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Exter Times, 1910-04-21, Page 2
11.044 -1 -.44 -ii -e44+4-1-1-1-14-41 Fashion Hints. NEW STRENGTH IN THE SPRING TUE WEDDING DING. HE GUT MU' How 11 was Regarded oa the Isle of Mau. Ir. the Isle of Man the wedding Nature Heeds did in Making New ring was formerly used as an instru- DODD'S KIDNEY 1'11.LS ('URE !lout of torture. Cyril Davenport h1DN1:1• 1)ISEA81 111' 1:16111' Health -diving Blood. in his hook un "Jewellery" re - 'marks !+'1`.1NUINC. *8 „11- ++4n►urks that there once existed a In the spring the system needs custom in that island "according ING. SI•:l:N IN PARIS SHOPS. toning up. In the spring to be to which an unmarried girl who had - Never W114 linen for suits in groat- healthy and strong you must have been offended by a inert could bring That'll What They (lid for William new blood, just us the trees ►(lust hint to trial and if ho were found •r favor. have now sap. Nature demands it guilty she would be presented with O. fain. and Now Ile Hays: Every gown now has its parasol sled without this new blood you a sword, a rope and a ring, says "Dodd's Kidney Pills are a Great as part of the (ushuue• wi'1 feel weak and languid. You the London Chronicle. With the Medicine." The sequin bag for culling is one may have twinges of rchuulutisln or seoI-d she might. cut off his head; of the Parisian novultics. the sharp stabbing pains of neural- with the rope she might hang him Mapleton, Albert Co., N. 11., White satin girdles aro budded et. qia Often there are disfiguring ..r with the ring she might marry April 11 (Special). -"When 1 began with a ru ,lleulucus dk trurtttion ot pimples or eruptions on the skin. Ii ui it is said that the latter tutting rights away.Kidney have found nal HollyhocksI 1 In other cases there is Merely a purishmeiit was that invariably in - on many of the hats of French ori-' feeling of tiredness and a variable flit tad." Uudd's Kidney Pills a great merle gin ore.' I11ppetite, Any of these are sign, 'the wedding ring, which was tut- ciuc." Su says William O. ('ala, The more flaring and turned 1111 than. the blood is out of order -that eruted by the Methodists', was twa- t mu- well known and highly respected in; the briar the more up to date the 1lie indoor life of winter has tinct tl.t'!uu to the early Puritans, who the; neighborhood. And r. Cain hathas a vary good reason for making' • ,ori \L7 MLA Llt AN!) PORCUPINE upon ?'"•. What is needed to put' regarded personal adurv►meut. as1 Fluid zephyrs aro shown in a. you right s u tunic, and in all till oI C of the many snares of Satan. so t'rnphntie a statement, For} great ninny of the childrens models world there is nu touir can equal 11'isley, who was a High ('hutch e,t;ht years ho was a sufferer from or particulars. P w ualrrt>u 25 u.nn for summer. << „ I)-. Williams' ('ink Pills. These mut, probably recognized its synl-; KuUlcy Disease, and did not seem lug Arcadn ties of Linen coats are finger length fills actually 'flake new, rich, red helical value. 1n the old English (0 bo able to get rcli(f. and more closely fitted to the figure blood-',•ulr greatest need in marriage service it was the custom' 11hy, 1 was roe bad," 111 r. Cain work than last season. splint;. This new blood drives out for the bridegroom to put the ring ►"'" ("' to state, and my kidneys t4_1'1.1)07 yOit"1(,� II grade a,I Iy.AAlrr,�d1ryle° sands. Taffetas in checks awl stripes are disease, clears the skin and makes on the thumb of his bride, s►yiuy, I"'silt ed ►tie su that if I would ti" London. g mucic favored for contrasting col weak, easily tired mon and women "in the Haino of the Father," then to pick anything off the ground 1 "Ah, Elsie, it is fine to bo mar- ore.l linin rs of coats. oast children bright, active and on the next fltlger, saying, "and ""ttid lull." Rut Dodd'• Kidney �`al.I Ta et A MAY F:ARY. No t:T< fie(! to an otl'rcer-such a beautiful f er,cnr1• needed. retia nn eight Dnifonu and so many Jccora- 1'in silk prospect is bright and strong.Miss A. M. Dugay, Lower the! Son," then oil the third finger, fills cared him just as they have ' i neap=pity to farmers. Doe' work r > g' g erred thousands of other sufferers of to mill. Pays tar itnelt In one honor. tiunx!' Yes, and, besides that, Lri;;ht colored costurnes are predic (:u\e, N. 8., says: "I believe I owe dying, "and of the Holy (,host,' \.rill today. 1. tt. Ada¢• Co..Barnia,,• t d for the summer resorts, my life to Dr. Williams' Pink ('ills. rurally on the fourth finger, with 1) 1 over Canada. They never fail oat. he 11 hate a band at:LIS funeral. Paris sanctions lace trimmed 11;y blood seemed to have turned to the word, "Amen." to cure Kidney Disease of any kind. y '[l t: Nortrnetcv rare Art;rr.'N' :7 _ The air was left there because,.! Not une•c, but scores of times they ,TM dao• ora la They anp rhe )anhio tvllite straw hats, and they will bo water. 1 was pas a shoot; I r., Companyedhave good nprnin I fur er paleKcrirnced in�t;rance writtrn, also l..r t'.un l In "Ibbs D t L" hteot 1 che.lar, whtoh seed in numbers nt the resorts. suffered from headaches, and vital- as L110 Sarum rubric 831.3, "A tela • hfl\'l, \"atlq/I1�IIe<I }fright's Disease, P reu•.•s laasntl LaokarM, headache, neuralgia, ing opted seemed to be constantly pl(coeds thence to filo heart. In ! y°u"R men who radon. (n make enn•ePv The ornamental scarf is fringed,/ til,. to,,, i deadly of all kidney trineAddress, .tube brume, tr,tnaging pireewr •h•amaMl..an aoi•uea ' and embroidered, and is most. Ire- before my eyes. As the trouble this modern marriage service the I,!, ,(kite every day brings stories Northern 'Litt, t.ondon, oat. Lots of dreamers make up when quontly made of coarse meshed mylimbs began to swell, ring is placed at once upon the "f cares of Rheumatism, Lumbago, silk net. progressed g I Dropsy and Heart Disease irorn SCRIP. file courtship ends in marriage. and it Pus (cared that dropsy had third finger, the invocation to the ':11 tui surto of the Dominion. PRu,\N WARRANTS Sorr(:ur Asn y P y q 1 )Ii,er kidney medicines maycure. A Co.,�36lKinimSt. East. Toronto. teepee IMlllari's Liniment for Sale Everywhere. Small chiffon and mousseline fans set in and that m cll.e Pus ho ©- Trinity being understood, 1 e ! ism polka gelled over the entire less. U to this time two doctors The weddin ria was the only g ' ' surface on bath sides with silver had attended me, but nottcithstnnd.g g Is .iJ's Kidney fills always cure. form of jewelry permitted to the s- `V ANTE') - Rotrru ice p AN WAR Husband (angrily) -"Look here, sequins. ing I kept growing worse. It was early M. thodists, and there aro -_" rant,. Highest price paid. foo 6 Dainty French slippers are made GREED. Boas. Scott At., Toronto. when Will you learn that, a razor at this juncture 1 began using Pr. people still living who recall how with many Strops over the instep 11'itliams' fink Pills, and utter tak-isn't the thing for culling twine and aril liberally decorated with jEtno lunger than forty years ago they "I hada great dream the other MACHINERY is't the pencils with 1" l ing a few hoses I was much int- (,, re reprove) by old Methodist night. I dreamed I met a mon Pilo n.'Ht�1:RY IIFA»Q1ARENRR. - (eal►nly)-"Just when you learn or crystals. proved. I kept on using the Pitts ministers for breaking the rules of offered to cut No a pound slice of 1I. Iron and wnod-vtorking ma,-btnerv. Neckwear is plaited and hand em- until I had taken eight bozos, when membership whish forbade (and radium." eng,nc., boilPn, aParo pumps. gasoline til.,: li hairpin isn't the thing for broidered in altuost every case. my health was cum )letel ' re-a"Renes, electric motors, tat gae•tors CI ;tRlnt; a pipe with." Cuffs are the accompaniment of 1 y technically (till forbid) Methodists "Whew ! It's worth mor^'n a over '400 .Ile Rend for c atalpri nt stored. to wear gull, jewels Or costly ap mU1h011 atl OU[1CO !" over 1100 machines. B. W PF.9'R[P, many lingerie collars. jjl,Jd by all n1edicine dP.AICTR or[Limited, Toronto. Montreal. Vancouver ' Tted, \beak, ��'eavy. Item- I:yea. 11 hull' eels of amethyst buttonspal'e`r ; but with fine courtesy John "That's right. 'Want. a slicer Relieved Hy Morino Eye Remedy. TrY by mail at L'(1 cents a box or six 1 t-s!ey k11CW Wi en t(1 1 TIUTe !. ` a)R t0 I11C. 'Yes,' I answered, EDUCATIONAL, Morino For Your Eyu Troubles. You aro cut and with shanksq Will Like Druggists. c. It Soothes. 0) talc At provided, boxes for 82.50 from he Dr. %Wil-; breaches of his own regulations. lee_ 1 was too graflpnlg. F..tRV THE )s.\Rlsla: Tlt.\Ut: NEW Your IJru1 Ki ton. Write For 1:yo Hoots. but not nu.unte(1. They measure a Hants' Medicine Co., Brockville, In .tailing a house one of they Uuw way that ur�truci�,nrotewnmPcra Complete aralul •sr`C Marine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto. full half tush in diameter. Ono. preachers drew Wesley's attention, 1 woke up just as I Asked him toots free; graduates earn twelve to Tho kinwn•, and obi scarf effect g, 0, the host's daughter, who was 1'1 cut it thick!" eighteen dollars weekly: write for cata h is well enough to be candid, is strongly bitted at, in Rome of the SILLY IDEA. wearing several jewelled rings; but Josue. tinter Sather college, rt Queen it isn't necessary to tell the Fast, Toronto now Paris 1 . • i eines, which lean to- Mi +s Elder-' `Tile idea of his pre- instead of the rebuke Which his n 1� g I �'i H 1 �1 ff Q` U Q �T neighbors all the elf. things you ward (,ricntalts111. • tending that my hair was gray. preacher sought to evoke 11'l' •"• COUCHING BURST FOR SALE. know about yourself. Miss I epper- Itidiculuus , only gravely and gently remark, ,t.I The lace frill, like those worn by o, i •or, RAt.t: Or. i:Tt 11%NOl;. tel n,mtitl Charlotte Corday, has once more 'Miss Elder -"Wasn't it though 1" "A verybeautiful hand.,, Itl,t►t►I► 1 I:�:il:L. i one tote and farm land. L part par iiickl.'s Anti Consumptive Syrup ))C('ll introduced under the brim of menta will hay we+tarn property. K- DIIFR Pepper -"Yes, just. as if ,_____-_...ie $ayy 11;IIl�e: .�IUlded and ('UrCfl M. Mathews. Room 11 1? Ti Yuage t?tiMt nMds n0 recommendation.. To all th•t new lace lei- .ucd hats. y,,, buy gray hair.Toronto. who are familiar with it, iL speaks So far few really short jackets ,L ill'UuN'S t'.t1tIt1.►1. F:, Coughs In Hours. l foe itself. Years of use in the treat - hese appeared, but coats are no- CHARITABLE. „11111 A writer for the medical press, 111 fitting boots and shoes cause 'trent of colds and coughs and all REAL how im Pard of R'ay.ide Inn, tic» ably le selling in length with Tattered Theielore--"'Souse mo, ,t.ites that coughing is responsible euros. Holloway's (ban Cure is the affections of the throat has unryucs the advance of spring. mem, but I ain't got scarcely a luslr.►b.l. f •r the bursting of blood teasels' article to use. Oct a bottle at once tionably established its pinto Wreaths of simple white roses iie rat t' me back. Kin yous help me Apropos of Lord Byron, it• may site fregtu•ntly. A cough or colt and cure your corns. among the tory best medicines for alit t t r iter flat upon the broad brims of plain out I" be mentioned that a roarings of the „ ,ons in6ammatiun (fever) and i such diseases. If you give it a trial Malek hats for those who would Kind Lad ('erininly, You'll poet. is now doing duty in the car („I,gest'on, and these in turn indi• } :1 fill for :111 Seasons.-11'inter you will not rngret it. You will Lady --"Certainly. tate that the bodyis full of poisons' and summer, in any latitude, Phe lied it `r5 cents well invested. CALVES Raise, Them without On avoid the flaring brim. bagmer of the yard of a wayside inn, in Transparent nt parasols in black intfind the rag bailing the deur cad waste mutter. Simple relief,' a. •ktet Pose. the woodhouse. Help yourself." time outskirts of Port Lincoln, SUutl tiler in torrid zone or arctic tem bte. e, lir lace cause fetching shadows overi ,t there, 1'armelee'fl Ve stab:,' " ce•t(eedco-t.ld,Tororto,o Australia. Ilia hen roust, and in as found inpatent cough medicines • t e K tem - Irene --"A girl shunldn't marry a the fair owner's face and are a nov- _ -- 'P`g ('ills can be depended upon to da „lar till she knows all about him. TNteLtNDMAa TRUSS willhnlda alflte of Ils treatment by the chick- and whiskey,often result in more eereis End,re•I 1•) f.•te.so-t medics flu it work. The dyspeptic will fled ens is still in a fair state of pre- harm than good; as they cause Jaclyn--•"OooJ gracious! If she Write for particulate. IL Ll\UalAx, (mea inure congestion. A tonic -laxative thein a friend always and shored knew all about, him she wouldn't sertstreal. carry them with him everywhere. IOPE FOR THL DEAF- -IN ocouSTIcun - COUg(n syrup will work marvels and I,:afiy 1111U. 1 one of till a•Jirr:..I the P'e. They are ((lade to w'il}IFtalld al,`•' L,ca ata, here follows a prescription w'i11C1) la n use lhrru�hout the world Y rite for rat•• b lumina famous for its prompt re- h. e•dinette and are warranted to keep Minard's liniment C res Dandruff. assIfonU• en.reet.T r `;dace., at c•nafs, Ltd. h.1 and thorough cures. It rids the their and and strength. They :astern of the cause, except it h„ do not grow stale. a quality not; Mngistrn(e 1 au are found > ' APPENDICITIS ('OIISIltIlptlen. Don't. wait for con- 11('9ReS3eJ in many pit{:; new on the, 1 r. All sto are at. tv of knocking down the ,Iniuull. fared wlth•.nr n •foliar. RUn11,t10S1 tO grasp its victim, but IIu rket• atml robbing hint of eterything ex- t' rind la Mt tills dineare and wish In ho Pared Permanently. aatety and gni, kly begin this treatment, which curs cet,t a gold watch. What have y'ull with this great Homeopathic remedy. home I11 five hours. lilts •n a hot- Offer an excuse bee a Illall and to rayl' Prisoner -"Nod hon t which will be tient root -paid anywhere tie one-half ounce (laid wild char- den% try to shift, the blame. Bola watch 1" Magistrate - - ('' 1" o.In'c', w�'rdrr�PlP.ereh ole permanel nt cure. ry bark, one ounre compound and es- trllJlly'." Prison( r --''Then l ! •1l Pr!rr y; a ' +•�•. . dente cardiol and three ounces Mtnord's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia in a pica of IOsa/►It i'.'r John T. W�If. Hcmeenal`In phare'aey, syrup white pine compound. Take _ A►norlon canaaa_ _- leenty drops every halt hour for .1(111 (►1' ((ALLEY'S COMET. ^'t ,a��> -_ ''��r sw'a0 '- four 1lours. Then one halt to one While ilalley's comet has been •'el.,, _ _.,.,5•"- yr rr;p of r(1 tion leaspoomfel three or four tinted A identified as a member of our flys- t' i� -* �alav!�JJ 131 U11�����ill1' liUll RIGHT AWAY Or. Morse's PLENTY OF PATIENCE. Indian Root Pills "80 you want to marry my daughter, eh 1" queried the old smelly meet the demand which so n1n11. "1)O you think you have the often aeUee in every family for s medicine to open up and regulate patience and forbearance to make U,' bowels. Not only aro they coon- r kind nud orbea • nt husband e he at lite lu all nater of l'onvtleaning y greatly In breaking "I don't know, sit',' replied L110 but lila heti, I up a (bold or l.alirippe by cleaning would-be son -in -haw ; "I can button out the "Viten' ■n4 purifying the a Stalin -up collar on a slllt't that is blood. In the Hama way they relieve or euro fillies, itha, iud,geation, a size larger liawithout a shirt getting angry, sirs headaches, a wordatf,n, and and I can button up the back of Other common ailtnents. In the ., fullest reuse of the words Ur. Mora- my sister's blouse, and I--- e'a Indian hoot P111a are '•,Sit 00 more," interrupted the A Household Remedy ('irI in.til' "say no more; but take het . alt son, and my blessing b LTOCKe. with her.'' �lo� They Soothe Excited Nerves. - Edward CRONYN & CO. Nervous affections are usually at- Memb•:rs Toronto Stot► Eacaar.g•. 1 I ibutable to defective digestion, as ' ll•rtro f•,r. „ar «n.tiy 1 he stomach dominates the nerve Sate irlLey.slrttenfs n,:.uwr.•0 ,eco,,,.,,• eat tats. A course of Parmelee's Itet•r a. 1.., et.,ndh„c W any book. 1',;p ntahIe Pi IR w'1!l still All d13- w•e h .....00,....,,,,...,_.............,,,, .V sesta t' f lu bameels of this eltaracter, and by ..n, ,,.,w ,, r,,,t ,, . 90 tial 5(„ Toron.o. + cif ori nX the atuma h to normal ac - ti, n relieve the nerves fr„in irrita- • gold'stoek• bought and sold. Prole tl.-n, Bleat 1R I10 feint iike them tr eA Arcade, ,retell and financed. Write il6t irl the coirrC('lion 01l irregitlari- , Chrome, out. the digestive processes, 00 preparation has dune so effective ACErrTS WANTED. , as can be testified to by thou - ASPECT OF Zara -Fmk spells saving toy,.0 1 $up- po,N husband, wife or some member of the family sustains a cut or s had scratch, w luck festers or turns to blood - poisoning. Ite.,ult--off work 1 What does that meau at pay day! Zam•Buk prevents wounds, cuta or injuries 'turning the wrong way." Apply it lm'nohately, and it kills the poison and atone 1leating. There is an- other aspect. If you have in the family, en- s••ma, ringworm, ulceration, or any skin disease, try Zam-Bak Drat -don't spend money on expert• assenting! Yuu will h ve to ji 1�` •• j+� got 'Lain• N I l ftuk event- I yr II malt., 21 110 pNriIN, • it now ;tad ( 1 save cont of 7�y� the other things. f f Hear these persons: - Mr. A. M. Brooks, Wellington Street., Steelton, Ont., says:--" If only I had hot/.am-Buk at first, it would have saved me scores of dollars; as Well as hours of agony." Mr. ]crooks has been ocred of eczema. Honeys : -'• Illy neck, chest and holy were covered with the terrilJle diseaao. 'Phe itching, burning and smarting I suffered, none who has not gone through 0. cal tell! Doctors' lotions, salves and prescriptions didn't do me a bit of good; awl from ono thing to another 1 Ifas,ed, only to find them rectels, With Zion -DA it was df'Terent, and without going through • long story, 1 can ear that a few weeks' treatment with this peat healing halm healed the s-oe , and rid Int for snot of the terrible •oma, whi• h had held ma in Its grip for over ten months!' • If i had seplted lam -Auk to the fret Nan, Instead of try:nqq lh, o'h-r preparations, s:-odid hero at ed mr,•1f slot of u,oney.•' 81 stye Mrs. 8. K.!ltd.-v..1, of 837 rrot•neter Aye., 8r. Ftonita-e, Wian'pcy. Mn. Bedaell had a c,i Unger, which became lessened. Eta ways: -" It became swoI'en sod discolored and any whole arm %clod and throht.ed violently. 1 e%l!e•1 in a doctor end he lanced It. You may Imagine howl sussed• anddeeptte tb• doctor's treatment the anyiz azole festered, and got se tad that the doctor advised me to go Into lila hospital. I feared. it I did, they wc•rtd cul It off, sambaed. ()ns day we wens advised to try Zam-Dnt. we lett •.N everything else and pare this bairn a t ri d. Well, it ere, took about font days to draw out the serene., l Then, bit by h.t, ,1 tregso to heal, and 1n las Than three .reeks fr. m fret apply:et the Zam Bub the anger • as healed and perfectly healthy. If only 1 hal got Zam-tiuk at Anti" A11 stein apirles and dl•eassi are east by Lam -auk, • fraena, eruptions. pi [aide.. ulcers, riles. inflamed p-_tohe., cut, bun a, scalp sons, chaps, etc • cannot resld ire healing rirtve, Ks. Ms all drizzling and stores, or pat tree from Zam-flat 03., oronto, for Inc.• use m lot , mias.er elty in Paris. T{IE MIITIIEli S AID (; i-dils of silver and gilt are setA'1�D C}IILDPE1,� +� l' 1 FIEND ertatinn. The name of the Lin - with SORA precit'Us stones and glass ,•rrin.tnaker is engraved on the box gems and made in sections held t')' 13a1,y' then 'Tali,:I�, sr, net in- of (he vehicle, and on the panels gether by metal chains• tended for babies only. This ".(ii_ :t'c Lord Byron's tu,tto and coat - Serail pearl� are much in favorof-arms. u • 'or necklaces. They are strung clue is intended for children of all It seems that a great friend of , , 1• stnon8 and some are caught ages. It is gently laxative and hie, Indy Charlotte Recon (to , t ,eedallious of quaint workman. comforting. Cures indigestion and when', by the by, he addressed a other stomach troubles, conatipa nurnher of his .frac,), went to live l +' le tans must now match the Con and dimple fevers. Guaranteed in South Australia, and to her lie er csing gown in calor and material, frfe from poisonous opiates. Mr.;. seijt one of his carriages nn her and the same pattern of embroidery foul Carrier, }'elite Meath's, Que.. "I find liub}'n Ot\n Tnblct� writing to him of the difficulty of moat be used for their dec.-orations.says: rntions. obtauung %%heeled conveyances in Tulle, net, and marine will bo the beat medicine I have ever used til.• antipodes. On her death it seen on the spring hats. Sonletirnes for children. I have used theta far p,artsed into the possession of a (em- uis used a`: the sols'. trimming, most of the troubles that afflict ilk in the Port Lincoln district• and •gam it veils flowers, and on +'till little ones, (and hate not known t., da} could be purchased for a ,tl►ot:mer bat it is in Ilnppy c"n►hiu- them to fail). Mothers should nl- ways keep thorn on hand." Sold mere song by any collector of relics day, (live children leas sccurding tem for over 2,000 years, eertain alia:l with flowers. iiy medicine dealers er ',y mail at of the putt Myron. Ito ago. characteristics of its orbit lead us - e+-_21 cents a box from Tho Dr. Wil- f>f• -' to beheststhat it has been with us 1' 1 N hr. 1 I EIV OFI)OI KM. Hams' Medicine ('0., Jiroc ktille, more 011 drink than on education America flpet►dfl is hundred times' Why is it that we invariably hear at least ten nr perhaps 10+) time - Ont. . of a man's bad deeds long before as lung as t hat. :According to all Boston Globe fraises Their Thrift'•--* Minard's Liniment Curet Burns, Eta. tie• g. -•,d 4.111es1 accounts, it was n magnificent ob- lloni -ly and Sobriety. :Ind occasionally a roan thinks heDi} peel at the time of the Norman con- ic being neglected when his enc- sifter burying the hatchet Ronne Where 11'enkness is, Disease I quest in 10013. its bend was equal Neither the laws prescribed in Tlliefl attend strictly t.. their own lata go out and dig up an axe. WO! Settle. -11 one suffers from any' t•, the lull moon in sire, and its tail Plato's republic nor the plans of business. organic weakness, inherited or con- increased to a wonderful length. government in \(ore's Utopia nor ____ Atter a Sold Drive deal ran to take a aago•a• 1 rnr•ted, thele disease will settle ----- fel .r e'a,n►,I:'r rafted trllh a glat. or Ant wider t, h"11 it attacks the body. 'rhern• ,t 'edifice' !ruse i3 a man who fie., drive out the pains that beset saves the voters the trouble of think• you, do not let a cold or it cough ick for 1!, tt‘••lvcs, ever u•jl•et a eseah. harass - • • .. ____-r_.- _ Du your best and leave the rcrt; 1411 t' organs ill a good healthy con- . Termenting r,••1 f t tar • wr•tek•d -- ,-- never mind to morrow. 111;:'::a:,' t tak•Awae clition. This you Can do by using „m »: • , • • 1' , ••t non e••r•. DI Timtnias' Kcleetric Oil. Pre- Tn,s a.lrnt,.b • r•u.•Jy I • Lae (1 -loot . 'rake It is Muss. .patten is the wisest coarse. ____`_ Don't Cough!--LJse 1► til•' dreams in Johnson's "Itasee' ••A IeraMyard oosas' Is pas Pry nt InrtnrM •,ad.u,;u. it sanly p»vats shills. .Scots sub' IAP" or in• hellnmy'a "Looking last• h•r suer.1 U,.e tMa mercy o the t Lara .f it totes, then Is b■ one '• Paintlll•r'--Perry A1'en'. I.nna Nalaarn, .blah Is •t••1 rich •iPh Darts -tae. and toe Backward" emelt! I). of any muse 111 ,,,,,d et1•ct «nn In eoesesptl..a'e eerly sto,1•a that tnulunlnity of 10,000 Doukho- bor, in w•e+tern Canada. Their statues nae based on the Sermon on the ,Mount, and Tolstoi never beat not one out of a cent. it their prophet. They govern them- He's probably planning to separate selves wit}kunt courts or police or yeti from several of your hard. lawyers .r clergy, and they sats' calmed dollars. Honey by doing it. They were all but pat1).rR ellenyour children are troubled the:. art -keit in Canada a few years with wore,•, give theta Mother • alto 'fo ria', they own celleetively ((raves' Wenn Exterminator; safe, pr, petty (-tined et millions. Their sine and effectual. Try it, and 11, nr mill(, l,rl,•k yards, stores. te- 'nark the im},r,vesneut in your 3.• Irene !inlet belong to the eenunu- child. lei , not tel any individual 'ir (sot- tee:Ilion, and they are evil man- Mistress - '.N ',e• remember, aged. 'rhe Uonkh.hor does not cock, the Jour•..,•: sue corning for sepiolite religion from business. iie (Banff." ('eek - •'beat's! it 141 ole, is religions .shell days a w."'k. No muni, i'll de n)e worst. They'll on.' ever Saw a dishonest. drunken, Clever t•ronble ye! .,gain.• prn•faite, ilnlmoral, envisntr, ambi- 1:'.u! ar even a discontented Donk-ft hol:or. They are vegetarians. Try this They shun nlrohnl anti tubeecu,-- �� Ilutleil Glide. 'Flit', M1•S'I'l:R1• OP THE .(GES. TI'onthful student- Pa, Met.loise sail ‘‘ns‘‘nsthe oldeslmann, wasn't lie Vetiver -Yrs, any Son. 1.,ulhful student • Then who we- ,• elde'+t wl/tlntl I Father -- ,Iy son, don't ask. From Eve .1a.vn. that (las been a profaned Sayst^ry to the sons of Adam. • Way ft To Dye your Clothes ONE --A11.110105 Or (00Ds. You don't hays la know wl•a• KIND of cloth y•>'ar Goods ore,ra•tc of. SAME Dye far ALL. No chance of Mis'ak•el. /.11cestor. to tents (toil gone I), '4(4,101 Dealer. Salvial. Card a8•1 Bookie t free. T1.. Je7.nsos .N!chardsen Co., Limited. Dept. 0., Montreal. Que.......a. consider MiN.1RITA LINIMENT the REST Liniment fn ase. 1 get my foot badly Jammed lately. ) bathed it well with MINA KITS LINIMENT and 1t was as fell as eter nett day. Yours very truly, T. (1 S1•-M1:LLEN. 1'1.1I\ s.11I,IN(1. Neter )11,7:!,• your flit are possi- bilities by 'pour past failures. Optimism is glorified, intrepid, hele•ftal coin:nom-sense. Everyone will kick the under dog u,,lcss he Shows his teeth. There's a sip, as well as a alis,, between the cup and the lip. Truth ie seldom a• thing of beau isut it isn't the truth's fault. Teeple seldom take airy alnico • 11 er than what they pay for. Beauty is only ekin•deep, and �•nie' people are remarkably Thin• ishinned. 11 hen a '5.111811 begins to talc l:tl.y-telk to a plan lie might as well .ttrleuder. Stout Party --"Are you aware, air. that you deliberately stuck fl ev- 'f myCar last Isla I1 •/, umbrella 1 \ ur a cnieg''' Little l$ifforton - ''Very careless of ale, i and sure. i won- dered what became of it. and -- would it be too much trouble to ask you to return it'!" ilealizntioll never comes to thus. who deelinr le (tope. CURE TItt UST glAVSINE 1CR J:l1Sar)L.AS 11111 icsiently relieve our 1. hull, throes. there is nothing like it for Asthma, Bronchitis nod toast troubles. Contains nu opit.tes. Very ples•ent to fake. An Dt•,etiata. .5 rents. ISSUE NO. N,Irr t040W, -AU Ra•twsye newly Rs lief Berm the worst Ess is from nes to ', y Minutes. or H0.4s»he hither tisk or aen•one, Tooth - he, Neuralgia. henmatla+e. .uosba� pains and weakness is tee b*ck, tiptoe or kidneys. &Trotted 17►e 11ver, plenrL7• 'wellies of • Pai/res �G'Iteltar and wlns ill le • KO 8.. » is or• `Mets perfs•a•nr cora Send for free sample to Dept. W. 1-, Hs %tonal Drug ♦_Cnemical Co., Toronto.__ CaARaPET, e.DYEIN(� Orstldh Armorloen Oyolng Co' Bent leant• •,l •. 5, p•.t a..! we are 1a void`, Address aa■ 158, Montreal. Is Your Hearing Coud? The REAR (' !MON P. will et., r•,i the beneAts of gond hearing. e•rnd 1.•r tree b••••tlrl. Kiting particular, and Ill of •nti+6cd a -ria. Alt) Ipeotal Offer ler a Month's Hams Trial THE BRAND ELECTRO 0r0NE LIMITED, 3.14 @padins Avenue, Toronto. AL1- 11LR UCLATIVUS 1[AD D)ED OF CONSUMP1 ION in the year 1890,18 tear.aye ;111., G. S. Geezer, of Pelle Isle, 1\ S., we s in a sad toed tine. All het relatives had died of eonrumptiea, andthere was every ind.cat:on that she was going the same t.vy, Aide, point her h ushand su?gestedtotry Psychi.'1'. 1 he do, for who attem!ed said 1'ryehine was worth Ira; but it cl1ected • tvot.delfulcure. E' hte.n ream ail"' in s kner hen:ng date. August 14, 1908. Mn. Getner says, "1 am better than 1 hate Men for years. My lung.: have not trou)-le-i me since I took your trratmenl. My rbysiciaa told me I (cold set tams better Ionic that PSYCHIYE, and (recommend it to all who are rulle(nj tram 'Long Ttoublcani Gen- eral I)-hd,t 1'.r sale by ail Driveable Sar. 4 11 ter ►at'•, Dr. T. A. 'LGCIi>d " L151STf.D, 'I ROM PS'itiiiNe PRONOUNCE[) SI -KEEN -c BOOST YOUR TOWN BY ORGANIZING A BRASS BAND Information on this subject with printed Instructions for ama- teur bands and a printed form of Constitution and By -Laws (of bands, together with our Mg catalogue, will be mailed FREE on request. Address Dept. 4' D." MANITOBA 11 WINNIPEG I s WILLIAMS 1.1S 1 11'1.)ONTARIO R A FURS Itetsr•ntest OemlMen Renk er any Cemmurclat Agency. Write for our Revlted Pries Litt Wieling special orlon for Skunk, Fisher, Lynn, Muskat, Red For, and hlabest Mitchel ewe. for all other klnrr• of row hors. ,\ proper examine( nt and inti valor. n■snred when you ship to nenor policy -- Mati,fnetion goo roweed or shipment returned .0 nor rt name." Trial Shipments Sellcltel C. PIERCE & CO., Limited 6J9 GT. PAUL ST., 1TO:ITRCAL 1