HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-21, Page 1xrier
$ I.oO p^r year In advance
.....♦ .............•.•♦•........N•••..••...•.
'Home No. 32.
A nice Assortment of Ladies Spring Suits have just arrived in
the very newest Shad rs ani. Tailored in the Latest Style.
They are very swell and come at the lowest prices. Also
another lot of Ladies Spring Coats in Plain or Striped
Fawn Covert Coating, long or short. Our Ladies
Ready -to -Wear department is booming this
Spring. Be sure you wear one of Our
Garments. They mean Style, Fit
and Economy,
Separate Skirts
\Ve ate showing some ex-
tra values in Ladies Dress
Skirts for this spring. The
styles are entirely new and
every skirt has a particular
style of its own. Voiles, Pan-
arnas, Merges and Broadcloths
in all the !ending colors.
Ladies' Waists
All the Now Ideas are
shown here in Our Swell New
Waists. Net. Silk and Haney
Lawn Waists are shown here
in ahundanca and in ail colors
You will do well to see them.
Seasonable Millinery
.1.1.t a word to make you think of your Spring Hat. Our
Milliners are showing everything that is New in the Hat Line.
We have a largo staff at work and can Make or Trim Hats on
the shortest. notice. A Nice Hat is one of the Main Attractions
Ladies Whitewear 1 ! Colored Petticoats
The season is just here.
We have a large variety to
show you in Ladies Skirts.
Corset Covers, Night Gowns,
Princess Slips and Drawers.
The hest aro here.
A nice collection of all the
new colors in 1'nderskirts.
One suitable for any dress in
Sateen, .%lorie, Regal Taffetta
or Silk. Prices away down.
Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums
Do not forget us when Housecleaning. We can show you
the Largest and Best Assortment ever shown in Exeter. Hugs
all sizes and prices for any room in your house. Carpets the
samt' way. Remember we carry nothing lint Scotch Linoleums.
The Best and the Best is what you want.
Lace Curtains from 25 cents to $0 per pair.
T.wwes.ry Curtains from $2.7.5 to $•' per pair.
Bobbinette Cttrtains matte up Frills at bottom $1 per pair
Jones & Ma
Headgnarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••• O.*** ••..
•.•.♦.•♦♦..•♦•.•••• •♦••.•.•••••••..••••••♦.••
Good C1othes..,.
May Not Make A
It's n. ‘t.'11.1.(.
er worth while to grumble I
At the filets ::.0 -or meet on :hoe way: Mi' and !Mrs,s, Atkitx+o)i(pent'Ttvi11 likely bucause us to Stu►nbleIlit,(work to Lo on 'town+hip,'er the t,leams actmihthave\lr'r,ll.'Niecetumspent'thefor-•
to day. tact 7,urt of the farce in Loudon.
Z•:1nd it's never lh while frown Afi• Win. Prone •otunied !tont^ hat -
if t smile 1rday front 'Rayfo.d.
a care -wrinkle away.
� i , Mr. .1. G. 6tnuhury was engaged in
•It's n ver worth while to borrow court at Coder:ch on Friday.
More trouble tban falls to our Mr. and 'Mrs. Ivan McDonald. o:
shat.'; Gu0tph, visited with r:lube(. ;n town
\\ a all haw,. enough of real sorrow. last wok.
\V . all bane a portion of care,
It Hut it's never worth while to frown
•. if a smite
• \\'111 help some one his b::rd, n to
• i 1t'; always worth while to be living
L als
: i I rtngham. Ilrucefield. Special town-
,, ♦♦ hip prie for heat three bora• s. ax-
:: ricultural or draught -G. W. Nott. W.
• • I):1!,• and C. \1'r'. ht. of Tuck•rsm:th.
• • Raclin •y+ -Stallion. .1 y: ars or over
•• ••
I O. It. Forster, Colborne.
• • Roadsters -Saddle horse-- 1st T.
• ♦ • ,tRoadsters-Saddlek. Clinton : 2nd. N. Davis. Clinton.
f .111 in harnt•'c,. 1-41, .1, W.
• ♦ 1 r ruith • sid T Cook. C1
• • 1 nrniss-1st, Dr. Ross, Sea -
?dim Iron• Handford. who attended
the \Vhitoy Ladies College is visiting
at her horns.
Mr. Alfred Allen olio has b.•c0 HV -
in; in 'London. ii moving into Mr.
\\'m. 1'u gs:ey's house.
r() h.•Ip some ono else to be true, -r, lied Itatcdr•n on Tuesday moved
1'h_rr is somethingwe each can be into 'the resift•nce he recently pur-
giving chased 'front Mrs. Daniel 1Cernick.
Something, w. can say or do- Mrs. J. G. t tanhury accompan:cd by
And I think it'. worth wbile. though her stn, Stuart, viaitcd last week with
it's only a smile. her sister, N1rs. Gourley, of Toronto.
To b,' ready to give it. Don't gout \%•ANTED -Good boy to :earn
-�- printing. Splendid up•ning for srnar:
tad with 'fair edueatson, Apply at
CLINTON SPRING thl1O\V aha office,
The spring show at Clinton was at- Afr. and 'Mrs. Lnnzford, ahs have
tended twi(h success. There was a b, cn on an extended visit with Ur.
splendid showing of faun leasee, and Mr.', ltou:nton. left pet erday
seeds. etc.. the products of the fine for Their home in Regina.
farms of the district. The list of
prizo-winners is as follows, li\IsTlitt C')U\CII.
ltenvp horses.-Clydufdale stallion Th:• Council met in the 11,adine
ere, •r 3 years -1st and second. Thos.
Room of th • Town Hall, Friday April
McMichael Kt. lion, Scaforth: 3rd John 15th 1910, Absent Councillor Luker.
.'hortreed. \Patton. Shire stallion, Thi• minutes of the m.etin; held April
under 3 years -1st. John Blake, Hub 1st were read and approved. Nfr.
!• t 1. Brood mare. 3 years and over, Robert Leathern sddr, wed the Coun-
11 ih • ersmMoteenw Hank trophy.'W. J. Dale ell rec;ards i)w petition as presented
ruck, rsmith ; 2nd Wm. Pence; 3rd, to the Council at th • leaf as prose Th•
m Maru'-
t Ilullett. x t, t Filly F.or
I geld- � r
33 1 Lenthorn that tb
ing �S Reeve advised r- rho n
years and over -1st G. W. Nott, matter was dealt swish at kth last
Tucker.mith: 2nd and 3rd Jas, Fos- mate and •that the Council did not
ter. Litt -know : %'illy or gt 1dinz (bre d.t;ire to re -open the discussion. n. Mr.
years and und,•r, I it A. Pennington. D vitt desired to know untied
Kipp(•n. Team in harness. 1st Jas, were going 'to co.itinuo th.• toying ut
Foster, Lucknow: 2nd. Wm. Morrison granolithic walks. 11 r. ik•vitt tuns
Mullett ; 3rd 11. :Salkeld, Goderich adcisi.d that th.' Council j)rocceded
township. Yearlings. •) .
11. t trline�s, 1 year and nn- to build any %.114-alks the p titions h.td
d r 2 -1st, Joe 131akc'lullett ; 2nd. .1. would have 't h. preference. I'rr Ilen-
Stewart. Goderich township. man-italkwill-that th • recommend -
Agricultural - Team in harness, ation of the Board of Health, namely
'1 vial prize won t v Chas. .McGregor, the chairman b,• paid *5.W per annum
Constance. $10 in „o el and diploma. -granted. The Reeve and Clerk were
given by Geo. Iloare, C1,f. )n: 2nd. C. appointed to look into the matter and
Lovett. Goderich tit,; 3rd .1:,.. Foster if found n•c.-lanry that n by-law he
Luck►ww. Brood mare :I },art and prepared accordin;ily. 1'er L •vett -
ow r -1st C. 'Wright. Jirueefield, 24.1 penman -that th'' Clerk correspond
I,: 'Prick. Goderich tp. Filly or ,;e'•' with the (lona,ler of the Deal
in,z 3 years or over= let and 2nd. c' Telephone Co. urging that lb.. phones
McGregor. Constance; :3rd C. Lovett. b• installed at an early dote netw•een
God- nch tp. Yearling. 1 year and th • Power Plant and the Fire 11a11 -
under 2-1.t. F. Hall. Muscat : 2nd• Carried. Th. followintz account{ wet..
I, Cornish. Mullett. read and approved W. J. Carlini ac.
1: arra! Purpose -Tens iu harness, a'ippliea for Mrrt. .»;ive $1.35; Nary .y.
1,r. Jas, Pair. Clinton; 2nd, D. Pot b- Bros. Coal for Town nail. $10.20 ; Th.•
Frye 1're>s. London. advertising tend-
ers Writer Work.. $5.00; The Queen
City (1•! Co.. Toronto Gasolin • $179:
David Gillis labor gathering ('tone.
$'2.25; Win. \\'ikon drnwin; tile $1.75:
G•0. Atkinson. 1 day. 2 hrs. c'enti.n;
streets. $1.'0: Ther. Mock jr.. c'ean-
inr str'.1'. 75c1+: ltd. naw 1 Clay 2
beers with :•nen <rattin:r. $.1.!,0; Alt.
It, Word on • day clean:4z :.tr •eta 51.50
♦ ♦ • - • o ..ntot'• lams olden our dap e., nnin z is :it, - h $11.50: C. llorn••y on.. day see:min
• • 1 :.'r . h ; ' nd. 1I. Ito tk nhcrry. Bruce- .etr,rls se 20 ; C. \\'. Cres+. Il:i'. u'
d. 3rd. R. 11. •Knox. Constance. Salary 1909 -Iii (2.00; John Cookson.
•• 1'1 ,i ... in harnew-1st .1. W. Elliott. labor at C•rnet••ry *11.51; Thos. Ftah-
i noon ; '2nd. G. Walker. Clinton : 3rd er it at Cc' of Cemetery house 3 yrs
• 1,. Forton •. Hca.'ort h : Stallion 15 1-2 $x,.05 ; 11. til•ackrnnn supp:i s ac. c •nt-
�hand+ or over -1st. Than. Pinkney, ; t• ry G1.20: The Fs. ter (rimes ac.
3 wforth. Stallion kli 1-2 hands and printing eh ck look. cemetery ;3.00;
end• r, 1st, G. \\ alk• r, Clinton. Fred Kerr brick for c' rn •t••ry $18.00:,
Carriage -Team in harness. 1st. L. rho.. llou'd •n two weeks cnre of pow--
Fortune. 8raforth;2nd, J. W. Elliott er house $5,00; Thos. lfou'den Street)
Clinton. waterin,t $6.00. Amanniin t to $$5.94.
midhorn ('alt!, -Bull. 3'lar. and 'n' d on mot;.on o4 L•vett-llearnnn.
n, 1 -1st. 1•:. I1. Wiseise Goderich town• Afadj. by L.•ve':• Jt1t9. Ni:xr,lt. C:; rk.1
but they can snake his) (nighty proud that he is one.
Our clothes WILL. Try them and enjoy the luxuricus
feeling of being \^l dressed. THEN' Co'T No Moi:F:
A wi,rn shabby or out-of-date suit is not a badge of am-
bition or prosperity antl there is no person of whom the
world 14 more shy than the slothful or unsuccessful man.
Cail on us and see our styles and pat=
terns. Our prices are the lowest in
We take more pains to suit you and
give you satisfaction than we do to sell
you New Ties, Hats, Shirts and Shoes.
Sandy Bawden
Com are Your Razor
With the New Carbo Ed e
Don't he satisfied with the razor you
are using because you merely think
11 Is the iia(.
Get (1•.1 Carbo•Majnetle. It will
last longer -it w7:11 gilt' you a (ulcker,
rmuother shave.
Try ft for 30 dnys nt aur expense -
then you will know which is the ire'(
- for ole sure test of value is com-
"Right tempering" Is the Reeret
of 4'al bo-'.tagnelt. 8ul,erl'rlty. '1'!'^
"earls) edge' is «ecured by nn • . • •
electric hent of 2.600 degrees Vater,
rheft-a prones of carbonization sr
lar to that by which diamonds 1' , ••
been pre•11eed. The result is the
letdest Butting edge known In science
---a 1.1 id- that you never have to
hone or gilnd.
Don't take our word for It -the rarer
proves las( If-- come. In Imlay and get
ono on 30 days' lrlal-free
•Il7fleNirdewiththe Car6o
II e. Bull. 2 years. E. 11. %lits•, Gods_
1 tp,; 2nd. I,. Trick. (od;•rich tit
1 sent -1.t. 11. Smith, Exeter:
' r. l and 3rd. Ja , 4n,•11, Ili:.le1:• Coot
:1 t ars and ov, r. Ist. 11. 84411th. 7?xr-
211,i..les. steel. Millett ; :3rt% W.
11011 r: V. 1" 411(41: 11 ; er, 2 y .nr•-. 1st
8n4:1h. i:t r r:.u,l.II. Snot It, Kse-
t r : :1141. F. (1. V. . . (;oderich I n,t n.
sh p. 11 ,f•. r. 1 y• :.r --.las. Si. I1.1'-
'. ti : 2nd and :3rd. I:. 11, \\ . (;ode.
r eh township,
11 re'ord Cattle -11111 and •r two
yetis-lat. K. Din.,•y. Goderich lown-
sh p. ('ow thrt • years and over -Int,
1., 11'11- y. Goderich township: 2nd.
L. 'l'r:ek. Cod •rich township. II.•ifer.
'ind r three y.•ars-lit. h. I):n• y,
God •r.th toon•h.p.
Dairy Cow.. and Fat (7.111: -Dairy•
1'(t 11 AVE N1AItKED ;\I'I'LE:i \\'1; ,.till line. p't•nty.of feed on
FAlfil'.I.l hind. any on . %tontine fend will do
Mr. R. 8. !.ane. apple • ;por4rr. wed to cal and ;••t their snppl,. \V l
was charted by inspector Merritt 1.. a•twn}.; hut.• plenty of the not d
138k -r of the Fruit division of . the
1) pt. of A,zric:t!t•1re. at Ottawa. 'with MODEL FLOUR
f''sely mark`.n:: e, rtain app'es ship-
prd from 'rhem,•s'ord to Glaseow !est tt l h is *steadily ;ninin,r the eon i•
fall. The rna,z:strut:•. Mr. .1. 1. I . :r of the rro )' It is Serif nil to
son. of Kintore. pr. sided a1 h !, 1 {
in.r of th . ca.,' at Thamrsfor.l; It- '""
sp-•clor Doty pt the port of Mono ' ,Harvey Bros.
swot • that he had ctnr:n •d 67 bare••:s
of appl. . marked It. S. bang. of SI. WI:I)I)IN(i RiNGS
Marys. and brand •1 '.o. 1. and found
31 barrels of the . irc 'n have hen
P you get up jest before sunrise
now you 41'11 eel n glimpse of ltal-
ley's Comet in tho Eastern hey, says
Prof, John N. Stockwell. fatuous
American astronomer. It is ,yie,ible
for two houre and a half before sun-
rise. After May 18, we won't have
to lose any morning brau•ty sleep to
s -e it, as it will 1)0 vii ible in the west -
Ali sky after sunset. 'l o', see Prof.
Stockwell think-. he wi:l (1(111 bt• here
co :x a it after May 18.
Ile saysthe cornet will blaze in the
nicht sky tar into the summer, and
!o: ors sit in the cometliaht and prom -
1s:• to 'fly etenuty together. It will
steadily grow smaller and dimmer as
it shoots away from tit- sun on the
fid • of The solar system apposite us.
At th • largest the comet will appear
as :ailed as tho sun to us, says Prof.
Mr, Lorne 1\'eek' tt ho has neon
v: -icing in town, left en Saturday
and joined his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Weeks at ,'1Valkervil:e, They {l rave
for Redford Indiana, where they will
make their home.
The death 'took pace on Wednesday
Isabella, beloved wife o: 4r. John
Duncan, aged 66 y. ars. The funeral
w-i!I be held Friday, interment to
take place In the ureter cemetery.
Mra. Winslow's Soothing Syrup In
the prescription of one of the beat
female physicians and nurses In the
United States, and bas been used for
ifsyears a
fiftywith n h ver -1' e f i ►na eucocas
by millions of mothers for their
children. It relieves the child from,
pain, cures diarrhoea, griping in
the bowel& and wind colic. I3y giving
health to the child, it rests the
mother. 'twenty-five cents n bottle.
KiJOPI'-At ih:• 14th Con. flay. on tit•
lith inst.. to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Klopp. a den
81'AIILI\G-On tle• Thant( s !toad, on
Thursday. April 11th. to '•lr. arid
Mrs. Percy 8parting. a daughter.
WILSON -At Grand 'lend on Thurs-
day. April 14th. Pauli \Pi:son, aged
19 years and 2' days.
BUTTON -In Ex.•t,•r, on Friday. April
15th. A;n. s Mary 'Hodgson. belov-
ed •.wife of Jona:Sutton. abed 555 yrs.
8 months and 23 days.
DUNCAN-On • he Blind Lin'. Ilay on
Wednesday. April 20th. Isabella, be-
loved wife of John Duncan, a•r••d 66
y :urs.
Children Cry
Look at This List for Your
Spring Warts
Gamlen stakes
Garden Hoes
Shovels and Spades
Drain Spades
Lawn Mowers
Step Ladders
Curtain Stretchers
Carpet Sweepers
Screen Windows 25c up
Screen Doors $1.(10 up
Screen wire for Win-
dows and Doorar a yd. IOc
Liquid Veneer
Heady mixed paint 10,; up
Varnish Stains 15c up
Floor Paint 45c up
llahxstiveand Murano 25c up
Brushes 5c up
Aluminuem Paint 10c up
Gold Enamels ::5c up
Oilcloth V.►rnielt
Buggy Enamels
Shellac per bottle
Tube Colors
25c up
2.5c up
10c up
10c up
Crack k ('revese Filler 25c up
Oil Stoves
G,t.�uline Stove
81.75 up
4.00 up
Jnst received Samson Portland Cement. Quality and
Ainatitc Ready (roofing $2.5o per Square.
.`_'t. 11MMaiitiMi���iUfil�iii iliiutt E= 1.111 i
Special Discount
trtin •
tr An
anal Discount Bale comprisingrt
every Article in our Largeand Nell Assorted stock
are offering at a Special Discount for the
Will consult their own interests by examining our Goods
and getting our Prices before purchasing their Spring
Furniture as we c n sate you many 1)oliars,
'%'tie Leading Iloare 1'40llisht•rsand Poe et al Directors.
iw r„ �•••t. Taw• • •,w •r• ••.•••,. 1�
�'±T�j tp ,t:}]tt tj}
..`..ala.... ii. 3 it.�Jj i�..i:lN:�•-•:'-3�..a • i ' Li1.:... `` -
Order of Th a Day
\Kc) Have a Full Lino of the. Different Styles of N•('dding
Rings. Our
18K Tiffany dings
are the Newest Designs. Remember WE are
Ilcad(lnartors for
cow. any are. or Freed -1st It. Graham 1.1h•l). marked. (rd they had so
(7' mon : 211d. John Torranc •. Tucker- brand.. l:e•
then,, '1•h•• .1 recta :n ph.• ail -p. _
( (4. were agi d. by ,tb,• inspector. rn h. I'm h,if,r-1st. Jas. MP W.( ait
to b.•. at th-• p'is •14 to ,extent
I1 il.
•k 14-lt. ••, mak' any a .e- o' 40 orth..' r n;t 14-4•1 ,tiny.
Tscd , " h ckabby. •.nt r., ! and r , h 1
101448. God'rich town- par, t, .. '1
-h i', 11 s• f• n,:,:e. any a.r,•-Il. Smith f •1e.•. end �•.. •: ,1 11 : ,I : ., i
(1 p oma. t!s r. 11,•-; there ,tnl a •r ,I gw1 1 I• 1 r h . • 1
with hn'1-1i. Smith. Ex •ter. 1' 1 ,, • ;id oo r•l )
Gr, n .,nd S d• -Full \\ heat-tsl ►'rot• r w I. it 1 '1. 1 •1 rl a:I1 1.
and ...led .1. I.. 11 Tuck :(.4 menu }:,1 , 1. • • r '- Tv-
:Srd. \ L roar. 111 •�` -ren ;b. ;'at',
-. and 2nd. .1. 1.. \', ,,. 'i'1•ck- I,. ',l:t•.,n 11 1, r .1.1;n.
r-1: h .1-.1 .1. Parr. 11u'1. 1., oat t 441,1 "I r. 1, 4011 ;.
a it ; - I t. .' h, c,;at. 'ri,ekerstn:th; •i n d r - nn !if . 1.:,1d -d t,uwn
_'rid ..nd :1:d..1. 1.. W s , Tuckersmith. ht• Ih n:;, -tr:lt • u:4•. `(I0 and costs.
11,r t e. Ion -rowed -1.,1 and 2nd. .1. Ar '1'hnnrl,' • \Ir. bane- sal (4,4.1.1)
K. \• . - . T':rk,-rsniithi ; 31(1. .1. Barr. chore -it t•. ; !r 1 y merkin,t app es
11,1 1 tr. I1.1r:..y Rix -rowed -tat. J. l< -h 1•1' d t1 :, car horn '1'horndn'r :o
11 - T. ,•!, r•14.1 h : 2,1(1. A. it'c034 \Ionrr. a-. (1 t tr tl , 01 (;'ae,'0w
Tara: , I'I lh. .3rd. A. Mcl, od, herr.• s out of tit • car-:u;1d were ex -
111. 1 1-• 11 Znd. .1. K. \\ f•.•. am•nd h' n•perr• wa'I, r•a
h.:rl: r• In 1 111:-
: 3r84d. .1, A. Ho,s' Tuck• -hal.f'.v'by o'tIhi: i sero: • Durhor
r-rn 1h. Timothy-lst. .1. K. N'O..•, rent. o': co'or end Ind ra zed. �he
fuck rsmith; 2nd and 3rd. A. McLeod ens.• was tried by Mr. 1':aherty..1. 1'.
CI 7,:1)14. C:OV r H. ed -1s, J. I' -A
\1 iR •. 'rh • defrndant'r: ev (I -ncr ranch
Tuci: •r�in:ib; 2nd :ind 3rd. A. >1c- th•• sem.• as in the ;ornt':weans,
', th'
L od. (:'inion. 1 (1 8toie.. late is•4tlas, pack •rs sty. area r they hod pick••tl
Itois. Tuck tsin:1h. 1'otato.•s. r:rr.p- 170') tar's. inctatl n • 111 1<., mentioned.
1.4. I1, .1. 11:b1.s. God.•rich ton n hit' •;Ind n I a . r.• prop r y marked. The h •1r n. '8.4 (1 :,11:1 11 :•. in. •0 6. p.
1•t.l'It 8' NIMI•:II \ ACAT1 1r. a erz.• r•'n,b r Ti;'w:ine's's 4) .
herd. 'Ih .:•-;r11;• a •o r,,•.
Th fin a• -ether brings In 41)1)1& reed Ifs (1 c - , for en.• week. r.
•h ( .r 0)'th•r h,:l 1 '•o :or 1'. 4,, Mahon ,
to: t ,i nri' \I
Mr. I.. 11.
.. 1:' . 1..}• (4r i i h •; ., 'w..hl,i1/ 1) ek,erl. Of too 11 : rr de(,•ne .
1p ❑ •1 .. 1., it e - t . in order, prr,rfoN SALE
10 r:r rum 011 .• a••r.,n•'I(tina
:1 n .: 10':141-- r- .•Ic 1u; r. y:.n •tr o: Ili, ..11 1' .:44 :::. e1 Aloll ew
r''t , r .
ori -tu I d I( r n:: l: � ai•p ett•orr fol:�;, h•, i:e•t a Co at at J
4" .1d Trunk A,',or whir( PO J. In cock. o1 Saturday A erif '23rrl. P.10.
EXETER, ONT. i). Melonto. n'd. D. f', A. 0. T. Ry MRS, E. JONES, D. H. 1'1tdLl.ir.s,
Toronto. 1'roprictttt'ta A'let dower.
All Good Kinds of
Flour and reed
kept 01i hand
Bran and Shorts
Sold by the 'Con.
Wheat taken in exchange
f.tr Flour and Cats taken in
exchange for Oatmeal.
WT. Rivers
KXEi'f n., --- ON VA RIO.
Jeweller & Optician.
The (ireat Dandruff Remover and Scalp
pANI)ERR--(►Ft' 1,4 :a Scientifically prep trod remedy for 4Iveasrs of Ihts
se:til) and nrout(Les the growth of (fair, for itching Scalp, Scurf end
1{rzetni(' Affectations.
11111' or Two ap tlieationS will stop itching Honk', 1'.. • to Ten a{)plie.I' •'•1.s 048
guaran'cod t.(3 (lire the worst e:'- •4 of (;lith -oil% S(,;if, `t-rofnlnus end
Ref•.•retie ARrcltons of the 1; .clp. 'Thousands of Test i,nnniala.
1,\Nillat•.t)1'1" w p,)41t1vely gn. a.anteetl. Money refunded if it tails to do
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Price :)0 eent3 for M-07.. silt': or 10 ((IBIS an application.
For Sale Only at
W. D.
Shaving Parlor.