HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-21, Page 4Om - • OYER.WORiii KlDt • Clatige. Rush of Blood, Pull - !less, Dizziness. J. T. Chetland, the well-known rail- way engineer of Hamilton, found tits strain always rextlnl; upon men of hi+ Peculation vastlystiY intensified b ,t tendency- of the blood to rush tolia head, and often at times when ta, ::- netts of vihtuu and great steadiness Ivere demanded. Finding some diffi- C11lty In bending -a stiffness w'it!, van heeh:g nettled in his back, It ue- eUrrcd to him that his kidney's might be at fault. "Thi.4 watt a happy idea, for by It I not only gut rid elf the pall, but malty other troubles as well I took a full dose of Dr. Ilamllton's I'll!.• and was );{ad to note that some ob- i9truction of the kidneys, which I had lately noticed, was at once relieved. 1The flushed appearance of my face gave way to a more rational color uud there was s, perceptible 1mares•etnent !a my appetite. Dr. Hamilton's Ines ,certainly act splendidly upon t:1e blood, removing !teat and fulness and that sort of dizziness that makes a 2tian at the throttle wish when It Aims him that he were elsewhere." Nu rnediclne gives such unquestion- ably good resulte for stomach, laver, And blood troubles as Dr. Hamilton's grills; they are mil& certain, and al- Ss'ays curative. Refuse any substitute. A11 dealers sell Dr, Hamilton's Pills. L"3c 11er box, or The Catarrhozone Co., iisingston, Ont. Dr- IHamilton's Pills Cure Kidneys and Liver \ Yt)t".G )1 ',N'S AGE. out o: •tli thou- ,ods and million - of yonw,, in. n in Canada, on %%bom'tit Burd n of a nation's life will real in a few y, are to come. and to when: we aro to• look for our future I'rem- ;ers. Minist •r4. `members of late a- m_ nt. judges. lawvrr'+ doctors. (ler gyro. ti. nl:•rchatlt+. and mechanics bow nems will teak 1 a saceeas of :ire? Suc ss ill fife drpendl upon 'the prop SSE EXETER TIMER. APRIL 218t 1910. Sao- eat:on of the Canadian A0OCI:t- o- •• has :b rt been enc' activity dL- ,.., for th 1'reveutiou of Tuberc,t!- e ,y d in Canada in Obi, fight foe, JJ;iu; l 0,d,r blanch na:or:..awry bevel composed d of Lots No. 27, Con. tot ti teinvigoral,d, new rt•suciatiuut 7, too lea t) of Inborn. cuutainiva Farms for Sale 'have been formed which are tshowine bl ucr,•-s of choice loud. On the prenl- In many (:1 •.:, it vi;urugi activity, t3t•veral new iue:initions for the relief and treatment of cons'unptives have ban opened and tit• demand` for literature has been tarter than ever. Take it all in an 1"09 was a year of ;rent progress in the work of the As- ,soca' owl. The 'Tenth Auntie! Atect- iug will o.• h •''.1 in 'Montreal un the ' 7th of Juu; n est and preplrat:ons are being made to niako this one of the best. if riot th.' best 'une'•tine in the history o: the Association. Farquhar Mr, and ?-tri. Jas. Gardiner and (fauu,y have moved into the village for a • :1., on account of bui:ding a house en ;h :r farts. It will no a good way :u :1_, Lotto lift; (Peter) In ata -ons have started to build th brick work of Andrew Hackney's burn, Tit: spring seeding in well 'under atiy, Most Lay, finished exceptiona:- lv early. The rule rain on Saturday was we!- contod. It was eery touch needed. A number from hero intend taking ill the concert at the Thames !toad I'r.abyterinn church on the 22nd. 5V,• are pleased to see the farmer. in and around here takin; Much an In- terest in their home store. It allows that th •y have a personal interest in tb;ir own village. and the most rea- sonable way to show that interest i3 to confine their purchase:; as far as 1',saib'.e to the merchant at Far:►uhar. L3tldse'r's Valet. ! 1 ', Cie fatuous • • -. ? an old servant ! a taithful slava . lei Lyall particu- e, ..,,ling tho outer r 1'. .'e ,i by any possi- .. :•1 .1,,., . • to Sir Edwin. - .. . I1 . . variably be."Sri : .tones a ie '.:air " The prince i t e.e, :ee received this 'rawer t•.::. r, e:fled, amplified on .tat gees -ion 1,.y tike assurance that -!1( had gone t-, a Wedding," an en• tiro fiction n:. v. .':iam's part, as the prince foiled : ,r on walking bold - y in arta eve ::d tae garden he notice el Si. Vela in looking out of his studio eeedow. This was the faitliful at- eeelltlt wile. en0 clay. when a 11o11 lied ,tial at the :co tool Sia corpse ter and haruloniot;a d,.velopmenc to 1 .ern•• up in rt rear wli:''led cab to be thee • (acult:.s which God has given I •,•.ritual from, ster'',',f his master with In '''2 5 t'. ars le come this Canada, w•1 'lir euo:,lion. "P:• ose Sir IL••itthe Will 1' n,h thil:•d by mi:'.:on; of peep!, , fel you fouler a 2: n- •end contractee. toil sad with t•. . ell trod . : canal, and religion. Th you!) t rn 1: of to -day will come int th:s 45.4 int: I:t1(IC.. Thtt=_• imuons int. r..1 • o. 4, rritory. maivifactilren m ch:tn a •4411". ciVi1 and Politica 114,4,14 .tion I .i ,'e+:+, educations and 1. •n •vo:ant • u; •rpri.+es will al. cow 4,ud •r 7h,•:r p •cinl supervi,•iot, and control. Th .• opportunities ar ao:d. n. and if young- men It i{1 o-riz th an with golden anus and ereort. once e• is sure to be their reward. Th • nal 't,• •nth century wa', the Uni- t.d Slat •. but the twentieth century is Canada's. La a!1 young; men oat what Pett 'lm 1 ':ging to p'ay in R. I NOTE A\i) COMMENT 11uv.- yon '-,.;.( Ila:! y's ('oro;_[ y• 1 Th.• auntie ,adv .n toren who onto. carry ;It oth r r.,orn:n;r ;and tried to v::w it •• aeloky.frlatis muss hav • the -ale , • a cloudy out- look. Th -c r- . • 1 • . en Itokint, A1o11t r i i f• n 11, ribs. lookin. at h , . r. ..• .:41.yeete b.•r emir rays: ;o. 1 announce that eh ,i l'lll.lh(II,Insi y , t, 111. Bu 1 she due. not :ook ri diy uv r .00,000.000. • • • • • 1. s:ir..• .i.. .:3.000 C. S. t' ., -re gilt corn 144(0 t'ar►ad:l tilt year ;end rain, with ►b.'rn in the as - hb,.l buo,l r - 14,4) 1,hr nun, 'I h t0 r .. it, it 1111 (11' 14 .1. 1 - ,'t,,,, .I, t' nolo of I hu- it ha - Cattails in y :u'. ,:on ie i 1 i to nZ hriu•:;na Ih sr -h ', ', , • 11 :111 i II 1,1. ••••• •: • 'I 1711' ''::.' 7 )mr cent. to, ' :, 1, !, • . los of I it Dominion in 1'.1„. ( , n. to 1'.14.t't 4,001) bel+.eta w 1, „ r. retail, .i, {uality : Or oats !'11.'l• , , r, I. r. :121.190,000 bus, of 1 r , : 11 -111„ 51.119.- 1110'4 i Ir' ' .',s per ant.. me- in • t ::: 1+ „ , „ • . of buckwheat' F7. - 1 1 1 1 if4e 6',1125,000 bush - r•• . ,'• '1i ,. ,. per cent. bring 15,. aufel a 1, . te 1.1 potato•., 711.n6. per c, ti,. , :, ' .' 1(4 0(11 bushels • of turn:!•- •e. : • t r n1,. being !.2.1433.. (4011 i, . Ir . t , 1 ' c;c:d. Three of ill ' r',; ” , . '1 {"rr cent. in inn;.tt. ,n .r 1 0' ,1 ',n;,, $'O to 90. and ou')' orti' ,.':n,l , cent. • • • • •„ rh. yut74-n:,wi,•e4 :4 I. (I:n lh.• . a. . c.•t.ttoda r t t , 1 ,,.: rr 'n th, b:atory o: th.‘ cru(•ad , , :. • • leen- tsunq,tion. 'r, n40v,•444' 144 t•- I great iul{•'. ; !tn.; h • n , . r t-r..•,:i h ,1 • L1 .n- )1 ',I ,, \'. 1 . n ' 1, 1 •r 1, r• ..I , ,it . ti, 1 ,t th.• •1, .'!' ' . n rely • 11117' t r r.. tn!:::, I I conn:, awilh lit- trek; „ •h .5u.•r. Ica. r• litotes n-.• shon'd 1 t, • ,t hot • ,I world. h'• , •1 in th r • 7 )1 art( 41•4 , I •:ti.y-' {rb'ch 1 • '1 trout !, •1 , Of 111 tot . Nov Eggs Were Rigid. (n Fier r,:tty .l.aa it V. (13 sugge4ted :.1.. )(reedit:f, the novelist. that he :4.1 teats Op 11144 rotailence with 1'•; :' tri nt Queen's House, Cheyne t': all:. The novelist agreed to take a - uplo of rooms, and one morning, -':only after Rossetti had moved in, 11 r. Meredith, who was living in May - ':•:r. drove over to Chelsea to inspect 1:: - new aparttnrnts. "it was past ro:..n." relates Mr. Meredith; "Rosset- ti ;,n•l not yet risen, though it was t• ee eri'ite day. On the breakfast foible in a nage ', ,;h vested five thick .tabs of bacon, upon which five rigid """ had slowly bled to death! l're- -rntly Rossetti appeared in dressing gown, witli slippers down at heel, and devoured the dainty repast like nn ogre." This decided Mr. Meredith. He did not even trouble to look at his rooms, but sent in a quarter's rent that afternoon and remained in Mayfair. Byron's Proposal. Lord Myron in 1.1'30 seriously turned his thoughts to matrimony. Ho con- fided to a friend hi44 intention ofpro- posing to Miss Milbanke, thn daughter of Sir Italptl Milbanke. Tho friend thought sorne other Lady more suit- able and agreed with Byron to vrito s proposal for him. One day as the fro were sitting together Byron re- reivc41 it refusal from tho lady. "You tee," said he, "tkat after all Miss ,Milbank° is to bo the person. I will write to her." Accordingly he did so, anti tho friend. who was still opposed to his choice. on reading over the tetter remarked: "It really is a very pretty letter. It is a pity it sh.,u:•t not go." "Then it shall go," ta•,I Ryron. It went, and the result was the miserable marriage wince is now v matter of history. Two Points of View. An old $cotchwornan was walking to church with her family. The auld (tremen- dous minister rode past at tre n dous rate, rind the old lady said to tier children: "Skean n wey to t~ ridin', anti this tho Sawbath day Awed, awed, n gude man it marcif-i' ao his beast!" Shortly nfterwnrd her own minister rode pant just na furiously, and the worthy old trifle retied: "Alt, there he goes! The Lord bless him, pair 441n11 Ilia heart's in his work, an' lie's carer to be at it." - -- -ese -- Iloreern'n etrcnteen: '1'h time is draw lntt (nose wli -e, he 51 01 r, • ' •• n 1034 3,13in. 1'n , t, , Ir wanting cords panted. it , 1410 prepared t0 tarn (h- le out on the shortest nolic'e- '44 helve a good lino of cuts to choose from. Tit' prig• .. err ti;:h:, Do not for:: that %t' Kier n fret insertion in lb* pa;ver if rot get your cards printed at the "Times" fie, . a.rr> raraarassaaam. eras ,_ n Does not Color the I1 aisci Ingrcdlc',its of Ayer's flair Visor Sulphur. hc'troyc germs that ca•rtc dar,dniff and falling hair. Cures rashes and eruptions of scalp. GIvrrrin. Soothing. healing. Food to the hair -bulbs. Quinin. A string tonic. antiseptic. stimulant. Sodium Chlnrid. Cleansing. 4rtl-'s irritation of stale. Capsicum. In, (casts acthii, of glands. Si,.^.Falmulant, tonic. Dnmtslic rcacdyofhigh 'merit Alcohol. Sfin;ularh arNsep'Ic. {Vater. Perfume. Show this foenti'a la your doctor. Ask hien if there it a cin(;:' injurious iniredicr:t. Ask him it he think : ,1yer'i f lair 1.'iraer, ,, made from this formula, it the hest pre;,.'• ration you coa(d uc; for faliite hair, er for dandruff. Let hila decide. He known. . J. (' ATR. (',atFawt, In.ell, 41+.•. - 1..44 theta es t•rt•ctcd a good Jrau1e I bun,° and `frame barn. Al never fail- ing stream of aprina wat,•r runs across (th.' prup:rly, also there is a good Lyell !with pump ;'7 tier.t of fall wheat Ix;,ded to 4:ra34, 11 acre; of 'hay and 'the baton(' • in 'pasture. This farm 6s w',•11 i:nced with 10 -wire wuv,•n Ieuoe on cement posts; )horoughly un- lderdrai ed and wo!1 suited to gener- al one - a1 [.1r mn• 1ssa-sion given ;1t once A!eo that chofcr ;:ra4- farm tains composed of S. 1-2 Lot 3 Con. 5, town- ship of Usboru.•, This property Is tented oath 9 -wire woven fence and has stream of fresh sprint stater run- ning acru'.$ (h • property. Possession (than on cuulp!ete t•ayutenl of pur- I(has:• niot.•y. If Ilse properti'A are not ,-oval on or before tho Jrd of flay 1910, i h y will be eo:d by public auc- tion with farm :clock and impl,v(neuts on Lot 10 S. T. It., 'township of ('s - born., on the 17th day of May 1910. Positively 110 Jeset'lie an the proprie- tor has so'd h5* !conte tarot and has purcha•rd a ranch in Alberta and is moving there at one,. Paul Madge,, Prop. For terns and particulars ap- ply to illr.. Paul Madge on the prem- ises or 'to Tho?, Cameron, .suet, Far- vih:1r, James St. Methodist Church Exeter, May 3rd, 1910 11. . u : 1117 rt 7 .1 Ory of tete Early Cho- ,an. ox oleo:1ye Illustrated b) 200 1.: - 'tlotL 1 and 1,200 feet of ani- mated Pattize-s composed and delis•• _•red r,y \ir, llcrberc Booth (your;est son o! (' •neral Booth). Soma reasons you should sec and bear it. DecaIiSo there it no more [brillin; chapter in human h .tory than thab which *elle of t h • fortunes of tete Early Cbristiano 11 coos,• of the ex tuisite beauty of lh =s• Scen'a. to ;et which no expense has been spared. 1Jeca1lhe there is no way pie can hoar so much in so short a (:el • about the Soldiers of th.• Croat 111 the days of Nero. No l? tun! ! Nothing Like It t \owb. r. E:<,• ! .\duliasion 25e.. Cbildr 11 two for Doors open at 1. p. in. chair tak a at l p. 111. 60 YEARS - EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARAS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS LO, Anrene sending a stet eh and d'•nirtNNt,n mar 5ntc*ty ascertain r"Ir op4nb,n free whether an Oram Inn 11I pn,har.tt pat 10 40. C••mmnnlr T• lions et !rear tl1 ' '1 ie,s td. M'ahoa00K on Patent,* le agency for are un,tir),ater' s. Oporto* *of IN. with', tugh Munn c hof. o. tectllH Scienn a CALMS.lmerkan. 'pandemic,A Illustrated weekly. Largest eu- aline of any arlen{tnn journal. 'I enrol roe Cilnada,g.OS • year pelisse prepst•L tked b7 W new era. CO 3erotld sewar, New oft WO Y 10.. W111110011104)% 11j1. G 1 FINGER• • 1 Mn. 11. P:. 111' 1we1{, of ^37 venelar Ave., St. I;nui(ace, Woe, says; - " K''111• time 47.44) npy chl:- t'M,k diphtheria, all while atter,•' thorn tl,• p,nwn ant..•rod *small tet. on the •eron•l finger of my hdt h This hr tame very sore owl bba.,L1t fa$ Ilan attain. For montl,a Atter children were quite well 1 woe nl tog tram a shock,ngly hart fie •or. 'cravat woe eau ••.34origlually ,y n , ani in itself, wits not at ail ser The connsel0nces, however, of rr• big th.eecr*teh,wore very s" '11114•, "Who.' the hIo'.I ;abettingect to 1' poultice's 'cid n salve I had in the is Theme, however, did not !are 11,.' c!, street. !1,11:. on the emtr*r tee n became , ,re and more swollen cert color/el 144,1)4,4 began tf► f'sto . n,. i I to tall Inn doctor. 1L, bunco! t .e r• 10 let ',it )A0 pa•, and 1 n c•4n u , , tints paln':,l rho (Inver wast G...;•,'. rare, however, It again f••st0rr•t ort t ('I'' moot•, liniment% and nth- r pr• 1 Gins which the dotter gore me .er ate, •1•,te;, tnahl0 tohring•hout:,ny r '• rile doctor thereupon ail ri•eil mot t , lir() the St. Heni(ee', llnapl:e!. 1 re i• that 114 wont to the N 1•pltal tune would he amputated. \w'ewere ,dd • • caseeintllarto my own In 4144)444/nm had elt.'ete'.cur0 whet everrthtng hn) fa';el and the dn• tor had aild n•,ty is 11;-uhtion eouet sore the tar- . baud. 1Ve, therefore, dree!al to Fr: ye 7, P ikc a trial. A envply wow procuro•t, Iva co•nmene 1 the, %.r ,i Ituk tante! It only 'Iowan a few (toys to show wi.dum of this step. Tlehlo,Ml-pot'o.. and Inflammation Ivor- re Iuced, the h+('stns less Acute, ani it Wall cel • very 414 )7417 that t,.e trouble WIs h r••.Inro 1 to Ira an I mt111 Int An.4 perwvered with the %am Dirk end to ••,•l Iia 104.0111141 001'0 WWI Chorea • rlcaned, then mates. in on ter I week• 170m 141.4 ornmm8',einq with 7. !ink, the Anter wu entirely well; . MO 'i'. /11111110 t %un n'ak In the 11.4{c tn.tewd of)trying ordlnnry prepart'4 no doubt 1 netted have Mse1 le. 4,,)411'4 and h'nranf or 410 agony." All rn'th•n e'-o•,Id n•,•e Olt 044. Inn, is • ',ire c•,•41 f.•r btool-t. ,.•,ning. Ie.!, otte, •-r fis fr.m h.rbe1 w,r•, to • • 'semi. ra5hM, Vorgr, telt ?t,,,1'.', /100 0 t...., rale), h 11lert,•sartc'e, Ill,'nt, • . 1 ' ! ,r, ,a -,,t dir•a.rt. M`•e a l , n'1 .1'-'- . ' t •'4 : I reelorp.,•tfr•efr m % 4: . f,r pr! :0, ttrr-f 1, el - Ih•r. Pr' 1•cn:ll , , i CASTORIA' The Kind 'Situ Ilav'o Always Bought, and which Ips been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of noel has bet it made tinder Sts per- ' sonul t;uperw Isiuu t;iueo its infancy. • Allow no one todeceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Invitations and ".lust -us -good" are but Experiments that trill° witlt and endanger the health of Infants and Cllllthreu—L)tpericnee against, Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnreotf0 (substance. Its ago is its guarantee. 1t destroys `l.'oruts Sind allays Feveri*hnes'4. It cures 1)i:trl•lintt stn 1 Wind nl Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, c:;:'•c':a ('onetipation stud Flatulency. It assimilates the Fc(l, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural :sleep. Tho Children's Panacea—Tho Mother's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Inc CnM(aua COM►AMT, 77 Nina.• , 16111/100.11. CRs. t.. Times Want (Joluznn "Wanted-brI;Lt, int..11igent find • en( retic lad from 8 to 13 years old to work after school on Thursday, Ern Notice of Dissolution day and 0n Saturdays. Tho work will nut interfere svith school duties. Good pay for short flours. Mail your appli- cation to -day, to the Saturday Even- ing Post, 12 Front St. E. Toronto.- Notice is hereby given that the part. 4-14-2 nership heretofore nut '$ting between the uudersiened as General Merchants under the name, style and firm of Residence for Sale Carling tiros. in tbo Village of Exe- t, r in the Count of Huron. has this Y \1'e offer re by privp o sale one 01 th_ day b,eeu dissolved by mutual consent, choicest residence properties in Ex,'- '1'hc business Witt be carried on at the same stand by William J. Carling, Dated at Exeter this 4th day of April A. 1). 1910. Yitnest T, 13, C:,riia; Lewis H. Dickson \\',1. Carling. r of Partnership ter. Moderate size, good repair, con- venient location. Good stable and garden. Apply at once. Gladruan & htattbu rye 3-3t f Dividend Notice A Ilivid.•nd or ,even per cent. on the fully paid-up capital stock of tit.: Exeter Cannan; and I'reservina Com- pany Ltd., hat been declared and will be held ut the office of the sc•cretary- treasurcr of the Company'- at Exeter on Friday the Twenty-ninth day •ot April 1110. Tbs transfer books and res:et'r of the Coutpany will be otos,[,1 from the 25th to the 30th days of April, inst., both Jaye inclusive. Dated at 1•:xeter this 15th day of April 1910, ily Order F. W. GLADMAN, Secretary Treasurer. 4-11-2 ef•e••••••••••••••••••e•••o •••••••••••••••••r)•••••••O Price I Talks At the Store Ono Door North of the Post Otl)ee, where $5400 STOCK is being slaughtered to make tt quick clean up. Our prices talk mo loud that everyone hears of the barKalns we are giving. LIS'T'EN 1 1 Baking Soda '2 hounds for ae Washing Soda t pounds for 5c Whiting t pounds ft•r Sc Cornmeal K )mends for 24'e 4 loc tins Shoe Polish for'L;c 2 paring knives for fi(• XX White IVIIIe Vinegar 25c a gallon Our Dress (.uo(Io are going Leet at '.!.-rc a yard. White and Colored Muslin, going at 10 cents per yard. Colored 14400118 regular 15 cent for 10 cents t► yard. Big value in Ribbons le, 2e, 5c, 1Oc and la cents n s•ard Enibt 1 114.4 It'll 111:11 laces at ,)c and iOc 11 yard. Art Mu•Iins regular 15e anti 21c for 1(Ic Buttons all going at Helf•price. SHOES- Soverign Slitter' for Men, A rt Shoes for Women, Chihli "I'S Shines all at Greatly Reduced Pr ices. Men's and Boys' Clothing going at Nall i'rice, Algins hats all kinds at RI 25 rush. Ask to see our Wall ('.aper at :x' n double roll. Curtain Poles complete at _hi ('Alto each. Mangrl Seed 12i cents a pound. Turnip Seed (package)''' )c a pound Highest Price pill for flatter ,l• Eggs Field under the 1Matingenlent of B. W. F. Beavers •••••••••••••••••••OCe•voe ••••••••••••••••o••e••••w• , M••I• 1 Manure Litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Bt';ttty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can he installed as cheap as lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Bi11(lt'l' These three things ate grea labor -savers for farmers and necessities en a farm. For sale by .`l q• W. T. Gillespie Phone ,'(1, Exeter. Ont. s NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone j Company of Canada yQops HOMESTEAD, REO ULATIONS...1 Any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 111 years old may homestead a quartet aeotoni of available Dominion land la Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta• _ _ 1'be applicant must appear in person Bake Shopfor Sale at the Dominion LaD be Ageuoy or klub- at • for the district. Entry tag Hake Shop for sale, 1itriat,d in first -proxy may be had at the agenoy• 00 class summer resort ; , ood building ;1 certain conditions, by father, mother front &hop : r,•ridence above bake son, daughter, brother, or mister of shop; flour and feed room; bake oven intending homesteader• at hack. Apply to Frank Gerrnotte, Duties: —Sts 11,0111113 residence upon Grund fiend, 1-7_Ira to. and cultivation of the land in sash of three years. A bome4teader may Farms for Sale Live within trine miles of his hom,st stead on a dorm of at least 80 acre* That choice farm being composed of solely owned and occupied by him or parts lots IS and 19, concession 1, his father, mother, eon. daughter. township of 1:sborne, in the village brother or sister. o[ Exeter, 100 acres, On the prem- In certain districts a homeateadds ises there is an up-to-date n -storey in good standing may pre-empt a brick dwelling house with all 1 con- quarter section alongside his home-, venicnces; inrge bank barns witb stead, Price $3. per acre. Duties• water in stables; silos, drive house, Must resido six months incaotl of sin ice house, and fruit of all kinds; GO years from date of homestead entr7 acres in hay and grass, 6 acres of fall (inoluding the time required to earn wwheat, balance plowed last fall. This homestead patent) and cultivtaa farm is in a high state of oultivation fifty acres extra. and well adapted for a man that A homesteader who has exhausted Iw•anta to do a dairy business or gen- his homestead right and cannot *b- eret farming. Also lot south 1-2 5, tain a pre-emption may take a pur- concession 1, tots nship of )lay. con- °based homestead in certain district* 50per° Duties. -Must training acres, 2 acres o[ hardwood Price .,3. are. t bush, 33 acres in grass, balance all reside Fix months in each of three plowed ; also never -failing well with years, cultiv'te fifty acres and ere** windmill and tank. This property is a house worth $300.001 well adapted for grazing or ordinary W.W.CORY, farrning. These properties will be Deputy or the Minister of the warier sold in part or whale to suit pur- chasers. Possession given in March. went will not be paid for Easy terms of payment and must Le sold as the proprietor's health has DR. 0. F. ROULSTON, failed and be is retiring. For terms and particulars lto ALS,\ ) L. 1). S. ; I), I). finProp. on the preappmisesy. or to '111Di0Li55. Honor graduate of'I'oronto University CAMIEHON. Auct.. Farqubsr, 2-101f is about to issue a Mew 'Tele phone Directory for the l.)i,triet of «'c•tcrn Ontario, including Exeter. GI der a for conneclior•,,, anti change of 411 e14 Ilan)05, change, of street ad dresses, or for duplicate entries, should 1,e handed Ili nt ('ncr to A. MARCHANT) Local Manager. For Sale Cottage and three Iota in Exeter. being iota Nos. 55, 56 and 5i south of 7:rncoe Street. On this property is n frame cottage (brick foundation) con- taining five room+ and a good oeI- :ar oleo a good stall and n Targe Atab:e. Good garden and fruit trees. The property has to be Fold to wind up an estate. Apply to GLADMAN & ATANIIURY. Itnrristere, Exeter, Ontario. There' is a 'fright way" elf NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the estate of doing l Il+II1ess and thl'rl' IS 11 (i.1`"" 1,, w.s. int,• of tit' .viii;',‘"' or xeter. in tit • County of .Ilwrou. "wriinj, way" of doing h11s• gentleman. deceased, ine5s Notice is hereby Riven pursuant to )t. 8. 0., 1707, chapter 129, that all ertditors and others hnving claims _.-.o against the estate of the raid l:eor!re Lew's, who died on or al•out The lttutIT 43 VY of doing business ie the 2i)i1) day o: .Marsh. I!►ln, tit beteg your o!d stuck, such as lobe are required on or before the hair, tubber, iter., copper, n•r, hrass, wool and day of May. 1910. to fel by [ post prepaid. or deliver to • pickings, etc. to Messrs. Madman & `ltnnbnry Bl. JACKSON'S of the Vinare ' 44 Exeter, of tie. licitors :or the AdutinisU atrix of tit said deceased, their ehristinn and sur- names, addresses and descriptions the full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts and the nnfure of the Aecnrilirs, if 011. held by- thorn. And further talc, FOil H,SM.E--A lot of iron ripe on notice that rifler such Ins( mentioned date the seal Administratri.e will pro - hand for fence pieta, etc. coed to distribute the nssetoof the dr- -- _ _ ceased nmong the parties entill' rl thereto hnving regard only to the• cannot of which ehI shall then ha t• CAvS•AOR 1 A note' and that the said .141 liix tti:l nWI` neat 4)1 h:• :in for sold ess •t:• For Infants and Children. or nhy part thereof to nny person or persons of whose Orli 111 notice Tal Kind You Nano Always Bought 'than not have been an eyed hy he, nt the time of such distribution. (.1,.\I)\1AN R. MTANIII7ItY, Solicitors for .11, Adtnini''rntr,rc $LEaatareof /t1j( Dated nt Exeter that nth day of April 1910, MAIN ST. EX!'rF:R Where you got the highest cash 1 t ice and honest dealings. Bears the Spring Show of Entire Stock DENTIST OFFICE:—Over Dickson; & Carling's Law 011ices, Exeter. 1'111 'NZ 5. CLOSED V1 EDNK4:UAi' Ar rF1tsooNd rot. A, 14. KINSMAN, L. D. 8„ D The Annual tipr.ng Show of first- D, 8., honor graduate of Toronto lion* and Bulls. under the auspices of UniverSLty. the Sou;h Huron Agricultural society Dental Surgeon win n ' be held is Office over (iladtnnng altanbury Main street-Eau-rER, on Friday, April 29th JP. 8,, Graduate V tctoria W, BROWNING, M. D., M. o • U reratty. Orli"e and reetdeiteuce. Domtalea i'IRIZI': LIST Laboratory, r.utter 8TALl.1i)\• -Aged draft stallion, Associate Coroner of Huron. $6. $4.:la ; :1 year old draft stallion. . 6. 1, 2; 2 year old draft 'stallion, 4, H, Bright, M. D„ M.('. P. and _ 3, Percheron stallion, i, 3..2: ng •d H•8„ 110nom Graduate Toronto Un - carriage stallion. 16 hands and over 6. 4. '1: 3 year old cnrr:nze stallion, 4, iversity. Two years resteent physician 3. 2; aged roadster stallion. 6, 4, 2; Royal Alexandra Ifo4piral, ole. Office 3 year old roadster stallion, 4. 3, 2. and residence, Dr. An•ue' old eland Brucefield HORSES IN HARNESS -, heavy draft Item. 1st p1rize. 'wale! donated by the Farmers' Jiank ; 2nd $6. 3rd Sl, Agricultural team. 1st prizq Mtasecy- Harril scu(flt•r, valued at $11, donated by F. Tomlinson. JJruce•field ; 2nd $4 3rd *2,4 carr:n;re leant 5, 3; sin rte car- r,ag» horse. •i. 3, 2 ; roadat.'r team ft, 3; «'ng'.' roadster 4. 3. L', Spacial B, Bo's,•nberry given n special prize of „f5 for the h(•st harn"a• horst.. style and nctton considered, IJULLH-Aged Shorthorn bull $ti, 0, 1: Shorthorn buil ca;w•rd after Sept, 1st. 1907 8. 6. 4: Shorthorn hull calve ((1 niter Sept. 1st. 190., pt 0, 4 ; Here- ford hill 0, 4. 2; n'o:led Anus bull, G. L 2. <\a exhibitors twist become mem- b set o' the Noe: •ty by paying on: do!- :ar to the Secretary. tint:,•s can be mad • with the Secre- tary at lto•aenberry'44 Hotel until 11 o'clock on t he morning of the show. A!I priz.• money will be paid by the secretary nt Ilo'eenb,•rry's Hotel. ni- ter ,he awards have been made by Jh.' judger, Arrangements will b.' made to hive anlp:r :noble accommodation for an hot.* s. W. 1). McLEAN, niece Seaforth. W. 1), SANDERS. fres„ Exeter. M For Settlers t\ MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Row Made and now Reached LOW SETTIi':RS' RATES Settlers with i.ivo Stock and Effects Special Trains terve, Toronto 10.lOp.m.Tuesday, during MIRC] and APRiL. Sensors and Families without Lire Steck shculd use Redular Trains 10.70 p.m. daily WINNIPEG FI.YF.R Sri hours to Winn'.rei 'f hrourh Tourist Cars COLONIST CARS ON AIL TRAINS In sshich Berths are Free Apply to nearest Agent ter eery of "Settlers' Guide," "Western Canada." Tourist Cars," Of wr;le R. L. Thompson, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronto, Andrew Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We hove unlimited private tends tor 1oves vet upon tarn or tillage ;raven, at 1ewMl r see of interest- DICKSON a: CARLING Raster DICKSON & CARLIM1, narrIsters, *sone! tors, Notaries, Cote aacerir CommIvaiouora, dultcltere for %he l ls:11s o Honk, filo. Mosey *Loan at lowest rate. of lntosses O?7ICit1-MAIN srht:x'r, rtXICTU1. L CAWING F. a, L. N. DIOV0CM C1ON EY '1'U LOAN. We hate a large 0mou°t of private toads eau ontoxin and innereat WvxepeoperUa a•ISw1taM GLADMAN R STAN BURY Barristers Sollcltor•, 14.4, 14, lr.eter MONLY'1'ULOi1 N Ito Farm and Village Properties at Ic,wr,t rales o4 interest. Impro.ed neiI other Northwest lands and Town Lots for sale, atonry 10 loan cap our i. property ERNEST ELLIOT, Cortityanetr, et. °Mee, Alain St. luster t Kl ', .i. t( {t aAI.F.— 1 am again ton K n 11, e market r CL will supply 1 of six of + u n Shorthorn I1)inh . K n l h a a 3 1 ,lt h r e o are goal Individuals, cut by (bunt (M anus, Thea' are goof vont and will le 14 Oster• e.1 and 04(44 well wroth the;ince•. to mate 10' nt tot the %ranger ems. Can also spare a f, a females, Scotch (trey, a 1.014)41(111 (01811 111ill, and one of the lest to lie had, head' the hems and will he kept for the impro%emeut of pair. tired Shorthorns. Apply to JOHN kp int, 10, Jnression 2, Iia,, or :1, It,n+alI4', o, Tie Osborne anci Nibbert. Farmer's Mutual Fire Iosur- dnse Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar,_Ont, I'tc,idcut. .1. I'. RU.'SSELI. lace."frees.. \5 M. ROY DIRECTORS. ItOR1', \ultl(1S, Thus. Ill:\\ \1' '41, !MOCK. ROIIT, GARi)INlat, AGENTS, .10H N ESSERY, Eioter, l .bot ne And Niddulph. ()LIVER HARiIIS. Munro. ansat re Hilbert, Fullerton and Logan. .IOli\ CAM 1'11ELL Socv,Treae, Farquhar I 'tl.li OMAN & 9TAN1J0RY, 9o1NIhn' Strata. Thlblin. 55'inchelsca, Far lobar. agent tet