HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-21, Page 8•1' t1 .2 r 1 n it i' i DtL a APRIL 21st 11110
•••N••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••NN••••NN•N••• ••••••N••••••••N••••••••
! �� Chi 'Plates Want Column
T' WA �T :�3 As an .tdvertisiu,r !leafier!! the
VMS I Exeter Times cannot •a• sur•
• {•a -.y id. Does it occur to you
PIIONE 16 that an adv.•rtiscMent may
f:xeter's Greatest 11
change t h.• a hole career of na
iudividua!, and utuy material -
!y off •et th.• advertiser's lot
:u lt: A teat estate sd. wi►1
• t ut1 by our tsuhscribenr
end otle•rs who ars io.er-
.1•d in real estate. If you
have. .,omeih.ng to dispose of :
r.• wan tin et Jai. 1p. or have
ole thin,; :o brine before the
e .b':.e us.• the columns of the
I'.In . as your advert icing
• n+ item. Ths cost is 1rif!Sag.
It. Pays to be Well Dressed. Any man dressed as WE
CAN DRESS 111M is always taken at his face value.
Our Fabrics are pure Stock. thoTsilorirg ie perfect, the
Colors and Designs are exclusive. We want you to look
then[ over. Four Good felling Lines are
$10, $12.50, $15, $18.
Luce Curtains
We :tie showing a fine range
of 1..ce Curtatue in «'bites.
Chant;,.q. nes, Beige. A look
will tonvince you that our
values ate uncut passed, a pair
50c, 15c, $I, $5
Madras Curtains
These are Fashions Latest
Creation and give a tine ap-
pearanre to the best room at
per yard
M11.+rkrt Report. -The f ,'.luein ; is
the report of Exeter markets. cor-
rec: d up to April :'.let.
\t'h at from $1,00 to $1,03
1 ars front 35c. to 35e.
I' as 80e.
liar': y 4Rc. to 59c.
Short $''4.00
• t linin :22.00
Sleds! I'iour :2.73.
• • 1.•• d Flour $1.45-$1.50.
• • I Iny $8.00. $10.00
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
F: ;s 20c.
nvt•w.•i;rht $R.80
Cat: le on foot. S5 to ::i1.
Clover seed $7.50 to $13.00.
Timothy seed $1.50 to $1.50.
Absyke $5,50 to 64.75.
!'Malo ... 40e to Stec.
30c, 35c, 40c, 60c it
• O
• Z
• •
Room Rugs and Carpets
11as it ever occured to you what an important part ('arpets
occupy in the furnishing of a room. It certainly has to us and
we gree ready to supply your wants iu this line as never before.
Rugs from
$0.75 to $40
"NAIRN'S" Linoleumns
Our New Linulenurns are bere. We say they are a fine Lot.
You would yourself. They include Oriental, Tile and pretty
Floral patterns. Remember we fit and lay without any addi-
tional charge.
Dinner Sets
fleneoa Rose Pattern with
clear white body and pretty
Rose edging. This is one of
our best. sellers. You can
buy any piece you want or
the complete set of
97 pieces $15
Groceries t
o ••
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••
Our Groceries are Pure
and Fresh. New floods are
constantly arriving and the
big Sales mean that big prof-
its are not needetl.
All kinds Produce taken as Cash
Repairing and Tuning
G. PEDLER, late of Chicago, has decided to remain in Exe-
ter for some time (indefinitely) and will watt on the sic -loving
public in the capacity of Piano and Oman Tuning and Repairing.
This line has been his life work and he is thoroughly practical
and competent in all linos connected with Pianos, Organs and
Pipe Organs and Guarantees hie work. 014 Pianos and Organs
overhauled and inane even like new at lowest pot•sihle price.
Following are a few Prices : --New Strings 2.'rc each ; 'Pone
itegulating 83 up ; Once Tuning $2 ; Key i.t•velling [ilk ; Over-
hauling from $10 to *2.i ; New Action and Ilautmers for Old
Square Pianos from $2., up. Dampers, Felty, Spring". Regulat-
ing Srretis, Bridle Tape Etc., 1urnished reasonably. Re -varnish-
ing. Polishing (leaving like newt stone at lowest figures. also
Estimates on Pipe Organ Tuning and Repairing furnished on re-
quest. A11 Reed Organa tome under the tome Price List. A11
\York Guaranteed. All ortlers left at -1011N 1'EDLER:S resi-
dence South Main Street. nr tt Postal (',ud addressed to 0. Pett-
ier. Exeter, will reeeler. prompt attention.
G. PEI)LER, Exeter.
Causes Sickness, Is a General Nuisance but can Ire av puled by ('sing
on Sweeping Day. "Dustbane," mr:('e over, disinfects the room and
restores rugs to their original frc,hness. The worsen swear by
•'Dustbane" when once they have used it.
Don't have another dusty sweeping day but get a 35 cent tin of
‘Vc areauthorized by the manufacturers of Dustbane to send
you a 35c can of their Sweeping Compound, We want you to use
this 't trial for on: week. At the end of this period if not found
satisf tctory they will take it back and there will be no charge for
quantity used.
If it does away with Dust on Sweeping
Day You Want It
S•tid in Wits , hilt bbls. and (platter bbls. for stores, schools,
churches, hospitals, banks and public buildings.
W.J. Heaman
Distributor for
Canadian Factories St. John, N. IL, Winnipeg, Man.
•••••••• ••�•••••
Mr. A. T. 'Wood, u? 1'd: rton, spent
titi,iday in 'town.
\1r. 1'r d ifller:ngtou SSG on 151un-
day for She West.
Mr. W. J. 'iceman is Lei:dinr un
add.iion to Id.. residence.
Mrs. Roth. Curd, of A) Muer, visit -
d Mrs. C. te.d.ey this week.
Miss J. 'McCullough and Miss •W.
Iluston, were on the Aid( li,,t this
Mr. Tho=. E. Handford xhipp, toe
c:u-'uadc o: horst-. to \Vinnipr; last
w .•k.
Thr smoke stock oft the Itosas-l'.ty-
tor I'Iaining M'►.4 fill over one nicht
last w eft.
Trueman Elliott left Monday for
London where he hast secured a poeS-
tion as 'tailor milli \1r. l'eterntan.
Hay- son renewed your subseiption
n :h+ Tittles yeti
Mrs John Duncan. o' Ray. is und:•r
th • doctor's care.
Mr. and lir:. G. A. K. SteL:sod are
[:siting in S. worth.
.%Ir. J. A. • vart spent Sunday and
Monday in London.
Mr. T. II. Caring is np•ndin„ a
( se days in Toronto.
Mr. Arthur \Vei!eworth. of London,
,'p. nt 3londay in Town.
St''.a 'Maud B,nnington visited in
iI -114a 11 on Thursday .asst.
MINN Davis returned 'to Clinton af-
ter v:eItine Mrs. Wm. Cudutor..
Al x l:racc Cndmorc id ep.•ndin; a
; with days re:ativcs ht Ellin:tile,
Mr. Cha Barnes. of Granton. is
learn'n; the bartering with E. Willis.
DIrs. 9. Qunne.•. who bas been 111
for th • past ',•w we •ks. ,a iutprovins.
Mr. Caa • Howard who wits with the
Mo on's bank. bt. Thomasre has been
mov d o Toron:o.
Ms- i.aura .tory. t► bo hat been
spc•rd ibe pnst few weeks near
Sara a, return -al borne Monday even -
in s.
Mr. J. G. Stanhury p1 havin,f some
intprot•. tnents mnde to the residence
h, recenthly purchased from Mr. 1'.
Frays •.
Mr. 1'.'ter Frayne has moved into
Ib.. read •nes on Andrew street he re-
p „rellae•d front .Ir. \\'m.
ICnnt t.
Nn'. .las. \\';llirl :.•ft on Friday for
London. "Ii err she v`siled :1 few days
and 00 'Mondey ^., . t for tiprin;aide•.
A in.. 1 p :-1 her sou. Frank.
Sir. ('ha-. SI nets and Miss Ball. of
London. v ..t d Mr. `Min.r's fruiter.
Mr. Win. :M:n •rs. in town fii,Indayl
('harli:• 1. "t ou i%ednesday for Saska-
Sites 11. F. Tom:lnson and ton. Clif-
ford. accompanied by Mi..s Lizzie
Frayns returned to London Friday.
where )firs Frayne will visit for a
few weeks.
al'•s Winona Iionarrl. who at ailed
Gt. London Normal du r. n,' th past
(-rut was suers afu1 in pa or her
.•xam'netions, She took tb.• y ar's
cors• in nix months. •
Mr. L !toy iieller. olio has h est al-
t nil n;t the Gilleph O. A. t'.. and sot.-
tn. r'y employed by 'Ir. .1. ll. Scott.
n turned to town and has resumed
b`a position et th, Exeter cr..atnery•.
lir. 11. Smith. of Sprin;hur.t farm.
was sues.. 11! in winnin.; several
re:A a at th C.hnlon Sprint Show in
Short hot u r ass. 11 saes b••ine
ung aten in any of his entri •s h. was
award d two out of three of She
sw • pstakrs.
W • have eti:1 many sn1jcribers who
ars in arrears, To the individual the
amount !s not touch. it is th. little
,h'nes in :Fc that count. and this is
n :••.et more true than in the coat. of
h • t'rin;sr. w here th. little accoenta
ren :oto th hendreda o` do:Iars.
It •v, Mr. :H•,lynrd. of Goderieh,
pr. ached in '1 he Main atr•et ll.tethodist
ehereh on Sueday :nat. in th' even-
in:e h• took ns his 'text. "Ain 1 my
!troth •r'a Keeper:" nail preach - if lie
est. 'ent sermon. lt,•v. 'F!. A. Fear
pn •,. hod Vdueatinna( sermon: in God •-
t•;cL or Mr. Millyard.
' "r. and 'Mr•. Jos. llnwd •rl. of
Mors rent. who hay 1 e n p nil n r
ewe. .• o' t. erka w -1 It I h • farm er's
erre!' r h r•. have .nr \V:II r, 1i,'t.
,.h r,• r. nnwdrn lint taken n spen-
d '1 ; u ;lion with n inrrs lilho.rra ,h -
'i r (nee. tie"Itid;te(owo linin-i)rn(r•r.
'ir. Hated n i' n son of 'Mr. and Mr!.
Joe anode is of 'town.
Mr. Taal 'Mail,: of the Thnrnrt
(toad has sod b'e triton of 100 ncr is
to hitt n:•irhhor. Mr. Geo Wiliin►ns for
1h • :sum o 510.000. 1'it s fntm wee
on • of 4h • best in 1'.bnrne and
broirehl th • highest 11 co ever paid
for 100 net + in (het Toe mints Mr.
M ul: and Fon. 5Martin. ', f1 on Tuts -
nay for Hoath ern A:bertn. to roar n
perchas• on a 4000 -acre she •w and
f:I rating ranch. is h • e, they w ill con-
t'nn.• 1h-• rni•inig of Lineo'o mho .11.
for tt-h'ch Mr. Arad;r • has a w de rep',-
1:tl:on. iL• wail ho'd nn auction tale
of farm stock and trap:• ni urs na sen,
a: h. sterns.
Geon. 1.1!1 be n1 the Conitnetein' hnt'•1,
!rants 9 0. tn. to 1 tr. to. (asses
prn,erly fitted a11(1 diseases of errs.
ar and note trental. Nest s:pit Sale
urday, April 3011• all day.
M :.3 'Mary 'Knight. of llderlon, left
'nst w.•ek 'for Battle Creek Sanitari-
um wle re -she wilt train '.or a nurse.
1.. nettchford and 'Pont Jones h;tv
foiled the 'telephone sten who bitve
It t,, working in town during the past
t 0 a it •eke.
M'-. Seism. of London. who has
b.•.•n 4 - .in,t in Crntratia. visited in
tatcit Monday, rc•tnrnine to London
ill Itt • et'2
Dr. Kinsman and I)r. Itoulston. D. n-
+ ..s. d t,ir: to again announce to th.•
public that their offices will be closed
every Wednesday afternoon.
SI`.as Vera Campbell. who has spent
the winter with h.r sister, airs. Ittttu-
say. of Hamilton, is expected bons.
to -day. (Thursday.)
1'.a1113 for Sa:e-One good second
hand piano. nentey new, American
make. only $ 100. Apply to John Ped -
ler. Exeter. Main street. south 1-712
For •-training. pap; r -banging. Foust-
and N',.'11 painting. tettering. shot'
card t►titre's and d.coratin(r •be sure
to call on Ganes. IL Heywood. I.xet-
Th• 'Son tl► Huron Agricultural So-
ciety are ho:dint a Spring horse and
cats... show at Bruccficld on April
29th. For particulars and prit • list
ad in another column.
M .-ares. William and David Wilson.
of town a.trnded the funeral of their
broth r Poet!. at Grand Mend on Sat-
urday bast. Miss Wilson returned
with tilos and wet :i sit for eon(•
Th • members of the 1. 0. 0. F. wits
nt1, nil Divine worship in the James
tret't Methodist church on Sunday
morning reect. A especial sermon wilt
It: preached by the 1'a,tor. Rev. It.
T. Ilawkins & Hon have ore e)tbiol-
tion on, of the largteit potatoss n•cn
around 'theme parts. It ie 10 inches
'on.r. 6 1-2 inch: s wide and weighs 1
3-4 pound.:. Th• murpby was ;town
in Southern Alberta.
list/. E. A. and ,Airs. Fear attend oil
th • anniversary of the wedding of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Greene near 1itn-
•a 1. Mr. Fear was the officiating
iti nister at the wedding when Mr.
Anil Mrs. Greene were married 21 yr,.
A 'hantut•t was given on Friday ev-
en n;r Inst by ilia Curlers in the par-
'ur: of 'Wilson urns. in honor of Mr.
,•!son Taylor who intends leaving
, arty in May for the West. After ro.
it 'Fervors were served. the vaunt
sp.eh-rnakin,t was indulged in. and
-ac nb'e time alien:.
I'he concert given by Jordon -Munro
Concert Co. in th.• Opera house on
Saturday even:ng was not very !ar,re-
at, ailed. Fur an attraction tri its+
k tot it was on.. of the hest that tram
b.t•n ptit on :n town for a long time.
Th • trek: and aa,tbt-o!-hand work
by lirri th %%.•r.• amus:ng and ►ni,tiiy-
init. The program consisted chiefly of
th • performances of Brest) and was
very entertaining.
Some boys in school were asked to
d fine an editor. Here are 80010 of
their deftnitiona: 'An editor is a roan
who hand: a words,' 'An editor make'
Ifs living out of 1h• Fnalith an-
jnn;re.' 'An t dilor La somebody o ho
do s not work hinitel:, and when
tom body e:tr dote. ,tots and tees
other p.ople :bout it.' Another env •
a more thou ;htfil d••finitinn. whet 41
or not it .tasor,,rna! with hint: 'Au
.ditor is a ratan who has th • industry.
of a b av•r and the inst'ue:. o' a he`.'
Th. re i'n•- -.1 awny on i'r day holt
it Mary Iloieson. i 'ovial wife
or Jonas Sul sS y ars. 5 mos.
21 day-. ',tis Su 1100 bay h •,•n
n:!inz for rots • time during the past
w .111 r :11111 w It. conte' 'led to k •op
her b. d. ;radua!ly ,crowing weal( r
and w• 0ker until death cants on Et -
1'rslay last. Th.. derens d was bole
'n \Ic(:.Ilivnry township. In 11/92 the
way marr:' d to her now eorrow,n,t
husband. To o years after Ihi were
utarr:cd they moved to I':xettr where
chi have res'de1( ever since. 'rhe de -
c. •a'u d was of a retiring diipositiort
and was 11 .:(1 in high esteem by al!
who kn .w her. She i 1 survived by
three brothers and one eater. Itoht..
Ther.. and J. 11. of McOillivary. The
run •ra' was held Monday. fntrrment
tnk'n.t p at • in tit • F. :'t r cern •trry.
A lt.:1e. trimly Storm Period is cen-
tral ou :h 21.1. 22nd and 23rd. On
and Ionrh tie ;It • 22nd 1be temp,•rn:.
tur• will rig . sudden y to very warm.
h ratonic l,r it el fat rnpidly. and
storms of :hand r. rain. hail and wind
t: i:b touch ninny p :le V in 1h sir pilek
; rnnS: ion front t act to we -re 'Phe
hallow ler .t-i:I react to Weber. irn-
m dalr'y brhrd ;hi ss stoma-' britt -
ins n , harp drop in I nlp.•rature
but th• chant, will be o' short du:a-
t•oat. A'iooenr thr o days nit tither
s:d • of eiuntlay 211h. is another eein-
m'c p.•r.od. lu which cnrr•nt
_traph•c r {:ort • tt , 1 erotrnlr y- fell of
ar.hetnnk,• ph.•n. no in various ex-
tr.•nes of the Earth. The Earth is
now prnet•eally ntcay from t' •rterhin;
10( 11,nc . of both Jupiter and Saturn.
h ne We b1,•%,• that enrihpi. 1(1 *
it SI subsid • to n minimum dor n;
the n •tt fete yen re Ilet it roust not
Is. mut 1'tuod }hat midi phcnomt•nn
c o.. tnl ir.•:p : minor S.•iamid
ti storbane s Is :ivy or light. will con -
ems. 10 cou'ornt to ih• t.•isntie per -
ods lalrl doe n iti oar (nr -caste. Prove
it yours•:f. ,\ Ite,tulnr Storm Period
coa•,•r% the Volt to 29th. et•ntra! on
the 27th. look for !a'1:02. barometer
and r sewn! ndee:ded •forms dur-
in,' this 3' tiod. Moon in apogee and
fug on 24th wi:1 pre•cil'ilate storms
coyly in this period. Much' cooler as
April ends.
Church Directory Ct-RM.E3.T
METHODiST CHURCH Slaughter _Salo
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
Sunday Public: Worship -10.30 a.mu.
and 7 p.m.
Class Service -Sunday 0.30 a.m. and
after Morning (Service and Wednes-
day night. -
Young lien's Claw and Lstaalzutatena
Sunday at t p.m
Sunday School and those Classes 2.30
Epworth League -Tuesday at P. p.m
Prayer Meeting-Thursdau at 8 11.01.
Sunday API it 24 -The l'nstor will
pr. net to the utentbera of the I. O. 0.
E. in Ube ntorninr and 'to the young
nr n in The evening.
100 Suits to be Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices
OF -
eady -Made Clothing.
After all it's the Tailor who
stakes a suit a SUCCESS or a
FAILURE. The most fascin-
ating style would he a fizzle if
there were not careful needle
work underneath. That is the
reason our Suits at CM are
better than the suit you boy in
tows: for more money They
are perfect in every way if
not you can have your money
Merchant Tailor.
IWoven hence that is made
and I am selling at the following
low prices: -
6 liar Pence at 24 cts. per rod
7 liar Fence at 27 cts. i'er rod
8 Bar Fence at Jo cls. per rod
Am selling the best
GRANTON. oN TA 1.,()
If you are in need of a good cheap Suit come to us.
Summer Dress Goods
These goods are strong for Ladies Summer Suits and
are very Up-to-date' To retail at per yard
A few only in Blue, Brown and Grey. You have to see
these goods to appreciate them. To retail at
Mercerized Ginghams
In Plain Patterns only
To retail at per yard
Anyone wishing an Up•to-date Hat should not fail to give us a
call. We have a Competent Milliner in the person of MISS MOR -
LOCK. Trade accepted.
We are noted for Our Good Groceries. We buy nothing but
the BEST. Give Us a Call and be Convinc_d that what we say
is Correct.
Highest prices paid for Produce.
I'RE5111. i'A I'ItEF.-R: ad. in order
to further introduce our Toilet nr-
tie.'s, Evaporated perft:m'•s we are
join,[ to give (res with each purchase
of $1.00 and over a towbar premium.
ran tee our arooda ent:$'ac-
tory or refund your money. We want
your trod••. tome in and investigate,
5o trolbte 'lo abow ;Dods.
Net: po.t cards this week. Also local
Edison Phonographs. Records
etc. 1: pafnn j duple. at --
.1. \Vtl.t.t Pn:a ):1.r., - %f.tN.tr.t•:tt
Bus & Dray Business
!laving purchased tho
lilts and Drily business
from Win. Arnold. 1 ro-
heit a shale of \ our 1)at-
i'u1.;Ige'. (.)t'(ICis left. at
the .'(1vocatc OIliee.
T. G. Creech,
'roltt:NTo ANI) RETURN aJ.55.
i"ram Ex.ter with Wets, added for
:Ufa:to:on to Canatiihn National
tiers • Snow. T:ek. is ,good going ApI.
2&:a. r. turn I:m:t May 2nd.
\\'.nn'(►rft and retain. *32.00
1.dtnonton and return. $12.511
• a Chicago or Sarnia and Nor:11 rn
nv. Company.
1'1:1 in•ormaiion ns to (Int s etc. from
J. J. KNIGHT. Di rot Age's..
or write J. 1). Mtll)ONALD, Unioa
Dern,' Toronto. tint.
v for S• ---
0. at Ih C n1 ,' Hotel. Exeter on
+\•' do .-day A1'r,! 27th. nt 12 o'clock
t .h nnoiher :old ni calves for sale.
• 29. on the Blind Lin • Ilay. o:
.neo.', has pt:rchased front G 'tltnan &
. tantetry the r, a'dence of th:' late E.
C. Howard on William street. Mr.
Scott intend: moving to town in ills
'f'it,. showers of the brit port oft he
we k was Just what th ,arta set were
want:aft. There a vas a 'ack of sprier
showers and the crop'. mud :and w r
ui 4u mi
hc;r'nnint to ,suffer, but no s•riouli
dantnge was [lone.
HdwMn Stove & fldrthvdrc Stor
Builders' Supplies. Housecleaning
Supp'ics, Garden 'Cools.
Special Paint for
Housecleaning Time is House ptinting
lime -.the Flames. the Ihase•hnards, the Cupboard.:
the ('hairs. the Tables and a dozen Pieces of F'ur-
nitutt' need re painting nr re -varnishing.
We have :t complete Line of
Sherwin- Williams
Paints and Varnishes
1• rd Lave 1'ait118, Val'tii.lis anti Stains for every
I',untairle Article. Ask for Calor Card.
We can quote you Lowest !'rices on _
Cleveland Spring Coil Wire NI)
l'„nitry "letting, (limen Trots, Houa'cleaf4;t
ing $applies, Err.
The Sign of the ()no Door North of
!'hint Mao
Browning's Drug Story
The Sign of the
Paint Mau
S?ft mmfnmrnn►nr?It tfrIf? nrmmtit It?
new Surlu smtiogs
We guarantee l;estiWorkmanshir, Best Material,
Best Fit and:Prompt Service.
Cornelin and inspectlour materials.
Merchant Tailor --
Exeter, Ontario,
i alAi Us 4U M4 j