Exter Times, 1910-04-21, Page 7ABSLUTh
Littl3 Liver Pills.
Door SL-,nt' uro of
See Fac-Slaale 1Yrapce.r Bciaty,
Yer7 •m.11 and a• our
to tale vats sures.
*es, FOR ME `RA.L11F.
CARTERFOR l:l:1!;P:S3.
f.',R n!:!1;113}:.5:.
pfLis. f!l G:XaTiPATIOM.
Ffid LOLL«W 3Ki11.
al seen !grey •7nr.tar:tviri r•. ; 4-
is ."17=1"33.7.^
C(IRt. e,re. 1, -,..,..Hr?.
Suf er2;1
T e rrli t le
Fur Nino
Pain Mon tha
For Backache, Lame or Weak Back -
one of the commonest and most distressing
symptoms u( kidney inaction, there is no
remedy equal to Doan's Kidney. Pills for
taking out rho stitches. twitches and
twinges, limbering up the stiff back. and
giving perfect comfort.
A medicine that strengthens the kid -
neve so that they are enabled to extract
the poisonous uric acid from the blood
and prevent the chief cause of Rheuma-
Mr. Douggaald A. Metsaac. Broad Cove
Banks, N.S., writes: --"1 was troubled
with my kidneys for nine months. and
suffered with such terrible pains acres..
the salali of my hack all the time that 1
could hardly get around. After taking
two boxes of Doan'. Kidney ''ills 1 began
to fe'4 better. and by the time I had t:teen
three 1 was ccenpletely cured."
. !'rice 50 cents per box. or 3 for SI.25.
all dealers or mailed direct ou receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co.. Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
When ordering seedier '• Doan's-"
Hints for Busy Housekeepers.
Recipes and Other Valuable Information
of Particular Interest to Wooten Polka.
DAINTY DISHES. Ink Stains- Wet with spirits of
Orange Hint. Oranges nicely turpent'ne; after three hours, rub
peeled and quartered, then dipped well.
::1 melted isinglass and rolled in Jar To prevent,
powdered sugar, make a nice side
Sausages are oft(n badly cooked
:eel browned only in streaks. This
truly be avoided by pricking them
with a fork, then fry in butter or
lard, turning frequently until thor-
oughly cooked. Sausages need to
A•-- coax "hus-
order him. band" to your will, rather than
Keep an account of all supplies,
with cost and date when purchased.
I,o.e Tightens lab .r.
Money- Count car 'fully when you
re, rive chnnge.
N mercies -Prick with a pin, and
cook rather slowly after they aro if good, oil will run out.
bre%ned. Orange and Lenton Peel -Dry,
('ouvtnt Eggs ---Make some gout] pound and keep in corked bottles.
"etiun sauce. and let it simmer fur Parsnips ---Keep in ground until
Minutes. Season with pepper sluing.
d salt, and put on a hot dish; ar- Quicksilver and white of an egg
r t,:ge quarters of ham -boiled egg destroys bedbugs.
in a circle on tins, outside it have Bice --Select large, with a clear,
sippet 1 of toast. have some sliced lush look ; old rice may have in -
onions fried a nice brown in but- eects,
ter, and arrange on the eggs; scat- Sugar- For general family use,
ter chopped parsley over, and servo the granulated is best.
hot. Tea --Equal parts of Japan and
:1 Good 'Molasses Pudrl;ng.--Half green are as goad as English break -
a pound each of golden syrup, fast.
bre uderumbs, chopped suet, and Use a cement made of ashes, salt
t,rcacle, the grated rind of a lemon. and water for cracks in stove
1\'I'ER\AT1o\ 11. LESSON,
APRIL, 21.
Leeson 1V. Warning and Invitee
lion. Matt. 11. 20.30. Golden
'I'exl, Mall. 11. 28.
Verse 20. The cities CI111detuned
are (horazin, Bethsaida, rind ('a-
! T It k 1
No one kshwrth the ion Even NALLE'YS COMET DATES
John had sheen his comparative
igr °ranee of the ineaning of Christ's
life The unreasonable crowd who ---
h.td discarded the wailing of John 1'G(Il;1t.111 M E 01' '1'11 E 11 E.tI EN•
al.0 rejected the piping of Jesus.
The favored cities had remained L1' VISITOR'S 1101'1:1:ENT S.
stolidly unrepentant. Only the la-
ther knew hint.
The Son, on lho other hund, is heel► This 11incrary for Reference
elem. in his knowledge of the lea-
ther (an amazing ussuIut)tien if
Jesus is less than the church has Mendes.
always unir zed). l4) a manner that'
is forever beyond others he kun.ss! Beep the dust off your telescopes
God the lather :1lnti ,hty • A and aper, glasses and your weather
,clnaum. a nag ► y war s done
During the Next Two
f+ eye to t!,o sky.Campbell,
10 thus, places and eliewhere con- kr twl"dge' of the lather, also, he ey to IloBroI"iedo is atti made
atituted the reply of Jesus to rho tlninls to he utile to icreal to those
anxious question of Jahn, and to I w -hon' he shall choose, ..Iw utast a special study of the subject, has
hr, as before, the him the Eulluwing to say about the ad -
tit 1 unstable,
demise unlltitudes ho pleLrarle'I' vent of Halley's ."met
heti declared that these works were; 2`•30. 'Phase xhu arc x'ithuut this „
h s vindication, icouununic:tted knowledge of the On the Irt11 of ifav the comet
They repented not --.Must of them Father are plowing a hard furrow, arc saes back into the c•veuing sky,
were Jews, who had no conception and mast labor xithout rest,
and an.i will be about that time at its
of a necessary change of heart be -'a1' ne. 1,' they will c:,n,c unto biggest and ne:uest to earth. It is
fore they could belong to the king-I('hrist, and le:Irn the Father's will at about that time also that earth
dart. of G1 d. Al children of .11,rrt_ frail hint who is alum able to trach and moon are expected to pass
loon, and therefore suns of G d, it, lie will hear their heavy bur- through the comet's tail. In that
they looked upon their membership den with them and make it 'ight, period there will be ten days or so
in the kingdom as a mailer of Th.• yoke is not an extra burden. of wonderful evening views. after
In t only the implement bywhiet► 'which the comet +sill •onicwhat rap -
the old burden i, Made light. It idly retire into space and fade
2! Choraxin-Not mentioned elm, (teem view."
where, either in the Old Testament is not for one, hut for two, to
or the Gospels. 1t was a town "4''. In the deal)!e pull the yoke DATES' OF Al'P1::11::1\('Is.
about two miles from (',peen°°,:,, becomes easy and the burden light. The visit of Ifalley's comet to our
tri..! passed very early into decay skies, after an absence of 75 years,
Betltsaide -- Soino authoriti.•-- 1'1)'1"1(1\ I;now__ N(; 1\ 1\1)11, ;s one of the supreme events of a
think there were two places of ti; lifetime While the popular frenzy
name. :according to this belief 4)111 l'\perilne»is slide 1Viih plank anal superstition associated with
half a teaspoonful of carbonate of Variety is the be;t culinary epic.•. e 1 n shore of the lake. \e .11 ,t w,l
soda, and enough Milk to make a 11'ntc1i your backyard for dirt and the desert -place %here the f„ :loos;
nice dough. Mix well, place in a bone f the u:ultitnde uc(urred. It %a•
g,ca•ed mould, and steam for three Xantippo was n scald. Don't rare 1 t•, the rank of n city 1.y
•tis Bethsaida ,tubas, on the ea From Egypt and lnlerica. its appearance in 1.136 are not now
1 to be looked for, it• ie safe to say
' F,x!:erinlents that pace• bee"! that the nightly presence in our sky
made in India in the growing of ' of tit•s •t t
Use beef kidney for this dish
are] you will be delighted with the
result: Slice and lightly fry one
pound of kidney in clarified drip.
ping, then chop it and mix with a
irritate her. I'l:lip, the tetrarch, and given the
Youth is the best preserved by a name of (',.air's daughter, Thu
cheerful temper. , tether Bethsuida wa, on the w:• -t•
Zine -lined sinks sire better than err, shore of the lake, not far front
Was All •Run
Down. Welshed 125 Lbs.
Now Wsigbs 1t$L.
Mr4. M. McCann, Debec Junction, N.B.,
++rites, ••1 wish to tell you what Mil.
buriI d heart and Nerve Pills have done
for tae. Three years ago 1 wall so ruts
down 1 could not do cry own work. I
went to a doctor, and he told me 1 bed
heart trouble and that my nerv(pfywerr all
unstrung. 1 took Ilia medicine, as t:e
ort: r, 1 ":e to du, but it did nee no good.
I then started to take Milburn's Dealt
•end Nerve Pills, and had only taken one
h,x before I started to few;. Fetter, so 1
continued their are until 1 had taken
several boles, and 1 rue now strong and
Act!, and able to do my own work Whets
1 ro,nutenced taking your 1 ills 1 weighed
125 pounds, and now weigh lt•.5 and have
urea birth to a lovely young daughter,
wine!' was a happy tieing in the family.
When 1 commence(' takir.g Milburn's
Heart and Nerve ''ills, 1 could not go
upstairs without resting before 1' got to
the top. 1 Can now go up without any
tro,lble." rr
The price of Milburn's Heart and Nerve
''ilia is fe) cents per box, or :3 boxes foe
41.2, at all dealerl or manned direct on
receipt of price by Tho T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, 'Toronto, Ont.
fades away as it retires into space.
July 7 -Comet crosees Mars'
path, retreating ; again retires bo -
hind the stat during the month of
July 27 -Earth passes the peri-
helion point of comet, where it was
April 19.
August ---Comet passes again into
morning sky, but visible only in
mons er of celestial depths telescopes.
.American cotton seern to detuun- ; wilt excite universal interest. It September 11 -Ono year since
strate that it can be grown success :is with a view of enabling one to discovery of comet by Wolf of Bol-
le:le there," said ('apt. E. V . Web• ; keep track u[ thi; stranger or a d(-lherg, then distant 350,000 miles.
stir, owner ..f a large tea plants time. that the following dates and May 20, 1911 -Comet crosses Ju-
tiun in Ind:a. fact, are brought together:
piter's path, in retreat.
A• D, 1995-1989-HalIey's comet
noxi due.
en ones. t'uprernnum, and wah kn"wil a, If it turns out that India can g g
cgulate the clock isv your bus 11. tlisairl:a of Galilee. Here lived grew a long staple cotton, it will Alurrh 6 --Comet eels 8.03 pen.
1I , 1 h• of immense benefit t.. Europe, Atarch ('Ulllel CtV6cn turtles
breakfast -cupful of bread ; wpbs, a band's watch, and in all a , )urti:,,, 1 ,•n, Andrew,
told 1 hili ,. Thi,path 10%5'1hrud, 'a here earth was 4,
little minced fried onion, made nu nt of time remember the give'. i, the place upbraided by Jesus. 'Le re the cicnulnd fur long staple October 19 last ; speed 1,548 miles "I LOVE" IN 2 'PGi:GUI:S.
mustard, salt and pepper. Bind all Thee• are now but few ruins to
cotton is exceedingly active owing u "limit
with an egg. Form the mixture in- mark the site of the ancient city t" the shortage of the supply from. March 10--('omet sets 7.19 ► In. Here is the, translation of "I
to big cork -shaped pieces, dip into Tyre and Sidon Three two Thur- .- II erica. It had been expected! ?►[arch 18 --Comet right ascension, love"in twenty-seven different
Il'•ur, and arrange in a fryin bas- THREE 1iF.l.PS• t!l:u tin rnitivation of Egyptian 0 hours, 30 minutes; declination, B lenguages,
g g nician towns erre often coupled l4)-'
het. Have deep fat boiling, and To ('lean with Gasoline. - 11_; :id- gether in ancient histol;:, both be- cotton in India would prove a sac' degrets north. English -I love.
when it throws off a blue smoke, ding salt to gasoline �• :, c:4) r1 in: of extreme antiquity. The [4)r• cos,. as the early experim(nts gave. Murch 27- (.'unlet asses behind Gernian-lch Liebe.
plunge in the basket. ('oak all to incur spots front clot trine 4)r floe :ne r was sixty miles northwest of satisfactory results. but it appears the sun, 165,000.000 utiles distant,Italian, Spanish and Portuguese
a rich brown color, drain and most delicate fabrics without le ). ('upernaum, and Sidon, forty miles r"''v that the successful cath. at ion , 11,1 1 enters ►nurnin sk Als-Arno.
sc•ve, ing a ring around the edges north. Ir rum both plans the of Egyptian cotton in India is ,;,,,, s ,, K y' Oreek-Agapo.
naelically ;m USSible• e' 1111,1%' path coming. P
Spinach, Bohemian Style. --Wash cleaned. Many' a cleaner's hill can crowds enmm to attend upon the t P1. I)ntelt --Ik be l iii
>; I u.
be saved by using gasoline in the; ministry of Jesus(Luke 6. 17 . The ...rhe climate, it. seems, is untav- March 2t -('°met now in morning Dutch- Ik bemire
the:rou_ Illy and )ick over one-half )oak, till Slay 1't, and, tilling earlier
peck spinach. Put in boiling salt -way Ilcvised 1'rrsion make, i1 pion orable, and while the cotton reach anti earlier before the sun u , )roeh• Breton -Karan.
rd water and let lee' twenty to Butterfly haws.- -The embroider -:(Mark 7. 21, :11) that Je,us visited' ''s maturity, the quality is inferior. 1 c., the mute. 1 1 Japanese -- Watakust wasuki
thirty minutes, then strain and cel bulierlly' bows worn with the Di( se town- which belonged to the ItLast was explained
there were no eowings•f 'larch :31-('omet begins to be masae
paras out all the water and chop embroidered collars are difficult t,p "way of the Gentiles." He was explained that the deterior- I aocu in coat before aunties. ('amhodgese-Khuhcrn srelaud.
fine Brown twr le•nspoonfuls'lour lacnder, as nearly everyone sex's apparently s4) impressed b1 the c tg- atiuu in qunutity and quality vvaa.
Danish-Jeg elskor.
with one of butter and add the the cross
picas to tl` bow, 1 have crness of these people, w.hl,se light slur to 1:1 1 eullivuti''n un the part; i►,1Ti: 1'O1; :11'1{11..\\D MAY Swedish -Jag alskar.
chopped spinach, mix thoroughly h'und this plan aaUsfact4)n and ned opportunities were s4) much '.f the riots,' ant! that artless cul -i Polish-Knchani.
Basque-maitatzenden t.
Algerian Arabic-Nehabli.
Egyptian Arabic ---N ef'aI .
Persian -')oust daretn.
Hindustani --Main bolta.
Annanlite--Tei tha on'g.
Chinese--Oui hi bouau.
Vol:tpttk--Lt fob.
1VIIINKLF.S, and then add one pint of Heel ..,ares sewing every time a collar is less, in contrast to the enbclief of t:.ati''n ,hould be inlpruved and April 1 -Comet's distance, 130, -
beef stock ; mix thoroughly and laundered: Buttonhole a strip of those who were his awn kin, that hl• "efferent irrigation obtained as 000 n00 miles.
Worry continues to be easily the keep stirring while boiling for live':linen to About two and ane -hull believed it they hud been p;ivcn.'":)sly us March and April, there! April 4 -Comet rises, 4.4.1 a.m.
hes' anti fat. minutes; season to falls with salt 1inches in length on each side, ri- equal opportunity, they would have, no likelihood (if };gyptian cot-1,i'anr10012-Cutnet n►miug more
.Sin may be ugly, but it often and pepper. Servo on small plat- 1 titer a straight or scalloped edge, repented long ago. el t r. being a general field crop in; .6- n1,itc. i I hour.
takes to beauty culture. ter and garnish with fried eggs. Tho AS desired: then sew n small snap `_'2. More tolerable for Tyre and Ind'n. 1 April 16 -('unlet rise», 3.43 a.m.
A man's opinion of himself is fele ('Kits can be omitted if you wish.' fastener to the strip to fano u loop. Sicl•'n--Tenclting that judgment will ''The Government of Bombay ist April 19 - -Cone t at perihelion --
irc•m beingThar is a palatable dish, ns well as Make the 1„Irp jtist large enough to 1'r.•ceed according to the advent -
step, to obtain these condi-,neatest the bun: speed fastest, 1, -
imperial. a tonic, for it cleanse the blood cl4-ire!e• the bow and fasten the cue''+ which people, hate had, and 11'ms, but though sufficient water
illiles a minute.
It 4)y toast make your utak, use awl clears the complexion. it s:,ctp. Trus rill hold the two parts til use they hnv^ made of thrnl, rely 1' Provided in the spring, it is! April 21 -Comet rieee 3.09 a.m:;
a k-- it will rub off. should be a ten freely this till. al of the haw securely and when it is guilt and r. ndrulnntion being runt- difht•cllt t.. ser how the eystciii (,fi naw` turns back east among the
bloat mai have ambition, but it's year. soiled, instead of ripping and sew•' time ; cultivrution Grin be improved. The
application that counts. Galantine can be very well made l in, all 111211 is necessary is to un- 2't• ('apernaum--The headqual- nut' i+ conservative, and once hav- • May t C'umct' + distance troll) the
Love makes the world go r.,,:r.l from cooked meat, and makes a ! fasten the snap and the three parts ter., of Jesus during the (:abler an Ir.g tri(d, with sn,nll laic."., the `; (rthy G:;,Oaw v(w0 rniles; etas. to
because it intoxicates a fellu.v .er;; useful dish for almost any ! 0r separated. 1)• rarnistr%-Lis "own city" (matt. Ir. , cultivatior1 of the long Maple nil• in the . ky to day.
He is a fortunate loan who reve r occasion. Take half a pound of 1 Eerping Child ('overt -d, --it is al- 1) So completely have the traces' l.gyptinn, hr is mol likely to In '
May 0--('ouu t rises, 2.34 a.nt. ;
knows when he gets the worst of it. eel(' meal, free from skin and fat, 1 ways a difficult problem to keep a of ('nperncuun been obliterated nRni The Guvrrnmrnt, th(refure,; t'clrth misses cone is path, whore Going to sleep in church is like -
It is easy to laugh at misforlutie and one quarter of a pound of ham .ch:1(1 col,+red when in bed. Sew since its destruction that n !engines will have to turn to America and comet will be Mae 20, but not in ly to be no more awkward and
until you get a personal intr',du.•• or lean bacon- l'ass the meeat�tsee Pirtle; of inch wide tape tli, a, yet unsettled controversy ons "we plane.
1 -they countries in its efforts to es- fade a thimg thou waking up sud
tion. through a mincing -machine, or chop dr•ired length to each side of the.
',cell wage<I u,er the gmcrtiu►t of tuhli•h a long staple crop in Li I stMay 7--('omet 5 degrees south of (14-1(1} i'I church. An iteral in a
The world owes you a living. ht.t it very finely. Put it into a basin; mattress and work a strong butnui- (lamina ['errant
Ii 1 lul'nt1,n. dna - in fact, it already has turned. e..1't1I r: p,aper aptly' Illllstrales l}IIA.
you roust be your own (Icht 1 ,''• , - , with a breakfa;t-cupful of bread- liole in the end of each tape. $rx- ILxslted unto hea.in -:t11 cutup- i t" America. 111 acclimatized :1m• ! 11a} ri-('nmet rises, 'd. 10 a.m. N„ doubt the lady, who behaved
Thr�ruuths, one egg, ands, gill 4)F milk. two buttons on the blanket or shed tattoo of the prophecy in Iso. 14. eri••an variety known as 'burhi' cert.
(1"vet's greatest elongation .rest of herself admirably under the eir-
Iflarl xhe has had the r,.. .0 it rather highly with pup - rural the child ,leo 4)n one quilt- 13-15. Was ever city more highly-tiun'•s t•,
give successful results in, tar luno, as b''''4) from the earth• emlr.stanccs, was quite ns much em living generally vaur nese I e and salt, and add n little nut -
1 le buttons far enough apart, fn.' 1411 it x81 the ,.,', pI..1 the central provinces and in )leu-�( "n1Ct l0 dec,rrs�north of Venus• banaesc(i as her hmsbaud.
most.:►bunt tieing. rneR, atoll it into n well -floured
• sag; thirty inches, to 811ow the child, where Jest's ea. said 1. I,.• .,( ea,, and the area under Cultivation, 11:ay 0_(
"( """ ` crosses coal' Major Young went to sleep Sun
' fret dem of movement in turnip helm." (Murk 2. I, marc.t • is brio. path retreating.
g g gradually extended." ` d 13 ire church just before the plate
You cantd e u . - I cloth and Let i boilfor K (f a man's I n t t f r nn hour.
portance from the not -e he to'hoe: Take it up 8011 put n board on it
at the tell phone. with a weight on the top. When
.,ny fool can barn from oxperi cold remove the cloth, dust over
,oleo, but it i•: .,t,ly the wise n 8.1 bre w•it brendc•rurnbs, and love.
preftte from the experiene-1 4.1
Apple Sauces- Use salt in apple
is Specieily Calculated to Cure All Dia
eases of the 'fltroat attd Lan s.
Coughs, Coles, Bronchitis, Sore Threat.
Hoarocaess, Croup, Pain or Tightses in
the Chest; and all Bronchial Trouble,
yield ,lnirlly to the rnrntite pnlr,rrr n!
this p,iaca of pect0rll ren:edi'l It
cont:°tie all the. virtues of the wml+'
famous Norway pine tree, combiner:
with Wild Cherry dark, and the eoothii.g
healing and e4px'ctorant propertize vat
other excellent herbs and barite.
)4+4, +++ +.44 Mrs. John Pelel',
• 11'ind.er, Omar e
tls.ty writes "1 war
♦ ha king ttouhlyd w iib a bas-
♦ Couph. ly hacking cough
1:mod. + for the pa. t Aix
+ months and used 1.
♦-♦♦++ 4 ++ lot of different Ie.
medics but tP.ey
did roe no g,x,1. At haat i was advice•,!
by 8 friend 1, try 1)r. 'food's Norway
Pin' Syrup and with the first few (lever
towel greet relief ono to -day my hack-
ing coligli has entirety 'lisrpf'eerrrl and
1 am neer without Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup in the horse.•'
'' Thr price of Dr. Wo/:d'.. Norway fine
Syron i. 25 cents per bottle. 1t is p'It• rp
in n yellow wrapper. three pine tr(vn
the trade mere. ro i,r sere and ,1st of •i
none a! 11,0 1,:4114' 8Ul.atil.ltr4 of the
urigio. "Nerve). fine Syrup.,.
�sa.. �• -.•'..K ' 4).,,., i?• The !., .tat
lenircd, Twe;r.,,, (t:ts,
rover in he'd, 1)111 not °weigh epaee Il rlllec-Th(' term ('1111,'- . • 1 :II ; ,
it 4-:u► crawl out rr"ssw'nya of New Te'lanit•nt 1" 1,e 1
lb. 1,1 1. To hold the buttons firm- abode of departed spar 1'.. ,.1
flay 10--1'"tu(•t rises, 2.24 a.m.: '.a: passed. He snored for rl while
di)tane. front earth, a3,o'k),01)0 in a ladylike wanner. hot suddenly
1\ IiIS'1'OI(II 1 1 111 It. `miles, let out n few links :hat sounder!
lye ,rel k;mp the bedding from tear- lye, it menus "1 hu hi,: i, :e !e;•1,. — 1 :Ilny i9 ('eruct ri,r+, `J.::2 a.m. lik' a truwhonr solo.
ing away from the haft ro eew a II Ha. 11,•,•,, itminine 1.1 1 i'e \lay 11- comet ►i es, 2. 1
Hr re it is used, symboicnily, to to a.m, 1t that point his wife jabbed him
strip 4.1 tape ,e,., the cdp(e of quilt [picture the dr.ointiou and !minified
Hundred lease• 1103 Ill -0,111 1 ri<cs 1.19 a.m. in the ribs with her .heel, which
nee blanket and sew the button, tion t" whi/h tie "nee proud fwd The old cluck un th. I'. .,,s dr+ May 16 -( onset ri.cs, :3.0> a.m.: awakened hint sutlieiently to re-
mark, "Let me alone! (;.t up and
'.dile the tire yourself. It's your
sauce and pie. .1 pinch of salt ad- then the two thicknesses of tope and I/,fty etty shall br .ulr)c..trd. I Joetice, Paris, which ,lopped a ' '11 ,rtes ,oath of 'tae :11pha :'ri-
d d to apple anuce will remote lite quilt., then button the tapes to the 1! the (nighty wr,rk, hail been couple of ytats ago. is again run- ''t''
blanket on each side. 114)11r 111 isodolll, the pro ,Ie, insteafl nin it has ke pt tittle mere ler less 11.1 i i ( "Illrt 1l -r", :1.:1:' 8.111.;
fleet taste so c•:rnmen in the spring, j 1 K 1 'ii iar I_,or1u.(N►tl n ilrs, ,bunt its
Sal.. will also take place of butter of applauding his nuracll s and fol -1 reL,ulnrly fur over five Innldi'' l
i4) apple pie, in fact, is much bet-
offer him 8s n hero, wuule"years ; it has weathered the stele's t:r:,r. t 1;unr wtlhii, hell flat in '1'
hn%e listened 10 1113 it HSsn a and o1 1he Ilrv"lutiun, 110 1'., 1`•:1' 1'coplC west. n rut. of valuable
ter. g " ""''"'• tine 1„uking for thing., where they
hailed him ns their deliverer. If, nun,ct"la•• w,4)•. and .i( ::, • It I'ari., 1111• !. I:nrth and 4-ottmt pais' i err nut.
Baking Help. 11) when gems and l,h tour S"do»I, in n 11:1' ..1 .nl:lll thing...! (luring all that time it. 1.011::. io,t,, int_ ,,••.4)•t in (oujuneti'11 with the
csku stick to lin in which they are n 1 Iing Lar wee blotted mat f .r it. iniquity, haw iso 1 hands having mu.'•d around yore .,rt the nearer side, rind at the .1 small boy's idea of an enter•
baked, wring a cloth reit et cold 1 t ( fl t.►. t.• 1 K tau•nlrnt, is ant kind of n vat
881er, spread on an uncovered Hulk In great si Id ire the 1"ndl•rimationland pointing the hour ray and s'i't' mite at fleec,ndiitg null,•, the g kering
table and Iny tint upon the same, 1 I f of ('rlpernau111: night, and justifying the nano. ,.f t t• resulting in n transit . t the
"Lcre refreshments are served.
leaving it for a minute 4)r twee. 1 eget nbles for salad should be 25-:30. In all the Gesl,'ls there is, the "(Eitel tae 1'H,rl'.ge '• oven' comet across the .mn'• face . e(nr live r "Why a" rind .td mall t"
Mix salt th!'rou,ghly three
minced potatoes before folding 1
e rl re'nK o prevent at
If mustard is Mixed with
s elle -o water it will net dry out.
when the article can be easily taken thoroughly do• or the dressing will nu passage more errhitlII nn ate bleu, time immemorial t., ihr ,tally rir:p, hetwll n I..:I one 1.15 n.m , i)'' . "Sonlrbody premised to lend
out.. In t stick. (bent;e utterance of Jesus than thisi which is overleeke, 1:8.1('141 tour. hence invi•ihlc u, ''.1 a fit• r to -day, and Use forgot-
the (lour and sugar together our and yet it curers everything! The tower known as the ('om, Ill counts:. tint bete fell 6.11 and tin who it was.''
Biscuit Ihntgh.•'''Ilea yon Itavo K K that John'• I;ost' 1 claims (orae 1• 11 rlo'e" xis com rltt,'41 un- i.1, nom., 1;leet►wiell time, 1,4l1((
turf or baking powder hi.lnit dough dry for fine -•inn, then ndd '„oiled I i
ready for cutting, ill..lea'I of making water and .fir. thrust.
•der Philipp;• Ir Ilea, nboni I::I::. end `i iblr 111 I:urupc..1•in and .Ifrien. [jam /� j� - �- --
plain heeeel., spread the dough with Stir may onnat with an egg Lard of heaven nn'I earth fol more than half n cruture the h::'rth and ,noon now proceed to 17 r. t3.,(,!.• -f .44
butter, sprinkle with surges, and heater if tinnio,l. For smooth i s' lo(,411se the 1 :Ilhrl is "eh'It 1. 11""used to hr Mile" fl
h. ,it through the cc,met's tail, but
duet lightly with ein11Iii , roll ins blend with a fork not a spoon I,e.�,blr for him to 11 ake known his :, 1,411. in 1370 eV. l,lop..•. 1 ,+unroof result
like n jelly roll, nn:l cut into Slices if the .:t,(.var i, healed h, fere all 'v,!f 111114) "hem b'• trill. 110 has no t. 1111e a big .leek made to reels, 4. 11;1; 1!1. •t'omet again in evening p --
t111 1111`1 Ihlek and hake P. ill,• dressing 4 -,•II ;Iltllllr:lll"II, f„1' ''love' who r1IY` 1! he •I` •. 1, ie 1)
(MO` o.eu. Their are excellent dle.
(erred:lentlt wl•' In their earl II/1- 11,ts rituplt enllett rl ' nthlhine '':t.1! 11'0%iu'• rnt.i,li+ ; t"'da' •'' de
tk in a Inutl (ling i ssing it will not cot I II, and in those (1,13 4 a ,.;,„.k a. I ,I1,ng 1'. 1 higher in west, ;ii doer: Blood
wit1. tea or coffee for lunch or Mak a slit tltrougIIiI,' orkr,,,lte .ler-t,ltdinu, hut 10 those who are' chart.- V •larehr'(I in vain for (in gip peri a .,r 1l,lerbttrun. u < The preseneeofheancciunear: so%tvs
owl, downuons, and, tberet..re. he�ei ""''
11nt'SEKEE1'1•,11'S ,1I.l'H,1III•:T.
Itrnnms---11ang in the cellarwat
to keep soft and pliant. Ir.11iO1''1 WINTERS.
('tanherries--keep tinder v tiler In 12',4 the entire width of the
in cellar; ehaege 0(iter monthly. I
Baltic tea wag crossed by sledge.
Dish of hot water set in oven In 13341 a great many' pereons were
pre% eels eake.t, c•ie., from scorch- f ezen to deet!' in I:nglnnd. In
ing 1.1n') the DaterLe was frozen tip
1:,,•e1•nni„ time. hrallh ,Ind Dem her estier1•. in the (Black Sen.
nee lie- and you will never beg. 1 In 116!1 all vines in Frame, were
'..0r -Keep cool. dry and secure -I killed by frost. in in(ttl and lee..
le 4eke! ed. r ,f the port o1 \iarscilles was 141,.0
(;la's- ( lean with a quart off over nn11 I1, •1 war great snf►eri,,•,
v alter mixed with tablespoon of and di -1 r.• 181 17)1!► lienee wa •
aru111,-11 11. j icebound from north 1 south Ow '
olive eil h( yin l•!e heart, .I :'• babe•, rind then-
al eight :rn Ir. the 1. I. 1,• d' 1•' i” 11". the truth 1
lx•ll 1111" tit• Ilrl•.cir11t a'Itholit etre l"•,1 •.Ii, 10. 1s
ir4U13 to re
�I:r1t ersonrll rlftcn ''t ss leo ,• it an* ern pleasing• -
re Inet1.1• la premple( tin(I 111
breakfast. )til( rend prop tit h.•Il tell,. its that there a( another disesse
--••'• .t K n the oil I4 Ilsop. 'rt whi,'h, although we 4).,.e Col 1,r 38:rn' 11
it, is still rxel'ting it• baneful influence,
,apples -Keel' in dry place as (,"I I Itc 1, ft 1 H '
a. p.•Ssihlr` V.ithrrlll rlvezing. 71 that
11i 1 me e. (r rev. n io11 wit,. that
,Hisao capable of making it in Mist \l.t\ _''' !'""'"t ,•i�. 14.11 11,111.,
Called MIMI n to plot's ( ;1.1111an 11:1'. '1 f i�1•1 ' in l +t i l' It was
ern ,Indo named einrieh Voll 1'fe, • emeriti ;le. • I 11- ne,.nr 11'•lobrr 1 ;
•, ,Ill 11111.r ""�, 11':1`. ':1-.•-/,,..-11.• , '
t" )4)i t n clerk uhlCh would mark n::111 ('o n, : •.•t-. U.1�' I..nn.
Illy preferred to bare 111 his king- the hour fee the 'Ittillg. .rf Pariii - 1f :1+ •21 1' an-) `et., !, J; p.)11. ;
rl1 m teachable Children rather than meal. i l nr„ - ;' .I,•gle, • north of ''roc•
rl) rogant pretenders. Jeene as- '1'h(• clove. x"rkm:in leek n1,13'011
stones an absolute knowledge of the !edgings in the noel' r, h11) the task. 11at a:. a wee' •.11., Ines p.m.
motives which Kempf (lee to 4)e- he had nedrrtaken ane e, r -,.I. ,e.l flat _,i (on,e) rets, 11111 p.m,
ti"II• of retell ntngltllt,tle 111.1) lie ,e r bel 1ln, ''.i 1',•h.1'4 '. iQ, 10.5.5 p.nt,
''27. All (hinge . . delivered 11110 (1,.1sn in the tetter, tem' I:�• ,, • ,!i, 1• M 1, 'f t "met 'et•', 11.1)0 1).11, 1
hie- -The authority which the tech•r for the 11.i "1 hi. life. 11• .1 .i !„i .,• I,•'n,iith calth•s tooth, nt a
lies in !leaf en and earth he ceniteits o,.rk, indeed, foi few pie(' • . i 11 -1,1,11' therefrom of about 6,IIg6,-
tu his Sots. .fesus exeici-, 1 that ( ranijrn in, voted by human • ,,,11 o l,;et, .t nitrating imlo spare.
::i)Ih'•rity rimier elle !Mei:iteom• ..f e'. , !a led Ions; The 41:81 tri• '„ \I,1+ (,•iurl 'el,. 11.17 p.m.
111'• f1e•eh, but, tufo'',..,' •n lour +,a• t1,Irly Inv,• feel in 21114;, e,. 11,1, _ tolnet •.e1-, 11.`_'_2 p.m,
tion glory. he a --tom rl i1 in full :p,,1 Ile•• decoration f"rnlim•i a !. ••,..•
31 1111 ('tllhl` 1 1'(11 arid I 1 k t i 1 ' �:.1 Illtla (,C 1111rdu Blond linter.' else' f•,1 veers
1 tl d r i t 1 II e
and pe riajpa (awsiline as Ipp,ortoull •”
a,.ert itself plainly.
leen :ming all kine!+ of he•sdarhe., and li
yell will only give 0 a trial we are'•are it
Will 1111 for {you %bit it ha., done for thou -
'and. .1 others.
♦ •'f 4-♦ ♦♦♦ Mr*. John Conners,
♦ headache ♦ IturIiisgt0n N9.,
+ and 4 writr( -" t hate ►:ern
♦ + ttuulled with 1 ••sd•
+ Cared. ♦ ,elle i,2 ronstipshnn
+ ♦ fora long time, After
♦ i ♦♦♦+♦♦ truing elide•rrut dee•
toff medicine a (tired
:..:cd me to try P.ur,Fs•k Blood Bitten+.
l tont I act timtlrlelely cured after h1.iug
taken three bottles, 1 can safely 1ec.,:n'
11:1, .'n 1'"44'01 ,ct•', 14.2:; p.m, n'31l'I 1• !n all.
o ,on►. 1l •1�,, sent forth the d, ,Ipl'tle to 1,• +,i!': itrt!.tir• figure. and 1 .� ., �•..•.'
i1t'rbs Gni:.:•r wlien Leg111b11:Q Io' ire rx(ril(hli ler mile. \fn'. ..•1 1 "rue) .rt• , 11.1!) p, ; Tee' 4.e!^ le l4) '!rhe 1.
K euld.1. loco •rent hien sruong all nations; vat,,.aced twenty one feel in he.e'lt n • ci „finally ,tpy,roaehc• the sun '814'1 alit, b• elle 1'. \tilliina
bloc+. -n: ; keep ie paper sacks. Bit tis and ,►r.imals dire) of 0, 1(1• 111 'U- 2s. 18). laud wvs ,event-c•en fact wide. 1111,8 it, as :leen flotn lir earl! . and 1 .., , 1 a;:e.l, [.,rnu:e•, Ow. -
-fir' 4