • tie ii , ,rosin of the untied dies. on oboist, were worth all or btu, in ,
Hart 4.11.11 when a ttenon catches 00141 it i1. 11 r, nor half cupful ..f chopped •spread oto piece. with the nn at, 1 I "tire that sooting toner user fere year.:' foreign service.
u„�f 4,rt attended to IIItmC411110ly or unbolts. 1111ke one• hent Its=h qua rteru►A,tcl Isar :n,entrol n the exnon' ,seer!" iquired lh0 talkative �-
i(rio,s results may follow. awl tier with the fish, a lintel Willi ti ,4.ellinz kitci4.11. fixs d i'' :lo cit<lin- R Tho Ho44 0[ (ran is I(od !'herr _
Oatmeal IIr.11 ---T 0( noel enc. :f :1 p,ir{Sle. 1;1 {cc lite .tires 111 all. I fol hi. Aulhrnity extends ut''r ani ,(14,I•cr.::::,10
• • ,,% •
Ilsoaa(nda have tilled a ronomptiv0• I,.:If "114"1” 4,( (txtrle.tl c(1ukrd tts' sty' w,l,.•n, lirh eau c.,4,k fur rlN( 4 His Friend Said
( th"r place tine on top of the other 1'4'•,. tuba', a1)nn1 Liw' inquir
grave through neglect fol hrrakfa•t. Whet, curl add nuc' (It'll A+ It Ino,(• with them. end n( I'n, 1
Lit •tam' titre., 'oars, then tut el:,' first IIn11 111 a f••rred nlnrch a .I Sr,, tlasun fretfulh.
Never 1legle4' aCough or Cold, it can cl.kr )'rani dissolved in flkewatl1h through f••m tap to tx4ttunl. ! 1 I t \ man heeled on Ih,• tial
++ that } uunit fellow, fill.tcr, is tlr•
have bolt one reside 11 leave. the wale(. butter the ' 1re 4f an vac 1 _ I ho' meal can he s( r\cd At once• n► bolt. The accounts lit \lark 11141 c4 lin:; hi, life rt nobly 01441.4
throat or lungs. or h04h, affected. 4, tall(. ,ounfuls ..' flu ap,lirll ion ..t uR•toh pu\(1'r• thy'
Lek... like this 4440, nee 1/1.t4*4*d of 1
♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ • ♦ 117,-:\.I:,Ifro4, n, sutra', one 11,.• he -4 pall 4,et': rix tune iv sunt
I::hIet n,onfll of salt. L,•1 1', iron l'.ih,hl'I. HINTS. !radius of th1'•e 1r,tlrllinK lures 4'1(4` tet the urger sumo, eon, s•�. 1' 1
♦ + 111 I a w' n, O n 1., 1 , 11'.' IIIC11'r1.4'11 4'114, r111n11),11 111 dealing , lit 4111 4'34i aVit.7 (04a ire fallen hit•
♦ Afra:d + Write '•i have when light stir 111 a• much while' 1 onit,, peelings And cold ,tater Luke slate. eefinile4' that it woo::'
of ♦ had a very 1(1(1 1 q; f Will, -411114.11(1 troops. lint l '-1 . ittl u,n441t� Ln lift l (4. who /11 CP
♦ 111..111 as e.,ahlr. Let rise a list':Ire errellent fur droning decub I o) the yn11ba111' ,lo'‘" an'' •4'1 flle:n tt,4•ir feet ♦♦4♦♦♦♦+♦ 111 J. B. husk.
♦,Consumption. ♦ cough eters wi1(1r
nate al:4'n light mold into (nut (. r•, rf4. 11 4,1, .ilde for tarn in Ihr Insist la, \1'11(4 inl44 (holt ,dna.:' G',e „ ♦ ♦ Orangeville. (nut.,
♦ for :t nuuiher u( n ;::744. ♦ Liver ♦ writ. s. "I had I:ern
ures. le.l 4'•I)' otit1/4,st Isilnnti..ns to hr s(•ry Luke Sats that his po Pese ., a: 1•, Cmnplaint
♦♦ • • • ♦ • ♦ sears which 1 was 1 Handle as 1111,1. as possible 1 1' •4 11,tt,d,sto. , A good "me•i•: is "IIHIc•ed : 1.`p1n•el \Nttte,4,:1. ♦ llt,tlhle.l with Ilys.
:I l•d d4, not knead. Let rise uplink 171gpnnrlfpl 44( gly"ee1'lllr slice 4,1 wltl hat f44,(1 instead of eating t('A('11. 'I'4' q. li.eir, •'1 th' •r pl,Ll u' Cured.
afraid would turn 1; . 4o1d rntit. whirl tl►r� ratty nd t(h•o i! lI.'' ♦ ♦ Comp! and Liver
Roto canen,npsun,. I tried a great rasa)' tt• d .hake m 10,1111. e uvea one'cx411 444 ;4o r,(( tin:e place., (4•r• 4. ,1 4 .peel:ani•• .•(115 110 s 1110 (4141 (4 14,1: :11 the ♦♦,♦♦♦♦♦♦ Complaint told tried
ti .Jfoe but Only received t4mpnrarc n•• boor.
\ little e, 4 11 ail ragged into t` itl. them. Chase kitchen- are ),u dh> ,•1h nils, hat '.•. a11� 1,,otlt 4
many different 10-
l::lanrrtl that 1hc' krr , u Irl hl 1, 1.4'( 34,(((.1)9 11111,
rani) 1 gat a bottle of 111. \1 roxl'. hilted lirrltl. Tal'• lo) t( 4,t het Ad i c, 6 sus • ,,, (visionally o ill make 1 1 q fn Su wr tin41 1^, II :4,t) Ila 1 n i n,rdu s bol oi,tnisirJ little' 4,r no benefit. A
Norway Pine Syrup and :Met laking two ter• -e• 114,114 ,4(41 With two forks: tear l i I.c114 la.t moult lunger. ellen parsing ul,•r the roufghrs1 is. . and •iron• . : n 011 their opts,.
fnendadti;rd 4,,r toggn,}our 4 axa•I.i301
hoflln. my rn 1� h wua ruu•d. Ian, not QrnitnO w ilhunl slotting 4,t risk of I nnit� 1•. -1• nl. :''t Ile" i 21'!i,u •.( •k•------- I'illa :1 trial, but I tul'I him 1 had tried x.11
without a lx,ltle of \nroa( Pirpeyt'►p .. no. quarters, ei11htlos. and milli aria ,1•►rell will) soapy water and many "r,rrr nils" that 1 53)11, 114(41) 4)190441(1
.i lir. R'ood', Nor%.,'. Pine "4'nlp1 tf.e n11o:at .i,4' ..1 Of lit oral half nn i.:rt'.:Ile. linen 14rII haven 4(44(1 g1.'. turning otter. rho field kitchen is ow law t:l.4'11\l'ti FOREST �l'H:)tll,ti 8q4,44044 yf0►tfiinq givingro1'1(1) (fit.
Norf. „ iter an nil fel 4 or, tooleo',ospark or 10. .4 u'.fi, h,,, r.,? .4 •• 44•,•'1('(1 1;.1•.'4, lleeeid,'(1 lh1•ydun'i help.01c11re you,
medicine sok) no. d If 4610., at dm lh:rk. 1 ace in ,•pen 4,,',•n WW1 ::,,,I he "as. 1
frneul:(t1o,of:fol throat and hung (444(4• (lis))1 *'lost' ie. un and toast gs.idee Pry salt sprinkled over a carpet smoke �r(u,Ji,.'1 1'..14'1 •' (4-,' : ,r I,., ;•.se i-.'lluols nl (94(( luticn twill-tanrlfhr prier.' �us0ringId faith
pl�►paint., relieving or cluing :d1 (.High-.. 1)r..wi, Serre ringer ei'td 441 tllp in hcfure it is rwep,t will help watt• 1444) ftp 11 1,1•1(111 33 111,',2. h N‘,. t 40..e1. n and 1;Ihrr1 .•4,1 , 1 in for I'illr, I ',might h,uvinit, an:) 1 use
Ih►Id-. lira,*'tufia, Asthma. (.roup, Sore
lint VIII, (I water rtul dee'• ;.i:i1','clfully to brighlcn the 44luts. '!' rrrl•,n lit 410(1e, and .,4„•-4.-4 t, 2 1' •0.811)', and lit I1''t''tat t•,.,'1, no(tle•el'ax17for (t..; M:::.:nef4a1eNV'
and i' . a.' .:sod preventing 1'4•4 (400(1 1 rite alt) nr fa)'1'd rxR is n 44'1,, floe • 1 It•.l'04+, 114404. 144 eve "hiuf which hits {n(l it'
cream. Ile . t4' it, Lnndu44, ale All ...Acting It; Y g !
and 1'viwunip,t1(43 ("`31':1'4 1, l'H.1I1II'1'. 1 I,.•: more 424etin` 4*ffee•t than ins ,nrdlc•itt
Light Bread. (1) oun malt „f , •i, o, not. n (Inst01'. Ito particles of, rr'.;,•,c me to benit1», Inl••(P',t of l)h%'i' t:(c. 4)11(1 ((urge' 1 Iltr{'e r))rr ilstSb nnd the 1•teul•,• s4, ,,4,
0 1 1 dd nue ,i1( o1 lil,n•'I. 1.41" 111 f Iii... :old ravelling), will make (doable' ' She is very Ilheral in her char 4,Iefld in sl,.ln,e. ; 4 4,ar.uUWlIluI' .11en) 4. •.11l4at'''i then ie. L}ser :ten s•nali sass race to Ixk�.
deli, -
110111 t 1 t
1"ae'llplf111 !,f 4r:1•t, the :r•J J:11111 .'., IL. .It i, • .• •71111 (1tlr 41'4,111ar, I- it 1311'1111 11' i4,;:, , ,tile �:,d .l' ' 1.' 44.11 Midst U I}If t•, Int• )44,.04`, and , btrthrtl' t1:'^U to 1.4' the 174',), IIr•Illl'It4e
1' l 14:44111'' • •1' 111'' 11. "1414' 0'4411•( 1 1 1"11 '.'1 ('lt :i1 (,t' 11,41 j (or liver t'r.,:i',Ite there is to be found."
4'. :141.1. 4111• 1•'11 '.4,..111111 d'.. ,.111'1 �1n1'e .":hp1 dirt fl 111411411 lief . ':' "\4 •, an -tiered thl• olio ei 'lib .144:, t\ tit l'1a1111 t•4' i
1 1 Prs," 'la ern.+,4 vial or r, fur =1.1111, at
tr•l.14-41'.11111111 •u-31. 't:4' 1.161'' 1,11,1! 4 nt it into I,ireest arid toile teal, 1.111 nut Mons% Oa, Iseat. 14, • S..LLatb ells old% i,hi11 n 441:11,'- lir,• r. a nlcle 1•unf, \e Ire>nn I,crio0l
i , r I n this • :t.'-, t l.. u- Ion ' '' j I l ' ail .ir'ttrrre or will I,t• ern( 'lire'rt by 0(311
tpoorkhd butte' of laid, u: 4• well in n 411\ 1/13,'4* .o that the sir ei•lance, 1e wanted to send alarm i w:t, at Make. i• t: ( 1i13u :.) r4, nnrc::. ere n 111
' , � �,,rf on n•crn,; ,f pace (►
114'►11rJ egg: 11.1, tns.•t lir' with 4:1 .. l!I•t t., 11.. {1I•''k'. to Africa to aid ;1111e1'1'fr f, r.' vin„•1' (111•(4' w//• 114• Ih.,i,. ,1l .1+' ('ell•• ix (.1(1 (1 14, 111.1. Tie, ('ilii(11 ''14 -\ ”' ,
4 i •1 1 ri:t leer Ireeeo 1', tr, "'wet, Lim,.eJ,'Totmlto
Intsge .p+ic►n until t., ('11ough to, 11',,4*n h"t ,IiJt's base m3d1' Inniks fro nl t nw •seeping sickness.' f the tttfln'( 41) ing. 1" hilt{ 3r.' snrne,' floe simple r,: als du44Y Ont.
• • If They Don't Help or
Cure You I Will Stand
The Price.'_
, So )(Mil Ins.* been the en"rr," of this
wnm►nrinl re•iiedy. it i+ only nation: that
41.7 Henri). persona have tried In - 'tale.'
it Don't l•. imposed upon by taking
any;i'iu 1.1(4 .11r Wood's. ' 1411' ftp in
a : ^Ilu2 isralgtf1. (h1ee pine (lo''. illy
Hyde (411(11: prier• '25 (•cn1.
((,o01144.4iire i only by The 1'. 1444.010
, I.1;J:IadI I ': ak ., Clot