HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-04-14, Page 8GRA D TRUNK SY'S EM
t'13>a el . .I' 1ttiNt 'L'1Ad. h 8APBIL 14th 1010
•••••••••••••••••••• •••.•.......•.•••.••••....
Exeter's Greatest
lothing Store
and Boys Clothing
Our Cloth'ng department is full of Correct Spring and Sum-
ner Apparrel for critical Men of all aged in a great choice of
',.shionahle pallet ns at
$7, $8.50, $ 10, $12.50 to $19
-- -- -- t
Wear A St
• I
The new Season should he a record breaker, Our Millinery • •
1 has a seta riers and distinction that appeals to the cultivated taste • •
Iit you have not yet called. consider this a personal invitation to • •
tree the new Millinery. We can please you.
i •.
! j This new Spring showing is direct from the Manufacturers : •
and nlat•ked at prices for prompt selling.
i See the NEW ROOMA,, s :•
•items ii her we Cut, Fit.sty Linolenme without any •
i• ' itiun:►1 charge ♦ s
w Solid Values for - , cry Dollar you spend here your money back ♦ •
- - - for any just cause. :♦
•.••••••.••♦..•..••••••••• ••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••
f•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••t••
i f
All the New Spring Shapes
arc here.
Ask to See Them
All kinds Produce taken as Cash
Repairing and Tuning
G I'EDLEII, late of Chicago, haa decided to remain in Exe-
ter for some time ( indefinitely) and will wait on the music -loving
{while in the capacity of Piano and Organ Tuning and Repairing.
This line has been his life work and he is thoroughly practical
and competent in all lime connected with Pianos, Organs and
Pipe Organs and Guarantees his work. Otd Pianos and Organs
overhauled and made even like new at. lowest possible price.
Following are a few Prices :-New String" 25c each ; Tone
Regulating $3 up ; Once Tuning $2 ; Key Levelling 511c ; Over-
hauling from gift to $123 ; New Act' and Hammers' for Old
Square Pianos from $25 up. Dampers. Felts, Spring., Regulat-
ing Met ews, Bridle Tape Etc., fin -Dialled reasonably. Re•varnish-
ing. Polishing (leaving like new) done at lowest figures, also
Estimates on file Organ Tuning and Repairing furnished on re•
quest. All Reed Organs comp under the carne Price Li.t. All
Work (guaranteed. All orders left at JOHN PEDI,EIt'» rest
deuce Mouth Stain Street, or a Postal Card a tdreesed to G. Ped -
ler, Exeter, will receive prompt attention.
G. PEDLER, Exeter.
TdKc NoU6e!
To Make
Good Bread
You Knead
Pr'c . large tot tic. 100 fu .1 tore s.
f11,01Prand well north it. too. 11',,
h •tree to Ink • no Iedicino at all than
to depend 11r on cheap concoctions that
:are cornpoanded to s.•II at a !ow price
and a big profit just became there
is n large demntid for certain reme•
does ar certain seasont of the year.
Th •re ars• so-called narsepariilas, of-
fered to us to sell to our enatomcra at
.1'. -e bottle that w•oold pay us 8
.are •r profit (has Sprint;'• Snrsapn-
riUas at $1.00.
Nyn!'s tipring'a 1 areaparilla puri -
firs the blood. arouwa the torpid !iv-
1 o u r • r. drives out a!1 irnpnritira, cleans-.•
■ a and tool s up th^ c)•atr•me and help.,
nature throw off the dullness Chat
corn-. from the indoor life of winter.
Ir nrona'a energy. hr:phtena the eye.
cie8ra the brain. gives lightness to
It he movements.
Harvey Bro_cm!' thing 3011 will find in this drug
atom, \Vc stake a speciality of ar-
-ic';'s of merit. p
,\1's:= Ella i'rang. who is B
well known W. S. Howey, Phm. .
by marry in 'non. tl as married on
\\ drii•aday last nt the home of her Chemist and Optician
gradmother. n; Zurich. to Mr. Geo, EXETER ONTARIO'
Thiel, also of Zurich.,•
1lttnufactured by
li you dtsire good told at-
tractive Dills for your route
this beacon tat a moderate
cost. your (tants can be sup-
pli d at this o ire on the rhort-
st notice. A large rang of
choice cuts is at your disposal
A free notice of the runt • will
h: printed In i he Tinges. 14 -Ivo
)our orders 18113 and you
will b; sure o. 1lalisfaciion.
You trill snake no mistake by p:ac-
it., an "ad" in our Want ('Danns on
page four.
M t rket Rei.ort.--The following is
the report of Exeter rnarketa. cor-
e•r'ed up to Abri! 1Ith.
Wheat from $1.01 to $ 1.07.
814 37 to 39 cents.
I'cas 80 to 85 cents
Barley 50-52c.
Shorts $24.00
Bran $22.00
Mode! Flour 8.2.75.
Feed flour $1.45-$I.50.
1I10 $3.00, $10.00
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
11ogs. lit owei.(ht. $9.05.
Cattle on tout. $5 to 81.
Butter 20o :and 21c.
E;tgs ISc ! cr doi •n.
Clover` seed $7.50 to $8.00.
Timothy Reed 81.50 to :2.50.
:\Dyke $5.50 to -6.
1'01 at 0.':. Ilii' to 5(1e.
•••.•••• .•••♦•••
A 1)AFF"Cn1L
I notched a doffolil unfold,
And marvelled at its wondrous zo:d.
And stooped to touch' its radiance
rare ;
Its faint p_rfume enriched the air.
I n h'sp,•red "Lovely Closer. who
'l'r:uas'ercd .your bud into such
and !o. it ons i 'red! "God I'm told.
Drs: toed for me a heart of gold."
11:=s Grigg and Mrs. Rumobr are 2.0.
Oa.. sick list.
'Mr. and Mrs. \1' sole rspent Sun-
day at Lucar�
lie i ranine.. brush up and see the
!tc Ilr•t.h perforin hia wonders.
tIre. Munro returned home Monday
aft •r spending the winter in Toronto
Brush. the ;creat stage tightening
expert and slight of band performer
h -•re g„tarda} April 10,
Mr. Will Stewart. or Detroit. who
baa b en visiting in town returned
home T•:esday.
Dlr. t •, Jam a of St. S1ary:g. spent
Sunda: east visiting Mr. W. S. Row-
Mr:. W. S. llowey rind Miaa Grace
Lockhart'. v:sitcd In London. on Mon-
Mrs. Mcl'aols. returned to lieaforth
M'ondal• after visitin; her daughter.
Mks it, McFnu!i.
Misi Florence Biricb. or St. Marys.
visiting at the' hotne of Mr. and
Mrs. 1t'n1. Coutts.
Mr. Ed. Chrstie and Mr. Iliteh
`p tckman att. nded the sprint '•how at
(' Ilion Thursday tact.
Mrs. Frank 'Mallet:. jr.. and three
eh ",1r n. returned home Monday ev-
• n ne rafter visitin;( for a few day:+
'n St. Tho1113',
Mrs. Rohl. Down and family left
th'a week for Iiinde•rsley. Sark. Sirs.
Arnold Moi. trho Ina been visitin;
h •r mother at ft t -in th. accompanied
th .111.
To accomodate the number of prim-
ary acho!nra who 'tarred rctinnl after
Eaatcr the room of M1'se Pennock has
Tanen t •mr'orar::y divided and Miss
Winona !toward hag been cn,(a,;ed to
t "eh the n w .cbo:ars,
%fr. A•h-•rt I'enprere. who r'cenr!v
rl oat hos interest in the barbers
1 • n. ss conducted Rn,. r the name
u ['Awl-nat. 8nd Durke•. left on Tnea-
d-'y morning for n trip through th•
We -at. gong as far as Prince Rupert.
COmnl'aaioni r Rivett had the road
scrap•r at work on the Main Street
Satnrdny and the improvement tins
rite marked. Th • scrapinlra were
pat in the o:d water tank at the cor-
n -r of Main and James streets.
1Inr eo the young- son n' Mr. nnil
Mrs. Wm. It's, El. tort with a painful
:accident last h eek which fortunate.
'v did not more serious. lir' was plat -
'n r n nr a hnnfi,e when- a spark got
r1. 0 hi•, • t -e and' a'i;'htly burned the
"'' a 'I hnd it bandaged for a ft•w
• ! ., i 1 better twain.
The medal department or the W. C.
T. U. ntend ho'dint n contra;. In el.
Heiltiob in 11' • near tut::re. There
1. 'I he to 0 4' .1 .•11 0' conesfnnts. one
rot -t 11e 0' (1.:'41r n from 11 to 11
y a 4 1/11` Vt. and ill • o, her from 15
to I 1 yenta ine'll.ive. Tho. • who in -
ten 1 to compel • 8;!I p", sae !en ye (heir
names with Mi•s Mimes o' :he pub:ie
,ch.,ol staff.
Mina Itob). 0' eh • Ili,rh Schools alt.
wa• laid up for a few day• (hiring''
the past week with an attack
or measles and in eonaelnence her
pier! -a had n holidey Monday. Mis".a
1'< motel; and /Perth who board nt the
carp.• hoose with iii»a Robb. were
Inarnntined and the pnpile of Mise
S'eeth'e room also enjoyed a holiday,
Wile Pennock'," scholars being tnwght
by .\1's+ W. Ifonnrd.
Th.• Jordan -Munro -concert C,,, who
h •'d forth in the Opera Rouse a few
manta a^o. nre on Saturday next re-
rurn'ngg with Brush. th • zrcat marci-
e nn. Th • concert he'd h, re heron -
lila a sneer('s and epokn well for th.
compnny and we cnn he ae.urod th.•t•
u:'l hien, the hest tiith them. Th..
M • 'Alyrt'.e Charlton i'( recovering
from a -..•rioter illnttr+,
For pleasure's rake do nut rail to heel
Ilrusb and his u onden..
Frank Doyle visited hi, moth •r at
Centralia Sunday.
Bert Rivers Ivft Thursday morning
for Teeswat,•r where he bas secured
a position in it harness Chop.
Mr, C. T, dirook i and 1M1itrt M. 't'
Taylor torpent Sunday at Won the
.'I 'IS of Mr. and Mm. Eph. Iters,
Rowe & Atkinson are ;giving; a spec•
i:tl disrue:nt off Furniture for the
Ilett Sl) days'
Nee add in another
Rev. .E, A, Fear %vas in Clinton on
Thursday 1,141 visiting Ma son. Loon •,
o f 'roonto. who was there tcatin; the
A car -load or hors; -i WAS shipped by
\L•. T. E. ]landlord to Winnipeg. on
'l'haisduy fast, accompanied •by Mr.
Marshall 'sutler, of McGillivary.
It.•t•. Dlr. IJli!lyard. a roomer "p:ast-
tor of Main street Church will occupy
the pu!p't 011 Handily next. Ree. E. A.
1',•ar tt•ii1 preach l:ducatioua't sermons
:at God •rich.
Mrs. (It,•v.t L. \V, Collins is nt end -
i11 the annual tie -ling or 441' Wom-
an's A,:a:!iary 't, th.. Missionary 'T•io-
e et v or the Church o: lti :tIiad. inr
h •ltl in London.
Ilru-h. d,•rnonstrator. extraordinary
O deceptive digital ditterity will. pre-
sent his mast renowned entertainment
on the lecture course at Exeter Opera
Roust. on Saturday. April 16th.
The baggage coarsing 'rhe costumes
of Wei Jardine -Thompson. who netsiat-
ed in the cone •rr on Friday last. titian
carried on to Clinton. It way.lbrou zht
back to' town by onto and was !1t (Una
for the entertainment.
Rev. Mr. iDlcltcihertl. tik London.
preached :it Jana s street Methodist/
church on Sunday Inst. Rev. It. liobtn+
preaching anniversary t-ervices in the
1111 Street ".letbodtst shnrclt London.
tan Sloaiday evening Mr. Robbs delis_ I Merchant Tailor.
ere(' n teeter.. on "The Mash• Man.', EXETER
Church Directory
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Vestor
Sunday Public Worship -10.30 a.mw
and 7 p.m.
Class Service -Sunday 0.30 a.m. Ind
after Morning Service and Wednes-
day night.
Young M•n's L1w and Gatasiusaeaa
&I lay ra t t ..e,
Sunday School and Bib!. Masses t.lo
Epworth League -Tuesday at 8. p.m
l'rayer Meeting-Thursdas at 8 n.m.
Sunday. April 17th. The Pastorwill
pn•uch morning and evening„ spring-
time sermons.
Men's Suits
After all it's the Tailor who
makes a suit a SUCCESS or a
FAILURE. The most fascin-
ating style would be a fizzle if
there were not careful needle
work underneath. That is the
reason our Suits at $20 are
better than the suit you buy in
town for more money They
are perfect in every way if
not you can have your money
A Regular Store' Period extends
from the 14th to the 19th centra, on
th loth. Thea period wilt brin.c !ow
barometer and return or en -r: -tic
arm•+ on and near the 15th. 10th. 17
and 18th. The Mars influenc • will
d'sappear after the middle. of April.
8nd warm r settl'4. s prinrlike weath-
, r 1083 bect, d. 1;11 (De 1f.i.atrY-
halt suit! brie�, exp_utwiu. i ry rawness.
1D� orrnl hlust,,r foaowint the
"Easter storms" will rive a wintery
touch to ►n1:ch o" the storm and
weather in the first half of the month.
Very cool nitbts will be :natural
front 'the 18th to 20th with Eros• to
the northward.
The concert given in the Opera
donee on Friday evening last under
the auspices of the Ladles Guild of
the Trivitt Memorial church was o! :t
h'gh order. A :large number were in
atlendanec.th,• receipts nnarnolantin,t
:o $114.10. The singing of Miss Jar -
d ne-Thompson was much enjoyed. She
posa,•s$e•s a sweet voice with wido
ran re. The solo "Flow Gently' Sweet
Af,ou" was Hauch apt-reeinted. 11e:
appearance in coxtume added tr.-at-
1y to 'the Interest. \Waiter Gordon
era t is an artkst dr merit and h ►s
read n,:s were well de.ivered. "ICin,t
Robert o: S!ci!y" wai one which
broil ;ht loud applause from, the
audience. Mr. Ilrown. of Clinton. fill-
ed (be position a•1 accompanist. in
tis usual able manner. •In every way
.1t • rec:tat was n success".
'1r. John Salter, who ivith Mr.
• • r rec,•n.Iy r••turned from spend-
s:; th- winter in Probers. Cornwa!1.
I• i;•'and. tel:a us they had a very
:.sent v"set In the old land. It is
1a years snrc Mr. Salter lett Cornwa'1
and he had not been back prey nus to
last winter. Ile noticed many" im-
provements and had not for rotten t be
acme+ of h'.s chi'dhood. Of hie reboot
spites only 'two stere left. \V,• are
pleased to barn that Mr. ria:tor stood
rip for Canada while in the moth -r
'and. ('n on • occasion at a poiilical
meetin one of the speakera spoke
a1: a'nst the co:onira and spoke a,: tinct
Cannda. saying the country was nu
rood, \Vbt n the opportunity to ,.k
til, st'on% or make remark.; cant •.
dater was the first to rim- and in-
formed Ilse speaker to rho eject that
la: had made aam • m'`staternen:e. noel
he corrected the impressions !Kt by
the speake•r. At the eonclwo'on of his
r.•mnrks he r •e •ived loud applause,
th • !8d es way.d th-ie handkerchiefs
and the men th •'r hats. 110 0 a•
ho'st:4 to the shoulders of at•rvcral of
th•"10 and they wanted to carry Wm
to the p'at:orntbut to this Mr. Salter
objected. Mr. and Mrs. Snit••r a ti-
joycd read:nit the Times and received
it rc;tn'ar:y. The Pub is Literary re -
(nested that it b• left in their rend-
ing room and a'to the Professor of I •
Co'1,:'•• r.•(11 811d a !rarer. *r.
34 a't r a'n nys look it to the r ad.n:t
room e h •ii f"nished wit h it.
Tat • s3ragath'esor many of Ito• r-s.-
drnts of 1•:xeter nu. extended (0 Itrnc••
T. And•rsow. te•ler of the Ilan!: ,,
('nn,1:, res here. :n the (kali or h
facia r. itev, Jain a A. Andierson. ' s•
tor o' Knox ehnrch. God •rch ,t ireja
occur%d sndden'y in (`fthea on Tri
day morning of '8st week. Mr. Ari-
d rsan was in ( vat" a visit in; friends.
11 • was nitend:n,r to •cringe or the
iloard��pr( French Evangelization at
Monti -Mi. and on Wednesday w8• to
has • had the Ilonary rI • rr•e n 1). (1
confers -II nn h'in by th • f'r shy. eci alt
Co!heze at Mont reit. wh••re he recd sed
b s 1h o oric8! training. Willa. in
('•ttnwa he was attacked by la
ar:pp•• which terminal4d fatally. I1.'
:s survived by his wife. five sons and
on d:,u •hter. Mr. hn 1rads hag ben
pastor o' I:nnx church. f;od••rich. for
22 )ear.. Ile stn• an able preacher
and was esteemed riot on:y b) has nen
eonfrrega1:on. but 4bronahml1 the en-
tir • I'resbyt, rt. Th • Turret took
Var.. F'r.day n (ernonn. from 'Knot
church nod the chinch never hold n
ar:r, r congregaI'on. Ni arty al tIvy
m asterial members of the l'reshy-
•t.ry• tier.• in attendance. The .+•sicca
a •tr :it chart' or the moderator of
the I'reshyter3. Rev. i', 11. Larkin, of
company have goer ton lar"tr expo-rm. S worth. and he ens .1,! Si., d 41', .
1 anas. I letrh •r. Thum. Road ; • mal:
to procure itrnah and had no enga,te- o' Rlyth ; Snwe n o Itrneef: Id ; Mann
for hint in the Inrrer p!gera that ,,; Auburn : Shaw o' I: rtiondti!!,• and
even n•: and so are bringing him hero. il:•, Mol, nn 0' (gods • it h. Th • address
I)it. OVENS i?VE ANI) EAnSrtit• was ;r v•11 by Mr. Sion:I. of n ytte.
gion. will he nt the Cornnuerci:a' hotel, It •t•, .1. linrn+Iton. or (;nderieh. i. act -
Hoorn 9 n. tn. to 1 p. rn. Glasses "n:- as mod,•rnlor to euppsy the pulpit
proverlr fitted and diseases of ere, h1 th, meantirn •. and a meeting of
ear and nose tented. 4(')f visit Sat- the I'reshyr••rs 11::i b' he'd shortly
nrday. April 30th, all day. to d"sl with the vacnney.
1 Woven Fence that is made
and I am selling at in e following
r -
low prices: -
6 Bar Fence at 24 etas per rod
7 Bar Fence at 27 cts. Per rod
8 Bar Fence at 3o cls. per rod
flfJ GLflTWOR1 tlY We are going out of this line and have a number of Shovels.
Axe Handles, Hinges, Books, Etc. to sell at cost. Also a
GRANTON, -- ONTAht() complete range of Paints, Varnishes, Etc.
Am selling the best
pring Is Hore
And we are offering Extra Special Lines in
Housefurnishings ,
A Mighty Sale in Window Shades
Regular $E.25 Shades for 85c
Regular I oo Shades for 75c
Regular 8oc Shades for 65c
Regular hoc Shades for 5oc
We have an exceptional range of Curtains from
50 cents to $3.75 per pair.
At Prices which will defy Competition.
Come and See Them
Wall Paper
A New Line just arrived at Right Prices and
Latest Patterns.
The very Latest Patterns at Prices which will
surprise you.
Hat Sale
We are selling Hats to make roam for other
goods. Regular $2.25 Hats for $1.50
If you want a cheap hat come to us. These are all Natty Goods.
To Use The Best
Highest prices paid for Produce.
Talcum w• J. CARLINC.
Lyman'r Perfumed Talcum Powder
cannot be twat. We have
Try it. it is only 25c
J. Wtt.i.mi Pow ELL., - MANAuF..lt
Don't Forget we handle E1)ISON'S
latest and moat 1111-to•date I'HONO
(MAIMS and Records. We sell on
easy (e11119
Bus & Dray Business
Halving purchased the
Bus and Dray business
from Wm. Arnold. I so-
licit a share of 'tour pttt-
ronage. Orders left at
the Advocate Office.
T. G. Creech,
The Internation Route
Western Canada
Through the metropolis of Chicago.
thence v'n Iha!iith and Fort Erin(' •5
or through ('hfcaao and th • twin et-
c 4s Or Minnon('o i.: and 51. Paul.
'tVinn peg; and return. $3'2,01(
F.Ontonton and rctuln. Q42,50
l'roporliol,ate rates t) other points
in Manatoha' Saskatchewan and Al-
Above rates apply on reMnin dates
viat4.rnia. end Northern Navigation
c .1e t ck .+ and :n 'I 411 urnaation
.1. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent,
or write J. D. MCDONALD, Uoioe
ih•rmn' Toronto, Ont.
Children Ory
Hd1u stave & tIrddr6 s
DrIhten LJp
Builders' Supplies. Housecleaning
Supp'ies, Garden Tools.
Special Paint for
Housecleaning Time is Howse painting
Iisle-•the Floor.. the Ilase.boards, the Cupboards
1114' ('hairs. the Tables and a dozen Pieces of Fur-
nitille need tet nint ing or re -varnishing.
We have a complete Line of
Sherwin- Williams
Paints and Varnishes
A1 d have Paints, Vat 1111.1111 and Stains for every
i'aual,al,le .1 allele. Ask for Color Card.
\\'e can quote you Lowest Prices on
Cleveland Spring Coil Wire
1'o n l try Nei tine. O trdcn '1',1014. Houseclean-
itug Mnpplie•,
i1iikIn'e stove
The Sign , t the One Uoor Noith of
Paint, M.,1‘Browning's Drug Store
Paint VA
It? mmmm?It mm?It m?It ?If mIf?
New Sorino ScIUoos
We guarantee Best ! Workmanship. Best Materi
Best Fit and:Prompt Service.
Come in and inspect=our materials,
Merchant Tailor
E xcter,
71 iit ui tit