HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-21, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, APRIL 21st 1910 ri•t••NN•N•N•N••••!••••N•tl►••NttNNt1NNN•••N••• • • • • The lVlolsons Bank CAP TAL (paid up) RESERVE FUND Has 66 Branches Incorporated 1836 $3 500.00000 .... 183,500.000.00 • • • • Pain• Heart "For two years I had pain in my heart, back and left side. in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all then ' Could not draw a deep breath Principal Cities in the World. • or lie on left side, and any little General Banking Business Transacted. exertion would cause palpita- • tion. Under advice I took • Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and • at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. • Nervine. I took about thirteen • Dickson & Carling. Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager • bottles, le , am in better health than • fI1PNN•NN•NNN•N•••••••NSN•N•••••••••••••• I ever was, and have gained 14 pounds." MRS. LILLIE TI1O\IAS, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. For many years Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has been very successful in the treatment of heart troubles, because of its tonic effect upon the heart nerves and muscles. Even in ''et• . cases of long standing it has frequently prolonged life for many years after doctors had given up all hope, as proven by thousands of letters we have re- ceived from grateful people. Price $1.00 at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, send price to us. we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto, Savings Bank Department THE CANADIAN BANK QF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHEI► 1867 S. E. WALKER, President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Paid-up Capital, 810,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries. FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 123 Exeter Branch -G. \ Harrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. FAT H ER! MOTH ER! A Business Education is the greatest legacy you can leaue your children. NVe get down to the be - d rock foundation 'n of living ' vin R business science, and assist worthy graduatas to the choice positions. Enter any day. \. Indiuulual ) in- .•1• dividual instruction. Il o in e I study courses in SeniorTeachers Matriculation and Commercialsubjects, {. Send for particulars. a t Affiliated with Commercial Educator's' Assocrasion of ('aoa- da EASTER TERM OPENS MARCH sq. \\•rile for particulars Clinton Business College + + + • Now is 'the time of the year when • farmers should be seeing about their .,• supply of Seeds for spring. We have •a large supply of • f C:ovtr. Alsy ke, Tim- ' othy. Millet Alfalfa and other field Geo. Spotton,Principal. al. seeds. When good. clenn seeds ore wanted. do not forger that we carry tH•++++•t••i+';'++++++++++Y++•1+v the beat, Call and examine them and get our prices. -S. liltliW\. We beg 'to announce to the farmers reluiring seeds that we are offering for ea:e a large stock of Iced C:over. i Alsike. Timothy. Blue Grass, Millett. Alsike and Timothy mixed. and Al- falfa Clover Seed. wh:ch were op •cial- ly selected for our retail trade. and NOW IS T1IE fl66D1&I T1IBC to(othat Painting, Pa- pering or Graining, To have it (lone promptly and properly go to •1. ■■ • Crediton, Ont. Prices Bight and satisfaction guaranteed. Crediton �L,,//i�I;SI.L U ICTAATFORD, oN-r. Three departments Corn- -o.tia0•►y 'puegt.rogg 'pc al -ur phy. We assistgraduates to posi- tions. Th demand upon us for rand help greatly l•x- seeds the suppiy. The three most recently placed are re- ceiving $40.00. $50.00 and SlOO per month respectively. Bus- iness teen state our graduates are the be•.t. Enter our c:afw- es now. G. t our free cata:ogue 1) 1 •1 ,\' 1 . 1'r1nripal. • cannot be surpassed for purity and sgermination. Get our prices before snaking your purchases. We bare • also a limited quantity of "Mite - ! Eine ♦ Giant" Seed Oats for male. That new Zoat is from Sweden and was the ad- s miration of nil who saw it growing • !ast 'teason. it is a heavy cropper • stands up Weil, and in section% where • conditions were favorable this past • season yielded V5 bus. to the Here. If • you are going to try a new oat. pro- fcure n few bnshe:s of this variety. A call solicited. -C. %W. ICI: Elt. Mr. John F. \V. in recently di'posed • of a heavy draught horse to Mr. Jack • Corrsey Liman. for the neat sum o: • :1100.0", Sir. Coors, y re -sold the •N••••••••••••••••••••••• hors• in 1Vinnip•-e for $300.00. Thia wan on' o: the finest horn.•(( to !cave theoe parts. a. + .Ii. i, i m ott t c �h i Pi i cndin n few day-.) visiting with her parents in Mi-:,. Lizzie Woife. who has been v.citing with friends and relatives for a few we.eks' in Detroit. returned horn' I'nureday evening. Ilou'c cteanin,; is the order of the day. Mics •Meanda Trick returned io Stratford on Saturday after aprndine + \ l few w e• a w' c s .1 )a f k with her ar nl r I and Mrs. Christian Trick. Mrs. Sam. Lamport. olio has Leen ill is rapidly recoverin;. • It,v. John Finkn.•iner left for his home in lohn%tow•n after spending it :ew- we•ka with his parent' and bro. :her. Everybody LI getting the. fishing fad. Ilavc pity on the poor suck if you desire good ani at- People are livinr high these day=. tractive Hills for your roar Mr. At. pint 1:nhn. nt St rat ford. • th1s season at a mod e•rac pent Sunday in sown tisitinr fricnrle. most. your went' ca + be 111111 -Mr. and NIT -A..1. Iliti returned host Menday ete n at,: aft r attending n ttedd;n,t in London. M'e s Kc.I,rnann. of Dnehwood. vent Ha.urday in town the guest of \I.`% Love. Rev. 'lean left foP Berlin. on Mort• day morn n. to attend the Canute ('onferenc•. Mr. Gottlob Braun wit; cr:n'liiet . he service Sunday morning :mil th he aoung . a dieu f' Ir c or a w i I 81askier dnei not cre children of bed -lake the meet Sunday evening. + Wig. There is a cnn'titntional muco for \I r, i'raecr Hrow ti wits in London on is trouble. Nfrs. 1.1. Summers, Rex SI, Monday en sioeneas indaor, Oat., will send frco to any mother )1 s 1... i;.n Geiser was in London on successful home treatment, with frill • ;a r.i rda e. strut -lions. Pend no monev,hut wi ito her Ile .. .John I':nkbe;ir. r. of Johnin or day if your children treuldo yen in this oce utecd the pu.pit in 111 • I',Yan,telir.: pay. Don't blame o child,the chs ees chute l► morn n. and ec t• n, , o , 14 .u- •ro it ain't help it. This treatment alio day !a H. d•'livered t n n ext 1 nt tures adults and ne- d people troubled with • ern] at - . arise difficulties byday or night. NI • s Addie 3foy,•r. %vho has b••n Pianos to Rent $'L per Month 1: ild 1'p. 6 months rent allowed on the purchase of a new Piano S. MARTIN & SON d at. t his o'ice on t h • short - eat notice. A large rani • of choice cuts is nt your di.podal A free notice of the route will be printed in the 'rim •s. Lave your orders early and yon, will be 'titre of intisfne;ion. Special Nodose BETTER THAN SPANKING. v:shift.• with her a +ter. Mrs. hainu,fl lirauu. for a few week's returned to Iterlin Monday morning. Wouldn't it Le a good idea if the baseball boys get at practising. or don't they need any/ Jl:_s Eva Ilirttel le: t for Capac,t after spending a few weeks with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. al. llirtz,•l. Mies Della Braun spent a day in Dashwood last week visiting relatives. Mr. Wm. Triebn: r paid our town a 'flying visit on Sunday last. Dr. McCue. of Centralia, spent Sat- urday in town visiting his old friends. Mr. Fred F, nkb incr. t ha has been so seriously ill, is doing nicely. WL. were • .I very surprised rise d to see him h m up town. We hope he will continue to improve. Mr. Garnet Rau left for the west Tuesday morn:n;. Garnet has accept- ed a job as pitcher in one of the base. - ball tienni th re. \V.. thought tr• would sure hay: Garnet on the Cr 41 • ton team. this sunam 7. A lot of friend% and neighbors gath- ered •at the home of Mr. and Mr, Matthew Ftnkh,in •r on Thursday ev- ening to celebrate her sixtieth birth- day. The fore fart of the evening was spent in chattier and amu.c•ments They a.l Pat down to a table which was loaded with good things. The lat- r part of thi evening was spent in ,.tl, :ng and giving addreslsta. They return 'd home at an early hour "n the mornin; and were all we:1 plc:. -- ed with the night's fun. The committee which was appointed ed for the 29th celebration held a meeting on 'Monday !oat. They in- tend hav:ny all kinds of sports and amon r the+• sports will be a baby show. St••ph •n ;a well blessed. We understand thy are going to appoint o:d bachelors for judges. It would be wdl to appo'nt some of them who ate b end of th:'r � g ea o r � through Krol h the township looking for honors and asking how the babi;a and moth- ers are. Thfy should give them a chance to exorcise their judging abi:• %ties. Mr. Steinaek.•r i; having' a kitchen constructed to th• Lack of h:s house. Mr. Hellin hos the contract of the job. The farm •rs lbat were so discon- tent d because it didn't rain are not. contented. When will the wrath rein be right? Trevt•th'ck and ilodgins our popular car- alt,, d. n!ers, who nindc a record so o' bugg!(a las year. have again ret .v d a :ar:e con.igntnent of op- t-. date buggies in the latest .=tyl,•s ad designs. Th••y have all" kinds to ehaose from and inr •nd;nr purchasers This Medicine Is Breathed 1 Have You a Cold? -It Can Be Completely Cured By Catarrhozone It Quickly Cures Whooping Cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hay -Fever, Asthma, and Colds. Catarrhozone Is not like other reme- dies. but Is po healing and soothing that when It Is breathed through the Inhaler It kill:( the germs that cause discuses of the throat and lungs. ('ntarrhoznne quickly soothes and heals the mucous surfaces so that In a short time the whole raucous lining is healed. 1f you are subject to throat irrita- tion 4)r hove n tendency to consump- tion you should use the "Medicine that is breathed." Thousands who have used it tell of ito merit. Air which you breathe through tho Catarrhozone Inhaler carries healing to the very spot affected, and Utero Is no chance of failure by going to the wrong place. That 1s why It cures. Catarrhozone A!Trete eel by Ooct•,r:•. Druggists, and thousands of Canadian people who have used it. l.ittl: drupe of healing ter weak places In th.• throat and nn=a1 passages -that's ('atarrh•,zone. Three Alava. 25c., 5oe, and $1.On. at tlntgglst1 or by mn11, po.tpa11. front The l'atarrhezone Co, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston. Ont. will make no mistake int canine and I .nspcctln; th:ir stock. 'I'h:• sales they are urakin; at present speak for th••iu- se•Ivts and they coalaider it no truuolt• to .,hu,v you :heir goods. Klrkton add Kirkton We tar: still auxious:y luoltiul; for Eli.: coiner. Miss Laura '1lar:•ha!l, of •Stutiro. spent last 'Monday evening •:u Our berg. r;;. Slr. Win. \loon., St. Mary';. spent a few days :alit week in tin• tillage. \l.• sr.a. Jos. Kirk acid Cha=. Irvine :..•ft on •91uud:ly ler a trip thron(1$ I ti • \1:-.i It.•rtha Ltuiluu or Metropolitan V -itinq at 51r. Ira Marshall's. Mr. 11. '%'iauu, lit. i\farye. Kuuday.il in . it • village. .118, .1ohn 151eCurdy, who is at pr. - -nt a patient in th.• General Hospital, Toronto, %.a, w. ur • glad to hear, bet- ,:te: ;Fong sic Ay, ueamiy tramps, • Stomach was Bloated r A Bad Case That Proves Cramps and Stomach Dis- orders are Cured Fast by Nerviline. "The distress I suffered from cramps last summer was eo severe 1 thought it meant death," write 1'. 1t. Emerson, . of Guy's 11111, 1'. 0. "I was doubled up ' tvlth pain end in such bad slutpo I I couldn't walk a hundred feet. I re- membered having Nervilino on hand' and took half a teaspoonful In sweet - cited water. in five minutes I was well ! and my stomach derangements disap- pcared rntliely." NERVILINE C;rand bend AN INSTANT RELIEF \fare Oliver has returned horse af- t r receiving treatment ail Toronto. For cramps, flatulence, diarrhoea and I Mr.and 'ales. W. 11. Hamilton 1, -ft dI,orders of the stomach and bowels, 1. r • Thursday Inst. for I'ort Stan- Nervillne knows no equal -one million !.-y where they visited Oil Monday, bottles used every year -fifty years on ' !covin; Monday for British Co:nutbi:,. the mark,•t. (hut's peon[ enough o1 Its (nn Tuesday even:t1 previous to their merit. Largo bottle, 50e., trial alae, d •parture about forty friends and r.•!- 26e. All dealers or 'rbc Cataerhozo>i• f nut, .a gathered at the borne of Mr. Company, Kingltton, Ont. and Mrs. 'Frank C •rourette in h0110f I of Mr. and \I r:" Hamilton. Mr. farm •15 will tired a oi;14' watchman ll:utt:lton an'. pr, a•nted with a nicer- to :ward ih.•ir properly, ,ehaom pipe and cast+ and Mao. 1l•tmil- th an sad.)' ;nixed. and he maid 11i:• ton with a 'beautiful large bible Mr. 'arbonrd ox was on the starboard a'd,• M -:vitt Dodds read the addreaa while and the starboard oa on th • larboard me., (: rontettc and Was Venetia Itn- -:d lout the horse and .osi in the 1 v. lle after n su:tnb'.e reply from Mr. rerg n--. No s:rious damage ryas done Ilamiltoaa dainty lunch was a•re.d. '1'h• po-s.)i.ity of'Ihi:i eireui. be- th -ti the hour hien- tat • 1 he friend+ i4).' divid •d at tit • cumin -r eonler •ncc t'.•parated after .inting "w'r Shall • causing con•,: I tab a disco-siou and 31 et Beyond ;hi. River." 1'o!Iowiu; .h• out corn. tvi:l be an 'Ow: r await- , :he address: Mr. and Mrs. Ilamilton t.t. O.d lice are hard to Or :.k. Ir .r Friends. -We. yot:r ; riIuds and ----------- I..:ative have nesembltel here this Zurich t•v:•1'0 r for the putties • u; biddiu r you farewell and we feel teat we con- Mr. lforac• Schi:ne L. !aid not i t you depart from our u,'.d,t Hort with a tad cu d. withuu, assuring you o? the high tt- • Mr. A h•rt 11' denian .Jr. off titration in wlsicb you are h_:d by all. .tow;his w"ick. We unite in wishint; You everything \1 n r. Johnn 1'rct•ter i:. able to b .hat is hood and we trust that you after an i;lnt'sa o: two weeks. will b bountifully ble•scd in 'your \ir. lien Geiger. of Stiehl ;an. iv r1,- u •w home in 1)ritiah Co:umbla. At. it ,t z his moth r. Mrs -Wing. Go..h •n though w! will be separated more Ln• South. than in .he pa -o the know that your Mr. John Schilh• left yesterday af- thoughts will r. v r t to the o:d horse t •moon. - 0 visit his sons ens' dau;h- and the long as.so. stun. To eapres= errs 'n De';roit, 1 \ 1 r. : .1 u,d r A' b: Schwalm. rt ch n. a slight token o: your hstK►cia nt. nr, g Dons v ,;,' a • with us during :hien long years w•:. in , t h • former s pares'•+, Mr. and desire you Mr. Hamilton to 'accept Sir,. \\:!linin Hrhtva:m. ti1r. Ower ho:hlcr has R t this pipe and yon .Iles. Hamilton thio o d a u i:d- bib:e as a remembrance• of your i.n t :ot to Mr. J. J. turner. on w!ticb. friend,' and relatives in Grand Demi:t ,i ryported. a belch evaporator will which we hope may be enjoyed by you h• built. both for mart' year:* to comp. M I{':znbaah itannie Las a; tin 1'h death look 'place near Grand star;. d h •r we:•k y tr'ps to London li lid on Thursday last of 'Mr. l',oit to roa,inu • 11-r studies in merle. \\ ., 19 Mr \\ iiliarn 'Copp. o: Stratford. on. n• .dyearnand 25 g) dnya• nrr:v:d here on Wednesday rvenln; up just Detroit out Th . young mea had 'been i11 but a fora months vis;( with h: r tons. short time with pneumonia. The fun- T.', Jubilee hand ha'. stnrt••d rae- ral on Saturday- last to Grand lend P t ,:n,; ngnin and w • rr:,Ft that that c m• tery w•na lar;::•Iy attended. 'rh:s is Aly open air cone •rt will b • held makes the 'fifth death in the family Is :Ism)/ as soon as th • w,•ath, r be - during th• past seven months. cum e. favorable. �- Th .• order to have Ate streets clean- ed up for the aumrner is a timely one Mr. and 'Mrs. Carmlebae! intend every citizen r -how'd take ' enough moving to Dublin this week. where Pride in the town to take a share in tth,•y will reside (permanently. They the spring clean-up. We believe that have been highly respected citizens our reputation as a nice clean lilac. - of lac,'of Staffa for a great number of years is „rowing. and it istwoaderfnl what and their departure will be much re- n united effort will do toward furth- grctted by every one. , r improvement. The dark wings of Forrow doiccnded 31:s. Carrie Gallman. left) on 'Wed - on many a brat[ when it was an- n.sday for Stratford for a visit. pounced that Mr.a. W. w'orden had Mita Alli• Fee. of London, is visit - passed to the Great Beyond. Dur'n: int her brother. Mr. Wellington Fee. h:'r illness. which was of :on; data. Gosh •n Line north. tion sh.• suffered great;y. but bore her suffering ind with Christian n fortitude Sh • was surrounded by every possible attention that her loving r.on1 and daughters cou:d bestow. whofound w it difficult to say "Thy ill o' don:•." W. might mingle our falling tears with chose bereaved ones. The sad parting from n tnotlnr ' o ,d •ar:)• cherished fills (u:1 their cup of sor- row. Let us be ccnsolled and My with the poet -There is no death. \\-hat soma Po is transition. This of mortal breath (9 hut a suburb 'r' lite Elysian. Whose portal wi . ' nth. ELI 51"11.1,14: N....4 Sunday toil be Decision Das t and .eI lh• Sunday and etpro,irnni,,l'' pra- t .1 d appropriate '.o the oeea=ion. '1'h • silt •r evening Mei.ni S..1. and .1. .lohn, stat; d oil ro!t breaking and ►ndg'n;t by the de'atedated condiliou el lb • cart. th I colt .I'd most, of the ire .k!n.t, air. l'.•rry- ('ox. who spent 'the wine •r n o'd London. vi -ii in ft relatives, re- tnrra•d recently and is 4'liAiled to b• one., agn'n in Cattail I. Another young teen cent.• with him and has 5 - enr .d employment in Ibis neighbor- hood. Colunibns, (►hio.--"i have taken Il• r dmn Bare ,• n ctrl. Ire n i lr n 10 'n 1 t '% 'e it ur T,ydla E. 1 ulkham . � Fct.t lc t - r c: n new bank barn on Pot 10. Th posed d n r 1 n g telco th y jntend tearing down is on. t+: r chau►o of life. My of .h odeat in this vicinity. ' - '� d4)etor tohl inc it '1 , h ar: i ' Cy Ppr n„ ha n.•rs.hangedin • was Fond, and s!nee nrd r n:' Ih n, -s and farm'r.. hnvit, '' ' taking it 1 fool so ' nit el 11, •ir spring see ne ere note n110 11 better that I enIr•n.: th •it wood. , ,)- ran du all my work Mr. \\'n,. H! -anon hat put in a c- again. 1 t h 1 n k in •nt C• stern jest in 11n11 ;or UI • ` Lydia E. }inkhorn'srf'n- Vegetable Corn- eal' h::., Mr. 'Ed. John t was crosier •., Punnet a line remedy a Isere M1rr:dse with threw horses' nt- for all w4)ntan's inch d to n o :tivater. on • fore• b- r,.' trmth►es, 11111 I Inn to crowd •1 b n :•.lipped and fel: nextas r srg(t toIno te"ll over tip, 'ti d.t.' dragging i li • others ntqq friends what It h (14)144' for " and en:1.tal or along n'"o and Makin r -Ars. E. 11.'NsoN, 80•I East Long `t., r m'x up ,ik • that dest•rited by Coltn»btlx, (Ihio. •a' or who 01 tempiin.1 to plortgh with Another Woman 1ie1p('d. yc1: o" oxen and one bora,• c•ot (:tanitevillr, art. -"I sere p;tssinF lin• day ingt week as Thoninw %.cell- through the ('hangeofLifcandsuffered on WWI a.eaning one Os' Win. Itrock's from nervousness and other annoying hor.a•a. it ;tot frightened nod kicked symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham's \ Pge- !t M. injuring fiat' '1.v,•r,ly. \Wh tt table: Compound restored ntyliialtltand cooed h • 4441• unconMe;oI,+. Th • dee- atrength.and proved worth moantainw for was imnr•dintely rolled and ,nand of gold to me. For the sake of other h 111 rind!), car And brill: d. 1► '.'i ' gntTering women 1 aim willing ••u b-once'time b•fur.' he will be nroutot should 1) 11 1) 1 1 sli my letter."-N1�t:V, a; :t n• ('n:(nr.t.v ILtlu'L.\Y, il,l''.D., (Iranite- Mo•c( of the formers in shirt vllinir) villa, Vt. aro finished se ding. (to int, to the11'omon who aro passing through this !nog i : t ►I Iof dr • t• Inlher • f ) •t a - ' r 3 con d• r 'n 4) 4), ri flint r ritical tort d r wh ,u•t .0 1 K a e', : u► n: fn `I wh: nt hurl fn b • „ - from any of these (list ressinrY ills 1>,•- . nw ,1, ! snits semen t" , Tit .11y culiar to their sex sltnnlel144)4 lose sight Cu i•a :ookind ,,nr. oi' fat•( that for thirty years I.ydta 51 r. ,(nhrt Cu!b- rt tt•nt cit, •.ged .o Ef chf'inkham's i"e<tetahl4) l'uinponid, (1 t rh for \1 r. 1' nrice !nit a eek. 11.• which is made front roots and herbs, i r. IC: (lilrhint tnn'm at th • ditch and has been the standard remedy for ,, .4 11 11 - re: 11mai in I h • n.orttin.1 female ills. In almaat every conmia- -ol n person had tail . d to :t f ,h a pity you will !hid women Ns lin have •hoc •Is anti trade. Theis ar• mile been restored to health by Lydia E. comm•.)n around lb ter parts. and the 'Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound. DRS.kENNEDY&KENNFDY CURE DV3EASES OF ME 1 PATIENTS TREATED T::.':00011OUT CANADA FOR 20 YEARS Drs. K. & K. are fav,•rnl•ly)- 1.r., wit through• out Canada ,.hero they later done huur wen fur over 81 yearn '1l,ou-nods of patients have been treated and vere.l 1 then• rt eat sauteed through tee virtue c f tlt it New 1Mtstbod Treatment. \ihcn )ed treat with there you know you are dca!I..g with res,.on sildu physictaos us they 01 11.11 occupy their con uhire Luil.liuti i„ 1 , !crit, slued at 510U.oll. . tl ey .., . . r case is c•urablo,all yunrurr.y is t•:.,:.td ter yeu kuo-.v they will trot dett4', P' u. 'They guarantee L, curo r.tl ' V a rocs! ores. No nutter how many dean's I::'e failed le bo ,elft you; no ,setter1 o,. s colt rnorey pal have spent fa colo; p•, n : l-tr how d,s- cr•unaged yon n•ay 1 e,C. 1,'t ►•..: up in des- pair until on get a frco thew fr. in ►te rn. ster swelalist., if you 110 at prosect within the clutchca of any ,etret but It whith isatppiugyourllto ly tepros: if you ate suffering Dna Ifo nstdts t f l cct ir.distre- t;ons; if your hhcd lull 1l( It ta.r1. 4 (lute nny private (1(1 85.) m (1 cru d:.r.• t "t marry; if you ;tr•.,uarrie 1 and 1.'a t:, tract ofsym)- t nes Lr••nkingR t.,:t and en(r;r your Fust; If )sit aro saQerite: as (la Etta 14 . f n mis- speut life -Drs. K. & K. ire )oe'. Refuse. ' I.ay your erwo before the /n e, •r ! ,.i u. ni lly urd ' - they will tell you L•ouestly- if 3 cu are curable. YOU CAN PAY WEIN CURED 1)a. KENNEDY. MEDICAL DIRECTOR or Das. K. & K. CONSULTATION FREE Books Fre. on Diseases of Men. 1f unable to cal!. vrrit• for a Question Blade for HOME TREATMENT P10 Treat r.nci Cer 3 VARICOSE VMS, FER\•C3. ' DEBILITY. BLOOD awl URINARY CCMPLAINTS KIDNEY and RLADDL't Mecums and all Dioceses Pccuti. r to Men. DRS.KENNEDY& KE -DY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si, Deireii, :Mich. NOTICE All.letters front Canada must he addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- minimomonam ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to Fee u.; p.•r .r,:ally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Corr(•s;x)t:dence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address call letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write t,r our private nddre±,. • )ement, time, Bran. Shorts and Flour Always 011 11111:(1. Leave Your Order or Call up 1"HO11\T2 2 R. G. SELDON, Exeter. Apr:. 4th ihia year. and rhubarb pies 1 Mrs. 1), tiriubart returned this are getting common now. 'week from London. %hero elle had Mrs. 6 •rti,. 'Monteith is staying a been visiting re!ativ •s. f •w days with Mrs. Haut. Kydd. I We hope to see our brass band soon Mr, John Cann intendr raisin„ bierra-organized. as it is n great ac;ui- oarn th:, wre'rck• Is:tion to our villag t and has a strong JI r. Paul Mad;c hat mold hitt ';arm!drawin'r tendency. to Mlr, GI0. William i for $10.010 and' The improvements :n the interior has purchased a ranch in Alberta. lot Carmel church are much admired A man's wife should always bo i '1"i,, Brea ty t cred:t s dile to the Ladies( the same especially to her husband,through whore they were but If she is weak and nervous, and ma:, uses Carter'a Iron fills, she cannot f Miss Nellie Stonenr.an. accompanied be, for they make her "feel like a nth s w'--ek by Mi`; 1. McQueen. left different person," so they all say 1 thMiss week Lill for Toronto. nnavast in Toronto and their 1'usbands a.7 so too. i r •cent ly spending a few- days. -_.--- ,Mr. W. J. Perkins is making good CENTRRALIA h. adway with his improvements and Robert McF;tlls, Laving secured aiaddition to the Commercial hotel. Thames Fload a •\ dies P. 'Margaret . Smith. a ar.l nt London. im h. of I/n ton at the C. I , It, fres;ht Phrds 3 W Mr. John Allison disport of Ono n London. will :este shortly for his wiring her mother who has been on rhe sick list for some time. We hope of h:s thoron;hbr•d bulla :art w•rek, new borne.,e M: -s Ada Tuck •r is stayin; at Mrs.. Sties Samuel Smith is vir;itin� 'won to hear of her recovery. Sparling's, • [rends and rein tit.s in Detroit. Mrs. John Jarrett visited in lfen- lli I o d woman i% your rhubarb up?Messrs. Harold and Clnrcno: Dup!aa sail with h•r ai+Err Mrs. C. Smith. woo th.•-tuestion a.ked by someone wore at Chatham on Wednesday nt-I last week. We beg to answer and say ten"; .the w. ddin,t of their uncle. YOU WEAK y:s. the first stalks were picked on Our oaseball boys have re-or;an ised and will soon 0e in trim to mee-t- � ARE to V any of the surrounding teams. If you once try Carter's LittleI Liver fills for sink headache, hill' Now Is the Time to Enrich Your iousness, or constipation, you wilt 11ER PIIYSICIAN ADVISED Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound AFTER SICKNESS? never bo without them. They are. kc. Don't lorgx't 1141', Blood, Strengthen Your [dimly vegetable, mm:,ll and cosy to Nerves and Get Real Well. 1:r I I You can profitably take a page front the volume of Mrs. (leo. E. Amor-111 'e experience -she has been through the $ mill -she knows- "The many month of almost usel(es depression. the ner- vous fears, and the sleepless nights I w h ch n•ver fails to please nu audience might them havealmospreven tenoutgh toed -to make thinkmi11 of iso I)r. Macdiarmid was :(tray this wreck again. A little care and just a simple waiting relative., remedy nt first would have averted a Th.•-arrncra !n tha section have mad • good headway with their work. M.s 'Million. o Gode•rich, is visil- 'n:t 1,. r runt Jlrs. J. Ellis. Mrs, Ilar ler and little Miss C. Hart- , r. or Chicago. era here visiting reta- tis.fi, Master rant Il • 11 r to o„garth has been con - fin d to .he house for the past week or .,o from the effects of an inj•ir•d kit IIENSALL Emma T. irons has btcn en- - to give, in costume. in the (,::dist church. on Fr:day even- t . ,\pli! 222nd. a r•cital of Ben Ilur lenR serinua Illness, "in the spring, twit years ago, I had typhoid fever. I gained In weight, but my flesh was puffy. and my strength was i • .• .. tired. tt bl teasily tlr t and m ft . Y Y j' color not good. Bus, I depended In a hlth- Ferrnzone erto rugg• d conatitu- Builds Up, tion to right itself, and kept of doing Strengthens Inure tltarl 1 ought. 9 !'lie outcome wit$ Mrs. Dalrymple returned to the- i collapse of a ncr- w (at accompanied by her mother. Mrs. t - t hit, t• r. From the Improvement t; or.r Mo r. who intend% Ppending t1'• summer ;here. \\ • ar • pleased to see Mr. Andrew Sio!r around again after an illness of several weeks. Mr. N. \\'arr,11 r had the ::table he purchas d from Mrs. 11. Ilonthorn moved th:' week to th^ rear of his lot on Main s;r, et. w -her • it will form part of ill. building at pr..,eut leased '1'erriaon'' has made, giving mo Ptrength, color, and endurance, it is reasonably certain that had 1 used It tt hen I first felt poorly my strength would speedily hove been restor- ed. 1 can strongly urge those recov- ering from illness, those w•he feel 111. 1,1 fact everyone who needs better h(alth can quickly- gain it by using Ferreanne," It's because F.rrozono converts whet you eat into nourishment, because it by Mr. Viren irnplement ta bng nne.rt'e- seh d and Mr.os Colin1)ow•n Ilnsudsonaas n paint strcunenaingtheninglood-makiqualltles, Thesead 1111 the shop. Th • who:+• building trill, in receee:a v.h': it bttllds up the weak and h roar:• o: a short time be occu- cares tilt, sick. Try one or two Ferro- l• t1 1y Slr. .\Wtrrrener n' a livery zone Tealett with your meals, and i to •. ;le Mr. Coxworth will reluire watch the gain. Fifty cents per box. I.! ;•r s •n: o-tab:l. nosy occupied by six for $2.50. all •lealert, or The Ca - Ir. \\';+rr n r. or hi.: hotel now in, tarrhozone Co.. Kingston, Canada. coo r, of . reef ion. \ r John.1 F: , .1 t c e• n who s •c h con- fined been C n r to is ,• 1 fin••d h hon 'the i II t o h illness R ;or a f- w• weeks. is we aro pleased to CORNS C� IED novas remote corn t a s� rent \•. a an stele 1 t Y either hard, soft, or b. •,g. by say. out attain, rtppfylnr, 1'utnnm'- Corn E -ter. It Mrs, Aik••nhcad w a' it.l.on•lun r e - !never burns, leaves no scar. ita14rs no acids; Is !rimless. becati • ..11190$011n;t t•r atlfe+. only of hra'Ing guns and h.. n15. softy > ------ �•cnrs ie le,(`ern guarani• .'d. Hotel by alt drr•c.:i t • _Sc bottles. Refuse Children Ory ",:, 'I: FOR FLETCHER'S PUTNA4h' PAINLESS CASTO R IA i CORN EXTRACTOR